ACRL News Issue (B) of College & Research Libraries October 1995/651 ACRL w ants you! Reap the many benefits o f volunteerism N ow is a good time to increase your in­volvement in ACRL by volunteering to serve on a division or section committee. Vice- president William Miller invites all ACRL mem­ bers to contact the Appointments & Nomina­ tions Committee about serving on one o f ACRL’s 28 committees for next year. Members may also contact one o f the section vice-chairs regard­ ing service on one o f the many section com­ mittees. ACRL has recently adopted a new strategic plan ( C&RL News, September 1995) and during the next few years committee members will have an opportunity to help implement this plan, reshape the association, and influence the direction o f academic and research librari anship. You benefit b y volunteering Volunteers not only give to the association, they get back from the association. • Build ties with academic and research librarians around the country. • Enhance your leadership abilities through consensus building and persuasion. • Share your expertise with colleagues. • Gain additional expertise— learn more about a new area o f academic librarianship or pick up new ideas for your current area. Appointments: The process Appointments are made at both the section and division levels. The ACRL president is respon­ sible for the committee appointments at the division level for the year he or she serves as president. Likewise, section chairs are respon­ sible for committee appointments in their re­ spective sections the year they serve as chair. Committee slates are usually completed shortly after the Midwinter Meeting during the year in which the individual serves as president-elect or chair-elect. The ACRL Appointments & Nomi­ nations Committee assists the president-elect in this process in an advisory capacity. Factors influencing appointm ent Although the emphasis in the appointment may vary from year to year according to the prerogatives o f the president and section chairs, the same factors are considered. They include: • Evidence o f potential committee member’s interest: Have you attended the meetings and introduced yourself to the chair? Do you have previous experience that relates to the work o f the committee? Have you indi­ cated your interest on the application? • Demographics and composition of committee: A balance is sought with respect to type o f library (community college, college, or university), geographic representation, eth­ nic diversity, and gender. In addition, some committees have special requirements. For ex­ ample, one member o f the Professional Edu­ cation Committee must be a library educator; the Government Relations Committees has a strict regional representation requirement. • The recommendation o f the current committee chair: Current committee chairs are asked to suggest potential members. Although all o f these factors are considered, the final appointment is the prerogative o f the ACRL president-elect and the section chair-elects. H ow to ap p ly 1. Select the committees that interest you. The ALA Handbook o f Organization lists all o f ACRL’s committees and their charges. (ALA members may obtain a free copy o f the hand­ book by calling (800) 545-2433, ext. 4287.) At­ tend the committee’s meetings at the Midwin­ ter Meeting and Annual Conference to help you decide if those are the activities that interest you. 2. Introduce yourself. Talk with commit­ tee members. Express your interest to the com­ mittee chair. Explain how you might contrib­ ute to the work o f the committee. 3. Submit a volunteer form. Complete the volunteer form included with this article. Be sure to cover all o f the items asked for in back­ ground information. If you have attended com­ mittee meetings or programs, mention that. Fill out one form for ACRL division committees and 652/C&RL News October 1995/653 a different form for each ACRL section you want to volunteer for. Send the division volunteer form to Betsy Baker at the address on the bot­ tom o f the volunteer form; send the section volunteer forms to the appropriate section chair- elects (see list o f addresses below). 4. Volunteer again . . . and again. If you are not successful in being appointed one year, volunteer again the next year . . . and the next. Remember that a multitude o f factors— num­ ber o f appointments made, number o f volun­ teers for each committee, number o f volunteers from your type o f library or your geographic area— determine the actual appointment, and these factors change from year to year. ACRL section appointments ACRL has 17 sections (listed below). You will find a description o f their areas o f responsibil­ ity in the ALA Handbook o f Organization, 1995–96. The chair-elect o f a section appoints the chair and members o f all section commit­ tees. Most o f these appointments are made in the spring for terms beginning immediately after the ALA Annual Conference. I f you w ould like to be considered for appointment as chair or member o f a section committee, fill out the ACRL Committee Volunteer Form and mail it to the chair-elect o f the appro­ priate section listed b elow before Decem ­ ber 15, 1995. Asian, African and Middle Eastern Section. Vice-Chair/Chair-Elect: David L. Easterbrook, Northwestern University Library, 1935 Sheridan Road, Evanston, IL 60208-2300; e-m ail: Afro-American Studies Librarians Section. Vice-Chair/Chair-Elect: Rochelle R. Ballard, 912 Bishop Park Court, Apt. #1123, Winter Park, FL 32792; e-mail: ballard@ρ Anthropology and Sociology Section. Vice- Chair/Chair-Elect: FredJ. Hay, 261 Eastview Dr., Boone, NC 28607; e-mail: Arts Section. Vice-Chair/Chair-Elect: Nancy L. Stokes, P.O. Box 367, Hudson, OH 44236; e-mail: Community and Junior College Libraries Section. Vice-Chair/Chair-Elect: Douglas K. Lehman, 11271 N. Kendall Dr.-J109, Miami, FL 33176-1131; e-mail: College Libraries Section. Vice-Chair/Chair- Elect: Pamela Snelson, Drew University, Rose Memorial Library, Madison, NJ 07940-0000; e-mail: English and American Literature Section. Vice-Chair/Chair-Elect: Charles Perry Willett, 520 S. Jordan Ave., Bloomington, IN 47401-5120; e-mail: Education and Behavioral Sciences Section. Vice-Chair/Chair-Elect: Mary Beth Minick, 9052 Rigging Court, Indianapolis, IN 46256-9771; e-mail: mbminick@indycms. Extended Campus Library Services Section. Vice-Chair/Chair-Elect: Thomas E. Abbott, R R 5 Box 154, Gardiner, ME 04345-9007; e-mail: tabbott@maine. Instruction Section (formerly Bibliographic Instruction). Vice-Chair/Chair-Elect: Loanne L. Snavely, RD 2 Box 175 G, Spring Mills, PA 16875-9425; e-mail: Law and Political Science Section. Vice- Chair/Chair-Elect: Catherine F. Doyle, 118 Terrell Road, Newport News, VA 23606; e-mail: doyle@ Rare Books and Manuscripts Section. Vice- Chair/Chair-Elect: Susan M. Allen, Kalamazoo College Library, 1200 Academy Street, Kala­ mazoo, MI 49006-3285; e-mail: sallen@kzoo. edu. Slavic and East European Section. Vice- Chair/Chair-Elect: Cathy M. Zeljak, 2201 “L” St. NW, Apt. 720, Washington, DC 20037-1413; e-mail: Science and Technology Section. Vice-Chair/ Chair-Elect: Amy L. Paster, Pennsylvania State University, E205 Pattee Library, University Park, PA 16802-1801; e-mail: University Libraries Section. Vice-Chair/ Chair-Elect: Donald G. Frank, Georgia Institute o f Technology, Atlanta, GA 30332-0900; e-mail: Western European Specialists Section. Vice- Chair/Chair-Elect: Diana Chlebek, University of A k ron , A k ron , O H 44325-1702; e-m ail: 654/C&RL News Women’s Studies Section. Vice-Chair/Chair- Elect: Bonnie J. Cox, 128 Owsley Ave., Lexing­ ton, KY 40502-1526; e-mail: klilll@ u kcc.u ky. edu. ACRL divisional committee appointments ACRL has 27 standing committees to which ap­ pointments may be made. A list appears on the volunteer form at the end o f this article. You will find the committees listed with a descrip­ tion o f their charges in the ALA Handbook o f Organization. Appointments to ACRL standing committees are made in the spring for terms beginning im­ mediately after the ALA Annual Conference. The Appointments and Nominations Committee rec­ ommends to the president-elect o f ACRL the names o f members w ho might fill the vacan­ cies. The president-elect makes the final ap­ pointments. If you are interested in being con­ sid ered fo r an appoin tm en t to an ACRL committee, you should com plete the ACRL Committee Volunteer Form included with this article and send it to Betsy Baker at the address given on the form before December 15, 1995. Editorial boards ACRL has editorial boards for these six publi cations: Choice, College & Research Libraries; College & Research Libraries News; N ew Publi­ cations; Publications in Librarianship, and Rare Books & Manuscripts Librarianship. A p p oin tm en ts to ed itoria l boards are made at the Midwinter Meeting for terms that begin immediately after the ALA Annual Con­ ference. The editors recommend the name o f a person to fill the vacancy. The Publica­ tions Committee must approve the recom ­ mendation, and the president o f ACRL makes the appointment. If you would like to be considered for ap­ pointment to an editorial board, contact the editor o f the editorial board. Choice editor: Irving Rockwood, Choice, 100 R iverview Center, M iddletow n, CT 06457; e-mail: College & Research Libraries editor-desig nate: Donald E. Riggs, University o f Michigan, 818 Hatcher Graduate Library, Ann Arbor, MI 48109-1205; e-mail: College & Research Libraries News editor: Mary Ellen Davis, C&RL News, ACRL/ALA, 50 E. Huron St., Chicago, IL 60611-2795; e-mail: New publications editor: Hugh Thompson, ACRL/ALA, 50 E. H uron St., Chicago, IL 60611-2795; e-mail: Publications in Librarianship editor: Ste­ phen E. W iberley Jr., University o f Illinois at Chicago University Library, P.O. Box 8198, Chicago, IL 60680-8198; e-mail: u30959@ Rare Books & Manuscripts Librarianship editor: Sidney E. Berger, University o f Cali­ fornia, University Library, P.O. Box 5900, Riv­ erside, CA 92517-5900; e-mail: sp colseb@ ucrvms.bitnet. (Electronic journals cont.from page 633) mation correctly if the article is not full image? Citing from an electronic source is another ques­ tion faculty may raise. Librarians may show new ways to cite articles like this from style manu­ als. However, it is difficult to cite work that has no pagination and is arranged differently from the paper copy or the electronic arrangement the publisher may have. Faculty may be con­ cerned not about the format o f the journal (af­ ter all, electronic journals are the way o f the future) but the authority o f the source if the system has rearranged it on the full-text data­ bases. Conclusion Librarians need to discuss the way electronic journals are being introduced into academic li­ braries and influence the w ay the products are being developed. Should accuracy o f content take second place to computer storage prob­ lems? Is an article whose main content revolves around an illustration worthless if the illustra­ tion is left out? For academic librarians, repro­ duction o f an author’s exact content and accu­ rate citation are too important to relegate to nonpriority status. Scholarship depends on these factors. Until the day comes when any article is available on demand the way it was originally produced, academic librarians need to empha­ size the needs o f research and scholars. It is too early to see which products are going to be preferred and what innovations will take place in document delivery. The world o f serials is being revolutionized and many improvements are in store. The problems o f missing informa­ tion are already being addressed by providers and this trend should be encouraged. Great care must be taken that librarians influence the elec­ tronic journal industry for the better. ■ mailto:klilll@ukcc.uky October 1995/655 ACRL committee vo lu n teer form 656/C&RL News Section committees Return this completed form to the appropriate section vice-chair/chair-elect as indicated in the accompanying article. (Use duplicate forms if you are interested in more than one section.) You must be a member of the section to be considered for appointment. Forms must be returned by December 1 5 , 1995.