ACRL News Issue (B) of College & Research Libraries 658/C&RL News Preservation News Ja ne Hedberg PARS creates W eb site Robert DeCandido, co-chair o f the Preservation and Re­ formatting Section (PARS) of ALA’s Association for Library Collection and Technical Ser­ vices (ALCTS), has created a Web site for mounting PARS documents and preservation information. The site w ill contain copies o f the sec­ tion ’s bylaws, announce­ ments and minutes o f meet­ ings, documents for discus­ sion, news items, and any­ thing else o f interest to PARS members. T o access this site, use http://www.well. com/user/bronxbob/pars/pars.html or the link p ro v id e d in C oO L at http://palim psest. To submit documents contact Robert DeCandido at PRESED-X expands co vera ge Robert DeCandido also maintains a Web site for the Preservation Educators’ Exchange (PRESED-X) and has recently expanded its con­ tent. In addition to syllabi o f preservation courses, which are o f interest to preservation instructors, there is now a list o f training and educational opportunities, plus documents on training topics, which might be o f interest to anyone. T o access this web site, use http:// w w w .w /u ser/bronxbob/presed-x/ presed-x.html. Either Mosaic or Netscape may be used, but best access to the graphics is achieved with Netscape 1.1. To submit an­ nouncements or documents for this site, con­ tact Robert DeCandido at ARL publishes preservation statistics The Association o f Research Libraries (ARL) has published The ARL Preservation Statistics, a com­ pilation o f data on the preservation programs at its 115 member libraries. The report has three main sections: summary data tables, analysis o f core data, and analysis based on collection size. The statistics show a slowing in 1993/94 o f for­ merly steady growth in both staffing and ex­ penditures for preservation at ARL libraries. However, preservation microfilming production continued steady growth due to grant funding from private and public external sources. Total ARL preservation expenditures for 1993/94 were reported at $77,674,363. Copies o f the report are $25.00 for members and $65.00 for nonmembers, plus $5.00 for shipping and handling, from ARL Publi­ cations, Dept. #0692, Wash­ ington, DC 20036. Prepay­ m ent is re q u ired fo r nonmembers. For more in­ formation contact Patricia Brennan, Information Ser­ vices Coordinator, ARL, 21 Dupont Circle, NW, Suite 800, Washington, DC 20036; (202) 296-2296; e-mail: AALL adopts preservation policy The Executive Board o f the American Associa­ tion o f Law Libraries (AALL) has adopted a pres­ ervation policy for the organization. It covers setting priorities, participation in a national pres­ ervation agenda, cooperation with publishers and vendors, funding, and a structure to imple­ ment their preservation goals. The text o f the policy appears in the AALL Newsletter (Febru­ ary 1995). For more information, contact AALL, 53 West Jackson Blvd., Chicago, IL 60604. Wisconsin develops disaster recovery publication The Council o f Wisconsin Libraries and the Wisconsin Preservation Program (WISPPR) are distributing Disaster Recovery Supplies & Sup­ pliers by Caroline Gilderson-Duwe. It provides information about the statewide emergency government system and disaster response and recovery for libraries, including lists o f services, vendors, consultants, and handbook binders. Written for Wisconsin libraries, it may be o f use in other states. Copies are available from the Council o f Wisconsin Libraries, WISPPR, 728 State St., Room 464, Madison, W I 53706. Cost to Wisconsin libraries is $7.50 prepaid, $12.50 if invoiced; non-Wisconsin libraries: $12.50 pre­ paid, $17.50 if invoiced. For more information contact Kathy Schneider at (608) 263-2773. ■ Jane Hedberg prepares this column f o r the College Libraries Committee, Commission on Preservation and Access. Submissions may be made to: Jane Hedberg, Wellesley College Library, 106 Central St., Wellesley, MA 02181; JHEDBERG@WELLESLEY.EDU. http://www.well http://palimpsest mailto:JHEDBERG@WELLESLEY.EDU