ACRL News Issue (B) of College & Research Libraries 68 Continuing Education------- XII Many people think o f continuing education as an umbrella term for all types o f formal or infor­ mal training and development programs, activi­ tie s , co urses, workshops, e t c ., that academ ic lib rarian s may attend in the hope o f m aking themselves b e tter qualified, more satisfied, and perhaps even more secure in their professional roles. Thus, contin uing education means different things to different people. To all, however, it should signify a two-way street, where the traffic g oin g on e way is made up o f e m p lo y ers, educators, and associations that are cognizant of the needs of their constituencies and are offering the means to fulfill these needs, and in the oppo­ site direction it consists of individuals who have been made aware of and are accepting these op­ portunities for further growth. A relatively new challenge for academic librar­ ians is the phenomenon of formal bibliographic instruction, which requires a knowledge of assess­ ing needs, interviewing, planning, advertising, and selling and the ability to teach library skills to students and faculty. In order for the academic librarian to wear this new hat with its band reading “Teacher” in the bibliographic-instruction library classroom, con­ tinuing education must come to the rescue and equip the new teach er with th e arts that are lacking. However, continuing education should not be considered as a panacea for all of our dilemmas. It should not be thought o f as a bandwagon for all to hop on, but, from all of us, it should deserve better than lip service. AACR II Committee Invites Suggestions for Implementation Checklist The Ad Hoc Comm ittee on AACR II Im ­ plementation Studies is seeking to compile a checklist of questions that libraries might con­ sider when designing plans for implementing AACR II (e.g., Will we need more staff? How will we inform our users?). Richard M. Dougherty, chair of the com­ m ittee and director of libraries at the Univer­ sity o f Michigan, reported to the ALA Execu­ tive Board at its Midwinter M eeting that the committee wished to create such a checklist. The committee now invites librarians repre­ sen tin g all ty p es and sizes o f lib ra r ie s to suggest questions for the list. These should be sent to: Mary Jo Lynch, Director, Office for Research, American Library Association, 50 E. Huron St., Chicago, IL 60611. Continuing education is as important to the grass roots academic librarians as it is to their supervisors, department heads, and top adminis­ trators; it crosses all strata o f academic lib rar­ ianship. Fortunately, many librarians, library schools, library associations, and library consortia sub­ scribe to the concept of lifelong learning (or, if yoíi will, continuing education) and have made great strides in various ways to offer instruction to all who seek to keep up with the times, but there is still a long way to go for the coming of age o f this c o n c e p t.— T im o th e a F. M c D o n a ld , C o lleg e L ib r a r y , S u ffo lk University. E d it o r s N ote: T im oth ea F. M cD on ald is a m em ­ b e r o f th e A C R L B ib lio g ra p h ic Instru ction S ec­ t io n s C ontinuing E d u ca tio n C o m m ittee, a p art- tim e r e fe r e n c e lib ra ria n in th e C o lleg e L ib r a r y at S u ffolk University, a n d is a d o c to ra l ca n d id a te in continuing ed u cation in th e D ep a rtm en t o f C o m ­ m u n ity C o ll e g e a n d C o n t in u in g E d u c a t i o n , S c h o o l o f E d u ca tion , B oston University. ■■ A C A D E M I C L IB R A R Y P R O G R A M The Academic Library Program, a program de­ veloped by the Association of Research Libraries in cooperation with the Association o f C ollege and Research Libraries, is seeking applicants for the consultant training com ponent o f the pro­ gram. The Consultant Training Program will prepare selected academic librarians to serve as consul­ tants to libraries conducting self-studies. Up to twenty consultants will be trained each year for the next five years. The training program will involve a two-week consultation skills workshop followed by a six- month to one-year consultation project with an ARL staff member serving as co-consultant. This p ro ject will req uire ten to twelve days o f the trainees’ tim e. Altogether, trainees will spend twenty to twenty-two days away from their pre­ sent positions. Upon completion o f the training, an individual will be eligible to work with librar­ ies operating Academic L ibrary Program self- studies. The first group of consultants will be selected from nominations and applications submitted by May 3 1, 1979. Application forms are available from: the Office o f Management Studies, Associa­ tion of Research Libraries, 1527 New Hampshire Ave., N .W ., Washington, D C 20036. ■■