ACRL News Issue (B) of College & Research Libraries 93 Classified Advertising NOTICE R espondents to a dvertisers o ffe rin g fa c u lty “ ra n k ” and "s ta tu s ” are advised tha t these term s are am biguous and should inquire as to benefits involved. All advertisements fo r the "Positions Wanted" and the "Posi­ tions O pen" classifications will be edited to exclude direct or indirect references to race, creed, color, age, and sex as con­ ditions of employment. The American Library Association re­ quires a salary range for all "Positions Open.” Classified advertising orders and copy, and cancellations, should be addressed to the Association of College and Research Libraries, American Library Association, 50 E. Huron St., Chicago, IL 60611, and should reach that office before the second o f the month pre­ ceding publication of issue desired. Copy received after that time may be held for the next issue. To insure that readers have su ffi­ cient lead tim e to respond to “ Positions Open,” advertisers m ust list closing dates no sooner than the end o f the month of publication. Telephone orders fo r classified advertising, while not encouraged because o f the increased risk of copy error, will be accepted. Calls should be directed to the ACRL office at (312) 9 44 -6 7 8 0 . A con­ firm ing order should be mailed to ACRL as soon as possible follow­ ing the call, along with typewritten copy to be used in proofreading the ad. Rate fo r classified advertising is $ 1.8 0 per printed line to ACRL members; $2.25 per printed line to non-ACRL members. Individu­ als who advertise on behalf of organizations will be charged accord­ ing to the organization’s m em bership status. FOR SALE BOOK COLLECTIONS: Economics and Political Science— approx. 8 0 0 titles in each. Call collect (2 12) 777-4700, Roy Young or write, Abrahams Magazine Service, 56 E. 13th St., N.Y., N.Y. 10003. SEARCH SERVICE. E x-libraria ns locate title s o r su bje c t, p lu s 1 5 0 ,0 0 0 indexed sto c k . PAB 2 9 1 7 A tla n tic , A tla n tic City, NJ 08401. Phone: 6 09 /344-1943. TEACHERS’ GUIDE TO OVERSEAS TEACHING. A complete d irec­ tory of English-speaking schools and colleges in more than 150 foreign countries, where American and Canadian educators may apply fo r em ploym ent. Available from: TEACH OVERSEAS, Box 2 748, La Jolla, CA 9 2038. $10. Library o f Congress C.C. # 7 7 - 81788. POSITIONS OPEN ASSISTANT DIRECTOR FOR PLANNING AND RESEARCH. Newly established staff position, reporting to the Director, to aid library adm inistration and staff in all aspects of planning and research, in ­ clud ing extensive autom ation plans and im plem entation. Library and systems experience, as well as ALA-accredited master’s, highly desirable. Salary dependent upon experience (entry-level salary $12 ,50 0 in 1979). Position open Summer 1979. Send letter of a p ­ plication and cu rricu lu m vitae by May 1, 1979, to Samuel Hitt, Di­ rector, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, Health Sciences Library, 223 H, Chapel Hill, NC 27514. An Affirmative Action/Equal Opportunity employer. ASSISTANT LIBRARIAN (Three Positions). Assistant Cataloger, As­ sistant Archivist, and Assistant Docum ents and Maps Librarian. Applicants must have a graduate degree in Library Science from an ALA-accredited school, with some experience. Applicants with no experience, but with a second master’s degree in an appropriate subject field, may be considered for appointment. A master’s de­ gree in a subject field is required for promotion and tenure. Salary: $12,144 to $16,716 annually (for twelve months). Librarians are classed as academic employees having a 12-month work year, with a 10-month option plan available. Benefits include liberal vacation and sick leave, an excellent retirem ent system, and group health and life insurance plans. Affirmative Action, Equal Opportunity, Title IX Employer. Send letter o f inquiry and a résumé to: Angelina Mar­ tinez, A cting Director, University Library, California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo, CA 9 3407. Applications for all three positions will be accepted through March 31, 1979. ASSISTANT SCIENCE L IB R A R IA N . Available July 1. 12-month, tenurable. Duties: Adm inistration of a branch library collection of 7 8,000 volumes in engineering, a rchitecture, and the earth sci­ ences; supervision of fou r paraprofessional staff; reference assis­ tance; collection development; computerized literature retrieval in the DIALOG and ORBIT systems; card catalog maintenance; and development of library orientation programs in the sciences. Duties also include planning for new facilities. Requires ALA-accredited MLS and undergraduate study in an area o f the sciences. Prefer degree in engineering, architecture, or the earth sciences; dem on­ strated ability to interact effectively with students and faculty and to supervise staff; library experience, preferably in a science collec­ tion; experience with on-line literature retrieval in the DIALOG and ORBIT systems. Salary $ 12 ,00 0-$1 5 ,0 0 0, dependent upon qualifi­ cations. Apply by April 2 0 to Mary Green, Assistant Dean, Univer­ s ity o f K an sa s L ib ra rie s , L a w re n c e , KS 6 6 0 4 5 . An Equal O pportunity/Affirmative Action employer. ASSISTANT SERIALS LIB RA RIA N. Available March 6. 12-month, tenurable. Serves as Assistant Head o f Serials, responsible to the Serials Librarian for the management and operation of the Serials Technical Services units (seven paraprofessional staff). Includes order placem ent, paym ent procedures, c laim and replacem ent handling, receiving, and automated serials system maintenance for a collection of 2 0,0 00 active titles. Requires ALA-accredited MLS, library experience with serial publications, demonstrated leadership skills, organizational and supervisory ability. Prefer knowledge of se­ rials bibliography, publication patterns and trade; knowledge of li­ brary autom ation as it a pplies to serial records; fam ilia rity with Europ ea n la n g u a g e s a n d w ith b u s in e s s p ro c e d u re s . Salary $ 1 1 ,5 0 0 -$ 14,500, dependent upon qualifications. Apply by April 2 0 to Mary Green, Assistant Dean, University o f Kansas Libraries, Lawrence, KS 66045. An Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action e m ­ ployer. BUSINESS/ECONOMICS LIBRARIAN. Northern Illinois University Libraries is seeking a qua lifie d librarian to fill a vacancy in its Business/Economics subject cluster area. This position will be re­ sponsible for providing reference service, bibliographic instruction and collection developm ent in the business/economics section o f a subject divisional library. MLS from an accredited library school and two years of professional experience required. A second Mas­ ter's degree or substantial graduate work in business or economics expected. Completion of 3 0 hours of graduate coursework beyond the MLS (either doctoral study or a second Master’s degree) is re­ quired fo r tenure. M inim um salary: $ 1 5 ,0 0 0 for a twelve-month contract. Fringe benefits include Illinois Retirement System bene­ fits, academ ic status, and one month vacation. Please send ré­ sumé, placement file, official transcripts and three letters of refer­ ence to George M. Nenonen, Personnel Director, University Librar­ ies, Northern Illinois University, DeKalb, IL 6 01 15 , by May 31, 1 97 9. N o rth e rn Illin o is U n iv e rs ity is an E qu a l O p p o rtu n ity / Affirmative Action employer. CATALOGER, Northwestern University Library. Performs original and copy cataloging including descriptive and subject, of mono­ graphs in English and a variety of foreign languages, and represent­ ing all levels of difficulty. Cataloging is perform ed for Northwestern’s automated system NOTIS 3, using AACR, LCSH, and Dewey 18. Master’s degree from accredited library school and working knowl­ edge o f two or more foreign languages, preferably including a Ger­ manic, Romance, o r classical language, required. Familiarity with the MARC format and automated systems and experience in library technical services preferred. Hiring range $ 11 ,50 0-12 ,50 0 . Posi­ tion open m id -M a rch ; startin g date negotiable if graduation re­ quires. Subm it résumés to Robert L. Ireland, Personnel Director, Northwestern University Library, Evanston, IL 60201. CATALOG LIB RA RIA N. Northern Illinois University is seeking a qualified librarian to fill a vacancy in its Cataloging Department. This position will be responsible for perform ing original cataloging for materials received by the University Libraries, using the Library of Congress classification system. Applicants m ust have a graduate degree in Library Science from an accredited library school. Com­ pletion of 3 0 hours of graduate coursework beyond the MLS, or a second Master's is required for tenure. A thorough reading knowl­ edge of a language or languages in at least two of the following lin­ guistic groups is required: 1) Germanic; 2) Romance; 3) Slavic. Minim um salary: $12 ,00 0 for a twelve-month contract. Fringe bene­ fits include Illinois Retirement System benefits, academ ic status, and one month vacation. Please send résumé, placement file, offi­ cial transcripts and three letters of reference to George M. Neno­ nen, Personnel Director, University Libraries, Northern Illinois Uni­ versity, DeKalb, IL 60115, by May 15, 1979. Northern Illinois Uni­ versity is an Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action employer. CURATOR, ARTS OF THE BOOK COLLECTION. Responsible for extensive reference collection o f books, lithographs, engravings, prints and typographic displays. Prepares exhib itio ns o f b ib lio ­ graphic interest. Oversees the use of the Library’s printing presses, fonts and ornaments to produce signs of graphic distinction. Re­ q u ire s M .L.S . o r e q u iv a le n t q u a lific a tio n s , k n o w le d g e o f the mechanics of printing and the art of fine printing and typographic design, knowledge o f wide variety of graphic techniques, knowledge of the history of book manufacture, printing, binding and illustra­ tion, experience in the preparation o f exhibitions. Salary: $16,000 94 to the upper teens. Send résumé listing 3 references by April 15, 1979 to: Bella Z. Berson, Yale University Library, Box 1603A, Yale Station, New Haven, CT 06520. An Affirmative Action employer. CURRICULUM MEDIA LIBRARIAN— Energetic and perceptive li­ brarian with multimedia background is needed to coordinate inte­ gration of audiovisual and curriculum materials with the resources and services of the general library. Responsibilities include day-to- day operation of the Curriculum Media Center; assist faculty and students in the areas of selection and use; library orientation; in­ struction in library use; development of faculty liaison program; and information/reference desk assignments. Incumbent will also teach undergraduate courses leading to the m inor in library science. Posi­ tion reports to Director o f Libraries. Requires a master’s degree from an ALA-accredited library school with demonstrated interest or formal background in audiovisual media and at least two years rel­ evant experience, preferably in an academic library. Twelve-month probationary contract between $14 ,14 5-$2 2 ,6 3 2 dependent upon qualifications and experience. Send letter of application and cre­ dentials by March 31, 1979, to Judy McDonald, Director of Librar­ ies, Bemidji State University, Bemidji, MN 56601. Bemidji State University is an Equal Opportunity-Affirmative Action employer. DIRECTOR, KORNHAUSER HEALTH SCIENCES LIBRARY: Re­ sponsible for overall administration o f a health sciences library pro­ viding educational support to the Schools o f Medicine and Den­ tistry, Divisions o f Nursing and Allied Health, affiliated University teaching hospitals and serving health professionals in Western Ken­ tucky. Holdings: 130,000 volumes; FTE:20. Duties include plan­ ning, directing, budgeting and coordinating all programs and opera­ tions, participation in extramural and intramural program develop­ ment and teaching. Master’s degree in Library Science from an ALA-accredited school or a higher degree with extensive experience in the organization', administration and evaluation o f a health sci­ ences library; five years increasing administrative experience in health sciences libraries; knowledge of and interest in computer- based systems, non-print media, cooperative networking, trends in librarianship and management practices; competency in budgeting, planning and writing of grant proposals, and demonstrated ability to establish and maintain effective relations with staff, students, fac­ ulty, administrators and federal agencies. Research and publication activity and participation in professional societies. Apply by May 30, 1979. Faculty rank and salary will depend upon qualifications of applicants ($25,000 to $30,000). Liberal fringe benefits, including TIAA/CREF. An EO/AA Employer. Send C.V. including the names of 4 references to Dr. Ernest M. Ellison, Director, Biomedical Learning Resources Center, University of Louisville Health Sciences Center, P.O. Box 35260, Louisville, KY 40232, phone (502) 588-5781. Eastern Montana College Library: DIRECTOR OF LIBRARY SER­ VICES: MLS from ALA-accredited library school, 2nd master’s or doctorate pre fe rred ; strong a dm in is tra tiv e skills/d em on stra te d leadership/management ability; knowledge o f current trends in li­ brary automation, networks, technology; experience with audiovisu­ als. Rank negotiable, salary competitive, in the 2 0 ’s. Available July 1, 1979. Applications, 3 letters o f reference by April 15, 1979: Aaron Hause, Chair, Search Committee, E.M.C. Library, Billings, MT 59101. EO/AA employer. HEAD, GOVERNMENT DOCUMENTS DEPARTMENT, University of California, Berkeley. Management responsibility for personnel ad­ ministration including staff training and overall operation of techni­ cal and public service aspects of the department including a Map Room housing 215,000 maps. The Head represents the depart­ ment in major technical services discussions, interprets campus and Library policy, and has responsibility for an area of selection and is scheduled for regular reference hours. Full job description will be mailed on request. Salary in the $ 1 5 ,0 0 0 -$ 2 2 ,0 0 0 + range depending on qualifications. Deadline for application 3 0 March 1979. Send résumés including references to William E. Wenz, Room 447, General Library, University of California, Berkeley, CA 9 4 7 2 0 . The U niversity o f California is an equal o p p o rtu n ity / affirmative action employer. 2 Positions: 1) HEAD OF CATALOGING. Duties: Responsible for cataloging and processing of print and non-print library materials (about 18,000 titles per year). Supervises 4 catalogers, 7 support staff, and students. Performs some original cataloging and other ca ta lo g in g d u tie s . M in im u m q u a lific a tio n s : MSLS from ALA- accredited program, 7 years professional cataloging experience with progressive re sponsibilities in an academ ic or research library. Demonstrated knowledge of AACR, LC classification and cataloging procedures, MARC, OCLC or other automated cataloging system and o f 2 foreign languages of bibliographic importance. Demon­ strated supervisory ability. Preferred: At least 10 years professional experience in cataloging, including non-print materials. Experience with OCLC systems. Several years supervisory or administrative ex­ perie n ce. Salary fo r 12 m o n th s: $ 1 7 ,0 0 0 - $ 2 1 ,0 0 0 . 2) CATALOGER. Duties: Descriptive and subject cataloging (principally monographs). Assists with cataloging for OCLC input. Participates in other ca ta log ing activities, in c lu d in g catalog m aintenance. Minimum qualifications: ALA-accredited MSLS, 3 years professional cataloging experience in an academic or research library. Experi­ ence with LC classification, AACR, knowledge of several languages o f b ib lio g ra p h ic im p orta n ce. Salary fo r 12 m onths: $ 1 4 ,0 0 0 - $17,000. Application deadline for both positions: April 20, 1979, with starting date July 1, 1979 (negotiable). Send résumé and 3 letters of reference to Brian Ruddick, Chairperson, Search Commit­ tee, University Libraries, Cleveland State University, Cleveland, Ohio 44115. Equal Opportunity employer. HEAD OF GOVERNMENT PUBLICATIONS DEPARTMENT. Uni­ versity of California, Irvine. Responsibilities: As a member o f the Li­ brary Council of Department Heads, is responsible for managing the Government Publications Department which is a select depo­ sitory for U.S. and State of California publications. Maintains five areas (U.S., Calif., local, international, and foreign), organized into three sections. Responsible for: management and development of the department which is staffed by three librarians and four Library Assistants; direct supervision of one of the three sections; participa­ tion in the public services and instructional programs of the de­ partment; and budget preparation and reports. Qualifications: MLS degree; administrative and supervisory skills and knowledges; thor­ ough knowledge of depository programs and collection develop­ ment; and skills in providing public service in one or more o f the collection’s five areas. Appointment: Associate or Librarian rank, depending on skills and knowledges relevant to this position, start­ ing date negotiable. Salary range: $ 15 ,840-$29,496. Applications with résumés and names and addresses of three (3) references should be sent by May 1, 1979 to: Michael J. Maclnnes, Library Personnel Director, University of California, Irvine, P.O. Box 19557, Irvine. CA 92713. An Equal O pportunity/Affirm ative Action e m ­ ployer. All qualified applicants are welcome-to apply. LIBRARIAN— HEAD. Hampden-Sydney College, a distinguished private liberal arts college for men, with an enrollment of 750, is seeking a Head Librarian. Position available 1 July 1979. Primary responsibility for all library services, budget, personnel, and long range planning. Ability to work effectively with faculty and academic a dm in is trato rs essential. Fam iliarity w ith OCLC and c o m p ute r technology desirable. Candidate should have a m inim um of five years experience including at least two of successful supervisory responsibility, possess an ALA-accredited master’s degree and an advanced degree in a subject field. Twelve-month faculty appoint­ ment. Salary $17,000 to $21,000, depending on qualifications. Send applications, résumés, and supporting documents, by March 30, to Professor Herbert Sipe, P.O. Box 26, Hampden-Sydney, VA 23943. EO/AA employer. LIBRARIAN, HEAD, SYSTEMS & AUTOMATION DEPARTMENT: Shields Library, University of California, Davis. Under the general a dm inistrative direction o f the Assistant University Librarian for Technical Services & Automation: 1) participates in the formulation of long and short range plans and policies for library automation, sets priorities, executes or causes to be executed approved projects and activities, and monitors the work performed by the department personnel and 2) performs, or supervises, studies and analyses of functions and peformance in all phases of library management and operations. Such projects may include operations research, sys­ tems analysis, design o f manual and automated systems and pro­ cedures. Experience with and knowledge of management data sys­ tem s, knowledge of com p ute r and associated equ ipm en t and software, and practical experience in designing and writing annual and autom ated system specifications are essential. A pp lican ts should have a degree in librarianship from an ALA-accredited in­ stitution or its equivalent and a m inimum of 9 years of experience, 5 of which must have been in systems work in libraries. Three years of administrative/supervisory experience is highly desirable. A p p o in tm e n t will be made at the L ibrarian rank, salary fro m $ 2 1 ,2 7 6 to $ 2 6 ,7 8 4 , dep en d en t upon experience. A pp lican ts should send résumés and names o f fou r references to Wm. F. McCoy, Associate University Librarian, 108 Shields Library, Univer­ sity of California, Davis, CA 95616. Final filing date is 3 0 April 1979. LIBRARIAN— SCIENCE REFERENCE. BIBLIOGRAPHER— Search Reopened. Responsibilities include reference service and biblio­ graphic instruction. Works with collection development, acting as liaison with Colleges o f Engineering, Nursing, and Science and Mathematics. MLS from ALA-accredited school and advanced de­ gree in one of the sciences required. Library experience and MED­ LINE analyst training or experience desirable. Faculty appointment, TIAA/CREF, Blue Cross/Blue Shield. M inimum salary $12,000. Po­ sition available immediately. Send resume and three references by March 31, 1979 to Donna Dye, Administrative Assistant, J. Murrey Atkins Library, University of North Carolina at Charlotte, UNCC Sta­ tion, Charlotte, NC 28223. An Equal Opportunity Employer. REFERENCE LIBRARIAN. General reference in humanities, social sciences, business. Bibliographic instruction, collection develop­ ment. Required: ALA-accredited MLS, m inimum one year profes­ sional experience in academic reference, ability to function as team member. Desirable: MA in social sciences, computer search ex­ p erience, French/G erm an, a b ility to tea ch , supervise. Salary: $ 11,000-$12,300. TIAA/CREF, group life and medical, 22 days va­ cation. Available after May 1, 1979. Apply by A pril 1 to Linda 95 Sellers, Librarian for Public Services, Fondren Library, Southern M e th o d is t U n iv e rs ity , D allas, TX 7 5 2 7 5 . Equal O p p o rtu n ity / Affirm ative Action employer. REFERENCE LIBRARIAN— Position available May 15, 1979. Gen­ eral reference service; special assignments in one or more subject areas; capability in form al library instruction and on-line b ib lio ­ graphic searching. Faculty rank and status; 12-month contract; 24 days annual leave; salary range $ 12 ,0 0 0 -$ 1 3 ,5 0 0 . Requirements: accredited MLS. Second master's degree and science background desirable; m inim um of 2 years post-MLS reference experience in academ ic library; a bility to co m m u nica te with library staff and users. Commitment to public service, research, and publication. Send complete credentials to: A. W. Stewart, Head, Reference De­ p a rtm e n t, M e m p h is State U n iv e rs ity L ib ra rie s , M e m p h is , TN 3 8152. Applications m ust be received by April 1. Equal Opportunity Employer. REFERENCE LIB RARIAN. Position open September 1, 1979. Li­ brary Ins tru c tion in a d d itio n to tra d itio n a l re feren ce activities. M in im um 1 year reference experience in university or large re­ search library, after receiving ALA-accredited MLS. Subject Mas­ ter’s in Life or Physical Sciences desirable. Benefits: Faculty rank, TIAA/CREF, paid Blue Cross and Life Insurance. Salary com m ensu­ rate with training a nd experience, m inim um $ 12,000. Send résumé and 3 c u rre n t referen ces by A pril 16, 1979 to: Susan Weiss, Search C om m ittee Chairperson, Reference Departm ent, Hofstra University Library, Hempstead, NY 11550. An Equal Opportunity/ Affirmative Action employer. R E FE R E N C E L IB R A R IA N /B IB L IO G R A P H E R . A v a ila b le im ­ mediately. 12 month, tenurable. Responsible for general reference in the social sciences and humanities; collection development in history or psychology, depending on background and interest; par­ ticipation in library instruction and orientation; some data base searching possible. Requires ALA-accredited MLS; broad subject background in social sciences o r humanities; background in history or psychology; ability to work effectively with library users. Prefer broad Western European language background; experience in col­ lection development. Salary $ 11 ,0 0 0 -$ 1 3 ,5 0 0 , dependent upon qualifications. Apply by A pril 16 to Mary Green, Assistant Dean, University o f Kansas Libraries, Lawrence, KS 6 6 0 4 5 . An Equal O pportunity/Affirmative Action employer. N o rth w este rn U n iv e rs ity L ib ra ry a nn o u n c e s th e th ird of three SCHOLAR LIBRARIAN positions funded by grants from the Na­ tional Endowment for the Humanities and the Council on Library Resources. The scholar librarian will have bibliographic, teaching, and faculty liaison responsibilities. A ppointm ent is for a tenure of three years. Starting salary: $12,800. Applications are being ac­ cepted from scholars with a master’s degree in Library Science and a Ph.D. in the Humanities with no previous experience in librar­ ianship or university teaching. Deadline for applications: April 15, 1979. Candidates should subm it a cu rricu lu m vitae and placement office dossier including three letters of recommendation to: John McGowan, University Librarian, Northwestern University Library, Evanston, IL 60201. Arizona. Search reopened for SERIALS LIBRARIAN to head de­ partm ent responsible for acquisitions and cataloging of 18,000 cu r­ rent subscriptions and standing orders and to supervise service for current periodicals, newspapers and microforms. Staff of fou r pro­ fessionals and sixteen support staff. Required: ALA-accredited de­ gree and at least three years o f relevant professional experience. Salary range: in the upper teens. Inquiries and résumés, including at least three references to: James N. Myers, Technical Services Librarian, University of Arizona Library, Tucson, AZ 85721. Dead­ line: March 31, 1979. An Equal Opportunity/Affirm ative Action Title IX/Section 504 Employer. Anglo-American C M ichae a l Go ta rm an an lo d guing R S A u ECONDE D IT IO N joint l pu e blica s tion of the Paul W . W inkler, Am erican Library Association, editors the C anadian Library Association, and the Library Association 640 pages Cloth: ISBN 0-8389-3210-X $15.00 Paper: $ ISBN 0-8389-3211-8 10.00 On its firs t publication in 1967, A nglo-Am erican Cata­ loguing Rules was greeted as "th e best Code we have, or are likely to have,” and was soon adopted by libraries around the w orld. The second edition of AACR con­ solidates the achievem ents of the first and builds on them to meet the chal­ lenges of developm ent and change. In an intensive three-year project, two distinguished editors and an inter­ national Joint Steering C om m ittee—on w hich the national lib ra ry associations and national lib ra ry services of the United States, Canada, and the United Kingdom w ere all represented—have produced a revision that harmonizes the tw o d iffering texts of the first edi­ tion. AACR 2 incorporates the latest international standards, makes pro­ vision fo r the w hole range of new m aterials and media now in our lib ra ry collections, and takes notice of the im pact of m achine- readable cataloguing and bib lio g ra p h ic systems. There are adjustm ents to the text and presentation th a t nation-w ide reviews by AACR users have shown to be essential. One innovation is of p a rticu la r im­ portance: the rules fo r D escription are presented in an integrated structure that provides a uniform basis fo r re­ cording not only every known category of print and nonprint material, but those still unknown and uninvented. AACR 2 can be the Code to take cataloguing into the tw enty-first century. O rder your copies now! A O rd 50 m er D e e r pa i r c tm ent East Huron a S t n re e L t, C i h b ica r g a o, r Il y lin A ois sso 60611 ciation EXP 1 2 -7 9 1 M 0 21 0 7 9 0 01