ACRL News Issue (B) of College & Research Libraries December 1995/765 ACRL candidates for 1996 elections Be sure to vote in the election this spring T he listing for each o f the candidates in­cludes their title and institution. Vice-President/President-Elect W. Lee Hisle, Dean o f Learning Resources Ser­ vices, Austin Community College; B ernard Fradkin‚ Dean o f Learning Resources Center, College o f DuPage. Afro-Am erican Studies Librarians Section Vice-Chair/Chair-Elect: ItibariM . Zulu‚ Librar­ ian, UCLA Center for African-American Stud­ ies; Sylvia Y. Curtis, Black Studies and Dance Librarian, University o f California, Santa Barbara. Secretary: A lice Reviere Smith, English/Black Studies/Women’s Studies Librarian, Cleveland State University; Carol Ritzen Kem, Department o f Collection Development, University o f Florida. Member-at-Large (1 year): Mary G. Wrighten, Multicultural Services Reference Librarian, Bowl­ ing Green State University; Heather Martin, Reference and Outreach Librarian, Wright State University. Member-at-Large (2 years): Stanton Biddle, Administrative Services Librarian, Baruch Col­ lege, City University o f N ew York; M ark G. R. McManus, Associate Director, West Georgia College Library. A n th ropology and Sociology Section Vice-Chair/Chair-Elect: Joyce L. Ogbum, Chief Acquisitions Librarian, Yale University; write in. Member-at-Large: Gary A. McMillan, Head, Social Work Library, Howard University; Gre­ gory A. Finnegan, Associate Librarian for Pub­ lic Service/Head o f Reference, Tozzer Library, Harvard University. Arts Section Vice-Chair/Chair-Elect: Henry J. DuBois, Act­ ing Associate Director, University Library, Cali­ fornia State University-Long Beach; Stephen Bloom, Director o f University Libraries, Univer­ sity o f the Arts. Asian, African, and Middle Eastern Section Vice-Chair/Chair-Elect: Robert Ridinger, Chair, Humanities and Behavioral Science Sec­ tion, Northern Illinois University Libraries. Member-at-Large (elect two): Talbott Huey, Bibliographer and Coordinator, Michigan State University; Peter Malanchuk, Africana and Po­ litical Science Bibliographer, University o f Florida; Margaret Wang, Coordinator o f Origi­ nal Cataloging, University o f Delaware; Ann Wood, Reference Librarian, University o f Mas­ sachusetts, Amherst. Community and Junior College Libraries Section Vice-Chair/Chair-Elect: Wanda K. Johnston, Director o f Learning Resources, Central Florida Community College; Mary Dolven, Director o f Library Services, Contra Costa Community Col­ lege District. Secretary: Steven W. Hagstrom, Director o f Li­ brary Services, Tarrant County Junior College; Kate Hickey, Director o f the College Library, Pennsylvania College o f Teaching. C ollege Libraries Section Vice-Chair/Chair-Elect: D am on Hickey, Di­ rector o f Libraries, The College o f Wooster; Larry Oberg, University Librarian, Willamette University. Secretary: M arilyn Mitchell, Library Director, University o f Puget Sound; Mickey Zemon, Di­ rector o f Libraries, Emerson College. Member-at-Large: Peter Deekle, College Librar­ ian, Wheaton College; Tara Fulton, Assistant Director, Bertrand Library, Bucknell University. Education and Behavioral Sciences Section Dorothy M. Persson,Vice-Chair/Chair-Elect: 766/C&RL News Head Librarian, Psychology Library/Physics Li­ brary, University o f Iowa; Nancy Weissinger, Electronic Resources Librarian, Teachers Col­ lege, Columbia University. Member-at-Large: Allison Kaplan‚ Cataloger, University o f Delaware; Jane McKeever; Bibli­ ographer for Education, Psychology and Library Science, University o f Chicago. English and American Literature Section Vice-Chair/Chair-Elect: Susanna Pathak, Re­ source Services Librarian, Johns Hopkins Uni­ versity; Betty H. Day‚ Humanities Bibliographer, University o f Maryland. Secretary: Catherine Palmer; Humanities Li­ brarian, University o f California, Irvine; Yvonne Schofer, Humanities-English Bibliographer, University o f Wisconsin, Madison. Member-at-Large: Danielle J. Uchitelle‚ Direc­ tor, Center for Information Services, Modem Language Association; Loretta Koch‚ Humani­ ties Librarian, Southern Illinois University Li­ braries. Extended Campus Libraries Services Section Vice-Chair/Chair-Elect: M arie Kascus, Librar­ ian/Head o f Serials, Central Connecticut State University; Nancy Burich, Regents Center Li­ brarian, University o f Kansas. Secretary: S. David Mash, Director o f Academic Information Services, Columbia International University; Bettina Meyer, Assistant Dean for Resources, Western Michigan University. Member-at-Large: M onica Craig, Off-Campus Librarian, Central Michigan University; Janet Feldmann, Head Librarian, Indiana University- Purdue University Indianapolis. Instruction Section Vice-Chair/Chair-Elect: Randy Burke Hensley, Chair, Reference Center, University o f Hawaii at Manoa; Karen Williams, Social Sciences Team Leader, University o f Arizona. Secretary: Suzanne Byron‚ Head o f User Edu­ cation, University o f Northern Texas; Scott Mandemack, Reference and Instruction Librar­ ian, Purdue University. Member-at-Large: Rebecca Jackson, Coordina­ tor o f User Education Programs, George Wash­ ington University; Beth Sandore, Coordinator for Imaging Projects and Associate Professor of Library Administration, University o f Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. Law and Political Science Section Vice-Chair/Chair-Elect: Stephen Stillwell, Ph.D. candidate, University o f North Texas; Paula J. Popma, Assistant University Librarian for Access Services, Santa Clara University. Member-at-Large: M arifran Bustion, Head, Acquisitions Department, George Washington University. Rare Books and Manuscripts Section Vice-Chair/Chair-Elect: M a rvin J. Taylor, Head o f Special Collections, N ew York Univer­ sity; Laura Stalker, Associate Director for Tech­ nical Seivices, The Huntington Library. Member-at-Large: Suzy Taraba, Public Ser­ vices Librarian, University o f Chicago; William E. Brown Jr., Head, Archives and Special Col­ lections, University o f Miami. Slavic and Eastern European Section Vice-Chair/Chair-Elect: Bradley L. Schaffner, Slavic Studies Librarian, University o f Kansas. Secretary: Richard Fitzsimmons, Director o f the Library, Pennsylvania State University- Scranton Campus. Member-at-I‚arge: Julie Swann, Catalog Librar­ ian/Slavic Languages and Literature Liaison Li­ brarian, University o f Nebraska. Science and Technology Section Vice-Chair/Chair-Elect: Allison V. Level, Sci­ ence Reference Librarian, Library o f Congress; A nn Paietta, Networked Programs Coordina­ tor, New York Academy o f Medicine. Secretary: Nirmala Bangalore, Assistant Cata­ log Librarian, University o f Illinois at Chicago; Terry Wittig, Collections Coordinator/Science Information Specialist, Carnegie Mellon-Engi neering and Science Library; Katherine Whitley, Reference Librarian, Chemistry Information Specialist, University o f California, San Diego. University Libraries Section Vice-Chair/Chair-Elect: Sharon Bonk., Chief Librarian, Queens College; Lori A. Goetsch, Head, Reference Seivices, University o f Ten­ nessee at Knoxville. Member-at-Large (elect two): Joan Giesecke, Associate Dean for Collections and Services, University o f Nebraska-Lincoln; Helen H. Spalding, Associate Director o f Libraries, Uni­ versity o f M issouri-Kansas City; J ord a n Scepanski, Director o f the Library and Learning Resources, California State University-Long ( Candidates cont. on page 769) December 1995/769 has many interdependent facets. The level o f support necessary will depend on the scope and size o f the program. The following kinds o f support should be present: a. Instructional Facilities a. 1. The library should have or should have ready access to facilities o f sufficient size and number that are equipped to meet the goals o f the instruction program and reach the entire learning community, including distant learners, remote users, or individuals in extended cam­ pus communities. a. 2. The instruction setting(s) should dupli­ cate the equipment and technology available to users. The minimum acceptable level is that the instructor can demonstrate information sys­ tems available to the library’s users. The desir­ able level is that those being instructed can have hands-on experience with these systems. a. 3. The instruction setting should be flex­ ible enough to accommodate a variety o f teach­ ing methods and learning styles. b. Work Facilities f o r Librarians and Staf b. 1. The library should provide convenient access to the equipment and services neces sary to design, produce, reproduce, and up date instruction materials in a variety o f tech nological formats. b. 2. The library should provide sufficient space for the preparation and storage o f in struction materials. c. Financial Support c. 1. The funding for an instruction program should include all personnel costs connected to the program. c. 2. The instruction program should h id en tified funds that are realistic and ad equate to attain the stated goals o f the pro gram. c. 3. The funding should cover: supplies materials; student, clerical, and technical assis tance; equipment or access to equipment; de sign, production, and reproduction o f materi als; revision and updating o f materials; and promotion and marketing o f the instruction pro gram. c. 4. The allocation process should re nize that equipment and software replacement and enhancement will be necessary as tech nologies used for instruction or for information retrieval change. f ­ ­ ­ ­ a ­ ­ a ­ ­ ­ ­ co ­ c. 5. The funding should recognize the need for the training and continuing education o f those involved in the instruction program. el. Support f o r Staff Continuing Education, Training, and Development Nonmonetary support for continuing staff development helps to establish an atmosphere conducive to innovation and high morale. It is recommended that instruction coordinators: d. 1. provide every staff member with a writ­ ten description o f the scope o f his/her respon­ sibilities; d. 2. provide a structured program for ori­ entation and training o f new instruction per­ sonnel; d. 3. develop a program o f continuing edu­ cation to develop advanced instruction skills; d. 4. conduct periodic review o f staff per­ formance in instructional activities. (Candidates cont. fr o m page 766) Beach; Joan G. Rapp, Director o f Libraries, Uni­ versity o f Missouri-St. Louis. W estern European Specialists Section Vice-Chair/Chair-Elect: Heleni Pedersoli, Bib­ liographer for Foreign Languages, University o f Maryland; K u rt DeBelder, Assistant Curator, Western European Literature and Languages, N ew York University. Secretary: Roger Brisson, Social Sciences Cata­ loged Pennsylvania State University; Martha Hsu, North European Studies Bibliographer, Cornell University. Member-at-Large: Sarah How, Western Euro­ pean Social Science Bibliographer, Cornell University; Nancy S. Boemer, Subject Specialist ve for Modern European Languages, Classical Stud­ ies, Linguistics, and West European Studies, Indiana University. nd W om en 's Studies Section Vice-Chair/Chair-Elect: Jessica Grim, Acting Head o f Reference, Oberlin College; Write-In. Secretary: Shelley Arlen, Reference Librarian/ Bibliographer, University o f Florida; Barbara Heath, Assistant Director for Technical Services and Team Leader-Acquisitions and Original g­Cataloging Teams, Wayne State University. Member-at-Large: Theresa Tobin, Humanities and Dew ey Librarian, MIT; M ila C. Siu, Senior Assistant Librarian, Pennsylvania State Univer­ sity, Altoona Campus.