ACRL News Issue (B) of College & Research Libraries C&RL News ■ October 1999 / 755 C o l l e g e & R e s e a r c h L i b r a r i e s news ACRL leadership opportunities Your chance to get involved N o w is a g o o d tim e to in crease y o u r in ­ v o lv em en t in ACRL by v o lu n te e rin g to serv e o n a division o r se c tio n com m ittee Vice-president Betsy Wilson invites all ACRL mem bers to contact the Appointments Com­ m ittee a b o u t serving o n o n e o f ACRL’s 19 committees for next year. Members may also contact one o f the section vice-chairs regard­ ing service on one of the m any section com­ m ittees. Committee m em bers help shape the orga­ nization by im plem enting its strategic plan ( a v a ila b le at h t t p : / / w w w . a l a . o r g / a c r l / stratpla.html), reshaping the association, and influencing the direction o f academ ic an d re­ search librarianship. Y o u ben efit b y v o lu n te e rin g Volunteers not only give to th e association, they get back from the association: • Build ties w ith academ ic an d research librarians around the country. • E n h a n c e y o u r le a d e r s h ip a b ilitie s through consensus building an d persuasion. • Share your expertise w ith colleagues. • G ain additional expertise— learn m ore about a new area o f academic librarianship o r p ic k u p n e w id e a s fo r y o u r c u rr e n t are a . A p p o in tm en ts: The p rocess A ppointm ents are m ade at both th e section an d division levels. The ACRL vice president is responsible for the committee appointments at the division level for the year h e o r she serves as president. Likewise, section vice chairs are responsible for comm ittee appoint­ m ents in their respective sections the year they serve as chair. Committee slates are usu­ ally com pleted shortly after th e Midwinter Meeting during the year in w hich th e indi­ vidual serves as president-elect or chair-elect. . The ACRL A ppointm ents Committee assists the president-elect in this process in an advi­ sory capacity. Factors influencing appointm ent Although the em phasis in the appointm ent may vary from year to year according to the prerogatives o f the president-elect an d sec­ tion chairs, the sam e factors are considered. They include: • E vidence o f p o te n tia l com m ittee m em ber’s interest. Have you attended the meetings and introduced yourself to the chair? Do you have previous experience that re­ lates to the w ork of the committee? Have you indicated your interest o n the volunteer form? • D em ographics and com p osition o f com m ittee. A balance is sought w ith respect to type o f library (com m unity college, col­ lege, o r university), geographic representa­ tion, ethnic diversity, and gender. • The recom m endation o f the current com m ittee chair. Current com m ittee chairs are asked to suggest potential m em bers. Al­ though all of these factors are considered, the final appointm ents are the prerogative of th e ACRL p resid en t-elect an d the section chair-elects. H o w to a p p ly 1) Select the com m ittees that interest you. The ALA H andbook o f O rganization lists all o f ACRL’s com m ittees an d their charges. (Ed. note: T he H andbook is published as a special issue o f Am erican Libraries an d will automatically be m ailed to all ALA m em bers in mid-November.) Attend the com m ittee’s meetings at th e Midwinter Meeting and An­ 756 / C&RL News ■ October 1999 Barbara Baxter Jenkins (ACRL Board m em ber) and Pamela M o ffe t Padley are b o th w o rk in g on ACRL’s 10th N a tio n a l C onference in th e ACRL Comm ittee Volun­ te e r Form a n d m ail it to th e e chair-elect o f th e a p p ro p ria te section listed b e lo w b efo re D e c e m b e r 6, 1999. ­ e A frican-Am erican Studies Librarians ­ S ection. Vice-Chair/Chair-elect: D orothy A. W ashington, P urdue University, Black Cultural e C enter Library. P referred address: 3120 Eagles . Way Drive, A partm ent #1534, Lafayette, IN 47905; e-mail: daw ashington@ / A n th ro p o lo g y an d S o cio lo g y Section. r Vice-Chair/Chair-elect: Cathy L. Moore-Jansen, e Social Sciences Librarian, W ichita State Uni­ ­ versity, A blah Library. P referred address: 343 e N orth P arkw ood, W ichita, KS 67208; e-mail: ­ m oorejan@ tw suvm ­ e A rts S e c tio n . V ic e -C h a ir/C h a ir-e le c t: . Lorelei A. Tanji, UCI Fine Arts Librarian, U ni­ e versity o f California-Irvine. P referred address: r P.O. Box 19557, Irvine, CA 92623-9557; e-mail: s Itanji@ Asian, African and Middle Eastern Sec­ tion. Vice-Chair/Chair-elect: Robin A. Paynter, R eference L ibrarian/A rea Studies, U niversity ­ o f O regon, E ugene, OR 97403-1299; e-mail: ­ rp ay n ter@ o reg o n .u o reg o n .ed u . ­ C ollege Libraries Section. V ice-C hair/ ­ Chair-elect: M ichael A nn Z em on, D irector o f e Libraries, E m erson College Library, 150 B ea­ co n Street, B oston, MA 02116-1499; e-mail: ecl_m az@ C om m unity and Ju nior C ollege Librar­ ­ ie s Section. V ice-C hair/C hair-elect: G regg T. Denver. nual C onference to h e lp yo u d ecid e if th o s are th e activities that interest you. 2) Introduce y ou rself. Talk w ith com m ittee m em bers. E xpress y o u r interest to th com m ittee chair. Explain h o w you might co n tribute to th e w o rk o f th e com m ittee. 3) Submit a volu nteer form . Com plet the volunteer form included w ith this article ( Ed. note: T his fo rm is a ls o a v a ila b le o n ACRL’s h o m e p a g e at h ttp :/ /w w w .a la .o r g a c rl.h tm l.) Be su re to c o v er all o f th e item s a sk ed fo in th e b ack g ro u n d inform ation section o f th form. If y o u have a tte n d e d com m ittee m eet ings o r program s, m en tio n that. Fill o u t o n form for ACRL division co m m ittees an d a dif ferent form for ea c h ACRL section you vol u n te e r to serve o n a com m ittee for. Send th ACRL com m ittee v o lu n te e r form to R andy B H ensley at th e ad d ress o n th e b o tto m o f th v o lu n teer form; se n d th e sectio n v o lu n tee form s to th e a p p ro p ria te section chair-elect (see list o f ad d resses below ). 4) Volunteer a g a in … an d again. If you are not successful in b e in g a p p o in te d o n e year, v o lu n teer again th e n ex t y e a r … an d th e next. R em em ber th at a m ultitude o f fac tors— n u m b e r o f ap p o in tm en ts m ade, n u m b e r o f v olunteers fo r e a c h com m ittee, n u m b e r o f v olunteers from y o u r type o f library o r y o u r g eo g rap h ic area— determ in e th e ac tual ap p o in tm en t, an d th ese factors chang from y ear to year. A C R L section a p p o in tm e n ts ACRL has 17 sections (listed b elo w ). Y ou w ill find a d e scrip tio n o f th e ir areas o f re s p o n s i b i l i t y in th e ALA H a n d b o o k o f O r g a n i z a ­ t i o n , 1 9 9 9 - 2 0 0 0 . T h e ch air-elect o f a se c tio n a p ­ p o in ts th e c h a ir a n d m em ­ b e rs o f all sectio n com m it­ t e e s . M o s t o f t h e s e a p p o in tm e n ts are m a d e in th e sp rin g fo r term s b e g in ­ n in g im m ediately after th e ALA A nnual C onference. If y o u w o u ld like to b e considered for appointm ent as a ch air o r m e m b e r o f a section com m ittee, fill out C&RL News ■ October 1999 / 757 Atkins, Library Director, College o f San Mateo Library. Preferred address: 2763 Cheryl Ann C ourt, San Jo s e , CA 95124-1901; e-m ail: atkins@ D istance Learning Section. Vice-Chair/ Chair-elect: Carol M oulden, C oordinator of O ff-cam pus Library Services, National Louis University, W heeling Cam pus. P referred a d ­ dress: 1935B T anglew ood Drive, G lenview , IL 60025; e-mail: cm o u @ w h eelin g l.n l.ed u . Education and Behavioral Sciences Sec­ tion. Vice-Chair/Chair-elect: Lorna M. Lueck, Reference Librarian, University o f California Library. Preferred address: 235 Pacific O aks Road, #208, Goleta, CA 93117-2935; e-mail: lueck@ E n g lis h an d Am erican Litera­ ture Section. Vice- C h a ir/ C hair-elect: W illia m A. W o rtm a n , M iam i U niversity, E dgar W. K ind L ibrary. P referred address: 4 8 7 9 S o m e r v ille Road, Oxford, OH 45056-9734; e-mail: wortmawa@muohio. Tom Kirk and Hannelore Rader, b o th past presidents o f ACRL, co n tin ue to vo lu n te e r fo r th e Instruction Section. Chair: K aren Will­ iam s, Team Leader for th e Social Science Team, University o f Arizona. Preferred a d ­ dress: 2251 E. K leindale Rd., T ucson, AZ 85719-2440; e-mail: kw illiam @ bird.library. Law and Political Science Section. Vice- Chair/Chair-elect: Janice S. Lewis, C oordina­ to r o f Instructional Services, Jo y n er Library, East Carolina University. P referred address: 3402 D urhaven Dr., Greenville, NC 27834; e- mail: lewisja@ Rare Books and Manuscripts Section. Vice-Chair/Chair-elect: Mark G. D im unation, Chief, Rare B ook & Special Collections, Li­ brary o f Congress. Preferred address: 2100 C onnecticut Ave NW, Apt 701, W ashington, D.C. 20008-1747; e-mail: mdim@ Science and T echnology Section. Vice- Chair/Chair-elect: Julie M. Hurd, Science Li­ brarian, University o f Illinois at Chicago, Uni­ versity Library. Preferred address: 1457 Ridge A ve., E v a n s to n , IL 6020 1 -4 1 4 8 ; e-m ail: jhurd@ Slavic and East European Section. Vice- C h a ir / C h a ir - e le c t : M ie c z s la w (M is c h a ) Buczkowski, Slavic Librarian, University of O regon, K night Library. Preferred address: 855 Wills Ct., Eugene, OR 97405-2315; e-mail: meb@ Oregon.u o re g o n .e d u . U n iv e r s ity L ibraries S e c tio n . Vice- C hair/C hair-elect: E laine K. Didier, D ean, K resge Library, O akland University, Roch­ ester, MI 48309-4484. P referred address: 13060 B eacon Hill Dr., Plym outh, MI 4 8 1 7 0 -2 9 0 3 ; e - mail: didier@oakland. edu. Western Euro­ p ean Specialists S e c t io n . V ice- C h a ir/ Chair-elect: J e f f r e y G a r r e t t, B ib l., W e s te rn L a n g s & Lits, N orthw estern Uni­ v e r s ity L ib ra ry . Preferred address: 885 P leasant Ave., H ighland Park, IL 60035- 4614; e-mail: jgarrett@ nw W om en’s Studies Section. Vice-Chair/ Chair-Elect: Theresa A. Tobin, Head, H um ani­ ties & D ew ey Librarian, M assachusetts Insti­ tute o f Technology (MIT). Preferred address: 104 Aldrich St., Roslindale, MA 02131-2750; e-mail: A C R L d iv is io n a l com m ittee a p p o in tm e n ts ACRL has 20 standing com m ittees to w hich appointm ents m ay b e m ade for 1999-2000. A list appears o n the volunteer form at the e n d o f this article. You will find the com m it­ tees listed w ith a description o f their charges in the ALA H andbook o f O rganization. Ap­ pointm ents to ACRL standing com m ittees are (c o n tin u e d on p a g e 773) 758 / C&RL News ■ October 1999 ACRL committee volunteer form B a c k g r o u n d in fo rm a tio n O n a separate single sheet o f paper, b riefly sum­ m arize yo u r background and activities in th e fo l­ lo w in g areas: 1) A L A pro fe ssio nal activities; 2) ACRL professional activities; 3) state and regional o ffice s h e ld and c o m m itte e a p p o in tm e n ts ; 4) educational background and/or o th e r experience th a t w ill in fo rm th e com m ittee a b o u t special gifts and ta le n ts yo u w o u ld b rin g t o th e c o m m itte e fo r w h ich you are vo lu n te e rin g . Please include in y o u r ap p lica tio n an expres­ sion o f y o u r professional concerns and th e con­ trib u tio n th a t you can m ake to w a rd streng then­ in g ACRL. Date o f A p p lica tio n :________________________ Name:___________________________________ Job title :__________________________________ Daytim e phone:___________________________ Fax num ber:______________________________ E-mail address:____________________________ Organization/library:_______________________ In s titu tio n ’s address:_______________________ Ethnicity (optional):________________________ Division committees To v o lu n te e r f o r a division com m ittee, com p le te this fo rm and re tu rn i t to : Randy B. Hensley University o f Hawaii Thomas Hale H a m ilton Library 2550 The M a ll H o n o lu lu , HI 96822-2233 p h o n e : (808) 956-2474 fa x : (808) 956-5968 e -m a il: rh e n s le y @ h a w a ii.e d u •Membership in ALA and ACRL is required. • Attendance a t ALA M id w in te r M eeting and Annual Conference is required. The fo llo w in g d ivisio n w id e com m ittee s have vacancies annually. Please in d ica te y o u r firs t th r e e choices by m a rk in g ” 1,” ” 2 ,” an d ” 3 ” o n th e c o rre sp o n d in g lines. ___ B u d g e t and Finance ___ Bylaws ___ C o p yrig h t ___ D octoral Dissertation Fellowship ___ G ove rn m en t Relations ___ Intellectual Freedom ___ In te rn a tio n a l Relations ___ (Sam uel) Lazerow Fellowship fo r Research in Collections and Technical Services ___ M e d ia Resources ___ M em bership ___ Professional D evelo pm e nt ___ Professional Enhancem ent ___ Publications ___ Racial and Ethnic Diversity ___ Research ___ (K. G.) Saur A w a rd f o r Best C o lle ge & Research Libraries article ___ Standards and A c c re d ita tio n ___ Statistics ___ Status o f Academ ic Librarians ___ I am w illin g t o serve o n any c o m m itte e f o r w h ic h I am q u a lifie d a n d ne ed ed as a re g u la r m e m b e r o r as an in te rn . Note: By accepting an appointm ent, I agree th at a ll w orking papers and final products o f the group are the sole property o f ACRL and are n o t to be used fo r any personal projects unless w ritten permission has been obtained from the appropriate governing body. I also certify th a t it does n o t represent a conflict o f interest. I understand that failure to attend two meetings w ithout an explanation acceptable to the chair constitutes grounds fo r removal. F orm s m u s t b e r e t u r n e d b y December 6, 1999. C&RL News ■ October 1999 / 759 Background information for section committees Provide a separate sheet o f inform ation about yourself follow ing the instructions given on the ACRL committee vo lu n tee r fo rm (previous page) under background in fo rm a tio n . To indicate your p articular interest in serving on a committee in one o f ACRL’s 17 sections, w rite the comm ittee name(s) next to the section below. Return form to: Note: By accepting an appointm ent I agree that Return this com pleted fo rm to th e appropriate sec­ a ll w o rk in g papers a n d fin a l products o f the tio n vice-chair/chair-elect as indicated in th e accom­ group are the sole property o f ACRL and are not panying article. (Use duplicate forms if you are in ter­ to b e used fo r a n y p e rs o n a l p ro je c ts unless ested in m ore th a n one section.) You m ust be a w ritten permission has been obtained from the appropriate governing body. I also certify th a t member o f the section to be considered fo r appoint­ i t does n o t re p re s e n t a c o n flic t o f in te re s t. I ment. understand th a t failure to attend tw o meetings w ith ou t an explanation acceptable to the chair Forms must be returned by December 6,1999. constitutes grounds for removal. Membership in ALA and ACRL is required. Attendance a t ALA M idwinter Meeting and Annual Conference is required. C&RL News ■ October 7999 / 773 used as a litmus test in debates over th e limi­ tations o f hate speech. In this m ajor re-ex­ amination, Strum profiles th e individuals in­ volved, looks at th e case law leading u p to it, and speculates o n h o w it might have e n d ed differently. $25.00. University Press o f Kan­ sas, ISBN 0-7006-0940-7. W omen’s Roles in A n cient Civilizations: A R e fe r e n c e G u id e , e d ite d b y B ella V ivante (386 p a g e s, J u n e 1999), is a cross- cu ltu ral su rv ey o f th e statu s o f w o m e n in an cie n t Asia, Africa, E u ro p e, a n d A m erica from a g y n o c e n tric p e rs p e c tiv e . It h ig h ­ lights th e w ays in w h ic h w o m e n p a rtic i­ p a te d in a n d in flu e n c e d th e ir c u ltu re s ’ a c ­ tivities e v e n w h e n th e y w e re re p r e s s e d o r u n a c k n o w le d g e d . A u sefu l s u p p le m e n t to cu ltu ral h isto ries th a t m ay o m it th e fem i­ nist ele m e n t. $59-95. G re e n w o o d . ISBN 0- 313-30127-1. W orking w ith Faculty to D e sign Under­ graduate Information Literacy Programs: A H ow -to-D o-lt M anual fo r Lib rarian s, b y R osem ary M. Y o ung a n d S te p h e n a H ar­ m o n y (123 p a g e s, 1999), p ro v id e s m o d els fo r cre a tin g c o n te n t a n d assig n m en ts for c o u rse -in te g ra te d literacy p rogram s, sta n d ­ a l o n e p r e s e n t a t i o n s , a n d f u l l - c r e d i t co u rses. E v alu atio n in stru m en ts, te c h n o ­ logical to o ls, an d h a n d lin g a d m in istrativ e d e ta ils a re a ls o c o v e re d . $45.00. N eal- S chum an. ISBN 1-55570-354-2. World Conflicts: A Comprehensive Guide to W orld Strife since 1945, by Patrick Bro­ gan (682 pages, May 1999), reviews the wars, revolutions, assassinations, an d terrorist at­ tacks in a country-by-country survey o f co n ­ flict in th e p o stw ar w orld. B rogan discusses th e historical origins of th e political o r racial te n s io n s, th e p a rtie s in v o lv ed , th e m ain events, th e outcom e, a n d th e prospects for peace. A ppendices include a chronicle of terrorist events a n d lists o f wars, coups, and assassinations u p to early 1998. $49.50. Scare­ crow . ISBN 0-8108-3551-7. ■ ( “ACRL leadership … co n t. f r o m p a g e 757) m ade in the spring for term s beginning im­ mediately after the ALA Annual Conference. The Appointments Committee recom m ends to the president-elect o f ACRL the nam es of m em­ bers w ho might fill the vacancies. The presi­ dent-elect m akes the final appointments. If you w ant to be considered for an appointm ent to an ACRL committee, com plete the form and return it to Randy B. H ensley at the address given o n the form before D ecem ber 6, 1999. Editorial b o a rd s ACRL has editorial b o ard s for th ese six p u b ­ lications: Choice-, College & Research Librar­ ies; College & Research Libraries News; N ew Publications; P ub lica tio n s in Librarianship; an d Rare Books & M anuscripts Librarianship. A ppointm ents to editorial boards are m ade at the Midwinter Meeting for terms that begin immediately after the ALA Annual Conference. The editors recom m end the nam e of a person to fill the vacancy. T he Publications Commit­ tee m ust approve the recom m endation, and the president o f ACRL makes the appointment. If you w ould like to be considered for ap­ pointm ent to an editorial board, contact the editor o f th e editorial board early in the fall. Choice editor: Irving Rockwood, Choice, 100 Riverview Center, Middletown, CT 06457; e-mail: irockwood@ College & Research Libraries editor: D onald E. Riggs, Nova Southeastern University, Fort Lauderdale, FL 33314-7796; e-mail: driggs@ College & Research Libraries News editor: Mary Ellen Davis, C&RL News, ACRL/ALA, 50 E. H uron St., Chicago, IL 60611-2795; e-mail: medavis@ N ew publications editor: H ugh T hom p­ son, ACRL/ALA, 50 E. H uron St., Chicago, IL 60611-2795; e-mail: hthom pson@ P ublications in Librarianship editor: Jo h n B u d d , U n iv e rsity o f M isso u ri-C o lu m b ia School o f Inform ation Science an d Learning Technologies, 217 T ow nsend Hall, Colum ­ bia, MO 65211; e-mail: libsjm b@ showm e. m Rare Books & M anuscripts L ibrarianship editors: Lisa M. Browar, Director, Indiana Uni­ versity, Lilly Library, B loom ington, IN 47405; lbrow ar@; Marvin J. Taylor, Spe­ cial Collections, N ew York University, Bobst Library, 70 W ashington Square South, New York, NY 10012; taylorm @ ■