ACRL News Issue (B) of College & Research Libraries 764 I C&RL News ■ October 1999 W a s h i n g t o n H o t l i n e Lynn E. Bradley D e p a rtm e n t o f C o m m e rce A n n o u n ce s In te n tio n to C lo se NTIS The Commerce Departm ent m ade a “surprise announcem ent on August 12 that it w ould close the National Technical Information Services (NTIS). Commerce Secretary William M. Daley indicated that NTIS’s core business— the sale o f governm ent docum ents in microfiche and o n paper— “is rapidly becom ing less of the necessity it w as as agencies an d groups have b egun to post their reports o n the Internet fo free.” Daley proposes transferring NTIS archives to the Library of Congress an d having govern m ent agencies provide scientific technical and information (STI) to the public for free via the Internet for “long periods o f time.” D aley’s an n o u n cem en t follow ed reports that congressional appropriators decid ed not to fund $2 million to su p p lem en t th e NTI budget. Established in 1950, NTIS has p ro vided fee-based access to governm ent scien tific an d technical reports an d is su p p o se d to b e self-supporting through its sales program . T h e C o m m erce D e p a rtm e n t a rg u e d th a t “changes in th e information marketplace have m ade obsolete th e n e e d for NTIS to serve as a clearinghouse and, thus have in turn m ade it increasingly difficult for NTIS to m aintain its o p eratio n o n a self-sustaining basis, as established by C ongress.” The NTIS statutory m andate to be self-sup porting w as a key issue raised at a Septem b e r 14 hearing o n the proposal by the Sub com m ittee o n T echnology o f th e H ouse Sci ence Committee. Testifying o n b ehalf o f fiv library associations w as Caroline C. Long, as sistant university librarian for collection ser vices at G eorge Washington University Library. In addition to ALA, Long testified o n b ehal of th e American Association o f Law Libraries, the A ssociation o f R esearch Libraries, the Medical Library Association, an d th e Specia Library Association. “It is imperative the essential functions and services that NTIS provides continue, w hethe at NTIS or at o ther federal agencies,” Lon Lynne E. Bradley is d e p u ty executive d ire c to r o f ALA’ Washington Office; e-mail: ” r ­ S ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ e ­ ­ f l r g said. “T hese core functions— inherently gov­ ernm ental— are identifying, collecting, dis­ sem inating an d archiving scientific, technical, an d business inform ation.” O ther w itnesses included D eputy Secre­ tary o f Com m erce Robert Mallett, w h o w as asked critical questions ab o u t h o w th e d e ­ partm ent cam e to its decision, an d even if they h ad consulted w ith th e Library o f C on­ gress before announcing their proposal. (They h a d not.) Public Printer Michael DiMario testified to th e im portance o f including STI in th e Fed­ eral D epository Library Program. H e also em ­ p h asized that, “th e similarities in function b e tw e e n GPO an d NTIS, th e fact that both are ex p erien ced in operating o n revolving funds, the potential for valuable synergies of technologies an d staff expertise that could benefit public access to G overnm ent infor­ m ation— all of these are reasons for a realign­ m ent o f NTIS functions w ith G PO .” Ken Allen, chair of the NTIS advisory com ­ mittee, sp o k e ab o u t the im portance o f STI an d th e n e e d to have b o th electronic and tan g ib le/p a p e r form ats continue to b e avail­ able. B onnie Carroll, p resident o f the Infor­ m ation International Associates, Inc., also ar­ g u ed th e n e e d for continuing to k eep m ul­ tiple form ats available during th e infancy of th e Internet. All o f the w itnesses sp o k e about the n eed to thoughtfully a n d systematically ap proach th e closing o f NTIS a n d h o w to retain its im­ portant functions, including addressing the problem s o f fugitive docum ents an d perm a­ n e n t public access. Librarian o f Congress Jam es H. Billington w rote for the record: “G iven ad eq u ate re­ sources, [LOC could] b e a logical successor to NTIS for th o se functions that com plim ent the Library’s m ission.” H owever, such NTIS functions as high volum e do cu m en t distribu­ tion, brokering agency databases to th e in­ form ation industry, an d publication o f infor­ m ation products “are b ey o n d the Library’s current m an d ate.” ALA will continue to m onitor this critical issue. ■ s C&RL News ■ October 1999 / 765