ACRL News Issue (B) of College & Research Libraries 768 / C&RL News ■ October 1999 I n t e r n e t R e v i e w s Sara Amato, editor G EM th e G a t e w a y t o E d u c a t io n a l M aterials. Access: http://w w w .gem info. org. Educators o f all levels and students study­ ng education will be interested in using GEM, the G atew ay to Edu­ cational Materials. Li­ brarians interested in the developm ents of c a ta lo g in g th e Web sh o u ld also lo o k at this resource. Begun in 1996 and sponsored by the Na­ ional Library o f Education an d U.S. D epart­ ent o f Education, GEM is a joint project led y Michael Eisenberg, director of the ERIC learinghouse, along w ith Stuart Sutton and uth Small of Syracuse University’s School o f nformation Studies. Eisenberg says “The project’s goal is to rovide a new set o f tools to get information nto the hands o f educators quickly and eas­ ly so children can learn.” GEM accom plishes his easily and is gaining strength w ith each d d i t i o n a l r e - ______________________ ource. GEM is a con­ ortium effort to collect, catalog, and upload ducational materials from governm ent, no n ­ rofit, an d comm ercial sites into a one-stop earchable GEM Gateway for educators. As f August 1999, the GEM Consortium included 13 organizations an d 13 individuals. GEM included over 6,000 Internet educa­ ional resources divided into 18 resource ypes from 40 collections. GEM is searchable sing the PLWeb, a product d eveloped by ersonal Library Software (Ask ERIC also uses his software). It is brow sable by b o th key­ ord and subject lists, w ith help available n each search page. Comm ents and feedback can be sent via a Tell us w hat you think” button located on any o f the GEM Web pages. Materials are ccepted from individuals by the GEM Ad­ inistrative G roup based on GEM criteria of uthoritativeness, significance and availabil­ i t m b C R I p i i t a s U s e p s o 1 t t u P t w o “ m a m a S ity, an d then cataloged by the resource cre­ or using GEMCat tools located u n d er the orkbench section o f the Web site. Cataloging an d searching is enhanced by e use o f the GEM profile, w hich is a D ublin ore based, m etadata elem ent set w ith an at h C ad d ed 15 elem ents designed by GEM. GEM designers have also added six sets o f con­ rolled vocabularies to w ork w ith these ele­ ents. The en d result is a virtual catalog of educational resources that teachers can search y traditional access points as w ell as stu­ dent grade level, special needs, and other criteria. C onsortium m em bers include th e GEM Users Group; organizations that use and pro­ ote GEM an d the GEM Collection Holders; and organizations that have collections that are or will be ad d ed to the GEM Gateway. o participate in the GEM Consortium, inter­ ested organizations can contact GEM using the application form located under GEM’s par­ ticipation page at w pation/index.htm l.— M ary MacDonald, Uni­ versity o f R hode Island, m arymac@ atent and Trademark Office USPTO W eb Patent D atabases. Access: http ://u sp to .g o v / patft/index.html. Thom as Edison, America’s Father o f In­ ention, could have used the U.S. Patent and rademark Office (USPTO) Web Patent Data­ bases in formulating the ideas for one his 1,093 patents. The USPTO now offers free Web ac­ cess to full-text and bibliographic patent data­ ases for all searchers and inventors. In 1997 alone, there w ere 237,045 Edison annabes w ho applied for patents. This in­ cluded many professors and academ ics w ho anted to patent their “new and useful p ro ­ ess, m achine, m anufacture, o r com position f matter, o r any new and useful im prove­ m ent thereof.” The U.S. Patent D atabases are ara A m a to is e le c tro n ic services a n d W e b d e v e lo p m e n t librarian a t B o w doin College, e-m ail:sam ato@ W t t m b m T P v T b w w c o S http://www.geminfo C&RL News ■ October 1999 / 769 useful in determ in­ ing w hether som e­ th in g h a s a lre a d y been invented and if o n e ’s idea is w orth pur suing. It is also useful in exploring inform a tion contained in patents relating to o n e ’s field o f endeavor. There are tw o sections of the U.S. Paten Database, although they cover the sam e paten information w ith com parable search options T h e B ib lio g r a p h ic D a ta b a s e a t h t t p : / 1 2 8 .1 0 9 .1 7 9 .2 3 / a c c e s s / s e a r c h - b o o l , html offers a rapid search o f patent front page including all bibliographic data as well as an abstract and brief description o f the p atent’ contents. T he Full-Text D atabase section at h ttp :/ l/search-adv.htm of fers a m ore th orough search o f th e full tex o f U.S. patents w ith all o f the text w ords in the paten t being searchable. It includes al b ib lio g ra p h ic d a ta as w ell, s u c h as th e in v e n t o r ’s n a m e , th e p a t e n t ’s title , th e assignee’s nam e, abstract, the full description of the invention, an d the claims. This data base also offers som e full-text im ages, al though I did no t find any patents w ith im ages available. The databases are easy to use w ith plenty o f b a c k g ro u n d inform ation a n d FAQs fo p eo p le w h o are n ew to th e patenting p ro cess. It is th e perfect place for prelim inary searches for inventors. However, the site doe link to paten t law yers an d p aten t depository libraries for m ore in-depth assistance an d le gal inform ation.— G entry Holbert, Universit o f S o u th A la b a m a B io m e d ic a l L ib ra ry gbolbert@ jaguarl. P u b lis h e rs ’ C a t a lo g u e s H om e P age Access: http://w w w /publisher/ This site provides access points, organized by country, to publishers’ hom epages. Fo exam ple, clicking o n the hyperlink labeled “Russia” will take th e u ser to a list of publish ers b ased in Russia. D eveloped an d m aintained by Peter Scot o f N orthern Lights Internet Solutions, rep re sented publishers in each country are thos that choose to participate in the directory and have registered. T hus in the exam ple o f Rus sian publishers, th e list (as of August 1999 held th e nam es o f 12 publishing com panies a list that did not include the important presse operating out of Russian sc h o l­ arly academ ies. ­ T he publishers of th e U nited States, Britain, ­ an d the W estern E uropean countries are well represented. Because the links are maintained by the active cooperation o f the publishers, t not all o f th e links are accurate. t T h e s ite ’s in d e x o f c o u n trie s is o v e r­ . w helm ed by the addition o f advertisem ents, / w hich include three search engines sponsored by com m ercial vendors. T he graphical layout s is visually noisy and a first-time user may over­ look the real value o f th e site. A link to this s site is provided by th e invaluable Acqweb s i te ( h t t p : / / w w w . li b r a r y .V a n d e rb ilt, / edu/law /acqs/acqs.htm l), w hich is a site w ith ­ a b ro ad er com pass established for librarians t w ith collection developm ent responsibilities. The strength o f the Publishers’ Catalogues l Home Page is the organization o f publishers by country, giving access to catalogs o n an international level. The most significant limita­ tion of the site is in the w eak representation of ­ academic presses in countries outside of the ­ W e s te rn in d u s tr i a li z e d c o m m u n ity . ­ — Sara Rutter, University o f Michigan, sara@ um ■ r ( “Libraries as gatew ays … c o n tin u e d fr o m ­ p a g e 733) m ain library, w ith four levels underground s an d three levels above ground. It w as inter­ esting to note that the Thai governm ent plans ­ to free all universities o f state control within y th e next five years. It w as also interesting to , note that the library w as very heavily used, that it had very few com puters (although it has a new autom ated library system an d sev­ . eral Internet connections), and that the elec­ . tronic resources are still scarce. B angkok is an exciting an d interesting city r w ith m ore than 10 million inhabitants. The traffic is a nightmare, but th e p eo p le seem to ­ have ad ap ted to it. T he food is w onderfully delicious a n d th ere are m any restaurants. t Shopping is plentiful an d bargaining is the ­ acceptable w ay o f doing business. T he city e is alive for 24 hours every day. It is a city of contrasts— beautiful flowers ­ and palaces and enorm ous traffic jams and ) trem endous poverty. The m ost m em orable , impression I have is that the people are very s gracious, polite, patient, and highly likeable. ■ 770 / C&RL News ■ October 1999