ACRL News Issue (B) of College & Research Libraries 366 • The library of the State University of New Ï Buffalo commemorated the acquisition of its two millionth volume on September 17. The book, Rerum Polonicarum, was written in 1584 by Alexandra Guagnino, a knighted Polish soldier turned author. The program featured keynote speaker Oscar Handlin, director of the University Library at Harvard, a panel discussion on "The Book Collector, Rare Book Collection, and the University Library,” and a formal opening of the Rare/Special Materials Collection of the Law Li­ brary. • The University of California. Irvine library hosted a colloquium on academic libraries on Oc­ tober 21 to mark the addition of its millionth vol­ ume, the Latin treatise De Nuptiis Philologiae et Mercurii by Martianus Capella in its first printed edition (Vicenza, 1499). The colloquium featured speakers Millicent D. Abell, university librarian at the U niversity of California, San Diego; Richard M. Daugherty, director of the University of Michigan Library; and Stuart Forth, dean of university libraries at Pennsylvania State Univer­ sity. The colloquium was followed by an evening ceremony featuring historian and educator Arthur M. Schlesinger, Jr. P eo p le PROFILES Rohert H. Patterson has been named direc­ tor of libraries at the University of Tulsa’s McFarlin Library, effective September 1. Before coming to Tulsa, Patterson was di­ rector of th e U niver­ sity of Wyoming Library from 1976. He also served as assistant direc­ tor for collection devel­ opment at Tulane Uni­ versity Library (1973- 1976), head of special collections cataloging at the University of Texas at Austin (1970-1973), and in various profes­ sional capacities at Tu­ lane from 1965 to 1969. Robert H . Patterson Patterson received his MLS from the University of California at Ber­ keley in 1965, and a master’s degree in Latin American history from Tulane in 1963. He also attended the Institute on the Development and Ad­ ministration of Programs for the Preservation of Li­ brary Materials at Columbia in the summer of 1978. He now serves as chair of the ALA Resources and Technical Services D ivision’s Education Committee and as president of the Western Con­ servation Congress. Patterson has also been vice chair of the Advisory Council to the Bibliographic Center for Research in Denver, and chair of the Wyoming Library Association’s Intellectual Free­ dom Committee. This month he is keynote speaker at the Aller­ ton Institute at the University of Illinois Graduate School of Library and Information Science. Pat­ terson is also editor and publisher of Conserva­ tion Administration News, for which he received a $2,000 Officer’s Grant from the C‹ uncil on Li­ brary Resources for editorial support in 1980-82. Other publications include articles on preserva­ tion for the ALA Yearbook and Library Journal, and other professional articles for Colorado Li­ braries, the University of Texas at Austin’s Li­ brary Chronicle, and th e Journal o f Inter- American Studies. Patterson is also reader/panelist for the Na­ tional Endowment for the Humanities, and a con­ sultant on conservation of library materials and establishment of special museum libraries to Gal­ lier House Museum, the Historic New Orleans Collection, and to Koch and Wilson, Architects. PEOPLE IN THE NEWS J effrey H eynen has been appointed by the Association of Research Libraries to head a two- year program designed to improve bibliographic access to microform collections in American and Canadian libraries. ARL has received $20,000 from the Council on Library Resources to initiate the project, and additional funds are anticipated from other sources this fall. Heynen is currently president of Information Exchange Corporation and has served as chair of the ALA Resources and Technical Services Division’s Reproduction of Li­ brary Materials Section. The ARL Microform Project is based upon a planning study conducted for the association by Richard Boss of Information Systems Consultants, Inc. Its purpose is to stimu­ late and coordinate the work of libraries, mi­ croform publishers, bibliographic utilities, and regional networks in providing bibliographic ac­ cess to millions of monographic titles in mi­ croform which are now inadequately cataloged. David Morse of the University of Southern California’s Norris Medical Library has been re­ elected chair of the Pharmacy and Drug Informa­ tion Section of the Medical Library Association for 1981-82. Paul Wasserman of the University of Maryland College of Library and Information Services, has 367 been appointed chairperson of the Advisory Committee in Librarianship and Information Sci­ ence of the Council for the International Ex­ change of Scholars, effective September 1. The committee administers the Fulbright Scholarship and Lectureship Awards Program for the U.S. State Department. APPOINTMENTS Marianne Sidorski Alcorn has been ap ­ pointed reference librarian at Arizona State Uni­ versity College of Law Library, Tempe. Joan Ariel has been appointed reference li­ brarian at the University of California, Irvine. Mary Margaret Benson has been appointed technical services librarian at Linfield College, McMinnville, Oregon. William Birdsall has been named university librarian at Dalhousie University, Halifax, Nova Scotia. K. Roy Bonin is now assistant director for ad­ ministrative services at the University of Man­ itoba Libraries, Winnipeg. Caroline Brede has been named associate di­ rector of the University of Minnesota Law Li­ brary, Minneapolis. E llen Broidy has been appointed reference li­ brarian at the University of California, Irvine. Barbara Brower has accepted the position of assistant reference librarian at the William S. Carlson Library at the University of Toledo. CORILEE S. CHRISTOU has been appointed ref­ erence librarian in the Frank Sawyer Library, Suffolk University, Boston. Stephen Clancy has been appointed assistant librarian in the Biomedical Library, University of California, Irvine. Kathleen Coffee has been appointed head of technical services at the Axe Library, Pittsburg State University, Kansas. Jim E. Cole has been appointed serials and documents cataloger at Montana State University Library, Bozeman. Deborah K. Contad recently became automa­ tion consultant at Lincoln Trail Libraries System, Champaign, Illinois. Nora Copeland has been appointed assistant catalog librarian for serials at Colorado State Uni­ versity, Fort Collins. Yvonne Damien, fine arts and anthropology bibliographer for Loyola University of Chicago, has assumed additional responsibilities as the nursing bibliographer. Monica V. Dayman has been appointed mono­ graphic cataloger at Montana State University Li­ brary, Bozeman. Leon Divel has been appointed reference li­ brarian at the Axe Library, Pittsburg State Uni­ versity, Kansas. Rosalie D owdey has joined the staff of the Mary Couts Burnett Library at Texas Christian University, Fort Worth, as assistant reference li­ brarian. Kathryn E lder has been appointed film librar­ ian at the York University Libraries, Downsview, Ontario. Douglas E rnest has been appointed assistant reference librarian at Colorado State University, Fort Collins. Joyce F alk has been appointed reference li­ brarian at the University of California, Irvine. David Farrell has been appointed associate dean for collection management and development at the Indiana University Libraries, Bloomington. E lma Fennell is the new assistant circulation librarian at Texas Tech University, Lubbock. Chris F erguson is now associate librarian in the Acquisitions Department at the University of California, Irvine. Janna F erguson has joined the staff of the Mary Couts Burnett Library at Texas Christian University, Fort Worth, as assistant reference li­ brarian. Charles S. Finger has been appointed refer­ ence librarian at Loyola University School of Law Library, New Orleans. Thomas J. Froehlich has been appointed as­ sistant professor in the School of Library and In­ formation Science, University of Pittsburgh. Carole Gambrell is now senior assistant li­ brarian in the Reference Department at the State University of New York at Stony Brook. 368 George R. Gaumond has been named college librarian at Shepherd College, Shepherdstown, West Virginia. J ulia Gelfand has been appointed associate li­ brarian in the Reference Department, University of California, Irvine. James Generoso is now reference librarian at the library of the City College of the City Uni­ versity of New York. Gary Golden is now documents librarian at the University of Illinois Library, Urbana. Carol Gray joined the staff of the Washington University Law Library, St. Louis, as govern­ ment documents librarian. Donna Hanson is the new science librarian at the University of Idaho Library, Moscow. Karen Harwood has been appointed head of technical services at the College of St. Catherine, St. Paul, Minnesota. Susan H ead has been appointed reference li­ brarian at the University of Maryland, College Park. Rodney N. H enshaw has been appointed head of the Interlibrary Loan Section of the Reference Department, Iowa State University, Ames. Beth H olley is the new assistant head of orig­ inal cataloging at D upre Library, University of Southwestern Louisiana, Lafayette. Betty Jenkins has been appointed librarian of the Lehman Library for International Affairs at Columbia University, New York. Anne M. Kern has been appointed cataloger in the Harvard College Library. Bob Kieft is the new head of the Technical Operations Division at Stanford University Li­ brary, California. Katherine Konofasek has been appointed so­ cial sciences re a d e r services librarian at St. Xavier College Library, Chicago. Kenneth Lavender has been named university bibliographer at North Texas State University, Denton. May H. Liu was appointed cataloger in the Harvard College Library. John W. McConnell has been appointed as­ sistant librarian in a new position for both the Acquisitions and Biological & Agricultural Sci­ ences D ep a rtm en ts, U niversity of California, Davis. Joan MacDonald is now librarian for the En­ gineering, Mathematics and Science Library at the University of Waterloo, Ontario. Phyllis Marion has been named assistant di­ rector of the University of Minnesota Law Li­ brary, Minneapolis. Susan Markowitz has been appointed librarian of th e School of Engineering Library, Cornell University, Ithaca, New York. Marjorie L. Mason has been appointed head of public services at Augustana College Library, Rock Island, Illinois. R obert M etcalf is now serials librarian at Vanderbilt University Library, Nashville. D ouglas Metzler has been named assistant professor in the School of Library and Informa­ tion Science, University of Pittsburgh. Rol Morris has been appointed director of the Learning Resource C entre at Keyano College, Fort McMurray, Alberta. Ray Morrison is now bibliographic instruction librarian at the Axe Library, Pittsburg State Uni­ versity, Kansas. Marilyn Nicely has been promoted to techni­ cal services librarian at th e U niversity of Ok­ lahoma Law Center Library, Norman. T homas D. Nisonger has been appointed col­ lection development librarian for the University of Texas at Dallas Library, Richardson. J ulie Blume Nye, formerly director of educa­ tion for the Medical Library Association, Chicago, is now marketing and educational services repre­ sentative for Bibliographic Retrieval Services, Durham, North Carolina. H elen-Grace Piatkowski has been appointed instructor in the Library Instruction Department, Iowa State University Library, Ames. William Pitt has been named associate librar­ ian of the library of the College of Library and Information Services, University of M aryland, College Park. Sherman E. Pyatt is now assistant reference librarian in charge of documents and serials, the Daniel Library, The Citadel, Charleston, South Carolina. Candy Q uinn has been appointed circulation librarian at the Axe Library, Pittsburg State Uni­ versity, Kansas. Maxine Reneker has assumed the position of Science and Engineering Chief at Columbia Uni­ versity Libraries, New York. Anne Reuland is now reference librarian in the Central/Science Library, Vanderbilt Univer­ sity, Nashville. E lizabeth B. Rile has been appointed catalog librarian at Wichita State University, Kansas. Glenda Roberts has been appointed cataloger at the Axe Library, Pittsburg State University, Kansas. P hoebe R uiz-Valera has b e e n a p p o in te d catalog lib ra ria n for th e social sciences and humanities at Rutgers University Libraries, New Brunswick, New Jersey. Peter C. Schank has accepted the position of library director at the University of Kansas Law Library, Lawrence, effective in summer, 1982. E lizabeth Scherer has been appointed acqui­ sitions librarian at the Axe Library, P ittsburg State University, Kansas. Gail A. Schlachter has been named director of the American Bibliographical Center of ABC- Clio, Inc., Santa Barbara, California. Beth J. Shapiro has been promoted to assist­ ant director for readers’ services at the Michigan State University Library, East Lansing. 369 Richard Shellman, science bibliographer for Loyola U niversity of Chicago, has assum ed additional responsibilities as the psychology bib­ liographer. Stan Shepard is now head of the Special Col­ lections and Archives Department at the Univer­ sity of Idaho Library, Moscow. R uth Simmons has joined Rutgers University Libraries, New Brunswick, New Jersey, as senior archivist. Amber Lee Smith has been appointed public services librarian at the University of Oklahoma Law Center Library, Norman. Donna Smith is the new humanities bibliog­ rap h e r at th e Stanford U niversity L ibrary, California. Leleith Smith is now reference librarian at Mercy College Libraries, Dobbs Ferry, New York. Ruth K. Southard has been appointed media coordinator for the Library/Media Center at the University of Texas at Dallas, Richardson. William Starck has been appointed technical services librarian at Donnelley Library, Lake Forest College, Illinois. Robert J. Starring has been named coor­ dinator for social sciences and humanities librar­ ies at the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor. L. Stanislava Swieszkowski has been ap­ pointed creative arts librarian at Montana State University, Bozeman. Nancy Taylor is now reference librarian at Earlham College, Richmond, Indiana. Richard Lee T ubesing has been appointed as­ sistant director for Library Programs at the Uni­ versity of Toledo Libraries. Charles H. T unstall has been appointed instructional/public services librarian at Tusculum College, Greeneville, Tennessee. Nancy Van Zant has been appointed director of development at the National Jewish Hospital and Research Center, Denver. Robert Walter is now government documents librarian at the Axe Library, Pittsburg State Uni­ versity, Kansas. E dward A. Warro has been appointed collec­ tion bibliographer for the Loyola University of Chicago Library. Kathryn W eintraub has b een appointed cataloger at the University of California, Irvine. Mary E mily Whelan has been named director of library services at Brescia College, Owensboro, Kentucky. Guynell Williams has been appointed assist­ ant librarian in reference and public services at Donnelley Library, Lake Forest College, Illinois. H elen E. W illiams is now lecturer at the University of Maryland’s College of Library and Information Services, College Park. L. Yvonne Wulff has been named coordinator 370 for medical and science/technology libraries at the University of Michigan Library, Ann Arbor. Joel F. Wurl has been appointed archivist at the Ward M. Canaday Center for Research and Use of Rare Books and Special Collections at the University of Toledo. RETIREMENTS E mil Basiuk, associate librarian at the Loyola University of Chicago Medical Center Library, retired on June 26 after 18 years of service. Russell Burghardt, head of the Serials Divi­ sion at City College Library, City University of New York, retired in September. Gretta G udgen, circulation librarian at the Axe Library, Pittsburg State University, Kansas, retired on August 31 after 15 years of service. Marie I nez Johnson, former director of the li­ brary at the College of Saint Catherine, St. Paul, Minnesota, has retired after 40 years of library service. Margaret Kenny, chief librarian at the City College Library, City University of New York, retired in July. Leonard Mullis, director of libraries at the Arapahoe Com m unity College, L ittleto n , Colorado, retired in July after 13 years at that in­ stitution. E lisabeth H. Nebehay retired on September 30 from the United Nations Library, New York, after nearly 20 years of service,, first as chief of the Acquisitions Department and the past four years as collection co-ordinator. D oris Ransom, senior descriptive cataloger in English Language Section 1 at the Library of Congress, retired August 28 after nearly 22 years of government service. Sarah Rinehart, catalog librarian at the Uni­ versity of Oklahoma Law Center Library, retired in July after 14 years of service. DEATHS Avrom I. Dickman, head of the Oral History Office in the Department of Special Collections, University of California, Davis, Library, died August 26. Samuel Lazerow, chief of the Serial Record Division at the Library of Congress from 1966 to 1972, died on August 13. 371 P u b lica tio n s sources, 8th edition (107 pages, September 1981), has been issued by CSG Press. It focuses on over 300 of the most popular and useful databases that are commercially available online in the United States. An expanded subject and source index, pricing information, and a complete list of names, addresses, and phone numbers of all database vendors and producers are included. The direc­ tory is available at $18.50 per copy from CSG Press, 11301 Rockville Pike, Kensington, MD 20895. Single orders must be accompanied by payment. • Institutionally Funded Student Financial Aid, by Nathan Dickmeyer, John Wessels, and Sharon L. Coldren (112 pages, 1981), published by the American Council on Education, is a thoughtful overview of the economic issues that determine the distribution of funds for financial aid programs. The monograph may be ordered by writing to the American Council on Education, Publication Sales, Section PR9, One Dupont Cir­ cle, Washington, DC 20036, and enclosing a payment of $15 per book (plus $2 handling for the first book, $1 for each additional book). Pay­ ment must accompany orders from individuals and all orders under $20. • The Library Education Statistical Report, NOTICES • Blueprint fo r Success: A Manual fo r Con­ ventions, Conferences, Seminars and Workshops (70 pages, 1981) has been compiled and edited by John J. Jax for the Wisconsin Library Association. This manual gives in a convenient outline form much of the information an association or library needs to organize a successful conference. Copies are available for $16.45 to WLA members or $21.45 to non-members (pre-payment required) from the Wisconsin Library Association, 1922 University Avenue, Madison, WI 53705. • A Catalogue o f the Cary Collection o f Play­ ing Cards in the Yale University Library, by William B. Keller (4 volumes, 1616 pages, 1981), has been published by Yale University. The play­ ing cards, card sheets, wooden blocks, metal plates, ephemera, and prints acquired by Melbert B. Cary, Jr. (1892-1941) form one of the world’s most distinguished collections. 7,500 illustrations, 8 in color. The set may be purchased for $300, plus $10 for handling, from the Beinecke Rare Book & Manuscript Library, P.O. Box 1603A Yale Station, Yale University, New Haven, CT 06520. Orders from individuals must be prepaid. • The Directory o f Online Information Re­