ACRL News Issue (B) of College & Research Libraries 375 or archival repository and have little or no pre­ vious training in conservation. Contact: Basic Archival Training Program, Society of Ameri­ can Archivists, 330 S. W ells, Chicago, IL 60606; (312) 922-0140. 10— Dewey Decimal Classification: “Dewey 19: What It Is, What Has Changed, How To Make It Work For You,” a workshop presented by John Comaromi, Chief of the Decimal Classi­ fication Division, Library of Congress. The workshop will be held at the School of Library and Information Science, State University of New York at Albany. Fee: $15, including the cost of lunch. Attendance is limited to 40 per­ sons. Contact: DDC Workshop, School of Li­ brary and Information Science, State Univer­ sity of New York at Albany, 135 Western Av­ enue, Albany, NY 12222; (518) 455-6288. January 20- 22—Archives: Conservation workshop spon­ sored by the Society of American Archivists, held in conjunction with the Conference of In­ termountain Archivists, Utah State Historical Society, Salt Lake City. See December 9-11 entry for more information. F eb ru a ry 21- 26—Art Libraries: Conference of the Art Li­ braries Society of North America, Boston. Con­ tact: Pamela J. Parry, ALS/NA, 143 Bowling Green Place, Iowa City, IA 52240; (319) 351- 2078. M arch 2-5— Latin American Materials: The 27th Semi­ nar on the Acquisition of Latin American Li­ brary Materials, Shoreham Hotel, Washington, D.C. Hosted by the Hispanic Division of the Library of Congress, the seminar will be held in conjunction with the 10th national meeting of the Latin American Studies Association. The them e is “ Public Policy Issues and Latin American Library Resources. Contact: Barbara G. Valk, UCLA Latin American Center, Uni­ versity of California, Los Angeles, CA 90024. 24-26—Archives: Conservation workshop spon­ sored by the Society of American Archivists, Archives of Labor and Urban Affairs, Reuther Library, Wayne State U niversity, D etroit, Michigan. See December 9-11 entry for fur­ ther information. 31-April 2—Bibliographic Instruction: Earlham College Library will hold its sixth workshop on BI. Registration, which is $150, will be limited to fifty persons. A major thrust of the workshop is faculty involvement, and to encourage this a grant from the Council on Library Resources will help underwrite the expenses of teaching faculty who accompany librarians. For further information, contact: Evan Farber, Librarian, Earlham College, Richmond, IN 47374. Classified Advertising Deadlines: Orders for regular classified advertisements must reach the ACRL office on or before the second of the month pre­ ceding publication of the issue (e.g., September 2 for the October issue). Late job listings will be accepted on a space-available basis after the second of the month. Rates: Classified advertisements are $4.00 per line for ACRL members, $5.00 for others. Late job notices are $10.00 per line for members, $12.00 per line for others. Organizations submitting ads will be charged according to their membership status. Telephone: All telephone orders should be confirmed by a writ­ ten order mailed to ACRL headquarters as soon as possible. Orders should be accompanied by a typewritten copy of the ad to be used in proofreading. An additional $10 will be charged for ads taken over the phone (except late jo b notices or display ads). Guidelines: For ads which list an application deadline, that date must be no sooner than the last day of the month in which the notice appears (e.g., October 31 for the October issue). All job an­ nouncements must include a salary figure. Job announcements will be edited to exclude discriminatory references. Applicants should be aware that the terms faculty rank and status vary in meaning among institutions. JOBLINE: Call (312) 944 -67 95 for late-breaking jo b ads for academic and research library positions. A prerecorded summary of positions listed with the service is revised weekly; each Friday a new tape includes all ads received by 1:00 p.m. the previous day. Each listing subm itted will be carried on the recording for two weeks. The charge for each two-week listing is $ 30 for ACRL members and $35 for non-members. Fast Job Listing Service: A special newsletter for those actively seeking positions. The service lists job postings received at ACRL headquarters four weeks before they appear in C&RL News, as well as ads which, because of narrow application deadlines, will not ap­ pear in C&RL News. The cost of a six-month subscription is $10 for ACRL members and $15 for non-members. Contact: Classified Advertising Dep’t ACRL •A m e ric a n Library Association, 50 E. Huron St., Chicago, IL 60611; (312) 944-6780. FOR SALE MARV BROADBENT, Box 6, Beltsville, MD 20705. Government Publications. Standing, subscription, single, or search orders. No prepayment. No foreign surcharge. (301) 937-8846. BUSINESS FOR SALE. Over 18,000 collections of original book reviews from 1929-1970. Reviews on File, Box 298, Walton, NY 13856. FOREIGN MICROFORMS. Any foreign microform from anywhere in the world at the foreign list price. Free searching. Monographs and serials. IMDS, 1995 Broadway, NY, NY 10023, (212) 8 7 3 -2 10 0 . POSITION WANTED NAME AUTHORITY WORK. 10 years experience in polyglot search­ ing of romanized names. B.L.S. Toronto '53. Available after April 1982. Will relocate. Irene Stoess, 76 Rue Lecourbe, 75015 Paris, France. POSITIONS OPEN AS SISTA NT DIRECTOR FOR AUTO MATED SYSTEMS/ COORDINATOR OF TECHNICAL SERVICES. The University of Notre Dame Libraries are seeking an Assistant Director for Auto­ mated Services/Coordinator of Technical Services, who will be re­ sponsible to the Director of Libraries for developing, maintaining and evaluating all programs of automation within the University Li­ braries and for coordinating activities relating to the acquisition, processing and bibliographic control of materials in the Libraries. The principal initial responsibility of this individual will be the plan­ ning and implemention of a comprehensive automated library sys­ tem for which generous funding has been obtained. Candidates for this position m ust possess a gradua te degree fro m an ALA- accredited program and have demonstrated a sophisticated under­ 376 standing of library automation, a broad knowledge of technical ser­ vices operations and organization, and at least five years of suc­ cessful and increasingly responsible managerial experience. A crea­ tive approach to problem solving and communication skills are also requisite. M inimum salary, $30,000. Qualified individuals interested in this position are invited to contact Robert C. Miller, Director of Libraries, University of Notre Dame, Notre Dame, IN 46556. ASSOCIATE DIRECTOR. University library in a church-related lib­ eral arts university. Responsibilities include adm in istration and supervision of all activities of the undergraduate library. Qualifica­ tions-. ALA-accredited MLS and a m inimum of three years' experi­ ence in an academic library. Must have supervisory and adminis­ trative ability, proven effectiveness in problem solving, and demon­ strated skill in interpersonal relations. Desirable: Experience in li­ brary instruction or teaching, and knowledge of automated library systems. Twelve month appointment, fringe benefits, faculty status. Salary range $15,000-$17,000. Position will be available after Jan­ uary 1, 1982. Send resume, placement file (including transcripts), and three letters of recommendation by December 1 to: John L. Sayre, Director of University Libraries, Phillips University, Box 2218, University Station, Enid, Oklahoma 73702. An affirmative-action/ equal-opportunity employer. CATALOG INFORMATION LIBRARIAN. Duties: helping students use catalog and OCLC terminal (one-third time). Original Cataloging (two-thirds time). Master’s degree from accredited library school required. Cataloging experience highly desirable. Salary: $15,000 or more depending on qualifications. Temporary appointment as in­ structor or assistant professor with annual reappointment up to three years. Send letter and vita to Joe W. Kraus, Director of Librar­ ies, Illinois State University, Normal, IL 61761, by November 30, 1981. An equal-opportunity/affirmative-action employer. CATALOGER. The Balch Institute of Ethnic Studies. In charge of cataloging of the Institute’s printed and manuscript holdings. Duties include occasional reference work on a rotating basis with other li­ brary staff. Qualifications: MLS from an ALA-accredited school, one to two years' cataloging experience, and familiarity with OCLC and LC classification and subject headings. Background in history or re­ lated field and foreign language abilities desirable. Minimum salary: $14,000, plus benefits. Application deadline: November 30, 1981. Send letter of application, resume, and names and addresses of three references to: M. Mark Stolarik, Executive Director, The Balch Institute for Ethnic Studies, 18 South 7th Street, Philadelphia, PA 19106. CATALOGER AND HEAD CATALOG MAINTENANCE UNIT. (2 pos­ itions). 1) Cataloged does original cataloging and classification of library materials, including serial publications. Edits more difficult copy for input to on-line cataloging system. 2) Head Catalog Main­ tenance Unit: has responsibility for maintenance and correction of computer data bases, card catalogs, and shelflist, and for the phys­ ical processing and binding of library materials. Supervises 10 to 13 paraprofessional and support staff. Department catalogs a total of 25,000 titles annually. All Technical Services librarians partici­ pate in departmental planning, including automation and the transi­ tion to an on-line catalog. Library faculty at SUNYA are expected to fulfill faculty obligations in the areas of contributions to the ad­ vancement of the profession and university service as well as specific library assignments. Qualifications: persons meeting the fol­ lowing requirements will be considered for both positions. MLS from an ALA accredited library school. Two years post-MLS experi­ ence in on-line cataloging, and facility with at least one modern European language are highly desirable. Knowledge of French especially desirable. Candidates with a w orking knowledge of additional languages and experience in a medium or large research library are preferred. Salary and rank: commensurate with educa­ tion and experience. Salary from $15,000, depending on qualifica­ tions. Contact: Jean Whalen, Personnel Librarian, University Library, R ∞ m 139, State University of New York at Albany, 1400 Washing­ ton Ave., Albany, NY 12222. Inquiries should be received by No­ vem ber 3 0 , 1981. SUNY at Albany is an equ al-e m p lo ym e n t opportun¡ty/aff¡rmative-act¡on employer. Applications from women, minorities and handicapped are especially welcome. COLLECTION BIBLIOGRAPHER. Experienced librarian to super­ vise circulation, photocopying, collection accessibility, and interli­ brary loan. Under the supervision of the Coordinator of Biblio­ graphic Services, also participates in general reference, manual and computerized bibliographic services, and user education. Qual­ ifications: Academic background in life sciences, ALA-accredited MLS, MLA certification. Professional health science library experi­ ence including knowledge of OCLC and interlibrary loan as well as training and demonstrated experience in database searching. Sal­ ary up to $16,000 depending on qualifications and experience. Send letter of application, resume, and names of 3 references to: James C. Cox, Chief Librarian, Loyola University Medical Center Li­ brary, 2160 South First Avenue, Maywood, IL 60153. An equal- opportunity/affirmative-action employer. COLLEGE LIBRARIAN, HEAD. Selective, coeducational, liberal arts college, rural setting. 2,000 students, 175 faculty, 520,000 vol­ umes, $ 8 6 0 ,0 0 0 expenditures in 1980/81. We seek a strong academic background, MLS, experience in reader’s and technical services as well as administration. Record of professional participa­ tion and publication desired. Faculty status, salary competitive from $29,000. Appointment effective July 1, 1982. Apply to: Andrevy Grider, Chair, Librarian Search Committee, Box 607, Williams Col­ lege, Williamstown, MA 01267. Application deadline December 15, 1981. An affirmative-action/equal-opportunity employer. DIRECTOR OF LIBRARY SERVICES. Stockton State College. Stockton's library is known for innovative excellence in automation, collection management, library in struction and public services. Stockton has an extensive non-print collection and is a depository for Federal, State and County documents. The library supports orig­ inal and local cooperation. The Director is responsible for library operations including long and short term planning, policies, fiscal management, staff recruitment and supervision; maintaining, de­ veloping and implementing new programs and services. The Direc­ tor reports to the Vice President for Academic Affairs. Minimum desirable qualifications include a master's degree from an accred­ ited libràry school; five years' successful management experience; knowledge or experience in both public and technical services; understanding of media and media-related equipment; understand­ ing of library automation is particularly desirable; must have excel­ lent communications and interpersonal relations skills and willing­ ness to work with other libraries in cooperative endeavors. Salary approximately $31,200 (12 months) plus state mandated benefits. Send resume and three letters of reference to Philip Nanzetta, Vice President for Academic Affairs, Stockton State College, Pomona, New Jersey 08240. Screening begins November 30. Women and minorities are encouraged to apply. Stockton State College is an affirmative-action/equal-opportunity employer. HEAD LIB R A R IA N . State H isto rica l Society of W isconsin. A d m in istrator/Library-2 m ajor collections: U.S./Canada. Advise Director/Associate Director on library policy. Develops resource re­ quirements. Plan, draft, administrate library budgets. Develops/ implements innovative library techniques. Strengthen library collec­ tions. Qualifications: strong history of library management back­ ground. Preferred: Ph.D. in American history with master's in li­ brary science. Dedication to broad public service concepts. Director appointed. $26,912 to $40,701. Fringe benefits. Letter/resume to Richard A. Erney, Director, State Historical Society of Wisconsin, 816 State Street, Madison, Wl 53706 by December 15, 1981. HEAD, RARE BOOKS AND SPECIAL COLLECTIONS. Administers, develops, and promotes the Special Collections, which features the Cordell Collection of Dictionaries (nearly 10,000 volumes represent­ ing the entire history of western lexicography) and the Eugene V. Debs Collection (manuscripts, pamphlets, and b ∞ ks). Required: ALA-accredited MLS and advanced degree in the humanities or so­ cial sciences, demonstrated leadership ability with strong emphasis on interpersonal skills, creativity, demonstrated writing and speak­ ing ability. Desirable: Ph.D.; 2 years experience in rare books or a related field; proficiency in 2 languages, preferably one classical and one modern; and knowledge of analytical and descriptive bibli­ ography and lexicography. Salary: minimum, $20,000, negotiable depending on qualifications and experience. Twelve month ap­ pointm ent, faculty status, attractive fringe benefits. An equal- opportunity/affirmative-action employer. Send letter of application, resume, names, addresses, and telephone numbers of 3 current references to Ron G. Martin, Chairperson, Search Committee, In­ diana State University Library, Terre Haute, IN 47809. Application must be postmarked on or before December 4, 1981, to ensure consideration. INFORMATION SPECIALIST. Corporate Technical Library, The Up­ john Company. Provides a variety of scientific information services to world-wide management, marketing & technical staff on demand or as a continuing service: fact-finding and general reference ser­ vices, retrospective literature searching, current literature alerting (internal and vendor-supplied data bases) and other specialized services. Keeps informed of current Upjohn research activity; an­ ticipates user information needs, plans and implements services designed to meet them; helps increase visibility of the Corporate Technical Library and utilization of its information services; partici­ pates in user education programs and acts as liaison to specific user groups; keeps informed of developments in library systems, in­ formation science, new information resources and techniques for their utilization. The Corporate Technical Library has a staff of 30 and a collection containing 20,000 books, 30,000 bound journals and 1,300 current periodical subscriptions. The Upjohn Company is located in Kalamazoo, a medium-sized southwestern Michigan university city with excellent cultural/recreational opportunities. Qualifications: Library Information Specialist II— BS/BA in science plus MA/MS in library/information science or MS in science plus one year information-related experience (biochemical/biomed¡cal environment); Sr. Library Information Specialist III— Same as above plus 3 - 4 year's in fo rm a tio n -re la te d expe rie n ce , 2 - 3 in a b¡ochemical/b¡omed¡cal environment. Both levels require: training and experience in searching scientific bibliographic and non- bibliographic databases; skill in providing general reference and in­ formation services including ability to utilize medical, biological and 377 chemical reference tools effectively. Prefer biology or chemistry de­ gree. Salary: $21,093 to $31,640 or $24,231 to $36,346 depend­ ing on level at which position is filled. Excellent benefits. An EEO/AA em ployer. Apply to Ronald E. Thom pson, The Upjohn Company, 7171 Portage Road, Kalamazoo, Ml 49001. LIBRARIAN, Clarke Historical Library, to catalog, maintain and interpret collections of books, pamphlets, manuscripts and histori­ cal materials, prim arily relating to Michigan and the Great Lakes area (reposting). Responsible for supervision of reading room. ALA-accredited MLS and relevant second master's required. Famil­ iarity with current cataloging codes, developm ents in m achine readable cataloging and perjinent cataloging experience desirable. Expected to engage in research leading to publication in areas ap­ propriate to the collection. Twelve month tenure track appointm ent w ith fu ll fa c u lty privile g e s. Target le vel in s tru c to r ( $ 1 6 ,5 0 0 m inum um ) or assistant professor ($18,900 m inimum); salary and rank set according to academic credentials. Send resume and the names of three references to: Barton M. Lessin, Selection Commit­ tee, 206 Park Library, Central Michigan University, Mt. Pleasant, Ml 4 8 8 5 9 by November 30, 1981. CMU is an affirm ative-action / equal-opportunity institution. LIBRARY EDUCATION. Assistant or associate professor (tenure- track) for August 1982. Teaching area: Information Science. PH.D. in Library Science or related field completed or nearing completion. Understanding of applications of automation to libraries required. At least two years of work experience at the professional level and some teaching experience preferred. Consideration given to poten­ tial for research and publication. Teaching load: two courses each semester. Additional responsibilities: student advising, committee work, supervision of field experience. M inimum salary: $21,000. Summer school teaching optional at 1/6 academ ic year salary. TIAA, Blue Cross-Blue Shield. Letter of application, resume, and three letters of reference by February 12, 1982, to: Mary Kings­ bury, School of Library Science, Manning Hall 026-A, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, N.C. 27514. An equal-opportunity/ affirmative-action employer. MANAGEMENT REFERENCE LIBRARIAN. Specializes in a full range of information in reference services for students and faculty of Northwestern University's Kellogg Graduate School of Manage­ ment and participates in general reference programs. Assists in p la n n in g and d e v e lo p m e n t of th e M anage m ent Services d e ­ partmental programs, and participates in other activities of the de­ partment staffed by 3 librarians and a library assistant. The J. L. Kellogg Graduate School of Management is ranked among the top 5 schools of its kind in the country. The faculty numbers approxi­ mately 100 and current student enrollm ent is nearly 1,400. Qual­ ifica tio n s: MLS fro m an a c c re d ite d lib ra ry school re q u ire d . Academic background in economics or other business related dis­ cipline and advanced degree preferred. Business reference or other relevant experience and training in computerized literature search­ ing desired. Excellent communication skills and ability to work ef­ fectively with students, faculty and colleagues. Starting salary range: $15,000- $ 1 9 ,000 (depending upon qualifications). Open: January 1, 1982. Send letter of application and resume and have library school credentials including transcripts forwarded to: Lance Query, Personnel Librarian, Northwestern University Library, Evanston, IL 60201. Applications received by December 31, 1981, will be con­ sid e re d . N o rth w e ste rn U n ive rsity is an e q u a l-o p p o rtu n ity / affirmative-action employer. REFERENCE/INSTRUCTION. Library/Learning Center of the Uni­ versity of Wisconsin-Parkside seeks a reference/instruct¡on librarian. The successful candidate will provide bibliographic, research and information assistance to users. Participate in the BI program on basic and advanced levels, including advanced course-related in­ struction. Participate in the collection development program, serv­ ing as library liaison with designated faculty; and participate in a variety of library outreach programs (e.g., faculty profiles). Qualifica­ tions include: a graduate library degree from an ALA-accredited school; experience with bibliographic instruction; a demonstrated ability to work with colleagues, faculty and students; demonstrated communication skills, both oral and written, 1-3 years' professional experience required. Salary: m inimum $13,500. Deadline: Decem­ ber 1, 1981. Appointment: March 1, 1982, or as soon as possible thereafter. University of Wisconsin-Parkside is an equal-opportunity employer functioning under an affirmative-action plan. Send appli­ cation, including current resume, transcript or placement file and 3 letters of reference to Judith Pryor, Chair, Search and Screen Committee, University of Wisconsin-Parkside, Box Number 2000, Kenosha, Wl 53141. REFERENCE LIBRARIAN, BIOLOGY AND PSYCHOLOGY. Primary responsibility for developing, coordinating, and promoting reference and instructional services, including orientation programs, instruc­ tion in library utilization on both a group and individual basis, de­ sign of pub lica tions, deve lopm ent and im plem e nta tion of an audio-visual program, and the provision of user access to online data bases. The incumbent provides support in improving the level of reference assistance in the Science and Engineering Division and will be responsible for the promotion of data base searching and online reference service in the Biology and Psychology Librar­ ies. The position will also be responsible for training new staff in the use of the RLIN data base. Additional duties involve the m ain­ tenance and development of the reference collections and assisting in general collection development. The incumbent will participate in both Science Division and system-wide activities and be responsi­ ble for the operation of the Psychology and Biology Libraries in the absence of the Librarian. Some evening and weekend hours are required. In addition to an accredited MLS, the position requires previous relevant reference and data base experience and training, the ability to communicate and work effectively with faculty and students, a knowledge of scientific communication, and an innova­ tive approach to the developm ent and promotion of com puter- based operations and services. Preference will be given to appli­ cants with a relevant subject background. Salary ranges: Librarian I: $15,200-$18,250; Librarian II: $17,200-$20,650. Submit resume, listing salary reuirements and 3 references, to: Box 35, Butler Li­ brary, Columbia University, 535 West 114th Street, New York, NY 10027. D eadline for a p p lica tio n s is Novem ber 30, 1981. An equal-opportunity/affirmative-action employer. RESERVE/INSTRUCTIONAL SERVICES LIBRARIAN. Open: Janu­ ary 6, 1982. Reports to the Director of the Library/Learning Re­ sources Center. Responsibilities: Formulating policy and procedures and, with the aid of student assistants, managing effectively the re­ serve collection requested by the general teaching faculty; reporting monthly studies of reserve use to the director; assisting in providing formal/informal library orientation to Freshmen and new students; sharing with the Chief of Readers' Services/Reference Librarian the responsibility for bibliographic instruction to classes upon request; serving as liaison to faculty in matters of library-departmental coop­ eration in the promotion of student use of the library/learning re­ sources center; and professionally assisting paraprofessionals and students assigned to Readers’ Service activities. Evening and weekend hours are required. Qualifications: MLS from an ALA- accredited school of library service/science and inform ation sci­ ence, preferably with experience in duties of reserve and/or circula­ tion control. Commitment to academic goals and administrative policies/practices is crucial. Salary: the salary for this position is $13,477 for 12 months. Leaves: vacation— 12 week days per 12- months service, personal— 16 week days per 12-months service. Fringe benefits, including group hospitalization insurance, w ork­ man’s compensation, social security contributions, retirement, etc. are available. Application should include letter of application, re­ sume, official transcripts from granting institutions, and three letters of recommendation from supervisors on or before November 30, 1981. Apply to: Gladys M. Greene, Director, The Carl S. Swisher Library/Learning Resources Center, Bethune-Cookman College, Daytona Beach, Florida 32015. SENIOR ASSISTANT FOR REFERENCE SERVICES. Responsible for assisting with reference desk coverage, including some evenings and weekends, and with general and course-related library instruc­ tion. May be assigned responsibilities for searches on some com ­ puterized data bases. MLS from ALA-accredited program, and at least three years' professional experience required. Prefer under­ graduate major in a natural or physical science, experience with DIALOG or ORBIT systems, or experience with library instruction program. Tenure track, twelve month position. Salary: $ 1 4 ,0 0 0 - $17,000 depending on experience. New York State fringe benefits; TIAA/CREF option available. Application deadline December 1st. Position available immediately. Send resume and names of three references to John P. Saulitis, Director of Library Services, Reed Li­ brary, State U n iv e rs ity College, F redonia, N.Y. 140 63. An affirmative-action/equal-opportunity employer. TECHNICAL SERVICES HEAD. Skillman Library, Lafayette College, seeks to fill a newly described position with responsibility to be phased in for planning, implementing, and coordinating of techni­ cal services operations, to include acquisitions, serials, cataloging, and processing, with a staff of 3 professionals and 8 clericals. Ini­ tial primary responsibility is in acquisitions. The person who holds this position will also serve as library liaison to several academic departments and participate in general library planning. The posi­ tion requires an ALA-accredited MLS, in cluding fam iliarity with OCLC, LC, Dewey, and AACR2. Five years of experience in an academic or related field, including supervisory responsibility, and ability to communicate and work with the academic community are necessary. T his is a fa c u lty p o s itio n , n o n -te n u ra b le , w ith a m inimum salary of $22,000 and generous fringe benefits. Please send resume and names of three current references to Library Search Committee, Skillman Library, Lafayette College, Easton, PA 18042. An equal-opportunity employer M/F. TECHNICAL SERVICES LIBRARIAN. Corporate Technical Library, The Upjohn Company. Reports to the Head, Technical Document Services and has responsibility for library book and journal acquisi­ tions in biomedical, pharmaceutical and chemical areas, plus book and journal purchasing services for 14 satellite collections and numerous organizational units utilizing centralized library purchas­ ing services. Depending on background and interest of qualified applicant, additional responsibilities will also be assumed for at least one of the following: Serials Control (including serials catalog­ 378 ing, bindery, serials records, Upjohn holdings and union list de­ velopment); Cataloging (including original cataloging for approxi­ mately 5% of total annual acquisitions, serials cataloging, review of catalog policies and procedure); Collection Development (including user and departmental collection liaison, book and journal collec­ tion weeding and retention policies, microfilm conversion). The de­ partment also includes 6 clerical staff. Environment: The Corporate Technical Library has a staff of 31 and a collection containing 20,000 books, 30,000 bound journals and 1300 current periodical subscriptions. The Upjohn Company is located in Kalamazoo, a medium size southwestern Michigan university city with excellent cultural/recreational opportunities. Qualifications; Sr. Library Infor­ m ation Specialist— BS/BA in science plus MA/MS in Library/ Information Science (or equivalent of MS in science plus one year inform ation-related experience); plus 3 to 4 years’ inform ation- related experience including 2 or 3 years in one or more of the fol­ lowing technical service areas: serials cataloging, b ∞ k cataloging (preferably OCLC), acquisitions and collection developm ent for biomedical, pharmaceutical or chemical collections. Supervisory experience preferred. Experience with computer applications to li­ brary operations also useful. Salary: $24,800 to $37,200, depend­ ing on experience. Excellent benefits. EEO/AA employer. Apply to Ron Thom pson, The U p john Company, 717 1 Portage Road Kalamazoo, Ml 49001. LATE JOB LISTINGS SOCIAL SCIENCE REFERENCE LIBRARIAN AND BIBLIOGRAPHER. Stanford University Libraries. Responsible for traditional and computer assisted reference ser­ vice, bibliographic instruction and collection development for major research collections and the social sciences. MLS or equivalent and academic back­ ground in the social or behavioral sciences: anthropology, sociology, linguistics, psychology, economics or communications. Minimum of two years in reference and/or collections development in a large university library is required. Salary $19,800-$29,000. Apply by November 30, 1981, to Carolyn Henderson, Library Personnel Officer, Stanford University Libraries, Stanford, CA 94305. EOE. LIFE SCIENCES LIBRARIAN. Science-Engineering Library. Responsible for collection development in the life sciences, excluding medicine; serves as online searching and develops bibliographic instruction; oversees science­ engineering interlibrary loan, reserve and inventory operations; participates in developing library research proposals. MLS from an ALA-accredited library school is required. An advanced degree in the life sciences is highly desir­ able. Position is currently open. An appointment will be made in the range of $15,000-$17,500, depending on qualifications. Send application including names of references to Lance Query, Personnel Librarian, Northwestern Univer­ sity Library, Evanston, IL 60201. Applications received by December 31 will be considered. An equal-opportunity/affirmative-action employer. LIBRARY CONSERVATOR. Position is responsible for conservation techniques in preserving library materials; administrating Preservation Department, and chairing the Library Preservation Committee. Requirements include 3 years of library preservation experience, a degree or equivalent in chemistry and knowledge of microscopy. Minimum salary $18,000+, depending on qualifications and experience. Excellent environment and benefit considerations. Qualified applicants should send a resume to Blair Condie, Adminstrative Interviewer, C-40 ASB, Brigham Young University, Provo, Utah 84602. REFERENCE LIBRARIAN. For dynamic program of humanities/social sciences refer­ ence service in an outstanding college library. Qualifications: MLS, strong academic credentials, proven commitment. Previous experience in library in­ struction, database searching, and government documents preferred, as well as additional degree in a social science field. Salary: $15,000 minimum. Available: February, 1982. Apply by January 5, 1982. Send application, resume, and supporting credentials, including three letters of reference, to: Reference Search Committee, Oberlin College Library, Oberlin, OH 44074. AA/EOE. LIBRARIAN. For automated systems planning and development. Staff position, to evaluate needs, recommend systems and implement new technology, e.g. circulation, serials, acquisitions. The Library has OCLC and access to the campus computer. Qualifications: library degree from an accredited library 379 program, some formal training in computer applications, experience in adapting new technology to small or medium sized library's needs. Duties include general reference, knowledge of the social sciences is desirable. Salary depends on qualifications, (in upper teens). Faculty benefits. A new posi­ tion. Resume and references are to be sent to Theresa Taborsky, Director, Wolfgram Memorial Library, Widener University, Chester, PA 19013. EEO/AA employer. ASSISTANT LIBRARIAN, BUSINESS LIBRARY, Indiana University Libraries, Bloom­ ington, Indiana. Responsible for providing reference service to faculty and students in the School of Business as well as the opportunity of serving faculty and students of the School of Public and Environmental Affairs in the new combined facility due to open in 1982. Maintenance of comprehensive bus­ iness reference collection, developing computer-assisted reference services and media and programs for library instruction. Qualifications include MLS from ALA-accredited library school, bachelor's or master's degree in business or at least 3 years of reference experience in a business library; knowledge of business reference sources and an ability to provide computer-assisted ref­ erence services; ability to meet the responsibilities and requirements of a tenure-track appointment. Salary: $14,000 and up, depending on qualifica­ tions. Apply to: Anne Rimmer, Personnel Librarian, Indiana University Libraries, Bloomington, IN 47405; (812) 337-5988. Deadline: December 1, 1981. EEO/AAE. BIOLOGY LIBRARIAN. Stanford University Libraries. As Head Librarian and Bibliographer, the candidate is responsible for directing the program of service and collection development. Defines goals, sets policies, manages and evaluates the research collections in Biology. Organizes and allocates resources. Analyzes library activities, prepares reports and other documen­ tation. Provides graduate and research reference service. MLS from ALA- accredited library school or the equivalent in training or experience required. BS or equivalent in one of the biological sciences required. Supervisory experience and 3-5 years public-service experience required. Experience with automated databases and library instruction will weigh heavily in favor of the candidate. Good oral and written communication skills required. Beginning salary range: Associate Librarian: $19,800-$24,600; Librarian: $22,500-$29,000. Please cite #228 on all correspondence. Apply to Carolyn J. Henderson, Library Personnel Officer, Stanford University Libraries, Stanford, CA 94305 by December 15, 1981. EOE. Reviewers Praise EA R e fe r e n c e a n d S u b s c r ip tio n Books R eview s: "Indispensable. … As a result of the work’ s current and extensive coverage and the con­ tinuing high demand for the type of data found In the Encyclopedia o f As­ sociations, It remains one of the most useful and essential titles In any li­ brary’s reference collection." (Book­ list, April 1, 1979) American Reference Books An­ nual 1981: “ This Is the only com­ prehensive source of detailed Informa­ tion concerning American national, nonprofit membership organizations. … This well-known reference set Is heavily used In almost all libraries.” 1982 edition just published! Encyclopedia fo Associations l6th Edition Over 90% of the entries In the 16th edition have been revised to reflect new addresses, phone numbers, executive names, or other Important Items of information. 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V ol. 3 • N e w Associations and Projects An inter-edition, cumulatively indexed supplement that re­ ports on new groups concerned with the latest problems and ideas. ISBN 0-8103-0130-X. Subscription, $135.00. EA is available on Standing Order. (5% discount f o r Standing Orders.) All Gale books are sent on 90-day approval. Customers outside the U.S. a n d Canada add 10%.