ACRL News Issue (B) of College & Research Libraries C&RL News ■ A p ril 1 9 9 8 / 2 6 9 Are you qualified to serve on the accreditation team? Survey results of six accrediting agencies by W illia m N. Nelson I n acco rd with the ACRL Strategic Plan, the ACRL Standards and A ccreditation Com m ittee has begu n to p lace equal f cus on accred itatio n issues, as well as on the p ro fe ssio n ’s standards and guid elines. W hat follow s is o n e product o f this e f­ fo r t.1 D uring D e c e m b e r 1997 and Ja n u a ry 199S, the six regional accred itin g a g e n ­ cies w ere surveyed to determ ine the p ro ­ cess em ployed for acad em ic librarians to b e co m e p eer evaluators on regional a c ­ crediting teams. Five questions w ere asked o f each agen cy. Initial co n tact was by e- mail with a follow -u p te le p h o n e call, as necessary. The e x p e cte d result was for the com m ittee to co m p ile and dissem inate the inform ation so that person s with a p p ro ­ priate q u alification s may apply to b e co m e p eer evaluators. W ho are lib ra ria n e v a lu a to rs? Five o f the six regional accred itin g a g e n ­ cies alw ays, or alm ost alw ays, include a librarian as a m em ber o f every p eer ev alu ­ ation team . In rare cases, a librarian can qualify as a team m em ber for the other regional accred itin g agency. T he ap p lication p rocess for b eco m in g a librarian ev alu ato r varies greatly, but m ost frequ ently the region al accred itin g o ­ a g en cy re ce iv e s re co m m e n d a tio n s from librarians or institutional adm inistrators. In som e instan ces a formal recom m end ation by the institutional president or c h ie f a c a ­ dem ic o fficer is required for consideration. Most o f the agen cies w elcom e nom inations o f ex p e rie n ce d , w ell-qu alified librarians. S electio n to the evaluation team for a s p e ­ cific institu tion g en erally d ep en d s on a num ber o f factors; typically the b est-q u a li­ fied p erson for that particular assignm ent is se le cte d from a d atabase o f potential librarian evaluators. S p e cific q u a lifica tio n s for an a ca d em ic lib rary p e e r e v a lu a to r vary am o n g the re g io n a l a c c re d itin g a g e n c ie s . M ost re ­ q u ire an MLS and e x te n s iv e and a p p r o ­ p riate k n o w le d g e and e x p e r ie n c e in li­ b ra rie s . T h e trend is d e fin ite ly tow ard s e le c t io n o f in d iv id u a ls w ith m u ltip le sk ills and th e ab ility to view th e in s titu ­ tio n as a w h o le . A librarian evalu ator is frequently e x ­ pected to have b road -b ased k n ow led g e in inform ation te ch n o lo g y and inform ation literacy. T he grow ing em phasis by the re­ gional accrediting ag en cies on institutional e ffe c tiv e n e s s and stu d en t lea rn in g o u t­ co m es is b eg in n in g to affect the selectio n o f acad em ic librarians for the p eer ev alu ­ ation team s. About the author William N. Nelson is library director at Augusta State University in Georgia; e-mail: wnelson@ 2 7 0 / C&RL News ■ A pril 1998 Su rv e y resu lts (A lp h a b e tica lly, by a ge n cy) M id d le S ta te s A s s o c ia tio n o f C o lle g e s an d S ch o o ls, C o m m is sio n on H ig h e r E d u ca tio n Area: D elaware, District of Columbia, Maryland, New J ersey, New Y ork, Pennsylvania, Puerto Rico, and the U.S. Virgin Islands 1. Is a li b r a r i a n a m e m b e r o f ev ery p e e r enced as professional librarians. They may e v a lu a t io n ( a c c r e d it in g ) team ? be currently holding such a p osition, or Yes. in anoth er faculty or adm inistrative p o si­ tion, or retired.2. C an a lib r a r ia n q u a lify a s a te a m m e m ­ ber? 5. A re t h e r e q u a lific a t io n s th a t y o u e s p e ­ Yes. c ia lly s e e k in a te a m m em b er? Most team members com e from colleges 3 . W bat is th e p r o c e s s f o r app ly in g ? or universities in the Middle States region, A qualified librarian may submit a letter which are similar to the institution being o f interest and a full curriculum vitae to visited, but som e may be from other re­the executive director o f the commission. gions. First-time evaluators are invited to The applicant must be endorsed by the attend a special workshop to prepare them president or ch ief academ ic officer o f his for their visit. or her institution. Most o ften , librarian evaluators are nominated by the president A dditional inform ation or ch ief academ ic officer. Commission staff 1. Web site URL: http://www.msache. assem ble teams in light o f the current situ­ org/. ation at each institution being reviewed, 2. For further information on evaluation teams, one may order a copy of the H a n d ­draw ing p o te n tia l ev a lu a to rs from the b o o k f o r E valu ation Teams, available through com m ission’s database, and ensure that the the order form on the Web site at http:// team members are acceptable to the insti­ 3. There is the possibility of gaining expe­ 4. W bat q u a lific a t io n s a r e r e q u ir ed ? rience in accreditation by serving as an “Evalu­ Evaluators designated with the respon­ ation Team Associate.” Further information on sibility for evaluating the library are indi­ this program is available on the Web site at viduals who are both trained and experi­ N ew E n g la n d A s s o c ia tio n o f S c h o o ls an d C o lle g e s, C o m m is sio n on In s titu tio n s o f H ig h e r E d u ca tio n Area: Connecticut, Maine, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Rhode Island, and Vermont 1. Is a lib r a r ia n a m e m b e r o f ev ery p e e r In addition to the usual qualifications o f e v a lu a t io n ( a c c r e d it in g ) team ? librarianship, the commission looks for those Yes, in general; som etimes an informa­ who can view an institution as a w hole, tion technology person is used instead. and can work as a m em ber o f a team under 2. C a n a lib r a r ia n q u a lify a s a te a m m e m ­ conditions o f haste, as well as those who ber? understand that it is the com m ission’s stan­ Yes dards, not those o f another agency, that are being applied.3 . W bat is th e p r o c e s s f o r apply in g ? The invitation to librarians com es from A dditional inform ation the commission staff— usually the person 1. Web site URL: has been recommended by a librarian who neasc/cihe.htm. knows the com m ission’s work or by an­ 2. The commission’s S tan dards f o r A ccred i­ other administrator who knows both the ta tio n are online at com m ission’s work and the candidate. neasc/stancihe.htm. 4. W bat q u a lific a t io n s a r e r e q u ir e d ? 3. The accreditation process is described 5. A re th e r e q u a lific a t io n s th a t y o u e s p e ­ on the Web site at c ia lly s e e k in a te a m m em b er? ciheacc.htm. http://www.msache C&RL News ■ A p ril 1 9 9 8 / 2 7 1 N o rth C e n tra l A s s o c ia tio n o f C o lle g e s a n d S c h o o ls, C o m m is s io n on In s titu tio n s o f H ig h e r E d u c a tio n Area: Arizona, Arkansas, Colorado, Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Michigan, Minnesota, Missouri, Nebraska, New Mexico, North Dakota, OHIO, Oklahoma, South Dakota, West Virglnia, Wisconsin, and Wyoming 1. Is a l i b r a r i a n a m e m b e r o f ev ery p e e r If the applicant can show some significant e v a lu a t io n ( a c c r e d it in g ) team ? related experiences, that will be highly val­ No. The com m ission uses rather small ued, too (e.g., working in special relation­ teams, but will put a librarian on by re­ ships with faculty in applying technology or quest. The commission uses librarians when developing curricula, noted for pioneering certain issues bring forward the matter o f work in developing learning resource sup­ learning resources support (e.g ., distance port for distance education programs, etc.). education, off campus education, etc.). 5. A re t h e r e q u a l i f i c a t i o n s th a t y o u e s p e ­ 2. Can a librarian qualify a s a team m em ber? c ia lly s e e k in a t e a m m em b er? Yes. The com m ission tries to identify people 3 . W hat is th e p r o c e s s f o r ap p ly in g ? cap ab le o f being “gen eralists”— not only Contact the organization for a form to experts in a specific professional field, but com plete, or you can recom m end people capable o f evaluating other aspects o f an and the com m ission will send application institution o f higher education as well. forms to them. Plans are underway for a Web site form. A d d itio n al inform ation 1. Web site URL: W hat q u a lific a t io n s a r e r e q u ir e d ? 2. Expectations of a consultant-evaluator The commission tends to seek multiple are fo u n d on th e W eb s ite at http:// skills in site visitors. Therefore a librarian with academic credentials and/or experience will 3. An e-mail form is found on the Web site be highly valued. This is less important as for queries about the commission; a consult­ the commission identifies visitors for major ant-evaluator form can be requested here at universities— the teams grow as the size of the institution to be visited grows. Obviously 4. Commission publications may also be the commission seeks som eone with appro­ o rd e re d from th e s ite at http://www. priate professional credentials for a librarian. . N o rth w e st A s s o c ia tio n o f S c h o o ls an d C o lle g e s , C o m m is s io n on C o lle g e s Area: Alaska, Idaho, Montana, Nevada, O regon, Utah, and W ashington 1 . Is a lib r a r ia n a m e m b e r o f every p e e r e v a lu ­ dates for peer evaluator and will accep t a tio n (a c c r e d itin g ) team ? recom m endations from colleagues. Yes. Most frequently it is a librarian, but 4. W hat q u a l i f i c a t i o n s a r e r e q u ir ed ? can be som eone else with expertise in library There is not a set list o f qualifications, and information technology resources. rather the commission seeks persons with 2. C an a lib r a r ia n q u a lify a s a tea m m e m ­ extensive and appropriate knowledge and ber? experience in libraries. Yes. 5. A re th ere q u a lific a tio n s th at y o u esp ecially 3. W hat is the p r o c e s s f o r applying? s e e k in a tea m m em ber? The commission regularly seeks new po­ For librarian evaluators, the commission tential evaluators through mailings to mem­ seeks persons with a broad-based knowledge ber institutions. Interested persons are encour­ in information technology. The best candi­ aged to reply to these solicitations. Potential date is one who has knowledge o f the needs evaluators are entered into a databank, which o f the students relative to information tech­ is used to make assignments for upcoming nology and also o f what tools or strategies peer evaluation teams. In making assign­ an institution needs to support these needs. ments, the commission endeavors to closely match the evaluators with a size and type of A d d itio n al inform ation institution most like their own. The commis­ The commission plans to develop a Web sion is always looking for good library candi­ site in 1998. 272 I C&RL News ■ April 1998 S o u th e rn A s s o c ia tio n o f C o lle g e s an d S ch o o ls, C o m m is s io n on C o lle g e s Area: Alabama, Florida, G eorgia, Kentucky, Louisiana, Mississippi, North Carolina, South Carolina, T ennessee, T exas, and Virginia 1. Is a l i b r a r i a n a m e m b e r o f e v er y p e e r 5. A re t h e r e q u a l i f i c a t i o n s th at y o u e s p e ­ e v a lu a t io n ( a c c r e d it in g ) tea m ? Y es. c ia lly s e e k in a te a m m em b er? 2. C an a lib r a r ia n q u a lify a s a te a m m e m ­ The usual requirem ent is an MLS and ber? exp erience at the degree level o f the insti­ tution under review.Yes. 3 . W hat is th e p r o c e s s f o r ap p ly in g ? A dd itio n al inform ation The commission accepts nomination by 1. Web site URL: the institutional president, a staff member, 2. The commission’s 7996 Criteria f o r A c­ or colleague. cred itation is found on the Web site at http:// 4. W hat q u a lific a t io n s a r e r e q u ir e d ? W e stern A s s o c ia tio n o f S c h o o ls an d C o lle g e s , A c c r e d it in g C o m m is s io n f o r S e n io r C o lle g e s an d U n iv e rs itie s Area: California, Hawaii, American Samoa, G uam, and T rust T erritories of the. Pacific 1. I s a lib r a r ia n a m e m b e r o f every p e e r e v a lu ­ ings, budget, and buildings— toward a much atio n (a c c r ed itin g ) team ? more learning-centered approach that can be Yes. Every comprehensive evaluation team made pan of a broader team effort to assess typically has a librarian. The association is, the institutional learning community. however, looking into making the teams 5. A re th ere q u a lific a tio n s that y o u esp ecially smaller, in which case a librarian may not be s e e k in a team m em ber? on every future comprehensive evaluation Increasingly the commission is looking for team. people who can: 1) move beyond the library 2. C an a lib r a r ia n q u a lify a s a team m em ­ and engage the faculty; 2) address informa­ ber? Yes. tion literacy and learning goals for the library; 3 . What is the p r o c e s s f o r applying? and 3) address technology issues on an insti­ Most librarians are nominated by an insti­ tutional scale. The commission is assessing tution or by other librarians. Commission whether they should have a librarian on all members observe librarians during a visit and comprehensive visits; the answer will be de­ also inquire about qualified librarians. termined by the extent to which they can get the kind of people identified above.4. What q u a lific a tio n s a r e requ ired ? Extensive experience as a librarian and at least an MLS degree are required; significant Additional inform ation years in library administration and demon­ 1. The commission usually works with librar­ strated judgement and vision are expected. ians within the region, so it welcomes new nomi­ nations and especially desires strong candidates. The commission is currently trying to move For visits to larger institutions, the commis­the process toward a greater emphasis on sion goes outside the region, especially to student learning and other outcomes. The Arizona, Oregon, and Washington.commission is therefore interested in librar­ 2. Web site URL: ians who are capable of conceiving the li­ senior/wasesr.htm. brary as a significant center for student learn­ 3. Commission publications available online ing, integration of technology into the learn­ from the Web site include Principles a n d G uide­ ing process, and information literacy issues. lines f o r Developing Policy a n d D ata Portfolios The commission is interested in evaluators to Support Special Topics Self-Studies at http:// who are capable of going beyond the tradi­ (requires tional program— review o f library staff, hold­ Adobe Acrobat reader). N ote 1. For another com m ittee initiative see: William N. Nelson, “Leadership Beyond the Library: Accrediting Teams,” C&RL News, 58 (June 1997): 410-12, 426.