ACRL News Issue (B) of College & Research Libraries 284 / C&RL News ■ April 1998 C o l l e g e & R e s e a r c h L i b r a r i e s The time to lead ACRI seeks nominees for office W ould you like to se e k o ffice in an ACRL section? Would you like to nomi­ nate anyone else for one o f these positio If the answers is yes, here is what you need to do. A C R L se c tio n o ffic e r s Candidates for vice-chair/chair-elect o f ACRL sectio n s are selected by the Nominating Committee o f each section. If you would like to nominate som eone or be nominated for vice-chair o f an ACRL section, contact the chair o f the Nominating Committee for the appropriate section prior to the ALA Annual Conference in Washington, D.C. Other section officers, including secre­ tary and member-at-large, may also be un­ der consideration for this term o f office, which will begin in the summer o f 1999. S e c tio n n o m in a t in g c o m m itte e c h a irs A frica n -A m e rica n Studies L ib ra ria n s Rochelle R. Ballard, University o f Central Florida, P.O. Box 162666, Orlando, FL 32816- 2666; ballard@ A n th ro p o lo g y a n d S o cio lo g y Fred J. Hay, W. L. Fury Appalachian Collec­ tion, Belk Library, Appalachian State Uni­ v e r s it y , B o o n e , NC 2 8 6 0 8 ; h a y fj@ A rts Nancy Stokes, T he University o f Akron, B ierce Library, 178-C, Akron, OH 44325- 1707; nancy stokes©uakron.ed u . A sian, A frican , a n d Middle E a s te rn To be announced. Contact the current section Chair, Robert B. Marks Ridinger, Northern Illi­ nois University, University Libraries, Dekalb, IL 60115-0000; c60rb l@ co rn .cso .n iu .ed u . ns C ollege L ib raries Connie Vinita Dowell, dean o f Information ?S ervices, Connecticut College, Charles Shain Library, 270 Mohegan Avenue, New London, CT 06320; cvdow @ C om m u n ity an d J u n io r College Libraries Lenora Lockett, director, Moss Memorial Li­ brary, Delgado Community College, 6 l5 City Park Avenue, New Orleans, LA 70119-4326; llo ck e@ d cc.ed u . E n g lish a n d A m e ric a n L ite ra tu re To be announced. Contact the current Sec­ tion Chair, Betty H. Day, Humanities Bibli­ ographer, University o f Maryland College Park, 1204 Goth Lane, Silver Spring, MD 20905-5518; bd5@um E d u ca tio n a n d B e h a v io ra l S cie n ce s Mary Beth Minick, Indiana University/Purdue University Indianapolis, 755 West Michigan S t., I n d ia n a p o lis , IN 4 6 2 0 2 - 5 1 9 5 ; m bm E x te n d e d C am p u s L ib ra ry S erv ices Ja ck Fritts, SWITCH, 6801 N. Yates Road., Milwaukee, WI 53217; JFR I@ I n s tr u c tio n Lori Arp, University o f Colorado, Campus B o x 184, Boulder, CO 80309; arpl@spot. colorad o.ed u . Law a n d P o litica l S cie n ce Cathy Doyle, university librarian, Smith Li­ brary, Christopher Newport University, New­ port News, VA 23606; doyle@ R are B o o k s a n d M an u scrip ts Susan M. Allen, head, Department o f Spe­ cial Collections, UCLA University Research Library, Room A1713, URL, Box 951575, Los C&RL News ■ A p ril 1 9 9 8 / 2 8 5 A ngeles, C'A 9 0 0 9 5 -1 5 7 5 ; sallen @ lib rary . ucla.ed u . S c ie n ce a n d T e c h n o lo g y Amy L. Paster, Life Sciences Library, Penn­ sylvania State University, E205 Pattee Library, U n iv e rsity P ark , PA 1 6 8 0 2 - 1 8 0 1 ; alp @ Slavic a n d E ast E u ro p e a n Patricia K. Thurston, Slavic & East European Library, U n iv ersity o f Illin o is , U rb an a- Champaign; pthurstn@uxl .cso.u iu c.ed u . U n iv e rsity L ib ra rie s Barbara E. Kemp, assistant director for the Dew ey Graduate Library for Public Affairs and Policy, University at Albany, State Uni­ versity o f New York, 135 Western Avenue, A lb a n y , New Y o r k ; p h a n to m @ c n s v a x . W e s te rn E u ro p e a n S p ecialists Beau David Case, Language & Area Studies Departm ent, Ohio State LJniversity Librar­ ies, 1858 Neil Avenue Mall, Columbus, OEI 43210-1286; case.42@ o su .ed u . W o m e n ’s Studies Ruth Dickstein, Main Library, University o f Arizona, Tucson, AZ 85720-0055; dickstein@ bird.library.arizona.ed u . Apply for ACRL preconferences Learn more about advocacy, instruction, or special collections by attending one of ACRL’s three preconferences at the ALA Annual Conference in Washington, D.C. Details about the following preconferences may be found on the ACRL Web page at html and in the March 1999 C&RL News: • “Advocacy training for academ ic li­ brarians: From ivory towers to halls of pow er,” Ju n e 2 4 -2 5 , 1998. • “Learning to Teach: Workshops on Instruction” sponsored by ACRL’s Instruc­ tion Section, Ju n e 26, 1998. • “Getting Ready for the Nineteenth Century: Strategies and Solutions for Rare B o o k and Special Collections Librarians,” sponsored by ACRL’s Rare Books & Manu­ scripts Section, Ju n e 2 3 -2 6 ,1 9 9 8 . ( T h e In t ’l. BOBCATSSS … c o n t. f r o m p . 2 7 3 ) the form of “Learning Development Reports,” which are completed at the end of the stu­ dents’ final year. In this report, students come to a full realization that “… the ability to reflect upon one’s own development is seen as a desirable quality in modern professionals.” Clive Cochrane, a lecturer at Queens Uni­ versity of Belfast in Northern Ireland, presented “Information Professionals and the Learning Society,” in which he characterized and de­ scribed the Learning Society in terms of econo­ mies in rural markets and the impact o f this on society, the educational training and busi­ ness sector recognition o f the significance of learning, and the role of library and informa­ tional professionals and learning in the Learn­ ing Society. Cochrane managed very well a discussion of the overall transition from “… a society where education is important to a so­ ciety where learning permeates life.” One of the last presentations made during the symposium was by lecturer Pieter Penning of the Department of Information Science at the University of Pretoria in South Africa. Penning spoke about future roles of information profes­ sionals with specific reference to the role of the information intermediary in South Africa. In his remarks, he assessed Africa’s access to and re­ sulting participation in the information society. He offered the fundamental hypothesis that cur­ rent initiatives to stimulate Africa’s participation in the Information Society focus primarily on access to information through technological in­ frastructures and do not take the accessibility of that information content into account. He argued that “the accessibility of information content is the pivotal point that will ensure or negate suc­ cess of current and future development initia­ tives in Africa.” B O B C A TSSS ’99 BOBCATSSS ’98 was a very well organized symposium, and credit for this must be given to the BOBCATSSS team. Plans are already well underway for BOBCATSSS ’99, which will take place in Bratislava on the Danube River in Slovakia. It is being organized as a project o f s tu d e n ts from th e F a c h h o c h s c h u le D a rm sta d t and th e H o c h s c h u le fu e r Bibliotheks- und Informationswesen Stuttgart. Further information can be obtained at http:// w w w .f h - d a r m s t a d t .d e / B O B C A T S S S / conf99.htm .