ACRL News Issue (B) of College & Research Libraries 286 / C&RL News ■ A p r il 1998 P r e s e r v a t i o n N e w s Jane Hedberg C h e ck th e A L A co n fe re n ce sch e d u le There will be a number o f preservation-related programs at the ALA Annual Conference in Washington, D.C. this June. The Preservation and Reformatting Section o f the Association for Library Collections and Technical Services (ALCTS) is sponsoring a one-day preconference called “Transforming Recorded Sound: Pres­ ervation in the Digital Age” on Friday, June 26, from 9 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. It is also screening a selection o f educational films about preser­ vation called “Preservation Film Festival: Two Thumbs Up!”, on Sunday, June 28, from 7 :3 0 - 9:30 p.m. Be on the lookout for two programs sponsored by other sections on Monday after­ noon, June 29; one is about preserving gov­ ernment documents and another about off-site storage. For more information, see the April issue o f A m e ric a n L ibraries and the ALA Web site at grams/programs.html. P re se rv in g a rch ite ctu ra l reco rd s The Conservation Center for Art and Historic Artifacts (CCAHA) will offer its day-long work­ shop, “Have You Got the Blues?”, twice in the fall o f 1998. First, on September 24, at the Graduate School o f Library and Infonnation Science at the University o f Texas at Austin (in cooperation with AMIGOS) and second, on November 6, at the Historic New Orleans Collection (in cooperation with SOLINET). This w orkshop is designed to help participants preserve architectural records by covering iden­ tification o f original media and reproductive processes, management, organization and stor­ age options, collections care methods and po­ tential in-house treatments. Speakers include Lois Olcott Price, conservator o f Library Col­ lections at the Winterthur Library and Joan Irv­ ing, conservator at CCAHA. The registration fee, which includes instruc­ tional materials and lunch, is $85 for CCAHA members and $90 for nonmembers. Enroll­ ment will be limited to 30 participants at each site. Contact Susan W. DuBois, CCAHA, 264 South 23rd St., Philadelphia, PA; phone: (215) 545-0613; fax: (215) 735-9313; e-mail: ccaha@; Web site: DLI, p h ase 2 The Digital Libraries Initiative (DLI), phase 2 was announced in February 1998. It offers grant support for research on digital libraries and is sponsored by the National Science Founda­ tion (NSF), the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA), the National Library o f Medicine (NLM), the Library o f Congress (LC), the National Aeronautics and Space Ad­ ministration (NASA), and the National Endow­ ment for the Humanities (NEH) among oth­ ers. DLI goals are to support leadership in the research fundamental to the development of next generation digital libraries, stimulate part­ nerships, and understand the long-term so­ cial, behavioral, and econom ic implications of digital libraries. Individual investigators may apply for grants up to $200,000 per year, for one to three years. Multi-disciplinary group research projects may apply for grants up to $1,200,000 per year, for one to five years. Let­ ters of intent for the 1998 cycle are due on April 15 and full proposals are due on July 15. For more information, see the NSF W eb site at http://w w w nsf9863.htm or the NEH W eb site at http:// A g e n tle re m in d e r The annual deadline for National Endow­ ment for the Humanities (NEH) grant appli­ cations is July 1. U.S. nonprofit associations, institutions, and organizations may b e eli­ gible for grant funds from NEH’s Division o f P re s e rv a tio n and A c ce ss to su p p o rt “projects that will create, preserve and in­ crease the availability o f resources impor­ tant for research, education, and public pro­ gramming in the humanities.” Guidelines and in s t r u c t io n s m ay b e fo u n d at http:// w w w A list o f recently funded grant projects may be found under “W hat’s New.” Jane Hedberg prepares this column for the College Libraries Committee, Com m ission on Preservation an d Access. Submissions may be made (by the 15th o f the month) to Jane Hedberg, Wellesley College;; fax: (781) 283-3690 C&RL News ■ A p ril 1998 / 2 8 7