ACRL News Issue (B) of College & Research Libraries C&RL News ■ April 1998 / 299 he served as president of the ACRL/OK chap­ ter and on the Chapters Council. He founded and edited for 15 years the journal C o n s e rv a ­ t io n A d m i n i s t r a t i o n News, which reported on the library and ar­ c h iv a l p r e s e r v a t io n field. In 1989 he was CLR/ Robert H. Patterson UCLA Senior Fellow. D e a t h s K im ball C. Elkins, who retired as curator from the Harvard Library in 1971, died at the age of 94 on September 14, 1997. Elkins graduated from Harvard College in 1927 and received an A.M. in History in 1933. He joined the Documents Division of the library in 1928 and transferred to the university ar­ chives in 1943 as senior assistant. Elkins p u b lish e d a n u m b er o f a rticle s in the H a r v a r d L ib r a r y B u lle t in and H a r v a r d A lu m n i B u lletin (now the H a r v a r d M a g a ­ z in e ) , on such Harvard su b jects as the Quaker collection in the library, the use of H arvard-ow ned maps to help settle the Maine border dispute that resulted in the Webster-Ashburton Treaty, the history of honorary degrees, and birds in Harvard Yard. M arie G enung, retired reference librarian at the University o f California, Riverside (UCR), died on D ecem ber 28, 1997. Genung began her career at UCR in 1951 to help prepare for the opening of the new general campus of the university. She had a library certification from UC Berkeley, and had worked for five years as a cataloger at Mills College in Oakland, California. She orga­ nized the cataloging department of the UCR Library and was the department head until 1963. She had combined responsibilities as a bibliographer, cataloger, and reference li­ brarian for the next ten years, and then worked full-time in Rivera Reference until her retirement in 1986, after 35 years of ser­ vice. R o b ert W. Lovett, retired archivist for the Harvard University Libraries, died on June 14, 1996. Lovett graduated from Harvard with an A.B. in 1935. Lovett’s archives and manu­ scripts career began at the Harvard Univer­ sity Archives in 1937. He served there until 1948 when he accepted a position in charge of the Manuscript and Archives Division of the Harvard Business School Library. For two decades he divided his time betw een the Business School and the Medical School, where he developed an archive. The last de­ cade of his career he spent at the Business School, from which he retired in August 1979- Lovett was recognized relatively early in his career with election as a Fellow when the Society of American Archivists established that category in 1958. Among his other hon­ ors and offices was an award in 1979 by the Southern New England Chapter for the So­ ciety for Industrial Archaeology, election in I960 to honorary membership in the Alpha Chapter of Phi Beta Kappa at Harvard, and in 1984 he received a silver bowl for contri­ butions to the city of Beverly. Lovett was also a prolific writer, and his bibliography of books, articles, and reviews numbers over 100 items. M ary M. M eehan, university archivist for the Harvard University Library, died O cto­ ber 11, 1997. She helped develop the col­ lections of the Harvard University Archives during the middle decades o f this century. She graduated from Radcliffe College in 1934 and in 1946 she came to the Harvard Uni­ versity archives, working on a variety of projects in a number of positions until her retirement in 1975. Advertisers index Almanac Publishing 287 American Institute o f Chemical Engineers 237 Amigos 289 Blackw ell’s Book Services 252 Blackw ell’s Info. Services 281 Canadian Museum of Nature 290 Choice 240 CIS Cover 4 EBSCO Cover 3 Minolta 282-283 OCLC 300 Primary Source Media 293 Spacesaver Cover 2 300 /C&RL News ■ April 1998