ACRL News Issue (B) of College & Research Libraries C L A S S I F I E D Career opportunities from across the country Deadlines: Orders for regular classified advertisements must reach the ACRL office on or before the second of the month preceding publication of the issue (e.g., September 2 for the October issue). Should this date fall on a weekend or holiday, ads will be accepted on the next business day. Late job listings will be accepted on a space-available basis after the second of the month. Rates: Classified advertisements are $8.75 per line for institutions that are ACRL members, $10.75 for others. Late job notices are $20.50 per line for institutions that are ACRL members, $24.95 for others. Organizations subm it­ ting ads will be charged according to their membership status. Display ad rates range from $395 to $745 based upon size. Please call for sizes and rates. Guidelines: For ads that list an application deadline, we suggest that date be no sooner than the 20th day of the month in which the notice appears (e.g., October 20 for the October issue). All job announcements should include a salary range per policy of the American Library Associa­ tion (ALA). Job announcements will be edited to exclude discriminatory references. Applicants should be aware that the terms faculty rank and status vary in meaning among institutions. Internet: C&RL News classified ads are accessible on the World Wide Web at Ads will be placed approximately 2-3 weeks before the printed edition of C&RL News is published. Contact: Jack Helbig, Classified Advertising Manager, C&RL News Classified Advertising Department, ACRL, American Library Association, 50 E. Huron St., Chicago, IL 60611 -2795; (312) 280-2513; fax: (312) 280-7663 or (312) 280-2520; e-mail: jhelbig@ Policy: ALA policy requires that organizations recruiting through ALA publications or placement services comply with ALA anti-discrimination policies. Policy 54.3 states that “ALA is committed to equality of opportunity for all library employees or applicants for employment, regard­ less of race, color, creed, sex, age, physical or mental handicap, individual life-style, or national origin.” By ad­ vertising through ALA services, the organization agrees to comply with this policy. BOOKS BOUGHT AND SOLD USED SCI-TECH BOOKS PURCHASED. Physics, math, all engi- neering, electricity, and electronics, skilled trades, antiquarian tech. Sorry, no serials or life sciences. Quality older editions, duplicates, unneeded gifts, superseded titles always sought. Ex library OK. No quantities too great; will travel when appropriate. For more informa­ tion please contact: Collier Brown or Kirsten Berg at Powell’s Technical Bookstore, 33 NW Park Ave., Portland, OR 97209; phone: (800) 2 2 5 -6 9 1 1 ; fa x: (503) 2 2 8 -0 5 0 5 ; e -m a il to: kirsten@ . POSITIONS OPEN ACCESS SERVICES LIBRARIAN. St. Lawrence University. St. Lawrence University invites applications and nominations for a service-oriented librarian to coordinate the Circulation/Reserves and Interlibrary Loan functions at the St. Lawrence University Libraries. Reporting to the University Librarian, the successful candidate will be responsible for the hiring, training, and supervision of the Circulation/ Reserves and Interlibrary Loan staff. The Access Services Librarian should be familiar with current practices for copyright compliance. She/he will coordinate the libraries’ document delivery services, and guide discussions regarding new automated initiatives for access services. The Access Services Librarian will be expected to partici­ pate in the library’s public services activities, such as reference and instruction, as well as serve as a liaison to selected academic departments. This is a 12-month appointment, with one month’s vacation; faculty status. Salary from the low $30s, commensurate with qualifications and experience. Required: ALA-accredited MLS; demonstrated academic library public service experience, including circulation/reserves, interlibrary loan, and reference service; knowl­ edge of automated systems for circulation/reserves, interlibrary loan, and document delivery; knowledge of OCLC systems; and microcom­ puters; excellent supervisory, interpersonal, and communication skills. Preferred: Experience with Innovative Interfaces, Inc., auto­ mated system; experience in working with consortia and service providers; ability to use major word-processing and spreadsheet programs; excellent problem-solving skills; additional subject master’s desirable. Application review will begin May 4, 1998. Send letter of application, resume, and names and telephone numbers of three references to: Bart Harloe, University Librarian, Owen D. Young Library, St. Lawrence University, Canton, NY 13617. For further information, SLU’s homepage is at For more in fo rm a tio n ab o u t Owen D. Y oung Lib rary, c o n ta ct: h ttp :// St. Lawrence Univer­ sity, chartered in 1856, is the oldest continuously coeducational institution of higher learning in New York State. An independent, DEAN, CONSORTIUM LIBRARY UNIVERSITY OF ALASKA ANCHORAGE Regular, 12 m onth/year Com petitive salaryand benefits Located in A laska’s largest city (population: 265,000), the library serves both the U niver­ sity of Alaska Anchorage, with about 15,000 students, and Alaska Pacific University, with about 500 students. The library’s Health Sci­ ences Information Service offers a full range of library services to the entire medical com m u­ nity of Alaska. To apply for or obtain a com plete vacancy announcem ent, contact: UAA Human Resource Services 3211 Providence Dr. Admin. Bldg., Ste. 245 Anchorage, AK 99508 phone: (907) 786-4608 TTY: (907) 786-1420 fax: (907) 786-4727 humanres/current.html Search will remain open until the position is filled; however, the screening com m ittee will begin reviewing applications April 3 0,1 9 98 . UAA is an AA/EO employer and educational institution. C&RL News ■ A pril 1 9 9 8 /3 0 1 302 / C&RL News ■ April 1998 ACCESS SERVICES LIBRARIAN (search extended) Truman State University Trum an State U niversity seeks to fill the position of A ccess Services Librarian for the Pickier M em orial Library. This position provides leadership and m anagem ent for C irculation D epartm ent staff and services and has overall responsibility for patrons’ use of library facilities. R esponsibilities include: C oordination of policies relating to patrons’ use of collections, services, and facilities; oversight of the circulation system and participation in the developm ent of system s that enchance patron access to library resources; supervision and training of staff and student w orkers library security; sharing facilities m anagem ent with the Director's Office; participation in collection developm ent and library instruction. The successful candidate will play a role within the library and statew ide in the im plem entation of a statew ide resource sharing system for M issouri’s academ ic libraries. This is a departm ent head position reporting to the D irector of Libraries. Q U ALIFIC ATIO N S: MLS from an ALA -accredited program . A background in the liberal arts and sciences preferred. Strong m anagem ent and supervisory skills. Excellent interpersonal and com m unication skills. A strong service orientation and the ability to w ork collaboratively with students, faculty, and staff. Must be highly skilled, with significant experience, in the use and m anagem ent of system s and technology in a library setting. Professional experience in m anaging circulation or public services, preferably in an academ ic library. Trum an State U niversity is M issouri’s public liberal arts and sciences institution and is noted for its assessm ent program and its com m itm ent to excellence in teaching and learning. Pickier M em orial Library enjoys a reputation as the center for inform ation services at the university and is com m itted to integrating new inform ation technologies into its strong public service mission. Candidates should subm it a letter of application and resume; both undergraduate and graduate transcripts, and the names, addresses, and telephone num bers of at least three references to: Richard J. Coughlin Director of Libraries Pickier Memorial Library Truman State University Kirksville, MO 63501 Review of applications will begin on April 2 0 ,1 9 9 8 . C andidates are invited to visit the library’s web site at: http://w w w .trum Truman State University is an equal employment opportunity institution committed to cultural diversity and compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act. private university firmly committed to undergraduate liberal arts education and cross-cultural opportunities, St. Lawrence University offers a unique learning environment. The university’s 1,900 students come from most U.S. states and more than two dozen other countries. Canton, the St. Lawrence River Valley, the nearby Adirondack State Park, and the cities of Ottawa and Montreal provide the university community many social, cultural, and outdoor recreation activities. St. Lawrence University is an affirmative action, equal employment opportunity employer. Women, minorities, veterans, and persons with disabilities are encouraged to apply. ARCHIVIST AND SPECIAL COLLECTIONS LIBRARIAN. Assistant or Associate Professor. Southern Illinois University at Edwardsville Library and Information Services (LIS). Responsibilities: The person in this position organizes, coordinates, and directs the activities of the University Archives and Special Collections unit of Lovejoy Library’s User Services Department. The person helps establish procedures, policies, and collections for the unit, has direct responsibility for the rare book collection, functions as the library’s preservation officer, and participates in the general reference, instruction, and collection development programs. Term of contract: Tenure-track, 12-month, faculty appointment. Professional rank and salary dependent upon credentials and experience, with a minimum salary of $32,400 for Assistant Professor and $37,800 for Associate Professor. Excellent fringe benefits program. More information is available at http:// Qualifications: ALA-accredited MLS degree with ar­ chival training. Master's degree in history and archival certification desirable. Four years experience in an academic or research library. Demonstrated research capabilities. Knowledge of library reference tools. Strong communication, teamwork, organizational, interper­ sonal, and public services skills. Applications: Review to begin May 16, 1998, and to remain open until position is filled. Send letter of application, resume, and names, addresses, and phone numbers of three references to: Jay Starratt, Dean of LIS, Lovejoy Library, SIUE Box 1063, Edwardsville, IL 62026-1063. As an affirmative action employer, SIUE offers equal employment opportunity without regard to race, color, creed or religion, age, sex, national origin, or disability. Applications from women and minority groups are especially encour­ aged. ARTS & HUMANITIES LIBRARIAN. Academic campus. Virginia Commonwealth University. (For qualifications and application infor­ mation see ad for Science & Engineering Librarian position, below.) ASSISTANT DIRECTOR FOR USER SERVICES. Responsibilities: The Assistant Director provides leadership and coordination and ensures the overall operational effectiveness of the user services of the university library, including reference and instruction, network services, government documents, interlibrary loan, media and ac­ cess services. The Assistant Director works in a collaborative mode with team-centered approach to problem solving. As a member of the senior administrative group, the Assistant Director shares responsi­ bility for developing and implementing the mission and goals and broad policy directions of the university libraries and coordinating C&RL News ■ A p ril 1 9 9 8 / 3 0 3 s v e p t initiatives with other assistant directors and library managers. The Assistant Director participates in leading the dynamic process of change in the transition to the digital library in a networked research environment. Reports to the Dean and Director of Libraries. Re­ search, publication, and service to the libraries, university, and profession are expected to satisfy the criteria for continuing appoint­ ment and promotion. Qualifications: Required: Graduate degree in librarianship from an ALA-accredited institution. Must demonstrate successful experience in exercising progressively more demanding leadership and management responsibilities in research libraries. Must have broad knowledge and proven expertise in public services and a strong vision for the future of these services in research libraries. Must demonstrate strong leadership, analytical, interper­ sonal, and supervisory skills and an ability to manage change. Salary: From $52,000 plus administrative stipend. Apply to: Christine M. Travis, Library Personnel Officer, University Libraries— UL112, Uni­ versity at Albany, State University of New York, 1400 Washington Ave., Albany, NY 12222. Deadline: Review of letters of application and resumes will begin May 20, 1998. Please include the names, addresses, and phone numbers of three references that may be contacted. The University at Albany is an equal opportunity, affirma­ tive action employer. ASSISTANT LIBRARIAN FOR CATALOGING SERVICES/AUTO- MATED SYSTEMS. Antioch seeks a tenure-track librarian. Respon­ sibilities: Classification and cataloging; original cataloging in a variety of formats; automating of library functions; supervising microcom­ puter systems software, hardware, and applications; serving as a reference librarian, including weekend and evening rotation; sharing responsibilities for teaching students and faculty information re­ trieval. Qualifications: Master’s degree from ALA-accredited school. Prefer experience in academic cataloging, expertise with OCLC, MARC formats, and local automated systems. Knowledge of LC classification, AACR2, and LCSH, familiarity with HTML and web page design. Must have a service-oriented view of librarianship. For details, visit homepage at Send letter of nomination or application, three references, graduate transcripts, and vita to: Human Resources, Systems Librarian, Antioch College, P.O. Box 465, Yellow Springs, OH 45387. Antioch College does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, sex, ancestry, religion, national origin, sexual orientation, family status, or disability. Antioch College is an affirmative action, equal opportunity employer. BIBLIOGRAPHIC INSTRUCTION LIBRARIAN. Santa Monica Com­ munity College is accepting applications for a full-time, tenure-track faculty position: Bibliographic Instruction Librarian. Will develop and implement bibliographic instruction programs, including library in­ struction courses and orientations for main and satellite campus sites; work collaboratively to develop strategies for providing biblio- Salary guide Listed below are the latest minimum starting figures recommended by state library associations and the North Carolina State Library for Professional library posts in these states. These recommendations are intended for governmental agencies that employ librarians. The recom­ mendations are advisory only, and ALA has not adopted recommenda­ tions for minimum salaries. For information on librarian salaries, job seekers and employers should consider these recommended mini­ mums, as well as other salary surveys (such as the survey in the October 15,1989, issue of Library Journal, the AL4 Survey of Librarian Salaries, the annual ARL Salary Survey, or the annual CUPA Administrative Compensation Survey) when evaluating professional vacancies. For more information, contact the ALA Office for Library Personnel Re­ sources. Connecticut $31,273 Delaware $22,500+ Illinois $27,400# Indiana varies* Iowa $24,533 Louisiana $22,000 Maine varies* Massachusetts $27,554* New Jersey $31,868 New York varies* North Carolina $24,367+ Ohio $25,198+ Pennsylvania $26,400 Rhode Island $29,800 South Carolina varies* South Dakota $22,000 Texas $28,000 Verm ont $26,464 W est Virginia $22,000 Wisconsin $25,830 *Rather than establish one statewide salary minimum, some tate associations have adopted a form ula based on such ariables as com parable salaries for public school teachers in ach com m unity or the grade level of a professional librarian ost. In these cases, you may wish to contact the state associa­ ion for minimum salary information. + Salary minimums for public librarians only. #Option for local formula. 304 / C&RL News ■ April 1998 ASSISTANT/ASSOCIATE UNIVERSITY LIBRARIAN FOR THE SCIENCES University of California, Davis SALARY RANGE: $53,400-$87,600, based on qualifications and experience. Open immediately. The sciences at Davis are served by four units— the Health Sciences Library, the Medical Center Library, the Physical Sciences Library, and the Biological and Agricultural Sciences Department. The academ ic departments and the professional schools served are among the most distinguished in the nation. Staffing for these units consists of 17 academic, 33 clerical, and 15 FTE student staff. The annual collections budget for these areas exceeds $3.5 million. RESPONSIBILITIES: This is a senior-level adm inistrative position which reports directly to the University Librarian and serves as part of the senior managem ent team. Directly supervises the heads of HSL, PSL, Bio/Ag, and the Medical Center Library. Has primary responsibility for planning and implementing effective library services in support of the university’s program s and research in the sciences. In coordination with the Associate University Librarian for Collections, has responsibility for allocating resources, spending funds, and building collections in the sciences, including the acquisition of electronic materials and participation in the developm ent of the California Digital Library. Coordinates activities and services among the four science units with other library units and programs. Promotes scholarly use of the science collections. Assists with special projects and proposals for the science units. Provides liaison with science faculties. Represents the library in UC system and national science forums. QUALIFICATIO NS: A graduate degree in library science from an ALA-accredited institution or its equivalent. Collection developm ent and extensive m anagem ent experience in a science or bio-medical library in a research library essential. Excellent writing, speaking, and interpersonal skills required. Ability to work effectively with colleagues, students, faculty, and staff in a rapidly changing, complex, diverse, and multicultural environment. Demonstrated decision-m aking and planning skills required. Experience in coordinating a large library service staff in several branches preferred. Experience with current and developing information services and autom ated system s required. Dem onstrated understanding of bibliographic sources and processes in the sciences. Evidence of ability to lead, coordinate, and motivate professional associates within a collegial framework. THE ENVIRONM ENT: The University of California, Davis, cam pus is a m ulticultural environm ent with a strong com m itm ent to create a diverse com m unity of faculty, staff, and students. It has an enrollm ent of 23,500 students and offers a balanced academ ic program. Library holdings currently total more than 2.5 million and grow at an annual rate of 80,000 volumes. Davis is a pleasant community of 50,000 located in the lower Sacramento Valley, 75 miles northeast of San Francisco and 15 miles west of the state capital. As a result of the university’s presence, Davis offers many cultural advantages and a wide range of professional services. BENEFITS: Assistant/Associate University Librarians are academ ic appointees. They earn 24 days of vacation and 12 days of sick leave per annum. The university has an excellent retirem ent system which is coordinated with Social Security. Several health and dental plans are offered by the university. FINAL FILING DATE: Applications received by June 1,1998, will be assured consideration. Applicants should send letter, resume, and the names and telephone num bers of four references to: George E. Bynon Associate University Librarian Peter J. Shields Library University of California 100 North West Quad Davis, CA 95616-5292 phone: (530) 752-2110 e-mail: The University of California, Davis, is an affirmative action, equal opportunity employer. C&RL News ■ A p ril 1 9 9 8 / 3 0 5 LIBRARIAN FOR SYSTEMS/ELECTRONIC RESOURCES Missouri Southern State College Librarian for S ystem s/E lectronic R esources wanted. A proposed library addition needs a librarian with new ideas. Seeking a (tekkie) librarian with a com bination of library and technical com puter skills. Responsible for networking, serve as library liaison with the com puter center, be library w ebm aster/ Internet expert, troubleshoot and m aintain library personal com puters, softw are, and networks. Will be the trainer for staff needs in regard to new program s and the statew ide com m on library platform which is in the request stages now. W e use the m ainfram e LMS (NOTIS) from Am eritech. You will be the Lib 1 for this system . Y ou ’ll do some reference duty on T uesday night and Saturday rotation with other librarians. Missouri Southern is an innovative liberal arts college. Join us in the beautiful Ozarks, where housing is affordable, gas is consistently cheap, and fam ily living is great. Plentiful recreational opportunities and easy access to large cities. C losest (Tulsa) is less than two hours drive. R EQ UIREM ENTS: ALA-accredited m aster’s degree; dem onstrated com petence/experience with net­ works, CD-ROMs, personal com puters; and expert’s knowledge of MARC records. Preferred: Additional degree in com puter science; fa m iliarity with OCLO, im age technology; w orking know ledge of NO TIS or another m ajor autom ation system. Salary com m ensurate with qualifications and experience. N on-tenure-track, faculty rank. State retire­ ment and Social Security, medical and life insurance, sick and vacation leave. TSAs and dental insurance available. Applications close April 3 0 ,1 9 9 8 . TO APPLY: Send transcripts, resume, nam es of at least three references, and letter of interest to: Missouri Southern State College Charles H. Kemp Head Librarian 3950 E. Newman Rd. Joplin MO 64801-1595 Visit our web site at h ttp://w w w .m Position starts on A ugust 1 ,1 9 9 8 (negotiable). Equal opportunity employer. graphic instruction fot distance learning; plan, develop, and provide instruction in information competency; provide reference service to students, faculty, staff, and the college community; develop library instructional materials. Experience in providing bibliographic instruc­ tion and reference service in an academic environment is preferred. Master's in library science, library and information science, or the equivalent. $34,148-$70,330. For a district application, please con­ tact: Office of Academic Personnel, Santa Monica Community College District, 1900 Pico Blvd., Santa Monica, CA 90405; or call (310) 452-9336 (24-hour employment information). Deadline to apply: May 1, 1998. EOE/AA. CATALOG LIBRARIAN. LSU Libraries seeks experienced cataloger to perform original and complex copy cataloging for all formats. As a member of the Original Cataloging Team, works cooperatively with personnel in other library units; assists in the training and operational performance of other staff as needed; resolves complex bibliographic problems; creates/revises NACO headings; carries out special as­ signments within the department and the libraries. Required: MLS degree from an ALA-accredited program; relevant cataloging experi­ ence; knowledge of MARC formats, LC subject headings and classi­ fication; experience with an online integrated system (preferably NOTIS). Excellent oral and written communication skills; initiative and flexibility; ability to meet the libraries’ standards for promotion and tenure. Desired: Good working knowledge of at least one foreign language (preferably French, Spanish, German); experience with authority control; experience with a national utility (preferably OCLC). Salary: Negotiable depending upon qualifications and experience, $28,500 per fiscal year minimum. Tenure-track position. Excellent benefits. To apply: Send a letter of application, resume, and the names, addresses, and telephone and fax numbers of three refer­ ences to: Catalog Librarian Search Committee (#001270), 295 Middleton Library, Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge, LA 70803. Preference given to applications received by April 30, 1998. CATALOG LIBRARIAN. (Instructor or Assistant Professor). Respon­ sibilities: To provide original and complex copy cataloging of mono­ graphic materials in the main and departmental libraries; establish name and series authority records; assist with the formulation and review of policies and procedures in the department; and work with interns from the School of Library and Information Studies. Qualifica­ tions: Required: An MLS from a program accredited by ALA. Familiar­ ity with AACR2, LC classification and subject headings, and MARC formats; good communication and interpersonal skills; ability to meet criteria for promotion and tenure. Preferred: Experience in cataloging using OCLC and an online system such as NOTIS or Voyager; knowledge of one or more foreign languages; experience with a NACO library. Salary/benefits: This is a 12-month, tenure-track, entry-level position and will be filled at the Instructor or Assistant Professor rank. Minimum salary: $23,100 for Instructor, and $26,600 for Assistant Professor. Strong benefits; substantial moving allowance may be available. The University of Alabama Libraries hold membership in ARL, CRL, SOLINET, CNI, NACO, and the Network of Alabama Academic Libraries and are implementing the Voyager integrated library system. To apply: Send letter of application, resume, and names, addresses, and phone numbers of three references to: Voni B. Wyatt, Personnel Officer, The University of Alabama Libraries, P.O. Box 870266, Tuscaloosa, AL 35487-0266. Applications received by April 15,1998, are assured of receiving consideration. The University of Alabama is an equal opportunity, affirmative action employer. 3 0 6 / C&RL News ■ A pril 1998 Subject Liaison/Reference Librarians Georgia State University, Atlanta, seeks three reference librarians to provide general and specialized reference and instructional services and collaborate with faculty in collection development activities in a dynamic urban university environment. Reference responsibilities include desk service and bibliographic instruction, including some nights and weekends. S A L A R Y : $29,000 minimum for 12 months commensurate with the candidate’s experience. Appointment at a faculty rank, on a contract renewal basis. A V A IL A B L E : Summer 1998. R E Q U IR E M E N T S : ALA-accredited master's degree and library experience; knowledge of print and computerized reference sources and services; knowledge of collection development issues and trends; computer skills; excellent communication and interpersonal skills. Highly preferred: second m aster's degree and/or extensive experience in assigned subject area; experience in an academic library; demonstrated interest in research and professional activities; evidence of creativity and initiative; and ability to work in changing organizational environments. P O S IT IO N S IN C L U D E : Social Science Liaison/R eference L ib ra ria n (Position # 9 9 9 3 ) Specialization in one or more of the following areas: sociology, psychology, political science, anthropology/geography, women's studies, social work, criminal justice, public policy and economics. Science Liaison/R eference L ib ra ria n (Position # 9 9 9 4 ) Specialization in one or more of the following areas: biology, chemistry, physics/ astronomy. H u m a n itie s Liaison/R eference L ib ra ria n (Position # 9 9 9 5 ) Specialization in one or more of the following areas: history, foreign languages, performing arts, art, philosophy and religion. T O APPLY: Send letter addressing above qualifications and stating subject specialty area and position number. Include résumé and names, addresses and phone numbers of three references. Send materials to: Dorothy S. Ingram, Library Human Resources Officer, Georgia State University, 100 Decatur St. SE, Atlanta, GA 30303-3202. M a te ria ls received by May 15, 1998, w ill receive p rio rity a tte n tio n . For more information please visit our web site at Georgia State University, a unit of the University System of Georgia, is an equal opportunity educational institution/affirmative action employer strongly committed to cultural diversity. C&RL News ■ A pril 1 9 9 8 /3 0 7 TWO POSITIONS AVAILABLE COLLECTION MANAGEMENT LIBRARIAN (#401560) AND SPECIAL COLLECTIONS LIBRARIAN (#401580) Middle Tennessee State University As one of the fastest-growing universities in the south, Middle Tennessee State University is a dynamic institution valuing excellent teaching and fostering initiatives in research and public service. The university library lies at the heart of the MTSU educational experience. With a diverse staff, the library serves a growing student enrollment and is benefiting from an increased budget, additional positions, and new space. A new $32 million central library will be opened in January of 1999. Murfreesboro is located in central Tennessee, 30 miles south of Nashville. This historical city offers a rich cultural and recreational life and easy access to a variety of attractions within the state and region. Collection Management: Oversee monograph acquisitions, manage automated acquisition system, supervise work of staff, and assist with selection and collection development. SPECIAL COLLECTIONS: Plan, develop, and manage new special collections unit in new library facility, provide reference service, perform outreach. QUALIFICATIONS: Required: ALA-accredited MLS degree; excellent organizational, interpersonal, and communication skills; strong com m itm ent to quality service and willingness to work in flexible, changing environment. Preferred: Three years professional experience in work directly related to responsibilities; supervisory skills. SALARY AND BENEFITS: Tenure-track position. Salary and rank com m ensurate with qualifications. Generous benefits include full-paid state or TIAA/CREF retirement, 24 days annual leave, 12 days sick leave, and 12 paid holidays. APPLICATION PROCEDURE: Review of applications will begin April 6 ,1 9 9 8 and continue until the position is filled. Please forward letter of application which identifies the position number, resume, transcripts, and the names of three references to: William K. Black Administrative Services Todd Library P.O. Box 13 Middle Tennessee State University Murfreesboro, TN 37132 Fora full position description, please see the library’s web site at or contact the library at (615) 898-2772. For web-based information about Rutherford County and Nashville, please see and Middle Tennessee State University, a Tennessee Board of Regents institution, is an equal opportunity, affirmative action employer. Minorities and women are encouraged to apply. CATALOGER. University of Houston Libraries. Duties: Performs original and complex copy cataloging for various formats, with pri­ mary responsibility for music, as one of three professional catalogers in the Cataloging Services Unit. Resolves problems in bibliographic and authority records in local (Innovative) database, serving as resource person for staff in other units as necessary. Trains and monitors work of music copy cataloging staff in Acquisitions Depart­ ment. Participates with Bibliographic Services Division staff in devel­ oping, documenting, and implementing cataloging policies and proce­ dures. Maintains awareness of latest developments in automated bibliographic access, especially for music materials. Possibility ex­ ists for involvement in reference/collection development/bibliographic instruction. Reports to the Head of Cataloging Services. Qualifica­ tions: ALA-accredited master’s degree and ability to catalog music for a university music library collection; ability to work collegially with staff at all levels in a dynamic and efficient networked research library environment; knowledge of AACR2, LC classification, LC subject headings, MARC formats, and a bibliographic utility such as OCLC; ability to catalog using an automated library processing system; excellent analytical and communication skills. Desired: Degree in music and experience cataloging music in an online environment. Salary: $27,000. Comprehensive benefits package; choice of retire­ ment programs including TIAA/CREF; tax-deferred annuity program available; released time to take a class up to three hours per week; no state or local income tax. Application deadline: Nominations or applications will be accepted until the position is filled. Send letter of application, names of three references, and resume to: Linda Thomp­ son, Assistant Dean for Bibliographic and Access Services, Univer­ sity of Houston Libraries, Houston, TX 77204-2091. Additional in fo rm a tio n : h ttp ://in fo .lib .u h .e d u h ttp ://in fo .lib .u h .e d u /lo c a l/ houston.htm. The University of Houston is an equal opportunity, affirmative action employer. Minorities, women, veterans, and per­ sons with disabilities are encouraged to apply. COORDINATOR OF ACQUISITIONS & COLLECTION DEVELOP­ MENT. National-Louis University. Provide leadership in the develop- 308 / C&RL News ■ April 1998 INSTRUCTIONAL SERVICES COORDINATOR MILTON S. EISENHOWER LIBRARY JOHNS HOPKINS UNIVERSITY The Milton S. Eisenhower Library seeks an experienced library instruction professional who will challenge traditional models of library instruction and will develop new approaches based on a more rigorous understanding of user needs and preferences in an electronic service environm ent. The Eisenhower Library has just com pleted a m ajor renovation of its central facility, is im plem enting an aggressive digital library program, and has em barked on librarywide leadership developm ent and diversity initiatives. The Eisenhower Library values initiative, creativity, professionalism , and team w ork. RESPO NSIBILITIES: Reporting to the Head of the Resource Services Departm ent, develops and im plem ents a program that helps Hopkins library users becom e aware of and proficient users of inform ation resources. Provides vision and leadership to a team of resource services librarians in the areas of user awareness and instruction, outreach and publicity, program evaluation, userfeedback, print and electronic user awareness and instructional materials (including interactive web-based and m ultim e­ dia formats). Provides direction in the developm ent and use of the Electronic Resource Center, a multiuse facility. W orks with the Electronic and Distance Education Librarian in creating innovative instructional services for remote users. Teaches course-integrated classes and provides general orientations and tours as needed. Develops M ilton’s web as an im portant instructional tool for the Hopkins com m unity. The C oordinator is responsible for a departm ental staff developm ent and training program, which includes the design, developm ent, and im plem entation of the program to ensure that the Resource Services Librarians have an adequate skill and knowledge base to perform their tasks effectively and are equipped to deal with current and em erging technologies. As the Resource Services librarian for Education and W om en’s Studies, develops and delivers a range of traditional and innovative library services that facilitate the work of faculty and students in Education and W om en’s Studies. Includes cultivating and m aintaining strong relationships with faculty and students, selecting traditional and electronic resources for the collection, providing subject-related reference and instructional services, com m unicating effectively to facilitate awareness of resources and services, and developing web-based resources. A high level of interaction between faculty and students and the librarian is essential. Serves as a m em ber of the Resource Services Departm ent; which includes providing reference via the research consultation model and participating in departm ental activities; works with library groups in the Eisenhower Library and across the Hopkins system to coordinate services; initiates projects and im plements programs. Q UALIFICATIO NS: Required: MLS from an ALA-accredited library school. Advanced degree in education or significant teaching or library instruction experience. A m inim um of two years professional experience in an academ ic or research library, including experience with collection developm ent or reference and library instruction (classroom-based and computer-assisted). Demonstrated ability to plan and im plem ent new program s and services. Strong com m itm ent to user. W illingness to work a flexible schedule, including evenings and weekends. HIGHLY DESIRED: Knowledge of new technologies and experience with their applications in enhancing instructional services, good leadership, interpersonal, com m unication; and marketing skills; working knowledge of at least one western European foreign language. For more information on the library, please consult our web site at: http://m ilton.m;8001/libinfo.htm l. The hiring range for this position is $37,825-$48,200, depending on education and experience. To be considered, send a letter of application indicating JOB #S98-6172, resume, and three letters of reference by April 3 0 ,1 9 9 8 , to: The Johns Hopkins University Homewood Human Resources 3400 N. Charles St. Baltimore, MD 21218 Excellent benefits including tuition plans for staff, spouse, and dependent children. Smoke-free and drug-free. AA/EOE.;8001/libinfo.html C&RL News ■ April 1 9 9 8 /3 0 9 A ssociate U n iv e rs ity L ib ra ria n fo r Public Services Georgia State University, a major urban research institution in the heart of Atlanta, seeks a dynamic leader for the position of Associate University Librarian. responsibilities: The AUL will administer public service functions including Reference, Access Services, Media Services, the Periodicals Service Center and the Information Desk. The AUL will provide leadership in the transition to a liaison librarian system and in the provision of library services at multiple locations. The AUL serves as a member of the senior management team of the library. salary: $60,000 minimum for 12 months commensurate with the candidate's experience. Appointment at a faculty rank, on a contract renewal basis. available: Summer 1998. requirements: ALA-accredited master's degree; 10 years of professional library experience; and five years of supervisory experience at the level of unit or department head or higher. Knowledge of print and online reference sources and services; experience with collection development; excellent communication and interpersonal skills; demonstrated interest in research and professional activities; evidence of creativity and initiative; ability to work in changing organizational environments. Additional degree beyond the M.L.S. is highly desirable. to apply: Send letter specifying position #9992 and addressing above qualifications with your résumé and names, addresses and phone numbers of three references to: D orothy S. Ingram, Library Human Resources Officer, Georgia State University, 100 Decatur St. SE, Atlanta, GA 30303-3202. M a te ria ls received by May 15, 1998, w ill receive p rio rity a tte n tio n . For more information please e-mail o r visit our web site at Georgia State University, a unit o f the University System o f Georgia, is an equal opportunity educational institution/affìrmative action employer strongly committed to cultural diversity. ment of the university library’s collections in all formats and at all locations and manage the centralized Acquisitions/Serials Depart­ ment. MLS/MIS and minimum two years of professional academic library experience required. Experience with automated acquisitions and/or serials system preferred. Send resume/letter indicating posi­ tion code CACD, to: National-Louis University, Attn: HR-CACD, 1000 Capitol Dr., Wheeling, IL 60090. EOE. COORDINATOR OF LIBRARY TECHNOLOGY. National-Louis Uni­ versity. Manage the operation of computerized services with NLU’s library, train library staff on systems and application software, act as a staff resource, and monitor emerging technologies. MLS/MIS and two years professional experience in library systems required. Ability to communicate technical information, knowledge and experience with telecommunications issues, TCP/IP, etc., are essential. Famil­ iarity with Windows 95 or NT, client-server application, and ILLINET preferred. Send resume/letter indicating position code CLT, to: Na­ tional-Louis University, Attn: HR-CLT, 1000 Capitol Dr., Wheeling, IL 60090. EOE. DIRECTOR OF ARCHIVES AND SPECIAL COLLECTIONS. Quali­ fications: MLS from an ALA-accredited school or master’s degree in archival science required. Course work in archives, three years experience in archives or archival collections, and reading knowledge of a Scandinavian language, especially Swedish, preferred. Job description: Reports to Director to the Library. Maintains collections of the Evangelical Covenant Church, the Swedish-American Histori­ cal Society, the Society for the Advancement of Scandinavian Stud­ ies; North Park University, and special collections. Responsibilities: Budget management; indexing, preparation, and design of access tools and finding aids; development of the collection; production of displays; preservation and conservation of collections; reference service for each collection; instruction for students in undergraduate and graduate courses; and administrative oversight of student em­ ployees. North Park University is a Christian liberal arts university owned and operated by the Evangelical Covenant Church. Our full­ time faculty and staff are committed Christians representing many denominations. Please send letter of application, resume, and names of three references by May 1,1998, to: Sonia Bodi, Interim Director of the Library, North Park University, 3225 W. Foster, Chicaqo, IL 60625. M/F, EOE. ELECTRONIC SERVICES COORDINATOR. Provides leadership in the planning, development, and evaluation of library electronic, multimedia, and Internet services and resources. Provides reference service on a rotating schedule (including evenings and weekends). Requires ALA-accredited MLS or equivalent; expertise in web devel­ opment, including knowledge of HTML and CGI scripting; working knowledge of PC microcomputer hardware and software products, telecommunications, and network applications; knowledge of cur­ rent and emerging library technologies; strong service orientation; ability to work independently and as part of a team; working knowl­ edge of print and electronic resources; problem-solving skills; excel­ lent communication skills; and demonstrated ability to provide indi­ vidual and group instruction. Science or music background desir­ able. Submit interest letter, resume, and names of three references, by April 24, 1998, to: Library Search, University of Puget Sound, P.O. Box 7297, Tacoma, WA 98407. An equal opportunity, affirma­ tive action educator and employer. ELECTRONIC SERVICES LIBRARIAN. Description: The position of Electronic Services Librarian provides a vital link between collection development and systems as they pertain to the provision of elec­ tronic library services. The librarian is both a coordinator and a consultant, working closely with collection development and informa­ tion services librarians to learn about the electronic products and services they wish to provide, and offering technical suggestions and assistance to ensure effective provision of those services. Respon­ sibilities: Develop and maintain a current understanding of electronic resources in all formats and the technical support issues involved in providing these resources to the libraries’ clientele. Work in a collegial manner with collection development librarians and others to determine suitable information format, method of delivery, compli­ ance with existing infrastructure or requirements for infrastructure changes to meet delivery requirements for electronic information. Contribute to discussions and development of information delivery policies and procedures as appropriate. Assist in the advancement of the libraries’ strategic plan in the delivery of information in 310 /C&RL News ■ April 1998 COORDINATOR, SCIENCE LIBRARIES, AND HEAD, SHAPIRO SCIENCE LIBRARY University of Michigan DUTIES: Reporting to the Assistant D irecto r for Public Services, this position is charged with coordinating the university’s response to the service and resource needs of facility, researchers, and students in the sciences. The Science Libraries consist of the unified Shapiro Science Library (Chem istry, M athem atics, Natural Science, Physics/Astronom y), the M useum s Library, and the Biological station Library. The Science Libraries have prim ary responsibility fo r the inform ation needs of the departm ents of Astronom y, Biology, Chem istry, G eological Sciences, M athem atics, Anthropology, Paleontology, Zoology, Physics, and Statistics, and the School of Natural Resources and Environm ent (SNRE). The C oordinator of the Science Libraries is responsible for leadership and direction of the three units, including overall responsibility for budgeting, staffing, and coordination of public services and technical processing. As Head of the Shapiro Science Library, the librarian has special responsibility to the prim ary clientele of that library. The total staff resource within this cluster includes five librarians, six professional and adm inistrative staff, seven office clericals, and additional hourly assistants. As C oordinator of the Science Libraries, the librarian will: Lead in the developm ent of innovative services in response to and anticipation of the needs of library users, including the areas of electronic access to inform ation resources and docum ent delivery; provide direction f o r the sciences cluster in the areas of inform ation services, collection developm ent and collection m anagem ent, and inform ation technology; adm inister all phases of public services operations necessary to plan, staff, manage, and evaluate the services provided by the sciences libraries; prepare and m onitor the various library budgets; serve as a m em ber of the Public Services Council and other public services and libraryw ide groups which provide direction to the Library Adm inistration and to the cam pus; participate in the discussions, planning efforts, and program direction of the Public Services Council. As Head of the Shapiro Science Library, the librarian will provide general oversight of the collections of the Science Library; manage the appropriate funds, including personnel and collections; work directly with the departm ent chairs in the sciences and the dean of the SNRE, o rth e ir designated personnel, as necessary. REQ UIRED Q U ALIFIC ATIO N S: ALA-accredited MLS; five years of adm inistrative experience including work in a research, special, or science library serving sim ilar clientele; evidence of innovative leadership; ability to translate vision into action; experience with relevant inform ation technology; fam iliarity with issues, trends, and operational needs of research libraries; excellent interpersonal skills and ability to work effectively with faculty, staff, and students of culturally diverse backgrounds; dem onstrated organizational, analytical, and com m unication (both oral and written) skills. RANK, SALARY, AND LEAVE: Rank of Librarian. Final salary dependent on years of previous relevant experience (minimum salary of $60,000); 24 working days of vacation/year; 15 days of sick leave/year with provisions for extended benefits. APPLY TO: Lucy Cohen Library Human Resources 404 Hatcher Graduate Library North University of Michigan Ann Arbor, Ml 48109-1205 APPLIC ATIO N DEADLINE: Applications received by April 3 0 ,1 9 9 8 will be given first consideration. The University of Michigan is a nondiscriminatory, affirmative action employer. electronic formats. Assist the Systems Officer in planning and coor­ dinating computer-related training for the faculty and staff. The position reports to the Systems Officer. Qualifications: MLS from an ALA-accredited program; understanding of library resources and services; thorough understanding of and experience with an inte­ grated library system, including a clear understanding of the concepts involved in a client-server environment; demonstrated understanding of library systems hardware and software used to support electronic resources; initiative and intellectual curiosity; enthusiasm for and vision of the possibilities offered by new technologies, and the ability to translate ideas into practical applications; excellent communica­ tion and team skills; potential for tenure and promotion. Library environment: The University of Alabama Libraries have chosen Voyager from Endeavor Information Systems, Inc., as the new client- server system to be implemented in the summer of 1998. OCLC is used for cataloging and ILL. Electronic resources are provided to patrons using a variety of formats and access, and digital projects are in process in the Hoole Special Collections Library. The libraries’ web C&RL News ■ April 1998/311 site (which is currently being reviewed and updated) can be accessed at Salary and benefits: 12-month, tenure-track appointment at the Instructor or Assistant Professor level, depending on qualifications. Minimum salary for Instructor is $23,100, and for Assistant Professor is $26,600. Strong benefits; substantial moving allowance may be available. To apply: Send letter of application, resume, and names, addresses and phone numbers of three refer­ ences to: Voni B. Wyatt, Personnel Officer, The University of Alabama Libraries, P.O. Box 870266, Tuscaloosa, AL 35487-0266. Applications received by April 15, 1998, are assured of receiving consideration. The University of Alabama is an equal opportunity, affirmative action employer. ELECTRONIC USER SERVICES LIBRARIAN. Virginia Common­ wealth University invites applications for the position of Electronic User Services Librarian to guide and advise user services faculty and staff in the selection and implementation of electronic resources and services. As a member of the Reference Services department (6.5 FTE) in the Academic User Services division, s/he participates in divisional management and provides general reference, consultative, and instructional services. The incumbent is expected to collaborate with 7 FTE in Automation Services and other library faculty and staff in assessing technological needs, to monitor technological trends, and to advise user services faculty and staff about equipment planning and software for instruction, research, and library services. S/he also assists in the evaluation, selection, and promotion of electronic resources. The incumbent is a key player in developing and maintaining the library’s web gateways and in planning library tech­ nology projects, particularly those impacting user services. The position reports to the Reference Services Team Leader. Qualifica­ tions: ALA-accredited MLS required. The following are preferred: Public service experience and strong commitment to public service; experience with microcomputer operating systems and network (Win­ dows 95, Novell) and CD-ROM environments; experience with a variety of microcomputer application software and languages; expe­ rience in planning and implementing electronic reference services; and demonstrated expertise in web development and scripting lan­ guages. Experience in set-up and troubleshooting computer hard­ ware and software is a plus. Additional desirable qualifications: Demonstrated ability to learn new technology and stay current with technical developments, and an understanding of the mission and goals of academic libraries. The library will be looking for an individual with strong project management skills; initiative and creativity; the ability to interact successfully and communicate in a clear, knowl­ edgeable, and personable manner; and the ability to meet require­ ments for faculty advancement, including professional service and publication. A complete position description as well as information about University Library Services and the university are available at 3 1 2 / C&RL News ■ April 1998 ENGINEERING/INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY SUBJECT SPECIALIST The University of North Carolina at Charlotte The U niversity of North C arolina at C harlotte announces an exciting opportunity for an E ngineering/ Inform ation Technology Subject Specialist. The successful candidate will join a team of inform ation specialists charged with defining and im plem enting a set of refocused services to support the academ ic initiatives of the university. These services will be offered from a newly expanded library and information com m ons facility due for com pletion in 1999. R ESPO N SIBILITIES: The successful candidate will interact with faculty and students in the C ollege of Engineering to provide specialized research support, user education, and consultation services, and will w ork with library colleagues to develop and m anage print and electronic collections, and to make effective use of inform ation resources at a busy public service point that com bines both general and governm ent sources. Additionally, assists with the selection, organization, and assessm ent of the library’s electronic resources and their interfaces. W ill help support the developm ent of electronic, m ultim edia, and Internet/W W W services and resources. Serves on library and university com m ittees. Q U A LIFIC A TIO N S : MLS from an ALA -accredited program . Subject background: Engineering or com puter science, with more than two years engineering library experience preferred. Excellent oral and written com m unication skills; experience with electronic resources and the Internet/W W W ; fam iliarity with inform ation resources for engineering and inform ation technology. Desirable qualifica­ tions: Faculty liaison experience; experience in planning and presenting usereducation sessions; ability to take innovative approaches to translate creative ideas into practical reality. STATUS: Full-tim e, 12-month contract with faculty rank. Salary: C om petitive and dependent upon qualifications. Start date: July 1,1998. TO APPLY: Send a letter of interest indicating qualifications, resume, and names, addresses, and phone num bers of at least three professional references to: Carole Runnion Library and Information Services University of North Carolina at Charlotte 9201 University City Blvd. Charlotte, NC 28223-0001 A pplications received by May 4 ,19 9 8, will receive first consideration, but applications will be accepted until position is filled. For additional inform ation, visit our web site: http://w w w AA/EEO. Members o f minority groups and persons with disabilities are encouraged to apply. Environment: VCU is a pub­ licly supported, urban research university in Richmond, Virginia, serving 21,000 students with 2,000 full-time faculty on both the academic campus and at the Medical College of Virginia Common­ wealth University. University Library Services is highly automated, with 300 nodes in a Novell environment, including 70 public worksta­ tions in the Cabell Library, with expansions in the planning stages. All NOTIS modules are operational, with centralized access to numerous databases in InfoShare, and hundreds of CD and other electronic resources. University Library Services has an established presence on the Internet, and maintains active leadership in the Virtual Library of Virginia (VIVA). Salary: Minimum $34,000. Benefits include 24 days leave; choice of health plans (including HMOs and dental plans); choice of retirement and annuity plans (including TIAA/CREF); remu­ neration for university course work; and paid life insurance. Submit resume and names and phone numbers for three current references to: Sarah Barbara Watstein, Assistant Director for Academic User Services, University Library Services, Virginia Commonwealth Uni­ versity, Box 2033, Richmond, VA 23284-2033. Review of applica­ tions will begin May 8, 1998. Virginia Commonwealth University is an equal opportunity, affirmative action employer. Minorities, women, and persons with disabilities are encouraged to apply. GOVERNMENT DOCUMENTS/BUSINESS LIBRARIAN. ID . Weeks Library. Position: Faculty rank, tenure-track, 12-month appointment, I.D. Weeks Library, University of South Dakota. Seeking an individual who will work in a centralized reference area, serving as government documents and business expert for the library. Position is primarily responsible for planning services and library resource development for the School of Business, and selecting, acquiring, and providing access to federal and state government documents. Position requires close cooperation with the cataloging and acquisition departments. Additional responsibilities include working regularly scheduled hours at the reference desk and providing online reference assistance. Individuals applying should have an interest in working with the faculty and have a strong commitment to public service. Qualifica­ tions: ALA-accredited MLS; undergraduate degree in a business- related field; knowledge and interest in educating library users; ability to work effectively with colleagues and diverse clientele; effective written and oral communication skills; knowledge of online searching; knowledge of microcomputer applications for word processing. Addi­ tional desirable qualifications: (1) second m aster’s degree in a business-related field (will be required for tenure and promotion); (2) experience working with government documents; (3) reference expe­ rience in either an academic or public library. Salary: Commensurate with rank and qualifications. Application procedure: Submit letter of application, resume, and the names, addresses, and telephone numbers of three references to: Imre Meszaros, Director of Libraries, I.D. Weeks Library, University of South Dakota, 414 East Clark St., Vermillion, SD 57069-2390. Application deadline: Review of applica- . C&RL News ■ April 1 9 9 8 /3 1 3 2 POSITIONS ASSOCIATE UNIVERSITY LIBRARIAN FOR LIFE SCIENCES AND DIRECTOR, MANN LIBRARY and ASSOCIATE UNIVERSITY LIBRARIAN FOR ENGINEERING, MATHEMATICS, AND PHYSICAL SCIENCES Cornell University Library The Cornell University Library, an active participant in teaching and research in the university, holds a distinctive collection of over six million volumes in its 19 libraries. The library is a member of the Digital Library Federation, and has extensive experience in pioneering digital initiatives such as the Making of America. To support its distinguished faculty, and a highly competitive student body, the Cornell University Library seeks two energetic and creative senior managers. The Associate University Librarians will report directly to the University Librarian and will serve on the Library Management Team. The Associate University Librarian for Engineering, Mathematics, and Physical Sciences will adm in­ ister the Engineering Library, the Mathematics Library, and the Physical Sciences Library. The three component libraries, which have a tradition of cooperation, are being combined into a single adm inis­ trative unit in 1998. The Associate University Librarian for Life Sciences and Director, Mann Library, will direct the Albert R. Mann Library, which serves the College of Agriculture and Life Sciences, the College of Human Ecology, the Division of Biological Sciences. This position will also adm inister the Flower-Sprecher Library (College of Veterinary Medicine); the Entomology Library; and the Geneva Experiment Station Library (New York State Agricultural Experiment Station). The Medical College Library, while not a part of the Life Sciences unit, is a partner in the delivery of services in the area of life sciences. As Director of the Mann Library, the incumbent also reports to the deans of the College of Agriculture and Life Sciences and the College of Human Ecology as well as being responsible to the Dean of the College of Veterinary Medicine and the Director of the Experiment Station. RESPONSIBILITIES: Provide leadership, direction, and innovative long-range planning efforts. Strengthen and facilitate coordination of collections, services, and staffing. Maintain a strong relation­ ship with faculty, deans, and directors. Provide leadership in implementing the digital library. Promote shared responsibility for an instruction program for science resources. Solicit funds from external sources through grant applications and donor relations. Represent the library through active participa­ tion in local and national professional activities. Serve as the subject matter expert for relevant disciplines. QUALIFICATIONS: MLS or equivalent graduate degree. Preferred: Relevant subject expertise. Minimum of eight years progressively responsible experience in library, including administrative experience. Strong leadership, communication, and decision-making skills; demonstrated ability to work collaboratively in a complex environment; and demonstrated record of professional and scholarly activity. SALARY: Commensurate with qualifications and experience. Applications accepted until position is filled. Send cover letter, resume, and the names, addresses, and phone numbers of three references to: Susan Markowitz, Acting Director Library Human Resources 201 Olin Library Cornell University Ithaca, NY 14853-5301 Cornell University is an affirmative action, equal opportunity employer strongly committed to diversity. We value qualified candidates who can bring to our community a variety of backgrounds and experiences. 314 / C&RL News ■ April 1998 ASSISTANT DOCUMENTS LIBRARIAN University of lllionis at Chicago (UIC) University Library Q U ALIFIC ATIO N S: ALA/M LS required; two years professional experience with governm ent inform ation resources and program s in an aca­ dem ic library or equivalent professional experi­ ence. Ability to com m unicate logically, clearly, and efficiently; evidence of professional involve­ m ent within academ ic librarianship; ability to meet university standards in research, publica­ tion, and professional service com m ensurate with tenure. AD D ITIO N A L DESIRABLE Q U ALIFIC ATIO N : Knowledge of or interest in CD-ROM networks, HTML, GIS, and other electronic resources; experience with cartographic information. 12-month, tenure-track faculty position. C om ­ petitive salary depending on qualifications/ex- perience. Entry-level faculty appointm ents in the UIC Library begin at $33,000. Excellent benefits. TO APPLY: Send cover letter, resume, and nam es and addresses of at least three refer­ ences by May 1 3 ,1 9 9 8 to: Annie Marie Ford Personnel Librarian University of Illinois at Chicago Box 8198 Chicago, IL 60680 FAX: 312-413-0424 Email: Full ad can be found at http://w w w depts/lib/admin/personnel.html. UIC is the largest institution of higher learning in the Chicago area, one of 88 Research I univer­ sities in the United States, and an increasingly significant center for education, research, and public service. Its serves more than 25,000 students and em ploys 11,000 full-tim e faculty and staff. The University o f Illinois at Chicago is an affirmative action, equal opportunity employer. tions will begin May 1, 1998, and will continue until position is filled, affirmative action, equal opportunity employer. HEAD, ACCESS SERVICES. The University of Oklahoma. Duties: Under the general direction of the Director of Information Manage­ ment and Delivery, the Access Services Department Head is respon­ sible for the following service areas: Stack management, circulation, reserve, storage, interlibrary loan, document delivery, and building security. The Access Services Department is responsible for provid­ ing library users with physical access to the general collection in the ASSOCIATE UNIVERSITY LIBRARIAN California State University, Los Angeles Applications and nominations are invited for an adm inistrative position with C alifornia State University, Los Angeles, one of 23 cam puses of the C alifornia State University system. The university is located near the cosm opolitan center of Los Angeles. The university has an urban student body of 18,000 which has the distinction of being the most diverse in the nation, and approxim ately 600 faculty. The Associate University Librarian oversees the activities of the library faculty, coordinates internal operations in a team -based environ­ ment, has close involvem ent in all aspects of the library’s adm inistration, strategic planning, developm ent, and program evaluation. REQ UIREM ENTS: A LA-accredited MLS de­ gree; significant senior adm inistrative library adm inistrative experience in a university or research library; sound working knowledge of new technologies and their applications to li­ braries; strong com m itm ent to excellence in library services; excellent interpersonal, oral, and written com m unication skills; the ability to work cooperatively with others and to foster team work; the ability to interact effectively with diverse cultural and ethnic groups. Salary fo r this A dm inistrator III position may be between $75,000 and $95,000, com m ensu­ rate with experience and qualifications. A com ­ prehensive benefit program is provided. The university has an active affirm ative action program and encourages qualified minorities, wom en, and persons with disabilities to apply. The position provides opportunities for strong and im aginative leadership. Applications accepted until position is filled; for full consideration, subm it le tte r of interest, cur­ rent curriculum vitae, and three letters of refer­ ence to: Douglas A. Davis University Librarian John F. Kennedy Memorial Library, #A97-333 California State University, Los Angeles 5151 State University Dr. Los Angeles, CA 90032-8534 Reasonable accommodation may be requested. EO/AA/Title IX employer C&RL News ■ April 1 9 9 8 /3 1 5 REFERENCE COORDINATOR/INSTRUCTION LIBRARIAN California Institute of the Arts California Institute of the Arts is seeking an innovative professional to fill the new position of Reference Coordinator and Instruction Librarian. The Reference Coordinator manages the reference collection and supervises the Information Desk. The Instruction Librarian will develop an aggressive program of electronic information instruction, including courses for credit and a varied schedule of workshops. The Instruction Librarian will both teach and schedule other teachers in a program designed for students, staff, and faculty; and will develop instructional materials in print, interactive web-based, and multimedia formats as required. QUALIFICATIONS REQUIRED: A m aster’s degree from an ALA-accredited institution. Substantial experience with electronic resources, desktop and Internet applications, and a variety of digital formats. Strong oral and written communication skills and the ability to work with a variety of people at various levels of technical expertise. QUALIFICATIONS PREFERRED: Formal teaching experience. Academic library reference experi­ ence. Knowledge of HTML and web design. A lively interest in the arts. SALARY: Competitive, based on experience, with excellent benefits, vacation, and faculty status. CalArts is one of the leading institutions in the world for the training of professional artists in the fields of art, dance, film, music, theater, and critical writing. Position available July 1,1998. Send a letter discussing your qualifications, a formal resume, and three professional references to: Fred Gardner, Dean Division of Library and Information Resources California Institute of the Arts 24700 McBean Pkwy Valencia, CA 91355 web URL: CalArts is an equal opportunity employer. main library and access to materials not held in the university library collections. Responsibilities of the Department Head include: Defini­ tion and articulation of the role, goals, needs, and policies of Access Services; supervision, training, evaluation, and optimization of one librarian, eight staff, and 17 FTE student workers; development and determination of priorities used in decision making for budgetary matters such as equipment and staffing; liaison with branches con­ cerning circulation functions and the automated system; collection and analysis of appropriate statistical data; miscellaneous duties as assigned by the Director. This position is governed by the university’s policies for research or creative achievement and professional ser­ vices as outlined by the Faculty Handbook. Qualifications: Required: MLS from ALA-accredited library schools; four years professional experience, preferably in access services; substantial supervisory experience; ability to work effectively with faculty, students, and library staff; experience with major bibliographic utilities; effective oral and written communication skills; evidence of research or creative achievement. Desirable: Second master’s degree. Deadline for appli­ cations: May 15, 1998. Salary: Commensurate with experience. Benefits: TIAA/CREF; state retirement system; 33 days paid leave; short-term disability leave; university holidays; comprehensive me­ dical protection; and group life insurance. University libraries: A member of the Research Libraries Group, AMIGOS, and ARL, the university libraries consist of a main library and six branches. The collection contains more than 2.5 million volumes, 16,000 periodical subscriptions, and three outstanding special collections in history of science, western history, and business history. The libraries operate a computerized library system (NOTIS) including local holdings, subject databases, and network connections to other libraries. Norman, Oklahoma, is an attractive community close to a major metropolitan city. Employment: Librarians have faculty status, privileges, respon­ sibilities, rank of Assistant Professor or above, and are eligible for tenure. Application: Send letter of application with resume, a list of publications, and the names of three references, including current supervisor, to: Donald C. Hudson, Assistant to the Dean for Adminis­ trative Services, University Libraries, University of Oklahoma, Norman, OK 73019; (405) 325-2611. Oklahoma University is an equal opportunity, affirmative action employer. We encourage women and minority applicants and we are responsive to the needs of dual-career couples. HEAD, FINE ARTS & SPECIAL COLLECTIONS. (Posted February 25, 1988.) Name of organization: Cleveland Public Library. Location: 325 Superior Avenue. Salary: $55,816-$77,842. Principal duties: The Head of the Fine Arts & Special Collections is responsible for managing a department of nine FTE, a collection of 183,069 mono­ graph volumes, 11,658 periodical volumes, 23,572 items of sheet music, 36,000+ music recordings, 27,000 microforms in the fine arts and music subject areas. Special Collections includes 17,000 rare books and periodicals, with specialities in chess, folklore and orientalia. Qualifications/requirements: ALA-accredited master‘s degree in li­ brary science, three to four years library experience, broad knowledge and familiarity with relevant subject areas, ability to use automated databases. Supervisory experience, experience in grant writing and foreign languages desirable. Contact: Joan Brown, Head, Human Resources Department, Cleveland Public Library, 325 Superior Ave., Cleveland, OH 44114-1271. Submit: Send letter of application, resume, and letters of reference. Deadline: Open until filled. HEAD OF TECHNICAL SERVICES. Wheaton College (Illinois) is seeking applicants for the position of Head of Technical Services and science bibliographer. Responsible to the Director of Learning Re­ sources and in charge of operation of technical services areas of the campus libraries. Responsibilities include cataloging, acquisitions, processing, serials, government documents, curriculum libraries, and science collection. Includes supervision of two professional librar­ ians, six support staff, and student workers. A successful candidate will have minimum requirements of a master's degree in library or information science; subject master’s degree, preferably in the sci­ ences; experience with computer applications, including networks to all areas of technical services. Desire teaching experience in higher education; primary or secondary curricular experience; proficiency 316 / C&RL News ■ April 1998 INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY LIBRARIAN Furman University Greenville, South Carolina, and Wofford College Spartanburg, South Carolina Furman University, Greenville, South Carolina, and W offord College, Spartanburg, South Carolina are seeking a talented, energetic Information Technology Librarian fo r a shared position a t th e two institutions. This position is funded for a period of four years through a grant from the Mellon Foundation as part of a program to enhance innovative use of technology in the classroom, curricula, and information services. REQUIREM ENTS: ALA-accredited MLS plus two years of experience in reference service and bibliographic instruction, including use of presentation software. Experience in networked software and multimedia. Strong verbal and writing and organizational skills. Dem onstrated success in project management. Duties include providing analysis and guidance in appropriate electronic information resources, refer­ ence su pp o rt fo r faculty/student research teams, participation and instruction in sum m er workshops and seminars, providing course-integrated library instruction, enhancem ent of cross-cam pus cooperation in inform ation services. Both schools have innovative program s in faculty bibliographic instruction and we hope to hire a dynam ic librarian who can provide leadership in this im portant area. BEGINNING SALARY: $35,000, with attractive benefits package. Furman University and Wofford College are both Carnegie I, nationally ranked Phi Beta Kappa liberal arts institutions, with residential cam puses located 30 miles apart in the upstate of South Carolina. Furman U niversity’s enrollm ent is 2,700 students; W offord C ollege’s enrollm ent is 1,100. The libraries are fully automated, with strong collections and services and staff com m itted to partnership with teaching faculty in the education of our students. The G reenville-Spartanburg area is one of the nation’s fastest-grow ing m etropolitan areas, with num erous international corporations, cultural attractions, and easy access to the vacation areas of the Blue Ridge Mountains and the South Carolina coast. For further inform ation on the schools, consult our web sites: http://www.furm and http://w w w .w Review of applications will begin April 25, 1998. Apply with letter of application, transcripts (copy acceptable initially), and names and phone num bers of three references to: Oakley H. Coburn, Director Sandor Teszler Library Wofford College 429 N. Church St. Spartanburg, SC 29303-3663 e-mail: This position will be filled under the guidelines of equal opportunity, affirmative action, ADA. with Internet; effective communication skills; and bibliographic in­ struction experience. Position available July 1, 1998. Wheaton Col­ lege is an evangelical Christian liberal arts college whose faculty and staff affirm a Statement of Faith and adhere to lifestyle expectations. The college complies with federal and state guidelines for nondis­ crimination in employment. Women and minority applicants are encouraged to apply. Interested candidates should send resumes to: Director of Human Resources, Wheaton College, Wheaton, IL 60187. HEALTH SCIENCES LIBRARIAN. (MELECTRONIC USER SER­ VICES LIBRARIAN. Virginia Commonwealth University invites appli­ cations for the position of Electronic User Services Librarian to guide and advise user services faculty/staff in the selection and implemen­ tation of electronic resources and services. As a member of the Reference Services department (6.5 FTE) in the Academic User Services division, s/he participates in divisional management and provides general reference, consultative, and instructional services. The incumbent is expected to collaborate with 7 FTE in Automation Services and other library faculty/staff in assessing technological needs, to monitor technological trends, and to advise user services faculty/staff about equipment planning and software for instruction, research and library services. S/he also assists in the evaluation, selection and promotion of electronic resources. The incumbent is a key player in developing and maintaining the library’s web gateways and in planning library technology projects, particularly those impact­ ing user services. The position reports to the Reference Services Team Leader. Qualifications: ALA accredited MLS required. The following are preferred: public service experience and strong commit­ ment to public service; experience with microcomputer operating systems and network (Windows 95, Novell) and CD-ROM environ­ ments; experience with a variety of microcomputer application soft­ ware and languages; experience in planning and implementing electronic reference services; and demonstrated expertise in web development and scripting languages. Experience in set-up and troubleshooting computer hardware and software is a plus. Additional desirable qualifications: demonstrated ability to learn new technology and stay current with technical developments, and an understanding of the mission and goals of academic libraries. The library will be looking for an individual with strong project management skills; initiative and creativity; the ability to interact successfully and com- C&RL News ■ A pril 1 9 9 8 / 3 1 7 FOUR POSITIONS AVAILABLE Long Island University Technology Applications Librarian Develop and manage com puter-based system s and applications for the library. Liaison with Academ i Com puting; collection developm ent in appropriate fields. REQUIRED: ALA-accredited MLS; other technology-related degrees desirable. M inim um three year experience in autom ated systems, preferably five years in autom ated library environm ent. Excellen m anagem ent, planning skills; cutting-edge hardware and softw are know ledge and skills. APPO IN TM E N T RANK AND SALARY: Open. Coordinator of Library Instruction Develop and m anage dynam ic instructional program s, including faculty and staff training, on all sites. Expand program s for inform ation literacy and curriculum -linked BI; reference, collection developm en duties. REQUIRED: 30 graduate credits beyond MLS; five years in reference and increasingly responsible adm inistrative and supervisory experience. Effective teaching skills, including expertise with various teaching and learning styles. Leadership skills; hands-on experience with electronic resources and multimedia technologies. PREFERRED: Eight years related experience including teaching in academ ic setting; subject m aster’s grantsmanship. APPO IN TM E N T RANK: Assistant Professor or above. Docum ent Delivery/Extension Services Librarian Develop and m anage all aspects of ILL, docum ent delivery, and extension services, cooperative agreem ents; policy making and creative m anagem ent of new technologies and traditional services. REQUIRED: 30 additional graduate credits beyond the MLS; four years progressively responsible relevan experience; dem onstrated know ledge of appropriate current technologies, OCLC, copyright issues, resource-sharing trends; successful m anagem ent and supervisory experience; service orientation. PREFERRED: five plus years in autom ated academ ic setting; expertise in resource-sharing systems; subject M aster’s; grantsm anship. MINIMUM APPO IN TM E N T RANK: Assistant Professor. Special Collections/Preservation Librarian Organize, develop, manage, prom ote special collections and archives; develop/im plem ent preservation program. Responsible for policies, access, grantwriting, exhibits, cataloging of special collections. REQUI RED: Three years experience in preservation/special collections, thorough knowledge of profes sional standards. High-level com puter skills, grantsm anship. PREFERRED: Extensive training in two or all of the following: preservation, rare books, archives. MINIMUM APPO IN TM E N T RANK: Instructor. All positions require an ALA-accredited MLS; the ability to meet tenure requirem ents; excellent supervi sory, com m unications, and m anagem ent skills; and the ability to develop distance-learning modalities. Appointm ent date by Septem ber 1,1998; searches will remain open until filled. M inim um salary range fo Instructor to Full-Professor ranks: $37,822 to $52,529. Excellent benefits, including 44 days leave, calendar recesses, release-tim e. Send letter of application, resume, and m inim um of three references to: Terri Campo Long Island University 1 University Plaza Brooklyn, NY 11201 Long Island University is the eighth largest private university in the U.S. It is recognized for strength in the liberal arts and sciences, health sciences, and library and inform ation science, including a Ph.D. program in the latter. The Brooklyn Cam pus is located within easy access of M anhattan. It enrolls more than 8,200 students pursuing undergraduate and graduate degrees in the various colleges: Arts and Science, Pharm acy and Health Sciences, Education, Health Professions, Nursing, Business and Public A dm inis tration. The library, with a staff of 42, including 21 librarians, houses 224,000 volum es, 3400 periodical subscriptions, and a collection of 23,000 AV resources. It provides 18 bibliographic databases for end-user searching. c s t t ; t ­ ­ r ­ 3 1 8 /C&RL News ■ April 1998 COLLECTIONS CONSERVATOR DARTMOUTH COLLEGE LIBRARY The Dartm outh College Library seeks an experienced conservator for the newly created position of Collections Conservator. RESPO NSIBILITIES. Reporting to the Preservation Services Librarian, the incum bent plans, coordi­ nates, and oversees the evaluation and treatm ent of the general and special collections material held in the Dartmouth College Library system. Hires, trains, and supervises conservation technicians and student assistants in the conservation treatm ents of paper-based materials. Establishes and maintains quality control of conservation treatm ents perform ed within the library system. Perform s com plex treatm ents on special collections m aterials from the 10th to 20th century. Assists the Preservation Services Librarian with long-range planning, preservation education programs, and disaster recovery. Serves on library wide com m ittees and in the absence of the Preservation Services Librarian acts as supervisor of the departm ent. QUALIFICATIONS: Graduate degree in the conservation of books and/or archival library materials, with three years of bookbinding and conservation experience in a research library; or the equivalent. MLS desirable. Demonstrated knowledge of conservation principles, practices, and procedures. Knowledge of bookbinding history and book structure. Dem onstrated experience in treatm ent decision making. Knowledge of com m ercial binding m ethods and standards. Background in general and organic chem istry strongly preferred. Experience with designing a lab desirable. Strong organization skills; excellent verbal and written com m unication skills; ability to work effectively with staff of the college libraries and to direct the work of others. Knowledge of com puters and softw are applications. RANK AND SALARY: Rank and salary com m ensurate with experience and qualifications, with a m inim um salary of $33,500 for Librarian II; full benefits package, including 22 vacation days, com prehensive health insurance, TIAA/CR EF, and relocation assistance. DARTM OUTH COLLEGE INFORM ATION: http://w w w .dartm APPLIC ATIO N : Applications received by May 15,1998, will be given first consideration; applications will be considered until the position is filled. Send resumes to: Phyllis E. Jaynes Director of User Services 115 Baker Library Hanover, NH 03755 Dartmouth College is an A A, EE0, M/F employer. Minority candidates are encouraged to apply. municate in a clear, knowledgeable, and personable manner; and the ab ility to meet requirem ents for faculty advancem ent, including professional service and publication. A com plete position de­ scription as well as inform ation about U niversity Library Services and the university are available at http://w w w .libra ry.vcu .edu / new s.htm l. Environm ent: VCU is a publicly-supported, urban research university in Richmond, Virginia, serving 21,000 stu ­ dents with 2,000 full-tim e faculty on both the academ ic cam pus and at the M edical College of V irginia C om m onw ealth University. U niversity Library Services is highly autom ated, with 300 nodes in a Novell environm ent, including 70 public w orkstations in the Cabell Library, with expansions in the planning stages. All NOTIS m odules are operational with centralized access to num erous databases in InfoShare, hundreds of CD and other electronic resources. U niversity Library Services has an established pres­ ence on the Internet, and m aintains active leadership in the Virtual Library of V irginia (VIVA). Salary: Minim um $34,000. Benefits include 24 days leave; choice of health plans (including HMOs and dental plans); choice of retirem ent and annuity plans (including TIAA/C R EF); rem uneration for university course work; and paid life insurance. Subm it resume and names and phone num bers for three current references to: Sarah Barbara W atstein, A ssistant D irector for Academ ic User Services, U niversity Library Services, V irginia C om m onw ealth University, Box 2033, R ich­ mond, V irginia 23284-2033. Review of applications will begin May 8, 1998. V irginia C om m onw ealth U niversity is an equal opportun ity/affirm ative action em ployer. M inorities, women and persons with disa bilities are encouraged to apply. HEALTH SCIENCES LIBRARIAN. Medical College of Virginia Cam­ pus, Virginia Commonwealth University. (For qualifications and application information, see ad for Science & Engineering Librarian position below.) INTERLIBRARY LOAN LIBRARIAN. The University of Central Florida (UCF), Orlando, Florida seeks a Head of the Interlibrary Loan Depart­ ment, reporting to the Associate Director for Public Services. The department is composed of two units: Lending, which receives over 27,000 requests annually, and Borrowing, which handles approxi­ mately 14,000 requests. Primary responsibilities include planning, organizing, supervising, and coordinating the activities of seven staff members. Required: An ALA-accredited MLS and experience in interlibrary loan with a bibliographic utility. Desired: Public services experience, preferably in a large academic or research library; super­ visory experience; strong organizational ability; the ability to establish and maintain effective working relationships with colleagues, stu­ dents, faculty, and staff; effective oral and written communication skills; and a record of professional activities and/or publications. Profile: UCF is a member institution of the State University System of Florida and is a comprehensive metropolitan institution. UCF has an enrollment of 29,000 and offers degree programs in five colleges: Arts and Sciences, Business Administration, Education, Engineering, and C&RL News ■ April 1 9 9 8 /3 1 9 DIRECTOR OF THE LIBRARY Monmouth College Monmouth College is seeking an energetic and creative person to lead our library into the 21 st century. The successful candidate must be committed to the liberal arts, working collaboratively with others, and structuring the library operation to insure excellent and friendly service to library users. Sound foundation in the technological advances in library usage, especially computer applications, is required. Visionary ideas about the library of the future that will integrate technology with the more traditional characteristics of the library are essential. Also required are excellent communication and interpersonal skills and at least five years of professional experience in an academic library. The successful candidate will provide strong, supportive leadership of the library staff and work effectively with faculty and administrative offices, especially the Office of Information Systems, to insure that the library supports curricular needs. Must be able to develop and manage financial affairs of the library, including overseeing its budget. Specifically, the Library Director will possess: ALA-accredited MLS. Ability to inspire and lead library staff in an environment of change and challenge. Collaborative skills and ability to work effectively with faculty, students, and administrators. Excellent communication skills, written and oral. Minimum of five years experience showing progressive responsibility in library administration. Knowledge of recent technologi­ cal developments and their current and potential impact on a library in a liberal arts setting. Commitment to information literacy. Reference abilities. Qualifications considered highly desirable: Master’s degree or Ph.D. in a second discipline relevant to a liberal arts college. Experience developing and overseeing a library budget. Working knowledge of government documents and/or archives. The Director of the Library reports directly to the Vice President for Academic Affairs and heads a staff of 5.7 FTE, including 3.2 FTE librarians. The director provides direct services as a member of the reference and instruction team. The successful candidate also oversees campus media services and prepares and manages the library’s budget. Salary and potential non-tenured faculty status commensu­ rate with background and experience. Monmouth College is a nationally ranked liberal arts college of a 1,000 students with a beautiful campus in Monmouth, Illinois, a small, friendly midwestern community located an hour from Peoria and the Quad Cities. During the past several years, we have completed the largest capital campaign in our history, significantly increased our endowment, rearticulated our institutional mission, reaffirmed our history and traditions, won increasing regional and national recognition, increased the diversity of our campus community, significantly improved o u r campus facilities to enhance our teaching/learning environment, and reached our enrollment goal of 1,000 students. We are currently involved in developing a long-range campus plan that projects to the year 2020. We are committed to a campus culture that is characterized by trust; collegiality; open, participative decision-making; and mutual concern and respect. Hewes Library serves a student body of 1,041 undergraduates and 76.4 FTE faculty. The library has a collection exceeding 140,000 volumes and 100,000 government documents as well as 800 current periodicals, 15 percent of current government publications, and a variety of CD-ROM and online databases. Established in 1860, the federal depository is the oldest continuous depository in Illinois. The library is fully automated, using the Ameritech Horizon library system. It has a vigorous course-integrated instruction program. Full consideration given to applications received by April 15,1998.. Review of applications begins April 15,1998, and will continue until position is filled. Position could begin as early as June 1,1998. Send letter of interest, vita, and three reference letters to: Michael McNall Director of Personnel Monmouth College Monmouth, IL 61462 Monmouth College is an equal opportunity employer committed to diversity. We invite and encourage applications from women and minority candidates. 320 / C&RL News ■ April 1998 Health and Public Affairs. The 1,445-acre campus is located in the Orlando suburbs, 13 miles northeast of downtown. The university libraries include two libraries on the UCF campus in Orlando and several branch locations in the central Florida area. The university library, housed in a facility of 200,000 square feet, has a collection of over 1.1 million volumes and is a partial depository for U.S. and Florida documents and U.S. patents. The library materials budget is $4.2 million. A total staff of 92 includes 35 professional librarians. For more information, visit the University of Central Florida web site: http:/ / Rank and salary: Commensurate with experience and qualifications. Application requirements: A cover letter, resume, and the names, addresses, and telephone numbers of three professional references must be postmarked by midnight, May 15,1998. The cover letter must address specific interlibrary loan qualifications and expe­ rience, as well as address all desired criteria. Send responses to: V ictor F. Owen, Library Human Resources Coordinator, Univer­ sity of Central Florida Library, P.O. Box 162666, Orlando, FL 32816-2666. Searches are conducted in accordance with the State of Florida sunshine regulations. UCF is an equal opportu­ nity, affirm ative action employer. INTERLIBRARY LOAN/REFERENCE LIBRARIAN. Auburn Univer­ sity Montgomery (AUM) seeks a qualified individual for a tenure-track position. Required: An ALA-accredited MLS degree or equivalent; one year’s professional library experience relating to interlibrary loan; good communication, interpersonal, organizational, and written skills; knowledge of basic reference sources. Desirable: Experience with computer-assisted reference service; collection development and bibliographic instruction. Responsibilities: Coordinates and imple­ ments interlibrary loan activities for the library; develops and maintains policies for ILL; keeps statistics on ILL activities. Assists in the provision of reference services and occasional bibliographic instruc­ tion. May participate in some collection development activities, based upon subject interest. Salary: $27,000, plus standard benefits. To apply, send a letter of application, resume, and the names, addresses, and phone numbers of three references to: Barbara Dekle, Chair, ILL Librarian Search Committee, Auburn University Montgomery Li­ brary, P.O. Box 244023, Montgomery, AL 36124-4023. The commit­ tee will begin reviewing applications May 1, 1998, and will continue until the position is filled. Starting date for the position will be June 16, 1998, or as soon thereafter as possible. AUM is an EEO/AA employer. LIBRARY DIRECTOR. Prescott College is a private, four-year liberal arts college in the mountains of central Arizona. The college seeks a Library Director, an experienced professional with the ability to develop services and collections to support its experiential and multidisciplinary approach to education. The Director will assist in the planning and implementation of a campaign to further develop the library. The library serves the needs of an on-campus undergraduate student body, satellite offices in Arizona and Sonora, Mexico, and undergraduate and graduate students in community-based programs throughout the Southwest. The position requires some flexibility in scheduling, including evening and weekend work as needed. Quali­ fications: ALA-accredited MLS required, Ph.D. preferred; substantial library management experience, with demonstrated leadership skills and successful management of library budgets; and a record of participation in fundraising and grant writing. Ability to develop a strategic plan, integrate new technologies, and manage professional and other staff. Interested parties should submit the following: Current curriculum vitae, letter of interest, and three professional references (names and phone numbers). Include a statement of management style, a description of the role of the librarian in a small liberal arts college with nontraditional approaches to traditional and emerging disciplines; and salary history and expectations. It is hoped that the Director will assume responsibilities by June 30, 1998. Direct appli­ cation materials to: Jim Argyle, HR Director, Prescott College, 220 Grove Ave., Prescott, AZ 86301. EOE. LIBRARY DIRECTOR. Siena Heights College, a Catholic, liberal arts college sponsored by the Adrian Dominican Sisters, seeks qualified applicants for the position of Library Director. Reports to the Aca­ demic Dean and is responsible for the library program development, operations, and budget. The Director works with faculty to ensure that the print and electronic collection supports the academic curriculum. Supervises two professional librarians, two FTE paraprofessionals, and seven FTE students. Library collections include 153,000 units of information, including 107,000 books, 15,000 bound periodicals, and 25,000 units of microforms, 500 periodical subscriptions, and a variety of electronic resources. The library is fully automated with the Ameritech Library System. Qualified candidates will possess an MLS from an ALA-accredited institution, five years post-MLS professional experience in an academic or research library environment with ELECTRONIC SERVICES LIBRARIAN James Madison University, Carrier Library RESPONSIBILITIES: Provide leadershipforelec- tronic reference services and work collaboratively with library and cam pus departm ents to plan de­ velop, and support access to electronic reference resources. Also serve as liaison librarian to se­ lected academ ic departm ents; teach information skills; create guides for library web, develop col­ lections; and provide reference service. Reports to Head of Public Services. QUALIFICATIO NS: ALA-accredited MLS; thor­ ough knowledge of trends in electronic resources and technology applications in libraries; experi­ ence with web publishing; dem onstrated ability to work creatively and collaboratively in a rapidly changing environment; excellent interpersonal and communication skills; demonstrated project man­ agem ent skills; reference and instructional expe­ rience; at least three years relevant library expe­ rience in an academ ic library, ENVIRO NM ENT: Carrier Library is equipped with over 150 networked com puters and provides ac­ cess to more than 200 databases, JMU is a state institution with an enrollm ent of 13,700, offering outstanding undergraduate instruction and high- quality graduate programs. Carrier Library is an active participant in VIVA, the Virtual Library of Virginia consortium . Visit the Carrier Library web site at BENEFITS: 12-month faculty appointment. M ini­ mum salary $35,000. Trigon (BC/BS) health in­ surance plans; paid group life insurance; several retirement options, including TIAA/CREF and the Virginia Retirem ent System; 11 holidays and 20 vacation days each year; on-cam pus tuition w a ­ ver. Excellent campus recreational facilities; beau­ tiful location in the Shenandoah Valley flanked by the Blue Ridge M ountains to the east and the Alleghenies to the west. APPLICATION: Review of applications will begin April 15,1998. Send letter, resume, and contact information for three references to: Alma Hale-Cooper Carrier Library, MSC 1703 James Madison University Harrisonburg, VA 22807 AA/EOE/ADA. file:/// C&RL News ■ A pril 1 9 9 8 /3 2 1 increasing administrative responsibilities, demonstrated ability to direct technology-based programs and service, and strong leadership and communication skills. A second master’s degree is preferred. Salary commensurate with qualifications; benefits include health, life, long-term disability insurance, Sec. 125 plan, TIAA/CREF retirement. Respond with letter of interest, c.v., and list of three references to: Director of Human Resources, Siena Heights College, 1247 E. Siena Heights Dr., Adrian, Ml 49221. Review of materials will commence immediately and continue until the position is filled. EOE. LIBRARY, USER SERVICES. Mississippi University for Women. Tenure-track, 12-month position beginning July 1998. Required: ALA-accredited MLS; knowledge/experience with Novell networks, other technologies including electronic reference services, online catalogs, MARC, and systems analysis. Preferred: knowledge/expe­ rience with government documents. All faculty share night and weekend assignments. Position is open until filled. Applicants should send letter of application, resume, transcripts, and five references by April 1, 1998, to: MUW Personnel, Box W-1609, Columbus, MS 39701. MUW is an EO/AA employer. LIFE SCIENCES REFERENCE LIBRARIAN. University of Houston Libraries. Duties: Responsible for collection development, user edu­ cation, and electronic information services in biology, biophysical sciences, communication disorders, and technology. Provides ser­ vice at the Reference/Electronic Publications Center desk, including some weekend and evening hours. Serves as the library’s resource person for faculty and other individuals in assigned areas of collection development. Qualifications: Master’s degree from an ALA-accred­ ited library school required. Demonstrated knowledge of appropriate life sciences desired. Excellent communication skills and strong service orientation essential. Desire to work in an environment where services are expanding and where there is considerable scope for planning and implementing new program initiatives, including the application of new technologies to the delivery of services. Salary: $27,000. Comprehensive benefits package; choice of retirement programs, including TIAA/CREF; tax-deferred annuity program avail­ able; released time to take a class up to three hours per week; no state or local income tax. Application deadline: Nominations or applica­ tions will be accepted until the position is filled. Send letter of application, names of three references, and resume to: Linda Thomp­ son, Assistant Dean for Bibliographic Services, University of Hous­ ton Libraries, Houston, TX 77204-2091. Additional information: http:/ /; The Univer­ sity of Houston is an equal opportunity, affirmative action employer. Minorities, women, veterans, and persons with disabilities are en­ couraged to apply. LITERATURE/HUMANITIES REFERENCE LIBRARIAN. San Diego State University Library seeks an energetic full-time, tenure-track lib ra ria n to s e rv e as L ite ra tu re /H u m a n itie s R e fe re n c e Librarian. Responsibilities: Provides general and specialized refer­ ence service in a technically sophisticated environment. Reference service includes participation in evening and weekend rotation. Selects traditional and electronic resources in English and American literature and possibly other areas of the humanities. Serves as liaison to faculty in appropriate departments. Provides bibliographic instruction, including preparation of instructional materials, using the appropriate instructional technologies. Develops web-based resources in assigned subject areas. For more information about the university library see Qualifications: Required: MLS from an ALA-accredited institution or equivalent. Strong educational background or professional library experience in literature and the humanities. Ability to apply technology to reference and instructional services. Committed to keeping abreast of changing technologies. Excellent oral and written communication and interper­ sonal skills. Ability to work collegially. Preferred: Degree in English or American literature or another field in the humanities. Graduate degree in relevant subject field a plus, inority candidates and recent graduates, are specifically invited and encouraged to apply. This is a full-time, tenure-track, 12-month faculty position, with rank of either Senior Assistant Librarian or Associate Librarian, depending upon qualifications and experience. Starting salary range: $43,584-$50,124. Award of tenure is dependent upon evidence of continuing profes­ sional development and service. Desired appointment date is Sep­ tember 1, 1998. The university provides an excellent benefits pack­ age, including 24 days of vacation per year. Send letter of application, resume, and at least three names of reference to: Helen Henry, Director, Library Administrative Operations; San Diego State Univer­ sity Library; 5500 Campanile Dr.; San Diego, CA 92182-8050. A p p lic a tio n s m ay be s u b m itte d by e -m a il. S end to Please indicate the position applied for. The Selection Committee will begin screening on May 15, 1998. SDSU is an equal opportunity, Title IX employer and does not discriminate against persons on the basis of race, religion, national origin, sexual orientation, gender, marital status, age, or disability. PUBLIC SERVICES LIBRARIAN: ELECTRONIC ACCESS. Univer­ sity of Wisconsin Oshkosh. Forrest R. Polk Library invites applica­ tions for the position of Public Services Librarian: Electronic Access. Under the direction of the Assistant Director for Public Services, provides leadership and vision in exploring, designing, and imple­ menting innovative electronic library services, collections, and pro­ grams. Performs other Public Services duties such as instruction, reference, and collection development. The successful candidate will play a key role in exploring, developing, planning, and implementing new electronic services, collections, and programs as a member of the library’s electronic access working group. Provide instruction for university students, faculty, and staff in traditional library resources, electronic resources, and related information technologies. Create file:/// 3 2 2 / C&RL News ■ April 1998 CO-TEAM LEADER/KOREAN CATALOGER CJK TEAM Bibliographic Control and Access Department University of Southern California The Inform ation Services Division of the University of Southern C alifornia seeks an energetic, highly m otivated cataloging librarian for the CJK Tearn of the Bibliographic Control and Access Departm ent. The C J K Team is re sponsible for cataloging and physically preparing m aterials in Chinese, Japanese, and Korean languages for the East Asian Library and other subject libraries. The C J K Team is part of the Bibliographic Control and Access Department, which catalogs and processes approxim ately 55,000 titles per year using both RLIN (including RLIN CJK) and OCLC (including O CLC CJK). Additional inform ation about the University of Southern California, the ISD, and the university libraries com ponent can be obtained from USC web at http://w w w RESPO NSIBILITIES: M anagem ent responsibilities include setting goals and im plem enting them; overseeing w orkflow and procedures; supervision and evaluation of three CJK technical services staff and four students; and m anaging the team ’s outsourcing projects. Cataloging responsibilities include original and com plex copy cataloging of Korean-language m aterials in all form ats (including electronic resources), using AACR2r, LCSH, and LCC for input in the OCLC database using the OCLC CJK, and the maintenance of records on the local system, SI RSI. May also participate in: Creation of archival-level records; electronic resources/access web developm ent projects for CJK; representation of USC within CJK cataloging and archival professional com m unities or contribution to the setting of standards for bibliographic access to CJK m aterials nationally. EXPERIENCES AND Q U ALIFIC ATIO N S: Applicants should address their qualifications from the following: Two years m inim um of cataloging (preferably Korean m aterials) in a research or academ ic library; dem onstrated supervisory/m anagerial/leadership skills or experience; strong com m unication skills in spoken and written English; fluency in written and spoken Korean and reading know ledge of Chinese and/or Japanese; dem onstrated know ledge and experience in MARC, m ajor bibliographic utilities (OCLC CJK preferred), and standard cataloging tools, including AACR2r, LCRI, LC classifica­ tion and LC Subject Headings; knowledge of Korean culture and scholarship; experience incorporating new technologies into technical service functions; dem onstrated ability to work both independently and in a team setting, in cooperation with colleagues in a com plex, research-oriented environm ent; dem onstrated ability to handle multiple responsibilities; ability to work in a rapidly changing environment; com m itm ent to professional developm ent and research; MLS from an A LA-accredited institution; and ability to meet U SC ’s standard for continuing appointm ent. A P P O IN TM E N T RANK AND SALARY: Librarian II, $35,000 m inim um , or Librarian III, $43,000 minimum. Review of applicants will begin April 2 0,1998. Send letter of application, curriculum vitae, and names of three professional references to: Sharon Haymond Human Resources Director Information Services Division Doheny Memorial Library 100 University of Southern California Los Angeles, CA 90089-0182. user guides and documentation. Perform general reference duties and work a schedule including selected nights and weekends. Partici­ pate in the library’s collection development program and provide expert assistance to the collection development coordinator in devel­ oping the library’s electronic resources. Work cooperatively with librarians and staff in designing Public Services’ policies and pro­ grams. Participate in library and campuswide committees and other activities related to information technology. Continue professional growth and service through one or more of the following: publication, professional association activities, continuing education, or other relevant activities. Required qualifications: Master’s degree from an ALA-accredited school of library or information science. Substantial knowledge related to the Internet, HTML, electronic resources, and microcomputer applications. Demonstrated understanding of com­ puter hardware, network, and telecommunication issues as they relate to current and future library services, and the ability to work with IT professionals in providing library services. Excellent oral and written communication skills. Commitment to high quality library public service. Flexibility, enthusiasm, and high energy. Ability to work effectively with library patrons and colleagues. Preferred quali­ fications: Two years of academic library experience. Reference and/ or instructional experience in an academic library. A second master’s degree or other advanced degree. This is a continuing academic staff appointment at the Associate Academic Librarian or Academic Librarian level. Salary range is $30,636 to $42,000, depending on qualifications and experience, with an excellent benefits package. The University of Wisconsin Oshkosh is an equal opportunity, affir­ mative action employer. Minorities are encouraged to apply. Send C&RL News ■ April 1 9 9 8 /3 2 3 letter of application, resume, and the names and current telephone numbers of three references to: Chair, Electronic Access Librarian Screening Committee, c/o Assistant Vice Chancellor’s Office, Infor­ mation Technology Division, University of Wisconsin Oshkosh, 800 Algoma Blvd., Oshkosh, Wl 54901. Application deadline: May 15, 1998. Learn more about the University of Wisconsin Oshkosh by visiting its homepage at REFERENCE/INSTRUCTION LIBRARIAN. Dawes Memorial Library, Marietta College, seeks an innovative and energetic librarian to join its team. This position affords the opportunity to work in an environ­ ment where creativity and new program initiatives are encouraged. This person must be a flexible team member who can collaborate effectively on projects and programs. This person will also coordinate and evaluate the instruction program, participate in teaching respon­ sibilities, and design instructional materials. Reference responsibili­ ties include staffing the reference desk, providing reference services (some evening hours and weekend rotation), and contributing to the development of the reference collection of print and electronic re­ sources. Position includes some supervisory duties. Marietta Col­ lege, a nationally recognized liberal arts institution, is located in a historic southeastern Ohio river town. Dawes Library maintains a collection of 250,000+ volumes and nonprint materials accessible via an Innovative Interfaces, Inc. integrated library system. Expansion and renovation of the library building are an integral part of college planning. Qualifications: ALA-accredited MLS degree is required. Two years experience in academic reference and instruction services preferred. The candidate must have current knowledge of a variety of print and electronic resources and of the application of new technolo­ gies to the design and delivery of instruction. S/he must possess demonstrated teaching ability and a commitment to student learning. Excellent oral, written, organizational, and supervisory skills are essential. Experience with software and technology related to web- based instruction is a plus. Minimum salary is $28,000 for 12 months, with compensation dependent upon education and experience. Posi­ tion carries faculty rank and 20 vacation days plus benefits package. Review of applications begins April 30, 1998. Preferred starting date is July 1, 1998. Please send a current resume and names of three references to: Sandra B. Neyman, College Librarian, Dawes Library, Marietta College, Marietta, OH 45750. Marietta College is an equal opportunity employer which values diversity. Women, minorities, and persons with disabilities are encouraged to apply. REFERENCE/INSTRUCTIONAL TECHNOLOGY LIBRARIAN. (Two positions.) Einstein Library. Nova Southeastern University, a private university with a commitment to excellence in distance education and technology, invites creative, innovative, and dynamic applicants for the position of Reference/lnstructional Technology Librarian. The successful candidates will share responsibility for assisting students and faculty off campus as well as on campus. One position will work with the business and technology classes, and the other will work with education and psychology classes. Both will provide general refer­ ence and instructional services using print and electronic resources; conduct formal library instruction through general tours, on-the-road presentations, and hands-on training labs; be willing to travel by air and/or land and to work evening and weekend hours as needed; prepare traditional and online documentation; contribute to the devel­ opment of the reference collection and assigned subject areas of the main collection. Required qualifications: ALA-accredited MLS, with demonstrated interest in public services in an academic library. Experience with CD-ROM and online resources. Must have excellent organizational, communication, instructional, and interpersonal skills, with ability to work both cooperatively and independently and to foster teamwork. One to two years of professional experience in public services in an academic library. Experience giving instructional presentations to groups using electronic formats. Extensive com­ puter skills such as authoring or web design. Preferred: Demonstrated experience with instructional design. Preferred that applicant for the social science position have a degree in one of the social sciences or have related experience. Preferred that applicant for the business/ technology position have a degree in business or technology or related experience. Minimum salary of $32,500 for a 12-month appointment. Competitive benefits package, including TIAA/CREF and tuition benefits. Position will remain open until a suitable candi­ date has been hired. Submit letter of application, resume, three current references to: Nova Southeastern University, Human Re­ sources Department (AAA for the social science position, BBB for business and technology), 3301 College Ave., Ft. Lauderdale, FL 33314. Resumes submitted by May 1, 1998, will be given preference. For more job information, contact: Johanna Tunon, Chair of Search Committee, Nova Southeastern University, at the address above, or call (954)262-4608; fax: (954)262-3947. Nova Southeastern Univer- Director of the Library Rivier College seeks an individual with strong managerial and analytical skills to supervise the delivery of library services and to work in collaboration with others in structuring the library operation to insure excellent and friendly service to library users. A M aster’s Degree in Library Sciences from an ALA accredited in stitu tio n w ith a m inim um o f five years of academic library management and two years o f e x p e rie n c e as a sy stem s lib ra ria n are re q u ire d . S p e c ific a lly , c a n d id a te s sh o u ld demonstrate the following: • Strong interpersonal skills and the ability to work effectively with faculty, students and administrators • Excellent communication skills, written and oral • Ability to manage and coordinate all aspects of the library’s operation, including budget • Experience with DRA/MULTILIS and EBSCOHOST automated library systems, World Wide Web and Internet connections • Commitment to information literacy • Ability to assist in coordinating library computing and information systems Rivier College, with a student population of 2,700 undergraduate and graduate students, is recognized for academ ic excellence and a com m itm ent to social justice coupled with p ro fe ssio n a l caree r p re p a ra tio n in all its programs. The College welcomes women and men of all faiths to its faculty, staff and student body. Candidates for teaching or administrative positions must dem onstrate a personal and professional commitment to liberal arts educa­ tion and to the promotion of the mission and traditions of a Catholic college. Review o f applications will begin immediately and continue until position is filled. This year- round position is available July 1, 1998. Submit letter o f intent, resume and the names, addresses and telephone numbers o f three (3) professional references to: Director o f Human Resources, Rivier College, 420 Main Street, Nashua, NH 03060. An Equal Opportunity Employer. 324 / C&RL News ■ April 1998 LIBRARIAN OF T H E FINE ARTS LIBRARY Nominations and applications are invited for the position of Librarian of the Fine Arts Library. The Librarian has primary responsibility for the following key areas: collection development and manage­ ment; reference, access, and preservation programs; strategic planning; budget management; and implementation of information technologies. Reports to the Roy E. Larsen Librarian of Harvard College, serves as a member of the management group of the College Library; participates in fund­ raising; and represents Harvard in national and international professional organizations related to the field of art librarianship. T he Fine Arts Library is one of the largest units of the Harvard College Library, the central collection of the Faculty of Arts and Sciences, and has a staff of 29 FTE and an annual budget of $2.2M. The Library consists of six functional units: Public Services, Collection Management, Cataloging, Visual Collections, the Aga Khan Program for Islamic Art and Architecture, and the Rubel Asiatic Research Collection. The Library houses collections of 275,000 printed volumes and 1.6 million slides and photographs. The Fine Arts Library serves the research and teaching needs of the Department of History of Art and Architecture and the Harvard University Art Museums, as well as a diverse constituency throughout the University and the greater art history community. Qualifications: Demonstrated ability to provide strong leadership, vision, and strategic direction in complex organizations; demonstrated understanding of the library and information resources that support research and scholarship in the areas served by the Fine Arts Library; knowledge of the broad range of issues involved with the integration of information technology; knowledge of preservation issues. Excellent communication skills; ability to work in a highly collaborative environment and to contribute to cooperative initiatives within and beyond the Library. Advanced degree in fine arts, art history, or related field; library degree from an ALA accredited institution or equivalent combination of education and experience; a record of scholarly research and/or professional achievement. Available: The review of applications will begin immediately and continue until the position is filled. Compensation: Harvard University offers a competitive program of benefits. Appointment salary dependent on qualifications, mid $70’s. Interested parties are invited to submit a letter of application addressing position qualifications, resume, and the names, addresses, telephone and fax numbers of three references to: Hazel C. Stamps Senior Human Resources Program Administrator Harvard College Library Harvard University Widener 181 Cambridge, MA 02138 HARVARD UNIVERSITY U PH O L D S A C O M M IT M E N T T O AFFIRM ATIVE A C T IO N A N D EQUAL EM PLO Y M EN T O PPO R T U N IT Y C&RL News ■ April 1 9 9 8 /3 2 5 sity is an affirmative action, equal opportunity employer and encour­ ages applications from minorities, REFERENCE LIBRARIAN. (Search reopened.) The University of Rochester’s Management Library seeks an energetic reference librar­ ian to provide personalized information and instructional services in business and economics; coordinate electronic and Internet re­ sources, including authoring the library’s web pages and delivering the library’s special collections electronically; serve as economics bibliographer and maintain a collegial relationship with the Econom­ ics Department. Rotates in section’s weekend and evening schedule. In the absence of the section head, administers the section. Qualifi­ cations: Required: MLS from ALA-accredited program; educational background in the social sciences; knowledge of electronic informa­ tion products, including Internet resources, CD-ROMs, and online services; Windows competency; excellent written and oral communi­ cation skills; ability to prioritize. Preferred: MBA or graduate degree in social sciences, preferably economics; academic public service experience; knowledge of business or economic sources; previous experience in web page design. Salary dependent upon qualifica­ tions. Benefits include: Medical, dental, long-term disability, life insurances; retirement plan; sick leave; four weeks paid vacation; 11 paid holidays; tuition benefits. The Management Library, located within Rush Rhees Library, primarily serves the William E. Simon School of Business and the Economics department, both of which are ranked nationally in the top 25 in their respective disciplines. For an overview of the Management Library, visit our web site at http:// The University of Rochester is a pri­ vate institution with library membership in OCLC, RLG, ARL, and CRL. Send letter of application, resume, and the names, addresses, and telephone numbers of three references to: Gwen Martins, Human Resources Manager, Rush Rhees Library, University of Rochester, River Campus, Rochester, NY 14627; phone: (716) 275-4463; fax: (716) 244-1358. The University of Rochester is an equal opportunity employer. Application deadline: March 31 1998. REFERENCE LIBRARIAN— PSYCHOLOGY. San Diego State Uni­ versity Library. General Reference Division. New position. All quali­ fied candidates, including persons from underrepresented groups and recent graduates are encouraged to apply. Provides general and specialized reference service (including evenings and weekends) in a busy, dynamic library environment. Preparation of instructional material in print and electronic formats. Responsible for bibliographic instruction, collection development, and library outreach to the faculty and students of the Department of Psychology, the largest major on campus. Other subject areas may be assigned. For more information about the university library see psychlib.html. Qualifications: Required: MLS from an ALA-accredited institution or equivalent. Excellent oral and written communication and interpersonal skills. Ability to work collegially and effectively with diverse individuals and groups. Course work or experience in refer­ ence services. Preferred: Undergraduate or graduate degree in psychology or similar field and/or related work experience. Ability to apply technology to information services. Full-time, 12-month, ten­ ure-track faculty position. Award of tenure is dependent upon evi­ dence of continuing professional development and service. Rank of Senior Assistant. Starting salary (minimum): $43,584. Excellent benefits package, including 24 days annual vacation. Send letter of application, resume, and at least three names of reference to: Helen Henry, Director, Library Administrative Operations, San Diego State University, 5500 Campanile Dr., San Diego, CA 92182-8050. Appli­ ca tio n s may also be su b m itte d by e -m a il. Send to Please indicate the position applied for. To ensure full consideration, applications should be received by May 15, 1998, when the Appointment Committee will begin screening. SDSU is an equal opportunity, Title IX employer and does not discriminate against persons on the basis of race, religion, national origin, sexual orientation, gender, marital status, age, or disability. RESOURCE SHARING LIBRARIAN. Baylor University Libraries ‹U R L> seek an innovative Re­ source Sharing Librarian to supervise the libraries’ Resource Sharing Unit (formerly, Interlibrary Loan/Document Delivery). The librarian will report to the Head, Library Outreach Services. S/he will manage a unit with five FTE staff and five student assistants which processed 37,368 transactions during 1996-97. Responsibilities include the administration of and participation in the unit’s daily operations; and, in consultation with the Head, Library Outreach Services, the estab­ lishment of goals and priorities for the unit. The librarian will work with other library faculty to develop and explore new services and tech­ nologies for resource sharing, including service to distance education students. The librarian will represent Baylor at local, regional, na- CHEMICAL SCIENCES LIBRARIAN Case Western Reserve University Universitylibrary seeks an energetic, service- oriented chemical sciences librarian. QUALIFICATIONS: Required: ALA-accredited MLS and a minimum of three to five years post - MLS academic experience or demonstrated knowledge in relevant subject areas. Advanced degree in chemical sciences or related subject area preferred. Minimum two years collection management experience, knowledge of budget­ ary processes, and experience with automated library systems in an academic library preferred. Must have strong communication and presenta­ tion skills; demonstrated interest in and knowl­ edge of current emerging technologies to meet the needs of chemical sciences scholars; un­ derstanding of scholarly publishing and commu­ nication trends; skills in planning, analysis, evalu­ ation, and budget management; ability to work effectively as a team member and leader. RESPONSIBILITIES: Coordinates the selec­ tion and management of informational resources; promotes awareness of and access to elec­ tronic and print resources; provides outreach, consultative, and instructional services to fac­ ulty and students. For a complete job descrip­ tion, please visit the library’s web page at http:/ / Salary is com ­ petitive and there is a comprehensive benefits package. Applications will be accepted until position is filled. Priority consideration will be given to applications received by April 20,1998. Send application letter, current resume, and the names of three current references to: Human Resources Department Case Western Reserve University 10900 Euclid Ave. Cleveland, OH 44106-7047 CWRU is committed to affirmative action and equal opportunity. ional, and consortial meetings, including Big Twelve Plus and exShare. The librarian will also serve on university and library ommittees as appointed. Baylor University is located in Waco, exas ‹URL:>, community of 105,000 located halfway between Dallas/Fort Worth nd Austin. Qualifications: ALA-accredited MLS; experience with nterlibrary loan, commercial document delivery services, OCLC, and nline catalogs; experience with the evaluation, installation, and struction in use of related software; demonstrated speaking, writing, nd interpersonal skills; commitment to scholarly and professional ctivities; ability to adopt and manage new technologies; and expe­ ience in supervision and training. Highly desired are post-MLS rofessional library experience and evidence of creativity and initia­ ive. Rank and salary: Assistant Professor, $30,000+ (dependent on xperience) for 12 months, tenure-track. Librarians have 20 vacation ays and a standard package of fringe benefits. To apply: Send letter t T c T a a i o in a a r p t e d file:/// 326 / C&RL News ■ April 1998 STATE LIBRARIAN OF CONNECTICUT The Connecticut State Library The Connecticut State Library Board invites applications and nom inations for the position of State Librarian. Reporting to the State Library Board, the State Librarian is in charge of adm inistering a forward looking, m ufti-faceted information agency. We welcom e applications from individuals who have experience in a large state, public or mufti-type library as an agency head or top level m anager and experience in fiscal planning, program and policy developm ent, human resources and facilities managem ent, We are looking for som eone with dem onstrated managem ent, adm inistrative and interpersonal skills, leadership in library related areas, and a proven com m itm entto public service who can relate in an articulate, diplomatic, and candid fashion with staff, the State Library Board, the state and national library com m unity, the state government, and the public. We require extensive knowledge of developing information technology and its place in integrated library services, and prefer dem onstrated experience in m anagem ent of archives, public records and museum services as well as experience in im plem enting affirm ative action, equal em ploym ent opportunity and ADA laws and regulations. Dem onstrated success in identifying and securing alternative program funding sources and in construction and/or renovation of library facilities is also desirable. MLS degree or graduate degree in a field related to State Library functions. Annual salary $64,000- $87,000, com m ensurate with experience, plus fringe benefit package. Position to be filled on or about Septem ber 1,1998. A position description with full duties and complete qualifications is available upon request or you may visit the Connecticut State Library web site at http:/w w w . Subm it resume including references, by April 3 0,1 9 98 , to: Mollie Keller, PhD, Chairperson, Search Committee Attention: David Peck Human Resources/Affirmative Action Program Manager State Librarian Search Committee Connecticut State Library 231 Capitol Avenue Hartford, CT 06106 Qualified women, minorities, individuals with disabilities, veterans and older persons are encouraged to apply. The Connecticut State library is an EEO/AA employer. of application and resume to: Billie Peterson, Chair, Resource Shar­ ing Search Committee, Baylor University Libraries, PO Box 97148, Waco, TX 76798-7148. Materials received by June 1, 1998, will receive priority consideration. Baylor is a Baptist university affiliated with the Baptist General Convention of Texas. As an affirmative action, equal employment opportunity employer, Baylor encourages minorities, women, veterans, and persons with disabilities to apply. SCIENCE & ENGINEERING LIBRARIAN. Academic Campus. Vir­ ginia Commonwealth University. Description: Virginia Commonwealth University seeks three energetic, knowledgeable, and forward-look­ ing individuals to develop library resources and participate in the delivery of information and instructional services. Each position is a core faculty position in Collection Management. Core faculty have responsibilities for assuming a lead role in developing, managing, and promoting the use of collections (in all formats) in one of the disciplinary areas below: (1) the Arts and Humanities, including the fine and applied arts, art history, English, and history; (2) the Health Sciences, including medicine, nursing, pharmacy, dentistry, and allied health; (3) the Sciences and Engineering, including the physical and life sciences. Further details for each position can be found at: Positions report to the Head of Collection Management. Qualifications (all positions): Required: ALA- accredited MLS. Preferred: Academic background in the disciplinary area, with an advanced degree strongly desired; two or more years experience developing collections and selecting electronic resources in a research library; awareness of national trends in scholarly publishing; experience evaluating and using electronic resources; experience with library automation and technology applications in academic libraries; strong service orientation and/or public services experience; sensitivity to the concerns of a research library and its users; ability to communicate a strong library image to university faculty and administrators; excellent oral and written communication skills; positive interpersonal style; ability to work independently as well as as part of team; initiative and creativity; strong analytical skills; flexibility and the ability to accept and manage change; ability to organize time and deliver work on deadline; ability to meet require­ ments for faculty advancement, including professional service and publication. Experience working in a culturally diverse environment highly preferred. Salary: $32,000 minimum, plus generous benefits. Application: Submit a letter of application, resume, and the names and phone numbers for three current references to: Susanna Bartmann P ath ak, Head, C o lle c tio n M a n a g e m e n t, U n iv e rs ity L ib ra ry S e rv ic e s , V irg in ia C o m m o n w e a lth U n iv e rs ity , VCU Box 2033, R ichm o nd, VA 2 3 2 8 4 -2 0 3 3 ; e -m a il: s b p a th a k @ v c u .e d u (fo r in fo rm a tio n o n ly). P lease s p e c ify w hich p o s itio n you are a p p ly in g fo r in y o u r le tte r of a p p lic a tio n . R eview of a p p lic a ­ tio n s w ill begin on M ay 8, 1998. V irg in ia C o m m o n w e a lth U n iv e rs ity is an eq ual o p p o rtu n ity , a ffirm a tiv e a ctio n e m ­ p lo ye r. M in o ritie s , w om en, and p e rso n s w ith d is a b ilitie s are e n co u ra g e d to ap p ly. SERIALS CATALOGER. Librarian I. Wake Forest University is searching for a Serials Cataloger to join the staff of the Z. Smith Reynolds Library. This position is a member of the Technical Services Team and reports to the Head of Technical Services. Primary respon­ C&RL News ■ April 1 9 9 8 /3 2 7 sibilities of this position are: Performing original and complex copy cataloging of serials, periodicals, newspapers, monographic sets, standing orders, continuations, and archival materials; processing added volumes for serials; establishing local cataloging standards and procedures for serials; participating in the formulation of catalog­ ing policies; advising staff of local and national cataloging policies and procedures; assisting with quality control and problem solving; serving as trainer and resource person for technical services staff; assisting department head in managing workflow; coordinating activi­ ties with other teams; serving as a bibliographer in selected subject areas; conducting computer training and orientation for students, staff, and faculty. Required: MLS from an ALA-accredited school; solid working knowledge of AACR2, LCSH, LC classification, US MARC, OCLC, and authority control procedures; experience with automated integrated library systems; ability to function as a contrib­ uting team member in a production-oriented environment; excellent communication and interpersonal skills; flexibility in adapting to changing priorities; strong analytical, organizational, and computer skills. Two years of serials cataloging experience and knowledge of a second language highly desired. The Z. Smith Reynolds Library enjoys strong support, with an operating budget of $5 million. Over one million volumes are housed in the fully automated library. A new collegial organizational structure has been implemented to assure that the library will be flexible and proactive in serving users in a changing technological environment. The library plays the lead role in the development and delivery of computer/information technology training on campus. As our undergraduates receive IBM laptops with standard and special software, this is a large responsibility. Wake Forest University is a private, liberal arts institution located in Win­ ston-Salem, North Carolina. Consistently ranked among the nation’s best schools, Wake Forest offers a values-based education distin­ guished by small classes, faculty-student interaction, and a commit­ ment to the student’s personal as well as intellectual growth. This 12- month professional position carries excellent benefits. Salary is commensurate with experience and qualifications. To apply, send letter of application, curriculum vitae, and names, addresses, tele­ phone numbers, and e-mail addresses of three references to: Director of the Library, Z. Smith Reynolds Library, P.O. Box 7777, Wake Forest University, Winston-Salem, NC 27109. Wake Forest Univer­ sity is an affirmative action, equal opportunity employer. THEOLOGY/CATHOLIC AMERICANA CATALOGING LIBRARIAN. The University Libraries of Notre Dame seek a cataloging librarian to expand access to resources in theology and Catholic Americana, both those held locally and those available elsewhere. Responsible for creating bibliographic records by applying established standards of bibliographic control including AACR2r, LC Rule Interpretations, and OCLC’s Bibliographic Formats and Standards, and for contribut­ ing name authority records to the NACO project. T rains and directs the work of copy cataloger, who also provides support for original catalog­ ing in the relevant subjects. Works with library colleagues to maxi­ mize the usefulness of resources in the subject fields by employing features of the libraries' integrated system, network applications, and appropriate metadata schemes. Cooperates with the Theology and Catholic Americana librarians to support the work of students and faculty in these fields. Participates in departmental planning and cataloging policy development. Responsible for maintaining profes­ sional awareness in the fields of library and information science. Qualifications: Graduate degree in library science from an ALA- accredited school, or a documented foreign equivalent, and a strong academic background in theology, religious studies, or church history is required. Strong working knowledge of Latin and romance lan­ guages (especially French and Italian). At least three years of post- MLS experience in cataloging theological materials in an academic setting, preferably including those relating to Catholic history and traditions. Experience in the application of current standards in the creation of bibliographic and authority records, in using a bibliographic utility, preferably OCLC, and with an integrated system in a Windows environment. Excellent communication, analytical, and problem-solv­ ing skills, flexibility, and an innovative approach necessary. Working knowledge of Hebrew, experience as a contributor to NACO, and knowledge of HTML, SGML, and emerging metadata standards desirable. Strong interest in applying knowledge of information orga­ nization to library initiatives in database and web page design, organization of Internet resources, and the development of the librar­ ies' new client-server-based integrated library system. Ability to work productively in a cooperative environment. Faculty appointment. Minimum salary $36,000 with competitive benefits. Send letter of application, resume, and the names and addresses of three profes­ sional references to: Sharon A. Veith, Human Resources Represen­ tative, 221 Hesburgh Library, Notre Dame, Notre Dame, IN 46556, by April 30, 1998, for assured consideration. Notre Dame is an equal opportunity, affirmative action employer. Applications from minority and disabled individuals encouraged. UNIVERSITY ARCHIVIST. University of Houston Libraries. Under the general direction of the Head of Special Collections and Archives, coordinates the activities of the university Archives and other archival collections housed in the University of Houston Libraries. Duties: Provides reference services to students, staff, faculty, and to the general public, as well as outreach to the campus and the community. Oversees and supervises arrangement and description of records according to standard archival practices and procedures, as well as personally arranging and describing records. Serves as primary liaison to the university community in locating and transferring archi­ val records. Works closely with the Dean of Libraries and Head of Special Collections and Archives to attract donors. Maintains and expands Internet presence for the Archives. Supervises an archival assistant, one student assistant, and one summer intern. Strong possibility of teaching graduate course in archives and records management in affiliation with the History Department. Qualifications: ALA-accredited master’s degree. Evidence of progressively respon­ sible experience as an archivist. Processing experience required. Knowledge of related computer applications. Excellent oral and written com m unication skills. Must show a com m itm ent to partici­ patory m anagement and user-oriented service. Preference will be given to applications with public service experience, program m anagement and supervisory experience, and fam iliarity with basic Internet technologies. Ability and willingness to lift heavy containers (30-50 pounds) necessary. Member of the Academy of C ertified Archivists preferred. Advanced degree in history or related discipline desirable. Salary: $31,000. Com prehensive benefits package; choice of retirem ent programs, including TIAA/ CREF; tax-deferred annuity program available; released time to take a class up to three hours per week; no state or local income tax. Application Deadline: Nom inations or applications will be accepted until the position is filled. Send letter of application, names of three references, and resume to: Linda Thompson, Assistant Dean for Bibliographic and Access Services, Univer­ sity of Houston Libraries, Houston, TX 77204-2091. Additional in fo rm a tio n : h ttp ://in fo .lib .u h .e d u ; h ttp ://in fo .lib .u h .e d u /lo c a l/ houston.htm . The University of Houston is an equal opportunity, affirm ative action employer. M inorities, women, veterans, and persons with disabilities are encouraged to apply. Late Job Listings SERIALS CATALOGING COORDINATOR/LATIN AMERICAN CATALOGER. Search extended). Tulane University. Responsible for original and complex copy ataloging for materials, primarily in serial format, on subjects related to Latin merica. Serves as the Cataloging Department resource for serials cataloging and rovides serials cataloging training for department staff as needed. Serves as the iaison for serials processes between the Cataloging, Serials Acquisitions, and Preser­ ation Departments. Establishes serials cataloging priorities within the context of verall cataloging priorities. Contributes authority records to the national authority ile under the terms of the library’s participation in NACO. Reports to the Head of the ataloging Department. The Cataloging Department employs seven full-time librar­ ans and 12 support staff. The Tulane university libraries are migrating from the ( c A p l v o f C i 328 / C&RL News ■ April 1998 NOTIS system to Endeavor’s Voyager system. Required: ALA-accredited MLS. Mini­ mum two years professional serials cataloging experience in an academic library. Excellent reading knowledge of Spanish. Demonstrated knowledge and understanding of LC classification, LCSH, AACR2r, LCRI, and the USMARC formats for biblio­ graphic, holdings, and authority data. Excellent written and oral communication skills; effective interpersonal skills; ability to function as a contributing team member in a production-oriented environment; strong service orientation; flexibility in adapt­ ing to changing departmental and organizational priorities; strong analytical skills and organizational abilities. Preferred: Additional monographic cataloging experi­ ence; knowledge of other western European languages, particularly Portuguese. Previous serials management experience; academic background in Latin American studies; ability to work in a highly automated environment; working knowledge of OCLC and an integrated local system. Salary: Rank and salary based on qualifications; minimum $34,500. 12-month academic appointment. Excellent benefits, including tuition exemption for self and family. To apply, send letter of application, resume, and the names, addresses, and telephone numbers of three references to: Mary Orazio, Executive Secretary, Howard-Tilton Memorial Library, Tulane University, New Orleans, LA 70118-5682. Review of applications will begin May 29, 1998. Tulane University is an equal opportunity, affirmative action employer. REFERENCE LIBRARIAN. Reference librarian needed with master’s degree in library science or equivalent. Prefer three years of experience in reference services within an academic library. Requires skills in planning and presenting library instruction. Must be able to work within a team environment and self-managed work groups. Excellent benefits. $38,000 to $61,000. College of the Mainland, Human Resource Team, 1200 Amburn Rd., Texas City, TX 77591. RARE BOOK CATALOGUER. The John Carter Brown Library at Brown University is seeking candidates for a temporary cataloging position. The library specializes in the collection of printed materials pertaining to the Americas, North and South, during the colonial period, 1493 to ca. 1830. This is a two-year, grant-funded position (with the probability of renewal) to catalog colonial Spanish American imprints. Qualifications: ALA-accredited MLS degree; two or three years of professional rare book cataloging experience using AACR2r, DCRB, LCSH, and MARC formats; familiarity with the RLIN cataloguing system; reading knowledge of Spanish; knowledge of Latin and/or Portuguese desirable. Salary range is $30,000-$33,000, based on experience. Send letter of application, resume, and names and addresses of three references to: Department of Human Resources, Brown University, Box 1879, Providence, RI 02912. AA/EOE. INSTRUCTION/REFERENCE LIBRARIAN. State University of West Georgia. Instruction, reference, and web duties. ALA-accredited MLS degree with at least two years instruction and reference experience required. Second master's required for tenure and for appointment at the level of Assistant Professor. Review of applications will begin April 30, 1998. Position available July 1, 1998. Electronic applications accepted. Salary: $29,000 minimum. For full position announcement, see http:// AA/EEO employer. BSCO Online™, the latest in a long journals in full text dating back to 1990 — Eseries of electronic services from more than any other competing database.EBSCO Information Services, is Order virtually any document now from putting a charge into academic libraries. EBSCO Document Services (EBSCOcZoc) Available in early 1998, EBSCO Online lets through the World Wide Web, by phone, mail, you identify, access, acquire and manage elec­ fax or e-mail. A new express ordering service tronic journals from one convenient location. and expanded Web capabilities now in devel­ The Web-based service gives you easy-to-use opment will electrify your electronic ordering administrative features and enables end- and customized service options. users to seamlessly access a wide range of EBSCO. Powering your library with electronic journals. shockingly comprehensive electronic Academic Search FullTEXT Premiere™, avail­ services. able on EBSCO host®, offers more than 1,000 A ll the information you need and w an t from a name you already know and trust. Structure Bookmarks C&RL News ■ April 1998/301 C&RL News ■ April 1998/301 CLASSIFIED Career opportunities from across the country Deadlines: Orders for regular classified advertisements must reach the ACRL office on or before the second of the month preceding publication of the issue (e.g., September 2 for the October issue). Should this date fall on a weekend or holiday, ads will be accepted on the next business day. Late job listings will be accepted on a space-available basis after the second of the month.Rates: Classified advertisements are $8.75 per line for institutions that are ACRL members, $10.75 for others. Late job notices discriminatory references. Applicants should be aware that the terms faculty rank and status vary in meaningamong institutions.Internet: C&RL News classified ads are accessible on theWorld Wide Web at Ads will be placed approximately 2-3 weeks before theprinted edition of C&RL News is published.Contact: Jack Helbig, Classified Advertising Manager, C&RL News Classified Advertising Department, ACRL, American Library Association, 50 E. Huron St., Chicago, IL60611 -2795; (312) 280-2513; fax: (312) 280-7663 or (312)280-2520; e BOOKS BOUGHT AND SOLDUSED SCI-TECH BOOKS PURCHASED. Physics, math, all engi- neering, electricity, and electronics, skilled trades, antiquarian tech. Sorry, no serials or life sciences. Quality older editions, duplicates, unneeded gifts, superseded titles always sought. Ex library OK. No quantities too great; will travel when appropriate. For more informa­tion please contact: Collier Brown or Kirsten Berg at Powell’s Technical Bookstore, 33 NW Park Ave., Portland, OR 97209; phone: (800) 225-6911; fax: (503) DEAN, CONSORTIUM LIBRARYUNIVERSITY OF ALASKA ANCHORAGERegular, 12 month/year Competitive salaryand benefitsLocated in Alaska’s largest city (population: 265,000), the library serves both the Univer­sity of Alaska Anchorage, with about 15,000 students, and Alaska Pacific University, with about 500 students. The library’s Health Sci­ences Information Service offers a full range of library services to the entire medical commu­nity of Alaska.To apply for or obtain a complete vacancy announcement, contact:UAA Hu 302 / C&RL News ■ April 1998 ACCESS SERVICES LIBRARIAN(search extended)Truman State UniversityTruman State University seeks to fill the position of Access Services Librarian for the Pickier Memorial Library. This position provides leadership and management for Circulation Department staff and services and has overall responsibility for patrons’ use of library facilities. Responsibilities include: Coordination of policies relating to patrons’ use of collections, services, and facilities; oversight of the circulation system and participa private university firmly committed to undergraduate liberal arts education and cross-cultural opportunities, St. Lawrence University offers a unique learning environment. The university’s 1,900 students come from most U.S. states and more than two dozen other countries. Canton, the St. Lawrence River Valley, the nearby Adirondack State Park, and the cities of Ottawa and Montreal provide the university community many social, cultural, and outdoor recreation activities. St. Lawrence University is an affirmat desirable. Four years experience in an academic or research library. Demonstrated research capabilities. Knowledge of library reference tools. Strong communication, teamwork, organizational, interper­sonal, and public services skills. Applications: Review to begin May 16, 1998, and to remain open until position is filled. Send letter of application, resume, and names, addresses, and phone numbers of three references to: Jay Starratt, Dean of LIS, Lovejoy Library, SIUE Box 1063, Edwardsville, IL 62026-1063. C&RL News ■ April 1998/303svept initiatives with other assistant directors and library managers. The Assistant Director participates in leading the dynamic process of change in the transition to the digital library in a networked research environment. Reports to the Dean and Director of Libraries. Re­search, publication, and service to the libraries, university, and profession are expected to satisfy the criteria for continuing appoint­ment and promotion. Qualifications: Required: Graduate degree in librarianship from an ALA-accredited in Salary guideListed below are the latest minimum starting figures recommended by state library associations and the North Carolina State Library for Professional library posts in these states. These recommendations are intended for governmental agencies that employ librarians. The recom­mendations are advisory only, and ALA has not adopted recommenda­tions for minimum salaries. For information on librarian salaries, job seekers and employers should consider these recommended mini­mums, as well as other salar 304 / C&RL News ■ April 1998 ASSISTANT/ASSOCIATE UNIVERSITY LIBRARIAN FOR THE SCIENCESUniversity of California, DavisSALARY RANGE: $53,400-$87,600, based on qualifications and experience.Open immediately.The sciences at Davis are served by four units—the Health Sciences Library, the Medical Center Library, the Physical Sciences Library, and the Biological and Agricultural Sciences Department. The academic departments and the professional schools served are among the most distinguished in the nation. Staffing for these units consists of C&RL News ■ April 1998/305 LIBRARIAN FOR SYSTEMS/ELECTRONIC RESOURCESMissouri Southern State CollegeLibrarian for Systems/Electronic Resources wanted. A proposed library addition needs a librarian with new ideas. Seeking a (tekkie) librarian with a combination of library and technical computer skills. Responsible for networking, serve as library liaison with the computer center, be library webmaster/ Internet expert, troubleshoot and maintain library personal computers, software, and networks. Will be the trainer for staff needs in r graphic instruction fot distance learning; plan, develop, and provide instruction in information competency; provide reference service to students, faculty, staff, and the college community; develop library instructional materials. Experience in providing bibliographic instruc­tion and reference service in an academic environment is preferred. Master's in library science, library and information science, or the equivalent. $34,148-$70,330. For a district application, please con­tact: Office of Academic Pers names, addresses, and telephone and fax numbers of three refer­ences to: Catalog Librarian Search Committee (#001270), 295 Middleton Library, Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge, LA 70803. Preference given to applications received by April 30, 1998.CATALOG LIBRARIAN. (Instructor or Assistant Professor). Respon­sibilities: To provide original and complex copy cataloging of mono­graphic materials in the main and departmental libraries; establish name and series authority records; assist with the formulati 306/ C&RL News ■ April 1998 Subject Liaison/Reference LibrariansGeorgia State University, Atlanta, seeks three reference librarians to provide general and specialized reference and instructional services and collaborate with faculty in collection development activities in a dynamic urban university environment. Reference responsibilities include desk service and bibliographic instruction, including some nights and weekends.SALARY: $29,000 minimum for 12 months commensurate with the candidate’s experience. Appointment at a faculty rank C&RL News ■ April 1998/307 TWO POSITIONS AVAILABLE COLLECTION MANAGEMENT LIBRARIAN (#401560) AND SPECIAL COLLECTIONS LIBRARIAN (#401580)Middle Tennessee State UniversityAs one of the fastest-growing universities in the south, Middle Tennessee State University is a dynamic institution valuing excellent teaching and fostering initiatives in research and public service. The university library lies at the heart of the MTSU educational experience. With a diverse staff, the library serves a growing student enrollment and is benefiting from CATALOGER. University of Houston Libraries. Duties: Performs original and complex copy cataloging for various formats, with pri­mary responsibility for music, as one of three professional catalogers in the Cataloging Services Unit. Resolves problems in bibliographic and authority records in local (Innovative) database, serving as resource person for staff in other units as necessary. Trains and monitors work of music copy cataloging staff in Acquisitions Depart­ment. Participates with Bibliographic Services ability to catalog using an automated library processing system; excellent analytical and communication skills. Desired: Degree in music and experience cataloging music in an online environment. Salary: $27,000. Comprehensive benefits package; choice of retire­ment programs including TIAA/CREF; tax-deferred annuity program available; released time to take a class up to three hours per week; no state or local income tax. Application deadline: Nominations or applications will be accepted until the position is 308 / C&RL News ■ April 1998 INSTRUCTIONAL SERVICES COORDINATOR MILTON S. EISENHOWER LIBRARY JOHNS HOPKINS UNIVERSITYThe Milton S. Eisenhower Library seeks an experienced library instruction professional who will challenge traditional models of library instruction and will develop new approaches based on a more rigorous understanding of user needs and preferences in an electronic service environment.The Eisenhower Library has just completed a major renovation of its central facility, is implementing an aggressive digital library progra C&RL News ■ April 1998/309 Associate University Librarian for Public ServicesGeorgia State University, a major urban research institution in the heart of Atlanta, seeks a dynamic leader for the position of Associate University Librarian.responsibilities: The AUL will administer public service functions including Reference, Access Services, Media Services, the Periodicals Service Center and the Information Desk. The AUL will provide leadership in the transition to a liaison librarian system and in the provision of library services at ment of the university library’s collections in all formats and at all locations and manage the centralized Acquisitions/Serials Depart­ment. MLS/MIS and minimum two years of professional academic library experience required. Experience with automated acquisitions and/or serials system preferred. Send resume/letter indicating posi­tion code CACD, to: National-Louis University, Attn: HR-CACD, 1000 Capitol Dr., Wheeling, IL 60090. EOE.COORDINATOR OF LIBRARY TECHNOLOGY. National-Louis Uni­versity. Manage the o the Library, North Park University, 3225 W. Foster, Chicaqo, IL 60625. M/F, EOE.ELECTRONIC SERVICES COORDINATOR. Provides leadership in the planning, development, and evaluation of library electronic, multimedia, and Internet services and resources. Provides reference service on a rotating schedule (including evenings and weekends). Requires ALA-accredited MLS or equivalent; expertise in web devel­opment, including knowledge of HTML and CGI scripting; working knowledge of PC microcomputer hardware and softw 310 /C&RL News ■ April 1998 COORDINATOR, SCIENCE LIBRARIES, AND HEAD, SHAPIRO SCIENCE LIBRARYUniversity of MichiganDUTIES: Reporting to the Assistant Director for Public Services, this position is charged with coordinating the university’s response to the service and resource needs of facility, researchers, and students in the sciences.The Science Libraries consist of the unified Shapiro Science Library (Chemistry, Mathematics, Natural Science, Physics/Astronomy), the Museums Library, and the Biological station Library. The Science Li electronic formats. Assist the Systems Officer in planning and coor­dinating computer-related training for the faculty and staff. The position reports to the Systems Officer. Qualifications: MLS from an ALA-accredited program; understanding of library resources and services; thorough understanding of and experience with an inte­grated library system, including a clear understanding of the concepts involved in a client-server environment; demonstrated understanding of library systems hardware and software us vision of the possibilities offered by new technologies, and the ability to translate ideas into practical applications; excellent communica­tion and team skills; potential for tenure and promotion. Library environment: The University of Alabama Libraries have chosen Voyager from Endeavor Information Systems, Inc., as the new client- server system to be implemented in the summer of 1998. OCLC is used for cataloging and ILL. Electronic resources are provided to patrons using a variety of formats and access, C&RL News ■ April 1998/311 site (which is currently being reviewed and updated) can be accessed at Salary and benefits: 12-month, tenure-track appointment at the Instructor or Assistant Professor level, depending on qualifications. Minimum salary for Instructor is $23,100, and for Assistant Professor is $26,600. Strong benefits; substantial moving allowance may be available. To apply: Send letter of application, resume, and names, addresses and phone numbers of three refer­ences to: Voni B. Wyatt, Personnel Off planning and software for instruction, research, and library services. S/he also assists in the evaluation, selection, and promotion of electronic resources. The incumbent is a key player in developing and maintaining the library’s web gateways and in planning library tech­nology projects, particularly those impacting user services. The position reports to the Reference Services Team Leader. Qualifica­tions: ALA-accredited MLS required. The following are preferred: Public service experience and strong commi 312/ C&RL News ■ April 1998 ENGINEERING/INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY SUBJECT SPECIALISTThe University of North Carolina at CharlotteThe University of North Carolina at Charlotte announces an exciting opportunity for an Engineering/ Information Technology Subject Specialist. The successful candidate will join a team of information specialists charged with defining and implementing a set of refocused services to support the academic initiatives of the university. These services will be offered from a newly expanded library and information com Environment: VCU is a pub­licly supported, urban research university in Richmond, Virginia, serving 21,000 students with 2,000 full-time faculty on both the academic campus and at the Medical College of Virginia Common­wealth University. University Library Services is highly automated, with 300 nodes in a Novell environment, including 70 public worksta­tions in the Cabell Library, with expansions in the planning stages. All NOTIS modules are operational, with centralize I.D. Weeks Library, University of South Dakota. Seeking an individual who will work in a centralized reference area, serving as government documents and business expert for the library. Position is primarily responsible for planning services and library resource development for the School of Business, and selecting, acquiring, and providing access to federal and state government documents. Position requires close cooperation with the cataloging and acquisition departments. Additional responsibilities includ C&RL News ■ April 1998/313 2 POSITIONSASSOCIATE UNIVERSITY LIBRARIAN FOR LIFE SCIENCES AND DIRECTOR, MANN LIBRARY and ASSOCIATE UNIVERSITY LIBRARIAN FOR ENGINEERING, MATHEMATICS, AND PHYSICAL SCIENCESCornell University LibraryThe Cornell University Library, an active participant in teaching and research in the university, holds a distinctive collection of over six million volumes in its 19 libraries. The library is a member of the Digital Library Federation, and has extensive experience in pioneering digital initiatives such as the M 314 / C&RL News ■ April 1998 ASSISTANT DOCUMENTS LIBRARIANUniversity of lllionis at Chicago (UIC)University LibraryQUALIFICATIONS: ALA/MLS required; two years professional experience with government information resources and programs in an aca­demic library or equivalent professional experi­ence. Ability to communicate logically, clearly, and efficiently; evidence of professional involve­ment within academic librarianship; ability to meet university standards in research, publica­tion, and professional service commensurate with tenure. ASSOCIATE UNIVERSITY LIBRARIANCalifornia State University, Los AngelesApplications and nominations are invited for an administrative position with California State University, Los Angeles, one of 23 campuses of the California State University system. The university is located near the cosmopolitan center of Los Angeles. The university has an urban student body of 18,000 which has the distinction of being the most diverse in the nation, and approximately 600 faculty. The Associate University Librarian overse C&RL News ■ April 1998/315 REFERENCE COORDINATOR/INSTRUCTION LIBRARIANCalifornia Institute of the ArtsCalifornia Institute of the Arts is seeking an innovative professional to fill the new position of Reference Coordinator and Instruction Librarian. The Reference Coordinator manages the reference collection and supervises the Information Desk. The Instruction Librarian will develop an aggressive program of electronic information instruction, including courses for credit and a varied schedule of workshops. The Instruction Librarian wi main library and access to materials not held in the university library collections. Responsibilities of the Department Head include: Defini­tion and articulation of the role, goals, needs, and policies of Access Services; supervision, training, evaluation, and optimization of one librarian, eight staff, and 17 FTE student workers; development and determination of priorities used in decision making for budgetary matters such as equipment and staffing; liaison with branches con­cerning circulation functions Norman, OK 73019; (405) 325-2611. Oklahoma University is an equal opportunity, affirmative action employer. We encourage women and minority applicants and we are responsive to the needs of dual-career couples.HEAD, FINE ARTS & SPECIAL COLLECTIONS. (Posted February 25, 1988.) Name of organization: Cleveland Public Library. Location: 325 Superior Avenue. Salary: $55,816-$77,842. Principal duties: The Head of the Fine Arts & Special Collections is responsible for managing a department of nine FTE, a collection 316 / C&RL News ■ April 1998 INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY LIBRARIANFurman UniversityGreenville, South Carolina, and Wofford College Spartanburg, South CarolinaFurman University, Greenville, South Carolina, and Wofford College, Spartanburg, South Carolina are seeking a talented, energetic Information Technology Librarian for a shared position at the two institutions. This position is funded for a period of four years through a grant from the Mellon Foundation as part of a program to enhance innovative use of technology in the classroom, curri with Internet; effective communication skills; and bibliographic in­struction experience. Position available July 1, 1998. Wheaton Col­lege is an evangelical Christian liberal arts college whose faculty and staff affirm a Statement of Faith and adhere to lifestyle expectations. The college complies with federal and state guidelines for nondis­crimination in employment. Women and minority applicants are encouraged to apply. Interested candidates should send resumes to: Director of Human Resources, Wheaton Co faculty/staff about equipment planning and software for instruction, research and library services. S/he also assists in the evaluation, selection and promotion of electronic resources. The incumbent is a key player in developing and maintaining the library’s web gateways and in planning library technology projects, particularly those impact­ing user services. The position reports to the Reference Services Team Leader. Qualifications: ALA accredited MLS required. The following are preferred: public service C&RL News ■ April 1998/317 FOUR POSITIONS AVAILABLELong Island UniversityTechnology Applications LibrarianDevelop and manage computer-based systems and applications for the library. Liaison with AcademiComputing; collection development in appropriate fields.REQUIRED: ALA-accredited MLS; other technology-related degrees desirable. Minimum three yearexperience in automated systems, preferably five years in automated library environment. Excellenmanagement, planning skills; cutting-edge hardware and software knowledge and skills.APPOINT 318/C&RL News ■ April 1998 COLLECTIONS CONSERVATORDARTMOUTH COLLEGE LIBRARYThe Dartmouth College Library seeks an experienced conservator for the newly created position of Collections Conservator.RESPONSIBILITIES. Reporting to the Preservation Services Librarian, the incumbent plans, coordi­nates, and oversees the evaluation and treatment of the general and special collections material held in the Dartmouth College Library system. Hires, trains, and supervises conservation technicians and student assistants in the conservation treatm municate in a clear, knowledgeable, and personable manner; and the ability to meet requirements for faculty advancement, including professional service and publication. A complete position de­scription as well as information about University Library Services and the university are available at news.html. Environment: VCU is a publicly-supported, urban research university in Richmond, Virginia, serving 21,000 stu­dents with 2,000 full-time faculty on both the academic campus and a opportunity/affirmative action employer. Minorities, women and persons with disabilities are encouraged to apply.HEALTH SCIENCES LIBRARIAN. Medical College of Virginia Cam­pus, Virginia Commonwealth University. (For qualifications and application information, see ad for Science & Engineering Librarian position below.)INTERLIBRARY LOAN LIBRARIAN. The University of Central Florida (UCF), Orlando, Florida seeks a Head of the Interlibrary Loan Depart­ment, reporting to the Associate Director for Public Services C&RL News ■ April 1998/319 DIRECTOR OF THE LIBRARYMonmouth CollegeMonmouth College is seeking an energetic and creative person to lead our library into the 21 st century. The successful candidate must be committed to the liberal arts, working collaboratively with others, and structuring the library operation to insure excellent and friendly service to library users. Sound foundation in the technological advances in library usage, especially computer applications, is required. Visionary ideas about the library of the future that will 320 / C&RL News ■ April 1998 Health and Public Affairs. The 1,445-acre campus is located in the Orlando suburbs, 13 miles northeast of downtown. The university libraries include two libraries on the UCF campus in Orlando and several branch locations in the central Florida area. The university library, housed in a facility of 200,000 square feet, has a collection of over 1.1 million volumes and is a partial depository for U.S. and Florida documents and U.S. patents. The library materials budget is $4.2 million. A total staff of 92 inclu ELECTRONIC SERVICES LIBRARIANJames Madison University, Carrier LibraryRESPONSIBILITIES: Provide leadershipforelec- tronic reference services and work collaboratively with library and campus departments to plan de­velop, and support access to electronic reference resources. Also serve as liaison librarian to se­lected academic departments; teach information skills; create guides for library web, develop col­lections; and provide reference service. Reports to Head of Public Services.QUALIFICATIONS: ALA-accred C&RL News ■ April 1998/321 increasing administrative responsibilities, demonstrated ability to direct technology-based programs and service, and strong leadership and communication skills. A second master’s degree is preferred. Salary commensurate with qualifications; benefits include health, life, long-term disability insurance, Sec. 125 plan, TIAA/CREF retirement. Respond with letter of interest, c.v., and list of three references to: Director of Human Resources, Siena Heights College, 1247 E. Siena Heights Dr., Adrian, Ml 49221. R librarian to serve as Literature/Humanities Reference Librarian. Responsibilities: Provides general and specialized refer­ence service in a technically sophisticated environment. Reference service includes participation in evening and weekend rotation. Selects traditional and electronic resources in English and American literature and possibly other areas of the humanities. Serves as liaison to faculty in appropriate departments. Provides bibliographic instruction, including preparation of instructional mat 322/C&RL News ■ April 1998 CO-TEAM LEADER/KOREAN CATALOGER CJK TEAMBibliographic Control and Access Department University of Southern CaliforniaThe Information Services Division of the University of Southern California seeks an energetic, highly motivated cataloging librarian for the CJK Tearn of the Bibliographic Control and Access Department. The CJK Team is responsible for cataloging and physically preparing materials in Chinese, Japanese, and Korean languages for the East Asian Library and other subject libraries. The CJK Team is user guides and documentation. Perform general reference duties and work a schedule including selected nights and weekends. Partici­pate in the library’s collection development program and provide expert assistance to the collection development coordinator in devel­oping the library’s electronic resources. Work cooperatively with librarians and staff in designing Public Services’ policies and pro­grams. Participate in library and campuswide committees and other activities related to information technology. puter hardware, network, and telecommunication issues as they relate to current and future library services, and the ability to work with IT professionals in providing library services. Excellent oral and written communication skills. Commitment to high quality library public service. Flexibility, enthusiasm, and high energy. Ability to work effectively with library patrons and colleagues. Preferred quali­fications: Two years of academic library experience. Reference and/ or instructional experience in an a C&RL News ■ April 1998/323 letter of application, resume, and the names and current telephone numbers of three references to: Chair, Electronic Access Librarian Screening Committee, c/o Assistant Vice Chancellor’s Office, Infor­mation Technology Division, University of Wisconsin Oshkosh, 800 Algoma Blvd., Oshkosh, Wl 54901. Application deadline: May 15, 1998. Learn more about the University of Wisconsin Oshkosh by visiting its homepage at LIBRARIAN. Dawes Memorial Library, Marietta College, Director of the LibraryRivier College seeks an individual with strong managerial and analytical skills to supervise the delivery of library services and to work in collaboration with others in structuring the library operation to insure excellent and friendly service to library users. A Master’s Degree in Library Sciences from an ALA accredited institution with a minimum of five years of academic library management and two years of experience as a systems librarian are required. Specifically, candidates sho 324 / C&RL News ■ April 1998 LIBRARIAN OF THE FINE ARTS LIBRARYNominations and applications are invited for the position of Librarian of the Fine Arts Library. The Librarian has primary responsibility for the following key areas: collection development and manage­ment; reference, access, and preservation programs; strategic planning; budget management; and implementation of information technologies. Reports to the Roy E. Larsen Librarian of Harvard College, serves as a member of the management group of the College Library; participates C&RL News ■ April 1998/325 sity is an affirmative action, equal opportunity employer and encour­ages applications from minorities, LIBRARIAN. (Search reopened.) The University of Rochester’s Management Library seeks an energetic reference librar­ian to provide personalized information and instructional services in business and economics; coordinate electronic and Internet re­sources, including authoring the library’s web pages and delivering the library’s special collections electronical CHEMICAL SCIENCES LIBRARIANCase Western Reserve UniversityUniversitylibrary seeks an energetic, service- oriented chemical sciences librarian.QUALIFICATIONS: Required: ALA-accredited MLS and a minimum of three to five years post - MLS academic experience or demonstrated knowledge in relevant subject areas. Advanced degree in chemical sciences or related subject area preferred. Minimum two years collection management experience, knowledge of budget­ary processes, and experience with automated library systems 326 / C&RL News ■ April 1998 STATE LIBRARIAN OF CONNECTICUTThe Connecticut State LibraryThe Connecticut State Library Board invites applications and nominations for the position of State Librarian. Reporting to the State Library Board, the State Librarian is in charge of administering a forward looking, mufti-faceted information agency. We welcome applications from individuals who have experience in a large state, public or mufti-type library as an agency head or top level manager and experience in fiscal planning, program and policy d of application and resume to: Billie Peterson, Chair, Resource Shar­ing Search Committee, Baylor University Libraries, PO Box 97148, Waco, TX 76798-7148. Materials received by June 1, 1998, will receive priority consideration. Baylor is a Baptist university affiliated with the Baptist General Convention of Texas. As an affirmative action, equal employment opportunity employer, Baylor encourages minorities, women, veterans, and persons with disabilities to apply.SCIENCE & ENGINEERING LIBRARIAN. Academic Camp experience with library automation and technology applications in academic libraries; strong service orientation and/or public services experience; sensitivity to the concerns of a research library and its users; ability to communicate a strong library image to university faculty and administrators; excellent oral and written communication skills; positive interpersonal style; ability to work independently as well as as part of team; initiative and creativity; strong analytical skills; flexibility and the a C&RL News ■ April 1998/327 sibilities of this position are: Performing original and complex copy cataloging of serials, periodicals, newspapers, monographic sets, standing orders, continuations, and archival materials; processing added volumes for serials; establishing local cataloging standards and procedures for serials; participating in the formulation of catalog­ing policies; advising staff of local and national cataloging policies and procedures; assisting with quality control and problem solving; serving as trainer and resource guages (especially French and Italian). At least three years of post- MLS experience in cataloging theological materials in an academic setting, preferably including those relating to Catholic history and traditions. Experience in the application of current standards in the creation of bibliographic and authority records, in using a bibliographic utility, preferably OCLC, and with an integrated system in a Windows environment. Excellent communication, analytical, and problem-solv­ing skills, flexibility, an Late Job ListingsSERIALS CATALOGING COORDINATOR/LATIN AMERICAN CATALOGER. Search extended). Tulane University. Responsible for original and complex copy ataloging for materials, primarily in serial format, on subjects related to Latin merica. Serves as the Cataloging Department resource for serials cataloging and rovides serials cataloging training for department staff as needed. Serves as the iaison for serials processes between the Cataloging, Serials Acquisitions, and Preser­ation Departments. Establishe 328 / C&RL News ■ April 1998 NOTIS system to Endeavor’s Voyager system. Required: ALA-accredited MLS. Mini­mum two years professional serials cataloging experience in an academic library.Excellent reading knowledge of Spanish. Demonstrated knowledge and understandingof LC classification, LCSH, AACR2r, LCRI, and the USMARC formats for biblio­graphic, holdings, and authority data. Excellent written and oral communicationskills; effective interpersonal skills; ability to function as a contributing team memberin a production-oriented envir BSCO Online™, the latest in a long journals in full text dating back to 1990 — Eseries of electronic services from more than any other competing database.EBSCO Information Services, is Order virtually any document now from putting a charge into academic libraries.EBSCO Document Services (EBSCOcZoc) Available in early 1998, EBSCO Online lets through the World Wide Web, by phone, mail, you identify, access, acquire and manage elec­fax or e-mail. A new express ordering service tronic journals from one convenie