ACRL News Issue (B) of College & Research Libraries 134 Letter In this issue: L e tte r ..............................................134 ACRL in San Francisco................135 Tentative Schedule of ACRL Conference Meetings 139 Population Characteristics of Academic Librarians...........141 Continuing Education: Library Development— Promoted through C E ..............143 News from the F i e l d ....................146 People............................................150 Publications..................................153 C a len d a r.......................................156 Classified Advertising..................157 College & Research Libraries News is published by the Association of College and Research Libraries, a division of the American Library Association, as 11 m onthly (combining July- August) issues, at 50 E. Huron S t, Chicago, IL 60611. Annual subscription: $5; or to m embers of the division, $2.50, in­ clu ded in dues. Single copies and back issues, $2 each. Second-class postage applied for at Chicago, Illinois, and at additional mailing offices (ISSN 0099-0086). Editor: George M. Eberhart, ACRL/ ALA, 50 E. Huron St., Chicago, IL 60611; (312) 944-6780. President, ACRL: M illicent D. Abell. Executive Director, ACRL: Julie Carroll Virgo. Production and circulation office: 50 E. Huron St., Chicago, IL 60611. Display advertising should be sent to Leona Swiech, Advertising Traffic Coordinator, ALA, at above address. Send classified ads to ACRL. Change of address and subscription orders should be addressed to College & Research Libraries News, for receipt at the above address at least two months be­ fore the publication date of the effective issue. Inclusion of an article or advertisement in C&RL News does not constitute official endorsement by ACRL or ALA. A partial list of the services indexing or abstracting the con­ tents of C&RL News includes: Current Contents: Social & Be­ havior Sciences; Current Index to Journals in Education; In­ formation Science Abstracts; Library & Information Science A b­ stracts; Library Literature; and Social Sciences Citation Index. © A m erican Library Association 1981. All material in this journal subject to copyright by the Am erican Library Asso- ciaton may be photocopied for the noncommercial purpose of scientific or educational advancement. Library Use Fees To the Editor: In response to the issue of charging library use fees (C&RL News, January 1981, p. 5), we charge $10 per semester. In my estimation, this is not desirable. Since we charge students to use the li­ brary, we cannot allow the general public to bor­ row unless they purchase a Friend of the Library card for $25 per calendar year. This is particularly distressing to public school teachers, many of whom are enrolled in graduate programs off- island and are working on dissertations. A university committee is studying the fee problem. There are a number of fees and the question is whether or not tuition charges should be raised to include fees, rather than having them listed separately. Currently 50% of our materials budget comes from fees. Our collection would be in bad shape without this revenue.—D. Joleen Bock, Dean o f Library Services, Robert F. Kennedy Memorial Library, Mangilao, Guam. M e e t th e C & R L N e w s E d ito ria l Board The College & Research Libraries News Editorial Board will meet in San Francisco on Monday, June 29, 9:30-11:00 a.m. ACRL members and other interested readers are in­ vited to attend. The Editorial Board serves in an advisory capacity to the editor on the con­ tents of the News issues. Jay K. Lucker, director of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology Libraries, Cambridge, is chair of the board -for -1980-82. The other members are: Linda Beaupre, acting assistant director f o r public services, General Librar ie s Uni­ versity of Texas at Austin; Hiram L. Davis, director of libraries at the University of the Pacific, Stockton, California; Catherine Reichert, director of the Springfield Technical Community College Library, Springfield, Massachusetts; Patricia Glass Schuman, Neal- Schuman Publishers, Inc., New York City; and Jean M. Whalen, personnel librarian, State University of New York at Albany Li­ brary. Ex officio members: Lawrence J. M. Wilt, chair, ACRL Publications Committee, Millicent D. Abell, ACRL president, 1980-81; C. James Schmidt, editor, College & Research Libraries; and Julie Carroll Virgo, ACRL ex­ ecutive director.