ACRL News Issue (B) of College & Research Libraries 150 PROFILES Joan L. C hambers has been named university librarian at the University of California, River­ side. From 1979 to 1981 she served as assistant university librarian for public services at the University of California, San Diego, and prior to that she held various professional positions, including that of gov­ ernment publications li­ brarian, at the Univer­ sity of Nevada, Reno. In 1978-79 she was selected by the Council on Library Resources to be an academic library management intern at Joan L. Chambers Duke University. Chambers obtained a bachelor’s degree in Eng­ lish at the University of N orthern Colorado, Greeley, and an MLS at the University of Cali­ fornia, Berkeley, in 1970. She was the first li­ brary faculty member at Reno to be elected to the faculty senate (1976) and was subsequently elected chairman. She has presented papers and conducted work­ shops at many conferences, most notably a paper on “Federal Documents in Microform” at the Third Annual Microforms Conference, 1977, and a legal reference workshop at the University of Nevada in 1975. Chambers currently serves on ACRL’s Plan­ ning Committee and in 1973-78 she was secre­ tary of the Law and Political Science Section. Her other ALA activities have included a term as chapter councilor, 1977-78, various offices on the Government Documents Round Table, 1972-79, and member of the ad hoc Committee on the De­ pository Library System, 1974-77. Chambers is also active in the California Li­ brary A uthority for Systems and Services (CLASS), the Special Interest Croup on Numeric Data Bases of the American Society for Informa­ tion Science, the California Library Association, and the Southern California Technical Processes Group. She is currently chair of the Editorial Advisory Board of the Index to U.S. Government Periodicals. W endell Leonard W ray, professor of library science at the University of Pittsburgh, has been appointed chief of the Schomburg Center for Re­ search in Black Culture, New York City, effective August 1. People As chief of the Schomburg Center, Wray will be responsible for its staffing, budgets, acquisi­ tions and services as well as community relations. He succeeds John M iller who has served as acting chief of the center for the past year, and Jean Blackwell Hutson, curator of the collection and later chief of the center from 1948 to 1980. Wray served as acting curator of the Schom­ burg Collection from 1964 to 1965, after which he was named director of the New York Public Li­ brary’s North Manhattan Project, a pilot program which demonstrated the potential effectiveness of library services for the disadvantaged. For the past eight years Wray has been a pro­ fessor at the University of Pittsburgh’s School of Library and Information Science. He has written for a number of publications, including the Film Library Quarterly, the Catholic Library Journal, and the New Fork Amsterdam News. He has lec­ tured extensively on oral history and is a contract interviewer for the Oral History Research Office of Columbia University. Bessie K. H ahn was appointed director of li­ brary services at Brandeis University, Waltham, Massachusetts, effective February 1. Since 1978 she had been assistant director for reader ser­ vices at Johns Hopkins University Library, and prior to that held a suc­ cession of library appointments at Syra­ cuse Universitv. Her professional in­ terests focus on the areas of public services and collection develop­ ment. She has devoted special atten tio n to building a closer rela­ Bessie K. Hahn tionship between the li­ brary and its users through library orientation and instruction programs. For her outstanding contribution in this area at Johns Hopkins, she was awarded the Gold Cup by the Class of 1980. She has presented workshops on library manage­ ment and communications skills under the spon­ sorship of the Syracuse University School of Man­ agement and the ARL Office of Management Stu­ dies. Born in Shanghai, Hahn moved to Hong Kong at the age of eight. She has a bachelor’s degree from Mount Marty College, Yankton, South Dakota, and an MLS from Syracuse University. At Brandeis she will assume responsibility for a library building project which will include a 151 45,000 square foot addition and extensive renova­ tion of the existing library. APPOINTMENTS F lorence Bartoshesky has been appointed li­ brarian in the Baker Library, Harvard University Libraries. Stephen C. Bloom has been appointed assis­ tant to the university librarian, University of Illi­ nois at Chicago Circle. Katherine Branch is now assistant librarian in the Science Department, San Diego State Uni­ versity Library, California. Mary Ada Burns is the new senior assistant li­ b rarian, M edia and C urriculum C en ter, San Diego State University Library, California. Barbara A. Callahan has been appointed li­ b rarian of th e Gray H erb ariu m and Arnold Arboretum, Harvard University Libraries. C harles E. C hamberlin has joined the staff of the University of Washington Libraries, Seattle, as head of personnel and administrative services. Mary Jane Cochrane has been appointed ref­ erence librarian at the University of Maryland, College Park. Martin P. Courtois has been appointed assis­ tant reference librarian, University of Illinois at Chicago Circle. Mary H. Daniel is the new agriculture/veter- inary medicine librarian, University of Tenn­ essee, Knoxville. Jinnie Davis has been appointed assistant se­ rials librarian at the D.H. Hill Library, North Carolina State University, Raleigh. Betty Day is now associate librarian at Horn- bake Library, University of Maryland, College Park. Rick Dilley is the new technical services li­ brarian at the Southern Illinois University School of Medicine Library, Springfield. Cynthia D obson has been appointed social sciences bibliographer, Iowa State University Li­ brary, Ames. John Edward Evans has been appointed head of the reference department, Memphis State Uni­ versity Libraries, Tennessee. Nancy H ill E vans has joined the reference staff of the Hunt Library, Carnegie-Mellon Uni­ versity, Pittsburgh. M. Keith Ewing has been appointed assistant reference librarian, University of Illinois at Chica­ go Circle. Jane F ink joined the staff of the Biological and Agricultural Sciences Department as assistant li­ brarian, University of California, Davis. C harlene Grass, formerly serials cataloger at Kansas State University Library, Manhattan, has been promoted to OCLC librarian. Barbara Hedges has been appointed reference librarian at the D.H. Hill Library, North Caro­ lina State University, Raleigh. Kent Hendrickson has been appointed associ­ ate university librarian, University of Arizona, Tucson. Russell H erman has been appointed assistant systems librarian at the D.H. Hill Library, North Carolina State University, Raleigh. Maryann H ughes has been appointed refer­ ence and instruction librarian in life sciences at Penfield Library, State University of New York, Oswego. F rank Immler is the new bibliographer for the hum anities, U niversity of Illinois at Chicago Circle. Susan Klingberg has been appointed assistant education and psychology reference librarian at California State University, Sacramento. Brenda L. Kuchinsky has accepted a position as cataloger at Warner Edison Associates, Inc., Cambridge, Massachusetts. She was formerly cat­ aloger in the Andover-Harvard Theological Li­ brary. Mary Lee Kvhtz is now library instruction li­ brarian and assistant head of reference, Mercy College Libraries, W estchester County, New York. T ina Lesnik has been appointed South Asian bibliographer at Columbia University, New York. Sharon Lin has been appointed serials cata­ loger at the State University of New York at Buf­ falo. J ohn G. Lorenz, executive director of the Association of Research Libraries, is serving as li­ brary consultant and interim director on the im­ provement and expansion of services and facilities of the Learning Resources Center, Southeastern University, Washington, D.C. Nancy Margolin has been appointed reference librarian at the Bailey Library at the University of Vermont, Burlington. Nancy Master has joined the staff of the Uni­ versity of Nevada, Las Vegas, Library as educa­ tion bibliographer. Marcia J. Myers has been appointed associate director of administrative services, University of Tennessee Library, Knoxville. G erald Notaro has been appointed to the staff of Franklin College Library, Franklin, Indi­ ana, as instructional media specialist. Keith Patterson is now government publica­ tions librarian at Northwestern University, Evan­ ston, Illinois. Rachel Pleuthner has been appointed assis­ tant reference librarian at the Milne Library, State University of New York at Geneseo. C athy Pollari has been appointed assistant textiles librarian at the D.H. Hill Library, North Carolina State University, Raleigh. Janet Prentice is the new reference librarian at the University of Rochester, New York. Lynn Randall has been appointed reference li­ brarian at the Sherm an H. M asten Learning Resource C en ter, C ounty College of Morris, 152 Randolph, New Jersey. Ted Sheldon has been appointed associate director of libraries at the State University o New York at Binghamton. Iliana L. Sonntag has been appointed refer­ ence librarian at San Diego State University Li­ brary, California. N. Kristine Stahly is now assistant reference librarian at the University of Illinois at Chicago Circle. Robert Staley has been appointed associate li­ brarian at Hornbake Library, University of Mary­ land, College Park. John Stalker has been appointed head refer­ ence librarian at Bapst Library, Boston College. Natalie Oakes Sturr is the new reference and instruction librarian in physical sciences at the Penfield Library, State University of New York at Oswego. Janice L. Thompson has been appointed refer­ ence librarian at the University of Southern Cali­ fornia Norris Medical Library, Los Angeles. Thomas A. Townsend is now head of the Se­ rials Processing Section, Iowa State University, Ames. John Vasi has been named assistant university librarian for administrative services and planning at the University of California, Santa Barbara. Vera Warrick has been appointed serials cat- aloger at the University of California, Santa Bar­ bara. Carole F. Wilson has been appointed senior assistant librarian of the Media and Curriculum Center, San Diego State University Library, Cali­ fornia. Phil Zorich has accepted an appointment as special collections librarian, Indiana University of Pennsylvania, Indiana, Pa. RETIREMENTS Virginia A. Fox retired on December 31 after 23 years of service with the University of Califor­ nia, Berkeley, Library. She had been head librar­ ian of the Giannini Foundation of Agricultural Economics Library since 1967. Rod Hardies will retire in June from his posi­ tion as head of the Science Division of the Uni­ versity of Idaho Library, Moscow. Charles Webbert, special collections and ar­ chives librarian at the University of Idaho, will retire in June after 33 years of service. Estelle Brodman will retire as librarian and professor of medical history at the Washington E rratum —Arthur Kulp, Cornell University Libraries, has not retired as reported in the March issue. He has completed 35 years of service and has no plans for retirement. f University School of Medicine, St. Louis, on June 30, after serving in that capacity for 20 years. Earlier she was assistant librarian for public services at the National Library of Medicine, Washington, for 11 years, and in va­ rious positions at the Medical Library of Col­ umbia University, New York. In a d d itio n to h e r work as a practicing medical librarian, Brod­ Estelle Brodman man taught librarian- ship at Columbia University, Catholic University, the University of Missouri, and Keio University in Tokyo, and medical history at Washington Uni­ versity. She was consultant to a num ber of biomedical libraries in the United States and was technical expert for the World Health Organiza­ tion and the United Nations Fund for Population Activities in India and Thailand. Among her honors were an honorary doctorate from the University of Illinois Medical School, the Marcia C. Noyes Award of the Medical Li­ brary Association, the John Cotton Dana Award of the Special Libraries Association, the Woman of the Year Award of the St. Louis Chapter of the American Association for University Women, and the Murray Gottlieb Award for historical writing. For ten years she edited the Bulletin o f the CHINESE LIBRARY AUTOMATION WORKSHOP The International Workshop on Chinese Li­ brary Automation, sponsored by the American Council of Learned Societies, the Library Asso­ ciation of China (at Taipei), and the Republic of China Committee for Scientific and Scholarly Cooperation with the United States, was held in Taipei, February 14-19, 1981. Librarians, philo­ logists, computer and information scientists from eight countries attended the conference. Thirty papers on the automation of Chinese characters and language were read, and fourteen computer manufacturers presented online demon­ strations of several Chinese library automated systems. Another highlight was a discussion of the formation and preparation of the comprehen­ sive Chinese Character Code fo r Information Ex­ change and the Chinese MARC Format fo r Books. Information on the latter monograph may be obtained by writing to the Library Association of China (at Taipei), 43 Nan Hai Road, Taipei, Taiwan, Republic of China. 153 Medical Library Association and was president of that group in 1964-65. She was a member of the President's Advisory Committee on Libraries, and Chairman of the Biomedical Communication Study Section of the N ational In stitu tes of Health. In her honor the Washington University School of Medicine has set up an Estelle Brod- man Lectureship Fund. DEATHS Phillip E. Greer, assistant librarian in the Undergraduate Library at Indiana University, Bloomington, died on October 9, 1980. He had been a member of the library faculty since 1978. H elen More, former head of the Continuations Section of the Cataloging Department, University of California, Los Angeles, died January 14. She had retired in December, 1965, after 22 years of service. Wayne S. Yenawine, professor emeritus of the College of Librarianship, University of South Carolina, died on February 21 at his home in Columbia. He was the first dean of the College of L ibrarianship and served in that capacity until his retirem ent in 1976. From 1965 to 1970 he had been director of libraries at the University of Louis­ ville. Yenawine graduated from Washington Uni­ versity with a bachelor’s in business and public administration and from Wayne S. Yenawine the U niversity of Illi­ nois with an MLS and Ph.D. in library science. He was director of libraries at the Air University, Maxwell Air Force Base, Montgomery, Alabama, and dean of the School of Library Science and director of libraries at Syracuse University, New York. P u b lica tio n s NOTICES • Africana Microforms in the University o f Wisconsin-Madison Memorial Library, compiled by Anne Vandenburgh (77 pages, 1981), is now available as Occasional Paper num ber 3, Uni­ versity of Wisconsin-Madison Libraries. Types of material listed include journals, newspapers, theses, records and proceedings of organizations, and monographs. Prepaid orders of $4 per copy may be sent to the Acquisitions Department, Room 324, UW Memorial Library, 728 State St., Madison, WI 53706. • Classroom and Field: The Intern sh ip in American Library Education, by Louis Coburn (1981), has been published as number 3 of the Queens College Studies in Librarianship under the supervision of the Graduate School of Library and Information Studies. The monograph may be o rd ered for $7.50 from th e Cam pus Store, Queens College, Community Facilities Building, Kissena Blvd., Flushing, NY 11367. • A revised Collection D evelopment Policy Statement (275 pages, 1980) has been issued by the Libraries of Stanford University. It follows the narrative format of its first policy statement issued in 1970, which has been influential in the preparation of similar documents by other re­ search libraries. The document is indexed by sub­ ject and LC class and is available for $20 from Publication Services, Green Library, Stanford University, Stanford, CA 94305. • Competition and Cooperation in American Higher Education (176 pages, 1981), is a compila­ tion of 33 articles on marketing, recruitment, re­ tention, affirmative action, fund raising, and the roles of the military, business, and government in higher education. It may be purchased for $10.50 (plus $2 postage and handling for first book, $1 for each additional book) from th e American Council on Education, Publication Sales, Section PR-2, One D upont C ircle, W ashington, DC 20036. • The Context o f Interconnection fo r a Nation­ wide Bibliographic Network, prepared for the National Library Network Project by Edwin J. Buchinski and Mazharul Islam (33 pages, Novem­ ber 1980), has been published as Canadian Net­ work Paper number 1. It is the first of a pro­ jected series of documents that will describe the progress of a decentralized bibliographic network in Canada. The docum ent is in English and French, and may be obtained free from the Pub­ lications Office, National Library of Canada, 395 Wellington St., Ottawa, Ontario K1A 0N4. • Directory o f Library Instruction Programs in California Academic Libraries, prepared by Kathleen Coleman and Esther Grassian (second edition, 1980), has been published by the Califor­ nia Clearinghouse on Library Instruction. Based on a 1980 survey, the directory provides detailed information about the instructional programs of 136 libraries. The directory is available for $8.50 (make checks payable to the California Clearing­ house on Library Instruction) from Kathleen Coleman, San Diego State University Library,