ACRL News Issue (B) of College & Research Libraries April 1 9 9 2 /2 5 5 Candidates for ALA Council These ACRL members need y o u r vote T he following m em bers o f the Association o f College & Research Libraries are eithe nom inated or petition candidates for ALA cilor in th e spring 1992 elections. ACRL m em bers are encouraged to vote for these candi dates to increase ACRL’s voice in the affairs o the American Library Association. E th e lle S. B e a n , assistant professor/direc tor, Karl E. M undt Library, D akota State Uni versity, Madison, South Dakota. H e r b e r t B ib lo , director, Long Island Librar Resources Council, Stony Brook, New York. T o b e y l y n n B ir c h , library director, Califor nia School of Professional Psychology, Los An geles Campus Library, Alhambra, California. R h o d a K. C h a n n in g , director, Z. Smit Reynolds Library, W ake Forest University, Win ston-Salem, North Carolina. D ie d r e C o n k lin g , district librarian, Lincol County Library District, N ew port, Oregon. C o l l e e n M. C o n w a y , head, Technical Ser vices, H ope College Library, Holland, Michi gan. J o s e p h R. E d e le n , bibliographic control li brarian, University of South Dakota, I.D. W eek Library, Vermillion. J o A n n E llin g s o n , associate professor/li brary director, Saint Xavier College, Byrne Me morial Library, Chicago, Illinois. E d w a rd E razo, reference technical service librarian, Saint T hom as University Law Library Miami, Florida. M ary M, Evans, public services librarian, Eas Central University, Unscheid Library, Ada, Oklahoma R o b e r t F r a n k lin , president, McFarland Com pany, Jefferson, N orth Carolina. T a m a r a F r o s t-T r u jillo , associate librarian A utom ation a n d T echnical Services, Califor nia State University, Sacram ento. C h a r le s D . H a n s o n , d irecto r o f public li braries, G rosse P ointe (M ichigan) Public Li brary. E la in e M. H a rg e r, librarian, Empire Stat r c ­ ­ f - ­ y ­ ­ h ­ n ­ ­ ­ s - ­ s , t . & , ­ ­ ­ e ou College-SUNY New York, School of Labor Stud­ ies, New York, N ew York. D a v id M. H o v d e , social sciences bibliogra­ p h e r & reference librarian, Purdue University Library, Humanities, Social Sciences & Educa­ tion Library, W est Lafayette, Indiana. S a m u e l T. H u a n g , head, Rare B ooks and S­pecial Collections, University Libraries, North­ ern Illinois University, DeKalb, Illinois. J o y c e E. Jelks, manager, Acquisition Depart­ ment, Atlanta-Fulton (Georgia) Public Library. Barbara M. J o n e s, head of reference, Union College, Schaffer Library, Schenectady, New York. E. J. J o s e y , professor, University o f Pitts­ burgh (Pennsylvania) School o f Library & Infor­ m ation Science. N a n c y C. K r a n ic h , associate dean, New York (N ew York) University Libraries. H w a -W e i Lee, dean/professor, O hio Uni­ versity Libraries-Athens. M a rjo r ie H . Li, technical services librarian, Rutgers University Libraries, N ew Brunswick, New Jersey. E v e ly n C. M in ic k , director, Philadelphia (Pennsylvania) College o f Textiles & Science, Senator Jo h n Pastore Library. J a m e s R. M o u w , head, Serials, University o f Chicago, Illinois. A n n a H . P er ra u lt, head, Interlibrary Ser­ vices, Louisiana State University-Baton Rouge. E m m a B. P er ry , director, Dillard Univer­ sity Library, N ew Orleans, Louisiana. H a n n e l o r e B. R ad er, director, Cleveland (O hio) State University Library. M ark C. R o s e n z w e ig , coordinator, Biblio­ graphic Instruction, Community College Library, Long Island, N ew York. L ou H e l e n S a n d e r s , director o f libraries, Jackson (Mississippi) State University. A lin e E. S o u le s , m anager, Technical Ser­ vices & A utom ation, University o f Michigan, Kresge Business A dministration Library, Ann Arbor, Michigan. T h e lm a M. T ate, reference coordinator, Mabel Smith D ouglass Library-Rutgers Univer­ sity, New Brunswick, New Jersey. (Cont. on page 257) n April 1 9 9 2 /2 5 7 Rare B o o k s a n d M a n u sc r ip ts S e c tio n . Daniel H. Traister, Curator o f Special Collections, Uni­ versity o f Pennsylvania Libraries, Van Pelt- Dietrich Library Center, 3420 Walnut St., Phila­ delphia, PA 19104-6277 S c ie n c e a n d T e c h n o l o g y S e c tio n . Colleen J. Pow er, C oordinator o f Regional Services/Sci- e n c e Librarian, California State U niversity, Meriam Library, First & Hazel Streets, Chico, CA 95929-0295 S la v ic a n d E ast E u r o p e a n C o lle c tio n s S e c ­ t io n . Sandra Levy, Assistant Slavic Librarian, University of Chicago, 1100 E. 57th St., Chi­ cago, IL 60637-1502 U n i v e r s i t y L ib r a r ie s S e c t io n . M axine H. Reneker, 437 College Ave., Palo Alto, CA 94306 W estern E u ropean Specialist Section. Mary Jane Parrine, 8 Bolton Place, Menlo Park, CA 94025 W o m e n ’s S tu d ie s S e c tio n . Name o f Nomi­ nating Committee chair not available. Contact th e se c tio n v ic e -c h a ir, V irginia L. D aley, W om en’s Studies Archivist, Duke University, Durham, NC 27706 ■ (Candidates cont. fro m page 255) H e r m a n L. T o tte n , regents professor, Uni­ versity o f North Texas, School of Library & In­ formation Sciences, Denton, Texas. B e tty L. T sai, senior associate professor, Technical Services, Bucks County Community College, Newtown, Pennsylvania. D a n ie l C. T san g, social sciences bibliogra­ pher, University o f California-Irvine. S a lly C. T se n g , head, Serials Cataloging and Records Maintenance, University of California- Irvine. J o h n C. T y so n , state librarian, Virginia State Library & Archives, Richmond, Virginia. P a tr ic ia A. W an d , university librarian, The American University, Washington, D.C. M a r ily n P. W h itm o r e , coordinator of in­ struction, University Library System, University of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. E v e lin e L. Y a n g , head, Interlibrary Loan Department, Auraria Library, University of Colo­ rado-Denver. N o r m a n N . Y u e h , director, Library Services, Ramapo College, Mahwah, New Jersey. ■ C hernobyl B ibliographic Search System Battelle Software Products is proud to announce ChemoLit, an extensive bib­ liographic search system about the Chernobyl nuclear accident. ChemoLit contains 4,500 references and abstracts in an easy-to-use format and allows users to interactively search the biblio­ graphic data through menu-driven soft­ ware. With yearly updates you can be assured it is one o f the most com plete bibliographic sources for Chernobyl research. The releases from Chernobyl and sub­ sequent data collection present a re­ source for evaluating historical risk, transport and deposition models using extensive real-world data. Previously, these models w ere based on labora­ tory experiments, theoretical calcula­ tions, simulated accidents and limited real data. ChemoLit is provided on high density floppy disks and is easily installed on an IBM PS/2, AT or fully IBM-compatible PCs. The cost is $395.00 each (U.S./Canada) and $500.00 each (international). All titles and abstracts are written in En­ glish. To place an order please call 1- 800-451-3543 or (614) 424-6393. For more information call (509) 375-6787. All prices U.S. dollars only. Applicable sales tax for the follow ing states: CA, CT, KS, MA, MD, MS, NY, OH, PA, SC, TN, TX, UT, VA, WA.