ACRL News Issue (B) of College & Research Libraries April 1 9 9 2 /2 7 5 of the IBM C orporation A cadem ic Inform ation System Division to p ro v id e a forum for libraries to explore, develop, an d im p lem en t n e w infor­ m ation tech n o lo g ies. For d etails co n tac t the conference h o tlin e at (203) 783-7334 o r the INFORMA secretariat at (310) 985-4035. Machine-readable access to 19th- century collection of texts C hadw yck-H ealy a n n o u n c e d th at it will co n ­ vert th e classic texts e d ite d b y ecclesiastical p u b lish er Jacq u es-P au l M igne in to m achine- readable form for th e Patrologia L a tin a D a ta ­ base. T he 221 volum es covering m ore th an a thousand years o f W estern history, theology, p h ilo s o p h y , a n d lite r a tu r e fro m 200 A.D. through 1216 will b e available o n CD-ROM or magnetic tape. Plans call for b o o lean , w ord, phrase, an d proxim ity search es to b e possible. St. Bernwardus is one o f the figures represented in the P atrologia Latina D atabase being prepared by Chadwyck-Healey Preconference on Americans with Disabilities Act ALA’s A ssociation o f S pecialized an d C o o p era­ tive Library Agencies is hosting a preconference to ALA’s A nnual C onference o n J u n e 26, 1992, that exam ines th e im pact o f th e A m ericans w ith Disabilities Act o n libraries o f all types. A U.S. D epartm ent o f Justice attorney, a n advocate for rights o f p erso n s w ith disabilities, an d a state librarian will address th e law a n d its regula­ tions. A co n su m er e x p e rt will discuss attitudi- nal changes n ecessary in em p lo y m en t o f the disabled an d a form er library adm inistrator will provide inform ation a b o u t p rogram s a n d ser­ vices av ailab le. F o r d e ta ils co n tac t: J o a n n e Crispen, ASCLA D ep u ty Executive D irector, 50 E. H u ro n St., Chicago, IL 60611; (800) 545-2433 ext. 4396 o r 4399. Whole Person Catalog 2 available from ALA The W hole Person C atalog 2, a n o n c o m p re - hensive guide to sources o f hum anities discus­ sion program s an d exhibitions for libraries, is n o w available from ALA by calling (800) 545- 2433 ext. 5055 or 5053. T he catalog, pub lish ed w ith funding from th e N ational E ndow m ent for th e H um anities (NEH), provides librarians w ith inform ation ab o u t acquiring free b ro ch u res an d o th e r m aterials to aid pro g ram planning. In­ clu d ed in th e catalog are tips o n getting grants a n d a letter from T hom as C. P helps, sen io r p ro ­ gram officer at NEH, inviting librarians to call him at (202) 786-0271 to talk o v er an idea for a n NEH grant. Acquisitions A co llectio n o f o v e r one m illio n item s o f autom otive-related literature sp an n in g m ore th a n a century has b e e n d o n a te d to th e R esearch C enter o f H e n r y F o r d M u s e u m & G r e e n f ie l d V illa g e (D earborn, M ichigan) by H enry A ustin Clark Jr. (1917-1991) a n d his es­ tate. Clark w as k n o w n th ro u g h o u t the a u to ­ m otive w o rld as a collector o f historic d o c u ­ m ents related to th e industry a n d his collection in clu d es m agazines, b o o k s, catalogs, p h o to ­ graphs, advertisem ents, p rom otional literature, a n d m anuals an d m em orabilia d e v o te d to th e dev elo p m en t, m anufacture, sales, a q d u se of a u to m o b ile s. B u sin ess re c o rd s from several transportation firms are also included. Clark b e ­ g a n co llectin g a u to m o tiv e literatu re in 1929 w h en , at age 12, h e saved a 1912 Locomobile catalog h e h a d disco v ered in his fath er’s b o o k ­ case. T hat sam e year h e acq u ired his first car: a u se d M odel T F ord p u rc h a s e d for $1. In d ia n a U n iv e rs ity 's Lilly L ib ra ry has acq u ired the archives o f G o rd o n Lish, a collection o f o v er 80,000 item s including a n extensive collection o f m anuscripts a n d corre­ sp o n d en ce. Lish w as fiction ed ito r at Esquire m agazine from 1969 until 1977; h e then assum ed editorial duties at Alfred A. Knopf. T he collec­ tio n d o cu m en ts th e e d ito r/a u th o r relationship. 2 7 6 /C&RL News Lish “cut manuscripts drastically to produce a publishable text,” said William Cagle, Lilly Li­ brarian, “frequently writing his ow n transitional paragraphs so that, in som e instances, w hat fi­ nally appeared in print w as almost as m uch by Lish as by the author w hose nam e is on the title page.” Correspondence w ith authors John Irving, Jam es Laughlin, Alexander Theoroux, Jo h n Barth, Ann Beattie, Jo h n Cheever, Ken Kesey, Norman Mailer, Arthur Miller, Vladimir and Vera Nabokov, Joyce Carol Oates, Kather­ ine Anne Porter, Philip Roth, Jo h n Updike, and Robert Penn are included in the collection. The O b erlin College L ib rary has received several major gifts o f materials. The first installment of a collection by and about Aldous H uxley was donated by Robert H. Jack- son o f Cleveland, Ohio. The gift, w hich will be donated over a period o f tw o to three years, will eventually com prise all first editions o f H uxley’s w orks, both fiction and nonfiction, including such titles as Jonah, a rare early verse work. In another gift, 60 first editions of the w orks o f U pton Sinclair w ere donated by Janet and H ow ard Gest o f Bloom ington, Indiana. The collection includes m any autographed copies together w ith correspondence, pamphlets, and brochures. Janet Gest’s father was Sinclair’s per­ sonal secretary for several years. A collection of books on organ history and construction w as acquired from Fenner D ou­ glas, an O berlin graduate an d professor em eri­ tus at Duke University. The collection is broadly focused on the history of European organ con­ struction, w ith som e emphasis o n the 19th-cen­ tury French organ, and includes several rare French periodicals. Clarification The examples o f requests for library in­ formation that are confidential an d must not b e honored published in th e February issue o f C&RL News (page 129) had their origins in a policy docum ent developed at Boston College Libraries. A uthors of th e B oston College docum ent are Susan Sullivan, Joan Shear, Barbara Uchtorff, and Claudia Momer. C&RL News regrets the omission o f credit to B oston College. Five rare Italian renaissance books, includ­ ing w orks by Speroni, Diego De Franchi, Anto­ nio Doni, Plutarch, and the Roman biographer Suetonius w ere donated by alumna Ernestine King o f Coming, New York. The University of Michigan-Dearborn received from the Japan Foundation a gift worth over $4,000 consisting o f 67 recently published books on Japanese business and economics, and the history and culture of Japan. Included am ong the titles is the 10-volume K odansha Encyclopedia o f Japan. The donation came to UM-D through the Japan Foundation’s annual Library Support Program, designed to prom ote research on and understanding of Jap an in the U.S. through donations o f b ooks an d other materials related to Japan. UM-D was one of 25 applicants selected for the 1991-92 program. The tapes, photographs, and papers collected by Maliseet leader, the late Peter Paul, are now part o f the collections o f the library at th e U n i v e r s i t y o f N e w B r u n s w i c k i n F r e d e r ic to n . Paul spent his life living, learn­ ing, and extending to others the traditions cul­ ture, language and skills of the Maliseet, a North American people w ho inhabit the St. Jo h n River Valley in New Brunswick and northern Maine. Paul w as ab le to b re a k d o w n th e difficult Maliseet dialect for declension an d translation, an d shared his extensive know ledge of the Maliseet culture and language through lectures and seminars at Columbia and Harvard univer­ sities and as an adviser to the Museum of Man in Ottawa. Paul collected materials in the fields of ethnography, linguistics, and history. Among the print materials in his collection are books, p a p e rs , c o r r e s p o n d e n c e , n e w s c lip p in g s , m em orabilia, m aps, prints, periodicals, and miscellaneous documents. Audio materials in the collection include tape recordings that re­ veal th e c u ltu re as re m e m b e re d b y o ld e r Maliseet, Passamaquoddy, and Penobscot In­ dians. What may be the oldest continuous farm diary in the United States, a 59-year record o f rural life in Wisconsin’s Trem pealeau County by farm er-businessm an Dave W ood, is now available for study at the U n iv e r s ity o f W is- c o n sin -E a u C laire. The 91 small, leatherbound diaries filled by W ood and sons Ralph and James, along w ith four similar-sized account books w ere discovered in a box in an old horse April 1 9 9 2 /2 7 7 bam in W hitehall, W isconsin, in 1974 by D avid W ood, g reat g ran d so n o f his nam esake. The diaries, w hich begin in 1865, give terse accounts of daily activities a n d observations by W ood, a man w ith d e e p N ew E ngland roots, an d his s o n s . A c c o r d in g to J a m e s C u m m in g s , a Stillwater, M innesota, b o o k seller a n d appraiser w ho ex am in ed the diaries, “T h ese form a n u n ­ paralleled a cco u n t o f rural W isconsin life in the generations follow ing the first w ave o f settlers.” Grants & gifts Arizona State University received two aw ards totalling $200,000 fo r library acquisi­ tions a n d fellow ships in Southeast Asian Stud­ ies from the H enry Luce F o u n d atio n o f N ew York. Library acquisitions o f so u th east Asian materials will b e su p p o rte d b y $150,000, an d fellow ships totalling $50,000 will b e aw ard ed by the Program for Southeast Asian Studies over three years. Harvard University has received $1.5 million from th e Lucius N. Littauer F oundation to e n d o w a n innovative librarianship in th e Judaica Division. T he gift will stren g th en the library’s ability to ad ap t technology to the need s of the library a n d o f research at Harvard. Ac­ cording to H arvard’s L ibrary Notes, W illiam Lee Front, p re s id e n t o f th e L ittauer F o u n d atio n , stated th at “H ebraica at H arvard h as b e e n in the forefront o f efforts to u se n e w technologies to e n h an ce library service to scholars. … En­ dow m ent o f this n e w p osition will n o t only strengthen H arvard’s reso u rces b u t also enable Harvard to m aintain a n d en h a n c e its efforts in the area o f H ebraica librarianship to th e benefit of scholars th ro u g h o u t th e w o rld .” The Hoover Institution w as aw arded $953,783 b y th e National E n dow m ent for the H u m a n itie s f o r t h e p r e s e r v a t i o n o f th e In stitu tio n ’s E u ro p e a n p a m p h le t c o llectio n . More than 60,000 pam phlets will b e microfilmed and reh o u sed in acid-free enclosures. T he pam ­ phlets rep resen t th e countries o f W estern, C en­ tral, a n d Eastern E urope, as w ell as th e form er Soviet U nion. C overage for m ost countries b e ­ gins in 1914 w ith the o u tb re a k o f W orld W ar I and concentrates o n th e fields o f governm ent and politics, revolutionary m ovem ents, th e rise o f social dem ocracy, th e tw o W orld Wars, an d th e subjects o f p e a c e a n d neutrality. They in­ clude the w ritings o f dissidents, tracts o f politi­ cal parties, go v ern m en t p ro p ag an d a, a n d u n ­ d erg ro u n d literature. Rice U n iv e rs ity 's Fondren L ib ra ry received $100,000 from th e H o bby F oundation o f H ouston, Texas. T he gift is to b e u se d for enhancing hum anities collections to su p p o rt the w o rk o f faculty h ired in disciplines n o t previ­ ously in clu d ed in th e Rice curriculum . The University of M arylan d Health S ciences Library w a s a w a rd e d a th re e -y e a r $442,677 g ran t fro m th e N ational Library o f M edicine (NLM) to create a n innovative Uni­ fied Medical Language System (UMLS) Search­ ing W orkstation. T he w orkstation will m ake use o f UMLS, d ev elo p e d at the NLM to m ake online searching easier for th o se in health care. G ary Freiburger, director o f system s research, developm ent, a n d services, is th e principal in­ vestigator for th e project. T he ULMS has b e e n d ev elo p ed by th e NLM as a solution to th e p ro b ­ lem o f m ultiple stan d ard vocabularies in use by the various health care disciplines. T he heart o f the UMLS is th e M etathesaurus, a m assive d atab a se w hich links term s from a variety of m edical vocabularies including MeSH, ICD-9, CPT, DSM-IIIR, a n d LCSH. The UMLS Search­ ing W orkstation Project will allow a researcher to use an y fam iliar vocabulary an d th e w o rk ­ station will u se UMLS to find th e subject h ead ­ ing ap p ro p riate to th e database b ein g searched. The libraries at the University of N o r t h C a r o lin a a t C h a p e l H ill will receive $300,000 o f a $3.65 m illion pled g e th e E duca­ tional Foundation m ade to the university in 1990. T he m o n ey will b e u se d by the A cadem ic Af­ fairs Library a n d co u n t to w ard a N ational En­ d o w m en t fo r th e H um anities (NEH) Challenge grant that will s u p p o rt the general hum anities collection, special collections, an d conservation laboratory a n d preservation projects. P enrose M e m o ria l L ib ra ry of W h it m a n C o l l e g e has received an en d o w m en t o f $80,000 from th e estate o f Ilabelle S hanahan M orrison o f Salt Lake City, Utah, w h o gradu­ ated in 1928 from W hitm an College. T he p ro ­ ceed s from this en d o w m e n t will b e u se d to acquire m aterials in A m erican history accord­ ing to M orrison’s w ishes. ■