ACRL News Issue (B) of College & Research Libraries 2 7 8 /C&RL News J e a n C a r g ill, reference li­ b rarian at th e B otany Librar­ ies o f H arvard University, is a n ew m em ber o f th e C oun­ cil o f Biology Editors. She re­ c e n tly c o m p le te d h e r first y e a r as e d ito r - in - c h ie f of M yco-taxon, an international jo u rn a l th a t p u b lis h e s a r ­ ticles o n th e taxonom y an d n o m en clatu re o f fungi an d lichens. F re d H ay, reference and acquisitions librarian at Tozzer Library, Harvard University, w as recently app o in ted to the Com­ mission on D ocum entation o f the International U nion o f A nthropological an d Ethnological Sci­ ences, the primary international organization for anthropologists. B e tty J o I r v in e , head of th e Fine Arts Li­ brary at Indiana University, w as inaugurated as president o f the Art Libraries Society o f North America (ARLIS/NA) during its 20th A nnual Conference in Chicago in February. In addi­ tion to delivering the p resident’s address at the meeting, Irvine also chaired the post-confer­ ence Executive B oard m eetings, an d chaired the ASK ARLIS/NA panel o n the recent publi­ cation Facilities Standards f o r A rt Libraries a n d Visual Resources Collections. P e te r L ym an , university librarian an d dean o f the University Libraries at the University of Southern California, has b e e n nam ed chairm an New AV guide available ALA’s Association for Library Collections & Technical Services (ALCTS) has published a revised version o f the “G uidelines for Sub­ ject Analysis o f Audiovisual Materials.” The guidelines discuss m ajor considerations in providing subject access to library materials a s w e ll a s p r i n c i p l e s f o r t h e i r a p - plication.Single copies are available by send­ ing a stam ped SASE to ALCTS, 50 E. H uron St., Chicago, IL 60611. P eo p le in th e N ew s o f the b o ard o f the Faxon Institute for Advanced Stud­ ies in Scholarly and Scien­ tific Communication. In this p o sitio n Lyman will p ro ­ vide g u id an ce, direction, and leadership in moving the Faxon Institute forward in its mission to im prove the quality an d effective­ ness of the scholarly com­ m u n i c a ti o n s p r o c e s s . Lyman has served as exter­ nal co n su ltan t on library and inform ation planning for Carleton College, Case W estern Reserve University, Arizona State University, O hio Library Information Systems, M aricopa C om m unity C ollege District, an d Antioch College. H e is an advisory bo ard m em ­ b e r for NeXT C om puter, Sun Microsystems, A pple Computer, an d Claris Software. H e cur­ rently leads the w orking group o n Transfor­ m ation o f Scholarly C om m unication for the Coalition for N etw orked Information (CNI). T o n i O ls h a n , h e a d o f collection d ev elo p ­ m ent, special collections an d archives, at the H errick M em orial Library, Alfred University, has b e e n ch o sen ch airp erso n o f th e E duca­ tio n for Librarianship C om m ittee for th e Re­ search L ibrary C ouncil. T he S outh C entral R esearch Library Council is b a se d in Ithaca, N ew York, an d serves the reference an d re­ search n e e d s o f libraries in a n u m b er o f New Y ork counties. D e ir d r e C. S ia m , associate professor at the School o f Library an d Information Science at Catholic University, is the new ly elected vice- p resid en t/p resid en t-elect o f the Art Libraries Society o f North America (ARLIS/NA). Stam has held m any positions in art librarianship includ­ ing librarian, slide curator, library school ed u ­ cator, a n d m u se u m org an izatio n executive. From 1988-90 she w as executive director o f the M useum C om puter Network, an d she has published articles in several journals. She is a graduate o f Colum bia University, Catholic Uni­ versity, Jo h n s H opkins University, New York University Institute of Fine Arts, an d Radcliffe College. ( Cont. on page 282) 2 8 2 /C&RL News (People cont. fro m page 278) D a n i e l Z a g e r , c o n se rv a to ry lib rarian at O b erlin College, h as b e e n n am ed ed ito r o f NOTES, the Music Library Association’s prem iere publication. His appointm ent is effective w ith th e Septem ber issue. Appointments (A ppointm ent notices are taken from library new sletters, letters from personnel offices and appointees, an d o ther sources. To ensure that your appointm ent appears, w rite to the Editor, C&RLNews, 50 E. H uron St., Chicago, IL 6O 6ll- 2795.) S h e r r ie S, B e r g m a n , college librarian at W h e a to n C o lleg e, N o rto n , M a ssa c h u se tts, sincel975, has b een nam ed librarian at Bowdoin C o lle g e , B r u n s w ic k , Maine, effective in mid- August. Bergman began h e r lib ra ry c a r e e r at Q ueens B orough Pub- lie Library a n d at th e N ew School for Social R e se a rc h , N ew Y o rk City. She h as also di- r e c te d th e lib ra ry at Roger Williams College. A graduate o f Brooklyn Sherrie Bergman C ollege, sh e receiv ed h e r MLS from Columbia University. Active in the academic library community, she is currently a m em ber o f ACRL’s N ational C onference Ex­ ecutive Committee. H er previous professional offices include president o f the N ew England ACRL chapter, chairperson o f the ACRL Col­ lege Libraries Section, an d chairperson o f the ACRL B udget and Finance Committee. She also co-founded the W om en Administrators’ Discus­ sion G roup o f ALA’s Library Administration and M anagem ent Association, a n d has served o n th e Executive Comm ittee of the N ew England Library and Inform ation N etw ork (NELINET). R ev. K u rt A. B o d lin g has b e e n appointed director o f library services at Concordia Col­ lege, Bronxville, N ew York. Bodling is a 1988 graduate o f the G raduate School of Library and Inform ation Science at the University o f Illinois, U rbana-Cham paign, an d holds theological d e­ grees from C oncordia Seminary in St. Louis, Missouri. He w as an associate librarian at the H enry Francis du P ont W interthur M useum in Delaware, w orking in the Jo sep h D ow ns Col­ lection o f Manuscripts an d Printed Ephemera. From 1981-87 Bodling w as at the Concordia Historical Institute in St. Louis, w here his last position w as assistant director o f reference and inform ation services. D a v id C o b b , m ap an d geography librarian at the University o f Illinois, U rbana-Cham paign (UIUC), w here he has served since 1973, has b e e n nam ed h ead o f th e Map Collection in the College Library at H arvard University. Cobb earn ed an M.A. in geography from th e Univer­ sity o f Verm ont an d an MLA from Indiana Uni­ versity. For tw o years he served as adm inistra­ tor for the Special Collections Libraries at UIUC, including the Illinois Historical Survey, N ews­ p a p e r Library, Rare Book Room, an d the Uni­ versity Archives. Earlier Cobb served as m ap librarian at th e University o f Indiana (1970-73) an d at th e University o f Verm ont (1969-70). H e w o rk ed in the Summ er Cooperative Pro­ gram o f th e G eography an d Map Division of the Library o f Congress in 1968,1969, an d 1971. A m em ber of various groups w ithin ALA, in­ cluding th e G overnm ent D ocum ents R ound Table, C obb w as instrum ental in forming the Map an d G eography R ound Table an d its new journal M eridian. He w as chair o f the U.S. Gov­ ern m e n t P rinting O ffice D e p o sito ry Library Council (1990—91), and was recently appointed to the International Federation of Library Associa­ tions Standing Committee on Geography and Maps. J u d ith S e s s io n s , dean an d university librar­ ian at Miami University o f O hio, has b een a p ­ p o in ted additionally as th e interim head o f Mi­ am i C o m p u te r S ervices. H e r c h a rg e is to integrate the Administrative C om puting Center and Academic Computer Services into a single, func­ tional computing organization for the campus. B e t s y W ils o n , assistant director o f libraries for undergraduate and instructional services and h ead of the U ndergraduate Library at the Uni­ versity o f Illinois at Urbana-Cham paign (UIUC), has b een n am ed associate director o f libraries for public services at th e University o f W ash­ ington, Seattle, effective in May. A 1977 gradu­ ate o f N orthw estern University in art history an d Germ an, W ilson received h e r MLS from UIUC in 1978. Since 1987 she has b e e n the April 1 9 9 2 /2 8 3 executive director o f th e L eopoldo Cicognara program s p o n s o re d by th e U niversity o f Illi­ nois an d Vatican Librar­ ies, a n d h a s b e e n a mem ber, since 1990, o f the UIUC Athletic Board of Control. She is the re­ cipient o f tw o U n d e r­ g rad u ate In s tru c tio n a l Awards (1982 an d 1991) and the Amoco F ounda­ tio n A w a rd f o r I m ­ p ro v e m e n t in U n d e r­ g r a d u a t e E d u c a ti o n . Betsy Wilson Widely p u b lish ed in the areas o f bibliographic instruction, art histori­ ography, a n d library autom ation, W ilson is also past-chair o f ACRL’s B ibliographic Instruction Section. M a r y le n e A l t ie r i has b e e n n a m e d assistant acquisitions librarian fo r gifts a n d MIT publica­ tions at th e M assachusetts Institute o f T echnol­ ogy Libraries. F r a n c ie B a u e r h as b e e n n a m e d reference librarian in th e Science Library at V anderbilt University, Nashville, T ennessee. C a th y B r o w n is n o w a reference librarian in the College Library at the U niversity o f Cali­ fornia, Los Angeles. M a r ia n n e B u r k e has b e e n n a m e d assistant librarian for technical services at th e C ountw ay Library o f M edicine, H arvard University. M e lis s a M. C a in has b e e n n a m e d director of d ev elo p m en t fo r th e School o f Inform ation and Library Science at th e U niversity o f N orth Carolina-C hapel Hill. H e l e n C h o w has b e e n a p p o in te d reference librarian in th e W o o d w ard Library at th e U ni­ versity o f British C olum bia, Vancouver, Canada. R en ata C oates is now assistant head o f refer­ ence services, Research Services Department at the University o f California, San Diego, Library. R a lp h C o u r tn e y has been appointed reference librarian/bibliographer at the Chester Fritz Library, University o f North Dakota, Grand Forks. G illia n M, D e b r e c z e n y has b e e n ap p o in ted librarian o f th e School o f Inform ation a n d Li­ brary Science Library at th e U niversity o f N orth Carolina-C hapel Hill. B a r b a r a D u k e is n o w a reference librarian at th e U niversity R esearch Library at th e Uni­ versity o f California, Los Angeles. C a r o l F a lc i o n e h as b e e n n a m e d director of reference an d inform ation services at N ew Y ork University. A i d a A . G e r d e s h a s b e e n n a m e d Latin A m erican catalog librarian at th e A rizona State U niversity, T em pe. J e a n n i e G e x has b e e n a p p o in te d assistant librarian at th e State U niversity o f N ew at Buf­ falo. S u s a n G r e a v e s has b e e n n a m e d m a p li­ b rarian at O lin Library, Cornell University. K a t h e r i n e H a r t has b e e n a p p o in te d origi­ nal cataloger at Sterling C. Evans Library, Texas A&M University, College Station. B o C. H a r tfo r d has b e e n n a m e d archivist in th e Elwyn B. R obinson D ep artm en t o f Spe­ cial C ollections at th e C h ester Fritz Library, U niversity o f N orth D akota, G rand Forks. J e f f r e y H o l l a n d is n o w serials cataloger at the U niversity o f Nevada, Reno. J o a n K a p l o w i t z is n o w reference librarian/ p sy c h o lo g y b ib lio g ra p h e r in th e B iom edical Library, U niversity o f California, Los Angeles. C h e r y l K u g le r has b e e n n am ed assistant d irecto r for collections in th e Central a n d Sci­ en c e Libraries at V anderbilt University, N ash­ ville, T ennessee. S h e i l a L e a h y is n o w chief o f database m ain­ te n a n c e a n d catalog o p eratio n s at th e U niver­ sity o f S outhw estern Louisiana, Lafayette. D e b o r a h J . L e s lie is n o w rare b o o k cata­ loger at th e Library C om pany o f Philadelphia. S t e v e n M. L o c y has jo in ed th e O klahom a State U niversity Libraries as assistant science librarian. J o y c e P e l l e r a n o L u d m e r has b e e n n am ed hum anities b ib lio g rap h er at th e U niversity of California, Los Angeles. P h y l l i s M ir s k y h as b e e n n a m e d acting u n i­ versity librarian at th e U niversity o f California, San D iego, Library. D a v i d N e l s o n has b e e n a p p o in te d h e a d of th e O riginal C ataloging D ep artm en t at Sterling C. Evans Library, T exas A&M University, Col­ lege Station. S u z a n n e N im it z has b e e n n a m e d science reference librarian at Sterling C. Evans Library, T exas A&M U niversity, College Station. L isa O b e r g is n o w inform ation services an d e d u c a tio n librarian at the U niversity o f W ash­ in g to n H ealth Sciences Library an d Inform ation C enter, Seattle. S u s a n O t t ig n o n h as b e e n a p p o in te d refer­ e n c e librarian at th e Falvey M em orial Library, V illanova University, Pennsylvania. D i a n e P e z z u lo has b e e n n a m e d reference lib rarian /ed u catio n b ib lio g rap h er in th e U ni­ 2 8 4 / C&RL News versity Research Library at the University of California, Los Angeles. K ath ry n P ud lock has joined the staff of the Biomedical Library Reference Department at the University o f California, Irvine. J o h a n n v a n R een en has been named head o f the Woodward Library at the University of British Columbia, Vancouver. K evin Sim ons has b een appointed busi­ ness reference librarian at Sterling C. Evans Li­ brary, Texas A&M University, College Station. R ich ard J . Sm ith is now assistant director for technical services at the University o f South­ western Louisiana, Lafayette. S teven E. Sm ith is now instructional ser­ vices librarian at Sterling C. Evans Library, Texas A&M University, College Station. V irginia Steel has been named acting as­ sistant university librarian, public services at the University o f California, San Diego, Library. R ich ard Stringer-H ye has been named sci­ ence reference librarian at Sterling C. Evans Library, Texas A&M University, College Station. T am ara W ein trau b is now head o f cata­ loging in the Biomedical Library at the Univer­ sity o f California, San Diego. S ara R. W illiam s has been appointed pres­ ervation librarian at the University o f Colorado at Boulder Libraries. M ary L. Y o u n g has been appointed head librarian at the Institute o f American Indian Arts, Santa Fe, New Mexico. A b raham Y u has been appointed head of the new East Asian Section in the Catalog D e­ partment at the University o f California, Irvine. Retirements V irginia B o u c h e r recently retired as head o f interlibrary loan at the University o f Colo­ rado at Boulder. She received the Colorado Li­ brary Association’s Lifetime Achievement Award in O ctober 1991. Virginia C h u rch , assistant director for tech­ nical services at Rochester Institute o f Technol­ ogy, retired in February after 18 years o f ser­ vice. Church had been instrumental in the early days o f the catalog conversion from Dewey to LC; from a locally developed database system to DataPhase to Innovacq/Innopac; and from bibliographic utilities BNA to UTLAS to OCLC. A nn e J o rd a n , rare books librarian in the B enson Latin American Collection at the Uni­ versity o f Texas at Austin, retired in January after 17 years o f service. Deaths F a y Nowell, former cataloger in the His­ tory Library and Art and Architecture Library at the University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign, died recently in Fresno, California. Jo e Park, retired University of Arizona, Tuc­ son, microforms librarian, died on January 17,1992. F ra n k L. Schick, first dean of the Univer­ sity o f Wisconsin-Milwaukee School o f Library and Information Science, died February 7 at the age o f 74. B om in Vienna, Schick came to this country in 1938 and served with the U.S. Army in World War II. He graduated from Wayne State University, received his master’s in public administration from the University of Chicago, and his Ph.D. in library science from the University o f Michigan. He taught library science courses at Wayne State, Columbia Uni­ versity, and the University o f North Carolina. In 1970 he becam e director o f the Library Sur­ veys Branch o f the National Center for Educa­ tion Statistics. A consulting editor for the B o w k er A n n u a l, Schick was the author o f statistical handbooks on aging and on Hispanics. He also wrote R ecord s o f th e P resid en cy and The P a ­ p e r b a c k B o o k in A m erica. ■ Advertiser index American Psychological.................... cover 2 Am igos....................................................... 236 Batelle........................................................ 257 Blackwell....................................................266 Blackwell Technical...................................241 Book H o u se ...............................................258 Cambridge Scientific................................ 233 C a rlso n ...................................................... 245 Institute for Scientific Info............253, cover 4 Morningstar............................................... 268 K.G. S a u r............................................ cover 3 SoftLine Informaton, Inc............................ 263 H.W. W ils o n ...............................................250