ACRL News Issue (B) of College & Research Libraries April 1 9 9 2 /2 7 9 ACRL honors outstanding contributions to academic librarianship Drake named winner of Atkinson award Miriam A. D rake, d e a n a n d director o f libraries at the G eorgia Institute o f T echnology is the recipient o f th e H ugh C. A tkinson Memorial Award. T he aw ard is for outstanding accom ­ plishments o f an aca­ demic librarian w ho has w o rk e d in the areas o f library au­ tom ation o r library m a n a g e m e n t a n d has m ade contribu­ tions (including risk taking) tow ards the im provem ent o f li­ brary services, o r tc library developm ent or research. Miriam Drake“M iria m D ra k e has b e e n in th e forefront o f the m ovem ent to change the w ay in w hich users interact w ith the inform ation resources o f the library an d the cam pus,” said Michelle D alehite, chair H ugh Atkinson Memorial A ward Jury. “T hrough the G eorgia T ech Electronic Library (GTEL), she took a bold direction that has served as a m odel and inspiration for others in th e field. I am par­ ticularly pleased to chair the com m ittee th e year that the first w om an recipient is to b e h o n o red .” D rake will receive this aw ard (a cash prize o f $2,000 an d a citation) during th e ALA An­ nual C onference in San Francisco at the LITA P resident’s Program o n Monday, Ju n e 29, 1992. The H ugh C. A tkinson M em orial A ward is jointly sp o n so red b y ACRL, th e A ssociation for Library C o llectio n s a n d T e c h n ic a l S ervices (ALCTS), th e Library A dm inistration an d Man­ agem ent A ssociation (LAMA), a n d the Library and Information T echnology Association (LITA), four divisions o f th e A m erican Library Associa­ tion. The aw ard is fu n d e d b y a n en d o w m en t created by division, individual, a n d v en d o r co n ­ tr ib u t io n s g iv e n in m e m o r y o f H u g h C. Atkinson. Doctoral Dissertation Fellowship aw arded to Rosie Albritton Rosie L. Albritton, Ph.D. candidate at th e Uni­ versity o f Illinois-Urbana School o f Library an d Inform ation Science, has b e e n c h o sen to re­ ceive th e ACRL/ISI D octoral D issertation Fel­ low ship. A lbritton’s p r o p o s e d d is s e rta ­ t i o n is e n t i t l e d “T r a n s f o r m a t io n a l v s. T r a n s a c t i o n a l L eadership in U ni­ v ersity Libraries: A Field Study fo r th e M odel a n d Its Rela­ t i o n s h i p to P e r ­ c e i v e d O r g a n i z a ­ tional E ffectiveness an d Selected D em o­ Rosie Albrittong raphics.” “Ms. Albritton’s research is tim ely an d sig­ nificant in that transform ational an d charismatic leadership studies are o f current interest w ithin the profession a n d are o n the cutting ed g e of research having to d o w ith leadership,” said R oger W. D urbin, chair o f th e aw ard jury. “H er topic has a strong academ ic library focus an d h e r a p p ro a c h is original th ro u g h applying a m odel from social science research to library m anagem ent. T he aw ard, $1,000 an d a plaque, is d o n a te d by the Institute for Scientific Infor­ m a tio n a n d w ill b e p r e s e n te d at th e ACRL P resident’s Program in San Francisco, M onday, Ju n e 29, 1992. Baker named Dudley Bibliographic Instruction Librarian Betsy K. B aker, h e a d o f th e Reference D epart­ m en t at N orthw estern University Library, is the recip ien t o f ACRL’s B ibliographic Instruction Section’s Miriam D udley Bibliographic Instruc­ tio n Librarian Award. The aw ard is for contribution to the advance­ m en t o f bibliographic instruction that has an Contributed by Carolyn De Bonnett, ACRL program assistant 2 8 0 /C&RL News im pact o n concepts an d m ethods o f teaching bibliography an d bibliographic instruction. B aker will receive a $1,000 aw ard an d a p laq u e d o n ated by M ountainside Publishing C om pany o n behalf o f their journal Re­ search Strategies. “B e ts y B a k e r ’s ground-breaking re­ search explores cog­ nitive ap proaches to te a c h in g . S he h a s r a i s e d a w a r e n e s s t h r o u g h o u t th e h i g h e r e d u c a t i o n c o m m u n ity o f th e critical im p o rta n c e Betsy Bakero f inform ation skills to student’s personal and academ ic success. H er career accom plishm ents in teaching in librar­ ies are a m odel o f success for an individual still relatively young in the profession,” said Betsy W ilson, chair o f th e aw ard jury. “Betsy’s great­ est contribution may be in h er unselfish mentoring and teaching of the next generation of bibliographic instruction librarians.” The award and plaque will b e presented at the ACRL Bibliographic Instruction Section program on Sunday, June 28, 1992, in San Francisco. St. Petersburg Junior College collection development program recognized T he Library Collection D evelopm ent Commit­ tee at St. P etersburg Ju n io r College, St. Peters­ burg, Florida, is th e recipient o f th e EBSCO C o m m u n ity C o lle g e L e a rn in g R e s o u rc e s A chievem ent A ward for Program Developm ent. The m em bers o f th e com m ittee are: G lenda Alvin, M elissa R. G re e n fie ld , Lora H u n ter, D o n n a Kelly, D ave L ichtenfels, M ary Ja n e M arden, and Susan A nderson. O ver a period o f o n e school year, 1990-91, the Collection D evelopm ent C omm ittee co o p ­ eratively designed pro ced u res for the im ple­ m entation of an innovative collection develop­ m ent policy to m eet the need s of the college com m unity. The com m ittee shared a draft o f its proposals w ith academ ic departm ents, ad ­ ministrators, an d student representatives, and w elcom ed their suggestions. “This is an out­ standing collection dev elo p m en t policy,” said Marilyn M cDonald, chair o f th e aw ard jury. “A great deal o f thought an d w ork w en t into this policies an d p rocedures m anual for collection developm ent. It will have universal application to m ost library o p erations.” T he $500 aw ard d o n a te d by EBSCO Sub­ scription Services will b e p resen ted at ACRL’s C om m unity & Ju n io r College Libraries Section's (CJCLS) an n u al business m eeting in San Fran­ cisco, Saturday, Ju n e 27, 1992. Dumont gets aw ard for leadership in community colleges Paul E. D um ont, director o f technical services, D allas C ounty C om m unity C ollege District, Dallas, Texas, is the recipient o f the EBSCO C o m m u n ity C o lle g e L e a rn in g R e s o u rc e s A chievem ent A ward for Leadership. D um ont is a long-tim e advocate ofneeds o f learning resource centers. “Paul has a long and Members o f the St. Petersburg Junior College Library Collection Development Committee are (l to r): Donna Kelly, Melissa Greenfield, Susan Anderson, Dave Lichtenfels, Lora Hunter, Mary Jane Marden, and Glenda Alvin. April 1 9 9 2 /2 8 1 distinguished history o f leadership an d service to th e library com m unity,” said aw ard jury chair Marilyn M cD onald.“ The committee is proud to present this award to such a deserving individual.” “In his role as di­ rector o f tech n ical serv ices, P au l has led our district learn­ ing research centers through tw o genera­ tions o f au to m ated services,” said Pam­ ela Q uinn, director/ e d u c a t i o n a l t e l e ­ c o m m u n i c a t i o n s , Dallas County Com­ munity College Dis­ Paul Dumont trict, in h e r le tte r nominating Dumont. “Paul is a frequent speaker at library conferences an d has published of sev­ eral articles. His view s are representative o f the comm unity colleges throughout the nation.” The $500 aw ard d o n a te d by EBSCO Sub­ scription Services will b e presented at the CJCLS annual business m eeting in San Francisco, Sat­ urday, Ju n e 27, 1992. Exhibition catalogs recognized by Leab awards The Katharine Kyes Leab and Daniel J. Leab A m erican Book Prices C urrent Exhibition Cata­ logue Awards have b e e n a n n o u n c e d b y the From “Katherine Anne Porter at One Hundred: New Perspectives,” McKeldin Library, University o f Maryland Rare B ooks a n d Manuscripts Section (RBMS) o f ACRL. First place w inners in the three divi­ sions—expensive, moderate, and inexpensive— an d institutions subm itting the catalogues were: “Katharine Anne Porter at O ne H undred: New Perspectives,” subm itted by Special Collections, McKeldin Library, University o f Maryland (first division); “Eric Gill: His Life an d Art,” subm it­ ted by the Thom as Fisher Rare Book Library, University o f T oronto (second division); and “From Palm to Pine: Rudyard Kipling, 1865- 1936,” subm itted by Special Collections, Uni­ versity of Virginia Library (third division). H on­ orable m entions w ere given for “A Spirit o f Joy,” subm itted b y the Bruce Peel Special Collections Library, University of Alberta Libraries (first di­ vision) an d “W. B. Yeats an d the Irish Renais­ sance,” subm itted by the D epartm ent o f Spe­ cial Collections, Stanford University Libraries (second division). “This year 69 catalogs w ere subm itted and they reflect the excellent exhi­ bitions an d fine research that is d o n e in their institutions,” said Marvin J. Taylor, chair o f the aw ard jury. Printed citations will b e presented to the aw ard w inners at the RBMS program in San Francisco o n Ju n e 28, 1992. ■ “Eric Gill: His Life and Art,” Thomas Fisher Rare Book Library, University o f Toronto