ACRL News Issue (B) of College & Research Libraries 91 ACRL Chapters • The Western New York/Ontario Chap­ ter of ACRL has selected new officers. The re­ sults of the elections are: Vice-President—Betty Miller, supervisor of the Calspan Corporation Technical Library, Buffalo, New York Secretary—Stephen Kees, senior librarian, Niagara College of Applied Arts and Technol­ ogy, Welland, Ontario Treasurer—Jo Ann Kaufman, assistant li­ brarian in education, State University of New York, College at Fredonia Membership Chairperson—Maryruth Glo- gowski, assistant librarian, E. H. Butler Li­ brary, State University of New York, College at Buffalo Nominations Chairperson—Paul Zadner, as­ sociate librarian, E. H. Butler Library, State University of New York, College at Buffalo Program Chairperson—David Legel, psy­ chology bibliographer, Rush Rhees Library, University of Rochester, New York Public Relations Chairperson—John Kilbury, information and orientation librarian, Univer­ sity of Guelph, Ontario Councilor—Barbara Mann, assistant librari­ an, Science and Engineering Library, State University of New York at Buffalo Councilor—Sheila Laidlaw, librarian, Sig­ mund Samuel Library, University of Toronto, Ontario • The Oregon Chapter of ACRL held a training session and workshop on January 25 at which Ted Ryerson of National Technical Information Service ( NTIS) talked about their services and publications. He also provid­ ed information on developing search strategies for computer access. It was jointly sponsored by the University of Oregon. Ninety-five people attended. ■ ■ Proposed Amendment to the ACRL Constitution and Bylaws Upon the recommendation of the ACRL Publications Committee and the ACRL Board of Directors, the following text was proposed by the Committee on the ACRL Constitution and Bylaws as an addition to the ACRL Consti­ tution and Bylaws (published in the April 1973 issue of College & Research Libraries News). If approved, the proposed text would become Article VII of the ACRL Bylaws, and the current Bylaws Articles VII, VIII, IX, and X would be renumbered. The ACRL Bylaws may be amended by a majority vote of the members of the Associa­ tion attending a general meeting at an annual conference or casting ballots in a vote by mail, provided that notice of the proposed changes has been published not less than one month be­ fore the final consideration. The proposed By­ law will be considered for approval at the ACRL Membership Meeting at the Detroit Conference on Saturday, June 18, 1977, at 2:00 p.m. BYLAWS Article VII. Publications Programs Sec. 1. Authorization. The publications pro­ grams of the Association shall be authorized by action of the Association or the Board of Di­ rectors, except as otherwise provided in the Constitution and Bylaws, and subject to the policies and procedures of the American Li­ brary Association. The Board of Directors shall approve the policy and manner of distribution of publications, exercise financial control, and establish criteria and recruitment policies for selection and appointment of editors and edi­ torial boards, as appropriate. ■■ Recent LA’s (Library Acronyms) Encountered BLAISE (British Library Automated In­ formation Service) NASIC (Northeast Academic Science In­ formation Center) PRECIS (Preserved Context Indexing System) SCATT (Scientific Communication and Technology Transfer) SPIN (Searchable Physics Information Notices) TINA (Technology Innovation Alert)