ACRL News Issue (B) of College & Research Libraries 314 / C&RL News Andrew Young, Frank Zappa, cultural diversity, and more at ALA’s Annual Conference B y M attye N elson A C R L P rofessional D evelopm ent O fficer Attend these ACRL programs in Atlanta. A c c re d ita tio n A ccred itation T rends— T h eir Im p act on A ca­ dem ic L ib raries Regional accrediting associations for colleges and universities are changing many o f their re­ quirements, partly in response to new concerns with society at large. This program will explore these trends and their potential impact on aca­ demic libraries. Some o f the issues are a shift from ‘inputs’ to ‘outcomes,’ bibliographic instruction across the institution, and implementation o f eq­ uity and diversity. Speakers: Grover Andrews, As­ sistant Director o f Instruction, Georgia Center, University o f Georgia; Fred Heath, University Librarian, Texas Christian University; Patricia Sachs, Director o f Libraries, Cedar Crest-Muhlen- berg Colleges. Sponsors: A CRL Standards and Accreditation Committee, College Libraries Sec­ tion, University Libraries Section. T uesday, Ju ly 2, 9:0 0 -1 1 :0 0 a.m. C o lle ctio n d e v e lo p m e n t Access to Science Journals A fter you C ancel: W h ere Next? Discussion will explore issues o f access to jour­ nals by alternate means and will be led by represen­ tatives from publishers and vendors. Sponsor: ACRL Science and Technology Library Section General Discussion Group. Sunday, J u n e 30, 2 :0 0 -3 :3 0 p.m. C anadian and Q u ebec G overnm ent Support fo r C anadian Studies Collections in Am erican L ibraries This discussion will feature Judith M. Costello, Political, Economic and Academic Relations Offi­ cer, Canadian Consulate General, and Francoise Cloutier, Education Officer, Quebec Government Office. The program will focus on the variety of Canadian and Quebec government grants available to American libraries in developing and expanding their Canadian studies collections. Sponsor: ACRL Canadian Studies Discussion Group. Sunday, Ju n e 30, 8 :0 0 -9 :3 0 p.m. C ancelling Serial Titles Linda Stein, University o f Delaware, will pres­ ent an objective method of identifying serial titles for cancellation. By checking the online catalogs of eight ARL libraries available on Internet, she iden­ tified a core list o f journals in textiles and clothing. Sponsor: ACRL Home Economics/Human Ecol­ ogy Discussion Group. Sunday, J u n e 3 0 ,4 :3 0 -5 :3 0 p.m. C ollege L ib raries Science Collections: Sepa­ r a te o r In te g ra te d ? The pros and cons o f integrating science materi­ als in the main library or in a separate science collections facility will be discussed. Sponsor: ACRL Science and Technology Sections College Science Librarians Discussion Group. Sunday, Ju n e 30, 11:00 a .m .- l:0 0 p.m. May 1991 / 315 Contem porary P oetry in American Libraries This discussion will cover poetry not only as a practical exigency in libraries but in its convergent bibliography, sociological, and cultural contents. Speakers include Robert J. Bertholf, Curator Po­ etry/Rare Books, SUNY Buffalo; Hank Lazer, Pro­ fessor, Department o f English, University of Ala­ bama; Tony Moffeit, Assistant Director, University of Southern Colorado; and Mary Biggs, Director of Libraries, Mercy College, New York. Sponsor: ACRL English and American Literature Discus­ sion Group. M onday, Ju ly 1, 9:30 a .m .-1 2 :3 0 p.m. D o Patrons W an t a C H O IC E ? : Evaluating Sources in Public Access Catalogs A panel will discuss the development of the C h o ice database and the results of the test site program for the use of C h o ice reviews in online public access catalogs at CARL Systems and Car­ negie Mellon University. Commentary on how faculty, students and librarians view the use of reviews online and the expansion of the role of reviews in public services and library instruction will also be discussed. Speakers: Claire Dudley, Managing Editor, C hoice; Patricia Culkin, Vice- President and Treasurer, Colorado Alliance of Research Libraries (CARL Systems); Mark Kib- bey, University of Washington; Norma J. Hervey, Professor and Head Librarian, Luther College; Connie K. McCarthy, Associate University Librar­ ian, Duke University and Chair, C h o ice Editorial Board. Sponsor: C h o ice Editorial Board, C hoice editorial staff. Saturday, J u n e 29, 2:00—4:00 p.m. Th e Pacific Collection a t the University o f Hawaii Karen Peacock, Pacific Curator, University of Hawaii, and Lynette Furuhashi, Assistant Curator, University o f Hawaii, will describe this collection. Sponsor: A CRL Australian Studies Discussion Group. Sunday, Ju n e 30, 11:30 a.m .-1 2 :3 0 p.m. Scholarly E ditin g P rojects in L ibraries Many research libraries house projects that are essentially scholarly in nature: editorial offices producing printed and microform editions of the works o f historical and literary figures. Three li­ brarians will discuss benefits and disadvantages of locating scholarly editions in libraries. The pro­ gram will be followed by the RBM S business meet­ ing and information exchange. Speakers: Joseph A. Boisse, University Librarian, University o f Califor- nia-Santa Barbara; Jo Ann Boydston, Editor, The C ollected W orks o f Jo h n D ew ey, Southern Illinois University; Charles T. Cullen, President, New­ berry Library; Donald W. Koepp, University Li­ brarian, Princeton University; Elizabeth Hall Witherell, Editor-in-Chief, T he W ritings o f Henry D. Thoreau, Curator of Manuscripts, University of Califomia-Santa Barbara. Sponsor: ACRL Rare Books and Manuscripts Section. Sunday, Ju n e 30, 2 :0 0 -5 :3 0 p.m. C o p y rig h t issues Video Collections: Copyright and Public P e r­ form ance A major program on an issue of critical impor­ tance to librarians and audiovisual producers alike. Three excellent speakers will address the issue of public performance o f copyrighted video materials from different perspectives, including a state-of- the-law briefing, an update on producer concerns, and a librarian response, followed by questions from the audience. The program will provide an excellent forum for a lively exchange of views. Speakers: James S. Heller, Director, Marshall- Wythe Law Library, Associate Professor of Law, College o f William & Maiy; Allen Dohra, Chief Executive Officer, Barr Films, Chair, Copyright Committee, Association of Informational Media & Equipment; Jean Thibodeaux Kreamer, Director, University Media Center fit Copyright Oversight Officer, University o f Southwestern Louisiana. Moderator: Richard Shaw, Director, Learning Resources, Technical College o f the Low Country. Sponsors: ACRL Audiovisual Committee, Copy­ right Committee; ALA ad hoc Subcommittee on Copyright; ALA Video Interest Group; ALCTS A udiovisual C o m m ittee ; P LA Audiovisual Committee. Saturday, Ju n e 29, 9:30 a.m .-1 2 :3 0 p.m. C u ltu ra l d iversity E xcellen ce Through C ultural Diversity Dr. Huel D. Perkins, Executive Assistant to the Chancellor, Louisiana State University, will pres­ ent, “Excellence and Diversity: W e Must Have Both.” A panel, moderated by Dr. Beverly P. Lynch, Dean, School o f Library and Information Science, UCLA, will discuss strengthening and enhancing libraries in Historically Black Colleges and Universities. Sponsor: A C RL Historically Black College and University Libraries Project (ad hoc). M onday, Ju ly 1, 9:30 a.m .-1 2 :3 0 p.m. Foik Cultures o f the M odern South: D ocum en­ tation o f Living Traditions Speakers include folklorists Nancy J. Martin- Perdue and Charles L. Perdue, Jr., University of Virginia, on their work locating, organizing, and accessing the Federal Writers Project folklore col­ lections; folklorist Daniel W. Patterson, University o f North Carolina on audiovisual documentation of African-American Gospel music; anthropologist Beverly B. Patterson, University o f North Carolina, on computer indexing o f folklore materials; and 316 / C&RL News anthropologist Allan Bums, University o f Florida, on the folk culture of a Mayan refugee community in southern Florida. Sponsors: ACRL Anthropol­ ogy and Sociology Section, Afro-American Studies Librarian Section; E M IE R T ; Atlanta Historical Society. Sunday, Ju n e 30, 9:30 a.m .-12:30 p.m. W om en’s Studies and Ethnic Diversity: Trans­ forming Competition into Coalition A women’s studies administrator and a library administrator will examine issues surrounding the trend toward multicultural integration in higher education and the importance of increasing the information resources of ethnic women. Drawing on their own experiences, four front-line librarians representing various ethnic groups will discuss the intersection of race and gender in relation to the competition for resources, collection develop­ ment, bibliographic instruction, and the recruit­ ment and retention o f staff. A general discussion on coalition building and mutual support will follow. Speaker: Beverly Guy-Sheftall, Director, Center for Research on Women, Spelman College. Spon­ sors: A CRL W omen’s Studies Section, Afro- American Studies Section; Chinese American Li­ brary Association; American Indian Library Asso­ ciation; COSWL; E M IE R T ; REFORM A; SRRT Fem inist Task F orce. M onday, Ju ly 1, 9:30 a.m .-12:30 p.m. E le c tr o n ic tech n o lo g y Accounting and Tracking Software for F e e - based Services and R LG Interlibrary Loan Project. Sponsored by ACRL’s Fee-Based Information Service Centers in Academic Libraries (FISCAL). Saturday, Ju n e 29, 2 :0 0 -4 :0 0 p.m. Forms ex­ change, copyright issues, and in-house newsletters will be discussed. Sunday‚ Ju n e 3 0 ,9 :0 0 a.m .—12:30 p.m. The E lectro n ic H itchhiker Exploring D ata­ bases on the In tern et In te rn e t and specific databases, such as PennPages, GenBank, LiMB (Listing of Molecular Biology Databases) and others will be presented. Librarians will have the opportunity to ask ques­ tions, describe how they have used Internet sources, find solutions to Internet access problems, and share news about catalogs and databases that have proven to be valuable sources o f information. Sponsor: ACRL Science and Technology Section Science Databases Discussion Group. Saturday, Ju n e 29, 2 :0 0 ^ :0 0 p.m. Specialized Knowledge Bases and Online Tools in a Knowledge M anagem ent Environm ent Discussion of knowledge management as a mutual responsibility for scientific and scholarly communication, which is shared by scholars, scien­ tists, and research librarians. Richard E. Lucier, Director, Laboratory for Applied Research in Academic Information, Johns Hopkins University. Sponsor: ACRL Electronic Library Development in Academic Libraries Discussion Group. Satur­ day, Ju n e 29,11:30 a.m .—12:30 p.m. In fo rm atio n literacy Becom ing L iterate with our H eritage: The WPA and the ARTS A retrospective examination of the Works Proj­ ects Administration (WPA) and the support given to the arts during the Depression. Literacy, as applied to the program title, means not only being able to read, but having the skills necessary to perform research, and having a general awareness o f the subject. The presentations will focus on music, theatre, dance, and the visual arts, and highlight the necessity of consulting additional li­ brary and information agencies such as manuscript collections, historical societies, and government documents collections. The intent o f the program is to encourage research in the WPA arts projects and to bring to the forefront a Depression-era pro­ gram that had a great impact on American cultural life. Speakers: Stephen Goldfarb, Information Services, Atlanta-Fulton Public Library; Dena J. Epstein, Assistant Music Librarian (Retired), Uni­ versity of Chicago; Lorraine Brown, Institute on the Federal Theatre Project, George Mason Uni­ versity; Madeleine M. Nichols, Curator, Dance Collection, New York Public Library. Sponsors: ACRL Arts Section, Rare Books and Manuscripts Section; GODORT. Saturday, Ju n e 29, 2:00—4:00 p.m. Empow ering People: Inform ation Literacy Rock musician Frank Zappa is a believer in intellectual freedom and in the power o f libraries to ed u cate. His stance against record labeling has received significant media attention. Zappa will bring his unique perspective to the topic of information literacy. Following his presenta­ tion, Zappa will answer questions from the audi­ ence. Poster sessions on information literacy, the W hite House Confer­ en ce, and the A CRL Frank ZappaHistorically Black Col­ lege and University Li­ braries project will begin at 4:00 p.m. The recep- May 1991 / 317 tion for the ACRL Academic or Research Librarian of the Year, sponsored by Baker and Taylor, begins at 4:30 p.m. Sponsor: ACRL President’s Program Planning Committee. Monday, Ju ly l,2 :-5 :3 0 p .m . Empowering Students: Institutionalizing In­ formation L iteracy in H igher Education Patricia Senn Breivik, Associate Vice-President for Information Resources, will highlight why in­ formation literacy and resource-based learning are important tools of empowerment for achieving higher educational goals. Participants will break into small groups to discuss strategies to institution­ alize information literacy through assessment, core curriculums across the curriculum programs, higher literacy efforts, and individual school and college requirements. Continental breakfast com­ pliments of EBSCO Subscription Services. Busi­ ness meeting and awards presentation will precede the program. Sponsor: ACRL Community and Junior College Libraries Section. Saturday, Jun e 29, 8:30-11:30 a.m. Empowering the Public: Information Literacy fo r Environmental Issues Protection of the environment is a major area of public concern. People confront environmental issues at the local, state, and national levels, yet are often unaware of the information resources avail­ able to help them. A panel of four speakers will offer an overview of legal issues, provide both the environmental interest group and the federal gov­ ernment perspective, and outline major environ­ mental resources to which libraries can provide access. A question-and-answer session will follow. Speakers: John Applegate, Professor, Administra­ tive Law, University o f Cincinnati; Michael McCloskey, Sierra Club; Gayle Alston, Health Education Specialist, Agency for Toxic Substances & Disease Registry; Bruce Kennedy, Reference Head, Georgetown University Law Library. Spon­ sors: ACRL Law and Political Science Section; GODORT; SRRT Peace Information Exchange, Task Force on Environment. Sunday, Ju n e 30, 9-11 a.m. Information L iteracy: Black Families and L it­ eracy Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Young will discuss black families and literacy and describe the programs that they have supported and promoted. Family literacy and the Black family are national concerns in the African-American community and this pres­ entation will address some of the issues that face libraries and their preparedness for diversity. An­ drew Young is a former mayor of Atlanta and former ambassador to the United Nations. Spon­ sor: Afro-American Studies Librarian Section. Tuesday, Ju ly 2, 2:00—4:00 p.m. Information L iteracy Issues in the African and Asian Context As more foreign students come to the U.S. for their education, issues of bibliographic instruction and information literacy increasingly concern American librarians. This program examines Afri­ can and Asian students’ use of American libraries and those in their own countries; the professional education of foreign librarians and information literacy; and the impact, in developing countries, of the lack of libraiy resources on information literacy and possible solutions. ACRL-AAS membership meeting begins immediately following program. Speakers: Edward P. Miller, President, Interna­ tional Library Exchange Center, Director, Payson Public Library; Ruth A. Pagell, Associate Director, Lippincott Library, Wharton School; Kwasi Sarko- die-Mensah, Bibliographic Instruction Coordina­ tor, Snell Library, Northeastern University; Paul Wasserman, Professor, College of Library & Infor­ mation Services, University of Maryland-College Park. Sponsors: ACRL Asian and African Section, Bibliographic Instruction Section; ALA Interna­ tional Relations Round Table. Monday, July 1, 9:30-11:30 a.m. Technology as a B arrier to Information L iter­ acy: Implications for Bibliographic Instruction Institutional or political barriers (such as not having the technology), as well as individual barri­ ers (psychological, cultural, gender-related) to us­ ing the technology that is available will be dis­ cussed. Strategies for B I librarians will be sug­ gested. Poster sessions will follow the presenta­ tions, allowing individuals to present how they/ their institutions have responded to technology as a barrier. Speakers: Herbert S. White, Dean, SLIS, Indiana University; Carolyn Palmer, Professor, Higher Education & Student Affairs, Bowling Green State University; Lori L. Arp, Reference Head, Norlin Library, University of Colorado- Boulder. Sponsors: ACRL Bibliographic Instruc­ tion Section, College Libraries Section, Commu­ nity and Junior College Libraries Section, Univer­ sity Libraries Section, Women’s Studies Section; LITA Education Committee; Libraiy Instruction Round Table. Sunday, Jun e 30, 2:00-5:30 p.m. Teaching Study Skills: The High School to Col­ lege Experience This program features the unique perspective of three educators who will offer suggestions to li­ brarians for dealing with the college-bound student and the college freshman. Speakers will address the high school and academic librarian’s role in this transition as well as the effects of it on the student, with educational psychology’s implications. Seek­ ing to develop cooperation between high school and academic libraries, the program will feature a 318 / C&RL News reaction panel of librarians from E B SS, L IR T , BIS, and AASL. Speakers: Bonnie Armbruster, D irec­ tor, Center for Study o f Reading, University of Illinois, Champaign; John N. Gardner, Director, National Center for Study of Freshman Year Expe­ rience, University o f South Carolina; Carol Kuhlthau, Director, Educational Media Services Programs, Rutgers University Sponsor: ACRL Education and Behavioral Sciences Section, Bib­ liographic Instruction Section; L IR T ; AASL. M onday, Ju ly 1, 9:30 a.m .-1 2 :3 0 p.m. In tern atio n al relations E urop ean Unification— 1 9 9 2 : Im pact on Infor­ mation and Libraries The upcoming European unification will signifi­ cantly alter the legal and economic framework of Europe and its publishing, bookselling, and library services industry. Panelists will analyze emerging trends as they relate to international trade policy, world politics, Western European book publishing and exporting, and the impact upon libraries and information service markets and providers. Sup­ port for this program has been provided by Chadwyck-Healey, Ltd. The W E SS business meeting precedes the program at 8:30 a.m. Speak­ ers: John McIntyre, Georgia Institute o f Technol­ ogy; James Campbell, University o f Virginia; Mi­ chael Hopkins, University o f Loughborough. Sponsor: ACRL Western European Specialists Section. M onday, Ju ly 1, 8:30 a.m .—12:30 p.m. L ibraries on th e Shores o f L ak e Atlantic: Di­ verse A pproaches— Com m on Issues Global access to information resources is be­ coming increasingly essential. A scholar’s closest colleague may be across the Atlantic rather than across the hall. How are research libraries dealing with the issue o f access? What changes are forseen? A university scholar and librarians from two na­ tional libraries will focus on issues facing academic and research libraries as we approach the 21st century and the concept of the global village. Audience questions will be encouraged. Speakers: Patricia Donlan, Director, National Library of Ireland; Ann Matheson, Assistant Director, Na­ tional Library o f Scotland; Henry Snyder, Profes­ sor, University of Califomia-Riverside, Director, 18th Century Short Title Catalog Project. Sponsor: A CRL University Libraries Section. Saturday, Ju n e 29, 2:00—5:30 p.m. P erestroik a, Glasnost and th e L ib rary W orld Discussion will focus on how librarians from various institutions are handling the changes in procurement o f Slavic materials and provision of reference information in the wake of the historic changes in Eastern Europe and the Soviet Union. Particular focus is given to changes in the law and business communities and the Library o f Congress office in Moscow. Speakers: Lucy Cox, Rutgers Law School; Edward Kasinec, New York Public Library; Harold Leich, Library of Congress; Nor­ man Ross, Norman Ross Inc.; Tatjana Lorkovic, Yale University. Sponsor: Slavic and East Euro­ pean Section. Sunday, J u n e 30, 2:00—4 :0 0 p.m. M an ag em en t & p erso n n el A lternative Sources o f Revenue— W ho Gets M oney and How: A R ep o rt o f th e A C R L Task Fo rce The report will deal with five major sources of revenue: services/sales, computerized catalogs/ databases, fines and replacements, gifts and grants, and library endowments. It will also cover general findings and conclusions. The program will include a report on the survey and the data received, a panel discussion on “How your library can use this data,” and a general Q&A/discussion period for all participants. Speakers: Mary Jo Lynch, ALA/OFR; Anne Beaubien, Head, Cooperative Access Serv­ ices, University o f Michigan; Lee Hisle, Director, LRS, Austin Community College; Paul Dumont, Director, Technical Services, Dallas County Com­ munity College; Larry Hardesty, Director, William L. Cobb Library, Eckerd College; Stan Wilder, Assistant to Director, Louisiana State University; Michael Haevser, Director o f Libraries, Gustavus Adolphus College; Joan Chambers, Library D irec­ tor, Colorado State University. Sponsor: ACRL Sources o f Revenue in Academic Libraries Task Force. Tuesday, Ju ly 2, 9:30—11 a.m. Coop eration B etw een A cadem ic and Special Lib raries and Facilities and Space Problem s Bibliographic access and access to collections and services will be examined. Sponsor: ACRL Sci­ ence and Technology Section Directors o f Science Libraries Discussion Group. Sunday, Ju n e 30, 8:00—10:00 p.m. Initiating P erfo rm an ce M easures in an A ca­ dem ic L ibrary James Estrada, Director, University of Con­ necticut Library, will discuss instituting perform­ ance measures in libraries. Sponsor: Performance Output Measures for Academic Libraries Discus­ sion Group. Sunday, J u n e 30, 4:30—5:30 p. m. The Librarian s in H igh er E d u cation and C am ­ pus Administration Discussion Group Discussion focuses on the challenges that con­ front academic librarians and the campus adminis­ trators who work with them. Sponsor: ACRL Uni­ versity Libraries Section. S u n d a y , J u n e 30, 9:00—11:00 a.m. May 1991 / 319 Personnel Administrators and StaffDe velopment Officers Discussion Group Discussion will include responses to decreasing budgets and staff development activities. Satur­ day,‚ Ju n e 29, 9:30-11:00 a.m.; Sunday, Ju n e 30, 9:30—11:00 a.m .; and Tuesday, July 2, 9:30-11:00 a.m. StaffDevelopment in Small and Medium-Sized Libraries Staff development needs directly affect the educational mission of the academic library through their impact on morale, productivity, and recruitment, but the differing needs among staff levels of the library complicate effective response. A panel discussion will identify and suggest strate­ gies for dealing with staff development issues for three major groups— student staff, professionals, and paraprofessionals and clericals. A reaction panel will provide additional perspective. Speak­ ers: Dorothy-Ellen Gross, Associate Dean for Aca­ demic Support, North Park College & Seminaiy; Jonathon Lindsey, Director, External Affairs De­ velopment, Baylor University; Larry Oberg, Direc­ tor of Libraries, Albion College. Reactors: Lariy Hardesty, Library Director, Eckerd College; Anne Commerton, former Director of Libraries, SUNY- Oswego; Tom Kirk, College Librarian, Berea Col­ lege. Sponsor: ACRL College Libraries Section. Sunday, Ju n e 30, 11:30 a.m.—12:30 p.m. The Status o f Status The program will feature three reports on fac­ ulty status: results of a recent survey on faculty status; a description of a situation where faculty status really works for librarians; and a report on a threat to faculty status for librarians. Speakers: Charles Lowiy, Director, University of Texas at Arlington Library; Janet Krompart, Head, Collec­ tion Development, Oakland University; Barbara James, Head, Reference Department, Georgia State University. Sponsor: Academic Status Committee. Sunday, Ju n e 30, 9:00-11:00 a.m. M ark etin g an d p rom otion Membership Recruitm ent Workshop Recruiting new members will be the topic of this workshop which will examine recruitment tech­ niques at both the state and national level. A spokesperson from the National Education Asso­ ciation will discuss techniques used by their organi­ zation. The benefits of ACRL membership will be reviewed by Ray Metz, Chapter Topics co-editor. Chapter representatives will bring examples of successful membership recruitment campaigns. Sponsors: ACRL Membership Committee and ACRL Chapters Council. Monday, July 1, 1 0:30- 11:30 a.m. Promoting the Extended Campus Library Serv­ ices to Students The nontraditional nature o f library services for off-campus students requires active promotion to inform students of the program. Panelists James Damico, University of South Alabama; Janet M. Feldman, Indiana University-Columbia Campus; and Denise Glover, University of Maryland Librar­ ies, will summarize successful promotional activi­ ties used at their respective schools. Note: The discussion will follow a business meeting in which members will be asked to dissolve the current discussion group and to reconstitute the group under the newly created Extended Campus Li­ brary Services Section. Sponsor: Extended Cam­ pus Library Services Discussion Group. Monday, July 1, 9:00—11:00 a.m. S cien ce an d techn ology Foru m for Science and Technology Library Research A forum presentation by three librarians report­ ing results of research of interest to science and technology librarianship. Each participant will have 15 minutes for presentation of results with five minutes for audience feedback. Speakers: Julie M. Hurd, Science Library, University o f Illinois-Chi- cago; Katherine W. McCain, College of Informa­ tion Studies, Drexel University; Sharyn J. Ladner, Assistant Professor, Richter Library, University of Miami. Sponsor: ACRL Forum for Science and Technology Library Research Task Force. Sunday, Ju n e 30, 3:45—5:30 p.m. Prom oting Scientific L iteracy and Education: Can Libraries M eet the Challenge? The program focuses on the challenge of train­ ing scientists for the 21st century and on educating a scientifically literate populace. Five speakers will represent a variety of perspectives on the topic, including current government and professional directions in national policy development which effect scientific literacy and science education at all levels, the academic planning process and science Correction Registration fees for the preconference, “The Practical Librarian: Managing Collections and Services in the College Libraries” are $75; $65 for ACRL members. For more information or to register for the preconference contact Joan H. Worley, Lamar Memorial Library, Maryville College, Maryville, TN 37801; (615) 981-8257. 320 / C&RL News curricula in higher education, and reactions from two librarians on how libraries are responding to the variety o f changes in these areas. Speakers: John Palms, President, Georgia State University; Robert F. Watson, Head, Directorate of Science and Engi­ neering Education, National Science Foundation; Alphonse Buccino, Dean, College of Education, University o f Georgia; Joanne R. Euster, Vice- president for Information Services & University Librarian, Rutgers University; Sara Penhale, Sci­ ence Librarian, Wildman Science Library, Earlham College. Sponsor: ACRL Science and Technology Section. Tuesday,July2,8:30a.m.—12:30p.m. F o ru m o n E m e rg in g Issues a n d R e se a rc h in S cience L ib ra ria n s h ip “Interdisciplinary Research in the Sciences: Implications for Science Libraries,” Julie Hure, University of Illinois at Chicago; “Journal Co-cita­ tion Analysis: A New Tool for Serials Collection Management,” Katherine McCain, Drexel Univer­ sity; and “A Study of Resource Sharing by Science and Technology Special Libraries,” Sharyn Lad­ ner, Assistant Professor, Richter Library, Univer­ sity of Miami, will be presented. Sponsor: ACRL Science and Technology Section, Science and Technology Research Task Force. Sunday, June 30, 3:45—5:30 p.m. S p e c ia l e v e n ts ANSS T o u r A tour of the Special Collections Departm ent at Georgia State University’s Pullen Library which was established in 1969 and moved into a new building in 1987. It features perm anent exhibits on the late lyricist Johnny Mercer, as well as materials from the repository’s extensive labor collections including the Southern Labor Archives. The library is also home to the Georgia Government Docu­ mentation Project, which seeks to preserve and make available, the resources o f the state’s govern­ ment and public officials. It also holds over 300,000 photographic images and other collections focus­ ing on the performing arts, music, folklore, local and oral history, and more. Tickets: By advance registration through June 1. Limited to 40 partici­ pants. Write: B renda McCallum, ANSS Tour, Popular Culture Library, Bowling Green State University, Bowling G reen, OH 43403-0600. Sponsor: ACRL Anthropology and Sociology Sec­ tion. Tuesday, July 2, 1:30—2:30 p.m. D in n e r: An E v e n in g w ith M ark Tw ain Marvin Cole will perform “An Evening with Mark Twain” at a reception and dinner at the Atlanta Fulton County Library, One Margaret Mitchell Square. Tickets: $30, section members; $35, non-section members; by June 15. Send checks payable to: Sue Hatfield, DeKalb College, 555 N. Indian Creek Dr., Clarkston, GA 30021. ACRL Community and Junior College Libraries Section. Friday, June 28 6:00—10:00 p.m. R ecep tio n Honor Academic or Research Librarian o f the Year, Richard De Gennaro, at a reception provided by Baker & Taylor. Monday, July 1, 4:30 p.m. T o u r o f CN N Tickets: $5, in advance by June 15. Tours limited to 33 people each. Send checks payable to: V. Sue Hatfield, DeKalb College, 555 N. Indian Creek Dr., Clarkston, GA 30021. Please indicate time preference. Sponsor: ACRL Community and Jun­ ior College Libraries Section. Monday, July 1, 10:15, 10:30, 11:15 a.m. ■ ■ D e a d lin e fo r con trib u ted p apers ex ten d e d The deadline for sending a notice of intent to submit a paper for the ACRL Sixth National Conference has been extended to June 1,1991. Send a 200-word description of your paper, the tentative title, the category (either research or position), your name, address and work phone number to Stella Bentley, ACRL Contributed Papers, Library 3589, University of California, Santa Barbara, CA 93117. (See C6-RL News, May, 1991, for a full description of the require­ ments for contributed papers.) The AC RL Sixth National Conference will be held in Salt Lake City, Utah, April 12-14, 1992. Call fo r papers The University and College Library Section of the Southeastern Library Association solicits papers on CD-ROM literacy for its biennial meeting in New Orleans, March 18-21, 1992. Possible topics are: user instruction, collection developm ent, administration, security, n et­ working, staffing, and technology. Papers must be submitted by July 15, 1991. They will be juried and authors notified by October 1991. Oral presentations should take 20-30 minutes. Send papers or requests for information to: Winston A. Walden, Tennessee Technological University, U niversity Library, Box 5066, Cookeville, TN 38505; (615) 372-3408; fax, (615) 372-6112.