ACRL News Issue (B) of College & Research Libraries O ctober 1985 / 501 R eg rettab ly , since th e presentations of w ork­ shops were not included in the conference’s pro­ ceedings, there is no published access to C u lp’s and K ane’s notes (“T h e W ashington L ib rary Network and the Linked Systems P ro je ct,” and “T elecom ­ munications for Improved In form ation Flow to Users,” respectively). However, papers presented at the plenary and regular sessions, as well as T ele­ tra c k , have been published in the Proceedings, T e l e c o m m u n ic a t io n s F o r P a c if ic D e v e lo p m e n t : P T C ’8 5 - T o w a r d a D ig ita l W o r ld (Dan J. W ede- meyer, ed., Honolulu, H aw aii: P acific T elecom ­ munications C ou ncil, 1985). T h e them e for next year’s conference is “Evolu­ tion of the D igital P a cific” (P T C ’8 6, Honolulu, Jan u ary 1 2 -1 5 , 1986), and a library workshop, “ L ib r a r y N etw ork s,” w ill be held on T u esd ay afternoon, Jan u ary 14. F o r inform ation regarding pre-registration and the call for papers for P T C ’87 w rite to: P a c ific Telecom m u n ication s C o u n cil, 1110 University Avenue, Suite 308, Honolulu, HA 96826. T h e r e la tiv e ly h ig h r e g is tr a tio n fe e (p r e ­ registration ranging from $ 3 0 0 -4 0 0 ) m ay be pro­ hibitive to m any librarians. T he C onference’s con­ tin u in g an n u al expansion (400 p a rtic ip a n ts in 1985) m ight therefore be enhanced if the organiz­ ers could have a significantly reduced fee for par­ ticipants from academ ia and libraries. E d it o r ’s n o te : T h e A C R L P ro fe ssio n a l A s so cia ­ tio n L ia is o n C o m m it t e e m a y h e a b l e to assist li­ b r a r ia n s w h o g iv e p re sen ta tio n s a t n o n -lib r a r y p r o ­ f e s s i o n a l a s s o c i a t i o n s . F o r m o r e i n f o r m a t i o n , c o n t a c t J o a n C h a m b e r s , D ir e c t o r , M o r g a n L i ­ b r a r y , C o lo r a d o S ta te U niversity, F o r t C o llin s, C O 80523. ■ ■ News from the Fiald A cquisitions • Syracuse University’s George Arents Research L ib r a r y , N ew Y o rk , has a c q u ire d th e la rg e s t known private collection of Steven C rane m ateri­ als. T h e collection contains 62 letters by C rane, 39 letters by his w ife, a portion of his sister’s diary, as well as numerous books, photos, and related m ate­ rials. O riginally owned by the late C rane scholar Melvin H. Schoberlin, the m aterials w ere stored by his widow in O ahu, H aw aii, before their transfer to Syracuse. Highlights of the collection include C r a n e ’s ea rliest surviving m an u scrip t, a poem w ritten when he was 10 or 11 years old; four in­ scribed presentation copies of C rane novels; and letters w ritten for C rane by his w ife during the last six months of his life. • The University of Wisconsin-Platteville has re ceived a unique surname index to persons located in the Upper Mississippi lead and zinc m ining dis­ t r i c t fro m 1 8 1 5 th ro u g h th e 1 8 6 0 s . G e r a ld Fieldhouse, of Dodgeville, W isconsin, has spent the last 25 years com piling this index of people who lived, worked, or passed through southwest W is­ consin and northwestern Illinois. T h e sources used include the W isconsin territorial census between 1836 and 1847, the Illinois and M ichigan census for 1830 and 1840, the federal census for 1850 and 1860, and many other local polls and records. G ra n ts • The Boston L ib r a ry Consortium has been aw arded a grant of $ 1 0 ,0 0 0 from the F lo ren ce R oblee Foundation to develop a training module to assist librarians in dealing effectively with the hu­ m an im pact of technological change. T h e funds will support an initial survey of p racticing lib ra ri­ ans to identify relevant issues, and the develop­ m ent o f a model workshop which will be presented and tested w ith representatives from a variety of Massachusetts libraries. M aterials produced and collected for the project will be edited and made available so th at the workshop m ay be replicated by other libraries and consortia. • Columbia College’s C enter for B lack Music Research, C h icago, has received a grant o f $ 3 0,000 from the Lloyd A. Fry Foundation for the estab­ lishm ent o f a com puterized reference system and a union catalogue of black music holdings in selected C hicago-area libraries. • The Moravian Music Foundation, W inston- Salem , North C arolina, has received two grants to­ taling $ 4 3 ,8 3 2 to support the preservation of its ar­ chival collections of m anuscript music. T h e John W esley and Anna Hodgin Hanes Found ation pre­ sented $ 1 0 ,4 1 4 and the Jam es G . Hanes M emorial Fund/Foundation gave an additional $ 3 3 ,4 1 8 . T he conservation program was started by a $ 2 5,200 502 / C &R L News grant given earlier this year by the W inston-Salem Foundation. • The University of Rochester’s Eastm an Scho of Music, Rochester, New York, has received a T i­ tle II-C grant of $233,000 on behalf of the Associ­ ated Music Libraries Group (A M LG ). T he money will fund a pilot project to be undertaken by three A M L G lib r a r ie s — E a s tm a n , I n d ia n a , and Berkeley— to demonstrate the feasibility of pro­ posed methods and standards for retrospective con­ version of bibliographic information in the field of music. The standards are those developed at the Council on Library Resources Conference on Stan­ dards for the Retrospective Conversion of Music (see C ir R L N ew s, July/August 1985, p .342, for de­ tails). The pilot project will add or enhance ap­ proximately 30,000 titles in the O C L C and RLIN networks, which in turn are committed to the ex­ change o f MARC tapes resulting from the project. ol • Illinois State University, Normal, has receive a bequest of $50,000 from the estate of the late Harold Sage, of Normal, for the maintenance of the library’s collection of Abraham Lincoln books and pamphlets which Sage had donated to the Uni­ versity in 1979. The collection consists of some 1200 books and 1500 pamphlets on Lincoln, many of them limited editions. • Old Sturbridge Village, Massachusetts, ha been awarded a grant of $22,084 by the National Endowment for the Humanities for the conserva­ tion of 45 maps in the Old Sturbridge Village Re­ search L ibrary. T he conserved 18th and 19th- century maps, previously underutilized due to their poor physical condition, will expand the li­ brary’s offerings of historic resources. T he conser­ vation work will be done by the Northeast Docu­ m en t C o n se rv a tio n C e n te r in A nd over, Massachusetts. ■ ■ d s . P E O P L E . Profiles L a r r y X . B e s a n t has been named director of li­ braries at Morehead State University, Morehead, Kentucky, effective in August. Until recently the di­ rector of the Linda Hall L ibrary in Kansas City, Besant has also served as assistant director of li­ b ra rie s a t O hio S ta te University, assistant li­ brarian with the Chemi­ c a l A bstracts Serv ice, and actin g d irector of the University of Hous­ ton Libraries. He holds a b a c h e lo r ’s d eg ree in chemistry and an MLS L a r r y X. B esan tfrom the University of Illinois. Besant has w ritten several articles for profes­ sional journals and has served as a consultant to Memphis State University Library and to the L u ­ nar Science Institute of the Universities Space R e­ search Association. He is active in ALA, the Na­ tional Inform ation Standards Organization, and the Special Libraries Association. He was also a member of the Research Libraries Advisory Com­ m itte e ’s D o c u m e n t D e liv e ry T ask F o r c e fo r O C L C . P a u l G h e r m a n has been named director of li­ braries at V irgin ia T ech , Blacksburg, effective June 17. For the past eight years he was assistant director for administra­ tive affairs at Iow a State University. He was per­ sonnel officer at Penn­ sylvania Sta te U niver­ sity from 1974 to 1977 and head of circulation at W ayne State Univer­ sity from 1971 to 1974. Gherm an has a bach­ elor’s degree in English and history from W ayne State University and an M LS from the Univer­ P au l G h e rm a nsity o f Michigan. He has published in the area of personnel and budget in the Jo u r n a l o f A c a d e m ic L ib ra r ia n sh ip , L ib r a r y Jo u rn a l, Jo u rn a l o f L ib r a r y A dm in istration , and the D rex el L ib r a r y Q uarterly. He is active in ALA and currently serves as chair of the Library Administration and Man-