ACRL News Issue (B) of College & Research Libraries 502 / C &R L News grant given earlier this year by the W inston-Salem Foundation. • The University of Rochester’s Eastm an Scho of Music, Rochester, New York, has received a T i­ tle II-C grant of $233,000 on behalf of the Associ­ ated Music Libraries Group (A M LG ). T he money will fund a pilot project to be undertaken by three A M L G lib r a r ie s — E a s tm a n , I n d ia n a , and Berkeley— to demonstrate the feasibility of pro­ posed methods and standards for retrospective con­ version of bibliographic information in the field of music. The standards are those developed at the Council on Library Resources Conference on Stan­ dards for the Retrospective Conversion of Music (see C ir R L N ew s, July/August 1985, p .342, for de­ tails). The pilot project will add or enhance ap­ proximately 30,000 titles in the O C L C and RLIN networks, which in turn are committed to the ex­ change o f MARC tapes resulting from the project. o • Illinois State University, Normal, has received a bequest of $50,000 from the estate of the late l Harold Sage, of Normal, for the maintenance of the library’s collection of Abraham Lincoln books and pamphlets which Sage had donated to the Uni­ versity in 1979. The collection consists of some 1200 books and 1500 pamphlets on Lincoln, many of them limited editions. • Old Sturbridge Village, Massachusetts, has been awarded a grant of $22,084 by the National Endowment for the Humanities for the conserva­ tion of 45 maps in the Old Sturbridge Village Re­ search L ibrary. T he conserved 18th and 19th- century maps, previously underutilized due to their poor physical condition, will expand the li­ brary’s offerings of historic resources. T he conser­ vation work will be done by the Northeast Docu­ m en t C o n se rv a tio n C e n te r in A nd over, Massachusetts. ■ ■ . P E O P L E . Profiles L a r r y X . B e s a n t has been named director of li­ braries at Morehead State University, Morehead, Kentucky, effective in August. Until recently the di­ rector of the Linda Hall L ibrary in Kansas City, Besant has also served as assistant director of li­ b ra rie s a t O hio S ta te University, assistant li­ brarian with the Chemi­ c a l A bstracts Serv ice, and actin g d irector of the University of Hous­ ton Libraries. He holds a b a c h e lo r ’s d eg ree in chemistry and an MLS L a r r y X. B esan tfrom the University of Illinois. Besant has w ritten several articles for profes­ sional journals and has served as a consultant to Memphis State University Library and to the L u ­ nar Science Institute of the Universities Space R e­ search Association. He is active in ALA, the Na­ tional Inform ation Standards Organization, and the Special Libraries Association. He was also a member of the Research Libraries Advisory Com­ m itte e ’s D o c u m e n t D e liv e ry T ask F o r c e fo r O C L C . P a u l G h e r m a n has been named director of li­ braries at V irgin ia T ech , Blacksburg, effective June 17. For the past eight years he was assistant director for administra­ tive affairs at Iow a State University. He was per­ sonnel officer at Penn­ sylvania Sta te U niver­ sity from 1974 to 1977 and head of circulation at W ayne State Univer­ sity from 1971 to 1974. Gherm an has a bach­ elor’s degree in English and history from W ayne State University and an M LS from the Univer­ P au l G h e rm a nsity o f Michigan. He has published in the area of personnel and budget in the Jo u r n a l o f A c a d e m ic L ib ra r ia n sh ip , L ib r a r y Jo u rn a l, Jo u rn a l o f L ib r a r y A dm in istration , and the D rex el L ib r a r y Q uarterly. He is active in ALA and currently serves as chair of the Library Administration and Man- A P R E S T I G I O U S P U B L I S H I N G E V E N T The Digest of Justinian English translation edited by A lan Watson Latin text edited by Theodor M ommsen with the aid of Paul Krueger T h e m o s t in flu e n tia l c o lle c tio n o f le g a l m a te ria ls in w o rld h is to r y is n o w available in E n g lis h tra n sla tio n . T h e Digest, c o n d e n s e d in A.D. 5 3 3 fro m R o m a n ju r is ts ’ texts a n d lo n g th e fo c a l p o in t o f le g a l e d u c a tio n in th e W est, p ro v id e s a n in e x h a u s tib le tre a su re o f ju ra l ru le s a n d re a s o n in g . W ith th e M o m m s e n L a tin tex t p r e s e n te d o p p o s ite th e E n g lis h , th e fo u r-v o lu m e s e t is a n e c e s s a r y re fe r e n ce in an y le g a l c o lle c tio n . F u n d e d b y T h e C o m m o n w e a lth F u n d . 1064 p a g e s p e r v o lu m e , fo u r-v o lu m e se t C lo th , IS B N 0-8122-7945-X , $300.00s ($250.00 b e fo re D e c. 31, 1985) Other recently published legal studies Sources of Law, Legal Change, Guide to International Human and Ambiguity Rights Practice Alan Watson Edited for the International Human “A n astou n d in g jo b in illustrating Rights Law Group by Hurst … w hat a h a s h ju d g es a n d law ­ Hannum yers have m ad e of th eir sou rces” W in n er of th e C ertificate of —Law and History Review. 1984. M erit, 1984, from th e A m erican 164 pages. C loth , $22.50 So ciety of In tern atio n al Law. 1984. 320 pages. Paper, $13.95 Blacks in the Law P h ilad elp h ia and th e N ation Groundwork Geraldine R. Segal C h arles H am ilton H o u sto n and “ the Struggle for Civil Rights A com p reh en siv e, well- Genna Rae McNeil research ed stu d y” —United States “Will greatly e n h a n ce th e legal Law Week. 1983. 336 pages. C loth, profession’s m em o ry of a Black $25.00 lawyer w h o laid th e fo u n d atio n for the m o d ern civil rights m ovem ent”—Harvard Laiv Revieia 1983. 320 pages, 6 illus. Paper, $12.95 University of Pennsylvania Press, Blockley Hall, 418 Service Drive, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19104 504 / C&RL News agement Association’s Risk Management and In ­ surance for Libraries Committee, as well as being a member of the LAMA Budget and Finance Com­ mittee. People in the news T a n ja L o r k o v i c , head of the Catalog Depart­ ment at the University of Iowa, is on leave of ab­ sence for one year as academic library advisor to the University of North Su m atra, an ap p oin t­ ment sponsored by the M idw est U niversity Consortium for Interna­ tional Activities. As ad­ visor she will review the existing library facilities available at the univer­ sity and prepare and as­ sist in the implementa­ tion of plans to improve the existing library sys­ tem that should support T an ja L o rk o v icthe growing university of 20,000 students. The University of North Sumatra project will cost $50 million, of which $26 million will be supported by the Asian Development Bank Loan, while the re­ mainder will be financed by the Republic of Indo­ nesia. M i c h e l S. P e r d r e a u , archives librarian at Ohio University, Athens, was selected to join the Simul­ taneous Interpreters Team for translations from English into French for the 51st International Fed­ eration of Library Associations and Institutions (IFLA ) Conference in Chicago, August 1 6-24, 1985. Perdreau was the only United States citizen serving on the team. Appointm ents (Appointment notices are taken from library newsletters, letters from personnel offices and ap­ pointees, and other sources. To ensure that your appointment appears, write to the Editor, ACRL, 50 E . Huron St., Chicago, IL 60611-2795.) L in d a K . A l l m a n has been appointed director of the library processing center at the University of South Carolina, Columbia. G . D a v i d A n d e r s o n has been appointed archi­ vist and special collections librarian at Colgate University, Hamilton, New York. M a r t in A n t o n e t t i has been appointed special collections librarian at Mills College, Oakland, California. M a r y B a n h a m is now head of the Circulation D i­ vision at the University of British Columbia, Van­ couver. J a m e s E . B o r i c k has been appointed associate director of university libraries at Case Western Re­ serve University, Cleveland, Ohio. A n d r e w R. B o n a m ic i has been named assistant to the university librarian for personnel at the Uni­ versity of Oregon, Eugene. J e a n n e M . K . B o y d s t o n has been appointed se­ rials cataloger at Iowa State University, Ames. J a m e s B r a c k e n is the new social science and edu­ cation bibliographer at Purdue University, West Lafayette, Indiana. W a l t e r V. B r e m J r . is now head of public ser­ vices at the Bancroft Library, University of Cali­ fornia, Berkeley. S a l l y B r i c k m a n has been appointed public in­ formation officer at the Center for Research L i­ braries, Chicago. L o r e B r o n g e r s has been appointed head of the MacMillan Library at the University of British Co­ lumbia, Vancouver. A n n a S. B r o w n has been appointed head of orig­ inal cataloging at the University of Southwestern Louisiana, Lafayette. Lois B u r d i c k is now assistant director for ad­ ministrative services at Florida State University, Tallahassee. A n n e C a i g e r has been appointed head of manu­ scripts at the University of California, Los Angeles. K a r e n L . C a r l s o n is now assistant head of the Monograph Cataloging Division at Harvard Col­ lege Library. M . G e o r g e C a r l s o n has been appointed infor­ mation services librarian at Iowa State University, Ames. C h r i s t i n e C h a p m a n has been named head of the Medical Center Library at the University of Cali­ fornia, San Diego. J u d i t h A . C l a r k is now head of online shared cataloging at M ichigan State University, East Lansing. M a r i e C o n l in has been appointed assistant li­ brarian at W illamette University, Salem, Oregon. J e a n n e t t e C o x has been appointed documents librarian at Florida State University, Tallahassee. A l a u d i a D a n s b y has been appointed acquisi­ tions librarian at the University of Missouri, Kan­ sas City, School of Law. Jo A n n e E l l i n g s o n has been named director of the library at Saint Xavier College, Chicago. M in L in F a n g has been appointed catalog librar­ ian at the Library of the Health Sciences, Univer­ sity of Illinois at Chicago. S h e i l a F e h l m a n is now retrospective conversion cataloger at the Case Western Reserve University Law Library, Cleveland. C a r o l H a n s e n F e n i c h e l has been named pro­ fessor of information sciences and director of the li­ brary at Hahnemann University, Philadelphia. C h r is F e r g u s o n is now head of the Undergradu- ate Library at the University of California-San Diego, L a Jolla. D e n i s e F o r r o has been appointed inform a­ tion/reference librarian at Michigan State Univer­ sity, East Lansing. O ctober 1985 / 505 D o n a l d G . F r a n k has been appointed head sci­ ence and engineering librarian at the University of Arizona, Tucson. M i c h a e l J . F r e e m a n has been promoted to head of the reference department at the University of South Carolina, Colum bia. J o - A n n e G i a m m a t t e i has been promoted to ac­ quisitions lib rarian in the Y ale L aw School L i­ brary. M a r k G i a n g r a n d e is a new reference and com­ puter librarian at the Loyola University L aw L i­ brary, Chicago. A l e x a n d e r M . G i l c h r i s t has been promoted to collection development coordinator at the Univer­ sity of South Carolina, Colum bia. Sh i r l e y R . G l a z e n e r has been promoted to as­ sistant director for budget, systems, and planning a t V irg in ia P oly techn ic and S ta te U niversity, Blacksburg. A l a n H a g y a r d has been appointed physical sci­ ence and geology librarian at Yale University, New Haven, Connecticut. J a n i c e M c I l w a i n H a r j u has been appointed ref­ erence librarian at the Chase College of Law L i­ brary, Northern Kentucky University, Highland Heights. B r i a n L . H e l g e has been appointed head of the Cataloging Departm ent at the C enter for Research Libraries, Chicago. G r e g g H e n n e s s e y has been appointed archivist/ m a n u s crip ts l ib r a r ia n a t th e U n iv e rs ity of California-San Diego, L a Jolla. N a n c y H e w i s o n is now assistant life sciences li­ brarian at Purdue University, W est L afayette, In ­ diana. T h o m a s A. H o r r o c k s h a s been appointed cura­ tor of the historical collections of the Library of the College of Physicians, Philadelphia. D e b o r a h H u e r t a is now the science librarian at Colgate University, H am ilton, New York. M a r y I s o n has been named head of the R efer­ ence Section in Prints and Photographs at the L i­ brary of Congress. L a u r e l J i z b a is the new head of original catalog­ ing at M ichigan State University, East Lansing. C e c i l y J o h n s has been appointed associate uni­ versity librarian for services at the University of California, Santa Barbara. F r a n c e s A. K o o f m a n has been appointed mono­ graphs cataloger at Southwest Texas State Univer­ sity, San Marcos. B e t t y L a w r e n c e has been appointed head of access services at the University of Central Florida, Orlando. T r u d y K . L a n d w i r t h has been appointed Peo­ ria Branch L ibrarian for the L ibrary of the Health Sciences, University of Illinois at Chicago. Y v o n n e T u c h a l s k i L e v has been appointed public services librarian at Goucher College, B alti­ more, Maryland. L i n d a L o t t has been named art and architec­ ture librarian at Washington University, St. Louis. L y n n C . M c A u l e y has been appointed interli­ brary loan librarian at Virginia Polytechnic Insti­ tute and State University, Blacksburg, Virginia. H a m i d M a h a m e d i has been appointed librarian WHEN THE QUESTION IS SERVICE THE ANSWER IS AM BASSAD O R • FIRM ORDERS • CONTINUATIONS • APPROVAL PLANS • BINDING SERVICES • ON-LINE ORDERING “ serving college and university libraries for over 12 years” A m b a s s a d o r B o o k S e r v ic e , i n c . 4 2 C H A S N E R S T R E E T • H E M P S T E A D , N E W YORK 1 1 5 5 0 to ll fre e in N e w Y o rk c a ll c o lle c t 8 0 0 - 4 3 1 - 8 9 1 3 (5 1 6 )4 8 9 -4 0 1 1 Calculate the advantages of the CompuMath Citation Index® The Compu Math Citation Index is a unique single-source research tool offering access to the literature of computer science, mathematics and related fields. No other index to computer science and mathematics provides the coverage available from CMC/®. You can count on CMCI to offer yon these important advantages: + In-Depth Coverage + Up-To-Date Information with new computer technologies CMCI provides full coverage of CMCI is published in two soft- being applied and reported today. the world’s leading computer sci­ cover issues and an annual hard­ ence, mathematics and statistical bound cumulation. Each triannual journals— plus selective coverage contains current year journal infor­ + Citation Indexing of over 6,000 journals in the sci­ mation— making C M CI the most C M CI’s Citation Index groups ences, social sciences, and arts up-to-date computer science and together all current items referenc­ and humanities. mathematics index available. ing the same earlier work, making the earlier work an indexing term useful in retrieving current papers + on the same subject— enabling Unique Multidisciplinary + Searching Versatility you to obtain information you Coverage CMCI enables you to retrieve might have missed with other CMCI provides full or selective information through a variety of search methods. coverage of many of the journals access points: author name, title indexed by Science Citation word, cited reference, author affil­ Ind e x®, Social Sciences Citation iation and research front specialty. ® Together, these advantages make Index , Arts & Humanities Citation No matter how specific your CMCI a valuable addition to your Index™ and Current C ontents’ . search— or how fragmentary the library. To receive a FREE copy ofThis means that CMCI pulls information you have to initiate the most recent triannual to ar­together applications in medicine, it— CMCI will provide the informa­ or range the loan of a three-volume chemistry, business, education tion you need. hardbound annual (at no obliga­and hundreds of other areas— so tion), write us at the address be­you don’t have to subscribe to + Critical Reviews low… or call us toll-free 800-thousands of journals to retrieve 523-1850, extension 1371.complete information on the latest As of 1985, CMCI indexes com­ applications in any field. puter hardware, software and database critical reviews— so you The CompuMath Citation Index. and your patrons can keep up Its advantages really add up. i S i ® Institute fo r Scientific Information® u s to m e r Se rvices D e p a r tm e n t, 3 5 0 1 M a rk e t S tr e e t, P h ila d e lp h ia , P A 1 9 1 0 4 U .S .A . T e le p h o n e : (2 1 5 ) 3 8 6 - 0 1 0 0 , e x t. 1 3 7 1 , C a b le : S C IN F O , T e le x : 8 4 - 5 3 0 5 u ro p e a n O ff ic e : 1 32 H ig h S tre e t, U x b rid g e , M id d le s e x U B 8 1D P , U n ite d K in g d o m T e le p h o n e : 4 4 - 8 9 5 -7 0 0 1 6 , T e le x : 9 3 3 6 9 3 U K IS I © 1 9 8 5 ISI 1 2 - 3 9 0 7 C E O ctober 1985 / 507 for Islam ica Collections at the University of C ali­ fornia, Berkeley. W IL L IA M H . M a n z has been appointed refer­ ence/m edia lib r a r ia n at S t. Jo h n ’s U niversity School of L aw , Jam aica, New York. St e p h e n G . M a r g e t o n has been named librar­ ian of the Library of the Supreme Court of the United States. R e b e c c a M a r t i n has been appointed assistant director of user services and collection develop­ ment at the University of California, Berkeley. G a r y M a y h o o h is the new catalog librarian at Colgate University, Hamilton, New York. S u z a n n e M i l l e r has been appointed assistant li­ brarian for public services at the McGeorge School of L aw Library, Sacram ento, California. CO N N IE M o r r i s has been appointed reference li­ brarian at Florida State University, Tallahassee. N a n c y L . P e l z e r has been appointed mono­ graphic cataloger at Iow a State University, Ames. A n n i e M. P i t t s is now head of the L abor and In ­ dustrial Relations L ibary at Michigan State Uni­ versity, East Lansing. P h y l l i s P o s t has been appointed head of cata­ loging at the Ohio State University Law Library, Columbus. K a r e n P r i m o v has been appointed reference li­ brarian at the Norris Medical L ibrary, University of Southern California, Los Angeles. S h i r l e y A . R e e d has been appointed associate dean of learning resources for Northland Pioneer College, Holbrook, Arizona. K a r e n J . R o a c h has been appointed microforms librarian at the University of South Carolina, Co­ lumbia. N a n c y R o m e r o has been appointed administra­ tor of the Rare Book and Special Collections L i­ brary, University of Illinois, Urbana. J o s e p h S. R o s e n f e l d is now cataloging librarian at Cleveland State University L aw L ibrary, Ohio. R u t h A n n R o s n e r has been appointed computer services and reference librarian at St. John’s Uni­ versity Law Library, Jam aica, New York. C a r r i e R u s s e l l has been appointed serials cata­ loger at the University of Arizona, Tucson. J o a n S a n d i l a n d s has been appointed head of the Sedgewick Undergraduate Library at the Univer­ sity of British Colum bia, Vancouver. L a v e r n a M. Sa u n d e r s has been appointed head of technical services at the University of Nevada, Las Vegas. C h a r l e s A. Sc h w a r t z is now social science bib­ liographer at the University of Northern Iow a, Ce­ dar Falls. S h a r o n Sc h w e r z e l has been appointed head of the Science and Technology D epartm ent, Florida State University Library, Tallahassee. M a r y S e n g has been named assistant director for facilities and support services at the University of Texas General Libraries, Austin. T e d S h e l d o n has been named director of li­ braries at the University of Missouri, Kansas City. D ia n a Sh e l t o n is now assistant director of the Science L ibrary at the University of W yom ing, Laram ie. M i c h a e l S i m o n s has been appointed ed u ca­ tion/media librarian at the University of Nevada, Reno. J e a n S m i t h has been appointed reference librar­ ian at the University of C alifornia-San Diego, L a Jolla. C h r i s t o p h e r S u g n e t has been appointed head of the Catalog Departm ent at the University of California-San Diego, L a Jolla. B e t s y Su n d e l l has been appointed reference li­ brarian at the University of Illinois, Urbana. W i l b a S h a w S w e a r i n g e n is now head of serials at Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge. R e b e c c a E l l i s T h o m p s o n is the new law serials cataloger at the University of Oregon, Eugene. J a c k T o b i n is now administrative director of the Program on Human Rights, Harvard Law School. H . S y l v i a T o o m b s has been promoted to earth and planetary sciences lib rarian at W ashington University, S t . Louis. N a n c y T o u h y has been appointed associate di­ rector o f the Loyola University L aw Library, Chi­ cago. E l e a n o r U h l i n g e r is now assistant librarian at the Bodega Bay Marine Laboratory, California. P e t e r V i g i l has been appointed head of reader services at the California Institute of Technology Libraries, Pasadena. D a v i d V o i s i n e t is the new reference librarian at the University of Connecticut School of Law L i­ brary, West Hartford. J e r r y D . W e a t h e r s has been appointed refer­ ence/automated information retrieval services li­ brarian at Southwest Texas State University, San Marcos. M a r y W e b b has been appointed reference librar­ ian at the University o f Kansas, Lawrence. A n n C . W E L L E R is now serials librarian at the L i­ brary of the Health Sciences, University of Illinois at Chicago. J o h n S. W il s o n has been appointed government publications and general reference librarian at the University of Southwestern Louisiana, Lafayette. S a l l y H . W i s e has been named director of the law library at the University of Nebraska College of L aw , Lincoln. Retirem ents L o is A l s t o n , head of acquisitions at the Univer­ sity of Kansas Medical Center Library, retired May 31 after 24 years of service. O p a l F r e e , head of special collections at Florida State University, retired last summer. E . L u c i l l e H i g g s , assistant director for admin­ istrative services at Florida State University, re­ tired last summer. N e l l L e f f l e r , l ib r a r ia n in th e S c ie n c e - Technology Departm ent at Florida State Univer­ s ity . re tire d la s t su m m e r. N a r y M a c a r e e . head of th e M acM illan L ib rary at the University of British Colum bia, V ancouver, retired on Ju n e 30. Jim M y e r s , head of the Science-Technology D e ­ p artm ent library at Flo rid a State University, re­ tired last summer. M a r g a r e t P a h r , catalogue lib rarian at the Uni­ versity of British C olum bia, retired on Ju ne 30. J e n o P l a t t h y . lib ra ria n o f H arvard’s C enter for H ellenic Studies in W ashington, D .C ., retired on Ju n e 30 after 23 years o f service. R y b u r n M . ROSS, assistan t u n iv ersity lib r a r ia n fo r a u to m a te d an d p ro ce ssin g serv ices a t C o rn e ll University, retired August 31 after 21 years o f ser­ vice. G e o r g e S t r a i t , director of the law lib rary at the University of Io w a, retired on Ju n e 30. Deaths M a t t h e w D e e , director of the O hio State U ni­ versity L a w L ib ra ry from 1972 to 1984, died May 31 after a short illness. H e l e n H a r g r a v e , form er law librarian at the University of T exas T a rlto n L a w L ib ra ry , died re­ cently after a long illness. ■ ■ PUBLICATIONS • A c a d em ic L ib ra ries : T h e C h an g in g K n o w le d g e C en ters o f C olleg es a n d U niversities, by B a rb a ra B. M oran (97 pages, 1 984), has been published as n o .8 o f the A S H E -E R IC Higher Ed ucation Research R eport series. T h e report describes the current state of Am erican academ ic libraries, and predicts some o f the challenges from both internal and external factors th at w ill shape th e academ ic lib rary of the future. Four areas are singled out as crucial: 1) the need for planning in the inform ation age; 2) the role of faculty and librarians in planning; 3) the need for financial com m itm ent to the lib rary by the institution; and 4) the im portance of support­ ing m ore cooperative library ventures. Copies of M oran’s report m ay be obtained for $ 7 .5 0 from the Association for the Study o f Higher E d u catio n , D e­ p a rtm en t P R -8 , O ne D up on t C irc le , Su ite 6 3 0 , W ashington, D C 20036. • Afr o -A m er ic a n S tudies, b y N athan I. Huggins A nnual reports needed Copies o f annual reports of com m unity col­ lege, 4 -y ea r college, and sm all university l i ­ braries are needed as background inform ation for the fifth edition o f Guy R . Lyle’s A d m in is ­ tr a tio n o f th e C o l le g e L i b r a r y . Please send your latest report to: C arolin e C oughlin, D rew U ni­ versity L ib ra ry , M adison, NJ 07940. R ecen t studies which com pare your library with com p arable institutions are also o f interest and would be appreciated. (96 pages, Ju ly 1985), is a survey, commissioned by th e Ford Foundation, of the current status of Afro- A m erican studies programs on A m erican campuses in the light of th e early experience and future needs of the field. Copies are available for $ 3 .5 0 (pre­ paid), plus $1 handling, from the Ford Found a­ tion , P .O . B o x 5 5 9 , N augatuck, C T 06770. IS B N 0 - 916 5 8 4 -2 5 -9 . • A reas o f C o o p e ra tio n in L ib r a n j D e v elo p m e n t in Asian a n d P a c ific R egions, edited by Sally C. Tseng, H w a-W ei L ee, and K. M ulliner (63 pages, 1 985), consists of papers presented at the 1983 Jo in t Annual Program of the Asian/Pacific A m erican L i ­ b rarian s A ssociation and C h inese-A m erican L i ­ b ra ria n s A ssociation. T o p ics includ e th e role of U N E SC O in library cooperation, library intern­ ships, and the need for qualified personnel. Copies m ay be ordered fo r $10 ($5 to mem bers o f A/PALA and C A L A ), plus $1 postage and handling, from th e O ffice of th e D ire c to r, Ohio U niversity L i­ braries, Athens, OH 45701 -2 9 7 8 . • B a s ic E l e c t r o n i c s T e c h n o l o g y , by A lvis J . Evans, Jerry D . M ullen, and D anny H. Sm ith, is an overview o f the basic concepts and practical appli­ cations of electronic circuits and systems. I t ex­ plains how semiconductors and circuits work as am plifiers, as oscillators, in power supplies, in au­ dio systems, in AM/FM radio, in T V and other video systems, in microprocessors, and computers. T h e cost is $ 1 9 .9 5 . C o n ta ct Texas Instru m ents I n c ., P .O . Box 2 2 5 4 7 4 , D allas, T X 75265. • B ib lio g r a p h y o n Soviet In tellig en c e a n d Secu- ri t y S ervices, by Raym ond G . R occa and John J. 508 / C &RL News