ACRL News Issue (B) of College & Research Libraries 512 / C &RL News of the D irector, L ibrary Learning C enter, K en­ tucky W esleyan College, 3000 Fred erica, Owens­ boro, KY 42301. • T he D irecto ry o f Unique M useum s, edited by B ill Truesdell (166 pages, 1985), describes over 300 highly specialized museums located throughout the United States and C anada. Arranged alphabet­ ically w ithin each state and province, listings pro­ vide street address, zip code, telephone num ber, and hours of operation. Copies are available for $2 4 .9 5 from Oryx Press, 2214 North C entral at E n ­ canto, Phoenix, AZ 8 5 004-1483. ISBN 0 -8 9774­ 197-8. • T h e I n fo rm a tion E c o n o m y in th e U.S.: Its E f ­ f e c t on L ib ra ries a n d L ib r a r y N etw orks (59 pages, 1985), the proceedings of the L ibrary of Congress Network Advisory C om m ittee Meeting, November 1 4 - 1 6 , 1 9 8 4 , have been published as N e t w o r k P la n n in g P a p e r no. 10 by the L ib rary of Congress. T he aim of the meeting was to provide attendees with a working definition of the information econ­ omy and explain how libraries fit into and are af­ fected by it. Copies are available for $7 .5 0 from the Customer Services Section, Cataloging D istribu­ tion Service, L ibrary of Congress, W ashington, D C 20541. ISBN 0-8444-0502-7. • L ib r a ry a n d In fo rm a tio n Services in a L ea rn in g S ociety (93 pages, 1985) is the 13th annual report of the National Commission on L ib rary and In fo rm a­ tion Science, which advises the Executive and Leg­ is la tiv e B r a n c h e s on n a tio n a l lib r a r y and inform ation-related policies. In 1 9 8 3 -8 4 N C L IS is­ sued a statement in response to A N ation a t R isk and investigated fee-supported services in public and academ ic libraries. A summary of the C om ­ mission's goals for establishing a national program for library and inform ation services, and a list of its projects and publications are included in the ap­ pendices. Copies are $5 (prepaid) and may be or­ dered from D ep t. 36-N J, Superintendent of D o cu­ m ents, W ashington, D C 2 0 4 0 2 . Stock num ber 052-003-00991-9. • O rganizing f o r P reserv ation in A R L L ib raries, SP E C Kit #116 (131 pages, July 1985), details the results of an O ffice of Management Studies survey of 27 research libraries identified as having a pres­ ervation department or planning one. T h e kit in­ cludes initial planning statements, rationales for program placem ent, organization charts, and job descriptions. SP E C kits are available by subscrip­ tion from the SP E C C enter, ARL/OMS, 1527 New Hampshire A ve., N .W ., W ashington, D C 20036. Individual kits are available for $20 each, prepay­ m ent required. •A Survey o f M an u scrip t Sources fo r th e H istory o f P sy ch iatry a n d R e la ted A reas in th e R o c k e fe lle r A rch iv e C e n te r, compiled by Jam es E . Shelley (107 pages, Ju n e 1 9 8 5 ), lists the C enter’s holdings for the years 1 9 1 0 -1 9 7 4 . A copy may be requested from the Rockefeller Archive C enter, Pocantico Hills, North T arrytow n, NY 10591-1598. ■ ■ THEADCIIDS LE FSSA Deadlines: Orders for regular classified advertisements must each ihe ACRL office on or before the second of the month preced­ ng publication of the issue (e.g. September 2 for the October issue). Late job listings will be accepted on a space-available basis after the econd of the month. Rates: Classified advertisements are $5.00 per line for ACRL embers, $6.25 for others. Late jo b notices are $12.00 per line for embers, $14.00 for others. Organizations submitting ads will be harged according to their membership status. T elephone: All telephone orders should be confirmed by a writ­ en order mailed to ACRL headquarters as soon as possible. Orders hould be accompanied by a typewritten copy of the ad to be used in proofreading. An additional $10 will be charged for ads taken over he phone (except late jo b notices or display ads). G uide lin es: For ads which list an application deadline, that date ust be no sooner than the 20th day of the month in which the notice ppears (e.g., October 20 for the October issue). All job announce­ ents should include a salary figure Job announcements will be dited to exclude discriminatory references. Applicants should be ware that the terms faculty rank and sfafus vary in meaning among nstitutions. JOBLINE: Call (312) 944-6795 for late-breaking job ads for aca­ emic and research library positions. A pre-recorded summary of positions listed with the service is revised weekly; each Friday a new ape includes all ads received by 1:00 p.m. the previous day. Each isting submitted will be carried on the recording for two weeks. The harge for each two-week listing is $30 for ACRL members and $35 or non-members. Fast Job L istin g Service: A special newsletter for those actively eeking positions. This service lists jo b postings received at ACRL headquarters four weeks before they appear in C&RL News, as well s ads which, because of narrow deadlines, will not appear in C&RL ews. The cost of a six-month subscription is $10 for ACRL mem­ bers and $15 for non-members. C ontact: Classified Advertising D e p’t, ACRL, American Library ssociation, 50 E Huron St., Chicago, IL 60611; (312) 944-6780. POSITIONS OPEN ACQUISITIONS LIBRARIAN, Harold R. Yeary Library (search ex­ ended). Responsible for ordering and receiving library materials; managing materials, budget, payment process, and fund account­ ng reports; maintaining records for bibliographic control Super­ ises and trains 6 FTE support staff and coordinates technical ser­ ices with the catalog librarian. Reports to the library director and participates in planning and formulation of policies and budget rec­ mmendations. Requires MLS from ALA-accredited library school nd minimum of 2 years acquisition experience. Must have leader­ hip ability, good interpersonal skills, and be able to communicate omplex verbal and written instruction. Academic library experi­ nce, knowledge of automated systems, and facility in Spanish de­ irable. 12-m onth co n tra c t. G ood state ben efits. Salary 20,000-$28,000 depending on qualifications. Bilingual-bicultural border community. Deadline: November 1 or until filled. Applicants hould send resume, and names of 3 references to: Screening Com­ ittee, Harold R. Yeary Library, Laredo State University, West End ashington St., Laredo, TX 78040; (512) 722-8001, x40C GRICULTURAL LIBRARIAN AND SELECTOR FOR AGRICUL­ TURAL SCIENCES. Setting: currently under construction, the Uni­ ersity of Florida's Central Science Library will contain 440,000 vol­ umes and 650,000 microforms in the areas of agriculture, the life and physical sciences, and mathematics. Responsibilities: plan, de­ elop, manage and evaluate all services to off-campus units of the Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences (the university’s statewide agricultural research and education organization); provide general upervision of the science library's interlibrary loan services; man­ age and develop the collection in designated areas of agricultural r i s m m c t s t m a m e a i d t l c f s a N A t i v v o a s c e s $ s m W A v v s O ctober 1985 / 513 sciences; serve as one o f the reference librarians fo r agriculture and assist w ith g e n e ra l s c ie n c e re fe re n c e . R e q u ire m e n ts : A L A - accredited MLS; know ledge o f collection deve lopm ent principles and research m ethodologies; at least 5 years’ professional experi­ ence; supervisory, interpersonal and com m unication skills. Prefer­ red qualifications: an acad em ic ba ckg ro u n d in agricultural or biolog­ ical sciences; expe rien ce in collection developm ent; tw o years’ professional experience in agricultural reference services. Benefits: 12 month, tenure track a pp ointm en t with faculty status; 22 days va­ cation, TIAA/CREF or other retirem ent options, no state or local per­ sonal incom e tax. Salary ranges: Associate University Librarian, $ 1 7 ,7 1 0 -$ 3 1 ,900; University Librarian, $ 2 1 ,1 1 0 -$ 3 8 ,0 0 0 . Send let­ ter o f application and resum e with names, addresses and phone num bers of 3 professional references b y Novem b er 4 to: Lynn Badger, Library Personnel Officer, 236 Library West, University of Florida, Gainesville, FL 32611. An AA /E O em ployer. ARCHIVES L IB R A R IA N . U n der the direction of the Head of M anu­ scripts, Archives and Special Collections, supervises the operations of the archives program within the unit. Responsibilities include ana­ lyzing and m aintaining the collection; selecting, train ing and super­ vising s u p p o rt staff; appraising, processing, arra nging and catalog­ ing collections; a p p lying com puter-ba sed techniques to the control of and access to collections; reference; p reparing exhibits; writing grant proposals; physical m aintenance and preservation of the col­ lections. The in cum ben t will be expe cted to liase with cam pus offices STANFORD UNIVERSITY LIBRARIES The Conservation Officer plans, implements and manages the Conservation Program in support of the Collection Development and M anagement Pro­ gram at the Stanford University Libraries. The Conservation Officer is responsible for su­ pervision of staff, managing and conducting patron aw are ness and staff d e v e lo p m e n t pro gra m s, budget preparation and management, coordinates processes with the Collection Development Officer, prepares promotional materials and exhibits, works with the Library Development Officer to obtain sup­ plemental funding, represents Stanford on the RLG Preservation Committee. Responsible for coordi­ nating conservation em ergency preparedness pro­ gram and for providing consultation and assistance to the university community in conservation em er­ gencies. An MLS or the equivalent in training and experi­ ence, several years of conservation experience or training, demonstrated ability to manage and lead a dynam ic program in a rapidly changing and com ­ plex research library environment, effective com ­ munication and interpersonal skills required. Appointm ent will be made at the Associate Li­ b ra ria n ($ 2 6 ,0 0 0 - $ 3 3 ,5 0 0 ) o r L ib ra ria n ($ 2 0 ,0 0 0 -$ 4 1 ,500) rank d e p e n d in g on e x p e ri­ ence. A p p ly b e fo re D e c e m b e r 1 3 ,1 9 8 5 . Refer to vacancy #277/CRL. Send com plete cover letter and resume, with the names of three references to: C a ro ly n J . H e n d e rs o n L ib ra ry P e rs o n n e l O ffic e r S ta n fo rd U n iv e rs ity L ib ra rie s S ta n fo rd , CA 94305 W e are an equal o p p ortunity em ployer thro ugh affirm ative action. re garding university records and assist in deve loping the archival program in conce rt with app rop riate university officers and person­ n e l. T e n u re -tra c k p o s itio n . R e q u ire d : A L A - a c c re d ite d M LS; manuscripts/archival experience, prefera bly with institutional rec­ ords; com m unication skills. Preferred: supervisory experience; fa­ miliarity with com puter applications to m anuscripts/archival process­ in g ; tra in in g in a rc h iv a l m a n a g e m e n t a n d h is to ric a l re se a rch m ethods; m aste r’s deg ree in the social sciences or humanities; and know ledge of records m anagem ent. Rank: Librarian II. Salary: com ­ mensurate with qualifications and experience, minim um $17,500. TIAA/CREF. Broad insurance program , 22 days vacation and 12 days sick leave per year. Send letter of application, resume, and nam es and addresses of three references to: Donna L. M cCool, As­ sistant Director for Administrative Services, W ashington State Uni­ versity Libraries, Pullman, W A 99164-5610. A pplication review be­ gins N o vem b er 15, 1985. W ashington State University is an equal opportunity, affirmative action employer. A S S IS T A N T D O C U M EN T S L IB R A R IA N . M ontana State Univer­ sity Libraries, Bozeman, Montana. A fiscal-year, tenure track faculty position, available as soon as possible. Responsibilities: assist d o c u ­ ments librarian with all aspects of w o rk in the docu m en ts depart- LIBRARY DIRECTOR U n iversity of North C arolina at C hapel Hill Health Sciences Library The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill in­ vites applications and nominations for Director of the Health Sciences Library. The position is a major post, leading a library with a full-time equivalent staff of 61, an active program of services, a budget of over $2 million, a collection of over 220,000 vol­ umes, and a 6-story building completed in 1982. The library serves 7,000 students and faculty in 5 professional schools (Dentistry, Medicine, Nursing, Pharmacy, and Public Health), North Carolina Me­ morial Hospital, and several research centers and institutes. The Director reports to the Vice-Chancellor for Health Affairs and serves as a peer of the deans of the professional schools. Required: demonstrated strong administrative experience in program devel­ opment, personnel management, and fiscal plan­ ning, as well as leadership ability, active service to the profession, ability to work effectively with staff and the university community, and a sense of vi­ sion. ALA-accredited master’s necessary. Salary in excess of $50,000 and negotiable. Position avail­ able on or about July 1, 1986. Send letter of application, currioulum vitae, and names of 3-5 references to: H. R o b e rt B rash ea r, J r., M.D. C h air, S ea rch C o m m itte e D iv is io n o f O rth o p e d ic S u rg e ry 250 B u rn e tt-W o m a c k B u ild in g 229H U n iv e rs ity o f N o rth C a ro lin a a t C hapel Hill C hap el H ill, NC 27514 Deadline for applications N o v e m b e r 1, 1985. A n affirmative action, equal o p p ortunity em ployer. W om en and m i­ norities are e nco ura ged to apply. 514 / C&RL News ence from individuals familiar with your professional qualifications by October 15,1985 to Edward S. Warfield, Johns Hopkins University, Office of Personnel Services, Room 146, Garland Hall, Baltimore, MD 21218. Affirmative action equal opportunity employer. B IB L IO G R A P H IC IN ST R U C TO R FOR S C IE N C E /TE C H N O ­ LOGY, the University of Toledo. Duties: Responsible for establishing a bibliographic instruction program for the sciences; work at Infor­ mation/Reference Desk; collection development; database search­ ing. This position is within the bibliographic instruction department. Qualifications: MLS from an ALA-accredited school; undergraduate degree in science acceptable but advanced coursework preferred; library experience required; teaching experience desirable. Salary is $22,000 depending on experience and qualifications. Faculty sta­ tus, tenure-track, twelve-month contract. Position available April I, 1986. Completed letter of application, resume, and names of at least three references must be received by November 1, 1985. Contact: Angelo Wallace, Chairperson, Search Committee, Carlson Library, The University of Toledo, 2801 W. Bancroft Street, Toledo, OH 43606. An equal opportunity/affirmative action employer. BUSINESS AND ENGINEERING REFERENCE LIBRARIAN. Dart­ mouth College Library is seeking a reference librarian for the Feld- berg Business and Engineering Library which serves the Amos Tuck School of Business and the Thayer School of Engineering at Dart­ mouth College. The person we are seeking will be capable of work­ ing as a member of a reference services team in an innovative and technologically sophisticated library utilizing the Dartmouth Online Catalog, RLIN, OCLC, online database vendors such as Dow/ Jones. Nexis, BRS, and DIALOG; as well as microcomputers. Re­ sponsibilities include the provision of reference services including bibliographic instruction and online searching, consultation with fac­ ulty to determine instructional and research interests, and collection development of the reference collection. Qualifications: ALA/MLS, educational background, graduate degree preferred, in business, economics, or engineering; and a minimum of 2 years post-MLS ex­ perience in an academic or special library are required. Experience in online database searching and library applications of microcom­ puters is highly desirable. Salary and rank commensurate with expe­ rience and qualifications with a minimum of $17,500 for Librarian I or $20,000 for Librarian II. The search committee will begin reviewing resumes October 28,1985. Send resume to Phyllis E. Jaynes, Direc­ tor of User Services, 115 Baker Library, Dartmouth College, Hano­ ver, NH 03755. Dartmouth College is an AA/EEO/M/F employer and ASSISTANT ART LIBRARIAN The Assistant Art Librarian assists the Head, Art and Architecture Library in reference and basic col lection development activities, including biblio graphic instruction and some book selection. Su pervises staff in absence of Head Librarian. Reading knowledge of two foreign languages (pref erably French, German, Italian, or Spanish), effec tive communication skills, ability to work under pressure with a variety of people, and MLS or dem onstrated equivalent, plus BA in art history are re quired. Reference and collection management ex perience in art or architecture, and experience with automated reference sources are desired. A ssistant/A ssociate Librarian rank, $23,500-$33,500 per annum based on qualifica tions and experience. A pp ly by N ovem ber 15, 1985 to Carolyn J. Henderson, S tanford Uni v e rs ity L ib ra rie s , S ta n fo rd , CA 94305. Cite #270/CRL on all correspondence. We are an equal opportunity employer through affirmative action. minority candidates are encouraged to apply. BUSINESS REFERENCE LIBRARIAN, the University of Nevada Reno, a Land Grant University. Participates actively in general refer­ ence desk services with emphasis on business reference services; serves as liaison to College of Business Administration; participates in instructional services program including some formal teaching; some computer searching especially for reference purposes. MLS or equivalent 5th year degree from ALA-accredited program . Under- graduate or graduate degree in business desirable. Appropriate ex­ perience in academic or research library reference service including knowledge of business reference sources. Strong communications and interpersonal skills. Faculty status requires that librarians meet faculty standards for appointment, promotion and tenure. Salary; minimum of $22,000, depending upon qualifications and experi­ ence. 12-month appointment. TIAA/CREF, 24 days vacation. Open January 1,1986. Mountains, desert, lakes. 5 hours by car from San Francisco. Send resume and names and addresses of three refer­ ences to: Ruth H. Donovan, Associate Director, University of Ne­ vada Reno Library, Reno, NV 89557, by October 31, 1985. An AA/E0 employer. CATALOG LIBRARIAN. Responsibilities include cataloging (some original) and classification of monographs, serials, and various me­ dia. Some supervision required. Reports to Head of Technical Ser­ vices. Some evening/weekend work should be expected. Qualifica­ tions include ALA/MLS, experience with OCLC or other utility, LC Classification, AACR2, US Docs, willingness to work well with all lev­ els of staff. Minimum salary $18,000. Immediate opening. Position is faculty-rank, tenure-track, 12-month, full-time with good fringe bene­ fits. Send resume and names of three references (with titles, ad­ dresses, and phone numbers) who have observed work relation­ ships and professional abilities to: Library Search Committee, c/o Kathy Essary, Chair, University of Arkansas at Little Rock, 33rd and University, Little Rock, AR 72204. The University of Arkansas at Little Rock is an affirmative action, equal opportunity employer and ac­ tively seeks the employment of minorities and women. C A TAL O G L IB R A R IA N . Responsibilities in clude original and OCLC cataloging and classification of monographs, serials and non­ print materials; catalog maintenance and authority work; converting records into machine-readable form; special projects; and assisting in the general operation of the catalog department. Reports to the Head of Cataloging. MLS from ALA-accredited school. Must be able to use AACR2, LC classification and subject headings and OCLC. Faculty rank and status with fringe benefits. Salary: $18,000. Position available December 1,1985. Submit resume with names of three ref­ erences by October 31, 1985, to Perry Bratcher, Chair of Search Committee. W. Frank Steely Library, Northern Kentucky University, Highland Heights, KY 41076. Northern Kentucky University is an af­ firmative action, equal opportunity employer and actively seeks the candidacy of minorities and women. CATALOGER. Assistant Librarian (Anticipated) to participate in adding the holdings of North American libraries to the international Eighteenth-Century Short Title Catalogue database. Qualifications: MLS; advanced degree in History or English with relevant specializa­ tion desirable; computer cataloging experience desirable. Available N o ve m b e r 1, 1985. T hree ye a r term p o s itio n . Salary: $16 ,500 -$18,000. depending upon qualifications. Preference will be given to applications received by November 1, 1985. Write to: Judith C. Singleton, College of Arts & Sciences, Louisiana State Uni­ versity, Baton Rouge, LA 70803-5111. LSU is an equal opportunity employer. CATALOGER. For retrospective conversion project. Search reo­ pened. Position funded for 12 months. Will consider applications from catalogers who are able to work a minimum of 6 months. To work with complex monographic manual records deferred during previous conversion project and to convert records to machine read­ able form using OCLC. Duties may include: original cataloging, veri­ fication of member input records, supervision of one clerk. Person will work independently within already established policies and pro­ cedures: reports to Head of Catalog Section. ALA-accredited MLS; minimum five years post-MLS m onographic cataloging experience; knowledge of AACR2 and previous cataloging rules and practices, LC classification, LCSH; familiarity with OCLC or other bibliographic utlility. Salary: $2.100/month; no benefits. Closing date: November 15. Appointment date: January 15. Send letter, resume, and names of three references by November 15 to: Willis E. Bridegam, Librar­ ian. Amherst College Library, Amherst, MA 01002. EEO/AA/MFH. O ctob er 1985 / 515 C E N T R A L REFER EN CE L IB R A R IA N . The University o f A rizona is seeking a professional librarian to assist in p ro vid in g reference ser­ vice (in cludin g e ven ing a n d w e ekend rotation), online b ib liographic searching and library orientation/instruction. O ther activities in clu de humanities subje ct specia lization with em phasis on Slavic or Euro­ pean la ng uages and literature. Faculty liaison w o rk and collection developm ent. A p plicants fo r this position m ust be gradua tes of an A L A -accre dite d library school, a n d have either an aca d e m ic b a c k ­ g round or aca d e m ic library refe ren ce e xpe rien ce in Slavic or W est­ ern E uropean la ng uages a n d literature. C a ndidates s hou ld have a broad know le d g e of social science, hum anities, and fine arts refer­ ence tools. Librarians at the University of A rizona are aca d e m ic p ro ­ fessionals with voting faculty status a n d have 22 days paid vacation each year, 12 days sick leave, and 10 holidays. B e g inning salary is $17,200; a high er salary is n eg otia ble based on qualifications. Send resume, in clu ding list of three referees, to: W. David Laird, University Librarian, University of A rizona Library, Tucson, A Z 857 12. A p p lic a ­ tions received prior to N o ve m b e r 1, 1985, will be given priority co n ­ sideration. T he University o f A rizona is an equal e m p lo ym e n t op p o r­ tunity, affirm ative action em ployer. D IR E C TO R , L IB R A R Y S Y S T E M S O F F IC E . This is a senior a dm in­ istrative position re portin g to the Chair of System s M anage m ent C o uncil (the University Librarian). U n der direction o f Systems M a n ­ age m en t C ouncil, the D irector facilitates the technical m anage m ent of the autom ated library system a n d assists in plan ning of autom ated system s for all the libraries of the University o f Cincinnati. Serves as liaison to vend ors. The University is in the process o f im plem enting the BLIS online pu b lic ca talogu e and load ing a database of 620,000 records. The University of Cincinnati is a m e m b e r o f O CLC , Associa­ tion of Research Libraries, and the C enter fo r Research Libraries. Its libraries serve 35 ,0 0 0 students and 2 ,500 faculty m em bers. Re­ quired qualifications are: M LS from AL A -a ccre d ite d p rogram or suit­ able com b in a tio n o f e d u catio n and expe rien ce; data processing, systems design, and m a n a g e m e n t e xpe rien ce in a library setting; dem onstrated record o f increasin g responsibility in a library setting; effective organizational, c o m m u nication, and hum an relations skills. Salary is $ 2 5 ,0 0 0 o r above, d e p e n d in g u po n qualifications, a n d the fring e benefits are excellent. Send resum e with nam es o f at least three references postm arke d b y O ctobe r 31, 1985, to: Sharon Tuf- fendsam , Personnel Officer, University o f Cincinnati Libraries, 640 Central Library, Cincinnati, O hio 45221-0033. The University of Cin­ cinnati is an equal o pp ortunity, affirm ative action em ployer. D IR E C T O R OF L IB R A R IE S . Cleveland State University is seeking a new D irector of Libraries to d ire c t a tea ch in g a n d research library of o ve r 5 0 0 ,000 volum es, with 23 professional librarians and ove r 35 s u p p o rt staff. All library collections are housed in a single facility, c e n ­ trally located on cam pus. Q ualifications: MLS d e g re e from ALA- accre d ite d program . Prefer a d va nced d eg ree in an a c a d e m ic or professional discipline, with evid e n ce o f co ntinue d com m itm ent to sch ola rly and professional deve lopm ent. Substantial professional e xpe rien ce in aca d e m ic libraries with e vide nce o f in creasin g and successful adm inistrative responsibility required. S o und know ledge of cu rre n t d e ve lopm ents in library capacities, inclu d in g autom ated system s and services, resource sharing, b ib lio g ra p h ic control and m anagem ent, collection deve lo p m e n t and m anagem ent, a cad em ic b u d geting, fu n d raising and grantsm a nship. Will be responsib le for m ana g in g internal m atters of the library, and cap a b le of representing the University Libraries in the co n te xt o f the la rger University a dm in­ istration. Evid ence of stron g lead ersh ip a n d m a n age m ent skills with the ability to establish and m aintain effective pu b lic a n d professional relationships shou ld be presented. Salary is com m e nsurate with ex­ perience a n d qualifications, $ 4 5 ,000 m inim um , with a renew able an ­ nual contract. Nom inations an d /o r ap p lications with resum e a n d the names, addresses, and telepho ne n u m b e rs of 3 persons w h o can com m e nt on the c a n d id a te s’ qualifications shou ld be sent by N o­ v e m b e r 1 5 ,1 9 8 5 , to: B arbara Green, Vice Provost, C leveland State University, 1983 E. 24th Street, Cleveland, OH 441 15. Equal o p p o r­ tunity e m ployer m/f/h. DIR E C TO R O F T H E L IB R A R Y . M arist C ollege invites applications for the position of D irector of the Library. The D irector reports to the Assistant Vice President fo r A ca d e m ic Affairs and is responsible for adm inistering a collection of app ro xim a te ly 115,000 p rin t a n d non­ p rint items (gro w ing at a rate of 10,000 a year), the b u d get, and p ro ­ fessional staff. Marist C o llege Lib ra ry is a m em b er o f the Southeast­ ern New Yo rk Lib ra ry Resources C ouncil, a participant in OCLC, and HEAD, SPECIAL COLLECTIONS DEPARTMENT F lo rid a S ta te U n iversity (Search Reopened) Qualifications: ALA -accredited m aster’s degree in library science with 9 years professional experience since the MLS in research libraries is required. Candidates for the position should have a strong academ ic background, preferably the Ph.D. in the humanities or related studies, and have published in their field. Current experience in special collections with supervisory experience of other full-time professionals is pre­ ferred, Applicants must have the ability to w ork effectively with library and faculty colleagues. Appointm ent shall be at the rank of University Librarian. Highly desirable: A com m itm ent to publishing bibliographies and scholarly articles about collection strengths in order to publicize and encourage interest in use of the collections by faculty, students, and potential donors. Send resume with samples of publications. Duties: plans, coordinates, and directs activities of the unit. Supervises 3 librarians, 3 support staff, and student assistants. M anages and develops the departm ent’s collections. Participates in developm ent activ­ ities in support of the libraries and cultivates close relations with faculty and donors with interests in the collection’s strengths and the library. Active in liaison and support of the Friends of the Library. Departm ent includes rare books, manuscripts, archives, Florida materials, and other special collections. Reports to the assistant director for public services. Salary range is $ 2 1 ,1 10 -$38,000, negotiable, based on training and experience. 12-month appoint­ ment, optional retirement plan. Eligible for professional developm ent leave (one full semester) with pay after 3 years. Applications must be received b y J a n u a ry 10, 1986, for consideration. Address letter of application, resume, and names of 3 references to: L o is B u rd ic k , A s s is ta n t D ire c to r f o r A d m in is tr a tiv e S e rv ic e s , S tro z ie r L ib ra ry , F lo rid a S ta te U n iv e rs ity , T a lla h a s s e e , F L 32306-20 47 . Please cite position no. 53193. A n equal op p o rtu n ity, affirm ative action em ployer. 516 / C&RL News merit, including developing, maintaining and promoting the collec tion; supervising support staff; providing reference and instructional service to students, faculty and other users. Qualifications: Required: Master’s degree in Library Science from an ALA-accredited pro gram with course work in government documents; undergraduat or graduate concentration in science, technology or business economics; excellent interpersonal and communication skills; stron commitment to public service; knowledge of principles of biblio graphic control and collection development; willingness to under take the research, publication and university-comm unity- professional service that is required for tenure and promotion; participation in evening and weekend rotation for providing docu ments reference service; willingness to obtain second post-graduat degree in scienoe-technology or business-economics if one is not al ready held. Preferred: Graduate degree in science-technology o ­ ­ e - g ­ ­ ­ e ­ r business-economics; experience working with government informa­ tion; knowledge of online reference sources; supervisory experi­ ence; ability to promote documents service and collections to user community. Salary: negotiable, $16,500-$24,000. Send letter of ap­ plication, complete vita, undergraduate and graduate transcripts, names, addresses and telephone numbers of three references to: Documents Search Committee, Office of the Dean of Libraries, MSU Libraries, Montana State University, Bozeman, MT 59717. Tele­ phone (406) 994-3119. Deadline for initial screening of applicants is 15 November 1985 although applications will be accepted until the position is filled. MSU is the state’s Land Grant University, enrolling approximately 11,000 students. It is situated in Bozeman, a city of approximately 30,000, located 90 miles north of Yellowstone Na­ tional Park. The Documents Department has been a selective federal depository since 1907 and also includes Montana State and Cana- ASSISTANT DIRECTOR OF LIBRARIES FOR GRANTS AND DEVELOPMENT Wayne State University Libraries This is a Library System-wide administrative position responsible for the establishment of a permanent, ongoing program of development for the Library System. This development program will promote financial growth for the Libraries by increasing the understanding, involvement and support of the needs of the University among alumni, friends, foundations, corporations, government, and the community in general. A major objective of the Libraries development effort will be to establish a strong program of grant applica­ tions while coordinating the growth process with appropriate library staff and with the University Develop­ ment Officer. The principal responsibilities of this Assistant Director will be to (i) support and counsel the Director of Libraries in fundraising, public relations and intramural/extramural communications; (ii) design and implement a planning process re near and long-term goals and objectives; (iii) establish a network of support for the Libraries; (iv) develop and coordinate specific program plans for approval by the Director; and (v) participate as a member of the Library System’s management team. This position may lead to ten­ ure based on existing standards of evaluation and quality of performance in (i) professional assignments; (ii) creative or scholarly work; and (iii) contributions to the profession. Candidates are urged to review applica­ ble documentation. Qualifications and desired characteristics: Master’s degree from an ALA-accredited library school, with a minimum of five (5) years substantial and successful experiences in an academic library similar in size and complexity to Wayne State University. A second MA or Ph.D. is preferable. Evidence of progressive career achievements and continuing professional and scholarly developments. Good written and oral communi­ cation skills. Experience with grant proposal writing and/or fundraising. Understanding the role and func­ tion of academic libraries, university presses, and academic programs. Demonstrable competence in han­ dling public relations programs. Successful record in one or more areas related to the basic objectives of this position. Strong leadership, result-oriented managerial traits in combination with good interpersonal skills. High energy level. Reports to Director of Libraries. The University Libraries: Wayne State University Libraries began a dynamic recovery program under the leadership of President Adamany two years ago. A considerable new and higher library funding base has been provided resulting in existing opportunities in collection development, automation, library instruction, and others. Continuation of excellent budgetary support is anticipated for future years. The Wayne State University Libraries consists of about 2.0 million volumes, 15,000 subscriptions located in five buildings, serving some 30,000 students, of which some 29% are minorities. The Libraries hold membership in ARL, CRL, and OCLC. The University is classified as a Carnegie I type research institution with a fine reputation in many disciplines. It is one of the great urban universities in an attractive setting, surrounded by museums, theaters and corporation offices, easily accessible by several interstate freeways and from Canada. Employment Conditions: Liberal fringe benefits, tenure track academic rank, dental and health plan op­ tions, TIAA/CREF, tuition breaks to family members. Salary and rank competitive and negotiable based on experience and qualifications. Minimum salary: $34,000. Send application and/or nominations to: James F. Williams, II, Associate Director o f Libraries, 134 Purdy Library, Wayne State University, Detroit, Ml 48202; (313) 577-4021. Position open immedi ately and will remain open until filled. Wayne State University is an affirmative action, equal opportunity employer. Wayne State University O ctober 1985 / 517 dian federal publications. M ontana State University is an equal op ­ portunity, affirmative action employer. A S S IS T A N T /S E N IO R A S S IS T A N T L IB R A R IA N , S E R IA L S DE­ PA R TM EN T. Responsible for prod u ctio n and m aintenance of Uni­ versity Libraries’ Union List of Serials and fo r the conversion of Gen­ eral L ib r a r ie s ’ m a n u a l s e ria ls c a ta lo g in g r e c o r d s to m achine-readable form with a staff of 1.6 FTE plus student assis­ ta n ts). The ULS contains over 35,000 entries fo r all units of the Uni­ versity Libraries, in clu ding Health Sciences and Law. Incum bent will supervise the editing and c o d in g of all additions, deletions, and changes to the ULS; assumes responsibility for developm ent and production of its by-products; and plans, organizes, and coordinates projects to upg ra d e the quality of b ib liographic and holdings data through use of the O CLC and RLIN databases and local files. Also oversees and participates in the conversion of General Libraries’ se­ rials cataloging records that are not already in a m achine-readable format, resolves problem s and advises staff on matters relating to the identification of the most authoritative, com plete, and co rre ct serial records to be used for upd atin g the b ib liographic database. Qualifi­ cations: AL A-accre dite d MLS and post-MLS experience with biblio­ graphic control o f serials in an academ ic/research institution are re­ quired. A wo rkin g know ledge of one or m ore fore ign lang uages and experience with autom ated union lists are desirable. Salary: $17,500 plus de p e n d in g upon qualifications; faculty status at the rank of As­ sistant/Senior Assistant Librarian. Send letter o f application and re­ sume inclu ding the names of at least three references to: M. E. State, Assistant to the Director for Personnel, University Libraries, SUNY/ Buffalo. 432 Capen Hall, Buffalo, NY 14260. An EO/AA and Title IX Employer. A S S O C IA T E D IRE CTO R to coordina te day-to-day operations of li­ brary services and to assist in the planning, implementation, devel­ opm ent and evalu ation of policies, services and personnel. Autom a­ tion has created a generalist environm ent for o u r 10 librarians that requires creative adm inistration as we proceed with our integrated catalog/circulation/acquisitions system and reclass to LC. This 12- month position reports to the Director and is the secon d line adm inis­ trator. Qualifications inclu de in creasingly responsible adm inistrative and supervisory experience in an a cad em ic library and an ALA- MLS. A pub lic service ba ckg ro u n d is preferred with a willingness to gain an indepth und erstanding o f all library operations. Excellent benefits in clu de TIAA. Salary app roxim ately $30,000. Letter o f appli­ cation b y O ctobe r 30 indicating how your professional goals are com patible with a generalist library e nvironm ent (include resumes and list 3 references) to: Ross Stephen, Director of Library Services, Rider College Library, 2083 Lawrenceville Road, Lawrenceville, NJ 08648. Rider C ollege is an equal o p p ortunity and affirmative action em ployer M/F/H. A S S O C IA T E U N IV E R S IT Y L IB R A R IA N FOR C O L L E C T IO N S AN D IN F O R M A T IO N SE RVIC ES. This is a senior adm inistrative position reporting to the University Librarian. M ajor responsibilities inclu de planning, bud geting, policy, and procedu res of collection developm ent, reference and related information services in the Uni­ versity Libraries system. Shares in the general adm inistration o f the Libraries. A division consisting o f nine college and departm ental li­ braries and fo u r dep artm ents reports to this position. The University o f Cincinnati is a m e m b e r of the Associatio n o f Research Libraries, the Center fo r Research Libraries, and O CLC and is in the process of im plem enting the BLIS system. Required qualifications are: MLS from an AL A-accre dite d program , secon d graduate deg ree prefer­ red; com m itm ent to planning and to the systems concept; und er­ standing of scholarship and other acad em ic processes; fundam en­ tal und erstanding of technical processing concerns; successful m iddle m anage m ent or adm inistrative experience in collection d e ­ velop m en t or reference service in a large a cad em ic library. Salary is $ 3 5 ,000 or above, dep en d in g upon qualifications, and the fringe benefits are excellent. Send resume with names o f at least three ref­ erences postm arked by O ctobe r 31, 1985, to Sharon Tuffendsam, Personnel Officer, University o f Cincinnati, 640 Central Library, Cin­ cinnati, O hio 45221-0033. The University of Cincinnati is an affirm a­ tive action, equal o p p o rtu n ity em ployer. BA S Q U E ST U D IE S L IB R A R IA N . The University o f Ne vada Reno Lib rary seeks creative, dedicate d librarian with both strong com m it­ ment to pub lic service and expe rien ce in technical services to be re­ sponsible for internationally know n Basque Studies collection of abo ut 18,000 volumes: includes collection developm ent, catalog­ ing, reference and other pub lic service. MLS or equivalent 5th year deg ree from AL A-accre dite d program , g o o d know ledge of French, Spanish or both. Kn ow led ge o f Basque lang uage w ould be a special plus. A p p ro p ria te professional experience in clu ding cataloging de ­ sirable, preferably in an a cad em ic or research library. G ood supe rvi­ sory and com m unications skills. Faculty status requires that librari­ ans meet faculty standards for appointm ent, prom otion and tenure. Salary: m inim um of $23,000 d e p ending upon qualifications and ex­ perience. 12-month appointm ent, TIAA/CREF, 24 days vacation. Open Janu ary 1,1 986. M ountains, desert, lakes, 5 hours by car from San Francisco. Send resum e and names and addresses of thre e ref­ erences to: Ruth H. Donovan, Associate Director, University of Ne­ va d a Reno Library, Reno, NV 89557, by O ctobe r 31, 1985. An AA/EO em ployer. B IB L IO G R A P H E R FOR HIST O R Y AN D S O C IA L SC IENC E. In c o ­ operation with the Head of the Collection Developm ent Departm ent, faculty, and collection deve lopm ent librarians, responsible for col­ lection m anage m ent and d e ve lopm ent activities covering Western European and Am erican history, history o f science, political science, economics, and business. Assist in the form ulation o f collection d e ­ velop m en t policies; select material to s upp ort curriculum and re­ search; evalu ate collection; m anage bud g e t allocations; d ecid e on gifts, replacem ents, weeding and storage candidates; provide ad­ va nce d b ibliographic instruction and specia lized reference assist­ ance on a referral basis. Qualifications: MLS from an AL A-accredited library school; broad history and social science b a ckg rou nd with m inim um o f tw o to three years of experience in collection de ve lo p ­ m ent or reference in a research library; dem onstrated ability in both written and oral com m unication; reading know ledge o f one foreign la ng uage required but m ore desirable. Excellent benefits. Salary d e ­ pe n d e n t u po n e d u c a tio n and exp e rie n ce . M in im um $2 2 ,0 0 0 . Please subm it letter of application, resume, and three letters of refer- STANFORD UNIVERSITY LIBRARIES The Chief, Acquisitions Department is responsi­ ble for the m anagement of m onographic acquisi­ tions processes, for coordinating these with other technical processing functions and with the Collec­ tion Development Program, and is expected to play an important role in general library planning as a senior library officer. We are seeking candidates who have significant expertise and experience in m onographic acquisi­ tions processes; a breadth of experience and un­ derstanding of processes in a research library envi­ ronment; strong management skills; a flexibility of approach toward changing departmental responsi­ bilities and assignments; and a desire to contribute effectively to the overall management of Technical Services. MLS or the equivalent in training and/or experience, effective com m unication skills, and awareness of automation trends required. A p p o in tm e n t will b w at th e L ib ra ria n ( $ 3 0 , 0 0 0 - $ 4 1 ,50 0) or S e n io r L ib ra ria n ($ 3 4 ,5 0 0 -$ 4 8 ,0 0 0 ) rank d e p e n d in g up on ex- peience and qualifications. A p p ly b e fo re N o ve m ­ b e r 30, 1985. Refer to vacancy #276/CRL. Send complete cover letter and resume, with the names of three references to: C a ro ly n J. H e n d e rs o n L ib ra ry P e rs o n n e l O ffic e r S ta n fo rd U n iv e rs ity L ib ra rie s S ta n fo rd , CA 94305 W e are an equal opp ortunity em ployer through affirm ative action. 518 / C&RL News provides computer database searching through DIALOG. Goals of the library include significant expansion of the collection, staff and space, as well as introduction of advanced library technology. ALA- accredited MLS and considerable professional experience at the staff level, culminating in at least 4 years of administrative experience in a college library, preferably in technical services, required. Experi­ ence coordinating and integrating OCLC functions necessary. The candidate must demonstrate proven ability in personnel administra­ tion, collection development, fiscal planning, fund raising, and ad­ vanced library technology. The position of library director is an ad­ ministrative appointment offering a minimum starting salary of $35,000 and benefits. Applicants should submit a resume, state­ ment of professional philosophy, and names and addresses of three references by October 21,1985, to: Mary Sledge, Personnel Coordi­ nator, Marist College, Poughkeepsie, NY 12601. An equal opportu­ nity, affirmative action employer. GOVERNMENT PUBLICATIONS LIBRARIAN, the University of Nevada Reno Library. Head of extensive Government Publications Department, a U.S. Regional Depository, including reference and public service, supervision of 3 library assistants and one librarian, collection development, some formal teaching and computer search STANFORD UNIVERSITY LIBRARIES The Chief, J. Henry Meyer Memorial Library, as­ sesses undergraduate student needs, implements planning of service, administers educational sup­ port services and programs, maintains close con­ tact with faculty at Stanford University. The MeyerChief is responsible for supervision of staff, effective utilization of space, budget prepara­ tion and management, coordination of and partici­ pation in collection development and reference ac­ tivities, manages media services, represents undergraduate library services within the library ad­ ministrative structure and participates in library- wide planning. Successful involvement with undergraduate edu­ cation, knowledge of collection development and management and demonstrated capacity to estab­ lish effective relationships with and service to faculty and students are required. Familiarity with media services and experience in library public service departments are highly desirable. An MLS with a speciality in academic librarianship or the equiva­ lent in training and experience, plus several years of professional experience are highly desirable; work of a relevant nature outside librarianship (teaching combined with administrative experience in higher education) may be used in fulfillment of this qualifi­ cation. Appointment will be at the level of Senior Librar­ ian, $37,700-$48,000 annually, depending upon experience. Apply before November 15, 1985. Refer to vacancy #275/CRL. Send complete cover letter and resume, with the names of three refer­ ences to: Carolyn J. Henderson Library Personnel Officer Stanford University Libraries Stanford, CA 94305 We are an equal opportunity employer through affirmative action. services. MLS or equivalent 5th year degree from ALA-accredited program, appropriate experience in a government publications de­ partment or an academic library including familiarity with govern­ ment publications, computer search experience and experience with microcomputer desirable. Strong communications, interper­ sonal and supervisory skills. Faculty status requires that librarians meet faculty standards for appointment, promotion and tenure. Sal­ ary: Minimum of $24,000 depending upon qualifications and experi­ ence. 12-month appointment, TIAA/CREF, 24 days vacation. Open January 1,1986. Mountains, desert, lakes. 5 hours from San Fran­ cisco by car. Send resume and names and addresses of three refer­ ences to: Ruth H. Donovan, Associate Director, University of Ne­ vada Reno Library, Reno, NV 89557, by October 31, 1985. An AA/EO employer. HEAD AC QU ISITIO NS LIBR AR IAN . Q ualifications. ALA- accredited master’s degree; five years professional experience in academic/research library; supervisory and/or administrative expe­ rience in acquisitions or collection development, substantive knowl­ edge of automated acquisitions systems; familiarity with foreign and domestic book trade and related bibliographic tools, ability to work effectively with diverse faculty and library staff, broad intellectual background with solid understanding of curriculum and research support in an academic environment, effective written and verbal communications skills. Highly desirable: Working knowledge of one or more European languages; second advanced degree; working experience with IBM PC and related software. Responsibilities: Par­ ticipates in library policy making, budget planning, and collection development, maintains financial records; plans and implements au­ tomation of acquisitions procedures and coordinates with other li­ brary departments. The University of North Carolina at Greensboro is one of three public doctoral granting institutions in the state with approximately 10,000 students and 650 faculty. The collection con­ sists of more than 1,500,000 items including microtexts, has a mate­ rials budget of $1,200,000 and has been using OCLC since 1975. Faculty status, tenure track, twelve-month appointment, liberal bene­ fits. Position available 5/1/86. Salary: $30,000 range depending upon qualifications. Send detailed resume including the names, ad­ dresses and phone numbers of at least three references to April Wreath, Chairman Search Committee, Jackson Library, UNC- Greensboro, Greensboro, NC 27412-5201. Deadline for applica­ tions: November 30,1985. Affirmative action, equal opportunity em­ ployer. Applications from m inority candidates are strongly encouraged. HEAD ACQUISITIONS LIBRARIAN. The University of Arizona Li­ brary is seeking a librarian to manage its Acquisitions Department and coordinate collection development under the general direction of the Assistant University Librarian for Technical Services. Respon­ sibilities include the supervision of four acquisitions librarians who are responsible for selection of monographs in English and Euro­ pean languages, and ten career staff who process and receive or­ ders and gift materials and who monitor the materials budget using an automated system. Automation planning for acquisition and seri­ als is underway with plans for implementation in 1986/87. Head Ac­ quisition Librarian manages the monographic materials budget; monitors the library’s approval plans and blanket orders, works closely with other librarians and faculty in matters related to acquisi­ tions and collection development, and will chair the Collection Devel­ opment Committee. Head represents the department on library- wide administrative and planning committees. The University of Arizona Library serves a community of 36,000 students and faculty. Its collection is over 2.8 million volumes. The 1985/86 acquisitions budget exceeds $3.7 million. The library adds more than 90,000 vol­ umes to the collection annually. Applicants must have a master’s de­ gree in library science from an ALA-accredited school; substantial and increasingly responsible management experience in collection development, acquisitions, or a closely related area; demonstrated leadership, supervisory and planning skills and the ability to commu­ nicate effectively with staff at all levels and with faculty. Applicants should have experience in managing materials budgets and work­ ing with approval plans; and be familiar with the domestic and for­ eign book trade and with developments in automation for acquisi­ tions. Working knowledge of a foreign language is desirable. Minimum salary is $31,000; higher salary is negotiable, depending upon qualifications and experience. Librarians at the U of A have ac­ ademic professional status, are voting members of the faculty, and may take up to 15 days professional leave per year. They have 22 days paid vacation, 12 days sick leave, and 10 holidays. A standard package of fringe benefits is available. A letter of application, re­ sume, and names of 3 referees should be sent to: W. David Laird, O ctober 1985 / 519 University L ib rarian, U n ive rsity o f A rizo n a L ib ra ry, T ucso n, AZ 85721. A p plications received prior to N o vem b er 30, 1985, will be given first consideration. Position available im mediately. The Univer­ sity of A rizona Lib ra ry is an equal e m ploym ent o pp ortunity, affirm a­ tive action em ployer. HEAD, C A T A L O G D E P A R T M E N T , University o f Cincinnati. Re­ sponsible for the m anage m ent of the centralized catalogin g ser­ vices; the transition from ca rd to online catalog; and for the m anage­ ment of the online catalog of the University Libraries System. In process of im plem entation o f the BLIS online ca talog and loading database of 6 2 0 ,000 records. U.C. is a m e m b e r o f ARL, CRL, and OCLC. Position reports to the A ssociate University Librarian. Re­ quired qualifications are: MLS from AL A -a ccre d ite d program ; d e m ­ onstrated leadership, m anage m ent and hum an relations skills and successful supervisory expe rien ce; five years progressively respon­ sible expe rien ce in technical services in a large library, som e public service experience h igh ly desirable; dem onstrated understanding of contem porary catalogin g rules a n d procedu res; expe rien ce with a cataloging subsystem on a m ajor b ib lio g ra p h ic utility; reading knowledge of one la ng uage in add itio n to English; ability to co m m u ­ nicate clearly, both orally and in writing. M inim um salary: $30,000, rank and salary d e p e n d e n t u po n qualifications and experience. Send resum es with cover letter an d nam es of three references post­ marked by O ctobe r 3 1 ,1 9 8 5 to: Sharon Tuffendsam , Personnel Offi­ cer, 640 Central Library, University o f Cincinnati, Cincinnati, Ohio 45221 -0033. The University of Cincinnati is an equal opportunity, af­ firmative action em ployer. H E A D C A T A L O G E R . G eorgeto w n University is looking for a librar­ ian to head its C a talo ging Departm ent. The Departm ent is responsi­ ble for original cataloging, O CLC processing, G eac System data­ b a s e m a in te n a n c e , b in d e ry a n d p h y s ic a l p r e p a r a tio n s , m aintenance o f the ca rd catalogs. Ap p lica n ts must have an M LS d e ­ gree from an A L A -accre dite d school; relevant m a n age m ent e xpe ri­ e nce in cataloging; supervisory and plan ning skills; the ability to w o rk effectively with staff at all levels; tw o m odern fore ign languages; e xpe rien ce with OCLC. Experience with retrospective conversion, creating databases, and autom ated catalogin g issues is desirable. M inim um salary: $28,000. Excellent frin g e benefits. Position open N o vem b er 1985. Send resum e by O ctobe r 31st to: Jam es DeLan- cey, G eorgeto w n University Library, P.O. Box 374 45, W ashington, DC 20013. G eorgeto w n University is an affirm ative action, equ al op ­ p ortunity em ployer. H E A D , C A T A L O G IN G D E P A R T M E N T , L A W L IB R A R Y . A d m inis­ ter all phases of the ca talogin g d e p artm ent wh ich inclu des facilitating transition from O CLC to RLIN, participating in plan ning for online cat­ alog, and catalogin g and classifying library materials. Assist the Di­ rector in plan ning for autom ation, c o o rdina ting catalogin g services priorities with teaching and p rogram needs o f la w school, a n d pre­ paring b u d g e t and reports. W ork closely with acquisitions/serials li­ brarian and other dep artm ents to pro vid e the m ost effective access to the collection. Qualifications: A L A -accre dite d MLS, dem onstrated managerial ability, m inim um tw o years’ expe rien ce in acad e m ic li­ brary catalogin g services, and w o rkin g know le d g e o f AACR 2 and either RLIN or O CLC are required. G rad uate d e g re e in an area rele- TWO POSITIONS Texas A&M University 1) Reference librarian, Microtext Department (entry level). Provides com prehensive reference assist ance from the M icrotext collection of 2.2 million microforms, one of the largest in the nation. Prepares bibli graphies and guides to the literature. Assists with bibliographic instruction and com puterized referenc ervices. Assists with Microtext collection developm ent and with training and supervision of four suppor taff. Assumes responsibility for operation of the Departm ent in the absence of the Head, Microtext Depart ment, including six weeks each summer. Qualifications: ALA-accredited MLS. Preprofessional experience ith microtext materials and experience with online systems of bibliographic data retrieval desirable. Sal ry: $16,500 for 10.5 months; $17,500 with second master’s. Position available January 1, 1986. 2) Preservation librarian and original cataloger, maps. Preservation duties (50%): Implements and revises policies and procedures for the handling of materials in unusable condition and the protection o materials during disasters. Coordinates activities relating to preservation of library materials, determ ining he best methods and procedures, including use of outside restoration facilities. Makes decisions related t retention, replacement, and deselection of dam aged materials. Supervises one full-time support em ployee. Assists with collection evaluations as time permits. Map cataloging duties (50%): Catalogs and lassifies sheet m aps in all languages and subjects. Duties include creation of original cataloging and re iew of subject headings, classification, and descriptive cataloging on OCLC cooperative cataloging. Par icipates in meetings of Original Catalogers and in developm ent of divisional policies, procedures, an plans. Qualifications: ALA-accredited MLS. Minimum of one year professional (post-MLS) experience. Re uires experience in either preservation and conservation or in original cataloging with AACR2 and L lassification and subject headings. Salary: O pen-ended depending on qualifications; minimum $17,50 or 10.5 months. Position available immediately. Closing date: To ensure full consideration, applications for either position should be received by O cto er 25. Benefits: Competitive benefits package. No state income tax. Faculty rank. For com plete descrip ion of duties, qualifications, and benefits, and to apply, contact: Susan S. Lytle Head, Personnel O perations Evans Library Texas A&M University College Station, TX 77843 (409) 845-8111 A A/EEO em ployer. ­ ­ o e s t s ­ w ­ a f t o ­ c ­ v ­ t d ­ q C c 0 f ­ b ­ t 520 / C&RL News vant to law librarianship, experience in a law library, and experience with an automated library system such as Geac are highly desirable. Faculty status at the rank of Assistant/Senior Assistant Librarian. Sal­ ary: Appointment as Assistant Librarian at $19,000 plus depending upon qualifications: appointment as Senior Assistant Librarian at $21,000 plus depending upon qualifications. Send letter of applica­ tion and resume including the names of at least three references to: M. E. State, Assistant to the Director for Personnel, University Li­ braries, SUNY/Buffalo, 432 Capen Hall, Buffalo, NY 14260. An EO/AA and Title IX Employer. HEAD HUMANITIES DIVISION, with faculty rank. Position reo­ pened. Responsible for the Humanities Public Services Division of the Library directing the work of three professional librarians, three nonprofessionals, and four student assistants. Supervise collection development for materials in all literatures and languages, religion, the fine arts, architecture, general periodicals, library and informa­ tion science, journalism, sports and recreation. Sit on the library di­ rector’s council and serve on council committees concerned with overall library operation. Masters degree from an ALA-accredited li­ brary school; a bachelors or second masters in a discipline in the hu­ manities; at least five years experience in an academic library public services position, preferably in the humanities. Initial appointment with faculty rank of instructor with advancement to Assistant Profes­ sor at the end of first year if merited. Good fringe benefits. Salary: $22,500 minimum. For full consideration application should be re­ ceived by November 1,1985. Submit letter of application with re­ sume including names of three references to Roscoe Rouse, Univer­ sity Librarian, Oklahoma State University, Stillwater, OK 74078. AA/EO Employer. HEAD OF CATALOGING, Librarian II. Under the Assistant Director for Technical Services, responsible for the management of the Cata­ loging Department for the UMKC Library system. Supervise depart­ ment personnel (3 professionals, 11 support staff, misc. students) to catalog materials for the main library, 4 professional school libraries and 2 branches. Plan and review quarterly objectives and monthly production statistics. Update department procedures and partici­ pate in the development of policies and procedures affecting the Technical Services division. Play significant role in transition to university-wide online union catalog using OCLC tapes and WLN software. Requirements include MLS from an ALA-accredited school; successful supervisory experience; management skills; seri­ als and monographic cataloging experience with AACR2, LC classi­ fication and subject headings; experience with automated biblio­ graphic utility; 5 years recent academic library experience. Salary: $26,500-$28,400. Standard benefits. Application deadline: Octo­ ber 31,1985. Position available: Immediately. Send letter of applica­ tion. resume and the names of three references to: Helen H. Spald­ ing, Associate Director of Libraries, University of Missouri-Kansas City Libraries, 5100 Rockhill Road, Kansas City, MO 64110; (816) 276-1531. An equal opportunity institution. HEAD OF SPECIAL COLLECTIONS/ARCHIVES DEPARTMENT (Search extended). Montana State University seeks a creative and energetic person to head the Special Collections/Archives Depart­ ment which houses books, manuscripts, architectural drawings, maps, photographs and artifacts relating to the history of Montana, the Pacific Northwest, and Native Americans. The Head of Special Collections/Archives is responsible for the acquisition, organization, description, security, and preservation of the materials in Special HEAD TECHNICAL SERVICES Albert R. Mann Library Cornell University Cornell, the land grant university of New York State, is known worldwide for its teaching and research programs of the College of Agriculture and Life Sciences and the College of Human Ecology. Mann Li­ brary, which supports these programs with 550,000 volumes and 9,500 current serials, is the largest aca­ demic agricultural and life sciences library in the United States, and its collection is second only to the Na­ tional Agricultural Library, The Cornell University Library system is a member of the Research Libraries Group. Responsibilities: Administers Technical Services Division, composed of the Acquisitions and Continuing Education Unit and employing five professional and ten support personnel. Formulates library policy relat­ ing to the acquisition and bibliographic control of all library materials (monographs, serials, software, etc.). Coordinates acquisitions and bibliographic control operations and programs with the Collection Develop­ ment Division and other CUL system units. Provides leadership in the organization of division programs related to the development and implementation of an integrated library system, retrospective conversion projects, and automated support activities. Performs original or copy cataloging of materials in various for­ mats. Requirements: MLS from an ALA-accredited institution. Experience in a large academic/research li­ brary, with a minimum of three years administrative responsibilities in technical services, including supervi­ sion of professional librarians. Demonstrated knowledge and understanding of acquisitions, cataloging, and serials processes, including knowledge of the U.S. and foreign book trade, AACR2, LC classification and subject headings, and RLIN (or other large bibliographic utility). Subject expertise or demonstrated interest in agriculture, the life sciences or human ecology, and some foreign language ability is desirable. Demonstrated organizational ability, strong interpersonal skills, imagination and creativity. Excellent oral and written communication skills. Familiarity with computer applications and library processes. Applications requested by November 15, however, applications will be accepted until the position is filled. Salary up to $29,000; higher salary negotiable depending on qualifications. Send resume listing 3 references to: Carolyn Pyhtila 201 Olin Library Cornell University Ithaca, NY 14853 An equal opportunity, affirmative action employer. O ctober 1985 / 521 Collections and the University Archives (a 1/4 time records m anage ment operation); provides reference service in these collections; pre pares grant proposals for special project funding; is active in the ac quisition of additions to these collections; trains and supervise clerical and student staff; and is expected to participate in library an university committees. The Head of Special Collections/Archives re ports to the Assistant Dean for Public Services. Qualifications: ML from an ALA accredited institution required. Graduate degree i American history, history of science, Native American studies o other related area of study desired and eventually required for pro motion. Three years of experience in special collections w ork in a academic library (including processing, cataloging, and indexin and servicing special collections) required. Training or experience i archival organization and records management desired. Experi ence in com puter applications in libraries desired. Must demonstrat ability to work effectively with colleagues, administrators, patron and donors in an academic environment. Must demonstrate ability t communicate effectively, both orally and in writing. Appointmen and salary: Position available immediately. Tenure track, FY positio at the Assistant Professor level, $22,000 minimum. Candidate mus be prepared to meet university requirements fo r promotion and ten ure. Montana State University is an affirmative action, equal opportu nity employer and encourages applications from female, minorit and disabled persons. Application procedures: Send letter of appli cation, resume and the names of three references to Special Collec tions Search Committee, c/o Dean of Libraries, Roland R. Renne Li brary, M o n ta n a State U n iversity, B o zem a n, MT 597 1 7 -0 0 2 2 Applications must be received or postm arked no later than Octobe 31, 1985. HEAD OF TE CHN IC AL SERVICES. University of Arkansas at Littl Rock. Administers overall operations o f collection development, cat aloging, and physical processing. Responsible for coordination o bibliographic files throughout the library. Some night and weeken work should be expected. Qualifications inclu de understanding o automated library systems, thorough knowledge of cataloging poli cies and procedures; demonstrated abilities in management, abilit and willingness to com municate effectively and w ork well with all lev els of employees. ALA/M LS required. Five years of relevant post MLS experience preferred. Minim um salary $25,000 with five year experience. Immediate opening. Position is faculty-rank, tenure track, 12-month, full-time with good fringe benefits. Send resum and names of three references (with titles, addresses, and phon numbers) who have observed human relationships and professiona abilities to: Library Search Committee, c/o Kathy Essary, Chair, Uni versity of Arkansas at Little Rock, 3 3rd and University, Little Rock AR 72204. The University of Arkansas at Little Rock is an affirmativ action, equal opportunity em ployer and actively seeks the em ploy ment of minorities and women. HEAD, RICHARD C. RUDOLPH O R IEN T AL LIBR ARY . Under th general direction of the Head of the Reference Department, respon sibilities include direction of the operations of the library, long-rang planning, and coordination with other East Asian libraries and collec tions throughout the country. Specific responsibilities include poli cies; program s; public and technical services; collection m anage ment; personnel management; funding, expenditure control; spac utilization; and the promotion of good relations with faculty, students and the public. Candidates must have demonstrated com petence i librarianship and administration in a com plex organizational enviro ment. Competence in reading, writing, and speaking either Chines or Japanese. Ability to communicate effectively in written and spo ken English. Familiarity with research trends and university teachin requirements for East Asian studies. Understanding of academic l brary services or com parable library services. G raduate degree i an aspect of East Asian studies and familiarity with library automatio developments and their application to Chinese, Japanese and K rean materials desirable. Salary range is $25,692 -$4 3,4 64. Pref application by November 1,1 9 8 5 with com plete statement of qualif cations, resume, and names of three references to: Rita A. Scherrei Director of Administrative Systems.and Personnel Services, Unive sity Research Library, UCLA, 405 Hilgard Avenue, Los Angeles, CA 90024. For more information call (213) 825-1201. UCLA is an Equ O pportun ity, Affirm ative Action Em ployer. Librarians are repr sented by an exclusive bargain ing agent, the American Federatio of Teachers. LIBR AR IAN . Haverford College, an independent non-sectarian li eral arts college founded in 1833 by the Religious Society of Friend (Quakers), invites applications and nominations for the position of L ­ ­ ­ s d ­ S n r ­ n g n ­ e s o t n t ­ ­ y ­ ­ ­ . r e ­ f d f ­ y ­ - s - e e l ­ , e ­ e ­ e ­ ­ ­ e , n n­ e ­ g i­ n n o­ er i­ , r­ , al e­ n b­ s i­ brarian of the College. The position is available July 1, 1986. Re­ sponsibilities: The Librarian reports to the Provost and is responsible for the total mission of the library, including services, budgets, per­ sonnel, and acquisitions. The library has a staff of 9 professionals, and 12 full-time non-professionals, plus other part-time help. The li­ brary currently holds 450,000 volumes and 250,000 manuscripts. It co-operates closely with the library of Bryn Mawr College, and is studying the possibilities of automation and further linkages in the near future. Qualifications: ALA-accredited master’s degree; second master’s or Ph.D. desirable. Minim um of five years administrative ex­ perience in com parable library. Salary Range: We expect to hire in the full-professor salary range, currently $36,5 0 0 -$ 6 4 ,500. Applica­ tions and nominations should be sent to: Harry Payne, Provost, Haverford College, Haverford, PA 19041-1392. Deadline, Novem­ ber 1 ,1985. AA/EOE. M ANUSCRIPTS L IBR AR IAN . Under the direction of the Head of Manuscripts, Archives and Special Collections, supervises the oper­ ations of the manuscripts program s within the unit. Responsibilities include analyzing and maintaining the collection; selecting, training and supervising support staff appraising, processing, arranging and cataloging collections applying com puter-based techniques to the control of and access to collections; reference; preparing exhibits; writing grant proposals; development and public contacts; physical maintenance and preservation of the collections. Collection develop- STANFORD UNIVERSITY LIBRARIES The Head Librarian and Bibliographer of the Mu­ sic Library provides a full range of quality services for the faculty and students of the Stanford Univer­ sity Department of Music. The Head Librarian and Bibliographer plans, de­ velops, maintains and improves the services and collections of the Music Library in Stanford’s new Braun Music Center in support of the research and training programs of the Music Department. The Head Librarian maintains close contact with faculty to ascertain research and instructional programs, develops and manages music collections to meet academic program needs, manages the facility and staff of the Music Library and the Archive of Re­ corded Sound and provides instruction in music bibliography. Knowledge of and experience in academic li­ braries, the fields and literature of music and musi­ cology, and the distribution of music materials in North America are required. Supervisory experi­ ence required. Reading knowledge of German, Latin or French highly desirable. An MLS or the equivalent in theory and practice, and a degree in musicology or music are highly desirable. Appointm ent will be at the rank of Librarian, $30,000-$41,500 annually, depending upon ex­ perience. A p p ly b e fore N o vem b er 15 ,1 9 8 5 . Re­ fer to vacancy #272/CRL. Send complete cover let­ ter and resume, with the names of three references to: C a rolyn J. H enderson L ib ra ry P ersonnel O ffic e r S ta n fo rd U n iv e rs ity L ib ra rie s S ta n fo rd , CA 94305 We are an equal opportunity affirmative action employer. 522 / C&RL News ment responsibilities are shared with the head of the unit. Tenure- track position. Required: ALA-accredited MLS manuscripts/archival experience; communication skills. Preferred: supervisory experi­ ence familiarity with computer applications to manuscripts/archival processing; knowledge of Pacific Northwest history; master’s de­ gree in social sciences or humanities; knowledge of historical re­ search methods visual archives (historical photographs) experience. Rank: Librarian II. Salary: commensurate with qualifications and ex­ perience, minimum $17,500. TIAA/CREF. Broad insurance pro­ gram, 22 days vacation and 12 days sick leave per year. Send letter of application, resume, and names and addresses of three refer­ ences to: Donna L. McCool, Assistant Director for Administrative Services, Washington State University Libraries, Pullman, WA 99164-5610. Application review begins November 15,1985. Wash­ ington State University is an equal opportunity, affirmative action em­ ployer. STANFORD UNIVERSITY LIBRARIES The Chief, Science Department and Curator of Science and Technology Collections, plans, de­ velops, maintains, and improves an excellent pro­ gram of research support services for the academic schools, departments and programs in the sci­ ences and technology at Stanford University. The Science Chief is head librarian of the Engineering Library and oversees the libraries of Earth Sci­ ences, Biology, Marine Biology, Mathematics- /Computer Science, Physics and Chemistry. Assesses the library and informational needs of the science and technology community, defines goals, coordinates collection development efforts, participates in library-wide planning and evaluates program effectiveness. Maintains close contact with faculty, coordinates departmental services with graduate and undergraduate academic pro­ grams, manages budget and facilities, and super­ vises staff. Demonstrated familiarity with and understanding of the science and technology programs in a re­ search university is required. Knowledge of collec­ tion development and management principles for science and technology collections is required. MLS or the equivalent in theory and practice, sub­ stantial professional experience, and an advanced degree in one of the sciences or technology disci­ plines are highly desirable. Work in a related field (teaching and administrative experience in higher education) may be used in partial fulfillment of this qualification. Appointment will be at the rank of Librarian ($ 3 0 ,0 0 0 -$ 4 1 ,500) or Senior Librarian ($34,500-$48,000) depending upon experience. A pply before November 29, 1985. Refer to va­ cancy #271/CRL. Send complete cover letter and resume, with the names of three references to: Carolyn J. Henderson Library Personnel O fficer Stanford University Libraries Stanford, CA 94305 We are an equal opportunity employer through affirmative action. REFERENCE AND BIBLIOGRAPHIC INSTRUCTION LIBRAR­ IAN. Provides reference and research services in the social sciences and humanities; plans, coordinates and implements an integrated bibliographic instruction program for Case Western Reserve Univer­ sity Libraries; has collection management responsibilities in as­ signed subject areas. Required: Accredited MLS, two years profes­ sional experience in an academic library with at least a one-year concentration in library instruction/orientation activities, training and experience in computer database searching. Preferred: Subject background in the social sciences or humanities; second master’s degree, knowledge of OCLC or other bibliographic utility; educa­ tional media experience, a working knowledge of one or more for­ eign languages, familiarity with microcomputer-based applications. Rank and salary: Hiring range $18,220-$23,085. Send resume and names of three current references to: Karen K. Griffith, Personnel Li­ brarian, Case Western Reserve University Libraries, 11161 East Boulevard, Cleveland, Ohio 44106, by November 15, 1985. An equal opportunity, affirmative action employer. REFERENCE LIBRARIAN, Cudahy Library, Loyola University of Chicago. Experienced database searching librarian with a strong background in the sciences. Will coordinate online searching for a department of 5 librarians and provide collection development liai­ son with science departments. Shares departmental responsibility for service at the reference desk and for library instruction program. Reports to the Head of Reference. Qualifications: Accredited MLS, demonstrated knowledge and experience in database searching, at least 3 years academic reference experience; science subject back­ ground, excellent communication skills and a strong commitment to public service. Salary: Minimum $21,000 depending on qualifica­ tions. Deadline: November 1, 1985. Qualified applicants should send a letter, resume, and names of 3 references to: Mary J. Cronin, Director of Libraries, Loyola University of Chicago, 6525 N. Sheridan Road, Chicago, IL 60626. REFERENCE LIBRARIAN. Full-time, tenure-track position. In­ cludes night and week-end assignments. Some bibliographic in­ struction and book selection. Required: MLS from ALA-accredited library school, plus second masters. Experience in academic library preferred. 12 month position. Rank of Assistant Professor with a sal­ ary of $24,120. Starting date, January, 1986. Librarians hold faculty rank and are evaluated in areas of primary duties, research and ser­ vice. Deadline for applications November 1,1985. Send letter of ap­ plication and references to: Eugene Moushey, Reference, University Library, Western Illinois University, Macomb, Illinois 61455. WIU is an equal opportunity/affirmative action employer. REFERENCE LIBRARIAN. Provides general reference service in the Main Library. Emphasis is with students and faculty in engineer­ ing and applied sciences. Activities include extensive online data­ base searching, bibliographic instruction, faculty liaison, and collec­ tion development. Participation in the planning currently underway for a separate science and technology library to be in operation within two years. Presently reports to the Head, Reference/Docu­ ments Department. Main Library: will report to Head, Science and Technology Library following the opening of that facility in 1987. ALA-accredited MLS. Preferred qualifications include an academic degree in a scientific or technological discipline (e.g., engineering, mathematics, computer science) and a minimum of two years post MLS experience in an academic or special library. Proficiency in on­ line database searching preferred. Facility with Western languages, especially German, desirable. Library faculty must meet university requirements for promotion and tenure. Tenure-track position. 24 days annual leave. Tuition remission. Group health insurance. TIAA- /CREF or state retirement plan with non-refundable contributions paid by the university. No state income tax. Rank and salary depen­ dent upon education and experience. Instructor: $16.500-S18,500; Assistant Professor: $18,500-$20,500. Send letter of application, current resume, and the names, addresses, and telephone numbers of 3 recent references by November 15.1985 to: Jill Keally, Person­ nel Librarian, The University of Tennessee Library, Knoxville, TN 37996-1000. UTK is an EEO, Affirmative Action, Title IX, Section 504 Employer. REFERENCE LIBRARIAN, University of Georgia, Main Library. Two entry-level positions to be filled between January 1 and July 1, 1986 (minimum salary $16,500). The Reference Department in­ cludes 12 librarians and 3 support staff reporting to the Head of Ref­ erence. Duties: General reference service in social sciences and hu­ manities with some weekend and evening work; preparation of bibliographies and guides: participation in bibliographic instruction O ctober 1985 / 523 programs and library orientation tours; reference collection building in assigned subje ct areas; online searching. Qualifications: ALA- accredited MLS; advanced reference courses in the social sciences or humanities or relevant experience; W orking know ledge of basic reference sources; ability to com m unicate effectively and to w ork well with colleagues and library users; interest in library orientation, bibliographic instruction, and com puterized database searching; undergraduate degree in the social sciences or humanities prefer­ red; dem onstrated in terest in a c a d e m ic lib ra ria n sh ip p referred; working know ledge of at least one foreign language desired. A p pli­ cation procedures: Send letter o f application by N ovem ber 1 ,1 9 8 5 , including resume and names of three references to: Linda Green, Staff Services Librarian, University of G eorgia Libraries, Athens, Georgia 30602. This position will be filled only if suitable applicants are found. An equal opportunity, affirmative action institution. REFERENCE/RESOURCE C O O R D IN A T O R , SCIENCE (Search reopened). General reference duties approxim ately 20 hours per week. Remaining tim e spent in wo rkin g with teaching faculty in coor­ dination of selection, collection evaluation, and resource develop­ ment in the physical sciences. Online searching and previous aca­ demic reference experience preferred. NSU is a regional institution of 7,500 nestled in the Green C o untry mountain and lake area of Northeast Oklahoma. Tahlequah is the capital of the Cherokee Na­ tion, one hou r’s drive from Tulsa. Library/Learning Resource bud get of $1,000,000 + , with a faculty of 15 and staff of 19. ALA-accredited MLS required. Instructor rank, $20,000, 9 - 1 0 month, additional summer contract possible. Application, resume, transcripts and three letters o f reference due O ctober 2 1 ,1 9 8 5 , to Office of Person­ nel Services, Northeastern State University, Tahlequah, OK 74464. An equal opportunity, affirmative action employer. SCIENCE L IB R A R Y , University of G eorgia. Two entry-level posi­ tions to be filled between January and June 1986. Applicants will be consid ered for both Scie nce Bibliographer and Science Reference Librarian with final decision on appointm en t title and em phasis on either collection developm ent or reference duties d e p endent upon successful candidate(s) backg rou nd and interests. (Salary minim um $16,500). Recent graduates will have the opportunity to participate in a special staff developm ent program fu n d e d by the Council on Li­ brary Resources. Duties: Science B ibliographers and Reference Li­ brarians are responsible for deve loping the Science Lib rary collec­ tion in assigned areas and for providin g reference, instructional and referral services. Collection developm ent duties involve selection and evaluation of materials and liaison to faculty in acad em ic depart­ ments. Reference duties involve assisting students, faculty and staff in m aking effective use of library resources, including governm ent docum ents and science databases. The Science Library serves the biomedical, agricultural, and physical sciences. The 76,000 sq. ft. facility has 430 ,000 volum es and 5,500 current journal subscriptions with a staff of 28. Qualifications: AL A-accredited MLS; working knowledge of basic reference resources; know ledge of database searching; ability to com m unicate effectively; ability to establish and m aintain e ffective w o rkin g relationships; a bility to evaluate re­ sources; familiarity with science literature desired; strong interest in acad em ic librarianship desired; ability to w ork with a foreign lan­ gua ge desired. Application procedure: Send letter of application by Novem ber 1, 1985, in clu ding resume and names o f three refer­ ences, to: Bonnie Jackson Clemens, Assistant Director for Adm inis­ trative Services, University of G eorgia Libraries, Athens, G A 30602. This position will be filled only if suitable applicants are found. An equal opportunity, affirmative action institution. SC IENC E-ENG INEERING REFERENCE L IB R A R IA N . The Univer­ sity of A rizona is seeking a professional librarian to provide refer­ ence, online searching, and bibliographic instruction services in its Science-Engin eering Library. Additional responsibilities include col­ lection developm ent, faculty liaison work, and the possibility of coor- d in a tin g o n e o r m o re s e rv ic e a c tiv itie s w ith in th e S c ie n c e - Engineering Library. A separate branch of the University Library, the Science-Engin eering Library occup ies a 5-story building in the cen­ ter o f cam pus and houses a collection of 380 ,000 volum es and over one m illion m icroform s covering all fields of the pure and a pp lied sci­ ences, excep t clinical m edicine, and has a staff of 7.5 professional and 6.5 career staff. Required: AL A-accredited degree; either an ac­ ade m ic b a ckg rou nd in the sciences, or pub lic service expe rien ce in an acad em ic science library or special library; g oo d com munication and interpersonal skills. Desired: Educational b a ckg rou nd or library experience in chemistry or other physical science; online searching; and b ibliographic instruction experience. Also, wo rkin g knowledge of Spanish, German, o r Russian. Position available Janu ary 1,1986. Minim um salary $17,200; higher salary is negotiable, dep en d in g on qualifications and experience. Librarians at the University of Arizona have 12 month appointments, are voting m em bers of the faculty, have 22 days vacation and 12 days sick leave. Usual fringe benefits available. Ap plications received by N ovem ber 15, 1985, will be given priority consid eration. Send resume, including list of three ref­ erees, to: W. David Laird, University Librarian, University of Arizona Library, Tucson, AZ 85712. The University of Arizona is an equal e m ­ ploym ent opportunity, affirmative action employer. SCIENCE REFERENCE L IB R A R IA N . Duties in clude general and specia lized reference services, bibliographic instruction, database searching, and responsibility for developing and prom oting services to the science departm ents. Qualifications: MLS (accredited). Sci­ ence background. Second masters preferred. Strong interpersonal skills. Position available Janu ary 2, 1986. Starting salary $19,500. Send applications and have three letters of reference forw arded to: Bernice K. Lacks, Head of Readers Services, Vassar College Li­ brary, Poughkeepsie, NY 12601, by N ovem ber 1, 1985. AA/E0 em ­ ployer. S E R IA LS C A T A L O G E R . Responsibility for cataloging English and foreign language serials using AACR 2 rules as well as form ating and MARC tagging copy for input into the W LN database. Required: AL A-accredited MLS. Desirable: Experience in serial cataloging us­ ing LC classification, both pre-AACR and AACR 1 rules, preferably in an acad em ic library; ability to w o rk with foreign languages com ­ m only encountered in acad em ic libraries; experience in general seri­ als processing, e.g. check-in binding, acquisitions, etc. Rank: Librar­ ian 2. Salary: (minimal professional salary is $17,500). TIAA/CREF, broad insurance program , 22 days annual leave, 12 days sick leave per year. Send letter of application, resume, and names of three ref­ erences to: Donna L. M cCool, Assistant Director fo r Administrative Services, L ibraries, W ashing ton State University, Pullm an, W A 99164-5610. Review of applications begins N ovem ber 15, 1985. W ashington State University is an equal opportunity, affirmative action employer. LATE JOB LISTINGS ACQUISITIONS BRANCH HEAD, National Agricultural Library. Responsible for the administration of the Acquisitions Branch (15 FTE) including selection, purchasing, fiscal control, and related activities. Reports to the Chief, Technical Services Division. Starting salary: $37,599. Qualifications: knowledge of acquisitions theory and practice; knowledge of automated technical services systems; skill and management of a large staff; knowledge of the organization, operation, and practices of large libraries; excellent communications skills. Candidates must request a copy of the vacancy announcement which (a) more fully describes the duties, qualifications requirements and quality ranking factors for this position, and (b) gives specific instructions for applying, from: Ivy Hungerford, USDA, Agricultural Research Service, Personnel Operations Branch, Headquarters-HOl, Room 107, 524 / C&RL News Building 003, BARC-W, Beltsville, MD 20705; (301) 344-2701. A personal qualifications statement, SF171, must be received no later than November 1, 1985. U.S. citizenship required. Resumes will not be accepted. Candidates with specific questions about the position may contact: Sarah Thomas at NAL, (301) 344-3834. Affirmative action, equal opportunity employer. ASSISTANT/ASSOCIATE LIBRARIAN FOR COLLECTION DEVELOPMENT, Yale University Library. Responsibilities: Has primary responsibility for planning and carrying out the effective development of the Yale Library collection and for developing collection objectives, policies and procedures in the Yale Library system. Advises the University Librarian and Deputy University Librarian on system-wide collection management and development issues and on related budgetary matters. Directs the work of the Bibliography Department, including leadership and supervision of a staff of four bibliographers, one supervisor and seven support staff. Serves as Yale Library’s principal resource person and spokesperson on collection development. Represents Yale Library in regional and national collection development forums. Selects research resources in one or more academic fields in the social sciences or humanities. Qualifications: Collection development experience, preferably at least five years, in a major research library, including primary responsibility for selection of research resources in one or more fields in the humanities or social sciences. A thorough understanding of bibliographic sources and processes. Capacity to manage effectively a major library department, including the ability to organize, prepare and implement long-range plans. Evidence of a thorough understanding of collection development issues in an academic setting. Advanced graduate work in a field of the humanities or social sciences, Master’s degree from an ALA-accredited library school, and reading knowledge of two foreign languages preferred. To be assured of consideration, please submit a letter of application, resume, and the names of three references by November 15, 1985, to: Maureen Sullivan, Head, Library Personnel, Box 1603A Yale Station, New Haven, CT 06520. Yale is an equal opportunity, affirmative action employer. ASSISTANT HEAD, PRESERVATION DEPARTMENT. Under general direction of Head of Preservation Department, position assists in managing and coordinating work of the department and participates in all phases of departmental activities. Specific duties include gathering and analyzing information for use in departmental planning; reviewing procedures in light of changing technologies, and recommending revisions as appropriate; administering of both short-term and ongoing projects that implement preservation policy; and supervising department staff in the course of carrying out responsibilities. Also serves as technical resource for other department and library units, participates in development and implementation of training programs for library staff and users, and acts as department head in absence of head. Required: MLS from ALA-accredited library school; training in library materials preservation; experience in physical treatment of library materials; and knowledge of current preservation issues and concerns. Successful candidate must be able to communicate effectively orally and in writing. Must be able to work well independently and with others, and to meet responsibilities and requirements of tenure-track position. Preferred: post-MLS experience in research library; experience in training and supervising staff; experience with information preservation. Salary dependent on qualifications and experience, minimum $16,000. Fringe benefits: vacation of 22 working days; Blue Cross/Blue Shield, major medical; group life insurance; TIAA/CREF annuity plan. To apply send letter of application and names of four references to: Anne Rimmer, Personnel Librarian, Indiana University Libraries, Bloomington, IN 47405; (815) 335-3403. Available immediately. Closing date for applications: no earlier than November 1, 1985. EEO/AAE. O ctober 1985 / 525 CATALOGER OF RARE BOOKS AND SPECIAL COLLECTIONS, Lilly Library, Indiana University-Bloomington. Under the general supervision of the Head of Technical Services, Book Department, Lilly Library, catalogs printed rare books and special collections materials in specialized areas, e.g., incunabula, major rarities, and general books mostly prior to 1800; advises and consults with other catalogers on bibliographical terminology, collations, bindings, etc.; shares in planning, supervision, and general operations of the Book Department; performs other general library duties as required. Required: Master’s degree in library science from an ALA-accredited school; at least three years of cataloging experience with rare books and special collections materials; broad general knowledge of the humanities; knowledge of LC classification, LC subject headings, AACR2, and the appropriate MARC formats; ability to relate effectively to other library staff members and to the University community; ability to meet the responsibilities of faculty status. Preferred: Reading competence in Renaissance Latin and German; working knowledge of Spanish and French; competence in additional languages; training and experience in rare book bibliography and in the techniques and terminology of analytical bibliography; book trade experience; working knowledge of OCLC; supervisory training and experience. Salary dependent on qualifications and experience (salary floors are observed: Assistant Librarian, $16,480; Associate Librarian, $20,650). Fringe benefits: vacation of 22 working days; Blue Cross/Blue Shield, major medical; group life insurance. Available immediately. Closing date for applications: no earlier than November 15, 1985. Apply to: Anne Rimmer, Personnel Librarian, Indiana University Libraries, Bloomington, IN 47405; (815) 335-3403. EE0/AAE. COORDINATOR OF TECHNICAL SERVICES AND PRINCIPAL CATALOGER, Columbus College. Coordinate technical services functions (cataloging, acquisitions, periodicals, physical processing). As principal cataloger, train, supervise and coordinate all cataloging operations and personnel. Assist the Director in planning for implementation of computer-based technology. Assist with reference and bibliographic instruction. Requirements: MLS from an ALA accredited institution. Minimum of 3 years’ related experience, including supervisory experience. Experience with OCLC, or some other bibliographic utility, knowledge of AACR2, LCSH. Knowledge and experience in planning and implementing automated systems in libraries highly desirable. Good communication and interpersonal skills. Academic rank depending on qualifications. Excellent fringe benefits. Salary commensurate with experience, minimum $22,000. Available: immediately. Application deadline: October 21, 1985. Columbus College, a member of the University System of Georgia, is a comprehensive institution located in the second largest city in the state. The curricula range from certificate to cooperative doctoral degree offerings and from programs in the health and business professions to those in the fine arts. The Library serves approximately 4,000 students. To apply, send letter, a complete resume, and names of three references to: Merryll S. Penson, Director, Simon Schwob Memorial Library, Columbus College, Columbus, Georgia 319932399. Columbus College is an affirmative action, equal opportunity institution. EAST ASIAN CATALOGER. Under direction of Cataloging Department, position is responsible for original cataloging of monographs in Chinese and Japanese using Anglo-American Cataloging Rules, 2d edition, and Library of Congress classification and subject headings. Also responsible for training and supervision of student assistants and support staff. Required: MLS from ALA-accredited library school; working knowledge of Chinese and Japanese with specialization in one; previous cataloging experience; ability to communicate effectively orally and in writing in English; practical and theoretical knowledge of Anglo-American Cataloging Rules, 2d edition, Library of Congress 526 / C&RL News subject headings and classification, current developments in cataloging; ability to deal with materials on variety of subjects, solve problems, work with great attention to detail; ability to work well independently and with wide variety of people, and meet responsibilities and requirements of tenure- track appointment. Preferred: working knowledge of Korean; practical and theoretical knowledge of MARC format; experience with OCLC and/or other bibliographic utility; academic concentration in East Asian studies; previous supervisory experience. Salary dependent on qualifications and experience, minimum $16,000. Fringe benefits: vacation of 22 working days; Blue Cross/Blue Shield, major medical; group life insurance; TIAA/CREF annuity plan. To apply send letter of application and names of four references to: Anne Rimmer, Personnel Librarian, Indiana University Libraries, Bloomington, IN 47405; (815) 335-3403. Available immediately. Closing date for applications: no earlier than November 1, 1985. EEO/AAE. HEAD, CATALOGING UNIT, Assistant Professor. Requirements: ALA-accredited MLS, 2d masters. Substantial supervisory and cataloging experience in an academic library. Knowledge OCLC, AACR2, LCSH, MARC formats. Familiarity with current technology for integrated systems. Salary $21,650+. Generous benefits. Appointment February 1, 1986. Deadline November 15, 1985. Equal opportunity, affirmative action employer. Resume, 3 references to: Ben DiRusso, York College, CUNY, Jamaica, NY 11451. HEAD OF CATALOGING SERVICES, Ball State University. Major administrative post with responsibility for cataloging procedures/standards for print and nonprint collections. Supervisory responsibility for 5 professional librarians and 12 classified staff of the cataloging services unit. Unit includes monographic and serials cataloging, plus OCLC activities. Head will participate in implementing automated system (retrospective conversion project nearing completion; RFPs received for automated circulation, public-access catalog, acquisitions, and serials control; vendor selection during fall). Qualifications: accredited MLS, broad knowledge of and experience in cataloging, OCLC, or other bibliographic utility, LC classification, LC subject headings, and AACR2 are required. Innovative leadership, initiative, analytical ability, and good written and verbal communication skills are necessary. Supervisory experience desirable. Conditions: salary negotiable from $25,000, 12-month contract. Fringes include partial tuition remission for dependents, 24 vacation days, 8 holidays, T1AA, and life and health insurance package. Faculty rank and status possible with appropriate background. Transcripts (copies acceptable) must be received, before interviews can be scheduled. Credentials must be received by Monday, November 18, and the position will remain open until filled. Send resume and names and addresses of 3 professional references to: Nyal Williams, Chair, Department of Library Service, Ball State University, Muncie, IN 47306. Ball State University practices equal opportunity in education and employment. HEAD, REFERENCE DEPARTMENT, University of California, Santa Barbara. Responsible for overall planning and administration of all resources in department of 14 librarians and 19 support staff. Manages reference collection of 30,000 volumes serving humanities and social sciences. Works closely with nine other department heads of library. Requires MLS degree, understanding of and commitment to the educational and public service function of academic research library; ability to provide leadership and motivation through a period of change; understanding of online database services; bibliographic instruction and collection of management and development of reference sources in the humanities and social sciences. Salary range for Associate Librarian/Librarian is $27,156-$50,604. Apply by November 15, 1985, with letter of application, resume and names of three references to: Margaret O ctober 1985 / 527 Deacon, AUL-Personnel, UCSB Library, Santa Barbara, CA 93106. UCSB is an AA/EOE. LIBRARY DIRECTOR, Whitman College. Whitman College invites applications for Library Director to begin July 1, 1986. Whitman is a traditional residential, selective liberal arts college enrolling 1,100 students, with an endowment of $66,000,000. The Penrose Library has a collection of 481,173 volumes and a staff of five professionals and seven support personnel who report to the Director. The annual acquisitions budget exceeds $350,000 and the library is a member of Western Library Network and a selective depository for federal and state documents. Responsibilities: The Director reports to the Dean of the Faculty and has an overall responsibility for planning and management of the library. He/she will direct the continuing development of the collection and the extension of automated services to the catalogue and other appropriate functional areas. Qualifications: The candidate must have an understanding of and commitment to undergraduate liberal education and at least five years of varied experience at academic libraries; MSLS or equivalent required, subject area Ph.D. desirable; essential are abilities to communicate with faculty and staff, to work with the Faculty Library Committee, to plan budgets, and to manage technological change while retaining a love of books. Salary at least $31,000 with competitive benefits. Submit letter of inquiry, curriculum vitae, and a list of references to Edward E. Foster, Dean of the Faculty, Whitman College, Walla Walla, WA 99362. Applications will be reviewed beginning November 1. AA/EOE. LIFE SCIENCES REFERENCE LIBRARIAN/BIBLIOGRAPHER. Responsible for the Library’s collection development in biology and other assigned disciplines. Provides service at the Reference Desk, including some weekend and evening hours. Participates in an active program of library instruction and computerized database searching in the disciplines of selection responsibility. Requires a Master’s degree from an ALA-accredited library school. Significant coursework in pertinent science disciplines or science reference experience preferred. $16,500 minimum salary. Excellent benefits including choice of retirement programs. The University of HoustonUniversity Park Libraries have 1.4 million volumes; a materials budget of $2.4 million, and a staff of 58 professionals and 200 support staff. To ensure consideration, applications must be received by November 30, 1985, Send letter of application, names of 3 references, and resume to: Dana Rooks, Assistant Director for Administration, University of Houston Libraries, 4800 Calhoun, Houston, TX 77004. Equal opportunity employer. ORION USER SERVICES HEAD, UCLA. Responsible for coordinating all userrelated functions of the UCLA Library’s online information system, ORION, including soliciting staff input, specification writing, documentation, and training. (ORION includes acquisitions, serials processing, catalog, bindery, fund accounting, authority control, and public access modules with circulation module under development.) Broad management responsibility for departmental operations, including personnel (12 FTE), budget, and planning. Qualifications: Excellent managerial, planning, leadership, communication, and interpersonal skills; experience working in a complex library network environment; ability to analyze and synthesize information quickly. Knowledge of MARC record formats, technical processing/circulation functions, online library computer systems, and telecommunications are highly desirable. Salary range: $27,156-$45,936, based on qualifications and years of experience. Send letter, resume, names of 3 references to Rita A. Scherrei, Director, Administrative Systems and Personnel Services, University Research Library, UCLA, Los Angeles, CA 90024. Candidates applying by December 1, 1985, will be given first consideration. Full job description is available on request. 528 / C&RL News UCLA is an equal opportunity, affirmative action employer. Librarians are represented by an exclusive bargaining agent, the American Federation of Teachers. This position is exempt from the bargaining unit. ORION USER SERVICES LIBRARIAN, UCLA. (ORION online system includes acquisitions, serials processing, catalog, bindery, fund accounting, authority control, and public access modules with circulation module under development.) Shares responsibility with other OUS Librarians for systems analysis functions; works with library staff and committees; writes system specifications for programmers to enhance existing or develop new modules; tests system releases; organizes and teaches formal and informal training classes for UCLA Library and non-UCLA library staff using ORION; writes and revises user documentation; responds to software questions from library staff. Serves as member of ORION Design and Implementation Group. Incumbent may be assigned coordination responsibilities for a specific ORION module based on expertise and interest, taking into account the skills of existing staff. Qualifications: general knowledge of MARC formats; experience in online technical processing or circulation operations in a complex library or network environment; written and verbal communication skills; interpersonal skills; ability to analyze, synthesize and interpret technical information. Desirable qualifications include demonstrated ability in systems analysis, experience in microcomputer applications, and training experience in use of automated systems. Salary range: $27,156—$41,712 based on qualifications and years of experience. Two positions. Send letter, resume, names of 3 references to Rita A. Scherrei, Director, Administrative Systems and Personnel Services, University Research Library, UCLA, Los Angeles, CA 90024. Candidates applying by December 1, 1985, will be given first consideration. Full job description is available on request. UCLA is an equal opportunity, affirmative action employer. Librarians are represented by an exclusive bargaining agent, the American Federation of Teachers. PUBLIC SERVICES LIBRARIAN, Fort Lewis College Library, Durango, Colorado, is seeking a Public Services Librarian with strong reference and communication skills. We need a generalist who will be able to perform a wide variety of of duties, including staffing the reference desk, teaching bibliographic instruction sessions, participating in collection development, online searching with DIALOG, and anything else that may come up in a college library. Requirements: Master’s degree from ALA-accredited library school and 2 years of public service experience. Desirable: Degree in business or science, online searching experience, bibligraphic instruction experience. Setting: Fort Lewis is a 4-year state-supported college of 3,800 undergraduate students located in the La Plata Mountains of Southwest Colorado. Durango is a tourist town of 13,000 year-round population. Skiing and other recreational activities abound. The library holds 160,000 volumes, is a member of BCR and OCLC, and is rapidly developing other automated systems. Conditions: Position available January 1, 1986. Salary between $18,000 and $22,000, depending on experience, appropriate faculty rank and status, 12-month contract, liberal fringe benefits. Some evening and weekend work required. Apply to: Dan Lester, Director of the Library, Fort Lewis College, Durango, CO 81301, by November 10, 1985, with letter, resume, and names of three professional references who will not be contacted until the final stages of screening. Fort Lewis College is an AA/EEO employer and actively encourages minority applications. REFERENCE LIBRARIAN, Instructor. Requirements: ALA/MLS, 2d masters desirable. Responsible for general reference assistance. Academic library and reference experience essential. Good communication skills. Knowledge of OCLC and collection development. Salary $19,858+. Generous benefits. Appointment O ctober 1985 / 529 February 1, 1986. Deadline November 15, 1985. Equal opportunity, affirmative action employer. Resume, 3 references to: Ben DiRusso, York College, CUNY, Jamaica, NY 11451. REFERENCE LIBRARIAN/DATABASE SEARCH SERVICES COORDINATOR. Hunt Library of the Carnegie-Mellon University Libraries has an immediate vacancy for an innovative and creative librarian who will coordinate the Database Searching Services for the library. The Coordinator will be responsible for developing and marketing search services on campus. Will share general reference responsibilities including desk duty, bibliographic instruction, database searching and committee activities. Collection development and liaison responsibilities will be in the social sciences, urban and public affairs, statistics, and engineering and public policy. Required: An ALA-accredited MLS. Extensive experience searching databases. Good oral and written communication skills. Knowledge of collection development. Strong service orientation with a commitment to creative approaches to information services. Preferred: Experience supervising or coordinating a major library program. Degree or significant coursework in the social sciences. Knowledge of at least one modern foreign language. Reference experience in an academic library. Salary: Depends upon experience and qualifications, $16,500 minimum. Applicants should submit resume and names of three references to: Administrative Services, Hunt Library, Carnegie-Mellon University, Pittsburgh, PA 15213. Preference given to applications received by October 15, 1985. CMU is an-equal opportunity affirmative action employer. When people rely on you you can rely on Social SCISEARCH® When you’re asked to perform a rapid journal processing and frequent literature search in the social sciences, updates ensure the currency that Social you can depend on Social S C IS E A R C H S C IS E A R C H users need. for coverage and for currency. Social S C IS E A R C H is available on Social S C IS E A R C H provides full DIALOG, BRS, and DIMDI. To find coverage of over 1400 journals from the out how you can start searching worldwide social sciences literature, plus Social S C IS E A R C H , call us toll-free: items relevant to the social sciences from 800-523-1850, extension 1371. In an additional 3200 journals in the natural, Pennsylvania, call collect: 215-386-0100, physical, and biomedical sciences. And extension 1371. i S i ® Institute for Scientific Information® C ustom er Services D epa rtm e nt 3501 M a rke t S treet, P hiladelphia, Pennsylvania 19104 U .S .A . T e lepho ne: (215) 3 8 6 -0 1 0 0 , e x t. 1371, Cable: S C IN F O , T e le x : 84-530 5 European Office: 132 H igh S treet, U x b rid g e , M iddlesex U B 8 1DP, U n ite d K ingdo m ©1984 ISI Telephone: 44 -8 9 5 -7 0 0 1 6 , T e le x : 9 3 3 6 9 3 U K IS I 1 2 - 3 9 0 8 ACRL Publications in Librarianship — Your special perspective on the profession. S eries titles cu rr e n tly available: 3 9 . Libraries for T each in g , Libraries fo r R esearch : E ssays for a Century, R ich ard D. Jo h n s o n , ed. “…a m u st for all library sch o o l s tu d e n ts in te reste d in a ca d em ic librarianship.” ARBA 78 $15.00cl. 259p. 0247-2 (use order code 3196-0) 1977 4 0 . B ook Selling and B ook Buying: A sp ects o f th e N ineteenth-C entury B ritish a n d North A m erican B ook Trade, R ich ard G. Lan don, ed. “…th e s e essays, five o f th e m on b ook selling an d tw o ... o n b ook co llecting , fit to g eth e r admirably.” B o o k C o l l e c t o r ’s M a r k e t $15.00cl. 118p. 3224-X 1979 4 1 . W om en View L ib rarianship : Nine P erspectives, K athryn Renfro Lundy, ed. “It is satisfying to read th e ir co n s id e re d re s p o n s e s to q u e stio n s ranging from id e a s a b o u t a d m in istratio n an d p e rs o n a l c a re e r c h o ic e s to d eveloping library s ch o o l cu rricu la an d ad vice to b eg in n in g professionals.” C o lle g e & R e s e a r c h L ib r a r i e s $8.00pbk 99p. 3251-7 1980 4 3 . T h e Spirit o f Inquiry: T h e G rad u ate Library S ch o o l at Chicago, 1921-51, b y Jo h n V. R ich ard so n , Jr. “... a sig n ifican t b o o k in library e d u c a tio n an d an exam p le o f p ain stakin g h isto rica l research .” ARBA 84 $35.00cl. 238p. 3273-8 1982 4 3 . T h e L a n d sca p e o f L iteratu res: U se o f S u b je ct C o lle ctio n s in a U niversity Library, b y Paul M etz. “M etz p ro v id e s ... an im p o rtan t u se s tu d y ... by atte m p tin g to id entify th e s u b je c t lite ratu re o f in te re s t to facu lty an d s tu d e n ts in various a c a d e m ic disciplines.” RQ $30.00pbk. 143p. 3286-X 1983 4 4 . T h e C arnegie C o rp o ratio n an d th e D ev elop m en t o f A m erican C ollege Libraries, 1928-41, by Neil A. Radford. Provides a u sefu l h isto rica l p e rsp e ctiv e o n co lle c tio n an alysis an d e xte rn al fu n d in g b y stud ying th e im p a ct o f Carnegie grants for co lle c tio n dev elopm en t. $29.95pbk. 257p. 3295-9 1984 O rd e r fro m A m erican Library A ssociation P u b lishing Services 50 E ast H uron St. Chicago, IL 60611 (ISBN prefix 0-8389) Acronyms, Initialising & Abbreviations Dictionary Selected as one of the most distinguished reference works of the past 25 years!—RQ, Fall 1985 1986-87 Edition — Just Published! When you know the term and need the acronym … A Guide to Acronyms, Initialisms, Reverse Acronyms, Initialisms & Abbreviations, Contractions, Alphabetic Abbreviations Dictionary Symbols, and Similar Condensed Appel­ lations. 10th Edition. Edited by Julie E. Towell and Helen E. Sheppard. (Vol. 3 of 10th Edition. Edited by Julie E. Towell Acronyms, Initialisms & Abbreviations and Helen E. Sheppard. (Vol. 1 of Dictionary.) 2,400 pages in 3 parts. Acronyms, Initialisms & Abbreviations $ 195.00/set. Available at Gale’s 5% Dictionary.) 2,400 pages in 3 parts. Standing Order Discount. 340,000 entries. $ 170.00/set. Available Thousands of complex terms from every at Gale’s 5% Standing Order Discount. area of knowledge are acronymized. This “backwards” volume— arranged alpha­Alphabetitis epidemic betically by the complete word or term, The 340,000 entries in this new edition with the acronym as the definition— attest to the increasing role acronyms have enables researchers to locate the accepted in modern communication. Daily news short forms of organization names and headlines are peppered with initialisms technical terms in hundreds of fields. like OPEC, SALT, FTC, SEC, and MIRV. Keep current between editionsAcronyms, Initialisms & Abbreviations Dictionary fills the need for a comprehen­ New Acronyms, Initialisms & sive resource to translate these terms. Abbreviations Identify words and phrases behind the Supplements to Volumes 1 and 3 of acronym AIAD. Edited by Julie E. Towell and For the past twenty-five years AIAD has Helen E. Sheppard. 2 softcover supple­ been serving the needs of businesspeople, ments. $ 150.00/set. Available at Gale’s government officials, students, and re­ 5% Standing Order Discount. searchers. Anyone who requires a high Due to the rapid proliferation of acronyms, degree of accuracy in reading, writing, Gale offers an inter-edition supplement and research can depend on AIAD to service. For convenience, New Acronyms eliminate the guesswork in translating gives both the acronym and the reverse thousands of terms. form in two sections, By Meaning and By New features Acronym. The new 10th edition includes new fields such as: Biblical and Judaic acronyms. . . Stock exchange symbols for Toronto . . . and acronyms for research centers. In addition, overall Canadian coverage has been expanded, and there is increased coverage in every field: Communications … Data Processing… Education… Entertainment. . . Finance. . . Medicine. . . Military Affairs… Science and Tech­ nology . . . Social Welfare. . . Transporta­ Gale tion . . . and more. Research Company B o o k T o w e r • D e tro it, M I 48226 Order tollfree! 800-223-GALE. All Gale books are available on 60-day approval. Deduct 5% if you send check with order. Add 10% outside the U.S. and Canada. Structure Bookmarks of the Director, Library Learning Center, Ken­tucky Wesleyan College, 3000 Frederica, Owens­boro, KY 42301.•The Directory of Unique Museums, edited by Bill Truesdell (166 pages, 1985), describes over 300 highly specialized museums located throughout the United States and Canada. Arranged alphabet­ically within each state and province, listings pro­vide street address, zip code, telephone number, and hours of operation. Copies are available for $24.95 from Oryx Press, 2214 North Central at En­canto, Phoenix, Deadlines: Orders for regular classified advertisements must each ihe ACRL office on or before the second of the month preced­ng publication of the issue (e.g. September 2 for the October issue). Late job listings will be accepted on a space-available basis after the econd of the month.Rates: Classified advertisements are $5.00 per line for ACRL embers, $6.25 for others. Late job notices are $12.00 per line for embers, $14.00 for others. Organizations submitting ads will be harged according to their members 512 / C&RL News October 1985 / 513 sciences; serve as one of the reference librarians for agriculture and assist with general science reference. Requirements: ALA- accredited MLS; knowledge of collection development principles and research methodologies; at least 5 years’ professional experi­ence; supervisory, interpersonal and communication skills. Prefer­red qualifications: an academic background in agricultural or biolog­ical sciences; experience in collection development; two years’ professional experience in agricultural reference servi regarding university records and assist in developing the archival program in concert with appropriate university officers and person­nel. Tenure-track position. Required: ALA-accredited MLS; manuscripts/archival experience, preferably with institutional rec­ords; communication skills. Preferred: supervisory experience; fa­miliarity with computer applications to manuscripts/archival process­ing; training in archival management and historical research methods; master’s degree in the social sciences or humani 514 / C&RL News ence from individuals familiar with your professional qualifications by October 15,1985 to Edward S. Warfield, Johns Hopkins University, Office of Personnel Services, Room 146, Garland Hall, Baltimore, MD 21218. Affirmative action equal opportunity employer.BIBLIOGRAPHIC INSTRUCTOR FOR SCIENCE/TECHNO­LOGY, the University of Toledo. Duties: Responsible for establishing a bibliographic instruction program for the sciences; work at Infor­mation/Reference Desk; collection development; database search­ing. This minority candidates are encouraged to apply.BUSINESS REFERENCE LIBRARIAN, the University of Nevada Reno, a Land Grant University. Participates actively in general refer­ence desk services with emphasis on business reference services; serves as liaison to College of Business Administration; participates in instructional services program including some formal teaching; some computer searching especially for reference purposes. MLS or equivalent 5th year degree from ALA-accredited program. Under- graduate or g October 1985 / 515 CENTRAL REFERENCE LIBRARIAN. The University of Arizona isseeking a professional librarian to assist in providing reference ser­vice (including evening and weekend rotation), online bibliographicsearching and library orientation/instruction. Other activities includehumanities subject specialization with emphasis on Slavic or Euro­pean languages and literature. Faculty liaison work and collection development. Applicants for this position must be graduates of an ALA-accredited library school, and have either a three references postmarked by October 31, 1985, to: Sharon Tuf- fendsam, Personnel Officer, University of Cincinnati Libraries, 640 Central Library, Cincinnati, Ohio 45221-0033. The University of Cin­cinnati is an equal opportunity, affirmative action employer.DIRECTOR OF LIBRARIES. Cleveland State University is seeking a new Director of Libraries to direct a teaching and research library of over 500,000 volumes, with 23 professional librarians and over 35 support staff. All library collections are housed HEAD, SPECIAL COLLECTIONS DEPARTMENTFlorida State University (Search Reopened)Qualifications: ALA-accredited master’s degree in library science with 9 years professional experience since the MLS in research libraries is required. Candidates for the position should have a strong academic background, preferably the Ph.D. in the humanities or related studies, and have published in their field. Current experience in special collections with supervisory experience of other full-time professionals is pre­ferred, 516 / C&RL News merit, including developing, maintaining and promoting the collection; supervising support staff; providing reference and instructionalservice to students, faculty and other users. Qualifications: Required:Master’s degree in Library Science from an ALA-accredited program with course work in government documents; undergraduator graduate concentration in science, technology or businesseconomics; excellent interpersonal and communication skills; stroncommitment to public service; knowledge of principles of bib business-economics; experience working with government informa­tion; knowledge of online reference sources; supervisory experi­ence; ability to promote documents service and collections to user community. Salary: negotiable, $16,500-$24,000. Send letter of ap­plication, complete vita, undergraduate and graduate transcripts, names, addresses and telephone numbers of three references to: Documents Search Committee, Office of the Dean of Libraries, MSU Libraries, Montana State University, Bozeman, MT 59717. Te ASSISTANT DIRECTOR OF LIBRARIES FOR GRANTS AND DEVELOPMENTWayne State University Libraries This is a Library System-wide administrative position responsible for the establishment of a permanent, ongoing program of development for the Library System. This development program will promote financial growth for the Libraries by increasing the understanding, involvement and support of the needs of the University among alumni, friends, foundations, corporations, government, and the community in general. A major objective of the Libraries development effort will be to establish a strong program of grant October 1985 / 517 dian federal publications. Montana State University is an equal op­portunity, affirmative action employer.ASSISTANT/SENIOR ASSISTANT LIBRARIAN, SERIALS DE­PARTMENT. Responsible for production and maintenance of Uni­versity Libraries’ Union List of Serials and for the conversion of Gen­eral Libraries’ manual serials cataloging records to machine-readable form with a staff of 1.6 FTE plus student assis­tants). The ULS contains over 35,000 entries for all units of the Uni­versity Libraries, including Health Sc Spanish or both. Knowledge of Basque language would be a special plus. Appropriate professional experience including cataloging de­sirable, preferably in an academic or research library. Good supervi­sory and communications skills. Faculty status requires that librari­ans meet faculty standards for appointment, promotion and tenure. Salary: minimum of $23,000 depending upon qualifications and ex­perience. 12-month appointment, TIAA/CREF, 24 days vacation. Open January 1,1986. Mountains, desert, lakes, 5 hou 518 / C&RL News provides computer database searching through DIALOG. Goals of the library include significant expansion of the collection, staff and space, as well as introduction of advanced library technology. ALA- accredited MLS and considerable professional experience at the staff level, culminating in at least 4 years of administrative experience in a college library, preferably in technical services, required. Experi­ence coordinating and integrating OCLC functions necessary. The candidate must demonstrate proven abi services. MLS or equivalent 5th year degree from ALA-accredited program, appropriate experience in a government publications de­partment or an academic library including familiarity with govern­ment publications, computer search experience and experience with microcomputer desirable. Strong communications, interper­sonal and supervisory skills. Faculty status requires that librarians meet faculty standards for appointment, promotion and tenure. Sal­ary: Minimum of $24,000 depending upon qualifications and e October 1985 / 519 University Librarian, University of Arizona Library, Tucson, AZ 85721. Applications received prior to November 30, 1985, will be given first consideration. Position available immediately. The Univer­sity of Arizona Library is an equal employment opportunity, affirma­tive action employer.HEAD, CATALOG DEPARTMENT, University of Cincinnati. Re­sponsible for the management of the centralized cataloging ser­vices; the transition from card to online catalog; and for the manage­ment of the online catalog of the Un HEAD CATALOGER. Georgetown University is looking for a librar­ian to head its Cataloging Department. The Department is responsi­ble for original cataloging, OCLC processing, Geac System data­base maintenance, bindery and physical preparations, maintenance of the card catalogs. Applicants must have an MLS de­gree from an ALA-accredited school; relevant management experi­ence in cataloging; supervisory and planning skills; the ability to work effectively with staff at all levels; two modern foreign languages; TWO POSITIONSTexas A&M University1) Reference librarian, Microtext Department (entry level). Provides comprehensive reference assistance from the Microtext collection of 2.2 million microforms, one of the largest in the nation. Prepares bibligraphies and guides to the literature. Assists with bibliographic instruction and computerized referencervices. Assists with Microtext collection development and with training and supervision of four supportaff. Assumes responsibility for operation of the Department in 520 / C&RL News vant to law librarianship, experience in a law library, and experiencewith an automated library system such as Geac are highly desirable.Faculty status at the rank of Assistant/Senior Assistant Librarian. Sal­ary: Appointment as Assistant Librarian at $19,000 plus dependingupon qualifications: appointment as Senior Assistant Librarian at$21,000 plus depending upon qualifications. Send letter of applica­tion and resume including the names of at least three references to:M. E. State, Assistant to the Director HEAD OF CATALOGING, Librarian II. Under the Assistant Director for Technical Services, responsible for the management of the Cata­loging Department for the UMKC Library system. Supervise depart­ment personnel (3 professionals, 11 support staff, misc. students) to catalog materials for the main library, 4 professional school libraries and 2 branches. Plan and review quarterly objectives and monthly production statistics. Update department procedures and partici­pate in the development of policies and procedu HEAD TECHNICAL SERVICESAlbert R. Mann Library Cornell UniversityCornell, the land grant university of New York State, is known worldwide for its teaching and research programs of the College of Agriculture and Life Sciences and the College of Human Ecology. Mann Li­brary, which supports these programs with 550,000 volumes and 9,500 current serials, is the largest aca­demic agricultural and life sciences library in the United States, and its collection is second only to the Na­tional Agricultural Library, Th October 1985 / 521 Collections and the University Archives (a 1/4 time records management operation); provides reference service in these collections; prepares grant proposals for special project funding; is active in the acquisition of additions to these collections; trains and superviseclerical and student staff; and is expected to participate in library anuniversity committees. The Head of Special Collections/Archives reports to the Assistant Dean for Public Services. Qualifications: MLfrom an ALA accredited institution re brarian of the College. The position is available July 1, 1986. Re­sponsibilities: The Librarian reports to the Provost and is responsible for the total mission of the library, including services, budgets, per­sonnel, and acquisitions. The library has a staff of 9 professionals, and 12 full-time non-professionals, plus other part-time help. The li­brary currently holds 450,000 volumes and 250,000 manuscripts. It co-operates closely with the library of Bryn Mawr College, and is studying the possibilities of 522 / C&RL News ment responsibilities are shared with the head of the unit. Tenure- track position. Required: ALA-accredited MLS manuscripts/archival experience; communication skills. Preferred: supervisory experi­ence familiarity with computer applications to manuscripts/archival processing; knowledge of Pacific Northwest history; master’s de­gree in social sciences or humanities; knowledge of historical re­search methods visual archives (historical photographs) experience. Rank: Librarian II. Salary: commensurate with qu REFERENCE AND BIBLIOGRAPHIC INSTRUCTION LIBRAR­IAN. Provides reference and research services in the social sciences and humanities; plans, coordinates and implements an integrated bibliographic instruction program for Case Western Reserve Univer­sity Libraries; has collection management responsibilities in as­signed subject areas. Required: Accredited MLS, two years profes­sional experience in an academic library with at least a one-year concentration in library instruction/orientation activities, training October 1985 / 523 programs and library orientation tours; reference collection building in assigned subject areas; online searching. Qualifications: ALA- accredited MLS; advanced reference courses in the social sciences or humanities or relevant experience; Working knowledge of basic reference sources; ability to communicate effectively and to workwell with colleagues and library users; interest in library orientation, bibliographic instruction, and computerized database searching; undergraduate degree in the social sciences trative Services, University of Georgia Libraries, Athens, GA 30602. This position will be filled only if suitable applicants are found. An equal opportunity, affirmative action institution.SCIENCE-ENGINEERING REFERENCE LIBRARIAN. The Univer­sity of Arizona is seeking a professional librarian to provide refer­ence, online searching, and bibliographic instruction services in its Science-Engineering Library. Additional responsibilities include col­lection development, faculty liaison work, and the possibility LATE JOB LISTINGSACQUISITIONS BRANCH HEAD, National Agricultural Library. Responsible for the administration of the Acquisitions Branch (15 FTE) including selection, purchasing, fiscal control, and related activities. Reports to the Chief, Technical Services Division. Starting salary: $37,599. Qualifications: knowledge of acquisitions theory and practice; knowledge of automated technical services systems; skill and management of a large staff; knowledge of the organization, operation, and practices of large 524 / C&RL News Building 003, BARC-W, Beltsville, MD 20705; (301) 344-2701. A personal qualifications statement, SF171, must be received no later than November 1, 1985. U.S. citizenship required. Resumes will not be accepted. Candidates with specific questions about the position may contact: Sarah Thomas at NAL, (301) 344-3834. Affirmative action, equal opportunity employer.ASSISTANT/ASSOCIATE LIBRARIAN FOR COLLECTION DEVELOPMENT, Yale University Library. Responsibilities: Has primary responsibility for planning and carryi October 1985 / 525 CATALOGER OF RARE BOOKS AND SPECIAL COLLECTIONS, Lilly Library, Indiana University-Bloomington. Under the general supervision of the Head of Technical Services, Book Department, Lilly Library, catalogs printed rare books and special collections materials in specialized areas, e.g., incunabula, major rarities, and general books mostly prior to 1800; advises and consults with other catalogers on bibliographical terminology, collations, bindings, etc.; shares in planning, supervision, and general operations of 526 / C&RL News subject headings and classification, current developments in cataloging; ability to deal with materials on variety of subjects, solve problems, workwith great attention to detail; ability to work well independently and withwide variety of people, and meet responsibilities and requirements of tenure-track appointment. Preferred: working knowledge of Korean; practical and theoretical knowledge of MARC format; experience with OCLC and/or other bibliographic utility; academic concentration in East Asian studies October 1985 / 527 Deacon, AUL-Personnel, UCSB Library, Santa Barbara, CA 93106. UCSB is an AA/EOE.LIBRARY DIRECTOR, Whitman College. Whitman College invites applications for Library Director to begin July 1, 1986. Whitman is a traditional residential, selective liberal arts college enrolling 1,100 students, with an endowment of $66,000,000. The Penrose Library has a collection of 481,173 volumes and a staff of five professionals and seven support personnel who report to the Director. The annual acquisitions budget exceeds $3 528 / C&RL News UCLA is an equal opportunity, affirmative action employer. Librarians arerepresented by an exclusive bargaining agent, the American Federation ofTeachers. This position is exempt from the bargaining unit.ORION USER SERVICES LIBRARIAN, UCLA. (ORION online system includesacquisitions, serials processing, catalog, bindery, fund accounting, authoritycontrol, and public access modules with circulation module under development.)Shares responsibility with other OUS Librarians for systems analysisfunctions; works w October 1985 / 529 February 1, 1986. Deadline November 15, 1985. Equal opportunity, affirmative action employer. Resume, 3 references to: Ben DiRusso, York College, CUNY, Jamaica, NY 11451.REFERENCE LIBRARIAN/DATABASE SEARCH SERVICES COORDINATOR. Hunt Library of the Carnegie-Mellon University Libraries has an immediate vacancy for an innovative and creative librarian who will coordinate the Database Searching Services for the library. The Coordinator will be responsible for developing and marketing search services on campus. When people rely on youyou can rely on Social SCISEARCH®When you’re asked to perform a rapid journal processing and frequent literature search in the social sciences, updates ensure the currency that Social you can depend on Social SCISEARCH SCISEARCH users need.for coverage and for currency.Social SCISEARCH is available on Social SCISEARCH provides full DIALOG, BRS, and DIMDI. To find coverage of over 1400 journals from the out how you can start searching worldwide social sciences literature, plus Social S ACRL Publications in Librarianship —Your special perspective on the profession.Series titles currently available:39. Libraries for Teaching, Libraries for Research: Essays for a Century, Richard D. Johnson, ed.“…a must for all library school students interested in academic librarianship.” ARBA 78$15.00cl. 259p. 0247-2 (use order code 3196-0) 197740. Book Selling and Book Buying: Aspects of the Nineteenth-Century British and North American Book Trade, Richard G. Lan don, ed. “…these essays, five of them on b Acronyms, Initialising & Abbreviations DictionarySelected as one of the most distinguished reference works of the past 25 years!—RQ, Fall 19851986-87 Edition — Just Published!When you know the term and need the acronym…A Guide to Acronyms, Initialisms, Reverse Acronyms, Initialisms & Abbreviations, Contractions, Alphabetic Abbreviations DictionarySymbols, and Similar Condensed Appel­lations.10th Edition. Edited by Julie E. Towell and Helen E. Sheppard. (Vol. 3 of 10th Edition. Edited by Julie E. Towell Acro