ACRL News Issue (B) of College & Research Libraries 134 / C&RLNews • February 2001 I n t h e n e w s Sometimes, as w e pursue our major goals, it is the unexpected that provides us with the most useful information or experience. Imagine developing a workshop with the goal o f helping faculty use technology to ad­ dress pedagogical challenges in the classroom. As you decide what to include you worry about being too basic, but finally decide to include an exercise that asks the faculty to itemize the criteria that should b e u sed in evaluating sources o f information from the Web. You feel that it will help them articulate a clear list they can share with their students. Then imagine teaching the workshop and discovering that the faculty, not unlike the students, are focussed more on the graphic design and usability of the Web site then they are the authority and content o f the information. While it may be an anomaly, this experience that Janet Cottrell de­ scribes on page 141 has important implications for us as w e develop information literacy pro­ grams. Ellen Keith and Trudi Jacob son describe the somewhat unexpected benefit to them w hen shey pursued the goal o f teaching a course in a graduate school o f library and information studies (page 154). The challenges o f a class o f eager students keeps the teachers on their toes, staying abreast of new developments, and articulating more clearly their own philosophies. Speaking o f staying abreast o f new devel­ opments, thanks to the ACRL m embers who created a report of the exciting networked in­ formation projects discussed at the recent CNI co nferen ce (page 181). I think you will also fin d this m onth’s entry in the Scholarly Com­ munication column o f interest with its clear description o f CrossRef (page 206). Take a mom ent to “m eet” ACRL vice-presi­ dent/president-elect candidates, Elaine K. Didier and Helen H. Spalding, (page 199) and be an informed voter this spring. — Mary Ellen K. Davis Editor-in-chief,