ACRL News Issue (B) of College & Research Libraries 466 / CirRL N"ws committees that prepared the first college and community college library standards. He has been a library building consultant to more than 40 col­ leges and universities throughout the United States. In honor of his services to the University of Northern Iow a, the State Board of Regents has named the library building the Donald O. Rod L i­ brary. J o h n A . W i t m e r will retire in August as director of the Mosher Library at Dallas Theological Semi­ nary, a post he has held since 1963. W itmer joined the Seminary faculty in 1947, teaching in the Sys­ tematic Theology department along with his li­ brary responsibilities. Death F r e d C a r r i n g t o n C o l e , president of the Coun­ cil on Library Resources from 1967 to 1977 and a member of its board of directors since 1962, died on May 6 at his home in Chapel Hill, North Carolina. W hile serving as a special consultant for the Ford Foundation’s education program in 19 5 4 -1 9 5 5 , Cole began inquiring into the problems facing the nation’s libraries. It was in part his awareness of these problems that contributed to the establish­ ment of the Council on Library Resources by the Foundation in 1956. ■ ■ ♦ The Abstracting an d Indexing C areer G uide, by M. Lynne Neufeld and M artha Cornog (63 pages, 2d ed., June 1986), provides information on education for abstracting and indexing, how to find a job, who hires abstractors and indexers, typi­ cal salaries, and the future of the field. A special feature is a newly updated 8-page chart providing position descriptions for 22 abstracting and index­ ing services. The cost is $15 prepaid from the Na­ tional Federation of Abstracting and Information Services, 112 S. Sixteenth St., Philadelphia, PA 19102. 9African Languages: A G uide to the L ibrary C ol­ lection o f the University o f Virginia, edited by Mary Alice Kraehe, Cristina W . Sharretts, and Christine H. Guyonneau (169 pages, 1986), describes 1,266 items in that collection. Included are maps and au­ thor and language indexes. Copies are available for $10 from the Collection Development D epart­ ment, University of Virginia Library, Charlottes­ ville, VA 22903-2498. 9 A utom ation at the L ib rary o f Congress: Inside Views is a collection of articles written by current and former employees from different LC depart­ ments that describes in detail the part that automa­ tion plays in bibliographic control, collections de­ livery, and reference and research at the Library of Congress. Copies may be ordered for $10 (prepaid) from the Library of Congress Professional Associa­ tion, Library of Congress, Washington, DC 20540. * Creating Connections: B o o k s, Kits, an d G am es f o r C hildren, by Betty P. Cleaver, Barbara C hat­ ton, and Shirley V ittum Morrison (560 pages, 1986), is a resource guide for the selection and use P of curriculum -related materials for elementary tudents, school library media specialists, teachers, nd children’s librarians. Six chapters— on Appa­ a c h ia , bodies, cities, m onsters, oceans, and ound— outline sp ecific topics for in teg ratin g ooks and media throughout the curriculum. Cop­ es may be ordered for $27 from Garland Publish­ ng, 136 Madison Ave., New York, NY 10016. SBN 0-8240-8798-4. 9 Foreign Relations o f the United States, v. 1: Viet- am, 1 9 5 8 -6 0 (802 pages, 1986) recounts the story f early American policy towards Vietnam through a series of diplomatic documents collected and ompiled by the Office of the Historian at the U.S. State Department. The volume includes letters and fficial memoranda as well as embassy telegrams n the political and military events in Vietnam be­ ween 1958 and 1960. Copies are available for $18 rom Dept. 36-ST , Superintendent of Documents, ashington, DC 20402-9325. Stock no. 044-000­ 2107-2. 9A G uide to H istory-R elated M icroform H old ­ ngs a t th e U niversity o f T o le d o , com piled by Gerald Thompson and Larry D. Wilcox (81 pages, 1986), lists over 1,000 entries, including manu­ cripts, newspapers, government documents, and ournals. Each entry contains the call number as ell as the number of reels, cards, or fiche in a par­ icular collection. Most large microform collec­ ions are indexed by reference guides, also listed in his volume. Copies are $5 (prepayment required) rom the Departm ent of History, University of oledo, Toledo, OH 43606. 9fesu it Science in the Age o f G alileo (32 pages, UBLICA s TIONS a l s b i i I n o c o o t f W 0 i s j w t t t f T July/August 1986 / 467 May 1986) describes an exhibition of rare books from the history of science collection at the Linda Hall Library, March 24–J u l y 3 1 ,1986. The exhibi­ tion documents the vast scope of Jesuit science in the 17th century. Forty-four works are briefly de­ scribed. Single copies are available free from the Linda Hall Library, 5109 Cherry St., Kansas City, MO 64110. • L iberty o f Conscience and the G row th o f Reli­ gious Diversity in E arly America, 1 6 3 6 – 1786, by Carla Gardina Pestana (102 pages, 1986), is an il­ lustrated catalogue of more than 100 books and other printed items from an exhibition that opened in May 1986 at the John Carter Brown Library, Brown University. Primarily a historical narrative for the general public, the volume has a biblio­ graphical supplement that gives a full b ib lio ­ graphic description of the materials on display. The illustrated catalogue costs $30 (with a 20 % dis­ count for libraries and educational institutions); the supplement is $10 (not discounted). Copies may be ordered from the John Carter Brown L i­ brary, Box 1894, Providence, RI 02912. ISBN 0- 916617-02-5. • L u cy M aud M ontgom ery: A Prelim inary B ibli og rap h y , compiled by Ruth Weber Russell, D .W . Russell, and Rea W ilmshurst (175 pages, May 1986), is a list of works by and about one of the most widely read Canadian authors. Seven sections de­ scribe Montgomery’s novels, additional writings, adaptations from other media, archival holdings, contributions to periodicals, works about Mont­ gomery, and an index of names and titles. Copies re $25 and may be ordered from the University of aterloo Publications Service, Dana Porter L i­ rary, Waterloo, Ontario, Canada N2L 3G1. •The R eport o f the ALA Commission on F ree om an d E qu ality o f Access to Inform ation (144 ages, Pril 1986) a commission appointed by Carol emeyer during her 1982-1983 term as ALA presi­ ent, examines how access to information may be hreatened by the present-day communications nd computer revolutions. The report explores ow policies and institutions for free and equal ac­ ess may need to change to continue to fulfill their bjective. The chair of the Commission was Dan acy, consultant at McGraw-Hill; the vice-chair as Thomas Galvin, then dean of the University of ittsburgh School of Library and Information Sci­ nce. Copies may be ordered for $10.95 from ALA ublishing Services, Order Billing Dep’t, 50 E. Hu­ on St., Chicago, IL 60611. ISBN 0-8389-3332-7. •A Survey o f Policy Changes: Foreign Students n P ublic Institutions o f H ig h er E d u cation fr o m 1983 to 1985, by William J. McCann Jr. (11 pages, ebruary 1986), has been published as Research eport no.8 by the Institute of International Edu­ ation. The report indicates that institutions have ad difficulty in sustaining foreign student services t a level that keeps pace with foreign student en­ ollment increases over the past several years. Sin­ le copies are available free of charge from the HE ublications Service, 809 United Nations Plaza, ew York, NY 10017. a W b d p N d t a h c o L w P e P r i F R c h a r g P N