ACRL News Issue (B) of College & Research Libraries 146 / C&RL News ■ March 2003 In t h e sn ew ACRL’s 11th National Conference in Charlotte is just around the com er and with it com es the offi­ cial launch o f ALA’s Campaign for America’s Li­ braries’ Academic and Research Library Campaign. This national marketing effort is designed to heighten awareness and support of academic and research libraries and to attract more quality can­ didates to the profession. Learn more about this next stage o f the ©your library campaign and how to get involved on page 159. I f y o u ’re going to b e in Charlotte, y o u ’ll w ant to read “Charlotte nigh ts” (p. 179) for a com p rehen sive list o f restaurants and other nightlife options to help you relax at the end o f the c o n fe re n c e day. C om plete in form a­ tion ab ou t the N ational C o n feren ce c an b e foun d at This months’ New Realities, New Relationships article focuses on the relationship between library education and library practice. In “The ivory tower as preparation for the trenches” (p. 172), Robert Holley explores the four primary areas o f con­ cern: program name, the curriculum, theory ver­ sus practice, and accreditation. For an example o f an uncommon place a library degree can take you within an academic institution, see the Jo b o f a Lifetime column (p. 176) to find out what it’s like to work as an informationist in a biomedical library. This issue’s Internet Resources column (p. 163) focuses on archives and special collections, pro­ viding a list o f Web resources to help special col­ lections librarians and archivists keep abreast of the latest trends in the field. Learn more about the candidates for ALA presi­ dent by reading their responses to a set o f ques­ tions put forth by the ACRL Board (p. 182). Also provided is a list o f ACRL members running for ALA council (p. 190); voting for these candidates can help increase ACRL’s voice in ALA’s affairs. — Step h an ie O rphan, Editor-in-ch ief sorp h an @ P A S T M A S T E R S C S ANNOUNCING SO HUM AN ITIES DATABASES AVAILABLE ON CD-ROM FU L L T E X T AND VIA W E B SER V E R A new collection SCH O LA RLY EDITION S of full text databases A large collection of full-text electronic editions both in original language and English translation of the following areas: TH E • P H ILO S O PH Y . WOMEN W R ITERS RELIGIOUS STUDIES • POLITICAL THEORY . HISTORY O F SCIENCE COLLECTION • G ER M AN STUDIES • ENGLISH LITERATURE A N D LETTERS "Intel.ex goes to unusual lengths to guarantee editorial IN ASSOCIATION and technical accuracy and excellence.... The Romantic W ITH Age is a useful tvseatvh tool implemented with superior service and commitment. Highly reconmiended f o r PICKERING & CHATTO academic libraries and n-searcb Hhrtnies sen 'itfg literary scholarship. " AND -L!BR,\RY JOURNAL August 2002O XFO RD For more information sec WWWLNLX.COM UNIVERSITY PRESS InteLex Corporation P.O. Box 859 Charlottesville VA 22902 _____ Tel.: 434.970.2286 Fax: 434.979 5804 E-mail: I NLX |