ACRL News Issue (B) of College & Research Libraries 354 / C&RL News pants to build a national database of bibliographic and holdings inform ation for new spapers p u b ­ lished in the United States. The program will p ro ­ v id e access to n ew sp ap ers an d p reserv e them through m icrofilm ing. The G eorgia N ew spaper Project began in the 1950s as an effort to preserve G eorgia’s newspapers on microfilm. By 1985 five hundred and seventy titles on over 8,000 reels had been microfilmed. The University Libraries retain the m aster negatives as well as a positive working copy for each title. In addition to providing the means for achieving the m ain objectives of the USNP, the NEH grant will allow the University of Georgia Libraries to host a num ber of planning workshops throughout the state. These workshops will provide a m ethod for involving county offi­ cials, librarians, individuals, historical and genea­ logical societies in the planning for Georgia’s p a r­ ticipation in this program . • T he University of Missouri-Columbia Li- braries have received a $202,757 grant from the U.S. D e p a rtm e n t of E d u catio n to im prove the availability of special collections. The 15-month grant will be used to improve bibliographic access to a p p ro x im a te ly 2 1 ,0 0 0 p re -1 8 0 0 im p rin ts through the national online union catalog operated by O C L C . A pproxim ately 5,200 titles w ill be tre a te d . In a d d itio n , th e u n iv e rsity has been aw arded a $3,000 faculty/librarian research grant from the Council on L ib rary Resources. G ran t funds will be used for the study, “Investigating the Effects of H um an Factors on the O utcom e of a Li­ brary C om puter Literacy P rogram ,” a follow-up to the UMC Libraries’ H .W . Wilson Staff Develop­ m ent Award project on com puter literacy. The new study will explore and docum ent staff percep­ tions and attitudes tow ard com puter technology after com pleting the com puter literacy program . • T h e University of Wisconsin School of L ibrary a n d In fo rm a tio n S tu d ies, M adison, has been aw arded a $148,000 grant from the U.S. D ep art­ m ent of Education to study the role of literacy edu­ cation of secondary school, com m unity college, ac­ a d e m ic , p u b lic , s ta te , a n d s ta te in s titu tio n a l libraries. A nationw ide survey coupled w ith nine exemplary program case studies form the basis of the study w hich will result in the development of a projected role for libraries in literacy education. The project report will be delivered to the D OE in June 1987. News Note • T h e University of W isconsin-M ilw aukee School of L ib rary and Inform ation Science has signed a partnership agreem ent w ith Moi Univer­ sity’s newly established Faculty of Inform ation Sci­ ences at Eldoret, Kenya. The partnership agree­ m e n t, w hich is th e first to be signed b etw een UW -Milwaukee and an African university, pro­ vides for faculty support to Moi University, student exchanges, and exchange of library m aterials. As p art of the agreem ent, UWM-SLIS will assist w ith curriculum design and program development for the Faculty of Inform ation Sciences and consult on library planning, autom ation, staffing, and staff training at MU. SLIS will also provide partial and full fellowships for Moi University faculty to com ­ plete their MLS at UWM. The SLIS will continue to send books and periodicals to Moi University to support instruction and research in the Faculty of Inform ation Sciences. Moi University is the second university to be established in Kenya and is nam ed after Daniel Arap Moi, the president of the R epub­ lic of Kenya. P E O P L E People in the News Bill Coons, current awareness services lib rar­ ian at Cornell U niversity’s A lbert R. M ann L i­ brary, presented a paper at “Software Solutions,” the 2nd Annual C om puter Symposium and Soft­ w are Fair, sponsored by the Forest Resources Sys­ tems Institute and the Forest Products Research So­ ciety an d held in L ouisville, K entucky, A pril 22-24, 1985. The paper, titled “O nline Searching of Bibliographic Databases: M icrocom puter Ac­ cess to National Inform ation Systems,” described he range and capabilities of the various inform a­ ion databases available to technicians, researchers nd m anagers employed in forestry and the forest roducts industry. Lenore Coral, librarian of the Cornell Univer­ ity M usic L ib r a r y , has b e e n e le c te d vice resident/president-elect of the Music L ibrary As­ ociation. Coral will begin her term as president in ebruary 1987. Holly Ann Gardinier, music librarian at the t t a p s p s F May 1986 / 355 B utler C enter L ib rary at M ansfield University, Pennsylvania, has been aw arded the first annual W alter G erboth A ward by the Music L ibrary Asso- cation. The aw ard will provide financial assistance for her bibliographic and historical research into a 350-volum e collection of 18th to 20th c e n tu ry French music and theater almanacs held in the Sib­ ley Music L ibrary at the E astm an School of Music at the University of Rochester, New York. The aw ard was established in memory of a professor of music and form er head of the Brooklyn College Music L ibrary who was active in ML A. John R. Payne has concluded a 16-year career w ith the H arry Ransom Hum anities Research C en­ ter at the University of Texas at Austin to concen­ trate on his library appraisal and consulting ser­ vice. Payne has served in positions ranging from associate librarian to acting director at the Ransom C enter and was previously a Lilly Fellow in Rare Books at the Lilly L ibrary at Indiana University . Charles R. Schultz, u n iversity archivist at Texas A&M University, has won the 1985 Prize Ar­ ticle C ontest of the Log o f M ystic Seaport, the quarterly journal of the Mystic Seaport Museum, Inc., in Mystic, Connecticut. The $500 prize, in its fifth year, was aw arded to Schultz’s m anuscript, ti­ tled “A Forty-N iner F ourth of Ju ly .” The article will be published in an upcom ing issue of the jour­ nal. Profiles Robert C. Berring has been nam ed dean of the School of L ibrary and Inform ation Studies at the University of C alifornia, Berkeley. Berring has served as professor of law and law librarian at UC B e rk e le y ’s B o alt Hall L aw School since 1982. Prior to his service at UC B erkeley, B errin g held positions at the law libraries of the Univer­ sity of W a s h in g to n , H arvard University, the University of Texas, and th e U n iv ersity of I ll i­ nois. H e h as ta u g h t Robert Berringcourses in legal bibliog­ r a p h y a t th e lib r a r y schools of the University of Illinois, the University of Texas, Sim mons C ollege, th e U niversity of W ashington, and the University of C alifornia, Berkeley. Berring received both a law degree and an MLS from Berkeley. He is the editor of Legal Reference Services Quarterly and is president of the American Association of Law L ibrarians (1985-86). George R. Parks has been appointed librarian of the University of Southern Maine. Parks was li- brarian at Colgate University for five years prior to a c c e p tin g th e p o st a t USM. Prior to his position at Colgate, Parks was dean of libraries at the U ni­ versity of Rhode Island, 1 9 6 9 -8 0 . H e has also served as chief adm inis­ trato r and acting direc­ to r of lib raries (1968- 69), and assistant lib rar­ ian for a d m in istra tio n (1966-68) at the Univer­ sity of Rochester. George ParksP ark s re c e iv e d a b ach elo r’s degree from the University of New H am pshire and an MLS from the University of Michigan. He is a past presi­ dent of the New E ngland C hapter of ACRL (1975). Appointments (A ppointm ent notices are taken from lib rary newsletters, letters from personnel offices and a p ­ pointees, and other sources. To ensure th a t your appointm ent appears, w rite to the E ditor, ACRL, 50 E. H uron St., Chicago, IL 60611-2795.) Mary Adams has been nam ed reference librarian at the Colum bia University H ealth Sciences L i­ brary, New York. has been appointed head of the Priscilla Andre Acquisitions D epartm ent at N orthw estern Univer­ sity Library, Evanston, Illinois. David Arthur has been nam ed curator of the Jenks Collection of Adventual Materials at Aurora University, Illinois. Mary Alice Ball is now NOTIS support services lib ra ria n at N o rth w estern U niversity L ib ra ry , Evanston. Zarin Bengali has joined the staff as evening and weekend reference librarian at the Villanova University School of Law L ibrary, Pennsylvania. Mary Ellen Benz-Voelkl has been appointed reference librarian at the New York Law School Library, New York. James E. Bobick is now associate director of uni­ versity libraries at Case W estern Reserve Univer­ sity, Cleveland. Mary Brady has been appointed assistant head of the Acquisitions D epartm ent and head of the Search Section at N orthw estern University L i­ brary, Evanston. Edward Brennan is the new reference librarian at the Law L ibrary at the University of M aryland, Baltimore. Nelda Burroughs has been appointed reference librarian at the H ealth Sciences Center at the Uni­ versity of Tennessee, Memphis. 356 / C&RL News Katherine L. Calhoun has joined the staff of the Research Inform ation Services D epartm ent at the Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta. Angela Carreno has joined the staff as refer­ ence librarian for Latin American studies at New York University, New York. Mary Case is now head of the Serials D epart­ ment at Northwestern University Library, Evan­ ston. Marsha Clark has been appointed reference li­ brarian for psychology and social work at New York University, New York. Sheila Corman is now acquisitions librarian at th e N orthw estern University M edical L ib rary , Chicago. Elizabeth J. Cousins is the new cataloger at the Francis A. Countway Medical Library at H arvard University, Cambridge, Massachusetts. Katherine Cunningham has been appointed NOTIS support services librarian at Northwestern University Library, Evanston. Ree DeDonato has joined the staff as head of the reference and circulation units at New York University, New York. Claire DeMandy has been appointed chief of the catalog division at Lehman College of the City University of New York, Bronx, New York. Mel Dodd is now coordinator of m icrocom ­ puter instruction services at Texas A&M Univer­ sity, College Station. Grace Easterbrook has joined the staff as cata­ loging librarian at the School of Medicine and D en­ tistry Library at the University of Rochester, New York. Mildred G. Emmons is now assistant director for technical services and collection development at the Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta. Tina-Karen Forman is now associate librarian in the Technical Services D epartm ent at the Uni­ versity of California, Los Angeles. Richard M. Franks is the new assistant librar­ ian at Midland Lutheran College, Fremont, Ne­ braska. Joseph J. Franzello has joined the staff as search analyst at the Strughold Aeromedical Li- brarv•/ at the United States Air Force School of Aero- space Medicine, San Antonio, Texas. Michael F. Fry has been appointed manuscript librarian at Rice University, Houston, Texas. Tara Fulton is now reference and interlibrary loan librarian at Northwestern University Library, Evanston. Robert Galbreath has been named History, Philosophy and Social Sciences librarian at N orth­ western University Library, Evanston. Diane Garcia is the new catalog librarian at the K ratter L aw L ib rary at the University of San Diego, California. John Garralda has joined the staff of the Colo­ rado Alliance of Research Libraries, Denver. Paul George has been appointed reference li­ brarian at the Law Center Library at the Univer­ sity of Southern California, Los Angeles. Stephen L. Gerhardt is now the associate dean of the Learning Resource Center at Cerritos Col­ lege, Norwalk, California. Kathleen A. Green has been named assistant li­ brarian for social sciences and management at the M assachusetts In s titu te of T echnology, C a m ­ bridge. Richard Griscom is the. new technical services librarian in the Music Library at Northwestern University, Evanston. Sylvelin Gronquist has joined the Reference D epartm ent at the University of California, Santa Barbara. Kenneth W. Hedman has been appointed asso­ ciate librarian at the United States Military Acad­ emy, West Point, New York. Katherine Henderson has joined the staff as law librarian at the McGeorge School of Law Li­ brary at the University of the Pacific, Sacramento, California. Thomas Holberg is now coordinator of access services at M arquette University, Milwaukee, Wis­ consin. Mary Holland is the new assistant to the direc­ tor of libraries for development at the University of M aryland, College Park. Deborah Jakubs has been appointed Ibero- American general bibliographer at Duke Univer­ sity, D urham , North Carolina. Kristin M. Johnson is the new serials librarian in the Slavic D epartm ent at the H arvard College Library, Cambridge, Massachusetts. Pamela S. Jones-Graue has been appointed cat­ aloger at the Sibley Music Library of the University of Rochester, New York. Monice Kaczorowski has joined the staff as as­ sistant librarian for cataloging and reference at the DePaul University Law Library, Chicago. Vicki Killon is now information services librar­ ian at the Health Sciences Library at the University of Cincinnati, Ohio. Joseph King is the new reference librarian at the Norris Medical Library at the University of South­ ern California, Los Angeles. Ted Koppel has joined the staff of the Colorado Alliance of Research Libraries, Denver. Sue W. Lithgo has been appointed cataloger at the University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill. Glenn R. Lowry is the new associate director for library systems at the University of M aryland, College Park. Thomas McGinn has been appointed NOTIS support services librarian at Northwestern Univer­ sity Library, Evanston. Renee McHenry has joined the staff as inform a­ tion services and cataloging librarian at the Trans­ portation L ibrary at N orthw estern University, Evanston. Marilyn G. McSweeney is now associate head of the Acquisitions D epartm ent at the Massachu­ setts Institute of Technology, Cambridge. M ay 1986 / 357 LOIS Marriott has been appointed lib rary ser­ Robert Sink is now archivist and records m a n ­ ager at the New York Public L ibrary, New York. S. Gail Sisson is the new reference lib rarian at f the University of Houston L aw L ibrary. Janet Smith has joined the staff as reference li­ b ra ria n at the H ealth Sciences C enter L ib rary at the University of Tennessee, Memphis. ­ Bob Snyders has been appointed public services and reference lib rarian at the Logan College of C hiropractic, C hesterfield, Missouri. ­ Kristina I. Starkus is the new assistant Slavic li­ ­ b ra ria n in th e Slavic and E ast E uropean Section at the University of W ashington, Seattle. t Scott D. Stebelman has been appointed refer­ t ence lib rarian and coordinator for bibliographic in stru c tio n a t G eorge W a sh in g to n U n iversity, W ashington, D .C . l John Tessner has joined th e staff as catalog li­ b ra ria n at th e U niversity of Arkansas at L ittle Rock/Pulaski C ounty L aw L ibrary. Jonathan Thomas is now reference lib rarian at the H arv ard University L aw School L ib rary , C a m ­ bridge, Massachusetts. Elizabeth Thompson has been nam ed reference ­ lib rarian at the G rad u ate L ib rary of Business Ad­ m inistration at New York University, New York. Shirley Ward has been nam ed recorded sound services lib rarian at N orthw estern University L i­ brary, Evanston. f Sarah Watstein is now head of the Reference ­ Division at H u n ter College L ibrary, New York. David Wilt is the new head of circulation in the ­ E ngineering and Physical Sciences L ib rary at the ­ University of M aryland, College Park. Helen Yakalis has been appointed supervisor of serials acquisitions in the Acquisitions U nit at New ­ York University, New York. Susan Zappen has been appointed acquisitions li­ b ra ria n at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, Troy, ­ New York. ­ ­ Retirement Edward Kemp, collection developm ent lib ra r­t ian at the University of O regon, Eugene, retired f D ecem ber 31 after 30 years of service. Kemp began his career at O regon in 1955. His service there has included positions as acquisitions lib rarian , head of the Gifts and Exchange Section, and head of the Acquisitions D ep artm en t. Kemp received his MLS at the University of C alifornia, Berkeley.­ ­ Deaths l Daniel Raposo Cordeiro, L atin Am erican li­ ­ b ra ria n at Syracuse University, New York, died ­ F eb ru ary 27 in Syracuse after a long illness. C orde­ iro h ad been L atin A m erican lib rarian at Syracuse ­ since 1973. Prior to his service at Syracuse, C orde­ ­ iro was bibliographer for L atin A m erica, Spain and Portugal at the University of Kansas. He held a vices co o rd in a to r at th e C alifo rn ia C o m m u n ity Colleges. Sacram ento. James Meyers is now m onographic cataloger o A frican a a t N o rth w e ste rn U n iversity L ib ra ry , Evanston. Salvador Miranda is the new assistant director for collection developm ent at F lo rid a I n te r n a tional University, Miami. Janet Mowry has joined the staff as in terlib rary loan lib rarian at the Strughold Aerom edical L i b rary at the U nited States Air Force School of Aero space M edicine, San Antonio. Harry R. Murphy has been appointed assistan circulation lib rarian in the C irculation Division a the University of W ashington, Seattle. Angela Murphy-Walters has been appointed assistant catalog lib rarian for non-book and specia collections at the University of N evada, Las Vegas. Donna Nerboso is the new reference lib rarian for career resources and business at the G rad u ate L ibrary of Business A dm inistration at New York University, New York. Jim O’Donnell has been appointed geology and p lanetary sciences lib rarian at the C alifornia Insti tu te of Technology, Pasadena. Kathryn Otto is now serials cataloger at the University of Kansas, Law rence. JO Lynne Payne has been nam ed head of the LC C ataloging/R etrospective C onversion Section o the C atalog D ep artm en t at th e Massachusetts In stitute of Technology L ibrary, C am bridge. Charles R. Pennell is the new head of catalog ing and bibliographic control at Villanova U niver sity, Pennsylvania. Daniel F. Phelan has been appointed lib rarian of the M edia L ibrary at Ryerson Polytechnical In stitute, Toronto, O ntario. Linda L. Phillips is now head of the Science and Technology L ibrary at th e University of Tennes see, Knoxville. Nancy Powell is the new collections develop m ent lib rarian at Oregon State University, C orval lis. Martha Renick has been ap p o in ted assistan law lib rarian for public services at the University o O regon, Eugene. Daniel R. Rubey is the new reference lib rarian at L ehm an College of th e C ity University of New York, Bronx. Barbara Salvage has joined the staff as catalog m aintenance and retrospective conversion lib ra r ian at New York University, New York. Clifford Scott has been appointed m edia li b ra ria n at the N orthw estern University Medica L ibrary, Chicago. Sarah Sherman has joined the staff as govern m ent publications lib rarian at N orthw estern U ni versity L ibrary, Evanston. Susan Shiroma has been appointed reference li b ra ria n and docum ents specialist at New York U ni versity, New York. 358 / C& RL News bachelor’s degree in education from B ridgew ater State College, a m aster’s in L atin Am erican His­ tory from New York University, and an MLS from C olum bia University. He was an active m em ber of th e Sem inar on the Acquisition of L atin A m erican L ib rary M aterials (SALALM), and edited A Bibli­ ography o f L a tin A m erican Bibliographies: Social Sciences and H um anities. FredB. Oxtoby, form er descriptive cataloger at the L ib rary of Congress, died Jan u ary 1 in W ash­ ington. Oxtoby retired from his position at the L i­ b rary of Congress in 1981 after 14 years of service. Prior to his service at L C , he was chief of the C a ta ­ log D ep artm en t at th e John C rerar L ib rary , C h i­ cago. O xtoby’s previous professional posts included w ork as head cataloger at the Illinois Institute of Technology and as a cataloger at the University of Illinois. He earned a bachelor’s and m aster’s in li­ b rary science from the University of Illinois. Mary L. Woodworth, assistant director of the U niversity of W isconsin-M adison School of L i­ b ra ry a n d In fo rm a tio n S tudies, d ied su d d en ly M arch 2 in Madison. W oodw orth h ad been a fac­ ulty m em ber at UW since 1964 and h ad received a bachelor’s and a m aster’s degree there. ■ ■ CLS directions By Jean P elletiere Chair, A C B L College Libraries Section Real income, comparable worth, and other activities of the College Libraries Section. H o w m uch w ould you be w illing to pay for a professional w ith a m aster’s degree, who was fa ­ m ilia r w ith a v a rie ty of in fo rm a tio n re trie v a l sy ste m s — in c lu d in g c o m p u te r - b a s e d d a t a b a n k s...who could supervise a large staff, develop and im plem ent a budget, and actively m arket the service—and handle building m aintenance p ro b ­ lems? Sound like a high five-figure job? How about $15,000?” The Christian Science M onitor asked this question last year in an article about lib rarian s’ new skills. The $15,000 figure hurts. It is typical for college librarians. Even if each entering lib rarian w ere in ­ dependently w ealthy it still w ould h u rt. The com ­ p arab ly low pay still w ould devalue our work in re­ lation to others. An instructor w ith me at Berkeley, Lois H arz- feld, pointed out the L ibrary Journal interviews in w hich most lib rarian s w ould not have m inded leaving the field, and the N ew Republic article on real incom e for different occupations (librarians w ere second from the bottom , just above w elfare recipients). “W hy doesn’t any lib rary organization address th a t problem ?” she asked. My first chance to address th a t problem is now. The question of real income is close to com parable w o rth , in th a t some occupations generate more real income for doing less work. Also, the status of librarians as faculty m em bers is close to th a t of com parable w o rth , in th a t librarians and class­ room professors are of com parable w orth in the college setting, and thus should be co m p arab ly treated. C om parably, not equally. W hen librarians are treated equally w ith classroom faculty, the things we do as they do them are judged by their stan ­ dards, w hile the things we do as we do them are judged by their standards. T he result is th a t, as one