ACRL News Issue (B) of College & Research Libraries M ay 1986 / 361 letter in A m erican Libraries recently pointed out, most things we do in a 40-hour w ork w eek they do not consider up to th eir standards, nor up for th eir rew ards. Thus I have proposed, and th e CLS Executive C om m ittee has approved, an ad hoc CLS Real I n ­ come C om m ittee for a three-year term w ith the follow ing charge: to gather incom e studies from states, systems, an d com panies, an d spell out w h a t these m ig h t m ean for college librarians; an d to w ork closely w ith th e ALA Com m ission on Pay E q ­ uity in d raftin g n ational program s to be tran slated into a cam paign for use in higher education associ­ a tio n s a n d in c o lle g e s th e m s e lv e s — w ith th e strength of ALA behind them . If you are interested in w orking on this com m it­ tee, contact: Susan Stussy (chair), D irector of the L ib rary , M arian College, 3200 Cold Spring Road, Indianapolis, IN 46222. W illiam Delzell and W en ­ dell R arbour are also m em bers. A second ad hoc com m ittee I proposed, and the Executive C om m ittee approved, is th e CLS H istor­ ical Comm ission (a nam e selected by its members) w ith Susan C am pbell as chair. Its charge is to p re ­ p are a history of th e College L ibraries Section, to collect and suggest procedures, and to assemble them into a section m anual. T he Com m ission, also N Y 12222; (518) 370-4124. ■ ■ PUBLICATIONS w ith a th ree-year life, includes Betty C o rb ett, M i­ chael H aeuser, and M ichael L a Croix. Arising out of th e idea of th e CLS H istorical Comm ission is th e new CLS Bylaws C om m ittee. T he bylaws w ere revised in 1981 an d 1982 b u t w ere never m ade official; thus th e 1974 version is still in use. W e need to bring them into line w ith new ALA and ACRL bylaws, as well as sm ooth th e som e­ times aw k w a rd procedures w ith w hich w e are now operating. I w elcom e volunteers and nom inations for this com m ittee. T he increase in vitality of CLS portends expan­ sion of its services to m em bers. It offers a chance for lib rarian s w ho w a n t to influence th e section’s d i­ rection. These com m ittees em body several in te r­ ests evidenced by th e CLS Advisory C ouncil. A ction Ite m 1. C o n tact m e if you w ould like to start an o th er com m ittee, an d give m e th e reasons w hy. I can propose com m ittees to th e Executive C om m ittee at ALA A nnual C onference. A ction Ite m 2. C o n tact m e if you w ould like to be on th e agenda w ith any m a tte r concerning col­ lege lib ra ria n s a t th e CLS a n n u a l m em b ersh ip m e e tin g .—Jean C. P elletiere, R o c k e fe lle r R e ­ search Scholar, College o f Public A ffairs and Pol­ icy, SU N Y A lb a n y, 135 W estern A ven u e, A lb a n y, • Bibliographic Instruction in ARL Libraries, SPEC Kit #121 (107 pages, F e b ru a ry 1986), exam ­ ines cu rre n t developm ents and an ticip ated trends based on a survey of 25 ARL libraries w ith active BI program s. It identifies th e use of new technology in BI p ro g ram s an d th e expansion of p ro g ram s to reach m ore diverse audiences as tw o im p o rta n t trends. BI p lan n in g m aterials for seven libraries are provided in th e kit, along w ith three examples of CAI program s and m icrocom puter-based instruc­ tion, tw o descriptions of g ra d u a te student instruc­ tion, and one description of in tern atio n al student instruction. SPEC kits are available by subscrip­ tion from the SPEC C en ter, ARL/OM S, 1527 New H am pshire Ave., N .W ., W ashington, D C 20036. Individual issues cost $20 each, p rep ay m en t re­ quired. • End-User Searching Services, SPEC Kit #122 (112 pages, M arch 1986), presents the results of a survey of ARL libraries on th eir m ethods of assist­ ing students and faculty w ith database searching. T he kit includes one g ran t proposal, five program descriptions, four examples of publicity, nine sets of instructional aids and reference tools, six evalua- tion/questionnaires, an d a select bibliography. See previous en try for cost and address. • Essential Guide to CD-ROM, edited by Ju d ith Paris Roth (189 pages, M arch 1986), provides in ­ form ation on th e basic concepts and principles of optical C om pact Disc R ead-O nly M em ory (CD- ROM) technology, as well as its h a rd w a re an d soft­ w are, and specific applications. O ne section of the book covers th e prototype C D -RO M lib rary and inform ation systems developed by B rodart, Faxon, In g ram , an d N ew sbank. A C D -R O M disc c o n tain ­ ing over 8800 program s w ith d o cum entation from th e IBM PC SIG L ib rary of Public D om ain an d U ser-Supported softw are accom panies the book, w h ich sells for $29.95 from M eckler P u b lish in g C o rp o ratio n , 11 F erry L ane W est, W estport, C T 06880-5808. ISBN 0-88736-045-9. • Female Psychology: A Partially Annotated Bib- 362 / C&RL News liography, edited by Carole Dilling and B arbara L. Claster (326 pages, 1986), is a comprehensive com­ pilation of recent and historically im portant arti­ cles and books in the areas of female developmental theory, psychoanalytic theory and practice, psy­ chopathology, gender and sex roles, and special is­ sues relevant to women and their m ental health needs in a psychological, sociological, and political context. The book was designed to integrate new perspectives on female psychology into the previ­ ously generalized and largely masculine perspec­ tive of the traditional literature. The cost is $25 to individuals ($30 to institutions), plus $2.50 per copy for postage and handling. O rder from the New York City C oalition for W om en’s M ental H ealth, c/o Joan Einw ohner, 320 W. 86th Street, New York, NY 10024 (checks payable to the Coali­ tion). • Guide to U.S. Map Resources, p rep ared by ALA’s M ap and G eography R ound T ab le and edited by David A. Cobb (214 pages, February 1986), describes over 900 collections in academic and public libraries, geoscience libraries, state and federal libraries, historical societies, and private li­ braries. An analytical introduction gives a d d i­ tional inform ation on federal depositories, interli­ b r a r y lo a n , size of c o lle c tio n s, p re s e rv a tio n techniques, special collections, and online services. Copies are $25 and may be ordered from ALA Pub­ lishing Services, O rder D epartm ent, 50 E. H uron Street, Chicago, IL 60611. ISBN 0-8389-0439-4. • Japan fo r Westerners, by Cris Popenoe (88 pages, April 1986), contains reviews of over a thou­ sand c u rre n tly available books and recordings about Japan. Arranged by topic, the reviews cover the arts, music, literature, history, zen, the m artial arts, cuisine, business, travel, and language. Pub­ lished prim arily as a buying guide by the Yes! ookshop, th e book contains com plete b ib lio ­ graphic inform ation as well as publishers, their ad ­ resses, and an author index, and is useful as a reader’s guide to current literature on Japan. Cop­ ies may be ordered for $5.95 from the Yes! Book­ shop, 1035 31st S t., N .W ., W a sh in g to n , D C 20007. ISBN 0-936119-00-4. • Librarian in Search of a Publisher: How to Get Published, by Brian Alley and Jennifer Cargill (176 pages, 1986), explores all the outlets of professional publishing available to librarians, including w rit­ ing articles or book reviews for journals and news­ letters, com piling bib lio g rap h ies, an d w ritin g books. Basic m atters of organization, tim e m an ­ agement, and the mechanics of w riting are cov­ ered, as well as specifics of proposal design, con­ tr a c ts , c o p y rig h t, ro y a ltie s , m a n u s c rip t production, and how to deal w ith editors and p u b ­ lishers. Copies may be ordered for $18.50 from the Oryx Press, 2214 N. C entral at Encanto, Phoenix, AZ 85004-1483. ISBN 0-89774-150-1. • The Occult in the Western World, by Cosette N. Kies (ca.300 pages, August 1986), is an anno­ ta te d b ib lio g ra p h y of n e a rly 900 im p o r ta n t E n g lish -la n g u a g e m o n o g rap h s on w itc h c ra ft, magic, mysticism, parapsychology, UFOs, m ythi­ cal creatures, prophecy, and astrology. The work is intended to be a sourcebook for beginners and ca­ sual readers needing a general overview of occult topics. An emphasis is given to books useful as ref­ erence works. A glossary and nam e and title in­ dexes supplem ent the list. Copies may be ordered for $29.50 from the Shoe String Press, P.O . Box 4327, H am den, CT 06514. ISBN 0-208-02113- 2. ■ ■ B d CALENDER May 27-30—Publishing: Society for Scholarly Publish­ ing, C athedral Hill Hotel, San Francisco. Speak­ ers include ACRL members C harles O sburn, Frederick Isaac, and Paula Kaufman. Fees after May 5: members $165; non-members $200. C on­ tact: Society for Scholarly Publishing, 2000 Flor­ ida Ave., N .W ., Suite 305, W ashington, DC 20009; (202) 328-3555. June 7-12—Special Libraries: Annual Conference, Spe­ cial Libraries Association, Sheraton Boston Ho­ tel, Boston. Featured speakers include Rosabeth Moss K anter, author of The Change Masters, and Julianne H. Prager, executive director of corporate technical planning and coordination at the 3M Corporation. Pulitzer Prize winners Jon Franklin {Baltimore Sun) and Tracey Kidder {The Soul o f a N ew Machine) will also make pre­ sentations. Contact: Special Libraries Associa­ tion, 1700 Eighteenth St., N .W ., W ashington, DC 20009; (202) 234-4700. 6-20—Theology Libraries: Annual Conference,1