ACRL News Issue (B) of College & Research Libraries 58 Classified Advertising Classified advertising orders and copy, and cancellations, should be addressed to the Pub­ lications Office, ACRL, 50 E ast H uron Street, Chicago 60611, and should reach th at office before the tenth of the m onth preceding pub­ lication of issue desired. Copy received after th at time may be held for the next issue. Rate for classified advertising is $1.25 per printed line. No additional charge is made for nonmember advertising. FOR SA LE FINE & APPLIED ARTS REFERENCE COLLECTION. ca 500 titles. Checklist and particulars sent to institutions upon applica­ tion. C. Verbeke, North Salem, N.H. 03073. POSITIONS W A N T E D ADMINISTRATOR MLS, male, 39 years old, 11 years experience. At present Associate D i­ rector for Technical Processes in a large uni­ versity library. Seeks directorship of college or university library, or associate directorship in a university library. No geographical prefer­ ence. Box 746, C RL, 50 E. H uron St., Chicago 60611.____________________________________ POSITIO N S OPEN Administration HEAD OF UNDERGRADUATE LIBRARY. New position authorized, though quarters not available for 18-months. D irect staff of 4 or 5 professionals and clerical assistants and aid in their recruitment. Responsible, w ith faculty co­ operation, for selection of basic collection of books and journals. Master’s degree in subject area; 5th year L i­ brary degree; related experience required. Faculty rank and privileges; 37-hour week; 4- week vacation; excellent fringe benefits. Salary negotiable, b u t not below $12,000. An equal opportunity employer. Apply: F. S. Randall, Director, Morris Library, Southern Illinois Uni­ versity, Carbondale, Illinois 62901. POSITION ASSISTANT LIBRARIAN open June 1969. Master’s library science required. Salary and rank open. Will have responsibility for Á-V center, documents, serials, and L C cataloging. New library opens Mav 1969. Apply to E. Owen, Dean, McKendree College, L eba­ non, Illinois 62254. Automation CHIEF, DATA PROCESSING UNIT, in major university library. Desire person w ith experi­ ence in library w ith operational E.D.P. pro­ gram. Minimum requirem ents: experience w ith designing, costing and programming. Salary negotiable. W rite Box 747, 50 E. Huron, Chi­ cago, I11. 60611. Cataloging CATALOGER, $9000 a year. University L i­ brary in midwest. One month vacation, retire­ ment, health insurance, congenial community and staff. Some relevant cataloging experience is desired, but adaptability to change is es­ sential. If interested, please w rite Box 740, C RL, 50 E. H uron St., Chicago 60611. HEAD OF CATALOG DEPARTMENT to di­ rect departm ent of 65 in rapidly growing uni­ versity library processing 80,000 to 100,000 volumes annually. Requirements include sev­ eral years of appropriate professional experi­ ence at supervisory level w ith demonstrated knowledge of cataloging principles and appli­ cation in an academic library. Some under­ standing of machine-oriented projects desirable. Librarian IV, salary range $10,848-$13,164. Academic status. 24 working days vacation. Excellent retirem ent plan. Position open April 1, 1969. Apply to D onald C. Davidson, Uni­ versity Librarian, University of California, Santa Barbara, California 93106. CATALOGER for an expanding collection. M.L.S. required. Will train recent graduate but experience preferred. Excellent benefits includ­ ing T.I.A.A., 4 weeks vacation, relocation ex­ penses. New building. Salary open. Contact A. G. Anderson, Jr., H ead Librarian, Worcester Polytechnic Institute, Worcester, Mass. 01609. Telephone (617) 753-1411, Ext. 412._________ CATALOGER. T he University of Akron Li­ brary needs a professional cataloger. M.L.S. re­ quired. Some experience desirable. Salary de­ pends on qualifications. Excellent fringe bene­ fits. Apply stating salary requirem ents to H. P. Schrank, Jr., University Librarian, Akron, Ohio 44304.____________________________________ CATALOG LIBRARIAN w anted for small lib­ eral arts college. M.L.S. from an accredited A.L.A. library school. Experience preferred b u t not mandatory. Will consider applicants w ith B.A.L.S., B.S.L.S. Beginning salary dependent on qualifications and experience. Send resumes to: Miss Carolvn Eaves, Librarian. Howard Payne College, Brownwood, Texas 76801. CATALOGER w anted for small liberal arts col­ lege beginning September, 1969. Library de­ gree essential. Experience preferred b u t not mandatory. Beginning salary dependent on qualifications and experience. Attractive fringe benefits. New library building. Send resumes to Dean M artha S. Grafton, Mary Baldwin Col­ lege, Staunton, Virginia 24401. Multiple ACADEMIC AND RESEARCH LIBRARIANS. Opportunity for professional librarians w ith three to five years of appropriate experience to aid in the development of cooperative pro­ grams among college, university, public and research libraries in th e New York State 3R’s Program. Assistants in Academic and Research Libraries—Salary Range: $11,365-$13,675, Challenging Duties— (1 ) Consultant service to 3R’s Systems; (2 ) Advisory assistance to aca­ demic, special and research libraries; ( 3 ) As­ sistant planning projects to foster interlibrary cooperation. Associates in Academic and Re­ 59 search Libraries—Salary Range: $14,070-$16,- 780. Challenging Duties— (1 ) Plan and super­ vise projects relating to interlibrary coopera­ tion among college, special and public librar­ ies; (2 ) Supervision of staff of a field services section; (3 ) Consultant services to academic and research libraries. Excellent Fringe Bene­ fits. Inquiries and resumes should be sent to: Division of Personnel, New York State E duca­ tion D epartm ent, Albany, New York 12224. LAFAYETTE COLLEGE, EASTON, PA. Two Positions: (1 ) Reference Assistant ( 2 ) Serials Cataloger. Excellent salaries and fringe bene­ fits. Apply: Clyde L. Haselden, Librarian, L a­ fayette College, Easton, Pa. 18042. APPLICATIONS ARE INVITED for th e po­ sitions of two R EFE R E N C E LIBRARIANS, one w ith an undergraduate degree in COM­ MERCE AND BUSINESS ADMINISTRA­ TION, and one w ith a degree in SOCIOLOGY AND ANTHROPOLOGY for th e Social Sci­ ences Division of the UNIVERSITY O F BRIT­ ISH COLUMBIA. The University is in Vancouver, B.C., a beauti­ ful west coast city of 700,000 population and a mild climate. C urrent enrollment is 20,000. Book collections total well over one million. The Library staff numbers 343 and 85 of these are librarians. Salary is open. There are excel­ lent medical, disability, group insurance, and superannuation benefits, and four weeks vaca­ tion. Librarians are eligible to join the Faculty Club and Faculty Association. Apply to I. F. Bell, Associate Librarian, Uni­ versity of British Columbia, Vancouver 8, B.C. ACQUISITIONS AND REFERENCE librarians needed Septem ber 1 or earlier by rapidly ex­ panding college of arts and letters w ith strong library collections, located in suburban area close to New York, Princeton, and Philadelphia. Acquisition L ibrarian should possess broad edu­ cation, w ide academic interests, and under­ standing of publishing business. Reference as­ sistant should serve as Readers’ Adviser in E d ­ ucation and Psychology. Position as government documents librarian also available. Appoint­ m ent either as Assistant Professor ( M.S. in Li­ brary Science plus additional year of graduate study, 4 years experience), ten months salary $8,957-11,645; annual increm ent $448; or In ­ structor (M.S. in L.S., two years experience), $7,369-9,577; increm ent $368. Summer session optional; paid separately. F ull faculty status; good vacations; all fringe benefits. Send de­ tailed application or phone collect Dr. Felix E. Hirsch, T renton State College Library, Tren­ ton, N.J. 08625; tel. 609-882-1855, ext. 314. QUALIFIED LIBRARIANS in all specialties needed for college and university positions listed w ith us throughout th e year by academic institutions seeking faculty and staff members. Enrollment includes notices of up-to-date va­ cancies, storage of your credentials for your use at any time, and other features. W rite for enrollment information. AMERICAN COL­ LEG E BUREAU and UNIVERSITY AND COLLEGE STAFFING CENTER, 28 E ast Jackson Blvd., Chicago, I11. 60604, Phone A.C. 312-427-6662. LIBRARIAN POSITIONS OPEN at all levels: technical service, reference and bibliographic, administrative. All backgrounds needed in di­ visional libraries: humanities, social sciences, sciences. Excellent opportunities to participate in the developm ent and growth of an unusual academic library system at a forward-looking university located in a fast-growing city. Initial salary for lib sch graduate w ith no experience: $7,000. O ther salaries depend upon experience, background, training. Faculty status, other fringe benefits, 1 m onth’s vacation, sick leave, TIAA, OASI. Send résumé to Dr. G. D onald Smith, Director of Libraries, W ashington State University Libraries, Pullman, W ashington 99163. STOUT STATE UNIVERSITY, Menomonie, Wisconsin, is seeking candidates for two posi­ tions: A cting Catalog Librarian (Septem ber 1969-August 1971) and Educational Materials Center Librarian. For th e first, a cataloger w ith considerable experience is desired, to direct the work of the departm ent while th e regular departm ent head is on leave. All new catalog­ ing is in L.C.; conversion from Dewey is in process. Familiarity w ith MARC, and an in­ terest in continuing and developing automa­ tion in progress, are essential. T he position of Educational Materials Center Librarian carries the responsibility and challenge of initiating Assistant H e a d o f Circulation D e p a rtm e n t YALE UNIVERSITY S te rlin g M e m o ria l L ib ra ry We are se ekin g a n exceptional person to ta k e over th e N u m b e r T w o position in our circulation depart­ m e n t. M u st h a ve strong a d m in istra tive ability, capacity o r leadership, in itia tiv e and experience to assist in directing training and supervising a sta ff o f o ver 100 people. R ESPONSIBILITIES: d a y -to -d a y m anage m ent o f co lle c tio n ^ of over 3 m illio n volumes, c irc u la tio n exceeding 450 m illio n volumes ann u a lly; assignm ent o f study space, d e ve lo p m e n t o f c irc u la tio n proce d u re s; c o o rd in a tio n o f c irc u la tio n func­ io n s w ith o th e r d e p a rtm e n ts. B A C K G R O U N D : c o lle g e d eg ree plus 5 years o f experience, p re fe ra b ly in la rg e research lib ra ry w ith b ro a d know ledge o f c o lle c tio n m a n age m ent and a d va n ce d c irc u la tio n co n tro l echniques in c lu d in g d a ta processing and o p e ra tio n s re­ search; a b o ve a ll, th e desire to succeed in a c h a lle n g in g o b . O M P E N S A T IO N : $11-12,000 based on b a c kg ro u n d plus our e xcellent benefits p ro g ra m th a t in clu des health, m e d ic a l and ife insurance, re tire m e n t p ro g ra m , lib e ra l sick leave and 5 eeks p a id v a c a tio n a fte r one year o f em p lo ym e n t. Q ualified applicants should se n d detailed resum e in confidence t o : P ersonnel D epartm ent Y A L E U N I V E R S I T Y Sterling M emorial Library 120 H ig h S tre e t N ew H a v e n , C o n n e c tic u t A n Equal O p p o rtu n ity E m ployer f t t j C l w 60 and developing a new department. Background in this area is desired. Positions carry faculty status and perquisites, including excellent fringe benefits. Salaries are on academic year basis, w ith additional compensation for sum­ m er session employment, w hich is customary. Salaries open and appropriate to training and experience. Master’s degree in Library Science required. Stout is a Wisconsin State University, specializing in industrial education, industrial technology, home economics, vocational educa­ tion, and related fields. Present enrollment is 4,330. An air-conditioned addition to the pres­ ent building (ready in the summer of 1969) will provide excellent working facilities. Menom­ onie is a small city, situated in the heart of beautiful country, w ith easy freeway access to Minneapolis-St. Paul, 70 miles to the West. Apply to: Miss Phyllis D. Bentley, Librarian, T he Robert L. Pierce Library, Stout State University, Menomonie, Wisconsin 54751. Public Services PUBLIC SERVICE LIBRARIAN—In a grow­ ing former state teachers college which has just received University status. Enrollment 1,600. Experience preferred b u t not absolute­ ly necessary. Need a person who is willing to accept responsibility. Must have MSLS or equivalent training and experience. 35 hours per week. 1 month vacation, state teacher re­ tirement, and other benefits. Salary $7,500 up depending on experience. Position open im­ mediately. Send complete resume to Jerry W. Brownlee, Librarian, Julia Tutwiler Library, Livingston University, Livingston, A1 35470. C IRC ULA TIO N L IB R A R I A N —Accredited M.L.S. required, experience desired. Position available now. Salary dependent upon qualifica­ tions. New library building, attractive fringe benefits, faculty status, 12 month position with 1 m onth vacation plus legal holidays. Library participating in the Ohio College Library Center. Located in Northwest Ohio, 1½ hours from Toledo, D ayton and Columbus and 3 hours from Cleveland and Cincinnati. Apply: J. W ayne Baker, Librarian, Ohio Northern University, Ada, Ohio 45810. Reference Services REFERENCE—Circulation depts. head, Uni­ versity, w ith primary responsibility in refer­ ence. In heart of Green M ountain ski and Lake Champlain areas. Accredited MLS required, with adequate college-university reference ex­ perience. CATALOGING positions, accredited MLS, w ith minimum two years of experience: 1) serial and monograph original cataloging; E u r o p e r i o d i q u e s r e p r i n t PROGRAM R evu e d es E tu des B y z a n tin e s (Bucarest/Paris) vols. 1-25, 1943-67. Partly in reprint. Available. The s e t : $ 374.— vols. 1-4, 1943-46 in reprint. Available, paperbound. (vols. 1-3 as “ Etudes B yzantines” ) Each v o l: $ 20.— Echos d ’O rien t. Revue de théologie, de droit canonique, de liturgie, d ’archéologie, d ’histoire et de géographie orientales. (Jerusalem /Constantinople/Bucarest & Paris) vols. 1-14,1897/98-1911 in reprint w ith Table des articles 1-14 Available, paperbound. The s e t : $ 392.,.— Each v o l: $ 28.— vols. 15, 17-36. 1912, 1914/15-1937 Planned reprint, paperbound. Each v o l: $ 32.— E U R O P E R IO D IQUES, S.A. 72, Bd S é n a rd -9 2 Saint-Cloud France. 61 2 ) cataloging of Vermontiana and rare books for the Special Collections D ept. Open now, with competitive salary dependent on qualifi­ cations. Apply: Paul B. Kebabian, D irector of Libraries, University of Vermont, Burlington, Vt. 05401. Phone (802) 864-4511, Ext. 651. HEAD, REFERENCE DEPARTMENT: Oak­ land University requires an experienced refer­ ence librarian to supervise its Reference D e­ partm ent. L ibrarian will be responsible for general reference, building reference collection, supervising two librarians and student assist­ ants, and other duties as assigned. Prefer liber­ al arts major w ith minimum three years experi­ ence. MLS from accredited library school re­ quired. Salary $10,000 w ith usual fringe bene­ fits. Send resume, transcripts, and letter of application to: W. Royce Butler, University Librarian, Oakland University, Rochester, Michigan 48063. HEAD REFERENCE LIBRARIAN, position available immediately. To direct central refer­ ence service. Should be qualified to become head of subject division in either humanities or social sciences in new building expected soon. Fifth year library degree, academic reference experience, some administrative experience re­ quired. Salary dependent upon qualification; faculty rank, normal benefits. C ontact D ean of L ibrary Service, University of Montana, Mis­ soula, Montana 59801 (406-243-2053). REFERENCE—Assistant Reference Librarian in busy expanding library. Library degree and subject master’s preferred. College or univer­ sity reference experience. Assistant professor rank. Long Island University, The Brooklyn Center, Brooklyn, New York 11201. Resources ASSISTANT LIBRARIAN FOR RESOURCES AND TECHNICAL SERVICES LIBRARIAN I: Salary range $7,164-$7,908 per annum. Duties: Assist in preorder and precatalog bib­ liographic searching, m aintain out-of-print desiderata files, contact faculty in direct plan­ ning of library collections for curriculum sup­ port, assist in collaboration w ith circulation departm ent in on-going inventory and collec­ tion building. For this position, some reading knowledge of foreign languages is necessary. ( Russian especially desirable, though not necessary.) An active interest in the book trade and the application of computer tech­ niques to the acquisitions process, combined w ith an aggressive personality, are especially im portant as qualifications for this position. Academic status. A nnual leave, 24 working days. Liberal retirem ent plan, sick leave and health insurance plans. W rite: D onald G. W il­ son, Acting University Librarian, University of California Library, P.O. Box 5900, Riverside, California 92507. W E A R E A N E Q U A L OP­ P O R T U N IT Y E M PLO YER. Technical Services ORDER LIBRARIAN, $7,600 and up, depend­ ing on qualifications. Miami University, founded in 1809, has an enrollment of 11,000 and a library of over 500,000 volumes and of­ fers accredited doctorates in 8 subjects. Oxford is a sylvan university tow n near Hueston W oods state park and 35 miles northwest of Cincinnati. Apply to John W eatherford, Asso­ ciate D irector and University Librarian, Mi­ ami University, Oxford, Ohio 45056. HEAD OF TECHNICAL SERVICES adminis­ trative position in expanding college library, excellent opportunity to join progressive state university system. Im portant automation and interlibrary projects being developed. O ppor­ tunity for advanced study in neighboring un i­ versities and library schools. Position carries academic rank of Associate Librarian, salary $12,000-$14,000, total TIAA retirem ent con­ tribution paid by th e institution and other fringe benefits. Apply to Mr. Selby U. Gration, D irector of Libraries, State University of New York, College at Cortland, Cortland, New York 13045. ACQUISITION LIBRARIAN to replace woman whose husband has been transferred. M.L.S. required w ith some experience. Expanding col­ lection. Excellent benefits including T.I.A.A., 4 weeks vacation, relocation expenses. New building. Salary open. Contact A. G. Anderson, Jr., H ead Librarian, W orcester Polytechnic Institute, Worcester, Mass. 01609. Telephone (617) 753-1411, Ext. 412. Congressional Digest Microfilm All volumes of Congressional Digest since 1921 are now available on 16mm positive microfilm in minim um units of one vol­ ume-year. Rates: S8 p e r volum e; 5 or m ore volumes @ $7.50 each. 45-year basic library, 1921 - 1066, $320. A nnual index reel (1921- 1968), $5. Standing orders accepted. For free descriptive brochure, write: C o n g ressio n a l D ig est 3231 P St. N .W ., W a sh in g to n D.C:. 20007 Now playing at leading college and research libraries worldwide The Literature Problem in “ PUTTING SCIENTIFIC IN F O R M A T IO N TO W O R K ” a 3 6 - m i n u t e film fe a tu r i n g a s te lla r c a st: A S C A ® S C I® P S I™ O A T S ® IC ® C C C S IS I M A G N E T IC TA PES C C LS C C P S ISI SEAR CH SER VIC E The Institute for S c ie n tific Information, the pioneering in­ formation people, wanted more co llege and rese a rch librari­ ans to be aware of their se rv ice s. A film seem ed the most practical answer to accom plish this objective. By com bining the talents of some I S I s e rv ic e s with the exciting world of color, an interesting, informative, swiftly - paced film re ­ sulted. If your organization would like to scree n this 3 6 - minute, 16 mm sound and color film, attach the coupon below (or a copy of it) to your letterhead. No charge, of course, we'd like everyone to see the film. N a m e _______________________________________T i t l e ___________________________ O r g a n i z a t i o n ________________________________________________________________ L i b r a r y _____________________________________________________________________ A d d r e s s _______________________________________C i t y ___________________________ S t a t e _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Z i p ___________________C o u n t r y __________________ D a t e d e s i r e d ___________________________A l t e r n a t e d a t e _____________________________ I N UNITED STATES: send coupon to Dept. 12-119, Institute for Scientific Information, 325 Chestnut Street, Phila., Pa. 19106. I N EUROPE: contact Mr. Anthony Cawke ll, 132 High Street, Uxbridge, Middlesex, England. Telephone Uxbridge 30085 or Mr. Peter Aborn, 6 Square Moncey, Paris 9, France. Telephone TR I 6738. IN JAPAN: contact Mr. Takashi Yamakawa, Tsutsumi Building, 13-12 1-chome, Shimbashi Minato-K u, Tokyo. Telephone (591) 5181-6. © 1 9 6 9 AN EXCITING NEW RESOURCE IN VISUAL AIDS — Ready N ow International KONRAD ADENAUER P o r t r a it Gallery PEARL S. BUCK JOHANN GUTENBERG German statesman American novelist German printer Jin . 5. 1876 • April 19. 1967 June 26. 1892 - e. 1400 Feb. 23. 1468 A ready-made vertical file containing m ore th an 750 p o r tr a its o f fa m o u s au th ors...exp lorers...actors...m usician s . . . scien tists . . . and other international figures influential in shaping world his­ tory and culture ULO I S A MAY ALCOTT Aanipache chieft GERONIMO HARRIET TUBMAN American novelist American Neg ro leader Nov. 29. 1832 March 6. 1888 e. 1821 Marrh 10. 1913 Despite th e a v a ila b ility o f vast q u a n titie s o f slides, film s trip s , and illu stra te d books, schools, libraries and o th ers w h o need visual m aterials have o fte n lacked a q u ic k and co n venient source f o r p o rtra its o f th e men and w om e n w h o have influen ced na tio nal and in te rn a tio n a l events, cu ltu re s, move­ m ents, discoveries, and a rtis tic achievements th ro u g h o u t th e centuries. Once again Gale has seen a reference gap and fille d it. T h e IN T E R N A T IO N A L P O R T R A IT G A L L E R Y con tains over 75 0 p o rtra its representing per­ sonalities selected f o r th e ir h is to ric a l im p o rta n ce o r c o n te m p o ra ry influen ce. Thousands o f p h o to ­ graphs, etchings, engravings, and p a in tin gs were made. M a ny o f th e p o rtra its were o b ta in e d fro m relatives and descendants o f fa m o u s people. A treasured ph otog rap h o f S ig m un d Freud was loaned b y his nephew. W illia m S aroyan, an xio us to have th e present g lo ry o f his sweeping mustache represented, graciously sat f o r a special p o r tr a it to replace an earlier p h o to th e researchers proposed using. T h e fa ith fu l black and w h ite re p ro d u c tio n s include p o rtra its o f noted authors, a rtists, arch ite cts, ex­ plorers, scientists, musicians, p la y w rig h ts , actors, w o rld leaders, d ip lo m a ts, generals, philosophers, and hum anita ria ns. Each is p rin te d on creamy w h ite a n tiq u e cover s to ck, size 8-1/2 x II, w ith cap tio ns w h ic h include name, v o c a tio n , n a tio n ­ a lity , ‚and dates o f b ir th and death. A ll are suitable f o r disp la y, c irc u la tio n , o r re p ro d u c tio n in p u b lic a tio n s , b y slide p ro je c tio n , and on edu­ ca tion al television. Th e c o lle c tio n comes w ith f i f t y alp h a b e tica lly- tabbed file fo ld e rs f o r easy storage. In a d d itio n , a M aster In d e x is included w h ic h con tains five h e lp fu l lists o f IN T E R N A T IO N A L P O R T R A IT G A L L E R Y subjects: (I) b y name; (2) b y c o u n try o r n a tio n a lity ; (3) b y m a jo r fie ld o f a c tiv ity (lite ra tu re , m usic, p h ilo s o p h y , science, m edicine, m ilita ry , e tc.); (4) b y year o f b ir th ; and (5) b y date o f b ir th . Each index fa c ilita te s q u ic k access to p o rtra its th a t f i l l a spe cific reference need; the year and date indexes p ro vide a record o f b ir th ­ days and anniversaries a round w h ic h a c tiv itie s can be planned to h o n o r a no table person o r observe an h is to ric event. 750 8-½ x 11 captioned portrait plates 50 alphabetic folders. Master Index $ 75.00 June. 1829 - Feb. 17. 1909 Ready For Immediate Shipment Order On Approval GALE RESEARCH COMPANY B o o k T o w e r D e tr o it, M ic h ig a n 48226 C H IL D R E N ’S LORE & LITERA TU RE These beautiful and fascinating items are mainly selected from the im portant guide HAVILAND Children’s Literature: A Guide to R eference Sources, Library of Congress, Washington, 1966. Subjects covered include Fables, Nursery Rhymes, Games o f Children, Story-Telling, Publishers o f Children’s Books in England and America. Many of these books are delightfully illustrated, others are facsimiles of early children’s books. Order any o f these titles on approval, with thirty-day free return privilege. F l o r e n c e V . B a r ry A C E N T U R Y OF C H IL D R E N 'S B O O K S . A s tud y o f eig h te e nth -ce ntu ry ch ild re n's lite ra ture and its basis in educational and philosophical tho u gh t. C o nte nts include chapters on chap-books and ballads, fa iry tales, the L illip u tia n L ib ra ry , Rousseau and the m oral tale, some great w rite rs o f little books, and the old-fashioned garden o f verses. H istorical in tro d u c tio n , b ib lio g ­ raphy, and c hronological list o f c hildren's books published fro m 1700-1825. C ite d in H aviland 7. 1 9 2 2 /2 5 7 p ./$ 8 .5 0 S a b in e B a r in g - G o u ld A B O O K O F N U R S E R Y SO NG S A N D R H Y M E S . A n excellent c o lle c tio n b y a pioneer f o lk ­ loris t o f m ost o f the songs and rhymes fa m ilia r to readers o f all ages. T he in tr o ­ d u c tio n deals w ith the f o lk rhym es as it relates to social h isto ry. Illu s tra te d w ith w o od cu ts and b order decorations. C ited in Haviland 7 75. 1 9 0 7 /1 7 5 p ./$ 6 .7 5 H e n r y B e t t N U R S E R Y R H Y M E S A N D T A L E S , T h e ir O rig in and H is to ry . Discusses m y th and tra d itio n as the y ar reflected in nursery rhymes and tales. B ib liographical notes and index. C ite d in Haviland 776; Kennedy & Sands 3332. 1 9 2 4 /1 3 9 p ./$ 7 .0 0 H e n r y B e t t T H E G A M E S O F C H IL D R E N , T h e ir O rig in and H is to ry . Explores the religious and fo lk lo re origins o f tra d itio n a l ch ild re n's games in term s o f weddings, funerals, springtim e, sunshine, fire , fairies, sacrifices, etc. C ite d in Haywood. 1 9 2 9 /1 4 0 p ./$ 6 .0 0 e ­ E f f ì e P o w e r B A G O ’T A L E S : A So urce B o o k f o r S to ry -T e lle rs . Over f i f t y tales, inclu din g m yth s, fables, and f o lk tales, w ith notes on s to ry te llin g and ch ild re n's lite ra ture. A n in tro d u c tio n stresses the im portance o f s to ry te llin g ; each section has a preface c o nta in ing a list o f stories and a b ib lio g ra p h y o f sources. A u ­ th o r was d ire c to r o f ch ild re n's w o rk at Cleveland P ublic L ib ra ry . C ite d in Haviland 679. 1 9 3 4 /3 4 0 p ./$8 .0 0 J o h a n n A m o s C o m e n iu s T H E O R B IS P IC T U S O F JO H N A M O S C O M E N IU S . The firs t ch ild re n 's p ic tu re b oo k and f o r a ce n tu ry the most p o p ula r te x tb o o k in E urope after its p ub lic a tio n in 1657. E dited b y Charles W. Bardeen, this e d itio n is illu stra ted w ith over 150 w o od cu ts, w ith English and L a tin te x ts in parallel columns. 1 887/121 p ./$ 9 .00 L in a E c k e n s te in C O M P A R A T IV E S T U D IE S IN N U R ­ S E R Y R H Y M E S . Im p o rta n t scholarly s tu d y o f riddles, chants, and nursery lore fro m various lands. R e f­ erences are given to early use, w ith a ch ro n o lo g y o f the fir s t p rin te d colle ctio n s in England. C ite d in Haviland 780. 1 91 1 /2 3 9 p ./$ 8 .5 0 L o u is e F ie ld T H E C H IL D A N D H IS B O O K . Som e A c c o u n t o f th e H is to r y and Progress o f C h ild re n ’ s L ite ra tu re in England. T h ro u g h an exam in a tio n o f in d ividu al title s and auth ors th is s tu d y clea rly shows the developm ent o f English ch ild re n's lite ra ­ tu re up to about 1826. Illu s tra te d . C ite d in Haviland 17. l8 9 5 /3 6 6 p ./$ 9 .5 0 P e r c y B. G r e e n A H IS T O R Y O F N U R S E R Y R H Y M E S . A s tu d y o f th e o rigin and meaning o f n u r­ sery rhym es fro m p re historic tim es to the n ineteenth c e n tu ry w h ich establishes a link between types o f nursery rhymes, c h ild ­ hood games, and songs in various areas o f the w o rld . C ite d in Haviland 783. 1 89 9/2 1 2 p ./$ 8 .5 0 J a m e s O . H a lliw e ll- P h illip p s P O P U L A R R H Y M E S A N D N U R S E R Y T A L E S : A Sequel to The N u rse ry R h ym es o f England. A n im p o rta n t source b oo k to tra d itio n a l rhymes, stories, and songs o f England. M any entries provide interesting background data and a few versions o f rhym es and tales fro m o th e r co un tries are given. C ite d in H aviland 8 03. 1 8 4 9 /2 8 7 p ./$ 9 .5 0 A n d r e w W . T u e r S T O R IE S F R O M O L D -F A S H IO N E D C H IL D R E N 'S B O O K S , B ro u g h t T o ­ g ether and In tro d u c e d t o th e Reader. A c o lle c tio n o f ch ild re n 's stories arranged in a pp ro xim ate ch ronological o rder fro m 1767 to 1827. Illu s tra tio n s include title pages fro m books and magazines and 2 50 amusing cuts. C ite d in Haviland 62. 1899-1900/454p./$8.50 A D I V I S I O N O F G A L E R E S E A R C H C O M P A N Y BOOK TOWER DETROIT. MICHIGAN 48226 Untitled