ACRL News Issue (B) of College & Research Libraries July/August 1994/433 And the winners are . . . Here are the official 1994 ACRL election results Susan K. Martin Patricia Senn Breivik Susan K. Martin, university librarian at George­ town University, is the 57th president o f ACRL. When asked about her plans, Martin said, “Dur­ ing 1994-95 ACRL will revise the five-year stra­ tegic plan it developed and followed during the 1980s to correspond with its members’ needs during the 1990s. There will also be a task force charged with examining certification and licens­ ing o f librarians to see whether such tools used on a voluntary basis might be helpful to the academic library community.” As president, Martin will preside over the ACRL Board o f Directors and the ACRL Execu­ tive Committee, chair the ACRL Conference Pro­ gram Planning Committee for the 1995 Annual Con ference in Chicago, and plan ACRL’s major program at the conference. She will also represent ACRL on the ALA Chicago Conference Program Planning Committee and on the ALA Planning and Budget Assembly, and she will represent ACRL and ALA i their relations with other organizations. ’ Martin has been active in ALA serving on the Council from 1988-92, on the Legislation Committee’s Copyright Subcommittee from 1981-87 and chairing it from 1984-85. She ha also served on a number o f committees o f the Library and Information Technology Associa tion (LITA) including serving as LITA president. She has been active in many other professional ­ n s ­ organizations, serving as: a member o f the Sta­ tistics Committee o f the Association o f Research Libraries, a member o f the Executive Commit­ tee o f the Research Libraries Group, and presi­ dent o f Universal Serials and Book Exchange (USBE). Martin was recognized as Simmons Col­ lege Distinguished Alumni in 1977. She has a B.A. from Tufts University, an MLS from Sim­ mons College, and a Ph.D. from the University o f California, Berkeley. Patricia Senn Breivik, associate vice-president for information resources at Towson State Uni­ versity, Maryland, has been elected vice-presi­ dent/president-elect o f ACRL. When asked about her plans as ACRL president, Breivik re­ plied, “I am gratified and excited by the elec­ tion and by the ACRL planning session held at the Midwinter Meeting because they give a strong endorsement for ACRL to reach out to the higher education community and to play a leadership role in that larger environment. It is to this end that I will direct my efforts.” Breivik’s career in librarianship has included positions as assistant dean o f the Graduate School o f Library and Information Science at the Pratt Institute; dean o f library services at Sangamon State University; and director o f the Auraria Library at the University o f Colorado. She has been very active in professional or­ ganizations. In ALA she has served on the Coun­ cil, as ALA representative to and chair o f the National Forum on Information Literacy, on the Library Instruction Round Table Executive Board, on the Advisory Committee for Ameri­ can Libraries, and on many other committees. In ACRL Breivik has served on the Professional Association Liaison Committee and the Con­ tinuing Education Committee, among others. She has served on several state and regional library commissions, councils, and committees. She has chaired the American Association for Higher Education Information Literacy Action Committee, the American Council on Educa­ tion Council o f Fellows, and the National Fo­ rum on Information Literacy. Breivik has received many honors includ­ ing the American Association o f School Librar­ 434 /C&RL News ians Crystal Apple Award (1992), the G.K. Hall Library Literature Award (1990), and the Co­ lumbia University School o f Library Service Dis­ tinguished Service Award (1989)- She is the au­ thor o f Information Literacy: Revolution in the Library (1989) and Planning the Library Instruc­ tion Program (1982), and coedited, with Rob­ ert Wedgeworth, Libraries and the Search fo r Academic Excellence (1988). The rest o f the ACRL election results fol­ low. The elected candidate is given first, with the number o f votes received in parentheses. ACRL Vice-President/President-Elect: Patricia S. Breivik (1,169); Maureen D. Pastine (975). Division Councilor: W. Lee Hisle (1,167); Paul E. Dumont (666). Director-at-Large: Victoria A. Montavon (934); Marian C. Winner (814). Director-at-Large: Mary Reichel (1,077); Patri­ cia A. McCandless (472); Robert B. Ridinger (384). Director-at-Large: JilIB. Fatzer (1,096); Carolyn L. Robison (691). Director-at-Large: Bernard Fradkin (932); Derrie B. Roark (760). A fro-A m erican Studies Librarians Section Vice-Chair/Chair-Elect: Gladys Smiley Bell (41); Kathleen E. Bethel (19). Secretary: Mary G. Wrighten (37); Brenda D. Sloan (20). Member-at-Large: Gloria J. Mims (41); Grace M. Jackson-Brown (14). Member-at-Large: Itibari M. Zulu (32); Alice Reviere Smith (30). A nth ro p o lo g y a nd Sociology Section Vice-Chair/Chair-Elect: James W. Williams (98); write-in candidate (4). Member-at-Large: Joan R. Berman (65); Carol Ritzen Kem (44). ARTS Section Vice-Chair/Chair-Elect: Christine A. Whitting­ ton (90); Paula L. Epstein (46). A sian, A frican, a nd M id d le Eastern Section Vice-Chair/Chair-Elect: James N. Gentner(6l); write-in candidate (3). Member-at-Large (tw o elected): Zhijia Shen (48); Carol L. Jones (23). Bibliographic Instruction Section Vice-Chair/Chair-Elect: Esther S. Grassian (401); Eugene A. Engeldinger (381). Secretary: MaryJ. Petrowski (473); Madeline A. Copp (257). Member-at-Large: SaraJ. Penhale (429); Natalie C. Pelster (304). Member-at-Large: Bee H. Gallegos (390); Monica G. Fusich (328). College Libraries Section Vice-Chair/Chair-Elect: Larry L. Hardesty (314); John G. Jaffe (98). Secretary: Sue A. Burkholder (242); Paul Coleman (136). Member-at-Large: Micheline E. Jedrey (204); Tara Lynn Fulton (173). C om m unity a n d Junior College Libraries Section Vice-Chair/Chair-Elect: Gretchen H. Neill (131); Cary L. Sowell (53). Secretary: Wanda Johnston (127); Jay Clark (56). Education a nd B ehavioral Sciences Section Vice-Chair/Chair-Elect: Patricia E. Libutti (227); write-in candidate (5). Member-at-Large: Kimberly B. Kelley (152); Jill C. Althage (87). Extended Campus Library Services Section Adoption o f Proposed Bylaws Change: Yes (129); No (3). Vice-Chair/Chair-Elect: Susan Potter (95); Nancy L. Gaynor (41). Member-at-Large: Robert P. Morrison (87); Sharon Hybki Kerr (43). Law and Political Science Section Vice-Chair/Chair-Elect: Judy L. Solberg (86); Catherine F. Doyle (34). Member-at-Large: William A. Orme (61); Brian B. Carpenter (56). Rare Books a n d M anuscripts Section Vice-Chair/Chair-Elect: Elizabeth L. Johnson (222); Mark G. Dimunation (153)- Member-at-Large: Richard W. Oram (188); Charlotte B. Brown (184). Science a nd Technology Section Vice-Chair/Chair-Elect: Alison Scott Ricker (214); Judith A. Carter (122). July/August 19S>4/435 Secretary: Julie M. Hurd (229); Mara L. Sprai ( 110). Slavic and East European Section Vice-Chair/Chair-Elect: Laszlo L. Kovacs (48) write-in candidate (4). Member-at-Large: Bradley L. Schaffner (50) write-in candidate (2). U niversity Libraries Section Vice-Chair/Chair-Elect: WilliamJ. Crowe (686) David W. Lewis (540). Member-at-Large (tw o elected): Elaine Didie (465); Louise Sherby (274) James Cogswel (263); Tyrone Cannon (159). n ; ; ; r l W estern European Specialists Section ice-Chair/Chair-Elect: MichaelP. Olson (101); Thomas M. Izbicki (57). ecretary: Gretchen E. Holten (95); Reinhart Sonnenburg (57). ember-at-Large: Sem C. Sutter (69); Julie M. Still (50); Peter B. Allison (40). o m e n 's Studies Section ice-Chair/Chair-Elect: Grace M. Jackson- Brown (99); Rita M. Pellen (67). ecretary: May M. Jafari (142); write-in candi­ date (2). ember-at-Large: Kristin Ramsdell (95); V S M W V S M Pauline D. Manaka (68). ■ (Sigma X i cont. from page 432) forum’s press conference), but no suggestions were offered as to how it would be remedied in future forums. Indeed, one component o f Goals 2,000 re­ lates to educational technology. Though Albert spoke o f the federal government’s plans for the development o f electronic highways, no men­ tion was made o f the Coalition for Networked Information. During the question-and-answer segment o f the press conference, he did admit to having not heard about the Coalition or its agenda, then invited informed individuals to communicate such information (or any other relevant information) to the following e-mail addresses: scistnd@nas.bitnet or scistnd@ The mailing address is: National Sci­ ence Education Standards, 2101 Constitution Avenue, NW, HA 486, Washington, DC 20418; phone: (202) 334-1399. The v ie w from the field Several members o f the audience noted the negative effects on children o f television pro­ grams and sitcoms, most o f which present sci­ ence either as a subject for nerds or o f little value to the individual’s well-being or national survival. One suggestion was that Sigma Xi members use their influence in the corporate laboratories to restrict their respective compa­ nies’ advertising in any television show which does not actively support education and/or sci­ ence and their positive roles in America’s fu­ ture. The major concerns expressed by almost all speakers were: much o f the current content- based science curriculum is out o f date, many teachers are out o f touch with “live science,” most have little more than a nodding acquain­ tance with the practice o f the very subject which they teach, and, finally, the median age o f the nation’s K-12 science and math teachers is in the mid-40s; hence, most have been out o f school for more than 20 years. The proceedings o f the forum, due to ap­ pear in fall 1994, may provide very interesting and detailed accounts o f efforts aimed at coun­ teracting such a situation. Understandably, the role o f college librarians in these efforts was not even mentioned, yet the following sug­ gested collaborative actions at the local level could certainly include them: Assist teachers in locating funding sources; provide (on-campus) hosting facilities for science fairs; and volun­ teer to serve on school committees to provide technical assistance on technology (hardware, software, and electronic and multimedia re­ sources). N e x t y e a r's them e The theme for next year’s forum will touch upon an issue with global implications: A 50-year ret­ rospective on Vannevar Bush’s book Science: The Endless Frontier, which was first published in 1945 and dealt with research and develop­ ment plans just after World War II. H ow this frontier will develop in the future, particularly with the close o f the cold war, will be the sub­ ject o f next year’s forum to be held in North Carolina at Sigma X i’s headquarters, 99 Alexander Drive, P. O. Box 13975, Research Triangle, NC 27709; phone: (919) 549-4691 or (800) 243-6534. ■