ACRL News Issue (B) of College & Research Libraries 438/C&RL News internet Reviews S ara A m a to , editor CancerNet. Access: go pher:// 11/clin/cancernet; gophei; #3. Health and Clinical Information; #1. CancerNet Information. Pro­ ducer: National Cancer Insti­ tute. Contact: Cheryl Burg c h eryl@ icicb .n ci.n ih .gov (301) 496-8880. A question asked by ev­ ery Internet navigator is “H ow reliable is this infor­ mation?” With CancerNet. the National Cancer Institute (N C I) has set a high standard. Arranged by can­ cer type, site, and patient age, 100+ state-of- the-art summaries are prepared by a board o f oncology experts, peer-reviewed by other ex­ perts, and updated monthly, if indicated. Writ­ ten at both physician and lay levels, most are available in English and Spanish. Additional re­ sources include Supportive Care Statements (14) on topics like nutrition, pain management, and nausea; Cancer Screening Summaries (10) for breast, cervical, skin, and other frequent sites; and investigational drug documents (11) with taxol and tretinoin among those listed. Couple this with document delivery via downloading, electronic mail, or telefacsimile and the poten­ tial o f the Internet becomes apparent. These summaries make up the PDQ Cancer Informa­ tion File available from online vendors. Future CancerNet plans call for adding other NCI in­ formation as well. And there’s more, lots more. Over 100 Fact Sheets from NCI’s Office o f Cancer Communi­ cations organized into broad areas such as can­ cer risk factors, prevention, and rehabilitation are available. That’s not all, but hopefully enough to en­ courage further exploration. CancerNet can be found on the NIH gopher noted above in the Health and Clinical Information directory and through several other gophers worldwide. For a Table o f contents and instructions on using C a n cerN et, sen d an e-m a il m essa ge to with the w ord “HELP” as the body. For those with only e-mail access to the Internet (via CompuServe for ex- Sara Amato is systems librarian at Willamette Univer­ sity, Salem, Oregon; e-mail: ample), the item codes re­ turned can be used to sub­ mit document requests. Al­ though a two-step process, the server is responsive and documents have been sent to o v e r 40 cou n tries. CancerNet information is the Internet at its best.— Greg Pratt, Texas Medical Center Library EDGAR. Access: WWW: edgar.html. Detailed financial information has come to the Internet in the form o f EDGAR (Electronic Data Gathering, Analysis and Retrieval). This controversial database presently contains over 8,300 annual and quarterly reports (8-K, 10-K, 10-Q, N-SAR, etc.) filed electronically with the Security and Exchange Commission (SEC) by publicly traded companies. Over the next two years approximately 15,000 companies will file electronic reports. The Internet version o f EDGAR is currently maintained by the N ew York University School o f Business, along with the Internet Multicasting Service, through a two- year National Science Foundation grant. Though growing, EDGAR is actually not in­ tended as a permanent database; the service will discontinue upon expiration o f its grant after 1995. Rather, the purpose o f EDGAR is to demonstrate the feasibility o f archiving and dis­ tributing large data collections at reasonable cost over the Internet. The best access point for EDGAR is World W ide Web, using a sophisticated browser such as Mosaic, which permits online, keyw ord searching. A resourceful alternative is through Washburn University Law School’s' telnet site at: Login as washlaw and go to the Federal Government Information/(EDGAR) SEC Filings directory. Regardless o f access method, users should expect to wait as long as 5-10 minutes for retrieval o f EDGAR’s large (up to one Mb) data and index files. EDGAR is also available directly via ftp and e-mail from: T o ftp records o f individual U.S. companies, first download the index file /edgar/full-index/company.idx to determine each report’s unique numerical iden­ tifier. Searchers should also retrieve the help file general.txt in the /edgar directory. Note that many gophers allow searching o f ftp sites, with the opportunity to retrieve files via go- pher-mail (e.g., in the Internet Resources/Archie and ftp directory). To mail the company index send the fol­ lowing message to send edgar/company.idx. After identifying specific companies, request individual reports with the message: send edgar/datal/xxx/xxx.txt where xxx represents a multidigit code from the in­ dex. T o retrieve just one or a few records, the search command provides the most efficient method for identifying file names. As with go­ pher, WAIS, and WWW, Search allows keyword and boolean queries. Send as mail, for example: search Douglas and McDonnell to find several pages o f report identifiers for the McDonnell Douglas Corporation. Regardless o f difficulty, EDGAR boasts high usage. As o f March up to 20,000 documents were transferred each week, amounting to over 17 gigabytes o f data. System administrators be­ lieve the service will eventually reach 200,000 users. But this success must be measured by the realization that EDGAR serves primarily as a demonstration project, not as an archival trea­ sure chest.— Larry Schankman, Mansfield Uni­ versity The Center f o r Advanced Space Stud­ ies. Access: W W W : CASS_home.html or telnet: Login: cass, password: online. Terminal Emu­ lation: vtlOO, X-windows. Established 25 years ago under the auspices o f the National Academy o f Science, the Uni­ versities Space Research Association is a con­ sortium o f 76 colleges and universities that sup­ port graduate programs in the space sciences and aerospace engineering. The Center for Ad­ vanced Space Studies (CASS), located in Hous­ ton near the Johnson Space Center, is one o f USRA’s principal research facilities and a major conference center. Built in 1991, CASS is home to the Exploration Science Institute, Division o f Educational Programs, Division o f Space Life Sciences, and the Lunar and Planetary Institute. These agencies support space and planetary research through project coordination, educa­ tional programs, conferences, publishing, and computer networking. CASS’ menu-based online system reflects its collaborative mission. A common interface per­ mits users to move easily among the center’s diverse collection o f resources. However, users must contend with minor command and dis­ play variations within individual tools and da­ tabases. Online help is readily available. The system’s downloading feature supports e-mail, ftp, X, Y, and Z modems. Students, researchers, and the public can keep abreast o f current research and explora­ tion projects in the LPI Bulletin, a quarterly pub­ lication o f the Lunar and Planetary Institute, and on the Mars Exploration Bulletin Board. A conference and workshop schedule lists up­ coming meetings and seminars. The Lunar & Planetary Bibliography, Library Catalog, and Meeting Abstracts provide access to an extensive collection o f literature on space and planetary research. Planetary science researchers will be inter­ ested in CASS’ Image Retrieval & Processing System, a database containing information about planetary images. Each record includes: mis­ sion, spacecraft, and imaging instrumentation; time, date, latitude, and longitude when taken; the geometry o f the spacecraft, planet and sun; and ordering information. Additional planetary data and information are available in the USGS Index to Planetary Maps, Venusian Impact Cra­ ter Inventory, and USGS Gazetteer o f Planetary Nomenclature. The latter is a browseable index o f hundreds o f named geographical features. CASS’ World Wide Web homepage contains links to its online system, NASA’s W W W docu­ ment and the Planetary Data Institute. H ow ­ ever, as o f this review, the link to the center’s online system failed to connect properly. CASS is an excellent resource for the pro­ fessional researcher or student interested in the exploration and mapping o f the solar system. However, its easy to use interface and current news items will appeal to the general science student and space enthusiast.— Michael White, Loyola University ■ Clarification The acquisition notice on the Los Ange­ les riot collection at the University o f South­ ern California in the May issue implied that the Christopher and Webster materials are part o f that collection. However, they are part o f the Special Collections Department and their access is restricted. The editors regret the confusion. July/August 1994 / 439