ACRL News Issue (B) of College & Research Libraries 310 / C&RL News manities to preserve and catalog the Joseph J. Pen­ nell collection of 32,000 glass negatives taken by the Junction City, Kansas, photographer between 1888 and 1922. The significance of the collection lies in the completeness with which it documents daily life in a midwestern town and a nearby Army post (Fort Riley) during a period of change and growth. The Kansas Collection has also been aw arded a N a tio n a l H isto ric al P u b licatio n s an d R ecords Commission supplemental grant of $8,000 to con­ tinue microfilming a selected portion of the J.B. Watkins papers. Watkins was a 19th-century L aw ­ rence business entrepreneur who operated a land mortgage company. • York University Law Library, Downsview, O ntario, has received a grant of $8,000 from C ana­ d a ’s Social Sciences and H um anities Research Council to assist in the collection of English nomi­ native law reports. These original 18th-century re­ ports will strengthen the library’s collection of Brit­ ish prim ary source m aterial. ■ ■ P E O P L E Profiles J ohn K. Amrhein has been appointed director of the library at California State College, Stanislaus, effective August 1. C urrently he is university li­ b r a r ia n a t K u tz to w n U niversity, Pennsylva­ nia. B efore co m in g to K u tzto w n in 1971, he was circulation lib ra r­ ian at Kent State Uni­ versity, Ohio. His other e x p erien ce in c lu d es three years at the Penn­ sylvania State U niver­ sity Libraries as periodi­ cals li b r a r ia n a n d as assistan t lib ra ria n for John K. Am rhein C o m m o n w e a lth c a m ­ puses a n d c o n tin u in g education. D uring his 13 years at Kutztown Uni­ versity, the library collection tripled in size, interli­ brary loan increased by 1400 %, and a com prehen­ sive b ib lio g ra p h ic in s tru c tio n p ro g ra m w as developed. Am rhein holds a bachelor’s degree from D u ­ quesne University, an MLS from the University of P ittsb u rg h , and a m a ster’s in philosophy from Pennsylvania State University. He contributed the philosophy chapter to the second and third editions of Bill K atz’s Magazines for Libraries (1972 & 1978). E llen H offman has been named director of li­ braries at York University, Downsview, Ontario, effective May 1. She was assistant director for p u b ­ lic services at York and had served as acting di­ rector since 1,983. Her previous experi­ ence includes positions as referen ce lib ra ria n (1 9 7 5 -1 9 7 8 ), h e a d of the Reference D e p a rt­ ment (1973-1975), and A tkinson a n d u n d e r ­ g ra d u a te lib r a r ia n (1971-1973) a t York. From 1966 to 1971 she worked at Yale Univer­ Ellen H offm an sity Library. She holds b a c h e lo r’s (1965) and MLS (1966) degrees from the University of Wiscon­ sin, Madison. Hoffman is currently a member of the ACRL Membership Committee and the LAMA Statistics for College and University Libraries Committee, and has been a member of the ALA Reference and S u b sc rip tio n Books R eview C o m m itte e . In 1982-1983 she was a participant in the ARL/OMS C o n s u lta n t T ra in in g P ro g ra m . H o ffm a n has served as chair of the O ntario Geac User Group and is a member of the C anadian Library Associa­ tion. Stanton F. Biddle, associate director for plan­ ning and development at the State University of New York at Buffalo, has been named chief lib rar­ ian at Baruch College of the City University of New York, effective April 30. Biddle was aw arded the first ACRL/ISI Dissertation Fellowship in 1983 for June 1984 / 311 his dissertation proposal on planning in university libraries. He is currently working on the comple­ tion of his doctorate through the School of Library and Information Studies at the University of Cali­ fornia, Berkeley. Biddle also holds a master’s degree in public ad­ ministration from New York University, an MLS from Atlanta University, and a bachelor’s degree from Howard University. He interned at the Uni­ versity of California, Berkeley, under the Council on Library Resources Academic Library Manage­ ment Program. As associate director at SUNY-Buffalo, Biddle chaired the autom ated circulation system selection committee, the Task Force on the Research Li­ braries Group, and the Faculty and Professional Staff Development Committee. Ronald E. W yllys has been nam ed dean of the G raduate School of Library and Inform ation Sci­ ence at the University of Texas at Austin. He has been serving as acting dean since September 1982, when Dean Claud Glenn Sparks resigned to return to full-time teaching. A specialist in research m eth­ ods emphasizing statistics, systems analysis, library automation and operations research, Wyllys joined the UT faculty in 1972. He received a Ph.D. degree in information sci­ ence from the University of Wisconsin at Madison in 1974 and a bachelor’s degree in mathematics from Arizona State University in 1950. His other professional experience includes positions as lec­ turer in the computer sciences departm ent at the University of Wisconsin (1966-1972) and chief sys­ tems analyst for the University of Wisconsin Li­ braries (1966-1969); computer systems specialist for System D e v e lo p m e n t C o rp o ra tio n (1961-1966); and associate in information retrieval for Planning Research Corporation (1959-1961). Articles by Wyllys have appeared in such publi­ cations as Collection Management, Communica­ tions of the Association fo r Computing Machinery, and Library Trends. He is co-author of a book on national document-handling systems. People in the News M ichael G orman, director of the Division of General Services at the University of Illinois Li­ brary, Urbana, has joined the faculty of the Uni­ versity of Chicago G raduate Library School as a visiting professor for the Spring and Summer 1984 terms. Pie is teaching a course in bibliographic util­ ities and networks, an advanced seminar on aca­ demic and research libraries, and an eight-session continuing education course in the summer. Norman H orrocks, director of the Dalhousie University School of Library Service, Nova Scotia, has been elected vice-president/president-elect of the Association for Library and Information Sci­ ence Education (ALISE). N orman Nelson, assistant university librarian at Oklahoma State University, will assume the of fice of president of the Oklahoma Library Associa tion on July 1. Barbara J. Pinzelik, associate humanities and general services librarian at Purdue University, was presented the 1984 John H. Moriarty Award for Excellence in Library Service by the President of the University on April 26. D ennis Reynolds, head of OCLC services at the Bibliographic Center for Research, Denver, will teach a course in library automation at the Univer sity of Chicago G raduate Library School this sum mer. He will also teach a ten-session continuing ed ucation course of a more general nature on the same topic. Appointments (Appointm ent notices are taken from library newsletters, letters from personnel offices and ap pointees, and other sources. To ensure th at your appointm ent appears, write to the Editor, ACRL, 50 E. Huron St., Chicago, IL 60611.) Asano Albertson has been appointed acting head of the Acquisitions D epartm ent, State Uni versity of New York at Stony Brook. Anthony J. Amodeo has been appointed assis tan t reference librarian with responsibility for reli gion and the classics at Loyola Marymount Univer sity, Los Angeles. Carolyn Anderson has been appointed head o the State Services Section, Dykes Library, Univer sity of Kansas Medical Center, Kansas City. Gary Bertchume has been appointed cataloger at Columbia University, New York. Mary Biggs has joined the faculty of the G radu ate Library School, University of Chicago, as assis tant professor and editor of the Library Quarterly. Michael R. Blake has been appointed reference librarian in the Countway Library of Medicine, Harvard University. Julianne Bobay is the new instruction librarian at Indiana University, Bloomington. Deborah Brown has been appointed collection management coordinator at California State Poly technic University, Pomona. Jimmie Brown has been appointed data process ing librarian at Washington University, St. Louis, Missouri. Robin C arlaw is now curatorial associate in the H arvard University Archives. Br ig it te C arnochan has been appointed li brary development officer at Stanford University, California. J oseph Cavanaugh has been appointed library systems/planning officer at the State University o New York at Stony Brook. Barbara Celone has been named head of the Cubberley Education Library, Stanford Univer sity, California. L eroy Chadwick joined the staff of the Univer ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ : ­ f ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ f ­ ­ 312 / C &R L News sity of W ashington Health Sciences Library, Seat­ tle, as serials librarian. Sharon E . C lark has been ap p o in ted a u to ­ m ated systems librarian at the University of Illi­ nois, U rbana. W illiam A. C lintworth has been appointed public services librarian at the University of South­ ern C alifornia’s Norris Medical Library, Los An­ geles. C athleen H. C onroy is now serials conversion project coordinator in the H arvard University Li­ brary, Cam bridge. D ean C ovington has been nam ed head of Gen­ eral Reference at the University of Nevada, Las Ve­ gas. D aniel D abney has joined the reference staff of the T arlto n L aw L ibrary, University of Texas, Austin. J udith M. D owney has been appointed m anu­ scripts librarian at the W haling Museum Library, Old D artm outh Historical Society, New Bedford, Massachusetts. D eborah G. D uchala has been appointed li­ brary personnel officer at the State University of New York at Albany. E dward M. D zierzak has been nam ed director of the Health Sciences Library, Marshall Univer­ sity School of Medicine, H untingdon, West V ir­ ginia. C harles J ames E dwards has been appointed head of the Media Center, O degaard U ndergradu­ ate L ibrary, at the University of W ashington, Seat­ tle. K athy F arrell has been appointed assistant catalog librarian at the University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Chuck F orbes has been nam ed head of the com­ bined Hum anities and Social Sciences Division, University of British Colum bia, Vancouver. C onnie F oster is now serials supervisor, W est­ ern Kentucky University, Bowling Green. P aul M. G raham has jo in ed th e fa c u lty of Rutgers University Libraries, New Brunswick, New Jersey, as cataloger in C entral Technical Ser­ vices. D orothy G regor is the new chief of the Shared Cataloging Division, Library of Congress. Nancy Gwinn has been appointed assistant di­ rector for collections m anagem ent at the Smithso­ nian Institution Libraries, W ashington, D .C . D onald H aggerty has been nam ed university archivist at the State University of New York at Al­ bany. Stuart C. H ancock is now reference and li­ b ra ry in stru ctio n lib ra ria n a t M ercy College, Dobbs Ferry, New York. C harlie H eaberlin is now serials librarian at American University Law Library, W ashington, D .C . Shelley H eaton has been appointed reference Midwest Library Service You won’t find more personal attention . . . anywhere College and university librarians: We have what you’re looking for. While Midwest utilizes state-of-the-art computer systems, we realize machines can’t do it ail. So when you want to place an order, ask a question, or discuss a problem, you can call direct on Midwest’s toll-free WATS line and conduct business on a name- to-name basis with your personal customer service representative. It’s the kind of attention that Midwest has provided to college and university libraries for 24 years. Midwest Library Service 11443 St. Charîes Rock Road Bridgeton, MO 63044 Call toll-free (800) 325-8833 Missouri librarians call toll-free (800) 392-5024 Canadian librarians call collect (314) 739-3100 June 1984 / 313 librarian and bibliographer at the University of Nevada, Las Vegas. C onstance W. H olt has been appointed public services coordinator at the University of Wiscon­ sin, La Crosse. E lizabeth H ood has been appointed serials cat- aloger at Trinity University, San Antonio, Texas. Ron J ohnson has been nam ed director of the li­ brary at Pacific University, Forest Grove, Oregon. E lizabeth Kelly has been appointed director of the Biddle Law Library, University of Pennsylva­ nia, Philadelphia. Melody S. Kelly is the new government docu­ ments librarian at North Texas State University, Denton. Marjorie Knittel has been appointed educa- tion/psychology lib ra ria n in th e Social Scien- ces/Hum anities Reference D epartm ent, Oregon State University, Corvallis. W illiam E. McE lhaney is now librarian of the Mercy College Libraries’ Yonkers Extension, W est­ chester County, New York. Bonnie MacE wan has been nam ed art, archae­ ology and music librarian at the University of Mis­ souri, Columbia. Izzora Maynard has been appointed reference librarian at H arvard’s W idener Library. Otis Midgett has been appointed reference li­ brarian at the State University of New York at Al­ bany. Rita Millican is the new head of technical ser­ vices at the Louisiana State University Law Li­ brary, Baton Rouge. Patrice Moskow has been prom oted to head of reference services in the G utm an Library, H arvard University. Kurt R. Murphy is now head of library systems analysis at the University of Oregon, Eugene. E llen Nagle has been nam ed director of the D ana Medical L ibrary, University of V erm ont, Burlington. Michael Newman has been appointed reference librarian at Lane Medical Library, Stanford Uni­ versity, California. Paula Nielson has been appointed cataloger at Princeton University Library, New Jersey. Sheila Keil O sheroff is now working on a re t­ rospective conversion project as serials cataloger at Oregon State University, Corvallis. L ouis Pitschmann has assumed new duties as Icelandic librarian for Special Collections and dep­ uty collections librarian for Collection Develop­ m ent at Cornell University, Ithaca, New York. Richard Reeb has been appointed assistant head of the Catalog D epartm ent, University of Wiscon­ sin, Madison. Marie Reidelbach has been promoted to head of reference at the McGoogan Library of Medicine, University of Nebraska Medical Center, Om aha. Margaret Rohdy has been appointed assistant head of the Cataloging D epartm ent, Van Pelt L i­ brary, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia. J, D avid Rudman has been appointed Scandina­ vian cataloger at the University of W ashington, Se­ attle. Rochelle Sager has been appointed associate dean for public services, Adelphi University, G ar­ den City, New York. Sam Sayre is now reference and interlibrary loan librarian at Reed College, Portland. Brian Schottlaender is the new head of the Monographic Cataloging Section at the University of California, Los Angeles. P aula Sennett has been a p p o in te d docu- ments/reference librarian at the Loyola University of Chicago Law School Library. Susan Severtson has been appointed vice presi­ dent, marketing and sales, for Carrollton Press, Arlington, Virginia. W illiam R. Smith has been appointed serials cataloger at Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore. M. Christina Sokol has been appointed mono­ graphs cataloger at Trinity University, San Anto­ nio, Texas. Raymond Soto has been appointed assistant to the university librarian, University of California, Los Angeles. J oAnne L. Sparks has been appointed external degree program lib rarian at C entral Michigan University, Mount Pleasant. T om Stave is now tem porary personnel librar­ ian at the University of Oregon, Eugene. W inston T abb has been appointed chief of the Inform ation and Reference Division in the Library of Congress Copyright Office. W illiam E. T ydeman has been nam ed head of the Special Collections D epartm ent at the Univer­ sity of New Mexico, Albuquerque. Allan Urbanic has been appointed Slavic serials conversion librarian in the H arvard College Li­ brary. O. F. Van Jepmond has been appointed execu­ tive director of the W ashington Library Network, Olympia. Marilyn Vent is now assistant cataloger at the University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Margie W ait is the new circulation librarian at the University of Oklahoma Law Library, Nor­ man. Margaret W ells has been appointed inform a­ tion services librarian at the State University Col­ lege at Buffalo, New York. Anne W hipple has been appointed library m i­ crofilm assistant at the State University of New York at Albany. D orothy W illis has been appointed regional development coordinator at the University of Ne­ braska Medical Center, Omaha. Retirements T ung-Chu C hen, Nesbitt and Evening College librarian at Drexel University, Philadelphia, re­ tired on March 30. 314 / C&RL News Jean H udson, general reference librarian at the U n iv ersity of C a lifo rn ia , B erkeley, r e tire d in M arch after 27 years of service. Scott Kennedy, head of the Physical Sciences L ib rary at the University of C alifornia, Davis, since 1975, retired on January 6. C laire Meyer, reference librarian at the Uni­ versity of Oregon, Eugene, will retire on June 30. She has been at Oregon since 1961, having served as head of circulation, head of interlibrary loan, and catalog inform ation service librarian. D ave Schacht, science and technology librarian at Oregon State University, Corvallis, retired on January 1. E nid W aterman, collections research librarian at the University of W aterloo, O ntario, retired at the end of April after 21 years of service. Deaths Kathleen E ads, librarian in the H um anities L i­ brary at Southern Illinois University, C arbondale, died on February 9. She had been at C arbondale 23 years. D onald A. O sborne, head of acquisitions at the State University of New York at Stony Brook, died on F ebruary 25. C harles W . D avid, form er director of libraries and professor of history at the University of Penn­ sylvania, died on April 2 at the age of 99. The au ­ thor of several scholarly works in m edieval his­ tory, D avid also played a m ajor role during the 1940s and 1950s in the development of the Un­ ion L ib rary C atalog of Pennsylvania and the re­ vitalization and expan­ sion of the University of Penns • v / lvania Libraries. D avid earned a bach­ elor’s degree from Ox­ ford as a Rhodes Scholar Charles W. D avid in 1911 and a doctorate from H arvard in 1918. He tau g h t history at the University of W ashington for three years and at Bryn M aw r College from 1918 to 1940. In the 1930s he joined historian Con­ yers Read to become one of the principal architects of the Union L ibrary C atalog of Pennsylvania. In 1940 D avid becam e professor of history and the first full-tim e director of libraries at the Univer­ sity of Pennsylvania. For the next 15 years until he Lockw ood to retire from Choice m agazine Louise Lockwood, associate editor of Choice, has announced her retirem ent at the end of Decem ­ ber 1984. Lockwood joined the staff during the m agazine’s first year of p u b lic a tio n . She w as nam ed associate editor in 1972. C h o ic e, A C R L’s p u blication of rev ie w s of m a te ria ls s u ita b le fo r lib r a r ie s serving undergraduates, b e g a n p u b lis h in g in M arch 1964 on the cam ­ pus of Wesleyan Univer­ sity in M id d le to w n , C o n n e c tic u t, a n d in 1965 moved to a private Louise Lockw ood office in town. Lockwood graduated from Bryn M awr College in 1945 w ith a degree in psychology and later did graduate work at City College of New York and Southern Connecticut State University. From 1947 to 1951 she worked as a psychologist at the Brearley School in New York City. In m id-1964, after several years of raising three children, she joined Choice at the invitation of Richard K. G ardner, the m agazine’s founding edi­ tor, As assistant editor from 1964 to 1972, she was prim arily responsible for books in the social sci­ ences and hum anities. Of the 120,000 publications reviewed by Choice since 1964, Lockwood selected and edited the reviews for approxim ately 30,000. Next year she plans to do some traveling and edi­ torial consulting, and will also retu rn to her hobby of making ceramics. D u rin g th e tw enty years th a t Lockwood has been affiliated w ith th e m agazine, Choice has grown from a publication w ith 1,165 subscribers, chiefly college and university libraries, to one w ith over 4,000 subscribers. College and university li­ b ra ry subscribers have been joined by p u b lic, school, and special libraries as well as publishers and individuals. In 1968 Choice began offering subscribers the opportunity to purchase Reviews- O n-Cards as well as the magazine; nearly 1,000 li­ braries currently subscribe to this service. Choice has also expanded from 3,388 reviews in its first volume to 6,611 reviews in its tw entieth vol­ ume. In 1980 Choice began including reviews of non-print m aterials and has most recently added reviews of com puter software. In addition to p u b ­ lishing the m agazine and the cards, Choice also oc­ casionally publishes items in its Bibliographical Es­ say Series; this series has included the “Opening Day Collection” and most recently, the th ird edi­ tion of “Building a C hildren’s L iterature Collec­ tio n .” ■ ■ Ju n e 1984 / 315 retired in 1955, he worked to achieve a remarkable renaissance of the University’s neglected libraries. He also served a five-year term as executive secre­ tary of the Association of Research Libraries, and played a major role in the Farmington Plan and re­ building the war-ravaged libraries of Europe. After his retirement from Penn at the age of 70, David went on to plan and establish the Eleuther­ ian Mills Historical Library, a major research col­ lection for American business and industrial his­ tory, at Longwood, Delaware. Then he established the Maritime Library at the Mystic Seaport Mu­ seum in Connecticut. During these “retirement” years he also served as chairman of the Board of Trustees at West Chester State Teachers College and guided it through a difficult transition.— Richard De Gennaro, University of Pennsylvania. John M. Sekerak, former agricultural sciences librarian at the University of California, Davis, died on April 2 in Sacramento. He previously held positions at Modesto Junior College and American River College, and also undertook foreign assign­ ments for the U.N. Food and Agriculture Organi­ zation in Sudan and Bangledesh. His subject bibli­ ography, Grapes, Viticulture, W ine and W ine Making, was sponsored in 1975 by the American Society of Enologists. Caroline M. Shillaber, former librarian of the G raduate School of Design, Harvard University, died on March 22. She had been associated with Harvard since 1931, when she became assistant li­ brarian of w hat was then the library of the D epart­ ments of Landscape Architecture and Regional Planning. In 1951 she moved to MIT, where she served until 1963 as librarian of the Rotch Library of Architecture and Urban Planning. In that year she returned to Harvard as librarian of the G radu­ ate School of Design. Jolan G. Szendrey, of the Departm ent of Spe­ cial Collections and Archives, Rutgers University, died on April 12. She had been with the Rutgers li­ braries for 33 years and was well known for her work as agricultural librarian at the College of Ag­ riculture and Environm ental Science. She also worked as associate librarian at the Library of Sci­ ence and Medicine. ■ ■ N E W T E C H N O L O G Y • Alos Micrographics Corporation has devel­ oped a desk-size rollfilm reader-printer that utilizes a dry printing process. The reader is for 16mm rollfilm in open reels or cartridges. Film drive and film tension are controlled by solid-state electron­ ics. The dry printing process produces high resolu­ tion, high contrast positive prints from both posi­ tiv e an d n eg ativ e film s. The use of monocomponent toner makes toner refill simple. Contact: Alos Micrographics Corp., P.O. Box407, W alden, NY 12586; (914) 778-7511. • CLASS has announced a multi-user version of its Checkmate serials control software system that allows access to the system from more than one lo­ cation, so that up to three persons can check in peri­ odicals or look up records for reference. The system works with a TRS-80 Model 16 microcomputer, and requires a Xenix operating system and a hard disk containing at least 8 megabytes. The cost is $4,500. The single-user version of Checkmate will continue to be available for IBM PC and IBM PC- XT microcomputers only. Contact: CLASS, 1415 Koll Circle, Suite 101, San Jose, CA 95112; (408) 289-1756. ♦ Collector’s D ata Service is a new database that will go online on June 15. Designed to provide buy­ ers and sellers of fine collectibles with a compre­ hensive communications link, it may also be of ser­ vice to special collections and acq uisitions librarians. Available to anyone with access to a computer and modem, the service has no member­ ship fees, minimums, or monthly charges—the only costs are for connect time for users and listings for sellers, both handled by on the spot credit card validation. The major categories of collectibles in­ clude rare books, art, musical instruments, an­ tiques, and stamps. Lists of stolen property will be carried, along with newsletters, events calendars, auction listings, and shows. For more information, contact Collector’s D ata Service, 420 W. Mercer, Seattle, WA 98119; (800) 435-0100. ♦The Dukane Corporation now offers a Manual Direct Projection microfilm reader which projects sharp images downward through high resolution