ACRL News Issue (B) of College & Research Libraries 83 • OCLC: Its Governance, Function, Financ­ ing, and Technology by Albert F. Maruskin (Mar­ cel Dekker, 1980, $22.75) analyzes the growth and development of OCLC, Inc., utilizing a vari­ ety of primary source materials. OCLC is volume 32 in the Books in Library and Information Sci­ ence series. • The second edition of Library Management by Robert D. Stueart and John Taylor Eastlick (Libraries Unlimited, 1980, $22.50 U.S., $27 elsewhere; $14.50 pa. U.S., $17.50 elsewhere) discusses the effects of such factors as increased staff participation in the decision-making process, unionization and collective bargaining, the histor­ ical background and development of library man­ agement, networking, and women and minorities as managers. • Introduction to Cataloging and Classifica­ tion, Fifth Edition by Mildred Harlow Downing is now available from McFarland & Company (1981, $14.95). Introduction to Cataloging, re­ vised and enlarged in accordance with AACR2 and the 19th edition of the Dewey Decimal Clas­ sification, is directed at students beginning the study of cataloging and classification. • A guide to the present British copyright law as it affects practicing librarians, and a worldwide survey of recent developments and controversies is the topic of C opyright fo r Librarians by L. J. Taylor (Tamarisk Books, 1980, £7.50). • Planning fo r Computing in Higher Educa­ tion (Westview Press, 1980, $25), edited by James C. Emery, addresses planning for the use of computing and information resources on col­ lege and university campuses. Considered are computer applications in the areas of instruction, research, and administration, and an analysis of these from the viewpoints of faculty, administra­ tors, and computer center directors. Also discussed is the use of a facilities management firm as an alternative for providing computer services. C a le n d a r March 22-24—Publishing: Fourth American Book Pub­ lishing Institute, Emory University, Atlanta, Georgia. The institute will focus on current de­ velopments in publishing as they impact on li­ braries, bookstores, and authors. Fee: $105. Contact: Division of Librarianship, Emory Uni­ versity, Atlanta, GA.30322; (404) 329-6840. 27-29—Ephem era: “Collecting, Collectors and Collectibles,’ Second Annual Conference and Fair of the Ephemera Society of America, Rye Town Hilton, Rye, New York. Contact: Wil­ liam Frost Mobley, P.O. Box 333, Wilbraham, 84 MA 01095; (413) 596-9516. 28—Microcomputers: The Alumni Association of the School of Library Service, Columbia Uni­ versity, is sponsoring the 30th annual Alumni- Student Day. Topic: “Microcomputers in Li­ b ra rie s .” Fee: $18 for alumni and $20 for others. Contact: SLS Alumni Association, Box 44, Butler Library, Columbia University, New York, New York 10027. 28-April 4—Online Searching: “Refresher Work­ shop on On-Line Data Base Searching,” a two- session workshop, Graduate School of Library and Information Science, Simmons College, Boston. Fee: $125. Contact: Ching-chih Chen, Associate Dean and Professor, Graduate School of Library and Information Science, Simmons College, 300 The Fenway, Boston, MA 02115; (617) 738-2224. April 6-7—Bibliographic Instruction: “Current R&D Projects in User Education in the UK,” a con­ ference sponsored by the British Library R&D Department at Stanford Hall, Leicester. Fee: £40. Contact: Ian Malley, Conference Director, Library, Loughborough University of Technolo­ gy, Loughborough, England LE11 3TU. 10-13—Resource Management: Annual Study Conference, University, College and Research Section of the Library Association, Lough­ borough University of Technology, Lough­ borough, Leicestershire, England. The theme is “Resourceful Professionals,” the solution of resource problems in a period of severe short­ ages. Contact: J. E. Davies, Chairman of the Programme Planning Subcommittee, Lough­ borough University of Technology, Lough­ borough, England LE11 3TU. 17—Bibliographic Instruction: “Advanced Tech­ niques in Teaching the Library User,” work­ shop, School of Library and Information Sci­ ence, Drexel U niversity, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Fee: $65. Contact: Director, Office of Continuing Professional Education, Drexel University, 32nd and Chestnut Streets, Philadelphia, PA 19104; (215) 895-2153. 23—25—Tennessee: Annual convention, Tennes­ see Library Association, Holiday Inn River­ mont, Memphis. Three preconferences to be held: Managing Online Services in Libraries, Worklife Issues Facing Librarians in the 80’s, and Business Writing for Librarians. Contact: Jane Qualls, Publicity Committee, Tennessee Library Association, Memphis State University Libraries, Memphis, TN 38152. 24— Online Searching: “ O n-line L iterature Searching,” workshop, School of Library and Information Science, Drexel University, Phila­ delphia. Fee: $90. Contact: See April 17 entry. 25— Information Science: “Information Resources M anagem ent,” in stitu te on m anagem ent approaches to handling information systems, Graduate School of Library and Information Science, Simmons College, Boston. Fee: $55 and $6.50 for lunch. Contact: Ching-chih Chen, Associate Dean and Professor, Graduate School of Library and Information Science, Simmons College, 300 The Fenway, Boston, MA 02115; (617) 738-2224. 26- 28—Reference Service: “Improving Reference Performance,” a prototype institute for mana­ gers of reference services, will be held at the College Inn Conference Center, Boulder, Col­ orado. The event is sponsored by ALA s Refer­ ence and Adult Services Division. Topics for discussion include: needs assessment; updating staff knowledge of resources; communication skills; service attitudes; performance evaluation; and burnout and stress management. Registra­ tion fee: $120 for RASD members; $135 for ALA members; and $150 for non-ALA mem­ bers. Contact: RASD Reference Performance Institute, ALA, 50 E. Huron St., Chicago, IL 60611; (312) 944-6780. 27- 30—M arketing L ibrary Services: Meadow Brook Hall Institute on Marketing of Library Services, a participatory conference on the ap­ plication and adoption of marketing concepts and techniques to libraries, Meadow Brook Hall, Oakland University, Rochester, Michi­ gan. Registration fee: $425 with lodging, $325 without; limited to 100 persons. Contact: Con­ ference D epartm ent, Oakland U niversity, Rochester, MI 48063; (313) 377-3272. May 5—Automation: “Nonbibliographic Databases,” workshop, University of Florida, Gainesville. Contact: Nolan F. Pope, SLA Florida Chapter, 505 Florida W est, U niversity of Florida, Gainesville, FL 32611. 7-8—Archival Conservation: Workshop held by the Society of American Archivists in conjunc­ tion with the Mid-Atlantic Regional Archives Conference, Pittsburgh. Limited enrollment. Contact: Basic Archival Conservation Program, Society of American Archivists, 330 S. Wells, 85 Suite 810, Chicago, IL 60606; (312) 922-0140. 15—Online Searching: “Advanced On-line Searching,” workshop, School of Library and Information Science, Drexel University, Phila­ delphia. Fee: $90. Contact: See April 17 entry. 20-22—Management: Sixth Annual University of South Dakota Library Management Seminar, Vermillion, South Dakota. This year’s seminar will concentrate on personnel management for library administrators. Fee: $195. Contact: Dr. C. N. Kaufman, Dean of the Graduate School of Business, University of South Dakota, Ver­ million, SD 57069; (606) 677-5355. July 6- August 29—Study Abroad: Ninth International Graduate Summer School in Librarianship and Information Science, College of Librarianship Wales. All courses carry graduate academic credits acceptable to most library science pro­ grams in the United States and Canada. Con­ tact: Richard Downing, Liaison and Training Services, College of Librarianship Wales, Llan- badarn Fawr, Aberystwyth, Dyfed, Wales SY23 3AS. 7- 10—Bibliographic Instruction: Second Interna­ tional Conference on Library User Education, Keble College, Oxford, England. Apply by March 31. Fee: £95. Contact: Second Interna­ tional Conference on User Education, P.O. Box 45, Loughborough, Leicestershire, Eng­ land LE11 3UL. 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