ACRL News Issue (B) of College & Research Libraries In this issue: ACRL Board of Directors— High­ lights of the 1976 Midwinter Meet­ ing ........................................................55 L e t t e r s .................................................57 Academic Library Statistics Released for 1 9 7 4 -7 5 ................................... .... 57 News From the Chapters 57 Inside W a s h i n g t o n ............................ 58 Census Bureau Seeks Comments 58 News From the Field . . . . 59 P e o p l e .................................................75 Classified Advertising . . . . 77 ISSN 0099-0086 COLLEGE & RESEARCH LIBRARIES news NO. 3 • MARCH 1976 ACRL Board of Directors— Highlights of the 1976 Midwinter Meeting Freedom to read was identified as a priority of the Association of College and Research Li­ braries by the ACRL Board of Directors which met in Chicago, January 18-24. The board voted to encourage ACRL members to become personal members of the Freedom to Read Foundation and directed the Budget and Fi­ nance Committee to explore the possibility of making an annual cash contribution to the foundation beginning in 1977. Chapter status in ACRL was granted to the College and University Section of the Tennes­ see Library Association and the College and University Librarian Section of the Iowa Li­ brary Association. The board approved criteria for the appoint­ ments of editors of ACRL publications and es­ tablished procedures for the search for future editors. Following the decision of the Constitu­ tion and Bylaws Committee, which determined that editorial boards are not committees, the board approved general guidelines for the com­ position of editorial boards and procedures for appointment to the boards. Appointments to editorial boards will be upon recommendation by the respective editors and upon approval by the ACRL Publications Committee. Appoint­ ments of editors will be upon recommendation of the ACRL Publications Committee or a spe­ cial committee appointed to search for an edi­ tor, and approval by the ACRL Board of Di­ rectors. Continuing its analysis and assessment of the implications of the ALA dues schedule, the board reaffirmed that C hoice was a publication of ACRL and accepted all responsibility for the magazine, including finance. The Budget and Finance Committee and the C hoice Editorial Board will continue to work with other ALA units to implement ACRL’s policies and proce­ dures related to Choice. The Manuscripts Committee of the Rare Books and Manuscripts Section presented sev­ eral revisions to the “Statement on Access to Original Research Materials in Libraries, Ar­ chives, and Manuscript Repositories” and “Statement on the Reproduction of Manuscripts and Archives for Noncommercial Purposes.” The board agreed that the proposed revisions would be published in C ollege & R esearch Li­ braries News, comments solicited from the field, and that action would be taken on the revisions at the 1976 Annual Conference. Correction In the December 1975 issue of the News, Ravindra N. Sharma’s article “Na­ tional Catalog of Asian Materials Need­ ed” quotes Dr. Richard C. Howard as saying “there are … 200,000 volumes in the Korean language, and most of them are in the East Asian Library of Columbia University.” This figure should be corrected to read “20,000 volumes.” 56 Toronto was selected as the site of the 1977 annual Rare Books and Manuscripts Section Preconference. The dates of the preconference would be announced as soon as the ALA Ex­ ecutive Board decides the site and dates of the 1977 ALA Annual Conference. (E d . note: The 1977 Annual Conference will be in Detroit, Michigan, June 19-25.) ACRL expressed its gratitude for the work of Arline Custer in the development of a na­ tional bibliography of manuscript collections and for the encouragement she gave during her lifetime to many younger members of the Rare Books and Manuscripts Section. The Board of Directors unanimously opposed the selection by the ALA Executive Board of Hay Associates to conduct a classification and compensation study of the ALA Headquarters staff. It requested the ALA Executive Board to move to terminate the contract. (E d . note: The ALA Executive Board received the ACRL ac­ tion at its meeting January 23, 1976. On Feb­ ruary 12, 1976, ACRL was informed that the contract with Hay Associates was being ter­ minated by mutual agreement.) The Publications Committee reported prog­ ress toward the preparation of editorial guide­ lines for use by ACRL in the production and distribution of audiovisual materials. The board expressed its concern over the quality of at least one of the programs of the 1975 Annual Conference now being distributed in audio­ cassette format and urged that quality control be exercised as to matter and manner in any future production and distribution of programs. Two standing committees were approved, a Membership Committee and a Budget and Fi­ nance Committee. The Planning Committee was directed to review the charges of the Pub­ lications Committee and the Committee on Co­ operation with Educational and Professional Organizations. Three proposals were approved in principle: to seek support for the preparation of standards for university libraries, for a feasibility study for a publication to review audiovisual materi­ als for college libraries, and for a study of the status and experience of academic librarians with collective bargaining. ■ ■ LIBRARY T R E N D S The University of Illinois Graduate School of Library Science has released its July 1975 issue of L ib rary Trends (volume 24, number 1) entitled “Federal Aid to Libraries: Its History, Impact, Future,” edited by Genevieve M. Casey, professor of library science, Wayne State University. This issue is devoted to the influ­ ence of federal aid to libraries in the past and in the future as well as the present. It seeks to provide for the nonspecialist a general back­ ground of information about federal funding and to trace the development of this facet of library operation. Contributors to this issue in­ clude: James W. Fry, “LSA and LSCA, 1956- 1973: A Legislative History”; Joseph F. Shu­ bert, “The Impact of the Federal Library Ser­ vices and Construction Act”; Margaret Hayes Grazier, “The Elementary and Secondary Edu­ cation Act, Title I I ”; Alan Carter Smith, “The Higher Education Act Title II-A: Its Impact on the Academic Library”; Sarah R. Reed, “Fed­ erally Funded Training for Librarianship”; Paul C. Janaske, “Federally Funded Research in L i­ brarianship”; Henry T. Drennan, “Library Leg­ islation Discovered”; and Eileen D. Cooke, “The Role of ALA and Other Library Associa­ tions in the Promotion of Library Legislation.” Library Trends is available from the Univer­ sity of Illinois Press, Urbana, IL 61801. Single copies may be purchased for $4.00; annual subscriptions are also available from the same address for $15.00. News ite m s f o r in c lu s io n in C&RL News s hou ld be sent t o M a ry Frances C o llin s , A s s is ta n t D ire c to r o f L ib ra rie s f o r T e ch n ica l Services, U n iv e rs ity L ib ra ry ULB-35A, S ta te U n iv e rs ity o f N e w Y o rk a t A lb a n y , 1400 W a s h in g to n A v e ., A lb a n y , N Y 12222. A d v e r ­ tis in g ( in c lu d in g c la s s ifie d a d s ) s hou ld be sent to Leona Swiech, A d v e rtis in g O ffic e , A m e ric a n L i­ b ra ry A s s o c ia tio n , 50 E. H u ro n St., C h ic a g o , IL 60611. P ro d u c tio n a n d c ir c u la tio n m a tte rs a re han­ d le d b y A L A C e n tr a l P ro d u c tio n U n it, a t the a b o v e add ress. News e d ito r : M a ry Frances C o llin s , A s s is ta n t D i­ re c to r o f L ib ra rie s fo r Te ch n ica l Services, S ta te U n iv e rs ity o f N e w Y o rk a t A lb a n y , A lb a n y . A s ­ s o c ia te News e d it o r : A n n e D o w lin g , A ss is ta n t L i ­ b r a ria n , A c q u is itio n s D e p a rtm e n t, L ib ra ry , S ta te U n iv e rs ity o f N e w Y o rk a t A lb a n y . E d ito r : Rich­ a rd D. Johnson, M iln e L ib ra ry , S ta te U n iv e rs ity C o lle g e , O n e o n ta , N e w Y o rk 13820. President, A C R L : Louise G ile s . E xecutive S e cre ta ry, A C R L : B e ve rly P. Lynch. C o lle g e & Research L ib ra rie s is p u b lis h e d b y th e A s s o c ia tio n o f C o lle g e a n d Research L ib ra rie s , a d iv is io n o f th e A m e ric a n L ib r a r y A s s o c ia tio n , 17 tim e s y e a rly — 6 b im o n th ly jo u rn a l issues a n d I I m o n th ly (c o m b in in g J u ly -A u g u s t) News issues— a t 1201-05 B lu ff St., F u lto n , M O 65251. S u b s c rip tio n , $15.00 a y ear, o r t o m e m b e rs o f th e d iv is io n , $7.50, in c lu d e d in dues. Second-class p o s ta g e p a id a t F u lto n , M is s o u ri 65251. © A m e ric a n L ib ra ry A s s o c ia tio n 1976. A l l m a te ria l in th is jo u rn a l s u b je c t t o c o p y r ig h t b y the A m e r i­ can L ib r a r y A s s o c ia tio n m ay be p h o to c o p ie d fo r th e n o n c o m m e rc ia l p u rp o s e o f s c ie n tific o r e d u c a ­ tio n a l a d v a n c e m e n t. ACRL Membership January 31, 1974 ................................. 13,722 January 31, 1975 ................................. 13,660 January 31, 1976 ................................. 9,369