ACRL News Issue (B) of College & Research Libraries 4 ACRL President’s letter 1984—ACRL s year in review. D e a r ACRL Colleagues: This is the time of year when many of us asses: th e p ast year and m ake plans to invest—anc reinvest—in a selection of personal and prof es sional activities. This letter will review some of th‹ events of the past year to enlist your support for th‹ dynamic professional association that ACRL is. • ACRL is a healthy, m atu re association o 8,835 members. • The Association’s revenues for 1984-85 ar‹ projected at $1,786,517. W ith expenditures ai $1,825,816, we will end the year with a fund bal ance of $426,436. • Dr. Jo An Segal was selected as Executive Di rector and began her service to the Association in September. • Patricia E. Sabosik became the editor and publisher of Choice in August. • Outreach to subject discipline and higher edu­ cation professional associations became a funded program of the Association with the appointment of the Professional Association Liaison Committee. • New section newsletters were issued by the Bibliographic Instruction Section and the Rare Books and Manuscripts Section. • The successful National Conference in Seattle serves as a springboard for a National Conference in Baltimore in 1986. Joanne H arrar is chairing the Sharon Rogers, A C R L ’s 47th President. 5 conference planning com mittee. O ther key roles will be played by: D an u ta Nitecki (contributed p a ­ pers); Suzanne Hill (local arrangem ents and hospi­ tality); Bonita Perry (program); C harm aine Yo- chim (publicity); D iana S. C unningham (special events); Sandy W hiteley (exhibits); C a th le e n Bour­ don (staff liaison). • Charles M artell, beginning his editorship of College and Research Libraries, has announced plans for reorganization of the journal. • Activities at th e C h a p te r level continue to thrive and expand. Association-funded visits by ACRL officers to six chapter meetings has solidified the ties betw een the national and regional levels of the association. • ACRL will support a five-year project to de­ velop perform ance measures under the leadership of V irginia Tiefel. • A w ards for professional service w ere p re ­ sented to Richard D. Johnson (ACRL’s Academic/ R esearch L ib ra ria n of th e Y ear, sponsored by Baker and Taylor) and Tom Kirk (Bibliographic Instruction L ibrarian of the Year, sponsored by M ountainside Press). • A wide variety of continuing education pro ­ grams enhance m em bers’ skills. New form ats are being developed to deliver continuing education at the regional level. This list is only a sam pling of the m any initiatives ow visible w ithin ACRL. In fact, there are so any horizons open to association members th a t w o final highlights will be used to focus the pro ­ rams of the Association: • The 1985 President’s Program provides oppor­ unity for association members to state their prefer­ nces for priorities am ong possible association ac­ ivities. A survey of 600 members was sent out in ovember (if you haven’t returned yours, please o!). T he results of the survey will be presented at he ACRL annual m eeting w here attending m em ­ ers will participate in the final priority-setting ac­ ivity. • A Strategic Planning Task Force, chaired by usan Klingberg, will use m em bership priority in­ orm ation as the first stage in developing a long- ange plan of ACRL activities. Please join me in active support of ACRL activi­ ies. The Association serves you in m any ways— ontinuing education, developm ent of leadership kills, professional advancem ent. You m ay contrib­ te to the Association and to your profession by hoosing to invest in ACRL. Sharon J. Rogers A C R L President ■ ■ n m t g t e t N d t b t S f r t c s u c M idwest Library Service You w on’t find more personal attention . . . anywhere College and university librarians: We have what you’re looking for. While Midwest utilizes state-of-the-art computer systems, we realize machines can’t do it all. So when you want to place an order, ask a question, or discuss a problem, you can call direct on Midwest’s toll-free WATS line and conduct business on a name- to-name basis with your personal customer service representative. It’s the kind of attention that Midwest has provided to college and university libraries for 24 years. Midwest Library Service 11443 St. Charles Rock Road Bridgeton, MO 63044 Call toll-free (800) 325-8833 Missouri librarians call toll-free (800) 392-5024 Canadian librarians call collect (314) 739-3100