ACRL News Issue (B) of College & Research Libraries 19 News From the Field Acquisitions • DePaul University Library, Chicago, has re ceived a major addition to its University Archives The Leon Stein collection documents the career the dean emeritus of the School of Music, who wa associated w ith DePaul for 47 years. Besides book recordings, m em o rab ilia, and original m a n u scripts of his musical and critical publications, th library also received 187 Stein compositions, in c lu d in g solo, ensem ble, vocal an d o rc h e stra works. • The University of Wyoming Libraries, Lara mie, have acquired a major collection from Grea Britain of printed books of the English Romanti poets and essayists. The collection contains notabl early editions by Coleridge, DeQuincey, Byron and W ordsworth. Minor figures in the Romanti movement are also well represented and includ T relaw ny, Beddoes, C am pbell, Moore, G ilpin and Knight. The collection totals over 350 vol umes, some of which have signatures or inscrip tions of im portance to scholars. • W ashington University, St. Louis, has chose the first English edition of St. Augustine’s City o God to celebrate the acquisition of its two milliont volume. The edition, published in London in 1610 is a gift from Mr. and Mrs. W hitney R. Harris an was presented in a ceremony on December 5. Thi particular copy is distinguished w ith m arginal an notations in 17th-century French, English an L a tin , and 19th-century English. T he last ar thought to be those of John Ruskin, the influentia British poet. Grants • Syracuse University’s Audio Archives has bee aw arded a $132,000 grant from the U.S. D epart m ent of Education for the financing of a m ulti faceted re-recording and inform ation retrieva project involving their cylinder collection. Many o these recordings, dating from 1890 to 1920, ar slowly disintegrating due to the effect of mold an heat. Some of the funds will be devoted to preserv ing the contents of 1,500 selected cylinders by re cording them on tape. The grant also provides fo the indexing and selective cataloging of the 7,00 cylinders in the collection. • The University of Cincinnati Library has bee a w ard ed a $10,000 g ran t from th e Max Kad - . of s s, ­ e ­ l - t c e , c e , ­ ­ n f h , d s ­ d e l n ­ ­ l f e d ­ ­ r 0 n e Foundation to produce an annotated catalog of its G erm an-A m ericana C ollection. E stablished in 1974, the collection is based largely on the private ibrary of H .H . Fick, supervisor of the G erm an bi­ ingual program in the Cincinnati Public Schools efore W orld W ar I. It consists of several thousand ooks, pam phlets, journals, and other materials. Completion of the annotated catalog is anticipated in 1986. • The University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, as been aw arded a $1.5 million grant by the Pew Memorial Trust to support the technological trans­ orm ation of its research libraries. The funds will be used to implem ent a comprehensive com puter network, a principal goal of the library’s five-year lan. Called PennLIN, the network will provide an online catalog system linking 14 separate cam ­ us libraries into a coordinated network. A portion of the grant will be used to convert all serials titles o m achine-readable form. • W EBNET, Ĭn c., a not-for-profit network of mall academic libraries in W estern Pennsylvania, has received a grant of $186,570 from the Buhl F o u n d atio n to enable its a u to m ate d system to move into the fully operational mode. The college libraries participating in the system are Carlow, C hatham , Point Park, and W estminster. W ith the help of this grant the network will address two p ri­ m ary tasks: to make the most effective use of tech­ nological advances in achieving objectives defined and modified by experience; and to articulate and refine the organizational structure founded on shared ow nership and shared decision making. WEBNET has contracted w ith the Pittsburgh Re­ gional Library Center for adm inistrative services during the next three years. • T h e W est V irg in ia U n iv e rsity L ib r a r y , M organtown, has received a grant of $88,051 from he National Endow m ent for the Humanities to upport the West Virginia Newspaper Project cur­ rently being undertaken by the library’s West Vir­ ginia and Regional History Collection. The p u r­ ose of th e project is to locate, preserve, and establish bibliographic control over all newspapers ublished in the area both before and after the Civil W ar. H arold M. Forbes, associate curator of he collection, has begun a statewide inventory of he holdings of over 150 repositories. His staff will ecord full bibliographic d a ta on MARC w ork­ heets using AACR2, O C LC , and LC standards for ach newspaper title and will coordinate a compre­ ensive microfilming and preservation program. l l b b h f p p t s t s p p t t r s e h Following the scheduled completion of data entry in 1986, a descriptive and historical guide to West Virginia newspapers will be published. News notes • Tufts University’s Bernstein Audiovisual Cen- r, Medford, Massachusetts, a m odern facility f e Wessell Library’s growing collection of film deotapes, slides, and related materials, was ded ted November 8. The Center was made possib a major gift from Boston residents David an ene Bernstein. The complex includes two vie te or th s, vi i­ ca le by d Ir w­ ing rooms, each equipped for videotape, film, or ides; a m ulti-purpose projection room serving th viewing facilities; individual video or slide ewing areas; a smaller viewing room seating 10; d a storage area. • W heaton College, Norton, Massachusetts, has dicated and named its library in honor of Made­ ine Clark W allace, Class of 1934, who provided e largest single endowment the College has ever ceived from an alumna. Her gift fulfilled the Ses- uicentennial Cam paign goal of providing a col­ c tio n d e v e lo p m e n t e n d o w m e n t fo r th e li ­ rary. ■ ■ sl bo vi an de le th re q le b P E O P L E Profiles Brian Aveney has announced the opening of The Inform ation Works, El G ranada, California, to offer consulting services to libraries and the in­ formation industry. He was most recently direc­ tor for research and de­ velopment at Blackwell N o rth A m erica w h ere he worked on establish­ ing electronic linkages between Blackwell and th e W L N , U TLA S, O CLC, and other auto­ m ated acquisitions sys­ tems. Aveney has worked in library and automation systems since 1967 at the L ib ra ry of C ongress, H a rv a rd , th e U niversity of Pennsylvania, and Berkeley. He has also taught library science and autom ation at H arvard, Rutgers, Berkeley, San Jose State, and the University of Oregon. He has also been appointed editor of Inform a­ tion Publishing, a new electronic journal to be pub­ lished by Inform ation Access Company and avail­ ab le on D IA L O G th is m o n th . He e d ite d Information Technology and Libraries for ALA’s Library Inform ation and Technology Association from 1981 to 1983, is a consulting editor of EPB: Electronic Publishing and Bookselling, and is a member of the editorial board of Library Hi Tech. Aveney currently serves on the ALA Task Force on Bibliographic Databases which is examining the question of copyright of library cataloging records. Sherrilynne Fuller has been appointed direc­ tor of the Bio-Medical Library of the University of M innesota, Minneapolis. For the past six years Fuller has been serving as associate director of the Norris Medical L i­ brary at the University of Southern California. I Prior to th a t she was head of public services and head of reference at N o rris. In 1972-1974 Fuller was an informa­ tion analyst at the Brain Inform ation Service of the University of Cali- f f o rn ia , Los A ngeles. Sherrilynne Fuller Since 1981 she has also been lecturer in the USC School of Library and Inform ation Management. Her other positions have included public and tech­ nical services responsibilities at the Penrose Public Library, Colorado Springs, and the Loussac Public Library, Anchorage. Fuller received a bachelor’s degree in biology and an MLS at Indiana University, Bloomington. In the Spring of 1984 she was aw arded a doctorate in library and inform ation m anagem ent at the University of Southern California. Her professional activities have included mem ­