ACRL News Issue (B) of College & Research Libraries 20 / C&R L News Following the scheduled completion of data entry ing rooms, each equipped for videotape, film, or in 1986, a descriptive and historical guide to West slides; a m ulti-purpose projection room serving Virginia newspapers will be published. both viewing facilities; individual video or slide viewing areas; a smaller viewing room seating 10; News notes and a storage area. • W heaton College, Norton, Massachusetts, has • Tufts University’s Bernstein Audiovisual Cen- dedicated and named its library in honor of Made­ leine Clark Wallace, Class of 1934, who provided ter, Medford, Massachusetts, a modern facility for the largest single endowment the College has ever the Wessell Library’s growing collection of films, received from an alumna. Her gift fulfilled the Ses- videotapes, slides, and related materials, was dedi­ quicentennial Cam paign goal of providing a col­cated November 8. The Center was made possible le c tio n d e v e lo p m e n t e n d o w m e n t fo r th e li ­by a major gift from Boston residents David and brary. ■ ■Irene Bernstein. The complex includes two view­ P E O P L E Profiles Brian Aveney has announced the opening of The Inform ation Works, El G ranada, California, to offer consulting services to libraries and the in­ formation industry. He was most recently direc­ tor for research and de­ velopment at Blackwell N o rth A m erica w h ere he worked on establish­ ing electronic linkages between Blackwell and th e W L N , U TLA S, OCLC, and other auto­ m ated acquisitions sys­ tems. Aveney has worked in library and automation Brian Aveney systems since 1967 at the L ib ra ry of C ongress, H arv a rd , th e University of Pennsylvania, and Berkeley. He has also taught library science and autom ation at H arvard, Rutgers, Berkeley, San Jose State, and the University of Oregon. He has also been appointed editor of Inform a­ tion Publishing, a new electronic journal to be pub­ lished by Inform ation Access Company and avail­ ab le on D IA L O G th is m o n th . He e d ite d Information Technology and Libraries for ALA’s Library Information and Technology Association from 1981 to 1983, is a consulting editor of EPB: Electronic Publishing and Bookselling, and is a member of the editorial board of Library Hi Tech. Aveney currently serves on the ALA Task Force on Bibliographic Databases which is examining the question of copyright of library cataloging records. Sherrilynne F uller has been appointed direc­ tor of the Bio-Medical Library of the University of M innesota, Minneapolis. For the past six years Fuller has been serving as associate director of the Norris Medical L i­ brary at the University of Southern California. Prior to th a t she was head of public services and head of reference at N o rris. In 1972-1974 Fuller was an informa­ tion analyst at the Brain Inform ation Service of the University of C ali­ f o rn ia , Los A ngeles. Sherrilynne Fuller Since 1981 she has also been lecturer in the USC School of Library and Inform ation Management. Her other positions have included public and tech­ nical services responsibilities at the Penrose Public Library, Colorado Springs, and the Loussac Public Library, Anchorage. Fuller received a bachelor’s degree in biology and an MLS at Indiana University, Bloomington. In the Spring of 1984 she was awarded a doctorate in library and inform ation m anagem ent at the University of Southern California. Her professional activities have included mem- January 1985 / 21 b ersh ip on th e B oard of D irecto rs of th e Bio- Medical Com m unications Network, the On-Line Reference Services Advisory Com m ittee of the C al­ ifornia L ibrary A uthority for Systems and Services (CLASS), the N ational Program C om m ittee of the Medical L ibrary Association (1982), the Forum C oordinating Com m ittee of the C alifornia L ibrary Association (1981), and the Medicine Special In ter­ est G roup of the American Society for Inform ation Science. Sidney F. H uttner has been appointed head of special collections at the University of Tulsa’s Mc- F arlin L ibrary, effective November 1. Prior to this appointm ent he and his wife operated their Stege Press and Bindery in C harlottesville, V irginia. From 1980 to 1982 he was head of th e George Arents Research L ibrary for Special Collections at Syracuse University and from 1970 to 1980 assis­ ta n t head of special collections at the University of Chicago. H uttner has w ritten about city directories and is currently editing a register of artists, engravers, booksellers, bookbinders, printers and publishers in New York C ity for the years 1821-1842. Com ­ piled from city directories the work includes the names of about 5,000 artists and craftsm en and some 50,000 addresses associated w ith them . A hand bookbinder w ith a strong interest in the co nservation of books an d p a p e r, H u ttn e r is a m em ber of the American Institute of Conserva­ tion, the Institute of Paper Conservation, and the Designer Bookbinders. He holds a m aster’s degree in philosophy from the University of Chicago. As a m em ber of the ACRL Rare Books and M anuscripts Section, he helped d raft a version of guidelines for the transfer of rare m aterials from general collec­ tions to special collections. W endy P. L ougee has been appointed head of th e U n iv ersity of M ic h ig a n ’s H a rla n H a tc h e r G raduate L ibrary, Ann Arbor, effective Novem­ ber 15. She will coordi­ nate the operation of the p u b lic service units in the G raduate Library. She had been serving as assistant to the direc­ to r since 1982. H er re ­ sponsibilities in clu d ed research on cu rre n t li­ brary com munications, planning, systems poli­ cies, b u d g e t d e v e lo p ­ m ent and review, collec­ tion m anagem ent d a ta W en d y P. Lougee analysis, and fu n d rais­ ing. In addition Lougee assisted in the developm ent of grant and special project proposals and served as RLG coordinator. Lougee received her bachelor’s degree in English a t Law rence University, Appleton, Wisconsin, and earned an MLS at the University of Wisconsin, Madison, in 1973. She also holds a m aster’s degree in psychology from the University of Minnesota (1977). Before com ing to M ichigan, Lougee was re­ ference/collection development librarian at Brown University from 1978 to 1982. She was also liaison to the departm ents of economics, education, lin­ guistics, political science, psychology, and sociol­ ogy. She has served as re fe re n c e lib r a r ia n a t W heaton College (1977-1978), and as a special project associate for the Florence Goodenough Ref­ erence L ibrary at the University of Minnesota. A form er m em ber of the College 6- Research L i­ braries E d ito rial Board, Lougee now holds a p ­ pointm ents on the ACRL C opyright C om m ittee and the RASD N onbibliographic Databases and D ata Files Comm ittee. People in the news Stephen Marine, serials cataloging librarian at th e College of W illiam an d M ary, an d L inda W ilson, project m anager for user education at Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State Univer­ sity, are the recipients of the 1984 Professional D e­ velopm ent G ra n t presented by the College and University Section of the Virginia L ibrary Associa­ tion. The grant, sponsored by Yankee Book Ped­ dler, is intended to encourage and help support ac­ tive p a rtic ip a tio n in professional activities by academ ic librarians who have no m ore th an three years of experience. Appointments (A ppointm ent notices are taken from lib rary newsletters, letters from personnel offices and ap ­ pointees, and other sources. To ensure th a t your appointm ent appears, w rite to the E ditor, ACRL, 50 E. H uron St., Chicago, IL 60611-2795.) Brenda Adams has been appointed associate law librarian for technical services at Syracuse Univer­ sity, New York. Patricia Adorno is now reference librarian at the W hite House L ibrary, W ashington, D .C . Glen Peter Ahlers has been prom oted to assis­ ta n t director and head of public services at the W ashburn University L aw L ibrary, Topeka, Kan­ sas. Gary Alexander is the new reference librarian for the University of D enver L aw Library. C amila Ann Alire has been nam ed director of the L earning Resources C enter at Pikes Peak Com ­ m unity College, Colorado Springs. Marylene Altieri is now cataloger at H arvard University’s Fine Arts Library. C atherine Anderson is the new documents li­ b rarian at Old Dominion University, Norfolk, V ir­ ginia. J ane Archibald has been appointed head of in­ form ation services at the Dalhousie University Li- 22 / C& RL News b rary (Killam), Halifax, Nova Scotia. N. Abigail Armstrong has been appointed as­ sistant librarian for public services at the V erm ont L aw School, South Royalton. J anet Arth has been appointed reference/bib- liographer librarian at the Bio Medical L ibrary, University of M innesota, Minneapolis. D avid Batista is the new reference/government docum ents librarian at the University of Pennsyl­ vania L aw School, Philadelphia. Nick Bazemore has been appointed reference li­ b rarian at the University of C entral Florida, O r­ lando. D avid R. Beagle has been nam ed head of the User Services D epartm ent at Virginia Polytechnic In stitu te an d State University L ib rary , Blacks­ burg. Nora J. Bird has been appointed assistant sci­ ence lib rarian for chem istry and chemical engi­ neering at the Massachusetts Institute of Technol­ ogy, C am bridge. C heryll Bixby is a new reference lib rarian at the Lockwood L ibrary, State University of New York a t Buffalo. Michael Borries has been appointed cataloger in the Serials C ataloging D epartm ent, Colum bia University, New York. Rex Rross has been appointed assistant coordi­ nato r of technical services at Joyner L ibrary, East C arolina University, Greenville, N orth C arolina. C arole Buchanan has been appointed catalog­ ing lib rarian at O ld D om inion University, Norfolk, Virginia. D onald Bushaw has been appointed acting di­ rector of the H olland L ibrary, W ashington State University, Pullm an. Beth C arlberg has been appointed acquisitions lib rarian for m onographs, Texas Tech University L ibrary, Lubbock. J eanette C arr has been appointed cataloging lib rarian at Old Dom inion University, Norfolk, Virginia. J erry V. C aswell has been appointed head of li­ b rary systems at Duke University, D urham . Mary L ouise C obb has been appointed technical services lib rarian at W ake Forest University L aw L ibrary, W inston-Salem, N orth C arolina. C hristopher C oleman has been appointed ref­ erence lib rarian at the University Research L ibrary a t the University of California, Los Angeles. H arvey K. C ovell has been appointed law ref­ erence librarian at Am erican University, W ashing­ ton, D .C . Michael D. C ramer is now head of th e C ontin­ uations, Docum ents and Gifts Division, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, Black­ sburg. Anne G . D avies has been appointed director of research in the Developm ent Office of the Brigham and W om en’s Hospital, Boston. Susan L. D ow has been appointed docum ents li­ b rarian at the L aw L ibrary of the State University of New York at Buffalo. E . Anne E dwards is now head of the O rdering and Receiving Division, Virginia Polytechnic Insti­ tu te and State University, Blacksburg. J ohn E dwards has been nam ed director of the L aw L ib ra ry at D rake U niversity, Des Moines, Iow a. Mary E lling has been appointed m athem atics bibliographer at Syracuse University, New York. D avid J. E nsign is now head of technical ser­ vices at the W ashburn University L aw L ibrary, Topeka, Kansas. L ynda E rickson has been ap p o in ted acquisi­ tions librarian at O ld D om inion University, N or­ folk, Virginia. Marie E rickson is the new associate law lib ra r­ ian at Loyola L aw School, Los Angeles. E mily G. F ayen has been appointed assistant di­ rector for library systems at the University of Penn­ sylvania, Philadelphia. D avid F einberg has been appointed reference lib rarian at the University of C entral Florida, O r­ lando. T oni F orrester has been appointed catalog li­ b rarian at the University of O klahom a L aw L i­ brary, N orm an. Andrea F. Gerberg has been appointed assis­ ta n t lib ra ria n in th e Acquisitions D e p a rtm e n t, State University College, O neonta, New York. E llen G ibson has assumed the position of direc­ tor of the L aw L ibrary at the State University of New York at Buffalo. Margaret Goldblatt has been appointed ac- quisitions/serials lib rarian at W ashington Univer­ sity L aw L ibrary, St. Louis. Susan G olden is now assistant director of li­ braries for technical services a t the University of D elaw are, Newark. C hris G orsuch has been appointed serials c a ta ­ loger at Clemson University, South C arolina. Barbara Koven G raham has been appointed special assistant to the director of the H arvard U ni­ versity Library. E lba G rovdahl has joined the Access Services D ep artm en t at the University of C entral Florida L ibrary, O rlando. J ane E. H alligan is the new acquisitions lib ra r­ ia n a t th e D e la w a r e L a w S chool L ib r a r y , W ilm ington. T erri H ardin has been appointed reference li­ b rarian at the In d ian a University School of Law , Bloomington. D onald H artman has been appointed reference lib rarian in the Lockwood L ibrary, State Univer­ sity of New York at Buffalo. C harlotta H ensley has been appointed assis­ ta n t director for technical services at the University of Colorado, Boulder. Anne L. H ighsmith has accepted th e position of head of the Copy C ataloging D ep artm en t at Texas A&M University, College Station. J udy H itchcock has been appointed public ser- All EBSCO systems are designed with one major goal in mind: to simplify your serials transactions. No matter how big your library is, how small, or how specialized, we can provide the professional services you expect. CONTACT EBSCO— LET’ S TALK SERVICE. S U B S C R IP T IO N SERVICES P.O. Box 1943, Birm ingham , AL 35201, (205) 991-6600 3. W e p ro v id e eaRSPETIVCACSQUISITIONEEch cPu sto m e r a list­ ing of b o o k s n o t im m ediately available from the publisher. This m o n th ly open o rd e r re p o rt assu res y o u w e h a v e re ­ c e n tly ta k e n effective a c tio n to w a rd s earliest p o ssib le d e liv e ry of y o u r o r ­ d ers. P u b lish e r sto c k s ta tu s a n d a d d i­ tio n a l in fo rm a tio n are a v a ila b le o n a c o n tin u o u s c o m p u te r p r in to u t o r on in d iv id u a l 3 x 5 slips fo r easy filing. W e cancel on ly p u b lish e r-d o c u m en te d o u t-o f-p rin t o r out-of-stock-indefinite­ ly titles. Eliminate your claiming and begin receiving your open order reports from Book House. CALL TOLL-FREE th e TODAY 1-800-248-1146 BOOK In Canada & Michigan HOUSE CALL COLLECT (517) 849-2117 JOBBERS SERVING LIBRARIES WITH ANY BOOK IN PRINT SINCE 1962 208 WEST CHICAGO STREET JONESVILLE, MICHIGAN 49250OCLC Vendor No. 17397 SAN 169-3859 January 1985 / 25 vices lib rarian at High Point College, N orth C aro­ lina. D emaris H ollembeak has been appointed refer­ ence lib rarian at the University of D elaw are L i­ brary, Newark. M ary P. H udson is now acquisition/serials li­ b rarian at the In d ian a University School of L aw L ibrary, Bloomington. D oris D. H ulbert is now assistant director at the University of N orth C arolina L ibrary, Greens­ boro. Sally I rvin has been appointed m edia services lib rarian at W ake Forest University L aw L ibrary, W inston-Salem, N orth C arolina. A. Ashley J ackson has been appointed head of the Newspapers and Microforms D ep artm en t at Duke University L ibrary, D u rh am , N orth C aro­ lina. Kelly J anousek has been appointed reference lib rarian for social sciences at Mississippi State Uni­ versity. D iane J ohnson is now head of reference services in the Engineering and M athem atical Sciences L i­ brary, University of California, Los Angeles. Barbara Kacena has been appointed science in­ form ation specialist for the Engineering and Sci­ ence L ib ra rie s a t C arnegie-M ellon U niversity, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. Ann S. Kallock has been appointed tem porary reference librarian in the G utm an L ibrary, H a r­ vard University. Richard B. Kaplan has been appointed assistant science lib rarian for reference coordination and life sciences at the Massachusetts Institute of Tech­ nology, Cam bridge. C harles L. King has been appointed associate for inform ation services at the State University of New York College, Geneseo. T heodore Kuzen has been appointed head of circulation at the Melville L ibrary, State U niver­ sity of New York at Stony Brook. Sandra L amprecht has joined the H um anities/ Social Sciences D epartm ent of the University of C alifornia, Davis, Library. D ouglas K. L ehman has been appointed direc­ to r of technical services at M iam i-D ade C om m u­ nity College, Miami. C atherine K. L evinson is the new reference li­ b r a r ia n a t th e U n iv ersity of N o rth C a ro lin a , Greensboro. Scottie M cAuley is now assistant social science lib ra ria n at V irginia Polytechnic In stitu te and State University, Blacksburg. E llen T . M cG inn has been appointed govern­ m en t docum ents/reference lib ra ria n at George M ason U n iv e rs ity S chool o f L a w L ib r a r y , Arlington, Virginia. Nancy M cG owan is now circulation librarian at th e D e la w a r e S chool of L a w L ib r a r y , W ilm ington. T ed Mahr has been appointed reference lib ra r­ ian at the University of Iow a, Iow a City. L inda Maisner has been appointed assistant li­ b rarian in the L aw L ibrary, University of C alifor­ nia, Los Angeles. D eanna Marcum has been elected vice president of the Council on L ibrary Resources, W ashington, D .C . Kate Markey has been nam ed public services li­ b rarian at Ith aca College, New York. Kathleen A. Menanteaux has been appointed assistant head of th e O nline Shared C ataloging Section, M ichigan State University, East Lansing. T om Minor has been nam ed library director at the M oravian College and Theological Seminary, Bethlehem, Pennsylvania. Susan R. Morris has accepted a position in the Descriptive C ataloging Division of the L ibrary of Congress. Robert J. Nissenbaum has been nam ed director of th e lib ra ry at C leveland-M arshall College of L aw , Cleveland, Ohio. Kiyosji O tsu is a new cataloger at the Indiana School of L aw L ibrary, Bloomington. C arol Parke has been appointed assistant direc­ tor for public services at the University of D ela­ w are, Newark. E ugene Petriwsky has been nam ed assistant di­ rector for collection m anagem ent at the University of Colorado, Boulder. Ann Pettingill is now serials librarian at Old D om inion University, Norfolk, Virginia. P hillip Pow ell has been appointed assistant reference lib rarian at the College of Charleston, South C arolina. Martha G. Reynolds is the new assistant refer­ ence lib rarian at the State University of New York College, Geneseo. E llen R obertson is now reference lib ra ria n and computer-assisted reference service coordina­ tor at the University of Colorado, Boulder. G loriana St . C lair has been appointed head of the Acquisitions Division at Texas A&M Univer­ sity, College Station. C indy Saur has been appointed reference lib ra r­ ian for the social sciences at O ld Dom inion Univer­ sity, Norfolk, Virginia. J oanne M. Scanlon has been appointed refer­ ence librarian at the H arvard L aw School L ibrary. Mary Schellhorn has been nam ed director of C olum bia College L ibrary, Chicago. J ohn Schmitt is now head of reference at the College of C harleston, South C arolina. J acque-L ynne Schulman has been appointed head of the C irculation and Control Section of the Reference Services Division a t th e N ational L i­ brary of M edicine, Bethesda, M aryland. D oris T. Shockley has been appointed assistant head of the Newspapers and Microforms D e p a rt­ m ent at Duke University, D u rh am , N orth C aro­ lina. Ann S. Silverman has been ap p o in ted serials cataloger at M ichigan State University, East Lans­ ing. 26 / C &RL News Jean Smith has been appointed reference librar­ ian at the University Research Library, University of California, Los Angeles. Marilyn Snow has been appointed reference li­ brarian at the University of Central Florida, O r­ lando. Sandra Spurlock has been appointed science and engineering library planning coordinator at the University of New Mexico, Albuquerque. Ann M. W ang is now serials cataloger at Vir­ ginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, Blacksburg. J eannette W ard has been appointed assistant librarian for technical services at the University of C entral Florida, Orlando. C arolyn W armann has been appointed assis­ ta n t general reference librarian at Virginia Poly­ technic Institute and State University, Blacksburg. Andrea T. W eas has been appointed assistant cataloger at the State University of New York Col­ lege, Geneseo. Benita W eber has been ap p o in te d h ead of ORION user services at the University of Califor­ nia, Los Angeles. D uane E. W ebster has been appointed deputy director of the Association of Research Libraries, W ashington, D .C . Nancy E. W hitmer has been appointed evening and weekend reference librarian at the University of Pennsylvania Law Library, Philadelphia. J ane W illiams has been appointed assistant law librarian at the University of Illinois College of Law , Cham paign. L auren S. W illiams has been appointed head of th e Public D ocum ents and Maps D ep artm en t, Duke University, D urham , North Carolina. J osephine W illiamson has been nam ed collec­ tions development librarian at the Daniel Library, The Citadel, Charleston, South Carolina. E lisa W oods has been appointed reference li­ brarian at the University of Colorado, Boulder. April I. W reath has been appointed head cata­ log librarian at the University of North Carolina, Greensboro. J eannette Yackle is now reference librarian at H arvard’s International Legal Studies Library. Carl Yirka has been appointed associate librar­ ian at the New York Law School. Judy Young is now head of access services at the University of Central Florida, Orlando. Retirements J ane Sturgeon, coordinator of rare book and special materials cataloging at Duke University, retired in December after 39 years of service. Arnulfo D. T rejo, professor of library science at the University of Arizona, retired on December 31. He had been at Arizona since 1966. Mary W arford, assistant documents/reference librarian at Syracuse University, retired recently after 10 years of service. D orothea W arren, referen ce lib ra ria n at W ashburn University Law Library, Topeka, Kan­ sas, retired in December after 17 years of service. She had served as director of the Law Library from 1967 to 1979. Deaths Boris D ubensky, head cataloger of the Hoover Institution L ibrary, Stanford, C alifornia, from 1963 to 1970, died on October 22. For the past four years he had worked at Hoover as part-tim e cata­ loger of pamphlets. Martha L ouise E llison, librarian of W arren W ilson College, S w annanoa, N orth C aro lin a, from 1963 to 1973, passed away on October 24. In the spring of 1983 the Board of Trustees had hon­ ored her by dedicating the new college library in her name. N orman H andelsman, associate lib ra ria n in technical services at the University of California, Los Angeles, died on October 19 after 21 years of service. Philip H ofer, founder and first curator of the D epartm ent of Printing and Graphic Arts in the H arv ard College L ib rary , died at his hom e in C am bridge on N ovem ber 9. O ne of H a rv a rd ’s g reat b en efacto rs, H ofer d o n a te d m ore th a n 10,000 manuscripts, prints, drawings, illustrated books, and reference books to the library. Hofer received a bachelor’s degree (1921) and a m aster’s degree in fine arts (1929) from Harvard. The following year he became curator of the Spen­ cer Collection of the New York Public Library and from 1934 to 1937 he served as the first appointed assistant director of the Morgan Library. In 1938 he returned to H arvard and from th a t time onward developed the lib rary ’s collections of illustrated and calligraphic manuscripts and fine printing and illustration. M arjorie H ood, head circulation librarian at the University of North Carolina at Greensboro from 1936 to 1970, died on June 17. She was a col­ laborator w ith Guy Lyle on the third edition of the textbook The Administration o f the College L i­ brary (1961). M ark Jupiter, who served as cataloger at Co­ lum bia University from 1946 to 1972, died on No­ vember 7. E dythe Kirk, assistant head of the Cataloging D epartm ent at the University of Illinois, C ham ­ paign, from 1958 to 1973, died on N ovem ber 27. ■ ■ This publication is available in microform from University Microfilms International. Call toll-free 800-521-3044. Or mail inquiry to: University Microfilms International, 300 North Zeeb Road, Ann Arbor, MI 48106.