ACRL News Issue (B) of College & Research Libraries or periodicals. For m ore inform ation, contact OMPX, OCLC, 6565 Frantz Road, Dublin, OH 43017; (614) 764-6000. • The Yale Medical Library recently completed the reproduction and indexing of its valuable print collection through the services of the Communica tions Media Division of Yale’s School of Medicine. To make the collection more accessible it was pre served on 35mm slides and then indexed on micro fiche. A Forox SSA camera was used for both oper ­ ­ ­ ­ ations. Costs for four microfiche, two copies of each, cam e to $25 for film and processing, or slightly over $3 per copy. The Forox camera can also be used for slide, slide film, videotape, and 16mm work; Yale is also considering its use in vi­ deodisc production. For more information on the camera, contact Wally Fleischer, Forox Corpora­ tion, 393 West Avenue, Stamford, CT 06902; (203) 324-7400. ■ ■ PUBLICATIONS Notices • American Bronze Sculpture, 1850 to the Present (72 pages, 1984) is a well illustrated catalog of the large-scale exhibition at the Newark Mu­ seum th at documents the use of bronze by Ameri­ can artists. The catalog features an introductory es­ say by Gary A. Reynolds, Newark Museum curator of painting and sculpture, discussing the history of the medium and casting techniques. Concise biog­ raphies of the 57 sculptors represented are also in­ cluded. Each of the 88 works on exhibit is illus­ trated and documented. Over half of the objects are from the Newark Museum collection, aug­ mented by loans from major New York galleries and other museums. The exhibit will be on display through February 3, 1985. Copies of the catalog are $12.95 (plus $2 postage and handling) from the Publications D epartm ent, Newark Museum, 49 W ashington Street, P.O. Rox 540, Newark, N] 07101. ISRN 0-932828-20-5. • Archives and Manuscripts: Administration of Photographic Collections, by Mary Lynn Ritzen- thaler, Gerald J. Munoff, and Margery Long (176 pages, 1984), covers all aspects of photographic materials from appraisal and accessioning through research use. The emphasis is on the means of ad­ ministering historical photographs from an archi­ val perspective, stressing the development of sys­ tem s to organize, access, and preserve en tire collections, rather than an item-by-item approach to single images. 100 photographs are included. The cost is $14 to SAA members, $18 to others. O r­ der from the Society of American Archivists, 600 S. Federal, Suite 504, Chicago, IL 60605. • The newly revised 1984-1985 Directory of Physics and Astronomy Staff Members (412 pages), published by the American Institute of Physics, gives names, addresses, and telephone numbers for almost 30,000 physicists and astronomers located primarily in the U.S. and Canada. It also includes an alphabetical list of the 2,400 departments from over 2,100 academic institutions, and an alphabet­ ical list of the various divisions of close to 600 re­ search and development organizations in North America. The cost is $30 for institutions and $10 for individuals (prepayment required) from the Amer­ ican Institute of Physics, 335 East 45th St., New York, NY 10017. • Minimum Library Use Skills (25 pages, 1984) is now available from the Wisconsin Association of Academic L ibrarians. Included are m inim um competency standards, a test of minimum library use skills, and a brief bibliography on evaluating li­ brary competency. Copies may be ordered for $3 (prepaid) from the Wisconsin Library Association, 1922 University Ave., Madison, WI 53705. • The latest semi-annual microfiche edition of PPHSL: Periodical Publications in Harvard Science Libraries (September 1984), which provides both a title and keyword listing of 16,327 periodicals cur­ rently received in 21 H arvard science libraries, may now be ordered at $18 per set (prepaid). Title entries include locations, holdings, and call num ­ bers. An explanatory booklet is enclosed with each order. Order from the Cabot Science Library, One Oxford St., Cambridge, MA 02138. • The Rare Book and Manuscript Library of Co- lumbia University: Collections and Treasures (138 pages, January 1985) has been published to coin­ cide with the opening of the library, described on page 12 of this issue. The catalog, printed by The H arbor Press, is limited to 1,000 copies and is illus­ trated with 55 photographs. Copies are $25 (pay­ able to Columbia University) and may be ordered from the Rare Book and Manuscript Library, But­ 29 ler Library, Columbia University, New York, NY 10027. ISBN 0-9607862-1-X. • Spanish Periodicals and Newspapers in the Spe­ cial Collections Department of the Homer Babbidge Library, University of Connecticut, Storrs describes 751 titles, spanning three centuries, w ith the m a­ jority of materials dating to the period 1800-1840 and including coverage of the Napoleanic period and the wars for independence in South America. Most of the materials are unavailable elsewhere in the United States. Included for each entry is the ti­ Texas union list underway At the end of August 1984 the Consortium of Ac­ demic and Research Libraries (CORAL) in San ntonio, Texas, completed the first year of a proj­ ct to develop a union list of periodicals w ithin C L C ’s Union List component. The first year’s work was funded by a $61,400 SCA Title III grant administered by the Texas tate Library. A new grant has now been aw arded o allow CORAL to continue work through August 985, by which tim e it is expected th a t work on the nion list will have been completed. CORAL is a consortium of some 28 libraries in nd around San Antonio. Its membership includes he San Antonio Public Library and a num ber of a A e O L S t 1 u a t tle, subtitle, an exact listing of issues held, dates ol publication, and place of publication. The list may be purchased for $5 (prepaid) from Diane Castillo, Business Services, Homer Babbidge Library, Uni­ versity of Connecticut, Storrs, CT 06268. • A free Use Your Film Library 17x22-inch poster may be obtained by any institution w ith a 16mm film collection from Centre Productions, Inc., 1800 30th St., Suite 207, Boulder, CO 80301; (800) 824-1166. ■ ■ academ ic and special libraries. Tw enty-seven CORAL libraries are participating in the new un­ ion list project, which is under the direction of John Conyers at the University of Texas at San Antonio. The announcem ent concerning CORAL’s proj­ ect was m ade by the organization’s current presi­ dent, Irw in Sexton, director of the San Antonio Public Library. Sexton estimated th a t the union list would eventually contain 15,000 titles and will be of fundam ental im portance in supporting COR­ AL’s active resource-sharing program . CORAL patrons have interlibrary borrow ing privileges, and there is a delivery system th a t transfers m ate­ rial among the CORAL libraries on a daily basis. Swets… an attractive, many facetted and transparent subscription service. We would be pleased to send you our informative brochure as well as detailed documentation of our services. contact: Heereweg 347-b2161 CA Lisse The Netherlands 31 The San Antonio group is the second large Texas consortium to develop an OCLC union list. The Association for Higher Education located in the Dali as-Fort W orth area has already completed a union list for its region. CORAL and AHE repre­ sent two of the three most populous urban areas in exas, and it is expected th at their OCLC union sts will form the nucleus of a statewide union list be developed in coming years. ■ ■ T li to 1985 RBMS Preconference The 1985 Rare Rooks and Manuscripts Section Preconference will explore the theme, “Changing Concepts of Value and R arity.” The event will take t place at the Holiday Inn-M art Plaza, Chicago, on t July 2-5, 1985, prior to ALA Annual Conference. Speakers will examine various aspects of the ques­ i tion of how contemporary culture has evolved, its l perception of w hat constitutes “rarity ,” and how society relates “rarity” to value. t The range of discussion will involve such ques­ tions as the historical evolution of the idea of rarity, the influence on the concept of various social and cultural factors, such as the development of the modern university system, and the political state­ ments th at a rare book collection can make. Speakers will include Paul Mosher, of Stanford University; Thomas F. W right, of William An­ drews Clark Memorial Library, UCLA; Kenneth Rendell, of Kenneth Rendell, Inc., Newton, Mas­ sachusetts; Arthur Freeman, of Rernard Quaritch, , London, England; James Wells, formerly of Newberry Library; and Robert Rosenthal, of University of Chicago. addition to the plenary session, a series of sem­ s on a variety of topics of interest to rare book rians, curators, and m anuscript librarians, be presented by the RBMS Continuing Educa­ Committee. ince the Preconference encompasses Indepen­ e Day, celebratory events are being planned he afternoon and evening of July 4. brochure describing the Preconference will be to all RBMS members by mid-March. Others are interested in attending may w rite to Sandy ite le y , A ssociate E x ecu tiv e D ire c to r, L/ALA, 50 E. Huron St., Chicago, IL 60611- . ■ ■ Inc. he he In nar ibra will ion S denc for t A sent who W h ACR 2795 CALENDAR January 22—B aconiana: Bacon B irthday C elebration, Francis Bacon Library, Claremont, California. Ian Box, Mt. Allison University, New Bruns­ wick, will speak on “Power/Knowledge in Ba­ con’s N atural Philosophy.” A reception to toast the 424th anniversary of Francis Bacon’s birth will be held after the talk. Contact: Elizabeth S. Wrigley, Director, Francis Bacon Library, 655 N. D artm o u th Ave., C larem ont, CA 91711; (714) 624-6305. February 1 -3 —Special Libraries: SLA W inter Education Conference, Franklin Plaza Hotel, Philadel­ phia. A “Marketing and Public Relations” pro­ gram will be offered as one of the five segments of the Middle Management Institute. A special workshop for paraprofessionals and support staff will be given on February 1, as well as workshops on interpersonal communication skills and li­ brary automation; other topics will be presented on February 2-3. Contact: SLA, 235 Park Ave. South, New York, NY 10003; (212) 477-9250. M arch 8—Drexel Workshops: W inter work­ shops, College of Information Studies, Drexel U niversity, P hiladelphia. F eb ru ary 8, “ The W orld of Rare Books,” Howell H eaney and Marie Korey, $75. February 15, “On-line Liter­ ature Searching,” Jerry Saye, $110. February 22, “L ibrary Automation: A Seminar on the State of the A rt,” Rob McGee, $115. March 8, “M idstream C areer C hanges,” Jane Spivack, $80. Contact: Janet Goldwater, Office of Con­ tinuing Professional Education, College of In- 8-