ACRL News Issue (B) of College & Research Libraries C&RL News ■ July/A ug ust 2001 / 737 P r e s e r v a t i o n N e w s Jane Hedberg Resp o n ses to Double Fold The Association of Research Libraries is com­ piling a list of materials related to Nicholson Baker’s book, D ouble Fold: Libraries a n d the Assault on Paper. The list includes citations for Baker’s book, his July 2000 New Yorker article, reviews, articles, interviews and docu­ ments written in response to Baker’s attack on library preservation activities. The list of re­ sponses also contains comprehensive descrip­ tions of several major research library preser­ vation programs (e.g., National Library of Medicine and Harvard University Library), pro­ viding a snapshot of the current state of pres­ ervation at those institutions. The URL for this site is D ig ita l p re se rv a tio n W eb site OCLC and the Research Libraries Group (RLG) have created a Web site called Digital Preser­ vation Commons, which is devoted to pro­ moting discussion about digital preservation and archiving issues. In March 2000, the two organizations announced a partnership to iden­ tify and support best practices for long-term retention of digital objects. They formed two working groups, one to investigate preserva­ tion metadata and the other to investigate the preferred attributes of a digital archive. Preser­ vation M etadata f o r Digital Objects: A Review o f the State o f the Art is a 50-page white paper produced by the metadata working group that is now available on the Web site as a PDF file. The URL for Digital Preservation Commons is A L A p u b licatio n ALA Editions has published The Preservation P r o g r a m B lu e p r in t by B arbra B u ck n er Higginbotham and Judith Wild as the sixth number in its series, Frontiers o f Access to Li­ brary Materials. This 168-page book advocates decentralization and integration of preserva­ tion activities into all library functions. Each of the 12 chapters addresses the role and duties of a different position or functional area. The chapters cover the library director, building manager, collection development and acqui­ sitions, circulation and stack maintenance, bind­ ing, repair and reformatting, cataloging and materials processing, access services, interli­ brary loan, reference and information services, special collections and archival materials, mi­ croforms, sound recordings, video formats and new media, and library systems. The book is available in paperback for $37.00 ($33-30 for ALA members) from the ALA online store ( ISBN: 0­ 8389-0802-0. P re se rvatio n o f so u n d re co rd in g s The Council on Library and Information Re­ sources (CLIR) has published Folk H eritage Collections in Crisis, a report about preserving 20th-century sound recordings. It is a synop­ sis of a December 2000 meeting that brought together folklorists, sound engineers, preser­ vation experts, lawyers, librarians, and archi­ vists to consider the challenges of preserving folk heritage collections. The report contains the three keynote presentations, the formal responses, summaries of the discussions and the 27 recommendations made to ensure ac­ cess, preservation and rights management for these fragile sound collections. The report is available as a free PDF file or a $15 print copy at abstract/ρub96abst.html. ISBN 1-887334-82-3. J A IC o n lin e Back issues of the Jo u r n a l o f the A m erican Institute f o r Consem ation (JAIC) are available online. The JAIC is published three times per year and contains scholarly articles about sci­ entific research, current issues, and technical procedures in the conservation of many types of cultural materials, including books and pa­ per. This new Web site provides full text and images of all the articles published between 1977 and 1999- The articles may be browsed by title or searched by keyword. There are plans to update the database annually with more recent issues and to add issues from the earlier publication, AIC Bulletin. The URL is* Jane Hedberg is preservation program officer at Harvard University, e-mail:; fax: (617) 496-8344*