ACRL News Issue (B) of College & Research Libraries C&RL News ■ July/August 2001 / 745 P e o p l e i n t h e N e w s Ann-Christe Young David Farm er, director of Southern Meth­ odist University’s DeGolyer Library, has been awarded the Maura Award from the Women’s Center of Dallas for his efforts to further the issues of women. The award is named for Women’s Center of Dallas founder Maura Anderson McNiel, whose lifelong commit­ ment to mentoring women and finding solu­ tions to women’s problems has helped the center bridge differences among women of all ages and stages of development. Farmer, only the sixth man to receive the award, was selected for his efforts to preserve women’s history with the creation of SMU’s Archives of Women of the Southwest. The collection includes diaries, correspondence, lectures, and files documenting the roles of women in business, law, medicine, government, edu­ cation, and homemaking. Jill B. Fatzer, professor of curriculum and in­ struction in the College of Education at the University of New Orleans, is this year’s re­ cipient of the Louisiana Library Association’s Academic Section Outstanding Academic Li­ brarian of the Year Award. She has been in­ strumental in developing cooperative ventures that have brought library resources and ser­ vices to Louisiana’s aca­ demic community; she was principal investiga­ tor of a grant from the Louisiana Board of Re­ gents for enhancing ac­ cess to government pub­ lications; and she was re­ sponsible for obtaining the first successful di­ rected federal appro­ Jill B. Fatzer priation for an academic library project. Fatzer has served on the Board of Directors of ACRL, the National Association of State Universities and Land-Grant College’s Commission on Information Technology, as chair of the Louisiana Academic Library Infor­ mation Network Consortium, as a member of the Louisiana Library Network Commission, and the Louisiana Board of Regents’ Task Force on Libraries. Mary Pagļiero P opp, public services librar­ ian in the Information Technology Services d ep artm ent at Ind iana U niversity (IU ) Bloomington Libraries, has been named the recipient of the William Evans Jenkins Librar­ ian Award for 2001. Given in recognition of taily outstanding contributions to the Indi­ ana University Libraries or to the library pro­ fession, the Jenkins Award honors the lead­ ership of the first Chief Librarian at Indiana University, who served 1904-1921. Popp has held several other positions within the librar­ ies over the last 28 years, including head of the Bibliographic Instruction Department and head of Undergraduate Library Services. She has been a major force in the planning and implementation o f technological changes throughout the IU library system. She has served on numerous committees at the local, state, and national level. She is an active member of the Bloomington Faculty Coun­ cil, the University Faculty Council, and the Bloomington Campus Calendar and Sched­ ule Committee. Twice she has been elected to serve as the president of the Indiana Uni­ versity Librarians Association. Popp is a regu­ lar speaker at national conferences of the ALA and ACRL. She contributes a regular column on information literacy, “Check These Out,” in Library Instruction R ou n d table News. A p p o i n t m e n t s J a n ic e B oyer has been named dean of the University Library at University of Nebraska at Omaha (UNO); she was appointed interim dean last July 1. Boyer joined the UNO fac­ ulty in 1986 and served as interim director of the University Library from July 1997 to Au­ gust 1998. “Dean Boyer has provided distin­ guished leadership to University Library while serving as interim dean and has been able to make significant advances in the operations of the library, especially in its application of technology to enhance the service provided to students and faculty,” said Derek Hodgson, vice chancellor for academic affairs at UNO. 746 / C&RL News ■ July/August 2001 She is an active member of many library associa­ tions and has served on committees and held office in the Nebraska Library Association, the Special Libraries Association, and ALA. Thomas W. Leonhardt is now director of the Information Resource Center and univer­ sity librarian at the International University Bremen. President Geoige Bush intends to nominate Rob­ ert S. Martin to be director of the Institute of Museum and Library Services (IMLS). Martin is currently an interim director of the School of Li­ brary and Information Studies at Texas Women's University in Denton, Texas. He served as direc­ tor and librarian of the Texas State Library and Archives Commission from 1995 to 1999 and served as a associate Dean of Special Collections at Louisiana State University from 1991 to 1995. He is a graduate of Rice University, received a master's degree from North Texas State Univer­ sity and a doctorate in Library Science from the University of North Carolina. Robert Renaud has been appointed direc­ tor of the Waidner-Spahr Library and associ­ ate dean of the college at Dickinson College. Sandra G. Yee has been appointed dean of the Wayne State University Library System. She had been at Eastern Michigan University since her appointment as coordinator of ac­ cess services in 1982 and has held positions of increasing responsi­ bility until her appoint­ ment as department head in 1990. Yee played a leadership role in the development of the Bruce T. Halle Li­ brary, w hich was opened in 1998. Previ­ Sandra G. Yee ously, she was coordi­ nator of library services at Muskegon Com­ munity College. Yee has been active in a num­ ber of professional organizations including the ALA, the ACRL, the Michigan Library Con­ sortium, and the OCLC Advisory Committee on College and University Libraries. She served as president of the Michigan Library Association from 1993 to 1994 and was named their Librarian of the Year in 1999- Kerry Adams is the new head of informa­ tion resources at Emerson College in Boston. -Janice L. A dlington has been appointed bibliographer/reference librarian in the Cen­ tral Library at Vanderbilt University. Meredith Ault is now the University of Texas at Austin’s System TeleCampus librarian. Jo h n D. Berry has been appointed Na­ tive American Studies librarian in the Ethnic Studies Library at the University of Califor­ nia, Berkeley. Leslie J. Boyd is now Information Ser­ vices librarian in the Education Library at Vanderbilt University. Clark Center has been appointed cura­ tor of the W.S. Hoole Special Collections Li­ brary at the University of Alabama. D ennis T. Clark has been appointed di­ rector of the Anne Potter Wilson Music Li­ brary at Vanderbilt University. Je n n ife r C layton has been appointed coordinator of First Year Library Instruction at the Lilly Library of Duke University. E rm in io D ’O nofrio is now head of in­ formation services at the Science, Industry and Business Library of the New York Public Library. Susan J. E rickson has been appointed bibliographer/reference librarian in the Cen­ tral Library at Vanderbilt University. K aren Evans is instruction/reference li­ brarian at Indiana State University. Je n ife r O. Flaxbart has been named communication bibliographer and off-cam­ pus library services coordinator at the Gen­ eral Libraries of the University of Texas at Austin. K aren G lynn has been appointed visual - materials archivist in the Rare Book, Manu­ script, and Special Collections Library of Duke University. Am y Gonzalez has joined the reference staff at the University of Central Florida in Orlando. Linda M. Gonzalez is the new member services librarian at the Bibliographical Cen­ ter for Research in Aurora, Colorado. Tina Gross is now Hispanic/Latin Ameri­ can Languages cataloger at the University of Pittsburgh. Pam ela A. H anners has been appointed manager of Business Information Services in the Walker Management Library at Vanderbilt University. C&RL News ■ July/August 2001 / 747 R ic h a rd H. H a rr is o n has joined the ref­ erence staff at the University o f Central Florida in Orlando. E lizab eth (B e ts y ) N. H ine has been ap­ pointed interim dean o f library services at Indiana State University. D avid H o r n is now head librarian, ar­ chives and manuscripts, in the Burns Library at B oston College. Jen n ifer Jaco b s has been named university archivist at the University of California at Irvine. P au l K e lse y is the new science/agricul­ ture librarian at the Louisiana State Univer­ sity Libraries. T h e re s a L y m a n is now digital resource reference librarian at the O ’Neill Library at Boston College. J o s h u a M cK im has an 18-month appoint­ ment as digital encoding archivist in the Rare Book, Manuscript, and Special Collections Library at Duke University. H al M en d elso h n has joined the reference staff at the University of Central Florida in Orlando. A n n a M ih alega has been appointed digi­ tal production librarian at the University of Pittsburgh. J u a n ita G. M u rra y has been appointed head o f Special Collections/University Ar­ chives at Vanderbilt University. M au reen Olle has been appointed gov­ ernment information/social sciences librarian at the Louisiana State University Libraries. J u n g -r a n P a rk is catalog librarian at Indi­ ana State University. M arg aret Phillips has b een appointed the first library-wide electronic resources librarian at the University o f California, Berkeley. M ic h a e l P ip e r is the new director o f DALNET, a consortium o f 21 academic, pub­ lic, and special libraries in Southeast Michi­ gan. S a ra h R eed has been appointed assistant music librarian at the University o f Pittsburgh. L eslie J . R ey n o ld s has been appointed assistant director for Public Services in the Walker M anagem ent Library at Vanderbilt University. P h y llis A. S ch m id t is the new social sci­ ences reference librarian at the University o f Missouri-Kansas City Libraries. Z h ijia S h en has been appointed head of the East Asian Library at the University o f Pitts­ burgh. K ate Silfen is now social work reference librarian at B oston College. M ich ael S o m e rs has b een appointed as­ sistant dean for library services at Indiana State University. T e rrie K. Syp olt has joined the reference staff at the University o f Central Florida in Orlando. J o n a th a n T h o m as is the new head of cir­ culation services for the Doe/Mofitt Libraries at the University o f California, Berkeley. A lexia T h o m p so n -Y o u n g has b een ap­ pointed distance learning librarian at the G en­ eral Libraries o f the University o f Texas at Aus­ tin. M arvin Tillm an has becom e the first man­ ager o f the Libraiy Service Center at Duke University. Meg T u lloch-R ay has been appointed in­ formation services librarian in the Walker Man­ agement Library at Vanderbilt University. H e a th e r T u n e n d e r has b een named elec­ tronic reference seivices librarian at the Uni­ versity o f California at Irvine. A m y V ecchione has joined the Doe/Moffitt RIS unit at the University o f California, Berke­ ley. D o ro th y Willis has been appointed ac­ cess seivices librarian in the University Libraiy at the University o f Nebraska at Omaha. R o b erta J . W in ju m has been appointed coordinator o f technical services at Vanderbilt University. Advertiser index Academic Press 733 ACRL 688 ARL 723 Annual Reviews 736 American Theological Library Association - 713 B ernan 734 CHOICE 727 EBSCO Cover 4 Endeavor Information Sys. 695 InfoUSA 705 Libraries Unlimited 730 netLibrary Cover 2 , 681 OCLC Cover 3 R.R. B ow ker 691 University o f Maryland 684 748 / C&RL News ■ July/August 2001 Jeff Wisniewski is now Web Services li­ brarian at the University of Pittsburgh. R e t i r e m e n t s W erner Gundersheim er, F o lg e r Shakespeare Library director, will retire in June 2002. Gundersheim er has served as di­ rector since 1984 and is the fourth director in th e F o lg e r ’s 7 0 -y e a r h is to ry . U n d e r G undersheim er’s leadership, the Folger has enjoyed unprecedented growth, from exhi­ bitions to programs, from the collections to the physical plant, from institutional finan­ cial stability to the commitment of the gov­ erning board. The endow m ent alone has in­ creased more than 643% in market value, from $27 million in 1984 to more than $175 mil­ lion in 2000, much of it in new gifts. During G undersheim er’s tenure, the Folger’s land­ mark building has b een significantly over­ hauled, w ith im proved exhibition, perfor­ m ance, an d research facilities. W hile the Folger remains primarily an environm ent of print and perform ance, G undersheim er has ushered in technological improvements to ex­ pan d accessibility and worldwide use of the collection by scholars and Shakespeare lov­ ers alike. Before joining the Folger, he was chairman of the D epartm ent of History and director of the Center for Italian Studies at th e U niversity o f P ennsylvania. A n o te d scholar in early m odern French and Italian history, G undersheim er is author o f num er­ ous books and articles. Barbara G. Richards, associate university li­ brarian at Carnegie Mellon University, has re­ tired after 23 years of service. She came to Carnegie Mellon in 1978 as assistant librarian in the Mellon Institute Library. In 1981, she became acquisitions li­ brarian an d assistant head of Technical Pro­ cesses, and in 1985 she became assistant direc­ tor o f Technical Ser­ vices. In 1990, she was appointed associate di- ____ ____ rector o f libraries, fol- Barbara G. Richards lowed by associate uni­ versity librarian for administration/information and education services in 1992. Richards also acted as interim director from 1991-92. She served on the board of trustees for the Pitts­ burgh Regional Library Center from 1992 until its merger with PALINET in 1995, and contin­ ued to serve o n the PALINET board until re­ tirement. Her professional memberships in­ clude the ALA, ACRL, Pennsylvania Library Association, Special Libraries Association, American Society for Information Science, and Technology and the Society for Scholarly Pub­ lishing. She has written and lectured exten­ sively about the digital library. D e a t h s Fleming Bennett, 90, librarian emeritus at the University of Florida, died May 3, 2001, after a brief illness. Bennett w as associate di­ rector of libraries at the time of his retire­ ment in 1976. He had previously served as head librarian at the University o f Arizona (1952-64); head of acquisitions at the Colum­ bia University Libraries (1950-52); and chief audiovisual librarian at West Virginia Univer­ sity. He h ad several research papers p u b ­ lished in library journals. Bennett served in the U.S. Army during World War II. He was an elected m em ber o f Alpha Psi Omega, honorary dramatics fraternity, and Sigma Xi, national honorary scientific research society. Ruth Ann Marshall, 81, former h ead o f li­ brary technical processes at Carnegie Mellon University, died on April 6, 2001. Marshall was the head of the technical processes d e­ partm ent of Carnegie Mellon University Li­ braries from 1947 until her retirement in 1985. During that time she saw the library outgrow its small facility on the third floor o f a class­ room building and expand into a new build­ ing, Hunt Library, and she w itnessed the de­ velopm ent of additional science library fa­ cilities at Carnegie Mellon. ■ Ed. n o te : To ensure th a t y o u r pe rsonnel news is considered fo r p u b lic a tio n , w rite to A nn-C hriste Young, productio n editor, C&RL News, 50 E. Huron St., Chicago, IL 60611-2795; e-mail:; fax: (312) 280-2520.