ACRL News Issue (B) of College & Research Libraries C&RL News ■ July/A u g u s t 2001 / 749 Career opportunities C L A S S I F I E D s Ad from across the country Deadlines: O rders for regular classified advertisem ents must reach the A C R L office on or before the second o f the month preceding publication of th e issue (e.g., Septem ber 2 for th e O ctober issue). Should this date fall on a w eekend or holiday, ads w ill be accepted on the next business day. Late job listings w ill be accepted on a space-available basis after the second o f the month. Rates: C lassified advertisem ents are $9.75 per line for institutions th a t are AC RL m em bers, $11.85 for others. Late job notices are $22.70 per line for institutions th a t are AC R L m embers, $27.50 fo r others. O rgan iza tio ns subm itting ads will be charged according to their m embership status. Display ad rates range from $450 to $840 based upon size. Please call for sizes and rates. O r see our W eb site: http:// w ww i. G uidelines: For ads th a t list an application deadline, we suggest th a t date be no so on e r than the 20th day of the month in w hich the notice appears (e.g., O ctober 20 fo r the October issue). All job a nnouncem ents should include a salary range per policy of the Am erican Library A ssociation (ALA). Job a nn o uncem ents will be edited to exclude discrim ina to ry references. Applicants should be aware th a t the term s fa cu lty ra nk and status vary in meaning am ong institutions. Internet: C &R L N ew s classified ads are a ccessible on the W eb a t h ttp://w w w 2.htm l. Ads will be placed appro xim ately 2 - 3 w ee ks before th e printed edition o f C&RL N ew s is published. C ontact: Elise Parker, C lassified Advertising M anager, C&RL N ew s C lassified A d vertising D epartm ent, ACRL, A m erican Library A ssociation, 50 E. Huron St., C hicago, IL 60611-2795; (312) 280-2513; fax: (312) 2 80-7663 or (312) 280-2520; e-m ail: c& rlne w sad s@ a la .org . Policy: ALA policy requires that organizations recruiting through ALA publications or placement services comply with ALA anti-discrim ination policies. Policy 54.3 states that “ALA is committed to equality o f opportunity for all library em ploy­ ees or applicants for employment, regardless of race, color, creed, sex, age, physical or mental handicap, individual life­ style, o r national origin." By advertising through ALA ser­ vices, the organization agrees to com ply with this policy. POSITIONS OPEN ACQLIISmONS LIBRARLAM/ASSISTANT PROFESSOR. (Search Extended) Ol¡n Library, Rollins C o lle ge . R o llin s C o lle ge in vites a p p lica tio n s fo r a service-oriented librarian to jo in its tech n ical se rvice s team . Prim ary responsibilities include leading a staff o f three people involved in acquisi­ tion o f m onographs, se ria ls, a nd e lectron ic resources, binding, and associated fisca l activities; m ain tain in g b usin e ss re la tion sh ips with vendors; neg otia tin g and m an ag in g c o ntra cts a nd lice n ses fo r digital information products; m aintaining awareness o f tre nd s in scholarly com - m unicationsand publishing; supervising the processing o f g ift materials; hiring, training, and evaluating staff; and p articipating in reference desk service. T h is is an entry-leve l fa cu lty position w ith ten u re -tra ck statu s o r a 24-m onth visiting a p p ointm e n t dep en d in g on qualifications. A n M LS from an A LA -accredited p ro gra m a nd a second m a ster’s d eg re e a re required fo r te n u re -tra ck appointm e n t. C and id a te s n ot m eeting the e ducational crite ria fo r te n u re -tra ck a p p o in tm e n t w ill be consid e re d fo r an app ointm e n t a t the in stru cto r level. O the r R equirem ents: D em on­ strated experience in acquisitions and supervision orequivalent; excellent written and oral co m m unication skills; a bility to w o rk co lla bo ra tively and to m aintain e ffe ctive rela tion sh ips w ith a ll m em b ers o f the co lle ge com m unity; co m m itm en t to pro fe ssio na l growth and sch ola rly activity; experience w ith O C LC and a t le ast o ne in tegrated o nline system ; and familiarity with spreadsheet and database program s. Research, publica­ tion, and service a re required to sa tisfy c rite ria fo r co ntin uing a pp o in t­ ment, prom otion, a nd tenure. Salary: $ 3 0 ,0 0 0 -$ 3 6 ,0 0 0 ann ua lly, d e ­ pending on qualifications; standard benefits package available. Starting Date: June 1,2 0 0 1 . R ollins C o lle ge is an independent, private, liberal arts institution w ith a total FTE e nro llm e n t o f 2 .8 0 0 located in W inte r Park, Florida. Th e O lin L ibrary h ouses a co lle ction o f 280 ,00 0 volum es, 1,500 period ica ls, 72,000 g ove rn m e nt docu m e nts, n um erous e lec­ tronic databases, and 2 state-of-the-art information technology laborato­ ries. W e b site: w w w .rollin s.e d u/o lin /. T o A pp ly: S ub m it a le tte r o f application, a cu rre n t vita, and th e nam es, addre sses, telep ho n e n um ­ bers, a nd e-m ail add re sses o f th re e re ferences to: Bill Svitavsky, Chair, Search C om m ittee, O lin Library, R o llin s C o lle g e , 1000 H o lt A venue #2744, W in te r Park, F L 327 89 -4 4 99 . R e vie w o f a p p lica tio ns w ill begin im m ediately a nd continue until the position is filled. Rollins C ollege is an equal opportunity employer. ASSISTANT DIRECTOR FOR HUMAN RESOURCES A N D BUDGET. Located in the heart o f downtown Denver, the Auraria Library and Media Center serves the largest and m ost diverse student population in Colo­ rado with app ro xim a tely 3 3,000 students from three separate institu­ tions: the C om m unity C ollege o f Denver, M etropolitan S tate C ollege of Denver, and the University of Colorado a t Denver. Colorado residents enjoy a tem perate clim ate w ith 300 days o f sunshine and easy a ccess to o utdoor recreation, cultural, and sp orts activities. T h e Assistant D irec­ tor, under the direction o f the Dean, coordinates and oversees all aspects of the Auraria Library human resources and fiscal m anagem ent process, Salary guide Listed below are the latest minim um starting salary figures recommended by state library associationsforprofessional library posts in these states. The recommendations are advisory only, and ALA has not adopted recommendations fo r minim um salaries. Job seekers and employers should consider these recommended minim ums when evaluating professional vacancies. Foradditional information on librarian salaries, contact ALA Office fo r Library Personnel Resources. C o n n e c tic u t $3 4,172 D e la w a re $22,50 0** Illin o is $3 0,09 6* In d ian a v a r ie s * Io w a $23,911 L o u is ian a $2 2,00 0 M a in e v a r ie s * M a ssac h u setts $3 1,36 2* N ew J e rs e y $3 3,785 N orth C aro lin a $27,64 1** O h io $25,19 8** P en n s y lv a n ia $2 8,12 0* R h o d e Island $2 9,80 0 S o u th C a ro lin a v a rie s * S o u th D ako ta $2 2,00 0 T e x a s $2 8,00 0 V e rm o n t $2 6,46 4 W e s t V irg in ia $2 2,00 0 W isc o n s in $3 2,70 0 ‘ R a th e rth a n e sta b lish o ne s ta te w id e s a la ry m inim um , so m e sta te a s s o c ia tio n s h ave ado pte d a fo rm u la b ase d on va ria b le s such a s co m p a ra b le sa la rie s fo r p u b lic s ch o o l te a c h e rs in e ach co m m u n ity, o r th e g ra d e le vel o f a p ro fe ssio n a l lib ra ria n p ost. In th e s e cases, you m a y w ish to c o n ta c t th e sta te a s so cia tio n fo r m inim um s a la ry in fo rm a tio n . “ T h e s e re co m m e n d a tio n s a p p ly o n ly t o p u b lic lib ra ria n s. including recruitm ent, selection, prom otion, and co m p en satio n o f fac- uty and classified staff; personnel d evelopm ent and training; and fiscal planning and b udgetary oversight. Responsive and innovative services are provided by 2 8 library fa cu lty and 55 classified sta ff in a fle xible and supportive w o rk e nvironm ent. Salary: $52,631 to $66,506, d epending upon education and experience. Forfull job description, benefits informa­ tion, and application procedures, see: in/ asstdirector.htm l, R e vie w o f a p p lica tio ns will beg in on A ug u st 15, 750 / C&RL News ■ July/August 2000 Association of College & Research Libraries A Division o f the American Library Association WEB PRODUCT DEVELOPMENT SPECIALIST/ EDITOR-IN-CHIEF, C&RL NEWS POSITION RESPONSIBILITIES: Reporting to the Executive Director, this position has two main responsibilities: 1) Web product development— to conceptualize new products and services appropriate for distance delivery using vehicles such as the Web, to develop plans for and implement these new program s, and to w ork with m em bers in developing viable new ideas; and 2) Editorial— to deliver a print and electronic magazine, C&RL News, to members and subscribers 11x/year. This position includes managerial, supervisory, and financial responsibility. The position is responsible for generating revenues to cover the expenses of producing C&RL News and to cover expenses of new programs. The person in this position will be most effective with a strong awareness of issues facing academic libraries and the higher education community. Web and Product Development Responsibility: This person is responsible for analyzing market trends and interests of academic libraries and conceptualizing new products and services that meet these trends and interests. Includes assessing viability of these new products and services; recommending those to bring to market; coordinating the various staff, member groups, departments, and outside services needed to develop the product; and overseeing the launch. Such products might include a portal for members, digital access to ACRL publications for members only, on-demand pay-per-view services to nonmembers, Web CT courses, and other products as determined. Editorial Responsibility: The editor-in-chief is responsible for all content in C&RL News. This content is developed through solicitation of manuscripts and reports on conferences, writing a monthly news column and an editorial, maintaining and developing relationships with potential authors and column editors, soliciting graphic materials for covers and inside. Other duties include responsibility for planning and seeing that each issue is produced accurately (and in adherence to the standards of the Chicago Manual o f Style) and on time; planning and implementing marketing plans to ensure revenue streams for advertising and subscriptions; preparing circulation and audit reports; selecting printing and mailing services and negotiating contracts as needed; maintaining postal permits and preparing annual Statement of Ownership. The editor-in-chief supervises the work of three staff members, member authors, and contributors and is ultimately responsible for the integrity of the final product. The editor-in-chief also works with a member editorial board. EDUCATION: Required: B.A. or B.S. Preferred: MLS from an ALA-accredited program or equivalent. BACKGROUND AND EXPERIENCE: Three years of strong Web technology and/or writing and editing experience; knowledge of Web and computer technology to conceptualize, implement, and deliver new products and services; demon­ strated experience with creative applications of innovative technologies for teaching and learning; a record of involvement in recommending, developing, and implementing programs. Prefer experience working in an academ ic library, writing, and/or editing for publication. This position requires attention to detail; flexibility; good judgment; maturity; and evidence of a managerial demeanor. Strong interpersonal, written, and oral communication skills are important. SALARY: $48,000-54,000. TO APPLY: Send application no later than August 10, 2001, to: American Library Association Human Resources Department 50 East Huron Street Chicago, IL 60611 The American Library Association is an equal opportunity employer. Applications are invited from women, minorities, and people with disabilities. C&RL News ■ July/August 2001 / 751 DIRECTOR AND DEAN OF THE LIBRARY California State University, Sacramento California State University, Sacramento seeks to fill the position of Director and Dean of the Library, effective January 2002. The Director and Dean reports to the Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs and is the chief administrative officer and spokesperson of the University Library. In addition, the successful candidate will administer a team of two Associate University Librarians, 20 Library Faculty, and 57 staff. CSUS seeks a creative and dynamic leader with excellent interpersonal skills to administer the University Library in a time of transformation. Located in California’s capital, CSUS, with its approximately 1,400 full- and part-time faculty and 1,100 staff, serves over 25,000 students. The University has seven colleges: Arts and Letters, Business Administration, Education, Engineering and Computer Science, Health and Human Services, Natural Sciences and Mathematics, and Social Sciences and Interdisciplinary Studies; and offers baccalaureate degrees in 60 disciplines, master's degrees in 40 disciplines, and a joint doctorate in public history and additional joint doctorates in other disciplines underway. In addition, the University offers teaching credentials and professional programs. The Library, with 377,074 square feet of floor space and seating for over 3,500 students, has over 1 million volumes and maintains a periodical collection of 4,000 titles. Candidates must possess significant experience with a university or comparable library in leadership, research, or other relevant roles and must possess eligibility for senior appointment to the faculty; substantial and demonstrated progressive managerial and senior-level administrative experience, including budget and personnel matters, preferably within a university or comparable library; strong interpersonal skills with demonstrated ability to interact and work effectively with librarians, staff, faculty, and students in a diverse community; substantial evidence of ability to provide leadership and make decisions while working successfully and collaboratively with others in a collegial administrative style; demonstrated evidence of effective written and oral communication skills, and evidence of ability to generate external funds. Candidates must also possess an understanding of the evolving role of electronic library technology in the academic library. Desirable qualifications include possession of an earned doctorate, an ALA-accredited graduate degree in Library Science; demonstrated evidence of community involvement and leadership; experience in a collective bargaining environment, and an understanding of and development of projects or activities responsive to the changing needs of the disciplines in the University. This is a full-time position defined in the Management Personnel Plan of the California State University. Salary and benefits are competitive and commensurate with experience and credentials. Candidates must submit application materials to: Office of Academic Affairs Box Library California State University, Sacramento 6000 J Street Sacramento, CA 95819-6016 Applications must include the following: A letter of application, current vitae/résumé, and the names, addresses, and telephone numbers of at least three references who can speak to professional qualifications (not all from the same institution). The letter of application should address the applicant’s qualifications with specific reference to the required skills, knowledge, and abilities listed above. Review of applications will begin October 1, 2001, and will continue until the position is filled. CSUS is an affirmative action, equal opportunity employer. 2001 ‚ and will continue until the position is filled. The University of Colorado at Denver is committed to excellence through inclusiveness. The Colorado Open Records Act (C.R.S. 24-72-204) requires a written request for confidentiality at the time of application. Applications without such a request may be open records and may be disclosed. ASSISTANT LIBRARIAN. Autry Museum of Western Heritage seeks librarian for position in Western Americana research collection. Good opportunity for person interested in building a career in special collec­ tions and cataloging. Researches and catalogs materials on the Ameri­ can West, including books, serials, maps, scripts, visual materials, scores, recordings, and ephemera. Position will include training to use our online databases, RLIN, and Innopac. MLS required; additional ad­ vanced degree in American history or a related field preferred. Some experience in an academic or research library, and knowledge of all of the MARC formats and AACR2 required. Anticipated starting salary in the mid $30s. The Autry Museum is an active equal opportunity employer. Please send letter of application and résumé to: Attn.: Human Resources, Autry Museum of Western Heritage, 4700 Western Heritage Way, Los Angeles, CA 90027-1462. Interested applicants may contact the Re­ search Center at: for further information. Apply by August 30,2001. ASSISTANT PROFESSOR/LIBRARIAN AND INFORMATION SPE­ CIALIST. The Mississippi State University Libraries and the MSU Meridian campus seek applicants for the tenure-track position of Assistant Profes­ sor/Librarian and Information Specialist, Meridian Campus. Qualifica­ tions: ALA-accredited MLS required; documented and recent professional library experience in an academic environment which must include refer­ ence assistance and teaching; utilization of emerging technologies with 7 5 2 / C&RL News ■ Ju ly/A u g u st 2001 ED UCATIO DI N RECTOR OF LIBRARY SERVICES B enedictine U n iversity ‚ L isle, IL, w hich ju s t opened a n ew state o f the a rt library is seeking a D irector o f Library S ervices. R esponsible fo r d ire ctin g the library program and serv ic es, in c lu d in g planning, budgeting, collection d ev e lo p m en t, s ta ff sup erv isio n and evaluation, and public r e la tio n s ; k e e p s a b r e a s t o f n e w te c h n o lo g ic a l d e v e lo p ­ m e n ts le a d in g th e lib ra ry s ta f f in p la n n in g a n d im p le ­ m e n tin g the integration o f new te chnologies w ith existing s e rv ic e s a n d re s o u rc e s ; w o rk s w ith th e D ire c to r o f In form ation T echnology and the T e chnology G overnance C o m m ittee to insure that the library has technology n eces­ s ary to pro v id e electro n ic inform ation resources to the c a m p u s c o m m u n ity ; m e m b e r o f A c a d e m ic C o u n cil; reports to the P rovost and V.P. A cadem ic A ffairs. Q u alification s: A L A ac credited M LS; m inim um 6 years exp e rien ce ; d em o n strated m a nagem e nt skills; analytical sk ills, c o m m u n ic atio n skills, co m p u ter literacy; team o ri­ en tation; flexibility, fina ncial m anagem ent skills. A p p lic a tio n P r o cess: R eview o f ap p licatio n s begins A u g u st 15, 2001; ap p licatio n s w ill b e accepted until posi­ tion is filled; Position availab le J a n u a r y !, 2002; Please send c o v e r letter, resu m e , salary history an d 3 reference letters to: O ffic e o f E m p lo y e e S e r v ic e s B e n e d ic t in e U n iv e r s ity 5 7 0 0 C o lle g e R o a d L is le , I L 6 0 5 3 2 Benedictine University Informing today—Transforming tomorrow Benedictine University is an equal opportunity employer. Women and minority groups are strongly encouraged to apply. intensive work in a networked teaching and learning environment, includ­ ing the Internet, Web, and other multimedia and electronic resources; broad experience with a wide variety of print and electronic reference materials; demonstrated ability to work independently, collaborate as a part of a team and as a leader; excellent oral and written communica­ tions/presentation skills. Subject master’s degree preferred. Reports to the Dean of Libraries through the Dean of the Meridian campus. Salary: $35,000— $40,000, commensurate with qualifications and experience. See full description at: Appli­ cations accepted through June 15, 2001 ‚ or until suitable applicant is found. Submit application, résumé, names, addresses, telephone num­ bers, and e-mail addresses of three current professional references to: Debra Fairbrother, Administrative Assistant to the Dean, Mississippi State University Libraries, P.O. Box 5408, Mississippi State, MS 39762. Mississippi State University is an affirmative action, equal opportunity employer. BUSINESS/REFERENCE LIBRARIAN. (Assistant Librarian rank) Louisi­ ana State University seeks an energetic and innovative individual forthe position of Business/Reference Librarian. This individual will provide reference, research assistance, instruction, collection development, and liaison duties in support of programs in Business, Economics, and Agricultural Economics. The individual is expected to meet requirements for promotion and tenure. For a detailed description of the position, go to: Qualifications: Required: MLS from an ALA-accredited library school; undergraduate degree in the areas of business and/or economics or related work experience; knowl­ edge of traditional and electronic reference resources; strong computer skills, including the ability to create Web pages; ability to work both independently and collegially in a demanding and rapidly changing environ­ ment; excellent interpersonal, communication, and organizational skills; and evidence of ability to meet tenure requirements. Preferred: Graduate degree or graduate course work in business and/or economics; familiarity with current bibliographic and reference sources in business; experience in collection development, reference work, and/or bibliographic instruc­ tion in an academic library; and record of ability to develop and implement effective, innovative public service, instruction, or outreach projects, services, or programs. Salary and benefits: $31,500 per fiscal year minimum, dependent upon qualifications and experience; 12-month, tenure-track appointment; excellent benefits. Application: Review of appli­ cations will begin July 31 ‚ 2001 ‚ and will continue until position is filled. C&RL News • July/A u g u st 2001 / 753 Cornell University Library Public Services Librarian, Nestle Library, Hotel School of Adm inistration C o rn ell U niversity is seek in g a creativ e, h ig h ly m o tivated individual to jo in the N estle L ib rary public I serv ices team . T he N estle L ib rary is ren o w n ed fo r h av in g th e la rg e st s in g le c o llectio n o f hosp itality related m aterials in th e w orld. S u bjects co vered in clude: traveL/tourism , lo d g in g , fo o d serv ice, m eetin g s and con- v entìons, sp ecial events, co o k in g and co re b u sin ess to p ics su ch as h u m a n reso u rces, financial acco unting, m an ag em en t an d co m m unications. D u ties and R esp o n sib ilities: Pro v id e in stru c tio n and re fe re n c e serv ices to stu d en ts, faculty, a d m in istra ­ tors an d sta ff at th e S chool o f H otel A d m in istra tio n , an d to the C o rn ell com m unity. D evelop ex p ertise in the resources o f th e hosp itality in d u stry and p articip ate in c o lle ctio n d e v elo p m en t fo r h o sp ita lity literature and e le ctro n ic resources. In a team e n v iro n m en t, dev elo p and m an ag e sp ecial p rojects in su p p o rt o f the S chool o f H otel A d m in istratio n 's m issio n to c re ate and d isse m in a te k n o w le d g e to the global h o sp itality industry. E x am p les in clude: d ev elo p in g and m ark e tin g a co m m e rc ially v iab le fu ll-text d atab ase o f h o sp i­ tality literatu re, and d esig n in g lib rary p ro d u cts for d istrib u tiv e le a rn in g initiatives. Q ualifications: Required: A L A -accredited m aster’s degree in lib ra s /in fo rm a tio n science o r equivalent g raduate degree. Evidence o f excellent cu sto m er service skills. Excellent verbal and w ritten com m unication. Strong com puter, presentation, organization and interpersonal skills. A bility to w o rk under pressure and meet deadlines. A bility to w ork w ell w ith a diverse, international clientele. C om m itm ent to professional develop­ ment. Previous library service and/or reference experience. Preferred: Specific subject know ledge o r w ork experience in the hospitality industry o r business/m anagem ent. E vidence o f innovative ideas and creativity. A pplication: A pp licatio n s are req u ested by Ju ly 31 , 2001, but w ill be a ccep ted until the p o sitio n is filled. S alary and rank w ill be d e p en d e n t upo n q u a lific a tio n s an d ex perience. P lease su b m it le tte r o f ap p licatio n , résum é, and th e nam es, ad d resses, and p h o n e n u m b ers o f th re e referen ces to: S u sa n M a rk ow itz, D irector L ibrary H u m a n R eso u rces 201 O lin L ibrary, C o rn ell U n iv ersity Ithaca, N e w York 14853-5301 e-m ail: lib h r@ co rn ell.ed u Cornell University is an Affirmative Action/Equal Opportunity Employer and Educator strongly committed to diversity. We value qualified candidates who can bring to our community a variety o f backgrounds arid experiences. h t t p :// w w \v .c a m p t iM if c .c o r n i‘I I .c d u /n ıa iıı/ h 11 p : //c li r o ii i c I c . c o in /j o Ivs/p r o fi I c⅝ /0 0 2 7 1 1. ti t ni Candidates should submit a letter of application, résumé, and names, addresses, and telephone numbers of three references to: Caroline Wire, Assistant to the Dean, 295 Middleton Library, Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge, LA 70803. Ref.#019471. J CATALOG ER. The Amherst College Library seeks a Catalogerto perform original cataloging of monographs and a wide variety of nonbook materials, complex copy cataloging, and authority control. In addition, will participate in special cataloging projects such as retrospective conversion and reclassification. Position will participate with Head of Cataloging and other members of Cataloging Section in formulation and revision of cataloging policies and procedures. Serves upto five hours perweekat Reference Desk.Qualifications: Required: MLS; minimum3years’cata­ loging experience including cataloging of print and non-print materials; knowledge of all major cataloging tools including Anglo-American catalog­ ing rules, Library of Congress rule interpretations, Library of Congress subject h eadings and classification, Library of Congress authority records, OCLC.and MARC format; ability to perform original cataloging of foreign language materials, Spanish and French preferred; strong nonprint back­ ground p refe rred.Abilitytoworkbothcollaborativelyandindependently; good organizational and time management skills; flexibility in carrying out assign ments; good written and oral communication skills. Amherst Col­ lege is an Innovative Interfaces library as part of Five Colleges, Inc. Salary $39,000+, depending upon qualifications; benefits includingTlAA-CREF. Send letter of application, résumé, and the names of three references to: Willis E. Bridegam, Librarian, Amherst College, P.O. Box5000, Amherst, M A 01002-5000. A review of applications will begin on August 29,2001. Amherst College is an equal opportunity, affirmative action employerand encourages women, minorities, and persons with disabilities to apply. CHAIR, DEPARTMENTOFSPECIALAND AREA STUDIES COLLEC­ TIONS. Responsible for development and administration of the special and area studies collections at the University of Florida's George A. Smathers Libraries. Works with collection curators, library administrators, and faculty to build and enhance unique and invaluable cultural resources. Shapes acquisition and collection management policy and articulates objectives aimed at achieving the department’s long-term goals. Provides guidance for the department’s public and technical services, Key spokes­ person and liaison to Library and University administration, professional and scholarly organizations, faculty, staff, students, and the general public. Pursues research and writing in areas σf specialization and partici­ pates in professional activities of importance to the department. Re­ quired ; Advanced degree in history, American literature, or related disci­ pline and M LSorM LIS from an ALA-accredited program or equivalent experience; minimum of six years at a professional level in a rare book or other special collections environment, including significant management experience. Preferred: Ph.D. or other advanced degree or a significant publication record in discipline related to the special and area studies collections. The University of Florida is the state’s oldest, largest, and most picturesque campus, a short drive away from two coastal beachfronts and major attractions. For more information on the Libraries, visit our Web pages at: http://w UF offers a generous benefit package including, 22 vacation days, 9 paid holi­ days, and thirteen sick days annually, insurance, retirement options, no state or local income tax. Salary: $50,000— $60,000 negotiable dependenton rank. Please send letter of application, résumé, and names of three references, including addresses and phone numbers, to: Library Personnel Officer, U n iversity of Florida, 370 Library West, P.O. Box 117001, Gainesville, FL 32611. Equal opportunity, affirmative action employer. Deadline: August 31,2001. CIRCULATION AND INFORMATION SERVICES LIBRARIAN. VCU Li-braries. The Virginia Commonwealth University Libraries invites appli­ cations and nominations for the newly defined position of Circulation and Information Sen/ices Librarian. Leading a redefined department with a re­ energized mission, this position offers exceptional opportunity for career growth and development in pianning, implementing, administering, and evaluating a broad array of traditional and digital circulation and informa­ tion services. This is an exciting opportunity to work with a dynamic group of library faculty and staff in one of the premier research libraries in the Commonwealth of Virginia. Reporting to the Director, Academic User Services, the Librarian will participate in a standing Academic User Services manager’s group. Qualifications: Required: ALA-accredited MLS. Preferred: three years of progressively responsible experience in access or publ ic services in an academic or research library, including two years at a supervisory level; demonstrated effective management, super­ visory and organizational skills, including ability to plan, organize, and implement projects; experience in managing an automated circulation system. Salary: $45,000 minimum per annum. For more information on this position, including detailed responsibilities and qualifications, and on the VCU Libraries, please see: fac_circhead.html. Submit résumé and names, addresses, and phone 754 / C&RL News ■ July/August 2001 HEAD CATALOGER Saint Anselm College Located in Manchester, New Hampshire, 50 miles north of Boston, Saint Anselm College is a Catholic institution in the Benedictine tradition. Recognized as a leader among small liberal arts colleges in the Northeast by US News a n d World R eport‚ Saint Anselm serves approxim ately 1,900 undergraduate students ( The Geisel Library is seeking an energetic Librarian for the full-tim e position of Head Cataloger. This new position reflects an increased need for online bibliographic control of both traditional and electronic resources and reports to the Head of Technical Services. R esponsibilities include routinely performing standardized original and com plex cataloging in all form ats; providing ongoing guidance to cataloging staff and managing departm ent procedures manual; leading staff in the use of developing standards and tools, including CORC cataloging services; promoting efficient and accurate cataloging, and overseeing realization of cataloging goals and objectives. Perform o th er duties as needed, including autom ated database authority control, systems tasks, reference services, and preservation activities. QUALIFICATIONS: An ALA-accredited MLS or equivalent; advanced knowledge of and experience with AACR2r, USMARC21 ‚ LCSH, LCCS, OCLC, and standard authority control procedures required; also requires the ability to solve cataloging problems, strong com puting skills, and the ability to im plement new cataloging standards and procedures. Supervisory experience in technical services and the ability to succeed autonom ously preferred. Salary is $31,500 (35 hours per week) with generous benefits package. Interested candidates m ay send a cover letter, résumé, and the names, addresses, and telephone numbers of three professional references to: Human Resources Saint Anselm College 100 Saint Anselm Drive Manchester, NH 03102-1310 Equal opportunity employer numbers for three references to: Georgina G. Wilson, Personnel Admin­ istrator, VCU Libraries, Virginia Commonwealth University, 901 Park Avenue, Richmond, VA 23284-2033; phone: (804) 828-2730; fax: (804) 828-0151; e-mail: ggwilson @ Review of applications will begin August 15,2001, and continue until position is filled. V irg inia Com ­ m onwealth University is an equal opportunity, affirm ative action em ployer. Women, persons with disabilities, and m inorities are encouraged to apply. COLLECTlONSANDRESOURCEDEVELOPMENTLIBRARIAN.University of W isconsin-La Crosse. Position provides innovative leadership for collection managem ent across all form ats (including monographs, periodicals, and electronic resources). Designs and evaluates pro­ cesses that im prove services and achieve efficien cies in collection developm ent. Utilizes knowledge of current trends and established practices in publishing and scholarly research to lead the cam pus and library in redesigning collection s and access to resources. Participates in reference desk service, library in struction, collegial governance, and professional service. Required: ALA-accredited MLS, second master’s for tenure; three years‘ professional library experi­ ence; excellent com m unication skills. Preferred: Significant experi­ ence m anaging library collections. Salary: $36 ,0 0 0 -4 3 ,0 0 0 de­ pending upon credentials and experience. A ssista nt Professor, 9-month tenure-track position with approxim ate 50% sum m er con­ tra ct available. Enjoy a collegial w o rk environm ent, highly-ranked cam pus, and region known for its natural beauty and outdoor activi­ ties. Please send letter of application, résum é, and the names of three references by August 27, 2001, to: C ristine Prucha, Chair, Library Departm ent, M urphy Library, U niversity of W isconsin-La C rosse. 1631 Pine Street, La Crosse, Wl 54601. UW -La Crosse is an affirm ative action, equal opportunity em ployer. Women, persons of color, and individuals w ith disabilities are encouraged to apply. Under Wisconsin Statutes, we are required to provide, upon request, a list of nominees and applicants. A written request can exclude one from this list. Persons agreeing to be final candidates (to be inter- COLLECTIONS MANAGEMENT LIBRARIAN. The Museum of Modem Art Library seeks candidates for the position of Librarian, Collections Man­ agement. This senior management position coordinates all technical aspects of acquisitions, processing, and cataloging of Library materials. This includes training and documentation of local policies and formulating and revising workflows. The incumbent to this position will also oversee the operation of Endeavor’s Voyager system including training, documen­ tation of local policies, and the extension of these services to other departments. Successful candidates should have an MLS from an ALA-accredited program, with an additional master’s degree preferred. A proven knowledge of all library procedures in an automated library environ­ ment is essential. Given the nature of the collections, experience in research libraries/special collections, especially the history of art, is preferred, in addition to a strong working knowledge of one foreign lan­ guage. Knowledge of cataloging principles and procedures including AACR2, LC Subject Headings, and USMARC formats, preferably in an RLIN environment, is required. This position will sen/e as part of the Library’s senior management team and, due to the Museum’s imminent expan­ sion, this position is a key one in redesigning the Library’s organizational structure. Qualified candidates will have strong verbal and written com­ munication skills, experience in procedure development and writing docu­ mentation, and superior organizational skills. We offer a competitive salary with generous benefits. Please send c.v. and cover letter to: The Museum of Modern Art, Recruiter LCM, 11 West 53rd Street, New York, NY 10019; or via e-mail to: jobs @ More information on the Museum and its research resources may be found at: CURATORANDARCHIVISTFORSPECIALCOLLECTIONS.Steely Library, Northern Kentucky University. Northern Kentucky University invites applications fo r a Curator a nd Archivist fo r Special Collections. Respon­ sibilities: Provides access and care to materials in Special Collections and Archives, including manuscripts, photographs, student theses, uni­ versity records, ephemera, etc.; creates finding aids; provides reference assistance to users of the collection; supervises student employees; responsible for preservation and conservation of materials in Steely Library; maintains relations with donors; and coordinates university func- C&RL News ■ July/August 2001 / 755 tions in Special Collections. Some evening and weekend work required. Requirements: MLS or equivalent from an ALA-accredited institution, with experience o r coursework in special collections, archival manage­ ment, conservation, and preservation. Preferred: Experience in a special collections o r archives environment; experience with and/or understand­ ing of electronic and photographic access/preservation technologies. The successful candidate shall possess effective oral and written commu­ nication skills and have the ability to establish and maintain collegial relationships. Rank, Salary, and Benefits: This is a 12-month, tenure-track faculty appointment as Assistant Professor of Library Services. Reap­ pointment, promotion, and tenure is dependent upon job performance, scholarship, and service contributions. M inimum Salary: $35,000, commensurate with experience. Fringe benefits include 25 vacation days, medical/dental insurance, and TIAA-CREF. Application Proce­ dure: Send letter of application, résumé, and names and addresses of three professional references (include e-mail and telephone num­ bers) to: Wendy Wood, Steely Library, Northern Kentucky University, Nunn Drive, Highland Heights, K Y 41099-6101. Applications w ill be accepted through August 31, 2001. NKU is an affirm ative action, equal opportunity em ployer. Additional inform ation about NKU is available at: 756 / C&RL News ■ July/August 2001 COORDINATOR, INFORMATION SERVICES Drake University Drake University, located in Des Moines, Iowa, is a comprehensive, selective university with an innovative student-centered curriculum that blends the liberal arts with professional training. Cowles Library serves a student body of 5,200 and has established itself as a campus leader in the developm ent and deployment of knowledge resources in the electronic format. The library also has a growing information literacy program that is integrated into the Drake curriculum . This position is an exciting opportunity for someone interested in professional growth, set against a highly collaborative and supportive environment. RESPONSIBILITIES: The library seeks a proactive professional to provide leadership and expertise for reference services, governm ent documents, and information literacy instruction. Supervise and mentor the w ork of four library faculty, support, and student staff. This individual is expected to establish and maintain a close working partnership with teaching faculty in order to: identify emerging service and instructional needs; aggressively m arket library services and resources; and undertake assessments of service quality. This individual will serve as a m em ber of the Library M anagem ent Council (LMC) and will w ork closely with that collaborative group, and the inform ation services staff, to develop and im plem ent new approaches to the delivery of reference services. The C oordinator of Information Services will lead the ongoing developm ent of both the print and digital versions of the reference collection. This person will report to the Dean of the Library. Participation in professional activities is strongly encouraged and supported. The incumbent will be required to maintain a flexible public service schedule. Q UALIFICATIONS: Required: ALA-accredited MLS; library public service experience, including library instruction; experience with electronic library services and products; demonstrated experience with planning of services; experience with m arketing and prom otion of services; ability to organize and im plement projects; and ability to w ork in a collegial, team -structured organization that promotes collaboration and the sharing of knowledge. Preferred: Supervisory experience with demonstrated ability to mentor and develop staff; dem onstrated ability to collaborate with teaching faculty; and second advanced degree. SALARY: Minimum $40,000. RANK: Appointm ent rank and compensation will be comm ensurate with qualifications and experience. AVAILABLE: Review of applications will begin August 6,2001 ‚ and continue until an appointm ent is made. APPLICATION PROCESS: A full position description is available at: http://www l. Applicants should submit a letter addressing position qualifications, along with a complete vitae and contact information (including e-mail addresses) for three references to: Rod Henshaw Dean, Cowles Library Drake University 2507 University Avenue Des Moines, IA 50311 ĒEO/AA; M/F/D/V DEAN OF LIBRARY AND LEARNING SERVICES. Marymount University of Arlington, Virginia, invites applications and nominations for the position of Dean of Library and Learning Services. The Dean reports to the VP for Academic Affairs, holds faculty rank, and is responsible for all aspects of leadership and management of the programs, staff, and services of the Library and Learning Services. Salary is competitive and commensurate with experience. Marymount is an independent, comprehensive, Catholic university that emphasizes excellence in teaching, attention to the indi­ vidual, and values and ethics across the curriculum. The University enrolls 2,100 undergraduate and 1,600 graduate students. For further informa­ tion, seethe University Website. Consideration of applications will begin July 15,2001. Applications accepted until the position is closed or filled. For official application, contact Personnel: (703) 284-1680; or jobs @; o r apply online at:; fax (703) 284-3818. Include résumé, cover letter, salary requirements, list of four references, and philosophy statement with official application. Current authorization to work in U.S. required. Position #1001. Marymount University is an affirmative action, equal opportunity employer. DIRECTOR OF SPECIAL COLLECTIONS. The Fondren Library, RiceUniver- sity, seeks an experienced, energetic, and innovative Directorof Special Collections to administer rare and special book collections, manuscript collections, and the Rice University archives. The Director is responsible for planning and managing projects which will link traditional manuscript, archives, and book processing and service activities with digital initia­ tives, including the conversion of finding aids to electronic media. This position also explores new methods of research support and outreach using special collections materials and incorporation of Special Collec­ tions into mainstream user service and instruction. The position reports to the Director of Fondren Library. The successful candidate will have the opportunity to work with the retiring Director during a period of transition. Responsibilities: The Director of Special Collections is responsible forthe planning, organizing, and ongoing support of the work of Special Collec­ tions, and for long-term planning and strategic development of the department in support of the fundamental goals of the Fondren Library. This position actively promotes use of the collections by fostering positive donor relationships, encouraging user education, performing community C&RL News ■ July/August 20 0 1 / 757 RESOURCE SERVICES LIBRARIAN FOR HISTORY, SOCIOLOGY, AND POLITICAL SCIENCE Johns Hopkins University Johns Hopkins University seeks a client- and technology-centered librarian to serve the teaching and research needs of the History, Sociology, and Political Science departments and the related distance education courses and programs in the School of Arts and Sciences. The incumbent will have the opportunity to participate in the Brandeis model of reference service delivery, to develop innovative services for the assigned client groups, to build and develop the relevant print and digital collections, and to work closely with faculty and students in a liaison-focused library and in developing online courses and projects. Under the general direction of the Head of Resource Services, develops and delivers a range of traditional and innovative library services that facilitate the research and teaching needs of the faculty and students in the assigned departments. Fulfilling these responsibilities includes cultivating strong relationships with faculty and students, selecting resources fo r the collection, providing subject-related consultative and instructional services, facilitating awareness of the rich array of available services, and developing Web-based resources in assigned subject areas. The Sheridan Libraries are strongly committed to diversity. A strategic goal of the Libraries is to “work toward achieving diversity when recruiting new and promoting existing staff.” REQUIRED QUALIFICATIONS: MLS from an ALA-accredited library school; advanced degree in History, Sociology, or Political Science or experience serving a sim ilar user population; at least two years of collection development and/or reference experience in a library; knowledge of two western European languages; and demonstrated ability to conduct seminars and instructional programs. For a more detailed job description and position q u a lifica tio ns and to apply online, please go to:; or send résumé, indicating job #SALA3038 on cover letter, via e-mail to: hwdjobs@; fax to: (410) 516-2314; or mail to: Johns Hopkins University Human Resources 119 Garland Hall 3400 N. Charles Street Baltimore, MD 21218 Approximate starting salary range: $43,402-$54,430. We offer a smoke-free and drug-free environment. Affirmative action, equal opportunity employer outreach, and utilizing the capabilities of digital technologies for access and preservation of the collections. The Director manages budgeted and specially allocated funds for the purchase of special collections material, and recommends budget expenditures in all areas reporting to the position, including salary, equipment and travel expenditures, and project-related budgets. Required: Extensive experience with and knowl­ edge of the arrangement and description of special collections materials; standards of bibliographic control and preservation, and archival prin­ ciples and practices; knowledge of and experience using digital technolo­ gies in special collections; evidence of strong commitment to public service and the ability to work effectively with faculty, staff, students, and other constituencies in a rapidly changing environment; proven ability to creatively address ambiguities in contemporary library services, with the ability to project longer-term strategies; ALA-accredited master's degree in Library and Information Studies, master of archives degree, or other appropriate advanced degree; proven ability to solve problems; excellent analytical skills; leadership skills and an ability to reach consensus with diverse constituencies; strong commitment to the development of re­ search collections; excellent written, verbal, and interpersonal communi­ cation skills. Preferred: Second advanced subject degree; experience planning new or renovated library facilities, including the shifting of special materials. Salary/Benefits: Salary range $58,000 minimum, with hiring salary based on experience and education; no state or local income tax; career advancement program;21 benefit days; 8 study days; TIAA-CREF; flexible benefits plans, including health and life insurance; and tuition waiver. Environment: Rice University is a private, independent university located on a tree-shaded 300-acre campus a few miles from downtown Houston, near major museums, theatres, and the Texas Medical Center. Fondren Library, an ARL library of over 2 million volumes located in the heart of the campus, will soon enter into a major $130 million building project. The Woodson Research Center, Fondren’s department of special collections, contains 30,000 rare and special books; 400 manuscript collections (3,225 linear feet), and university archival material (over 1,715 cubic feet). Houston is a vibrant, multicultural city, with world-class visual and performing arts ranging from the traditional to the avant garde. The fourth largest city in the country, Houston enjoys a moderate cost of living and easy proximity to the Gulf Coast. For more information, see: To Apply: Applications received by July 30,2001 ‚ will receive first consideration. To Apply: Send letter of application, résumé, and the names, titles, addresses, and telephone numbers and/or e-mail addresses of three references to: Melinda Reagor Flannery, Assistant University Librarian, Fondren Library MS-44, Rice University, P.O. Box 1892, Houston, TX 77251-1892. Inquiries: (713) 348-3773; ore-mail: Rice University is an affirmative action ‚ equal opportunity employer. DIRECTOR OFTHE LIBRARY. Catawba College solicits applications and nominations forthe position of Directorof the Corriher-Linn-Black Library. The position requires an MLS from an ALA-accredited institution and a minimum of six years of experience in a college or research library with 758 / C&RL News ■ July/August 2001 TWO POSITIONS AVAILABLE George Mason University University Libraries of George Mason University is seeking experienced, innovative, and team-oriented librarians for two management positions: Head, Collection Development and Preservation Officer (Search Re-opened) Provides leadership for collection development and evaluation, and preservation activities of a large university library system (four libraries across three campuses); coordinates the collection evaluation and development responsibilities of 20+ selectors, and chairs the systemwide collection development group; directly supervises 2.5 FTE. Other specific responsibilities include: Monitors expenditure of collection development/preservation funds (currently $4.35M), recommends fund allocations, and assists in the preparation of research materials budget proposals; manages the libraries’ electronic resources licensing operations; actively engages in related activities for two consortia: VIVA (The Virtual Library of Virginia) and WRLC (Washington Research Library Consortium); prepares management reports and analyses, obtains collections data, and oversees maintenance of collection development electronic data archive; and manage multiple approval plans, and may have subject liaison responsibilities, depending on interest and expertise. As first preservation officer at the university libraries, leads integration of current activities into development and implementation of a new, comprehensive preservation program. Position reports to Associate University Librarian for Resources and Collection Management Services. QUALIFICATIONS: Required: ALA-accredited MLS or ALA-recognizedforeign equivalent; significant professional collection development experience in an academic or research library; in-depth knowledge of academic publishing (print and electronic); experience with large-scale or in-depth collection evaluation projects (RLG Conspectus a plus); demonstrated ability to coordinate peer responsibilities in a non-supervisory, team environment; excellent leadership and communication skills. Preferred: Excellent information technology skills; substantial budget experience; demonstrated supervisory experience; electronic resources management experience, especially with licensing; and an advanced degree in an academ ic discipline. Coordinator of Reference/Instruction Services Johnson Center Library The Johnson Center Library (JCL) provides educational and informational services to the university community in a non-traditional, multi-service center located on the Fairfax Campus. The JCL’s reference (continued on next page) progressively increasing responsibility, including personnel supervision. A second master’s degree or an earned doctorate will be considered a plus. Salary and benefits are competitive and commensurate with quali­ fications and experience. This is a 12-month, renewable, non-tenure- track position with faculty status, available September 1, 2001. The search will begin immediately and remain open until the position is filled. Candidates should send a letter of application, a curriculum vitae, and names and addresses of five references to: Library DirectorSearch, Office of the Dean, Catawba College, Salisbury, NC28104. Applications may also be sent as MSWord attachments by e-mail to: Christie @ Catawba College discriminates solely on the basis of objective qualifica­ tions and demonstrated merit. ELEMENTARY SCHOOL LIBRARIAN. Joint Library/Teacher Education Department Position. Shippensburg University of Pennsylvania seeks a highly motivated, energetic individual to provide leadership to develop a model library program forthe university’s new laboratory school, nursery through grade five. This unique tenure-track position will begin August 2001. Finalists will be selected on the basis of demonstrated teaching effectiveness, experience, and enthusiasm for providing service. An ALA-accredited library degree is required, as well as the ability to meet Pennsylvania teacher/librarian certification. A relevant doc­ toral degree will be required for tenure. Complete position description and requirem ents are a vailab le at: http://w w w .sh ip .e d u /~ lib ra ry/ jobdescription or by mail: Douglas Cook, Search Committee Co-Chair, Lehman Library, Shippensburg University, 1871 Old Main Drive, Shippensburg, PA17257. Review of applications will begin July2,2001 ‚ and will continue until the position is filled. Shippensburg University is an equal opportunity employer. HEADOFGEOLOGY LIBRARY. Indiana University Libraries, Bloomington. The Head of the Geology Library is responsible for the leadership and overall management of the Geology Library, including planning, supervis­ ing, and evaluating the library’s services, operations, and collections. Provides bibliographic instruction and reference services including the development of Web services for the Geology Library. Manages the Geology Library collection based on the needs of current and future constituents, including transfer to off-site shelving of low-use materials. Develops external funding opportunities including grants, gifts, and ex­ changes. Promotes the Geology Library’s resources to encourage their use and recognition. Participates in relevant professional associations. Together with the Geography/Maps Librarian, investigates and imple- ments new ways to manage and provide services to repositories of printed and digital maps. The incumbent is expected to be conversant in GIS applications and to assist in defining the appropriate role for the Libraries on campus in the provision of software, hardware, and technical expertise to access and archive geospatial information. Qualifications: Required: ALA-accredited degree in library or information science and experience in managing library operations or the equivalent combination of degrees and experience. Knowledge of scholarly information trends in the physical or life sciences. Ability to work independently and collegially in a complex, rapidly changing, and culturally diverse environment. Strong analytical and quantitative skills. Excellent oral, written, and graphic communication skills. Ability to meet the requirements of a tenure-track appointment. Preferred: Degree or coursework in relevant subject area. Collection development experience in a scientific discipline. Experience with geospatial data management, digital imaging, and metadata standards and prac­ tices. Preference will be given to candidates who are familiar with GIS software and have additional technology experience. Salary and Benefits: Salary and rank are negotiable and competitive dependent upon qualifica­ tions and experience. This is a tenure-track academic appointment that includes eligibility for sabbatical leaves. Benefits include a university health care plan, TIAA-CREF retirement/annuity plan, group life insur­ ance, and liberal vacation and sick leave. To Apply: Review of applications C&RL News ■ July/August 2001 / 759 (continued from previous page) and instructional services form a key component of the university libraries’ reference program and growing information literacy initiative. Specific responsibilities include: Supervision, training, mentoring, and evaluation of librarians and reference support staff (three librarians and four classified staff); management of reference desk schedule; assignment of instructional sessions to reference staff; coordination of collection develop­ ment activities for circulating collection; development and management of the reference collection; compilation and submission of statistical and other reports; management of budget for reference student employees. In addition, provides direct reference and instruction service to library users. Collaborates with JCL’s Coordinator of Circulation and Reserves regarding services and facilities, and with reference heads/coordinators at the other university libraries on service standards and collection issues; and serves on the university libraries’ Reference and Instruction Planning Committee and Management Group. Position reports to Associate University Librarian for Distributed Libraries. QUALIFICATIONS: Required: ALA-accredited MLS or foreign equivalent; academic library reference/ instruction experience with print and online resources; at least four years of management experience in progressively responsible positions; effective oral and written communication skills; ability to work in collaborative team environment; ability to meet requirements for reappointment and promotion. Preferred: Collection development experience; expertise with new information technologies; second master’s degree or post MLS coursework. APPOINTMENT: Both are 12-month Professional Faculty positions. Salary: Competitive, based upon the successful candidates’ qualifications and experience. Benefits: Excellent benefits package includes health plan options; paid life insurance; several retirement plans, including TIAA-CREF; 24 vacation days and 11 paid holidays; tuition waiver for self; and relocation assistance. APPLICATION: Send letter of application, résumé, and names, addresses (including e-mail), and phone numbers of three current references to: Chair, ‹Position Title› Search Committee Library Administration, MSN 2FL George Mason University Fairfax, VA 22030-4444 Review of applications for both positions will begin August 1, 2001. Affirmative action, equal opportunity employer; women and minorities are encouraged to apply. will begin on August 10,2001. The position will remain open until filled. Send letter of application, professional vita, and the names, addresses, and phone numbers of four references to: Yolanda Cooper-Birdine, Librar­ ies Human Resources Officer, Indiana University Libraries, Main Library 201 A, Bloomington, IN 47405. Phone: (812) 855-8196; fax: (812) 855-2576; e-mail: ycooperb Forfurther information con­ cerning Indiana University:, oremploymentopportu­ nities at the IUB Libraries: Indiana University is an affirmative action, equal opportunity employer. HEAD, RESEARCH AND REFERENCE SERVICES. VCU Libraries. The Virginia Commonwealth University Libraries invites applications and nominations for the position of Head, Research and Reference Ser­ vices. The VCU Libraries seeks an experienced and creative individual to lead and coordinate the planning, development, implementation, and assessment of innovative on-site and Web-based research and reference services in a busy, electronically rich setting. This is an exciting opportunity to work with a dynamic group of library faculty and staff in one of the premier research libraries in the Commonwealth of Virginia. Qualifications: Required: ALA-accredited MLS. Preferred: Five years of progressively responsible professional experience in reference sen/ices in a research library with significant print and electronic holdings; demonstrated experience planning and managing Web-based refer­ ence projects/services; experience working in a culturally diverse environment highly preferred. Salary: $50,000 minimum per annum. For more information on this position, including detailed responsibilities and qualifications, and on the VCU Libraries, please see: http:// Submit résumé and names, addresses, and phone numbers for three references to: Georgina G. Wilson, Personnel Administrator, VCU Libraries, Virginia Common­ wealth University, 901 ParkAvenue, Richmond, VA23284-2033; phone: (804) 828-2730; fax: (804) 828-0151; e-mail: ggwilson @ Review of applications will begin August 15,2001 ‚ and continue until position is filled. Virginia Commonwealth University is an equal opportunity, affirm ative action employer. Women, persons with disabilities, and minorities are encouraged to apply. INFORMATION LITERACY COORDINATOR/ASSISTANT PROFES­ SOR OF BIBLIOGRAPHY. The University Libraries at the University of Akron seeks an energetic, dynamic librarian to join its faculty and to lead its teaching and instruction programs. Duties and Responsibilities: The library seeks a proactive professional to initiate, lead, and foster projects and initiatives in the development of a comprehensive information literacy program. The person will design a program that will effectively integrate information skills into the university teaching/learning experience through a variety of offerings. This individual will partner with university librarians and teaching faculty to achieve three primary goals: assessment of emerging instructional needs with regard to information literacy skills; development and delivery of new learning opportunities and course enhancements; and assessment and evaluation of all library instructional services and resources. Furthermore, this individual will have the techni­ cal and creative abilities to help design and organize Web sites and other electronic tools in support of instructional aims. This person must also meet requirements and obligations for professional service activities as defined by faculty guidelines. Required Qualifications: MLS from an ALA- accredited institution; demonstrated ability to plan, organize, develop, implement, and assess a program of instruction; demonstrated knowl­ edge of information skills associated with information literacy; evidence of teaching experience; familiarity with electronic resources; demonstrated effective oral and written communication skills; a strong service orienta­ tion; and the ability to work and coordinate activities within a team- structured organization that promotes collaboration and sharing of knowl­ edge in a diverse educational environment. Preferred Qualifications: A second master’s in a related field, such as instructional design or 760 /C&RL News ■ July/August 2001 RUTGERS UNIVERSI YT LIBRARIES The New Brunswick Campus Libraries seeks energetic and innovative individuals for the following positions: Sciences Digital Initiatives Librarian: Provide leadership in developing an intellectual framework and technological platform for digital library initiatives in the sciences. Examples of these initiatives are web-based reference and instruction, electronic publishing, and integrating the use of advanced tools and applications of multimedia and emerging technologies to improve access to information. The successful candidate will be based at the Library of Science and Medicine and will serve as a lin k betw e en the s e rv ic e s of the S c h o la rly C o m m u n ic a tio n C en te r (SCC) ( and Science Departments in the areas of Geology, Geography, Earth Sciences, and Engineering. W ork experience or an academic background in the Sciences and knowledge of geospatial processing software is preferred. (APP # 1 5 2 ) Humanities Digital Initiatives Librarian: Provide leadership in developing an intellectual framework and technological platform for digital library initiatives f o r the arts and humanities. Examples include digitizing texts, sound and images, as well as other advanced multimedia applications. Will join a team of librarians and staff in the SCC responsible for developing digital services for research and reference. This position will also coordinate the activities of CETH - Center for Electronic Texts in the Humanities (w w w Advanced degrees in Hum anities or Fine Arts preferred. (APP # 1 5 3 ) Both positions will collaborate with faculty on digital library initiatives, provide public services in both the tra d itio n a l and d ig ita l e n v iro n m e n ts ; p a rtic ip a te in the u se r e d u ca tion prog ra m , and development/maintenance of WWW pages. Research, publication, and involvement in professional associations are expected. Must have a demonstrated understanding of digital library environments including knowledge of current issues, practices, technologies and standards. These tenure track positions require a Master's degree from an ALA accredited institution and experience with information technologies including multiple computer platforms and operating systems. M inimum salary for Librarian III starts at $42,987. Non-U.S. citizens must be authorized to work in the U.S. For complete position profiles, see our website at under "News and Events“. Candidates applying by September 1, 2001 will receive first consideration. Submit resume, cover letter, and names of three references to: Sandra Troy (APP # ) , Libraries Personnel Officer, Rutgers University Libraries, 169 College A ve„ New Brunswick, NJ 08901; FAX: 732-932-7637; e-mail: Rutgers, the State University o f New Jersey, is committed to affirmative action and equal opportunity. curriculum development or an undergraduate degree in education and a combination of skills and experience; prior experience in library public service; demonstrated ability to design Web-based instructional materi­ als; prior experience in conducting assessment activities in an educa­ tional setting; and participation in an ACRL information literacy institute o r sim ilar program. University a nd Community: The University of Akron (UA) is the third-largest state-assisted university in Ohio. UA’s 10 aca­ demic colleges offer24,000 students more than 300 undergraduate and master’s degree programs and options, 17 doctoral degree programs, and 4 law degree programs. Alumni of the University now number more than 100,000 throughout every state and 40 foreign countries. Located in a metropolitan area of 500,000 people 30 miles south of Cleveland, the University of Akron ( has the advantages of city life and combines them with the area's exceptional natural resources. Salary, Benefits, and Application: This is a tenure-track position. Salary will be competitive, with a generous benefits package. Please submit a letter of application, a one-to two-page statement of your vision fora program of information literacy in a university setting, résumé, sample of your best instructional materials (ora list of URLs, if applicable), and a list of three references (with addresses, telephone numbers, and e-mail addresses) to: Delmus Williams, Dean, University Libraries, Bierce Library, The University of Akron, Akron, OH44325-1701.Review o f applications will begin on July 15, 2001, and will continue until position is filled. The University of Akron is an equal education and employment institution. INFORMATION SPECIALIST. The Norris Medical Library of the University of Southern California is seeking applicants for an Information Specialist (Librarian I and II) beginning July 1 ‚ 2001. Responsibilities: Participate in all reference and information services, including reference desk, consul­ tation sen/ices, performing online searches, assisting users to develop search strategies, and answering online reference questions. Share responsibility for reference collection development and library Web pages. Participate in an extensive program of user education with emphasis on instruction in computer-based information systems, the Internet, and the use of library resources. Teach classes, develop course content, and design instructional materials, both print and electronic. Coordinate the maintenance and development of the library’s Web site. Propose and support Web initiatives throughout the library. Conduct usability studies and suggest improvements and enhancements for the site. Develop and teach classes on Web authoring. Participate in special projects such as the promotion of personal digital assistants among health care profes­ sionals and the development of curriculum-based class instruction in C RL News ■ July/August 2001 / 761& BIBLIOGRAPHER/ ACQUISITIONS LIBRARIAN The Thomas J. W atson Library, The M e tro p o lita n M useum o f Art, invites a p p lic a tio n s and no m in a tio n s fo r th e p o s itio n o f B ib lio g ra p h e r/A c q u is itio n s Librarian. This key p o sitio n in W atson L ibrary coord in a te s c o lle c tio n d e v e lo p m e n t a ctivitie s and p rovides leadership in b u ild in g lib ra ry co lle c tio n s , both p rin t and e le c tro n ic . R esponsibilities in c lu d e selection o f all w estern European-language m aterials; c o o rd in a tin g the a ctivitie s o f the Asian-language selectors; m anaging th e a c q u is itio n s budget; supervision o f a c q u is itio n s staff (3 FTE); and co o rd in a tin g w ith Technical Services staff to ensure e ffic ie n t pre -o rd e r searching, order record creation and processing o f in c o m in g m ate ria l. This po sitio n also p articipates in preservation and replacem ent decisions, obtains a p p ro p ria te o u t o f p rin t and rare b o o k m ate ria l, and participates in the selection o f m aterial fo r off-s¡te storage. This p o sitio n is a m em b e r o f the lib ra ry M anagem ent G ro u p and reports d ire c tly to the C h ie f Librarian. W atson Library is one o f the m ost com p re h e nsive art research libraries in th e w o rld . There is a total staff o f 45, in c lu d in g 16 librarians. The lib ra ry contains a p p ro x im a te ly 5 0 0 ,0 0 0 volum es, in c lu d in g m onographs and e x h ib itio n catalogs, over 5,0 00 p e rio d ic a l titles, m ore than 100,0 0 0 a u ctio n and sale catalogs, c o lle c tio n s o f autograph letters, and extensive ephem eral files relatin g to in d iv id u a l artists and to the h is to ry o f the M useum . W atson also houses th e Hazen C e n te r fo r E le c tro n ic In fo rm a tio n Resources. The p rim a ry r e s p o n s ib ility o f th e B ib lio g ra p h e r/A c q u is itio n s L ibrarian is to m a in ta in the distinctiveness o f th e c o lle c tio n through th o u g h tfu l and careful selection. Q u a lific a tio n s : MLS and a strong k n o w le d g e o f the h is to ry o f art (graduate degree is preferred); a broad interest in past and present p u b lic a tio n s in th e h is to ry o f art; a record o f progressively responsible experience in c o lle c tio n d e v e lo p m e n t in an a ca d em ic o r research lib ra ry ; w o rk in g kn o w le d g e of tw o European languages; kn o w le d g e o f research lib ra ry c o lle c tio n d e v e lo p m e n t issues; experience w ith the in te rn a tio n a l m arket fo r cu rre n t art h isto rica l p u b lic a tio n s ; fa m ilia rity w ith the rare b o o k trade; e xp e rie n ce in b u d ge t a llo c a tio n and m anagem ent; dem onstrated in itia tiv e , fle x ib ility and a b ility to w o rk c re a tiv e ly in a c o lla b o ra tiv e and ra p id ly c h a n ging e n viro n m e n t; e xce lle n t m anagerial, o rg a n iz a tio n a l, su p e rviso ry and w ritte n and verbal c o m m u n ic a tio n skills; the a b ility to a rtic u la te and c o m m u n ic a te a v is io n fo r q u a lity in c o lle c tio n deve lo pm e n t. W o rk in g experience w ith RLIN and Inn ova tive Interfaces, o r other integrated system. A c o m m itm e n t to m ainta in the depth and distinctiveness o f W atson Library's c o lle c tio n . Please m ail letter o f a p p lic a tio n and resum e to: The Metropolitan M u se um o f Art, Department of H um an Resources M W -B A L , 1000 Fifth Avenue, New York, N Y 10028-0198. EOE The Metropolitan Museum of Art informatics and evidence-based medicine for medical students. For additional information about the library, see our Web site: http:// Qualifications: MLS from an ALA-accredited library school. Experience and strong interest in creating and designing Web resources. Ability to work in a team environment and demonstrated creativity and initiative. Good communication and computer skills. Inter­ est in teaching adult learners. Benefits: 371 /2 or .5 hour week; 22 days' vacation; paid sick leave; disability plan, retirement plan (TIAA-CREF and otheroptions); tuition assistance; paid medical, dental, and life insurance; credit union; group auto and homeowner's insurance available. Salary/ Status: Starting salary $38,700 or up to $47,000 depending on amount of experience. Eligible for continuing appointment and professional I eave. Send résumé or direct inquiries to: Janet L. Nelson, Head Reference Section, Norris Medical Library, Health Sciences Campus, University of Southern Ca lifornia, 2003Zonal Avenue, Los Angeles, CA90089-9130; phone: (323) 442-1483. Equal opportunity, affirmative action employer. LIAISON LlBRARlAN.ArizonaStateUniversityWest.Alibrariantoplan, deliver, and assess library programs and services in support of the social sciences or business; provide research assistance to faculty and stu­ dents; develop Web pages and participate in collection development; and provide library instruction and collaborative leadership. ASU West librar­ ians individually and collaboratively develop programs, services, and Web- based resources, and select electronic and other materials. Librarians actively provide leadership in the planning, implementation, and assess­ ment of library programs and services. Librarians have multiple opportu­ nities for involvement in shaping library and campus initiatives through dose collegial relationships. This is a continuing-appointment (tenure) eligible position; scholarship and participation in service activities are expected and supported. ASU West Library is implementing innovative service programs built on desktop delivery, customizable user interfaces, and information literacy. The Library makes extensive use of electronic systems and resources and spends more than $1M annually for collec­ tions and access. One of the Arizona State University campuses, ASU West combines the small-campus environment with research institution resources and serves both the academic and surrounding community. ASU West is implementing a lower division curriculum which includes learning communities with librarians as members of the instructional teams. Librarystaff receives excel lent support for professional activity, service, development, and computing. Visit the library’s Web site for additional information: Req uired Qualifications: ALA-accredited master’s degree; postsecondary 7 6 2 /C&RL News ■ July/August 2001 TWO POSITIONS AVAILABLE National-Louis University National-Louis University seeks two Library professionals. Coordinator of Baker Demonstration School Library: (LIB0101) Evanston, Illinois W ork with children (ages 3 -1 4 ), faculty, and college students. Responsibilities include developm ent of children's collection; assisting patrons with online catalog, electronic databases, and Internet; storytelling; teaching information literacy skills; and providing curriculum support. MLS/MIS with experience in children’s library required. Instructor or assistant professor rank, non-tenure-track, 10- month faculty position. Anticipated start date September 4, 2001. Public Services Librarian: (LIB0201) Wheaton, llinois Teach library research skills; provide reference and research consulting; assist patrons with online catalog, electronic databases, and Internet; plan and im plement new electronic sen/ices such as electronic reference, electronic reserves, or online tutorials. MLS/MIS with public services and teaching experience and travel to Chicago-area campuses required. Instructor or assistant professor rank, n o n - tenure-track, 12-month faculty position. Available July 1, 2001. Send résumé and vitae to: National-Louis University Attention: Provost’s Office (Job Code) 2840 Sheridan Road Evanston, IL 60201 Fax: (847) 256-1057 Equal opportunity, affirmative action employer degree or relevant work experience in the social sciences or business; demonstrated skill in communication; demonstrated experience with the design and/or delivery of instruction, database, and Web searching; and evidence of leadership roles or experience. Desired Qualifications: Postx- ALA-accredited master’s degree library experience; demonstrated expe­ rience with reference service, selection of electronic and/or print re­ sources, design of Web-based materials for instruction, project/program development, management, o r assessment, and a wide range of software applications; demonstrated knowledge of statistical or assessment method­ ologies or software; and experience or traíning in group facilitation. Rank and Salary: Assistant Librarian, salary commensurate with experience; $36,000 minimum. Standard benefits package. To Apply: Submit current résumé with letterof application addressing background and experience relevant to th e qualifications to: Chair, Liaison Librarian Search Commit­ tee, ASU West Library, P.O. Box 37100, Phoenix, AZ 85069-7100. Names, addresses, telephone numbers, and e-mail addresses of four professional references will be required prior to interview. Deadline for Applications: Applications must be received by August 15,2001 ‚ or the 15th day of each month thereafter until the position is filled. General Information about ASU West: Arizona State University West, a vital component of ASU’s multi-campus structure, serves more than 5,000 undergraduate and graduate students at its modern, growing campus in Phoenix, one of the country’s most dynamic multicultural and economic environments. ASU West is an urban commuter campus with a focus on learner-centered education. The University is committed to a balance of research and teaching, faculty-student research collaboration, interdisci­ plinary perspectives, and the development of University-community part­ nerships. ASU West is dedicated to increasing the diversity of its campus community and encouraging an environment that offers students knowl­ edge about local, national, and global communities. ASU West is an affirmative action, equal opportunity employer in policy and practice. RARE BOOKS CATALOGER. (Colonial Spanish American imprints) The John CarterBrown Library at Brown University is seeking candidates for a temporary, grant-funded cataloguing position. The Library specializes in the collection of printed materials pertaining to the Americas, North and South, during the colonial period, 1493 to ca. 1830. The position is a two-year position (with the possibility of renewal) to catalog colonial Spanish American imprints, and requires a reading knowledge of Spanish. Further Qualifications: ALA-accredited MLS degree or equivalent; 2 -3 years of professional rare book cataloguing experience using AACR2-Rev., Descriptive Cataloging of Rare Books, LCSH, and MARC formats; familiar­ ity with the RUN and Innopacsystems. Salary range: $35,000-$38,000. Send letterof application, résumé, and names/addresses of three refer­ ences to: Department of Human Resources, Brown University, Box 1879, Providence, Rl 02912. Brown Univ. is an equal opportunity, affirmative action employer. RARE BOOKS CATALOGER. (18th century French imprints and 16 th - 18th century British and North American imprints) The John CarterBrown Library at Brown University is seeking candidates for a temporary, grant-funded cataloguing position. The library specializes in the collection of printed materials pertaining to the Americas, North and South, during the colonial period, 1493to ca. 1830. The position is a three-year position (with the possibility of renewal) to catalog 18th century French imprints and 16th—18th century British and North American imprints, and re­ quires a reading knowledge of French and a familiarity with Latin. Further Qualifications: ALA-accredited MLS degree or equivalent; 2 -3 years of professional rare book cataloguing experience using AACR2-Rev., De­ scriptive Cataloging of Rare Books, LCSH, and MARCformats; familiarity with the RLIN and Innopac systems. Salary range: $35,000-$38,000. Send letterof application, résumé, and names/addresses of three refer­ ences to: Department of Human Resources, Brown University, Box 1879, Providence, Rl 02912. Brown University is an equal opportunity, affirma­ tive action employer. REFERENCE ANDDIGITAL INITIATIVES LIBRARIAN.The University of Dayton’s Roesch Library is seeking a motivated, service-oriented, techno­ logically proficient librarian. The University of Dayton is one of the nation’s 10 largest Catholic universities and Ohio’s largest private university, with an enrollment of 10,000 students, including 6,400 undergraduates. Roesch Library’s staff of 16 faculty and 36 paraprofessionals provides support to more than 70 undergraduate and graduate academic pro­ grams. Collections include over 1 million volumes and 3,000 serial subscriptions, all accessed by an Innovative Interfaces system. The University Libraries are full members of th e OhioLINK consortium. More information about the University of Dayton is available at: http:// Reporting to the Head of Client Services, this newly created position will join a client-focused, dynamic reference and instruc­ tion team composed of 10 committed and enthusiastic librarians and paraprofessionals. The Reference and Digital Initiatives Librarian will provide daily reference assistance; participate in the evening and weekend reference rotation; and teach in the library instruction and information literacy program. Working on projects directed by the University Archivist, this position will help create new digital access and navigational tools for our archival and special collections. The successful candidate will serve as the collection development selector and liaison to the School of Business Administration; participate in library and external committees; and perform other duties as assigned. Required Qualifications: MLS or equivalent from an ALA-accredited program; proficiency w ith elec- C&RL News ■ July/August 2001 / 763 LIBRARY DIRECTOR Moravian College and Moravian Theological Seminary Moravian College and Moravian Theological Seminary invite applications and nominations for the position of Director of Reeves Library. Moravian College is a selective liberal arts and sciences college in the beautiful Lehigh Valley of Pennsylvania with an enrollment of 1,450 FTE students and 18 academic departments. Besides awarding undergraduate degrees, the college offers master's degrees in business administration and education. Founded in 1742, Moravian College is the sixth oldest college in the nation. As a member of the Lehigh Valley Association of Independent Colleges (LVAIC), Moravian’s Reeves Library engages in a variety of cooperative programs with the libraries of Lehigh and DeSales Universities, and of Cedar Crest, Lafayette, and Muhlenberg Colleges. Moravian Theological Seminary is a graduate-professional school of theology affiliated with the Moravian Church of America. It has an enrollment of 50 FTE students. The Seminary awards three degrees: master of divinity, m aster of arts in pastoral counseling, and master of arts in theological studies. Reeves Library houses over 245,000 books, bound periodicals, and other materials in addition to 1,350 current periodical subscriptions in support of the curricula of both the College and the Seminary. The collection includes the Groenfeldt Moravian Collection, a special collection of 6,670 items dealing with the Moravian Church. Visit our Web site at: for more information about the College and Seminary. The Director’s responsibilities include: • Overseeing and coordinating library services for the College and Seminary • Collection development in support of the curriculum • Developing and administering the budget • W riting grants to seek outside funding to advance the library • Working with the College and Seminary students and faculty • Planning, implementing, and assessing strategic goals • Representing the library on local, regional, and national professional committees • Supervising the library staff (five professional librarians and six support staff) • Initiating, organizing, managing, and expanding consortial agreements • Representing the institution on the LVAIC Council of Library Directors Qualifications: • ALA-accredited master’s degree in Library Science • Second master’s or doctoral degree is desirable • Minimum of five years’ administrative/supervisory experience in an academ ic library • Strong background in technological innovations in academ ic libraries and higher education • Experience with budgeting process • Grant-writing experience • Excellent interpersonal, communication, leadership, and organizational skills Compensation: Salary will be commensurate with qualifications and experiences. The Director position is a 12-month position. Moravian College and Moravian Theological Seminary offer a competitive benefits package. Applicants should submit a cover letter, curriculum vitae, salary requirements, and three professional references that have granted permission for direct contact to the Chair of the Search Committee. The cover letter should include discussion of their philosophy of liberal education, teaching, and scholarship at institutions with the scope and mission of Moravian College and Moravian Theological Seminary. Applications should be received by Septem ber 1 ‚ 2001. Review of applications will begin im mediately and continue until the position is filled. Moravian College and Moravian Theological Seminary value diversity and encourage individuals from underrepresented populations to apply. Application materials should be sent directly to: Human Resources Chair, Reeves Library Director Search Committee Moravian College and Moravian Theological Seminary 1200 Main Street Bethlehem, PA 18018-6650 E-mail:; fax: (610) 625-7883 7 6 4 / C&RL New s ■ July/August 2001 T he S ta n fo rd U niversity L ib ra rie s has th e fo llo w in g im m e d ia te o p p o rtu n itie s a v a ila b le . Instructional Services and Outreach Librarian, Engineering Library We seek an In s titu tio n a l Services and O utreach Librarian to m anage user ed u ca tio n and outreach services a t th e Engineering Library. Under the general supervision of th e Head Librarian o f th e Engineering Library, you w ill co ord in ate, develop and p a rtic ip a te in a program o f user e d u ca tio n w ith em phasis in in s tru c tio n of d ig ita l resources, th e In te rn e t and th e use o f lib ra ry resources and services fo r th e Engineering Library. You w ill also provide in-d epth re fe ren ce service in engineering to faculty, stu d e n ts and staff; w ork closely w ith B iblio gra phe rs to he lp identify, select, ev aluate, m anage and review resources fo r th e co lle c tio n ; and a c t as a resource fo r th e S cience and Engineering Libraries in technology-assisted te a c h in g in itia tive s. R equirem ents in clu d e an a c a d e m ic degree in engineering, th e physical scie nces or eq uivalent, a M aster's degree in Library or Info rm a tio n Science o r equivalent, and know ledge o f th e lite ra tu re o f engineering or th e physical sciences and its organ izatio n. Effective co m m u n ic a tio n , interp ers ona l, an alytica l, organizational and tim e /p r o je c t m ana gem en t skills, experience w ith on lin e se a rc h in g and d ig ita l info rm a tio n form a ts, and fa m ilia rity w ith th e use and a p p lic a tio n o f m ic ro co m p u te rs are essential. Experience w ith co llec tion d e velopm e nt in a research library, th e a b ility to ev aluate in fo rm a tio n p ro d u cts and services, and effective and creative te a c h in g s k ills are highly desired. For a p p o in tm e n t a t th e Associate Librarian rank, experience w ith c o lle c tio n de ve lo p m e n t in a research lib ra ry and 3-4 years successful professional experience in an e n g in e e rin g /scie n ce research lib ra ry are required. To be considered fo r th e Engineering Library po sitio n , send a cover letter, a co m p le te sta te m e n t o f q u a lifi­ cations, a fu ll resum e o f ed u ca tio n and re le van t experience and th e nam es and addresses o f 3 references to Karen Clay, Head Librarian , Engineering, Terman Engineering, S tanford, CA 9 4 3 0 5 -4 0 2 9 . Curator for the Social and Behavioral Sciences, Green Library In this se nior role, you w ill develop and m anage research c o lle c tio n s and in fo rm a tio n resources in all m edia in th e s u b je ct areas o f co m m u nic atio ns, psychology and sociology. S pe cific re s p o n sib ilitie s in clu d e acting as lia is on to fa c u lty and gradu ate and un dergra dua te students, p ro vid in g advanced reference and b ib lio ­ graph ic assistance, prep a rin g in te rp re tive m a te ria ls th a t enhance access to th e co llections, p a rtic ip a tin g in tra in in g th e reference s ta ff in th e Social Sciences Resource and In fo rm a tio n centers, and m aking budgetary recom m en datio ns. A dd itiona lly, you w ill p a rtic ip a te in d e ve lo p m e n t a c tiv itie s and m anage p u b lic service a c tivitie s o f th e S ocial Sciences Resource Center. R equirem ents in clu d e an MLS fro m an ALA-accredited lib ra ry schoo l o r eq u iva le n t in tra in in g and experi­ ence, te a c h in g experience, gra d u a te tra in in g in a s u b je c t area o f th e so cial sciences (PhD is preferred fo r th e S enior Librarian level), d e m o nstra te d team - and project-le a d e rsh ip skills, effective interp ersona l and o ra l/w ritte n c o m m u n ic a tio n skills, and th e a b ility to work effectively and co lle g ia lly w ith lib ra ry and academ ic s ta ff and facu lty. Reading know ledge of one or m ore W est European languages and know ledge o f m ach in e-read able d a ta file s and issues and tech niques o f da ta an alysis in th e su b je cts are preferred. C om pensation w ill be based on q u a lific a tio n s and experience. To be co nsidered fo r th e C urator position, send a cover le tte r, a co m p le te sta te m e n t o f q u a lific a tio n s , a fu ll resum e o f ed u ca tio n and relevant experience and the nam es and addresses o f 3 references to Carol Olsen, D irec to r o f H um an Resources, Stanford University Libraries, 5 5 7 Escondid o M all, S tanford, CA 9 4 3 0 5 -6 0 0 4 . Open u n til filled. For in fo rm a tio n on these and othe r po sitions, see us on th e Web a t h ttp ://w w w -s u l.s ta n fo rd .e d u ./ d e p ts/h u m re s. AA/EOE Stanford University C&RL News ■ July/August 2 0 0 1 / 765 HEAD, GIANNINI FOUNDATION OF AGRICULTURAL ECONOMICS LIBRARY University of California, Berkeley DUTIES: M anages operations and plans for long-term needs of the library; collaborates with various parties in determining priorities and services; consults with the Chair/delegates in related adminis­ tration; establishes library goals, procedures, and policies in consultation with the Department's Management Services Officer, the Chair, and the Department Library Advisory Committee; supervises library staff, facilities, and equipment; provides instruction in Giannini Library use; prepares bibliogra­ phies and instructional guides; may provide course-related instruction in a classroom or in the library; assists primary clientele in obtaining information on site, from the Berkeley campus libraries, and at the UC Davis AgEcon Library, and online; responsible for developing collections at Giannini Library in related subject areas; oversees in-house cataloging of new materials; and oversees recording of faculty publications in the library catalog and on the library’s Web site. Professional activity within the field is needed for advancement. M INIMUM Q UALIFICATIONS: An M LIS from an ALA-accredited institution, o r equivalent degree, with relevant professional experience; three to four years’ recent professional experience in managing a research or academ ic library in a special subject area; excellent oral and written skills; supervisory experience and interpersonal abilities; and strong com m itm ent to excellence in service and ability to work effectively with faculty, staff, and students in a rapidly changing and diverse environment. SALARY AND RANK: $42,780-$63,840, per annum, comm ensurate with qualifications. Rank of Associate I to Librarian I. DEADLINE: Consideration will be given to applications received by August 1 ‚ 2001. Applicants should apply in writing, including with their letter a complete statem ent of qualifications, a full résumé of their education and relevant experience, and the names, addresses, and phone numbers of three references w ho are knowledgeable about their qualifications for this position. You may mail your application package to: Jeffrey M. Perloff Chair, Library Recruitment Committee University of California Department of Agricultural and Resource Economics and Policy 207 Giannini Hall #3310 Berkeley, CA 97420-3310 Fax: (510) 643-8911; e-mail: The University o f California Is an equal opportunity, affirmative action employer. For fuller information on this position, see: ironic and traditional reference sources; ability to develop and teach library instruction classes; an understanding of digital library environ­ ments; familiarity with SGML, XML, and/or established metadata stan­ dards; understanding of HTML standards and practices; knowledge of the materials selection process; excellent verbal and written communication skills; evidence o f ability to m eet university requirements fo r promotion and tenure; ability to work effectively in a collegial, multidisciplinary, team environment. Preferred Qualifications: Reference experience; instruction ortraining experience; knowledge of or an aptitude for learning SQL and database management systems; collection development experience; academic training or professional experience in business; demonstrated ability to work with culturally diverse student populations. This position is full-time (35 hours), 12-month, and tenure track. University of Dayton librarians are required to fulfill faculty responsibilities including profes­ sional service, scholarship, and publication activities. The library allows some release time for these activities. Finalists for this position will be required to make a 15-20 minute oral presentation. Benefits include 22 days’ vacation per year, opportunity to participate in health insurance plan, and TIAA-CREF. Salary will be dependent on qualifications and experience. Salary Minimum: $37,000. To Apply: Send a cover letter, résumé, and the names, current telephone numbers, and e-mail and postal addresses of three professional references to: Sue Polanka, Coordinator of Reference and Instruction, University of Dayton, 300 College Park, Dayton, OH 45469-1360. Application deadline: July 31 ‚ 2001. Appointment by December 1 ‚ 2001. The University of Dayton is an equal opportunity, affirmative action employer. REFERENCE LIBRARIAN. Senior Assistant Librarian. Reports to Head of Public Services. Provides general reference and library instruction to students, faculty, other patrons via print and online venues and resources. Develops user guides. Helps in updating library home page. Assists references collection development. Aids information competency and distributed education and reference efforts. Serves in evening and week­ end reference rotation. Qualifications: Required: ALA-accredited MLS; strong public service orientation and fam iliarity with print emerging inform ation resources and technologies; ability to teach critical use of Internet resources; ability to w o rk and thrive in team setting, handle m ultiple responsibilities in dynamic environment, and effec­ tively operate in diverse academ ic com m unity; and excellence in interpersonal, spoken, written communications. Desired: Reference or library instruction work experience with print and Internet sources; dem­ onstrated ability to prepare instructional materials and guides; familiarity with Web-authoring software; work in academic library as an intern or other capacity. Twelve-month, tenure-trackfacuity position available De­ cember 1, 2001. Salary range: $48,156-$60,852. Send letter of application and résumé, postmarked no later than September 12,2001. to: Library Recruiting Committee Coordinator, Reference Librarian, Pfau Library, California State University, San Bernardino, 5500 University 766 / C&RL News ■ July/A u gu st 2001 HEAD, PUBLIC HEALTH LIBRARY - Associate/Full Librarian j $59,832-76,476 per annum, based upon qualifications The Library of the University of California at Berkeley is seeking an energetic and creative individual to head its Public Health Library, a subject specialty library that supports the teaching, learning, and research activities of the University’s faculty, students, staff, and the broader community of health professionals and the public. In addition to serving these constituencies, this library also provides special information services for California public health agencies, such as the California Department of Health Services (DHS) through contractual arrangements. The Public Health Library is one of eight Science libraries on the Berkeley campus. Its collection numbers 95,000 volumes and 1,450 current serial titles. The Public Health Library (including a satellite library — the Occupational and Environmental Health Library approximately six miles away in Oakland) has a total staff of 5.65 FTE professionals and 5.5 FTE para-professionals and 4 R E student library employees. Internationally renowned, the Berkeley Library is the oldest and largest library in the University of California system, and a major research facility. The Library serves over 23,000 undergraduates, 9,000 graduate students, and almost 1,500 faculty. Current collections number over 9 million volumes and over 56,000 current serial titles. Library facilities on the Berkeley campus include the Doe/Moffitt Library complex, The Bancroft Library, the East Asian Library and more than 20 additional libraries serving subject specialties and the professional schools. The Library is a member of the Center for Research Libraries (CRL) and the Association of Research Libraries (ARL), and is an active participant in the California Digital Library. The Library has a budget of $50 million, and employs over 440 R E , Including professional and para-professional staff, and more than 600 part-time students. SUMMARY OF RESPONSIBILITIES: Reporting to the Associate University Librarian, Director of Public Sen/ices, the Head of the Public Health Library manages the Public Health Library staff and provides overall direction for library programs and services, and acts as the primary liaison to faculty in the School of Public Health and the researchers at the California Department of Health Services. The incumbent is responsible for the departmental library budget as well as regularly negotiating and renew­ ing the contracts with California state agencies. The Head oversees the provision of all contract services, including document delivery, computer literature searching, and current awareness services. The Head coordinates collections and services provided by the Public Health Library, including reference, instruction, circulation, collection development, outreach, and Internet based services. The Head will have responsibility for coordinating the planning and design of a new Public Health Library facility, in close collaboration with the School of Public Health. The Public Health Library will remain in its current location in Warren Hall until such time as the library moves into surge space, scheduled for 2004, and then into new quarters after the construction of the new School of Public Health building UCB librarians are expected to participate in library-wide planning and governance, to be able to work comfortably in a shared decision-making environment, and to be active professionally. Professional contributions beyond the primary responsibilities, e.g. active participation in university and professional settings, publications or other research and creative activity, are required for advancement in the Librarian series. Candidates must show evidence of such contributions at the Librarian level, or their promise for a Librarian appointed at the Associate Librarian level. QUALIFICATIONS: Required: An MLIS from an ALA accredited institution, or equivalent degree, and relevant professional experience. Five years' progressively responsible experience in a research library. Supervisory experience. Experience in science librarianship with demonstrated ability to evaluate and use appropriate technology to improve staff efficiency and enhance library services. Excellent verbal and written communication skills. Preferred: Experience in collection development and contract management; experience with facilities planning. Experience in health or life sciences librarianship and knowledge of appropriate information resources. Demonstrated ability to work in a team-oriented work environment; excellent interpersonal skills with ability to lead and collaborate; planning and project management experience; budget management; ability to meet deadlines and to work productively within an environment of rapid development and change; commitment to personal and staff professional development. The Library at UC Berkeley is committed to the support and encouragement of a multicultural environment and seeks candidates who can make positive contributions in a context of ethnic and cultural diversity. An exclusive bargaining agent, the American Federation of Teachers (AFT), represents librarians at the University of California. This is a management position and is not included in the bargaining unit. Deadline: Consideration will be given to applications received by July 30, 2001. APPLICANTS SHOULD APPLY IN WRITING, INCLUDING WITH THEIR LETTER A COMPLETE STATEMENT OF QUALIFICATIONS, A FULL RESUME OF THEIR EDUCATION AND RELEVANT EXPERIENCE, AND THE NAMES, ADDRESSES, AND PHONE NUMBERS OF THREE REFERENCES WHO ARE KNOWLEDGEABLE ABOUT THEIR QUALIFICATIONS FOR THIS POSITION. To Apply: Mail your application package to: Barbara Kornstein, Interim Academic Personnel Coordinator, Library Human Resources Department, 447 The Library, University of California, Berkeley, CA 94720-6000; FAX: 510-642-8675; or EMAIL: EOE_____________________________________________________ C&RL News ■ July/August 2001 / 767 PHYSICAL SCIENCES LIBRARIAN Dartmouth College The Dartmouth College Library seeks an energetic and creative information professional with a commitment to providing innovative services and collections to students and faculty in the physical sciences, mathematics, and computer science. RESPONSIBILITIES: Reporting to the Head of Kresge Physical Sciences Library and Cook Mathematics Library, works as a m ember of a collaborative team providing information and collection services in a flexible, innovative, and sophisticated information management environment; participates in the development of the Dartmouth Digital Library; provides instruction in information research tools and techniques, on-site and electronic reference, consultation with faculty to determine instructional and research interests, and collection management and development of print and digital materials in selected areas of the physical sciences, mathematics, and computer science; works closely with faculty, undergraduates, and graduate students in these subject areas; develops print and electronic research guides; contributes content and design for the Library Web pages; participates in library initiatives in the sciences, including planning for resources, services, facilities, and special projects. QUALIFICATIONS: ALA-accredited MLS; educational background in the physical or mathematical sciences; experience in an academic or research environment preferred. The successful candidate will have the ability to work collegially in small group and team environments; science reference, instruction, and information access skills; knowledge of the scientific literature in all formats; experience with current digital collections tools for providing Web-based information resources and services; an d familiarity with networked information systems and resources in multiplatform environments. RANK AND SALARY: Commensurate with education and experience. Minimum salary: $42,000 (Librarian III); $36,000 (Librarian II); $32,000 (Librarian I), plus a comprehensive benefits package and relocation assistance. DARTMOUTH COLLEGE INFORMATION: The Dartmouth College Library is an ARLIibrary, participating in national and regional endeavors and organizations such as SPARC, JSTOR, and NERL (Northeast Research Libraries Consortium). Dartmouth College offers a lively, intimate university environment with the benefits of rich cultural offerings in a lovely rural setting, within 2 - 3 hours’ drive of both Boston and M o n tre a l. F o r m ore in fo rm a tio n , c o n s u lt: h ttp ://w w w .d a rtm o u th .e d u and h ttp :// www.dartm e.shtm l. APPLICATION: Review of applications will begin August 1 ‚ 2001; applications will be considered until the position is filled. Send résumés to: Search Committee for Physical Sciences Librarian Dartmouth College Library 6025 Baker-Berry Library Hanover, NH 03755-3525 Dartmouth College is an affirmative action, equal opportunity, M/F employer. Parkway, San Bernardino, CA 92407-2397. See our Web site at: for further background. REFERENCE LIBRARIAN.The Cline Library at Northern Arizona University invites applications for Reference Librarian. Under the direction of the Head of Reference, the Reference Librarian supports services for a distributed learning environment that accommodates student study and research activities that take place 24/7, wherever students are located. Position also provides reference services primarily using electronic resources. Services are provided in-person, via telephone, e-mail, the Web, Interactive Instructional Television, and occasional travel to NAU’s Statewide Academic Program sites; assists students individually and in groups in locating, evaluating, and utilizing information; uses software and instructs others in the use of software for customized information management, communication, and collaboration; includes answering basic telecommunication and network connection questions; collabo­ rates with other Library staff to develop Web-based research tools; actively collaborates with colleagues across departments to design, implement, and continuously improve library services, resources, and operations, based on knowledge of emerging trends in libraries, higher education, distributed learning, and technology; and works a flexible schedule, including evenings and weekends in rotation with other staff. Qualifications: Required: ALA-accredited graduate degree from a library and information science program; one year of experience with Web-based reference sources, services, and research; outstanding commitment to providing resources and services and promoting student research com­ petencies through the use of information technology; demonstrated skill in assisting users in locating, evaluating, and utilizing information; ability to contribute effectively to learner-centered library initiatives and the development of resources, services, and tools fo r the library’s W eb site; strong project management and organizational skills; ca­ pacity for working flexibly and creatively in a rapidly changing environ­ ment; dem onstrated proficiency with microcom puter networks, PC troubleshooting, Windows and Web applications, and electronic commu­ nication/collaboration tools; basic knowledge of HTML and familiarity with Web authoring tools; and demonstrated interest in professional activities, including participation in local, state, and national professional organizations. For more details, see: NAU_Jobs/Job_Vacancies/index.php. Send letter of application specifi­ cally addressing the qualifications listed above, résumé, and names and 768 / C&RL News July/August 2001 ■ ASSOCIATE UNIVERSITY LIBRARIAN, INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY AND TECHNICAL SERVICES University of California, Santa Barbara The University of California, Santa Barbara, one of the nine campuses of the University of California system, invites applications and nominations for an Associate University Librarian (AUL), Information Technology and Technical Services. The AUL reports to the University Librarian and serves as member of the Library Administrative Group. Has line responsibility and provides leadership and management for the planning, development, implementation, and assessment of the university libraries information systems and technical services departments. The AUL will head the library systems operations and will have direct responsibility for overseeing the online integrated system (currently installing the ExLibris Aleph system), local area network (450 public and staff workstations), desktop applications, library's Web site, digital library initiatives, hardware and software installation, operation, and maintenance and all library-related telecommunication services. The incumbent will also provide leadership and management for the technical services departments including acquisitions, cataloging, database maintenance, preservation, and serials management. He or she will direct the development, implementation, and evaluation of innovative tools, methods, and strategies for use in acquiring, cataloging, and processing materials. Works with managers and supervisors to establish goals, sets priorities, and is responsible for the overall planning, resource allocation, and administration of the technical services division. The combined technical services departments and the systems operations include approximately 60 FTE and a host of student and limited appointment employees. QUALIFICATIONS: MLS from an ALA-accredited program; record of responsible leadership and management experience in information technology and/or technical services; knowledge of one or more areas of technical services (cataloging, acquisitions, serials); successful supervisory experience inacom plex environment as well as demonstrated decision-making experience, problem-solving ability, and planning skills; demonstrated knowledge, experience, and management of networked environ­ ments, integrated library systems, Web architecture, hardware and software applications, servers, and telecommunication systems; strong user-centered approach to technical services and information technology; excellent oral, written, and interpersonal communication skills, including the ability to communicate technical information clearly and effectively; ability to work in a team environment; and demonstrated commitment and sensitivity to diversity in the workplace. SALARY: Salary commensurate with experience and qualifications. Consideration of applications begins August 1 ‚ 2001 ‚ and will continue until the position is filled. Send résumé and names and addresses of three references to: Detrice Bankhead Associate University Librarian Human Resources Davidson Library University of California Santa Barbara, CA 93106 Complete job announcement available at: The University of California is an affirmative action, equal opportunity employer committed to diversity in the workplace and invites applications from candidates who can contribute in this area. addresses of three references to: Ann Eagan, Head, Reference Services Department, Cline Library, Northern Arizona University, Box6022, Flag­ staff, AZ 86011 -6022. For additional information, phone: (520) 523- 0340, fax: (520) 523-3770, or e-mail: $34,000 minimum for 12-month contract with Academic Professional status. Benefits include TIAA-CREF, life and health insurance, generous vacation, and sick leave. Résumés will be reviewed periodically, beginning on June 4, 2001 ‚ every two weeks until filled, up to July 31 ‚ 2001. NAU has a growing minority student population and is committed to equal opportunity and affirmative action; we welcome minorities, women, persons with disabilities, and veterans willing to make a commitment to NAU’s mission of cultural diversity. REFERENCE LIBRARIAN. University of West Florida. Available September 1,2001. Reports to Head of Reference Department. Responsibilities: Provides general and government documents reference service; serves as subject specialist for collection development and faculty liaison with selected disciplines; teaches library instruction classes; prepares library Web sites and publications. Opportunity to specialize in a subunit of reference service such as reference administration, interlibrary loan, government documents, or collection development. Qualifications: Re­ quired: MLS from an ALA-accredited program; minimum of three years’ recent relevant professional experience, preferably in an academic library. Preferred: Social science background; demonstrated leadership and team- work capabilities; strong knowledge of a variety of print and electronic C&RL News ■ July/August 2001 / 769 SYSTEMS LIBRARIAN VIRGINIA STATE UNIVERSITY LIBRARY Virginia State University is seeking qualified applicants forthe position of Systems Librarian. The position reports to the Dean of Library and Media Services. DUTIES AND RESPONSIBILITIES: Responsible f o r the operation of the integrated library system, currently VTLS, and PC networks, currently NT. Primary responsibility for evaluating and recommending appropriate library information technology innovations for emerging technologies, distance learning and digital initiatives. Plans for and implements technical aspects of licensed electronic journals and databases. W orks with library Web team to design and expand Web-based services, including online tutorials and information literacy modules. Serves as primary liaison with the University’s information systems division, the Office of Information Technology. QUALIFICATIONS: MLS from an ALA-accredited program or master’s degree in computer-related discipline; minimum three years' professional library experience; demonstrated expertise in working with desktop computer networks, the Internet, and other emerging technologies; demonstrated Web design skills; good analytic and problem-solving skills for initiating plans and carrying out projects; strong verbal and written communication and organizational skills; ability to work independently and with all personnel to achieve established goals and priorities within a team environment. SALARY: Minimum $40,000; commensurate with qualifications and experience. VSU also p articipates in VIVA (Virtual Library of V irginia), a statew ide netw ork fo r access to electronic databases, as well as in several other consortia. The library’s Web site can be accessed at: http://w w w . Interested persons should submit a letter of interest, résumé/vita, copies of transcripts, and three letters of reference to: Virginia State University Office of Human Resources Box 9412 Room 104 Virginia Hall Petersburg, VA 23806 A Commonwealth of Virginia Application for Employment and official transcripts will be required prior to employment. Review of applications will begin immediately. Applications will be accepted until position is filled. Faxed and e-mailed applications will not be accepted. Selected candidate must successfully pass a criminal background check. Visit our Web site at: w Virginia State University is an equal opportunity employer. reference sources; excellent interpersonal and communication skills; willingness to work a schedule that includes nights and weekends; evi­ dence of creativity and flexibility; and computer skills. Salary: $36,000 minimum, commensurate with experience. Benefits: Faculty status (non­ tenure earning), 22 vacation days, 13 sick leave days, partially paid health insurance, optional retirement systems, and no state or local income taxes. Environment: The University of West Florida, one often institutions in the State University System, is located on a 1,000-acre nature preserve adjacent to the city of Pensacola. The library serves over 8,000 students, with a collection of over 600,000 volumes and 3,000 serials subscriptions and numerous electronic databases. Staff includes 16 librarians and 27 support personnel. See our homepage for additional information: Closing date: July 16,2001. Appli­ cation Procedure: Send a letter of application, résumé, and names, mail and e-mail addresses, and telephone numbers (fax numbers if available) of three references to: Lauren Brosnihan, Chair, Reference Search Com­ mittee, John C. Pace Library, University of West Florida, 11000Univer- sity Parkway, Pensacola, FL 32514-5750. An equal opportunity and access, affirmative action employer. REFERENCE LIBRARIAN/COORDINATOR OFINSTRUCTIONALSER- VICES. Steely Library, Northern Kentucky University. Northern Kentucky University invites applications for a Reference Librarian/Coordinator of Instructional Sen/ices. Responsibilities: Reporting to the Head of the Reference Department, this position coordinates the instructional activi­ ties of the Reference Department by organizing the development of programs and curriculum, promoting services, and evaluating these efforts. The planning and implementation of the instructional services are shared with the Reference Librarians. This position participates in refer­ ence and research services and serves as a liaison to assigned academic departments. Night and weekend service is required. Requirements: MLS from an ALA-accredited institution; one to three years of professional experience in an academic library with significant involvement in instruc­ tional sen/ices; dynamic commitment to the educational role of an academic library; strong interest, experience, and skill in the teaching/ learning process; effective written and oral communication skills; and demonstrated ability to work successfully with colleagues and library users. Rank, Salary, and Benefits: This is a 12-month, tenure-trackfaculty appointment as an Assistant Professor of Library Services. Reappoint­ ment, promotion, and tenure are dependent upon job performance, schol­ arship, and service contributions. Minimum Salary: $35,000, commen­ surate with experience. Fringe benefits include 25 vacation days, medi­ cal/dental insurance, and TIAA-CREF. Application Procedure: Send letter of application, résumé, and three professional references (including telephone numbers and e-mail addresses) to: Michael J. Rose, Steely Library, Northern Kentucky University, Nunn Drive, Highland Heights, KY 41099-6101. Applications will be accepted through August 31 ‚ 2001. NKU is an affirmative action, equal opportunity employer. Additional information about NKU is available at: REFERENCE/INSTRUCTION LIBRARIAN. Berea College is a well-established undergraduate institution distinguished by its student 7 7 0 / C&RL News ■ July/August 2001 THREE POSITIONS AVAILABLE University of California, San Diego The Social Sciences and Humanities Library at the University of California, San Diego (UCSD), invites applications from innovative professionals to fill three exciting career-track openings at various levels of appointment. The Social Sciences and Humanities Library comprises the research collections fo rth e social sciences and humanities and provides a full range of services, including information and reference services, outreach and bibliographic instruction, developm ent and delivery of collection resources, circulation, billing, interlibrary loan, course reserves, security, and stacks maintenance. W ith its ranking as one of the top ten research institutions in the country, UCSD provides the academ ic benefits of a world-class research university. For complete details for each position, please consult the Library's Web site at: http://orphe u s.u csd .e du /fa c/p o sition s.h tm . Assistant Department Head, Access Services Associate Librarian-Librarian Hiring Range: $42,7 8 0 -$ 70 ,1 5 2 The Social Sciences and Humanities Library invites applications from innovative professionals with a strong public services comm itm ent to provide leadership in the development, coordination, and provision of services that facilitate user access to information resources. The successful candidate will be responsible for planning and managing, including circulation services, interlibrary loan, consortial borrowing programs, course reserves (including electronic reserves), stack management, and the PLUS Information Service, the library's fee-based service. The m anager supervises 26 career staff and approxim ately 15 FTE student employees; stays current with national trends and developm ents in access services and interlibrary loan; provides leadership to the departm ent in adopting new technologies and new procedures and processes to assure a best practices, continuous im provement model for effective access services delivery. QUALIFICATIONS: Demonstrated effective experience as a supervisor and the ability to lead and develop staff; extensive knowledge of access services, circulation services, or interlibrary loan unit, preferably in an academ ic library; demonstrated comm itm ent to quality public services; exceptional initiative, creativity, leadership, acumen, flexibility, and the ability to deal with ambiguity; a clear understanding of the issues impacting libraries, particularly those involving technology; and demonstrated ability to work within a well-established, team-oriented, collaborative, and collegial environment, and tofosterthis ability in others. [ H.htm ] Assistant Department Head, Reference, Instruction, and Outreach Associate Librarian-Librarian Hiring Range: $ 4 2 ,1 5 6 -$ 6 1,848 The Social Sciences and Humanities Library invites applications fo rth e position of Head of Reference, Instruction and Outreach. We seek a dynamic, innovative, and forward-looking individual to provide leadership in a time of rapid technological change. Reporting to the Head, Social Sciences and Humanities Library, the successful candidate will be responsible for planning and participation in the staffing of the Reference and Information Desks; developing print, electronic, and Internet reference collections in support of disciplines within the social sciences and humanities; managing outreach and instruction programs and services. The Assistant Department Head will supervise two to four public service librarians and staff at a variety of levels at public service points, including the Instruction and Outreach Coordinator. QUALIFICATIONS: A record of increasing responsibility in an academic or research library; successful supervisory experience with comm itm ent to mentoring, training, and staff development; experience (continued on next page) labor program, history of interracial education, service to the Appalachian region, and emphasis on perspectives and values deeply formed by the Christian faith. Berea College’s Hutchins Library seeks a creative, articu­ late, and versatile Librarian to join a strong staff in a program with a lo ng-standing reputation fo r excellence. T his is a two-year, sabbatical-replacement appointment beginning January 2002. Respon­ sibilities for this position include public services activities such as reference deskduty (some evenings and weekends) and instruction. For at least six months, the position will also include work in technical services assisting with cataloging and supervising student workers. Salary: Com­ mensurate with qualifications and experience. Required: Master’s degree from an ALA-accredited program; demonstrated reference and teaching skills; and strong interpersonal and communication skills. Preferred: Academic library experience. Applicants should submit a letter of appli­ cation addressing qualifications and interest in the position, a complete curriculum vita, transcripts, and three letters of recommendation to: Anne Chase, Director of Library Services, Berea College, CPO Library, Berea, KY 40404. Review of applications will begin September?, 2001 ‚ and continue until the position is filled. In keeping with the College’s inclusive Christian tradition and its emphasis on the dignity and worth of all people, Berea embraces and values diversity through encouragement of applications from women and members of minority groups. SENIOR CATALOGER. Independent research library specializing in Ameri­ can business and technological history seeks experienced catalogerfor printed materials. Minimum five years’ experience, ALA-MLS, RLIN, C&RL News ■ July/August 2001 / 771 (continued from previous page) coordinating an array of reference and instructional services; demonstrated com m itm ent to quality public services; a record of innovative reference or instructional programs; exceptional initiative, creativity, leadership, acumen, flexibility, and the ab ility to deal w ith a m biguity; w e ll-d e velo p e d c o m m unication, consensu s-b u ild in g , and decisio n -m a kin g skills, along w ith the a b ility to fa c ilita te change; e xp e rie n ce in a te c h n o lo g ic a lly com p le x se ttin g and kn ow ledge of sc h o la rly c o m m u n i­ cation pa ttern s and o th e r dig ita l issues facing aca d em ic lib ra rie s, [h ttp ://o rp h e u s .u c s d .e d u / fa c /R e fe re n c e A D H .h tm ] Instruction and Outreach Coordinator Assistant Librarian-A ssociate Librarian Hiring Range: $ 3 7 ,7 2 8 -$ 45 ,7 8 0 This newly created position will provide leadership in planning, im plementing, and m aintaining an effective library instruction and outreach program in a rapidly changing electronic environment. The librarian will develop, coordinate, and promote outreach and instruction programs in the use of general library and subject-specific library resources, both print and electronic. The successful candidate will conduct instructional seminars and participate in orientation programs, participate in teaching general and subject-specific sessions and maintain current aw areness of emerging technologies in digital and W eb-based library instruction. The librarian will provide general reference assistance at a combined social sciences/hum anities and governm ent information reference desk, including some night and w eekend shifts. QUALIFICATIONS: Recent graduates are encouraged to apply. Demonstrated instructional experience in an academ ic library, preferably in a social sciences and humanities setting; working knowledge o f a variety of print, electronic, and Internet reference resources; knowledge of current and emerging technologies in digital and W eb-based library instruction; experience with W eb developm ent and maintenance; excellent verbal and written communication skills; demonstrated ability to w o rk within a well-established, team-oriented, collaborative, and collegial environment; and strong library service orientation and com m itm ent to professional service and scholarship. The successful candidate will have a record of a d a p ta b ility , fle x ib ility , and be a ble to deal w ith a m b ig u ity, [ h ttp ://o rp h e u s .u c s d .e d u /fa c / lnstructionC oord.htm ] These librarian positions all require a professional degree from a library school or other appropriate degree, or equivalent experience. Salary for each position is commensurate with experience and based on UCSD’s Librarian salary scale. UCSD offers a com prehensive benefits package including generous relocation reimbursement. Candidates applying by August 1 ‚ 2001 ‚ will be given first consideration. T o apply for any of the above positions, please subm it via regular mail, electronic mail, or confidential facsim ilea letter of application, a résumé, and a list of three professional references to: Library Human Resources, 0175H University of California, San Diego 9500 Gilman Drive La Jolla, CA 92093-0175 Telephone: (858) 534-9734 Confidential facsimile: (858) 534-8634 E-mail: UCSD is an equal opportunity, affirmative action employer and specifically seeks candidates who can make contributions in an environment o f cultural and ethnic diversity. MARC, AACR2, LCC, LCSH, authority control, integrated library systems required. Salary will be approximately $40,000, depending on qualifica­ tions and experience of successful candidate. Reply to: Human Resources Department, Hagley Museum and Library, P.O. Box3630, Wilmington, DE 19807. EOE. WEB COUNCILCHAIR. Arizona State University West. We are seekingan innovative and energetic professional to provide leadership and direction for the management and development of the Library’s Web site. The Chair will coordinate the use of web technology to accomplish the Library’s mission and goals, attend relevant meetings to contribute to planning and decisionmaking, communicate and collaborate with Library units and staff as well as relevant campus and university departments and units. The Chair will supervise Web Council staff in the coordination of content development, the development of new Web-based services, the evaluation and assessment of new content and services in consultation with content providers, the development of guidelines and standards, and the daily management and maintenance of the Library’s Web site. The Web Council Chair will participate in public service activities through reference desk rotation and/or instruction. ASU West Library is implementing innovative service programs built on desktop delivery, customizable user interfaces, and information literacy. The Library makes extensive use of electronic systems and resources and spends more than $1M annually for collections and access. One of the Arizona State University campuses, ASU West combines the small campus environment with research institution resources and serves both the academic and surrounding 772 / C&RL News ■ July/August 2001 DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC SERVICES Western Carolina University (Search Extended) Hunter Library is seeking an innovative librarian to lead its reference, instruction, electronic information access, circulation, and document delivery services. Hunter Library is aggressively meeting the opportunities and challenges that confront academic libraries today. This position is a member of the management team that supports an environment in which delivery of quality service is the pre-eminent shared value; effectively communicates to the campus the library’s vision of its role in teaching and learning; and maintains a cooperative and consultative environment within the library and the university. The Director of Public Services reports to the University Librarian. The Director of Public Services is responsible for management of the services listed above, including strategic and tactical planning, policy development and budgeting. The Director participates in reference staffing, bibliographic instruction, and collection development. QUALIFICATIONS: Required: ALA-accredited MLS and five years of reference experience which demonstrate a strong commitment to customer-oriented service; experience in teaching and assisting in the use of the full range of printed and electronic reference sources and online services; and the ability to work collegially and communicate effectively with internal and external constituencies. Strongly Preferred: Demonstrated understanding of the application of computer technology in reference and circulation services; demonstrated capacity to lead and manage professional and support staff; and the ability to organize and complete projects. Located in one of the major outdoor recreational areas in the Southeast, Western Carolina University is situated between the Great Smoky Mountains and the Blue Ridge Mountains. The university is one hour from Asheville, North Carolina, and three hours from Atlanta. This is a 12-month, faculty-rank, tenure-track position. Salary and academic rank are commensurate with qualifications. Review of applications will begin immediately. Candidates are encouraged to apply as soon as possible to receive full consideration. Position available July 1 ‚ 2001. Please send a letter of application, résumé, and names and phone numbers of three references to: Clarissa Fisher Hunter Library Western Carolina University Cullowhee, NC 28723 Western Carolina University is one of the 16 senior institutions of the University of North Carolina and is an affirmative action, equal opportunity employer. For an expanded position description, see: h ttp ://w w w .w c u .e d u /lib ra ry /a b o u t/a d m in is tra tio n /jo b s /d p s . community. ASU West is implementing a lower division curriculum which includes learning communities with librarians as members of the instruc- tional teams. Library staff receives excellent support for professional activity, service, development, and computing. Visit the Library’s Web site for additional information: info.html. Required Qualifications: ALA-accredited master’s degree; dem­ onstrated experience with the design, development, and management of library Web sites, database, and Web searching; demonstrated knowl­ edge of how people use information, HTML, and Web-authoring or devel- opment tools, and emerging trends in Web technology; and demonstrated skill in communication. Desired Qualifications: Demonstrated experience with Cold Fusion, creating database-driven Web sites, conducting usabil­ ity studies, in reference or instruction, project management, supervision, and participating in group projects; and demonstrated knowledge of accessibility standards. Rank and Salary: This is a continuing appointment (tenure) position with requirements for professional contribution and service. Rank: Assistant Librarian; Salary: $38,000 minimum. To Apply: Submit current résumé with letter of application addressing background and experience relevant to the qualifications to: Chair, Web Council Chair Search Committee, ASU West Library, P.O. Box 37100, Phoenix, AZ 85069-7100. Names, addresses, telephone numbers and e-mail ad­ dresses of four professional references will be required priorto interview. Deadline for Applications: Applications must be received by August 15, 2001 ‚ o r the 15th day of each month thereafter until the position is filled. General Information about ASU West: Arizona State University West, a vital component of ASU’s multicampus structure, serves more than 5,000 undergraduate students at its modern growing campus in Phoenix, one of the country’s most dynamic multicultural and economic environ­ ments. ASU West is an urban commuter campus with a focus on learner- centered education. The University is committed to a balance of research and teaching, faculty-student research collaboration, interdisciplinary perspectives, and the development of University-community partner­ ships. ASU West is dedicated to increasing the diversity of its campus community and encouraging an environment that offers students knowl­ edge about local, national, and global communities. ASU West is an affirmative action, equal opportunity employer in policy and practice. Connect to C&RL News online C&RL News ■ July/August 2001 / 773 CATALOGING/SYSTEMS LIBRARIAN Westminster College Westminster College, New Wilmington, Pennsylvania, is seeking a cataloging/systems librarian to serve as a member of the library team. CATALOGING: Responsible for original and complex copy cataloging on OCLC in all subjects; requires knowledge of LC classifications, LCSH, MARC, and AACR2. SYSTEMS: Manage the daily operations of DRA integrated library system. As such, candidate is responsible for installing hardware and software programs and upgrades, resolving system anomalies, generating reports, and planning for future system developments. OTHER Candidate will participate in collection development, share evening supervisory responsibilities, provide limited reference assistance and bibliographic instruction, and supervise support staff and students. QUALIFICATIONS: Required: MLS from an accredited program and experience managing an integrated library system and OCLC cataloging experience. Preferred: Experience managing a DRA system. Candidate should possess excellent analytical, organizational, communication (written and oral), and time-management skills; ability to work flexibly and creatively in a rapidly changing environment; ability to interact positively and productively with library colleagues, students, faculty, and staff; and demonstrated potential for professional development and growth. This is a full-time administrative appointment with faculty status. Salary is in the low $40s and benefits are competitive. Position will remain open until filled. The candidate should submit the names, current addresses, telephone numbers, and e-mail addresses of three professional references who are knowledgeable about the candidate’s qualifications for this vacancy to: Molly Spinney, Head Librarian Westminster College McGill Library 319 South Market Street New Wilmington, PA 16172 Equal opportunity employer Late Job Listings ASSOCIATE UNIVERSITY LIBRARIAN AND DIRECTOR OF THE ADAM AND SOPHIE GIMBEL DESIGN LIBRARY. Parsons School Of Design, New School University, seeks candidates for the position of Associate University librarian and Director of the Adam and Sophie Gimbel Design Library. The Gimbel Library serves the Parsons School of Design, one of the largest degree-granting colleges of art and design in the nation. The AUL/Director is a member of the library management team, and reports to the University Librarian. Responsibilities: Management of Gimbel Library operations, including personnel, budgeting, collections, services, and facilities. Other Duties: Leadership in the integration of information technologies; longrange planning; writing grantproposals.A complete description is on our Web site at: Qualifications: ALA-accredited MLS; undergraduate degree in art history, art, or design field; ability to provide leadership in an art library; understanding of developments in information technologies; and at least three years of appropriate experience in a comparable setting. Graduate degree in appropriate field preferred. Competitive salary and full benefits. Submit a letter of application, résumé, names, addresses, phone numbers, and e-mail address of three references to: Gail Persky, University Librarian, New School University, 65 Fifth Avenue, New York, NY 10003. New School University is an affirmative action, equal opportunity employer. 774 / C&RL News ■ July/August 2001 COORDINATOR, INFORMATION SERVICES University of Southern California POSITION SUMMARY: The Information Services Division of the University of Southern California seeks an innovative and dynamic Coordinator for Information Services for the Thom as and Dorothy Leavey Library, a teaching library housed in a technology-intense facility that opened in fall 1994. As a center for promoting information literacy and life-long learning skills to undergraduate students, Leavey Library is a focal point for evaluating information technologies, developing partnerships with faculty, and integrating technology into the curriculum. The Leavey Library staff includes five library faculty (including Coordinators in the areas of Instructional Services and Collection Development), three library assistants, eight professional staff, and more than 100 student assistants. The Coordinator for Information Services will manage all aspects of Leavey Library’s two Information Com mons areas, in close collaboration with other Leavey faculty and staff; will offer high-quality reference service in the Information Commons; will teach course-integrated library instruction; and will participate in collection development. THE UNIVERSITY OF SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA: Founded in 1879, USC is an international center of learning, enrolling more than 28,000 undergraduate, graduate, and professional students on two campuses and offering degrees through its College of Letters, Arts, and Sciences, Graduate School and 16 professional schools. USC ranks in the top ten among private research universities in the United States in federal research and voluntary support, and is one of only four private research universities in the western United States elected to membership in the Association of American Universities, a group that represents the top one percent of the nation’s accredited universities and accounts for nearly two thirds of all federally sponsored research. DESCRIPTION O F THE INFORMATION SERVICES DIVISION: The University Libraries are an integral part of the USC’s Information Services Division (ISD), a unified organization with the explicit goal of providing highest quality and fully integrated computer, telephone, and research services. To accomplish its goal, the ISD is structured into three primary components: Resources and Services (which includes Leavey Library), Infrastructure, and the C enter fo r Scholarly Technology, with central support units in Administrative Services, Operations, and Advancement. USC houses a collection of more than 2.8 million volumes, over five million microforms, three million photographs, and nearly 44,000 linear feet of manuscripts and archives. The University subscribes to more than 120 electronic databases and more than 16,000 journals in print and electronic formats in its libraries. Annually, reference transactions number close to 50,000, and approxim ately 1,100 instruction presentations are made to approxim ately 16,000 participants. USC is a mem ber of the Association of Research Libraries, the Center for Research Libraries, the Big 12 Plus library consortium, and the Research Libraries Group and is a founding mem ber of the Statewide California Electronic Library Consortium. Additional information about the University of Southern California and the Information Services Division can be obtained at: w w w DESCRIPTION OF DUTIES AND RESPONSIBILITIES: Reporting to the Director of the Leavey Library, the Coordinator for Information Services will m anage all aspects of services in the Information Commons, an environm ent that combines the computers found in user labs with an integrated reference service in which librarians answer research questions and also assist users with software application questions. The incumbent will be responsible for providing effective leadership in the introduction of new services, continually evaluating services, and adopting new policies and procedures in response to the evolving (continued on next page) CATALOG LIBRARIAN. Assistant or Associate Professor. Southern Illinois University Edwardsville, Library And Information Services (LIS). Responsibilities: Performs original and complex adaptive cataloging o f print and non-print materials, including electronic resources as part o f the OCLC CORC Project, according to AACR2-R, LCRI, LCSH, MFHD and CONSERand other relevant national standards. Develops comprehensive bibliographic descriptions, assigns subject headings and classification numbers according to Library o f Congress practice, and inputs holdings into OCLC and DRA according to the MARC Format for Holdings Data. The incumbent will also participate in authority control and resolve inconsistencies in serials holdings. Works collaboratively with other technical services staff and provides leadership and direction in achieving departmental and library goals. Assistant or Associate Professor, 12-month, tenure- C&RL News ■ July/August 2001 / 775 (continued from previous page) needs of undergraduate students, all in a collegial and collaborative setting. The successful candidate will w ork cooperatively and collaboratively with librarians w ho manage other reference points of service within USC’s libraries and will participate actively in com m ittees and in collaborative initiatives with other fa cu lty and staff throughout the Inform ation Services D ivision. The C oordinator will advance Leavey Library’s teaching m ission by participating in an am bitious instruction program that em phasizes critical thinking skills and the integration of digital and print resources, and by working with teaching faculty members in a collaborative learning environment. As a m ember of the collection developm ent team , the candidate will join in the developm ent of policies and program s th a t support access to Leavey’s in-house collections, including selection, maintenance, and deselection of materials; subject areas to be determ ined according to the incum bent’s strengths and the library’s needs. QUALIFIC ATIO N S AND SKILLS: Required Q ualifications: Minimum of three years of successful and progressively more responsible m anagem ent in the area of information service; minimum of three years’ experience at a busy and networked reference desk; strong commitment to public service; strong com m itm ent to undergraduate education; strong com m itm ent to unified service, which combines traditional reference with software support, in the Information C om mons environm ent; fam iliarity with emerging technologies and their potential to enhance library services; dem onstrated ability to plan and im plement new program s and services; ability to w ork effectively in a highly collaborative and integrated environm ent; demonstrated leadership skills, including the a b ility to manage change in a positive manner; appreciation of diversity and ability to w ork effectively in a m ulticultural cam pus and com m unity setting; ability to develop and maintain collaborative relationships with faculty, staff, and students; experience in instruction, both one-on-one and in a classroom with groups of various sizes; excellent oral and w ritten com m unication skills; professional degree from an accredited library and information science graduate program; strong record of significant professional and scholarly activities; and ability to meet U SC ’s standards for continuing appointm ent o r renewable contract. Desired Qualifications: Experience with collections development, knowledge of one or more foreign languages. APPO IN TM EN T RANK/SALARY: USC Librarians hold faculty status, with the option fo r appointm ent on either the Continuing Appointm ent track or the renewable C ontract Status track. The Continuing Appointm ent track requires ongoing com m itm ent to excellence in librarianship, dem onstration of continuing contributions to the profession and to university and com m unity service. The renewable C ontract Status track requires an ongoing com m itm ent to excellence in librarianship and effectiveness in meeting contract standards and provisions. Salary and rank are commensurate with experience and qualifications. Salary and rank are comm en­ surate with experience and qualifications. The minimum salary for this position is $45,000. BENEFITS: The position is full tim e on a 12-month contract. Benefits include a choice of com petitive retirement, medical, and dental plans, 22 paid vacation days per year, and tuition assistance. TO APPLY: Review of candidates will begin Septem ber 1, 2001, and will continue until the position is filled. Candidates should subm it a letter of application, résumé, and three references to: Terry Kolasa Director, Human Resources PSD-114 Attention: #208, Information Services Division University of Southern California Los Angeles, CA 90089-1622 For more inform ation about this position, contact C harlotte Crockett, Director, Leavey Library, at: crockett@ EO E /M /F/D /V track, continuing appointment. Professional rank and salary dependent upon credentials and experience, with a minimum salary of $40,000. Excellent fringe benefits program. More information is available at: Qualifications: MLS from an ALA-accredited library school, minimum of two years’ cataloging experience in an academic/research library setting utilizing LCSH and LCC; experience with OCLC or similar bibliographic utility; demonstrated ability to work effectively and collegially in a production-oriented environment; experience with an automated integrated library system; excellent communication and interpersonal skills as well as a strong orientation; and working knowledge of MARC Format and experience with DRA preferred. University Environment: SIUE is 20 minutes northeast of St. Louis, Missouri. The University is situated on 2600 acres of rolling land and woods along bluffs, a few miles from the Mississippi River. 776 / C&RL News ■ July/August 2001 TWO POSITIONS AVAILABLE University of Missouri-Columbia The University of Missouri-Columbia (MU) seeks qualified applicants for the positions of Monographs Cataloger and Reference Desk Coordinator/General Reference Librarian. MU was established in Columbia in 1839 and is one of the five most comprehensive universities in the nation, with over 250 degree programs. The MU Libraries belong to ARL, serve a student body of 22,000+ and a faculty of 1,800 with a collection of 3 million volumes and 6.45+ million microforms. Monographs Cataloger Principal duties include performing original and advanced level member cataloging primarily, but not exclusively, for monographs in science and engineering using LC subject and classification practices, OCLC, MERLIN (local III consortium), and local cataloging standards and procedures. Participates in original cataloging of major microform sets in cooperation with other catalogers. Reviews subjects for MU thesis and dissertations assigned by Library Assistants as needed. Contributes authority records to the MERLIN catalog following national and local standards. Performs other cataloging-related duties as assigned. REQUIREMENTS: Master’s degree from an ALA-accredited program in Library/Information Science, demonstrated skills in oral and written communication, and problem-solving and interpersonal relations; ability to work collegially and effectively with staff at a variety of levels; and knowledge of AACR2, MARC formats, and LC Classification and Subject Headings. Preferred qualifications include cataloging experience for science and/or engineering subjects in an academic research library setting, familiarity with library automated systems and bibliographic utilities (OCLC, INNOPAC, etc.), and knowledge of foreign languages. MINIMUM SALARY: Librarian I: $29,500; Librarian II: $32,000 for 12 months commensurate with education and experience. Benefits include vested retirement after five years, University medical benefits package, and other normal fringe benefits including 75% tuition waiver. SCREENING BEGINS: August 10,2001 AVAILABLE: November 1 ‚ 2001 Reference Desk Coordinator/General Reference Librarian Principal responsibilities include planning and coordination of Ellis Library’s Reference Desk and MERLIN Desk services, collection management of general reference materials and oversight of the collection maintenance of the entire Reference collection, and administrative supervision of one office support position. Specific duties: Coordinate Reference Desk and MERLIN Desk services and activities in Ellis (continued on next page) As a premiere metropolitan university, SIUE is the first choice of a diverse pool of applicants and boasts a student body of more than 12,000. Applications: Review to begin August 1,2001 and to remain open until position is filled. Send letter of application, résumé, names, addresses, and phone numbers of three references to: Jay Starratt, DeanofLIS, Lovejoy Library, SIUE Box 1063, Edwardsville, IL 62026-1063. As an affirmative action employer, SIUE offers equal employment opportunitywithoutregardtorace, color, creed or religion, age, sex, national origin, or disability. Applications fr om women and minority groups are especially encouraged. CHEMISTRY-MATHEMATICS LIBRARIAN. The University of Oklahoma Library. Faculty Vacancy. Duties: Under the direction of the Director of Public Services, the Chemistry- Mathematics Librarian supervises two branches: The Chemistry-Mathematics Library and the Physics-Astronomy Library. This includes the review, development, and implementation of programs and services; the hiring, training, supervision, and evaluation of staff; the provision of specialized reference services, instruction, and research consultation; and collection development and circulation of library materials. The Chemistry-Mathematics librarian serves as a liaison between the University Libraries and the departments of Chemistry, Mathematics, Physics, and Astronomy. This position is governed by the University’s policies for research or creative achievement and professional service asoutlinedbythe Faculty Handbookat: provost/pronew/content/fhbmenu.html. Qualifications: Required: MLS from an ALA-accredited library school; bachelor’s or advanced degree in a science discipline or library or related C&RL News ■ July/August 2001 / 777 (continued from previous page) Library; oversee daily operations of the desks, including assisting with difficult reference questions and solving problems; prepare desk schedules and coordinate substitutions; and train personnel on desk procedures and keep staff informed of changes impacting reference/information service. Provide reference services to library users at the Ellis Reference and MERLIN Desks (may include some evening and weekend hours). Responsible for the collection developm ent of general reference materials (interdisciplinary and basic reference tools not under the purview of subject specialists such as career and travel materials, general encyclopedias, etc.). Oversee the collection m aintenance of the entire Reference collection. Serve as the C oordinator of Libraries Services for Persons with Disabilities; acts as ADA contact person for Public Services in Ellis Library. Provide library instruction, orientation, and training in the use of the library. Hire, train, and supervise one full-time office support position. Seek ways to provide innovative reference services for our in-person patrons as well as virtual patrons. Coordinate digital reference services. Provide liaison comm unications with campus programs that are not academ ic departm ent-specific. Assist the Division Head, along with other coordinators, in the managem ent of the Reference Division. Maintain knowledge of current and emerging technologies as they apply to reference service. REQUIREMENTS: MLS from an ALA-accredited program, two years of successful public service experience in an academ ic library, and substantial knowledge of and experience with traditional and electronic reference materials and databases. Preferred qualifications include excellent interpersonal and communication skills, ability to work well with colleagues and a diverse clientele, strong commitment to helping students learn and succeed, ability to work effectively as a m em ber o f a team, and excellent organizational abilities. MINIMUM SALARY: Librarian II: $35,000; Librarian III: $38,000 for 12 months comm ensurate with education and experience. Benefits include vested retirement after five years, University medical benefits package, and other normal fringe benefits including 75% tuition waver. SCREENING BEGINS: August 1O,2001 AVAILABLE: November 1 ‚ 2001 Send letter of application, résumé, and the names and addresses of three references to: Leo Agnew 104 Ellis Library University of Missouri-Columbia Columbia, MO 65201-5149 For ADA accomm odations during the application process, please call (573) 882-4701. Relay Missouri users call through (800) 735-2966. EEO/AA; M/F/D/V experience working with materials in one or more of the sciences; experience with electronic resources; instructional experience; and excellent interpersonal and communication skills. Desirable: Advanced degree in the sciences; managerial or supervisory experience; experience in library collection development; familiarity with SIRSI or other automated library system; and evidence of research and publication. First Screening Date: August 15,2001. Search will remain open until filled. Salary: $36,000. Benefits: TIAA-CREF; State Retirement System; 33 days’ paid leave; University holidays; comprehensive medical protection; group life insurance; and reduced tuition. University Libraries: A member of the Association of Research Libraries, the Research Libraries Group, the Big 12plus Library Consortium, AMIGOS Library Services, and the Oklahoma Library Technology Network, the University Libraries consists of the Bizzell Memorial Library, six branch libraries, and three special libraries: The History of Science, the Western History, and the Bass Business History collections. The library system contains more than 4.1 million volumes and 16,000 serial subscriptions in its general collections. The University Libraries is currently benefiting from a 10-year program to increase library funding by one million dollars per year. The University Libraries is committed to the integration of electronic resources with traditional library resources to create a superior learning environment. The Libraries operate the SIRSI library management system for local holdings and accesses major electronic databases including OCLC FirstSearch, Web of Science, SciFinder Scholar, Lexis-Nexis, the Center for Research Libraries, and JSTOR. The University Libraries is a NAĆO contributing library. More information about the University of Oklahoma Libraries and its services may be found at: http:// 778 / C&RL News ■ July/August 2001 PRINCIPAL CATALOGER Allegheny College Pelletier Library of Allegheny College invites applications f o r the position of principal cataloger. The position is a full-time, 12-month appointm ent reporting to the D irector of the Library and will be available fall 2001. RESPONSIBILITIES: Catalog all kinds of materials in all form ats and some foreign languages, including some original cataloging, using AACR2, Dewey Decimal Classification, and LC Subject Headings. Perform authority control on a database of over 400,000 bibliographic and authority records. Update cataloging and union listing of over 4,000 periodicals records (both print and electronic). Maintain the integrity of the online catalog and physical collections. Supervise one full-time assistant and four students. QUALIFICATIONS REQUI RED: ALA-accredited MLS and two years o f relevant post-MLS experience. Preferred: Experience with OCLC; Innovative Interfaces, Inc. systems; Dewey classification; supervisory experience; experience with cataloging serials; authority control. O ther Requirements: Strong organizational and communication skills; ability to work under pressure, meet deadlines, solve problems, exercise good judgment; and ability to w ork in a team environment. Fam iliarity with emerging trends and issues in cataloging. Allegheny College is a private, undergraduate, liberal arts college situated in Meadville in the rolling hills of northwestern Pennsylvania. Founded in 1815, Allegheny College has a reputation for providing quality education within a liberal arts fram ework. A faculty of nearly 150 offers the approxim ately 1,850 students both traditional and innovative instruction in a wide range of subjects in the liberal arts. Com puting is a strong com ponent of the educational experience at Allegheny. Pelletier Library has a long and distinguished history. The original collection consisted of significant gifts from James W inthrop, W illiam Bentley, and Isaiah Thomas. Today those collections form the basis of strong special collections. The library houses over 700,000 volum es and offers strong support of the curriculum through both print and electronic resources and a very active instruction program. Please submit, by August 1 ‚ 2001 ‚ a letter of application, detailed résumé, and the names, addresses, and phone numbers of at least three references who can speak knowledgeably about your experience to: Office of Human Resources Allegheny College 520 N. Main Street Meadville, PA 16335 Review of candidates will continue until the position is filled. Visit the Allegheny College W eb site at: Allegheny College is an equal opportunity employer. Founded in 1890, the University of Oklahoma is in the heart ofNorman, Oklahoma, an attractive community of90,000 within the Oklahoma City metropolitan area. Norman is noted for its low cost of living, quality schools and friendliness. Employment: Librarians have faculty status, privileges, responsibilities, the rank of assistant professor or above, and are eligible for tenure. Application: Send letter of application with résumé, a list of publications, and the names of three references, including current supervisor, to: DonaldC. Hudson, Director ofAd-ministrative Services, University Libraries, University of Oklahoma, Norman, OK 73019; phone: (405) 325-2611. Oklahoma University is an equal opportunity, affirmative action employer. We encourage women and minority applicants and we are responsive to the needs of dual-career couples. DISTRIBUTED EDUCATION SERVICES LIBRARIAN. Fielding Graduate Institute is looking for a full-time Distributed Education Services Librarian to provide reference services (via e-mail, telephone, and Internet) and instruction services to a geographically dispersed community of faculty and graduate students. Additional Responsibilities: Creation and maintenance of online tutorials, guides, and seminars; some in-person student instruction; and research consultation to students and faculty. For additional information, please see our Web site at: C&RL News ■ July/August 2001 / 779 PUBLIC SERVICES MANAGER Harvard Business School SALARY BAND/GRADE: $47,200 minimum. Reporting to the Director of the Business Information Services Center (BISC), provides operational leadership for and management of Reference and Access Services, Document Delivery and ILL, Stacks Maintenance, and Photocopy and Microform services. Plans, develops, analyzes, evaluates, and directs the implementation of policies and procedures in order to provide seamless services to the community. Analyzes, evaluates, and redesigns workflow as needed. Hires, fires, evaluates, and develops eight FTE staff, directly supervises five; oversees hiring and supervision of two to three FTE hourly employees. Develops and monitors annual budget. Manages the administration of the circulation and course reserves modules of the library’s Voyager system. Directs the m anagement of incoming and outgoing collection materials from two remote storage facilities. Analyzes, evaluates, and implements new technologies and m anagement techniques to improve custom er service and ensure efficient operations. Identifies, designs, and implements new services to meet custom ers’ information needs. Provides direct reference and information services to customers as needed. Liaises with Historical Collections Department and other Harvard libraries on access, circulation, and document delivery policies and procedures. Key player in designing custom er services in the new facility (groundbreaking currently targeted for Sum mer 2003) and for planning the interim service facility. REQUIREMENTS: MLS from an ALA-accredited library school and a minimum of five years’ professional library experience (or equivalent) with m anagement or supervisory responsibilities, and at least two years' experience in access services in an academic library required. Experience in providing reference/information services also required. Subject knowledge of business and/or finance desirable. Demonstrated ability to provide effective operational leadership of a complex service operation in a team-based, matrix management environment. Evidence of success in exploring and implementing new methods of delivering customer service, particularly in the electronic era, essential. Demonstrated effectiveness in analyzing and parsing workflow and service delivery problems and in designing and successfully implementing systems and procedures to resolve them. Evidence of successful management, supervision, and development of staff in a complex and rapidly changing team-based, matrix m anagement environment. Excellent interper­ sonal and communication skills. Demonstrated ability to work effectively with students, faculty, and library colleagues. Ability to work cooperatively in a demanding and rapidly changing environment. Experience with automated systems, including Web technologies and tools, and understanding of how emerging electronic technologies can be applied to the instructional and research mission of the Library. TOAPPLY: Go to ent/jobs.html, search for req #10190, and submit cover letter and résumé online. Or, send cover letter and résumé to: Harvard University Résumé Processing Center Req #10190 11 Holyoke Street Cambridge, MA 02138 It’s never too late to advertise a job opening on the C&RL News Net! Our online advertisements are updated weekly and read by more than 13,000 potential applicants every month! c& (800) 545-2433, ext.2513 Structure Bookmarks C&RL News ■ July/August 2001 / 749 C&RL News ■ July/August 2001 / 749 Career opportunities CLASSIFIEDs Adfrom across the country Deadlines: Orders for regular classified advertisements must reach the ACRL office on or before the second of the month preceding publication of the issue (e.g., September 2 for the October issue). Should this date fall on a weekend or holiday, ads will be accepted on the next business day. Late job listings will be accepted on a space-available basis after the second of the month.Rates: Classified advertisements are $9.75 per line for institutions that are ACRL members, $11.85 for others. Late job notices discriminatory references. Applicants should be aware that the terms faculty rank and status vary in meaning among institutions.Internet: C&RL News classified ads are accessible on the Web at Ads will be placed approximately 2-3 weeks before the printed edition of C&RL News is published.Contact: Elise Parker, Classified Advertising Manager, C&RL News Classified Advertising Department, ACRL, American Library Association, 50 E. Huron St., Chicago, IL 60611-2795; (312) 2 POSITIONS OPENACQLIISmONS LIBRARLAM/ASSISTANT PROFESSOR. (Search Extended) Ol¡n Library, Rollins College. Rollins College invites applications for a service-oriented librarian to join its technical services team. Primary responsibilities include leading a staff of three people involved in acquisi­tion of monographs, serials, and electronic resources, binding, and associated fiscal activities; maintaining business relationships with vendors; negotiating and managing contracts and licenses for digital informa Salary guideListed below are the latest minimum starting salary figures recommended by state library associationsforprofessional library posts in these states. The recommendations are advisory only, and ALA has not adopted recommendations for minimum salaries. Job seekers and employers should consider these recommended minimums when evaluating professional vacancies. Foradditional information on librarian salaries, contact ALA Office for Library Personnel Resources.Connecticut $34,172Delaware $22,500**Illin 750 / C&RL News ■ July/August 2000 Association of College & Research LibrariesA Division of the American Library AssociationWEB PRODUCT DEVELOPMENT SPECIALIST/ EDITOR-IN-CHIEF, C&RL NEWSPOSITION RESPONSIBILITIES:Reporting to the Executive Director, this position has two main responsibilities: 1) Web product development—to conceptualize new products and services appropriate for distance delivery using vehicles such as the Web, to develop plans for and implement these new programs, and to work with members in developing viable new ideas; and 2 C&RL News ■ July/August 2001 / 751 DIRECTOR AND DEAN OF THE LIBRARYCalifornia State University, SacramentoCalifornia State University, Sacramento seeks to fill the position of Director and Dean of the Library, effective January 2002. The Director and Dean reports to the Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs and is the chief administrative officer and spokesperson of the University Library. In addition, the successful candidate will administer a team of two Associate University Librarians, 20 Library Faculty, and 57 staff. CSUS seek 2001 ‚ and will continue until the position is filled. The University of Colorado at Denver is committed to excellence through inclusiveness. The Colorado Open Records Act (C.R.S. 24-72-204) requires a written request for confidentiality at the time of application. Applications without such a request may be open records and may be disclosed.ASSISTANT LIBRARIAN. Autry Museum of Western Heritage seeks librarian for position in Western Americana research collection. Good opportunity for person interested in bu MARC formats and AACR2 required. Anticipated starting salary in the mid $30s. The Autry Museum is an active equal opportunity employer. Please send letter of application and résumé to: Attn.: Human Resources, Autry Museum of Western Heritage, 4700 Western Heritage Way, Los Angeles, CA 90027-1462. Interested applicants may contact the Re­search Center at: for further information. Apply by August 30,2001.ASSISTANT PROFESSOR/LIBRARIAN AND INFORMATION SPE­CIALIST. The Mississippi State Un 752 / C&RL News ■ July/August 2001 EDUCATIODINRECTOR OF LIBRARY SERVICESBenedictine University ‚ Lisle, IL, which just opened a new state of the art library is seeking a Director of Library Services. Responsible for directing the library program and services, including planning, budgeting, collection development, staff supervision and evaluation, and public relations; keeps abreast of new technological develop­ments leading the library staff in planning and imple­menting the integration of new technologies with existing services and resource intensive work in a networked teaching and learning environment, includ­ing the Internet, Web, and other multimedia and electronic resources; broad experience with a wide variety of print and electronic reference materials; demonstrated ability to work independently, collaborate as a part of a team and as a leader; excellent oral and written communica­tions/presentation skills. Subject master’s degree preferred. Reports to the Dean of Libraries through the Dean of the Meridian campus. Salary: $35,000—$40,00 C&RL News • July/August 2001 / 753 Cornell University LibraryPublic Services Librarian, Nestle Library, Hotel School of AdministrationCornell University is seeking a creative, highly motivated individual to join the Nestle Library public I services team. The Nestle Library is renowned for having the largest single collection of hospitality related materials in the world. Subjects covered include: traveL/tourism, lodging, food service, meetings and con- ventìons, special events, cooking and core business topics such as human resources, financ Candidates should submit a letter of application, résumé, and names, addresses, and telephone numbers of three references to: Caroline Wire, Assistant to the Dean, 295 Middleton Library, Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge, LA 70803. Ref.#019471. JCATALOG ER. The Amherst College Library seeks a Catalogerto perform original cataloging of monographs and a wide variety of nonbook materials, complex copy cataloging, and authority control. In addition, will participate in special cataloging projects such as pates in professional activities of importance to the department. Re­quired ; Advanced degree in history, American literature, or related disci­pline and MLSorMLIS from an ALA-accredited program or equivalent experience; minimum of six years at a professional level in a rare book or other special collections environment, including significant management experience. Preferred: Ph.D. or other advanced degree or a significant publication record in discipline related to the special and area studies collections. 754 / C&RL News ■ July/August 2001 HEAD CATALOGERSaint Anselm CollegeLocated in Manchester, New Hampshire, 50 miles north of Boston, Saint Anselm College is a Catholic institution in the Benedictine tradition. Recognized as a leader among small liberal arts colleges in the Northeast by US News and World Report‚ Saint Anselm serves approximately 1,900 undergraduate students ( Geisel Library is seeking an energetic Librarian for the full-time position of Head Cataloger. This new position reflects an increased need for online numbers for three references to: Georgina G. Wilson, Personnel Admin­istrator, VCU Libraries, Virginia Commonwealth University, 901 Park Avenue, Richmond, VA 23284-2033; phone: (804) 828-2730; fax: (804) 828-0151; e-mail: ggwilson @ Review of applications will begin August 15,2001, and continue until position is filled. Virginia Com­monwealth University is an equal opportunity, affirmative action employer. Women, persons with disabilities, and minorities are encouraged to apply.COLLECTlONSANDRESOUR COLLECTIONS MANAGEMENT LIBRARIAN. The Museum of Modem Art Library seeks candidates for the position of Librarian, Collections Man­agement. This senior management position coordinates all technical aspects of acquisitions, processing, and cataloging of Library materials. This includes training and documentation of local policies and formulating and revising workflows. The incumbent to this position will also oversee the operation of Endeavor’s Voyager system including training, documen­tation of local polici C&RL News ■ July/August 2001 / 755 tions in Special Collections. Some evening and weekend work required. Requirements: MLS or equivalent from an ALA-accredited institution, with experience or coursework in special collections, archival manage­ment, conservation, and preservation. Preferred: Experience in a special collections or archives environment; experience with and/or understand­ing of electronic and photographic access/preservation technologies. The successful candidate shall possess effective oral and written commu­nication skills and 756 / C&RL News ■ July/August 2001 COORDINATOR, INFORMATION SERVICESDrake UniversityDrake University, located in Des Moines, Iowa, is a comprehensive, selective university with an innovative student-centered curriculum that blends the liberal arts with professional training. Cowles Library serves a student body of 5,200 and has established itself as a campus leader in the development and deployment of knowledge resources in the electronic format. The library also has a growing information literacy program that is integrated into the Drake cu DEAN OF LIBRARY AND LEARNING SERVICES. Marymount University of Arlington, Virginia, invites applications and nominations for the position of Dean of Library and Learning Services. The Dean reports to the VP for Academic Affairs, holds faculty rank, and is responsible for all aspects of leadership and management of the programs, staff, and services of the Library and Learning Services. Salary is competitive and commensurate with experience. Marymount is an independent, comprehensive, Catholic university that DIRECTOR OF SPECIAL COLLECTIONS. The Fondren Library, RiceUniver- sity, seeks an experienced, energetic, and innovative Directorof Special Collections to administer rare and special book collections, manuscript collections, and the Rice University archives. The Director is responsible for planning and managing projects which will link traditional manuscript, archives, and book processing and service activities with digital initia­tives, including the conversion of finding aids to electronic media. This posi C&RL News ■ July/August 2001 / 757 RESOURCE SERVICES LIBRARIAN FOR HISTORY, SOCIOLOGY, AND POLITICAL SCIENCEJohns Hopkins UniversityJohns Hopkins University seeks a client- and technology-centered librarian to serve the teaching and research needs of the History, Sociology, and Political Science departments and the related distance education courses and programs in the School of Arts and Sciences. The incumbent will have the opportunity to participate in the Brandeis model of reference service delivery, to develop innovative services for the outreach, and utilizing the capabilities of digital technologies for access and preservation of the collections. The Director manages budgeted and specially allocated funds for the purchase of special collections material, and recommends budget expenditures in all areas reporting to the position, including salary, equipment and travel expenditures, and project-related budgets. Required: Extensive experience with and knowl­edge of the arrangement and description of special collections materials; standards of waiver. Environment: Rice University is a private, independent university located on a tree-shaded 300-acre campus a few miles from downtown Houston, near major museums, theatres, and the Texas Medical Center. Fondren Library, an ARL library of over 2 million volumes located in the heart of the campus, will soon enter into a major $130 million building project. The Woodson Research Center, Fondren’s department of special collections, contains 30,000 rare and special books; 400 manuscript collections (3,225 758 / C&RL News ■ July/August 2001 TWO POSITIONS AVAILABLEGeorge Mason UniversityUniversity Libraries of George Mason University is seeking experienced, innovative, and team-oriented librarians for two management positions:Head, Collection Development and Preservation Officer (Search Re-opened)Provides leadership for collection development and evaluation, and preservation activities of a large university library system (four libraries across three campuses); coordinates the collection evaluation and development responsibilities of 20+ select progressively increasing responsibility, including personnel supervision. A second master’s degree or an earned doctorate will be considered a plus. Salary and benefits are competitive and commensurate with quali­fications and experience. This is a 12-month, renewable, non-tenure- track position with faculty status, available September 1, 2001. The search will begin immediately and remain open until the position is filled. Candidates should send a letter of application, a curriculum vitae, and names and add overall management of the Geology Library, including planning, supervis­ing, and evaluating the library’s services, operations, and collections. Provides bibliographic instruction and reference services including the development of Web services for the Geology Library. Manages the Geology Library collection based on the needs of current and future constituents, including transfer to off-site shelving of low-use materials. Develops external funding opportunities including grants, gifts, and ex­changes. Promo C&RL News ■ July/August 2001 / 759 (continued from previous page)and instructional services form a key component of the university libraries’ reference program and growing information literacy initiative.Specific responsibilities include: Supervision, training, mentoring, and evaluation of librarians and reference support staff (three librarians and four classified staff); management of reference desk schedule; assignment of instructional sessions to reference staff; coordination of collection develop­ment activities for circulating collecti will begin on August 10,2001. The position will remain open until filled. Send letter of application, professional vita, and the names, addresses, and phone numbers of four references to: Yolanda Cooper-Birdine, Librar­ies Human Resources Officer, Indiana University Libraries, Main Library 201 A, Bloomington, IN 47405. Phone: (812) 855-8196; fax: (812) 855-2576; e-mail: ycooperb Forfurther information con­cerning Indiana University:, oremploymentopportu­nities at the IUB Lib of applications will begin August 15,2001 ‚ and continue until position is filled. Virginia Commonwealth University is an equal opportunity, affirmative action employer. Women, persons with disabilities, and minorities are encouraged to apply.INFORMATION LITERACY COORDINATOR/ASSISTANT PROFES­SOR OF BIBLIOGRAPHY. The University Libraries at the University of Akron seeks an energetic, dynamic librarian to join its faculty and to lead its teaching and instruction programs. Duties and Responsibilities: The libr 760 /C&RL News ■ July/August 2001 RUTGERS UNIVERSI YTLIBRARIESThe New Brunswick Campus Libraries seeks energetic and innovative individuals for the following positions:Sciences Digital Initiatives Librarian: Provide leadership in developing an intellectual framework and technological platform for digital library initiatives in the sciences. Examples of these initiatives are web-based reference and instruction, electronic publishing, and integrating the use of advanced tools and applications of multimedia and emerging technologies to improve curriculum development or an undergraduate degree in education and a combination of skills and experience; prior experience in library public service; demonstrated ability to design Web-based instructional materi­als; prior experience in conducting assessment activities in an educa­tional setting; and participation in an ACRL information literacy institute or similar program. University and Community: The University of Akron (UA) is the third-largest state-assisted university in Ohio. UA’s 10 aca­demic coll University of Akron, Akron, OH44325-1701.Review of applications will begin on July 15, 2001, and will continue until position is filled. The University of Akron is an equal education and employment institution.INFORMATION SPECIALIST. The Norris Medical Library of the University of Southern California is seeking applicants for an Information Specialist (Librarian I and II) beginning July 1 ‚ 2001. Responsibilities: Participate in all reference and information services, including reference desk, consul­tation CRL News ■ July/August 2001 / 761& BIBLIOGRAPHER/ ACQUISITIONS LIBRARIANThe Thomas J. Watson Library, The Metropolitan Museum of Art, invites applications and nominations for the position of Bibliographer/Acquisitions Librarian. This key position in Watson Library coordinates collection development activities and provides leadership in building library collections, both print and electronic. Responsibilities include selection of all western European-language materials; coordinating the activities of the Asian-language selectors; managing the informatics and evidence-based medicine for medical students. For additional information about the library, see our Web site: http:// Qualifications: MLS from an ALA-accredited library school. Experience and strong interest in creating and designing Web resources. Ability to work in a team environment and demonstrated creativity and initiative. Good communication and computer skills. Inter­est in teaching adult learners. Benefits: 371 /2 or .5 hour week; 22 days' vacation; paid sick leave; provide library instruction and collaborative leadership. ASU West librar­ians individually and collaboratively develop programs, services, and Web- based resources, and select electronic and other materials. Librarians actively provide leadership in the planning, implementation, and assess­ment of library programs and services. Librarians have multiple opportu­nities for involvement in shaping library and campus initiatives through dose collegial relationships. This is a continuing-appointment (tenure) eli 762/C&RL News ■ July/August 2001 TWO POSITIONS AVAILABLENational-Louis UniversityNational-Louis University seeks two Library professionals.Coordinator of Baker Demonstration School Library: (LIB0101) Evanston, IllinoisWork with children (ages 3-14), faculty, and college students. Responsibilities include development of children's collection; assisting patrons with online catalog, electronic databases, and Internet; storytelling; teaching information literacy skills; and providing curriculum support. MLS/MIS with experience in children’s li degree or relevant work experience in the social sciences or business; demonstrated skill in communication; demonstrated experience with the design and/or delivery of instruction, database, and Web searching; and evidence of leadership roles or experience. Desired Qualifications: Postx- ALA-accredited master’s degree library experience; demonstrated expe­rience with reference service, selection of electronic and/or print re­sources, design of Web-based materials for instruction, project/program development, Providence, Rl 02912. Brown Univ. is an equal opportunity, affirmative action employer.RARE BOOKS CATALOGER. (18th century French imprints and 16th- 18th century British and North American imprints) The John CarterBrown Library at Brown University is seeking candidates for a temporary, grant-funded cataloguing position. The library specializes in the collection of printed materials pertaining to the Americas, North and South, during the colonial period, 1493to ca. 1830. The position is a three-year position C&RL News ■ July/August 2001 / 763 LIBRARY DIRECTORMoravian College and Moravian Theological SeminaryMoravian College and Moravian Theological Seminary invite applications and nominations for the position of Director of Reeves Library.Moravian College is a selective liberal arts and sciences college in the beautiful Lehigh Valley of Pennsylvania with an enrollment of 1,450 FTE students and 18 academic departments. Besides awarding undergraduate degrees, the college offers master's degrees in business administration and education. Founded in 764 / C&RL News ■ July/August 2001 The Stanford University Libraries has the following immediate opportunities available.Instructional Services and Outreach Librarian, Engineering LibraryWe seek an Institutional Services and Outreach Librarian to manage user education and outreach services at the Engineering Library. Under the general supervision of the Head Librarian of the Engineering Library, you will coordinate, develop and participate in a program of user education with emphasis in instruction of digital resources, the Internet and the C&RL News ■ July/August 2001 / 765 HEAD, GIANNINI FOUNDATION OF AGRICULTURAL ECONOMICS LIBRARYUniversity of California, BerkeleyDUTIES: Manages operations and plans for long-term needs of the library; collaborates with various parties in determining priorities and services; consults with the Chair/delegates in related adminis­tration; establishes library goals, procedures, and policies in consultation with the Department's Management Services Officer, the Chair, and the Department Library Advisory Committee; supervises library staff, facilit ironic and traditional reference sources; ability to develop and teach library instruction classes; an understanding of digital library environ­ments; familiarity with SGML, XML, and/or established metadata stan­dards; understanding of HTML standards and practices; knowledge of the materials selection process; excellent verbal and written communication skills; evidence of ability to meet university requirements for promotion and tenure; ability to work effectively in a collegial, multidisciplinary, team env 2001. Appointment by December 1 ‚ 2001. The University of Dayton is an equal opportunity, affirmative action employer.REFERENCE LIBRARIAN. Senior Assistant Librarian. Reports to Head of Public Services. Provides general reference and library instruction to students, faculty, other patrons via print and online venues and resources. Develops user guides. Helps in updating library home page. Assists references collection development. Aids information competency and distributed education and reference efforts. 766 / C&RL News ■ July/August 2001 HEAD, PUBLIC HEALTH LIBRARY - Associate/Full Librarianj $59,832-76,476 per annum, based upon qualificationsThe Library of the University of California at Berkeley is seeking an energetic and creative individual to head its Public Health Library, a subject specialty library that supports the teaching, learning, and research activities of the University’s faculty, students, staff, and the broader community of health professionals and the public. In addition to serving these constituencies, this library also p C&RL News ■ July/August 2001 / 767 PHYSICAL SCIENCES LIBRARIANDartmouth CollegeThe Dartmouth College Library seeks an energetic and creative information professional with a commitment to providing innovative services and collections to students and faculty in the physical sciences, mathematics, and computer science.RESPONSIBILITIES: Reporting to the Head of Kresge Physical Sciences Library and Cook Mathematics Library, works as a member of a collaborative team providing information and collection services in a flexible, innovative, and sophi Parkway, San Bernardino, CA 92407-2397. See our Web site at: for further background.REFERENCE LIBRARIAN.The Cline Library at Northern Arizona University invites applications for Reference Librarian. Under the direction of the Head of Reference, the Reference Librarian supports services for a distributed learning environment that accommodates student study and research activities that take place 24/7, wherever students are located. Position also provides reference services primarily education, distributed learning, and technology; and works a flexible schedule, including evenings and weekends in rotation with other staff. Qualifications: Required: ALA-accredited graduate degree from a library and information science program; one year of experience with Web-based reference sources, services, and research; outstanding commitment to providing resources and services and promoting student research com­petencies through the use of information technology; demonstrated skill in assisting users 768 / C&RL NewsJuly/August 2001 ASSOCIATE UNIVERSITY LIBRARIAN, INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY AND TECHNICAL SERVICESUniversity of California, Santa BarbaraThe University of California, Santa Barbara, one of the nine campuses of the University of California system, invites applications and nominations for an Associate University Librarian (AUL), Information Technology and Technical Services.The AUL reports to the University Librarian and serves as member of the Library Administrative Group. Has line responsibility and provides leadership and mana addresses of three references to: Ann Eagan, Head, Reference Services Department, Cline Library, Northern Arizona University, Box6022, Flag­staff, AZ 86011 -6022. For additional information, phone: (520) 523- 0340, fax: (520) 523-3770, or e-mail: $34,000 minimum for 12-month contract with Academic Professional status. Benefits include TIAA-CREF, life and health insurance, generous vacation, and sick leave. Résumés will be reviewed periodically, beginning on June 4, 2001 ‚ every two weeks REFERENCE LIBRARIAN. University of West Florida. Available September 1,2001. Reports to Head of Reference Department. Responsibilities: Provides general and government documents reference service; serves as subject specialist for collection development and faculty liaison with selected disciplines; teaches library instruction classes; prepares library Web sites and publications. Opportunity to specialize in a subunit of reference service such as reference administration, interlibrary loan, government docume C&RL News ■ July/August 2001 / 769 SYSTEMS LIBRARIAN VIRGINIA STATE UNIVERSITY LIBRARYVirginia State University is seeking qualified applicants forthe position of Systems Librarian. The position reports to the Dean of Library and Media Services.DUTIES AND RESPONSIBILITIES: Responsible for the operation of the integrated library system, currently VTLS, and PC networks, currently NT. Primary responsibility for evaluating and recommending appropriate library information technology innovations for emerging technologies, distance learning and dig reference sources; excellent interpersonal and communication skills; willingness to work a schedule that includes nights and weekends; evi­dence of creativity and flexibility; and computer skills. Salary: $36,000 minimum, commensurate with experience. Benefits: Faculty status (non­tenure earning), 22 vacation days, 13 sick leave days, partially paid health insurance, optional retirement systems, and no state or local income taxes. Environment: The University of West Florida, one often institutions in the St programs and curriculum, promoting services, and evaluating these efforts. The planning and implementation of the instructional services are shared with the Reference Librarians. This position participates in refer­ence and research services and serves as a liaison to assigned academic departments. Night and weekend service is required. Requirements: MLS from an ALA-accredited institution; one to three years of professional experience in an academic library with significant involvement in instruc­tional sen 770 / C&RL News ■ July/August 2001 THREE POSITIONS AVAILABLEUniversity of California, San DiegoThe Social Sciences and Humanities Library at the University of California, San Diego (UCSD), invites applications from innovative professionals to fill three exciting career-track openings at various levels of appointment. The Social Sciences and Humanities Library comprises the research collections forthe social sciences and humanities and provides a full range of services, including information and reference services, outreach and bibliographic labor program, history of interracial education, service to the Appalachianregion, and emphasis on perspectives and values deeply formed by theChristian faith. Berea College’s Hutchins Library seeks a creative, articu­late, and versatile Librarian to join a strong staff in a program with along-standing reputation for excellence. This is a two-year,sabbatical-replacement appointment beginning January 2002. Respon­sibilities for this position include public services activities such asreference deskduty (some Academic library experience. Applicants should submit a letter of appli­cation addressing qualifications and interest in the position, a complete curriculum vita, transcripts, and three letters of recommendation to: Anne Chase, Director of Library Services, Berea College, CPO Library, Berea, KY 40404. Review of applications will begin September?, 2001 ‚ and continue until the position is filled. In keeping with the College’s inclusive Christian tradition and its emphasis on the dignity and worth of all peop C&RL News ■ July/August 2001 / 771 (continued from previous page)coordinating an array of reference and instructional services; demonstrated commitment to quality public services; a record of innovative reference or instructional programs; exceptional initiative, creativity, leadership, acumen, flexibility, and the ability to deal with ambiguity; well-developed communication, consensus-building, and decision-making skills, along with the ability to facilitate change; experience in a technologically complex setting and knowledge of scholarly MARC, AACR2, LCC, LCSH, authority control, integrated library systems required. Salary will be approximately $40,000, depending on qualifica­tions and experience of successful candidate. Reply to: Human Resources Department, Hagley Museum and Library, P.O. Box3630, Wilmington, DE 19807. EOE.WEB COUNCILCHAIR. Arizona State University West. We are seekingan innovative and energetic professional to provide leadership and direction for the management and development of the Library’s Web site. The Chair will coo The Chair will supervise Web Council staff in the coordination of content development, the development of new Web-based services, the evaluation and assessment of new content and services in consultation with content providers, the development of guidelines and standards, and the daily management and maintenance of the Library’s Web site. The Web Council Chair will participate in public service activities through reference desk rotation and/or instruction. ASU West Library is implementing innovative service 772 / C&RL News ■ July/August 2001 DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC SERVICESWestern Carolina University (Search Extended)Hunter Library is seeking an innovative librarian to lead its reference, instruction, electronic information access, circulation, and document delivery services. Hunter Library is aggressively meeting the opportunities and challenges that confront academic libraries today.This position is a member of the management team that supports an environment in which delivery of quality service is the pre-eminent shared value; effectively communi community. ASU West is implementing a lower division curriculum which includes learning communities with librarians as members of the instruc- tional teams. Library staff receives excellent support for professional activity, service, development, and computing. Visit the Library’s Web site for additional information: info.html. Required Qualifications: ALA-accredited master’s degree; dem­onstrated experience with the design, development, and management of library Web si and experience relevant to the qualifications to: Chair, Web Council Chair Search Committee, ASU West Library, P.O. Box 37100, Phoenix, AZ 85069-7100. Names, addresses, telephone numbers and e-mail ad­dresses of four professional references will be required priorto interview. Deadline for Applications: Applications must be received by August 15, 2001 ‚ or the 15th day of each month thereafter until the position is filled. General Information about ASU West: Arizona State University West, a vital component o Connect to C&RL News online C&RL News ■ July/August 2001 / 773 CATALOGING/SYSTEMS LIBRARIANWestminster CollegeWestminster College, New Wilmington, Pennsylvania, is seeking a cataloging/systems librarian to serve as a member of the library team.CATALOGING:Responsible for original and complex copy cataloging on OCLC in all subjects; requires knowledge of LC classifications, LCSH, MARC, and AACR2.SYSTEMS:Manage the daily operations of DRA integrated library system. As such, candidate is responsible for installing hardware and software programs and upgrades, resolving syst 774 / C&RL News ■ July/August 2001 COORDINATOR, INFORMATION SERVICESUniversity of Southern CaliforniaPOSITION SUMMARY: The Information Services Division of the University of Southern California seeks an innovative and dynamic Coordinator for Information Services for the Thomas and Dorothy Leavey Library, a teaching library housed in a technology-intense facility that opened in fall 1994. As a center for promoting information literacy and life-long learning skills to undergraduate students, Leavey Library is a focal point for evaluating infor C&RL News ■ July/August 2001 / 775 (continued from previous page)needs of undergraduate students, all in a collegial and collaborative setting. The successful candidate will work cooperatively and collaboratively with librarians who manage other reference points of service within USC’s libraries and will participate actively in committees and in collaborative initiatives with other faculty and staff throughout the Information Services Division. The Coordinator will advance Leavey Library’s teaching mission by participating in an ambitious in 776 / C&RL News ■ July/August 2001 TWO POSITIONS AVAILABLEUniversity of Missouri-ColumbiaThe University of Missouri-Columbia (MU) seeks qualified applicants for the positions of Monographs Cataloger and Reference Desk Coordinator/General Reference Librarian. MU was established in Columbia in 1839 and is one of the five most comprehensive universities in the nation, with over 250 degree programs. The MU Libraries belong to ARL, serve a student body of 22,000+ and a faculty of 1,800 with a collection of3 million volumes and 6.45+ million micro C&RL News ■ July/August 2001 / 777 (continued from previous page)Library; oversee daily operations of the desks, including assisting with difficult reference questions and solving problems; prepare desk schedules and coordinate substitutions; and train personnel on desk procedures and keep staff informed of changes impacting reference/information service. Provide reference services to library users at the Ellis Reference and MERLIN Desks (may include some evening and weekend hours). Responsible for the collection development of general refer 778 / C&RL News ■ July/August 2001 PRINCIPAL CATALOGERAllegheny CollegePelletier Library of Allegheny College invites applications for the position of principal cataloger. The position is a full-time, 12-month appointment reporting to the Director of the Library and will be available fall 2001.RESPONSIBILITIES: Catalog all kinds of materials in all formats and some foreign languages, including some original cataloging, using AACR2, Dewey Decimal Classification, and LC Subject Headings. Perform authority control on a database of over 400,000 Founded in 1890, the University of Oklahoma is in the heart ofNorman, Oklahoma, an attractive community of90,000 within the Oklahoma City metropolitan area. Norman is noted for its low cost of living, quality schools and friendliness. Employment: Librarians have faculty status, privileges, responsibilities, the rank of assistant professor or above, and are eligible for tenure. Application: Send letter of application with résumé, a list of publications, and the names of three references, in C&RL News ■ July/August 2001 / 779 PUBLIC SERVICES MANAGERHarvard Business SchoolSALARY BAND/GRADE: $47,200 minimum.Reporting to the Director of the Business Information Services Center (BISC), provides operational leadership for and management of Reference and Access Services, Document Delivery and ILL, Stacks Maintenance, and Photocopy and Microform services. Plans, develops, analyzes, evaluates, and directs the implementation of policies and procedures in order to provide seamless services to the community. Analyzes, evaluates, and redesi