ACRL News Issue (B) of College & Research Libraries 2 4 / C&RL News Washington Hotline Lynne E. B ra d le y A cadem ic lib raria n s and the 105th Congress R e a u th o riz a tio n o f th e Higher Education Act CHEA) and new initiatives on intel­ lectual property and copy­ right legislation will be criti­ cal legislative issues impor­ tant to academic librarians to be addressed by the 105th Congress when it convenes this month. R eau th orization o f the H ig h e r E d u c a t i o n A ct (HEA). HEA reauthorization is a critical legis­ lative initiative for higher education advocates and academic librarians. Congress is expected to begin its work on HEA immediately though some predict it will not be completed until 1998. Two key issues for debate are the costs of higher education and the future o f various student aid programs. The U.S. Department of Education has re­ quested public comments regarding reauthori­ zation o f HEA. As published in the F ed e r a l Reg­ is te r (N ovem ber 19, 1996, 5 8 9 3 7 -4 0 ), the Department’s initial questions for public com ­ ment deal almost exclusively with student aid programs and related management issues. ALA has been in contact with other higher educa­ tion groups that also seem to be focusing on the cost and finance issues. However, this is still an excellent opportunity to weigh in on important issues. Academic librarians are encouraged to re­ spond to Secretary of Education Richard Riley’s request for comments, suggestions, or ideas regarding reauthorization proposals. Write to: Adam Ochlis, 600 Independence Ave., SW, ROB-3, Room 4050, Washington, DC 20202 or to the following e-mail address created specifi­ cally for reauthorization: Com­ ments must be received on or before January 31, 1997. New initiatives o n intellectu al p ro p e rty an d co p y rig h t legislation. Intellectual prop­ erty and copyright legislation will continue to be a critical issue before the 105th Congress. L y n n e E . B rad ley is depu ty ex ecu tiv e d irector of A L A ’s W ashington O ffice; e-m ail: leh@ alaw Legislation that would have fundamentally upset the cur­ rent balance in United States copyright law was rejected in the last Congress because o f its potentially negative effects on American indus­ try, education, and public access to the Internet. Simi­ lar international proposals were debated— and poten­ tia lly a d o p te d — by th e World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) during a th r e e -w e e k D e c e m b e r Diplomatic Conference in Geneva, Switzerland. Just prior to international copyright negotia­ tions at WIPO, five major library associations urged U.S. delegates to reconsider their posi­ tions and not to negotiate on issues on which there is no consensus. In addition to ALA, the other four associations were the Association of Research Libraries, the American Association o f Law Libraries, the Medical Library Associa­ tion, and the Special Libraries Association. S ta y inform ed of leg islative initiatives There are a number o f resources available to you to keep up-to-date on these and other is­ sues. ALAWON, the ALA Washington Office Newsline, is a regular e-mail publication. To s u b s c r ib e e l e c tr o n ic a lly v is it http:// or send th e m e s s a g e : s u b s c r ib e a la -w o [y o u r_ firstnam e][your_lastnam e] to listp ro c@ a la l. ALAWON is also available at http: // The monthly ALA W ashington News, fact sheets, and other updates on key federal legislative issues cov­ ered by the ALA Washington Office and the Office for Information Technology Policy are also found at The monthly ALA W ashington News is also published in paper form for $35/year. Contact the ALA Washington Office at (800) 941-8478 for subscription information. The ALA Washington office welcomes your ideas on other ways to communicate with aca­ demic librarians and how ALA can be of fur­ ther support on legislative issues. We look for­ ward to working with ACRL and its members on these and other critical issues during the 105th Congress. ■