ACRL News Issue (B) of College & Research Libraries 87 From Inside the DLP By K a t h a r i n e M. S t o k e s C ollege a n d U niversity Library Specialist, Training and Resources Branch, D ivision o f L i­ brary Programs, Bureau o f Libraries an d E d u ­ cational Technology, U.S. Office o f Education, W ashington, D.C. 20202. In th e last six m onths of 1971 an d January 1972 I h a d the oppo rtu n ity of visiting five aca­ dem ic consortia cooperating in various kinds of library activities. M y first visit w as on July 27 to Voorhees Col­ lege in D enm ark, South C arolina to m onitor an institute supported b y T itle II-B ( HEA) for training th irty paraprofessional library workers. T he T riangle Association of Colleges, com­ prised of five predom inately black institutions from South C arolina (Voorhees, Allen, Bene­ dict, Claflin, M orris) an d another from G eor­ gia (P a in e ), cooperated in this project to train supporting staff to w ork in th e ir ow n libraries and in th e school an d public libraries of th eir com m unities. M ost of th e students w ere young black w om en b u t th ere w ere some older wom­ en, one of them w hite. I was very m u ch im ­ pressed w ith th e enthusiasm of the students and th eir instructors, th e staff being h ead ed by C laude G reen, th e Voorhees library director. T h e D ayton-M iam i V alley C onsortium invit­ e d m e to be one of th e speakers a t its m eeting on th e U niversity of D ayton cam pus on O cto­ b er 20. I arranged to arrive early enough to be given a to u r of the W rig h t State U niversity li­ b rary b y its director, Jam es Dodson. A n espe­ cially interesting experience in this very attra c t­ ive an d effective lib rary was a dem onstration of th e com puter console b y w hich its processing staff com m unicates w ith the O hio College L i­ brary C enter w hich is now providing processing services fo r m ost o f O hio’s academ ic libraries. A fter a quick to u r of th e beautiful new library building of th e U niversity of D ayton w ith F a ­ th e r R aym ond N artker th e afternoon m eeting beg an w ith speeches by officers from th e con­ sortium ’s overall adm inistration an d from th e local M odel Cities P lanning Council. T h e latter p a rt of the afternoon featu red librarians, one of th em D r. Frederick Kilgour, director of the O C L C located on th e cam pus o f Ohio State U niversity, Colum bus, w ho vividly described his successful cooperative processing center. T he next m orning I sp en t an h o u r or so in th e Sinclair C om m unity College library w here very close cooperation is taking place w ith m odel cities agencies. Sinclair received a T ype A spe­ cial purpose g rant u n d e r T itle II-A (H E A ) in 1971. A nother consortium m em ber, W ittenberg U niversity, received a T ype B, an d th e consortium as a w hole qualified fo r a T ype C. O riginally organized in 1966, this group of tw elve diverse libraries (in clu d in g those of W right-P atterson A ir Force In stitu te an d tw o predom inately black universities) has achieved th e publication of a union list of serial holdings of forty-four area libraries and provides, “through cooperative acquisition b y voluntary agreem ent m aterials beyond th e re a c h of th e individual libraries.” D ecem ber 2 I was th e guest of th e N o rth ­ w est Association of Private Colleges an d U ni­ versities at their M icroforms C en ter housed in Lewis an d Clark College L ibrary, Portland, Oregon. T h e tw enty-three m em bers of this group come from six states ( Alaska, Idaho, M ontana, Oregon, U tah, a n d W ashington) and m ost of them “are facing space and b u d g et problem s of ever-increasing severity.” T h e host college for th e N APCU C enter has com m itted itself to d o n ate space in its n ew building and eq u ip m en t such as readers an d copiers “in re ­ turn for th e privilege of having th e collection im m ediately available.” Jam es Pirie, th e Lewis an d Clark librarian, is th e director of th e M icro­ forms C enter. O rganized in 1967, NAPCU received a spe­ cial purpose T ype C g ran t u n d e r T itle II-A (H E A ) in 1969 an d a second one in 1971. A union list of serials held b y th e m em bership is in th e final stages of publishing, a n d catalog cards for th e collection housed in th e M icro­ forms C en ter are being d istrib u ted to p artici­ pating libraries on a m onthly basis. M any infre­ q u en tly u sed sets such as th e C haucer Society Publications an d older volum es of serial p u b li­ cations will be k ep t in th e center to reduce th e expense of providing shelf space and binding for duplication in several different locations. “T h e participating libraries h av e com m itted funds n eed ed to staff th e cen te r an d to cover operating expenses such as postage, telephone, and incidentals.” O n th e m orning of D ecem ber 6 I visited th e head q u arters of th e C ooperating Libraries in C onsortium in th e Jam es J. H ill Reference L i­ brary, St. Paul, M innesota. Jam es J. H ill d o n at­ ed the building for this joint occupancy an d th e H ill L ib rary has traditionally w orked very closely w ith th e local academ ic libraries. Some te n years ago w hen I first visited St. Paul th e three sm all college libraries I saw h a d copies of th e Hill catalog for th e ir students to consult an d th ere was considerable use of its resources occurring. In 1969, how ever, C L IC was form ally organized by th e libraries of seven private colleges of the T w in Cities an d th e Hill L ibrary, w hich gave th e consortium space for 88 an office and bibliographic center on its p rem ­ ises. T hese eig h t units are dedicated to becom ­ ing in a broad sense one library. C L IC is gov­ e rn ed b y a B oard of D irectors m ade u p of th e h ead librarians of each institution. T hey em ploy a full-tim e coordinator, Mrs. B eth Kelly, w hose office is in th e H ill Library. T h e A cadem ic L i­ b ra ry Services head, W alter Fraser, a t th e Hill, adm inisters th e B ibliographic C enter w here a union catalog of th e holdings of th e eig h t li­ braries receives requests from its m em bers b y telephone. If its collective resources of over a m illion volumes do n o t contain th e desired item, th e St. Paul P ublic L ibrary’s holdings are checked. If th a t fails to produce th e reference, th e holdings of the U niversity of M innesota li­ braries on microfilm in cassettes in th e Biblio­ graphic C enter, are consulted. I f th e reference is fo u n d there, th e M initex operation a t th e un i­ versity is contacted. T h e M innesota Interlibrary T eletype E xperi­ m e n t was begun in Jan u ary 1969 w ith funds from th e Hill Fam ily F oundation an d a special g ra n t o f federal funds authorized b y th e state B oard of E ducation. I t was a p ilo t project for “enriched an d expedited” interlibrary loan ser­ vice to a selected group o f nine academ ic and tw o public libraries ranging from Southw est M innesota (M arshall) to D uluth, w ith a tele­ ty p e netw ork connecting all th e participating libraries. A special staff in th e university library custom handles all Minitex requests, usin g stu­ d e n t assistants as couriers to th e m any units of th e lib rary system. M ost items req u ested w ere photocopied and m ailed o ut th e sam e day th e req u est was received. C opying eq u ip m en t in various departm ental library locations on the T w in Cities cam pus was used to save delays in transportation, w ear an d tear on req u ested item s, an d th e tim e th e volum e h a d to be o u t of its regular place. A fter its pilot phase h a d pro v ed M initex to be a m ost successful operation it becam e avail­ able to m an y m ore libraries such as th e C L IC m em bers. They do n o t have to dep en d on m ail or U nited Parcel Service, how ever, b u t send th eir truck w hich delivers loans am ong th em to th e M initex head q u arters tw ice daily. T he resources th e students and facu lty o f th e sev­ eral small colleges can now consult comprise w ell over 4,000,000 item s since th e y participate in th e M initex services. T h e small fees for th e service save them th e m uch larger cost of d upli­ cating on th e ir cam puses in freq u en tly used or expensive item s already available in th eir lo­ cality. C L IC is n ot lim iting its activities to in ­ terlibrary loans, b u t is w orking on plans for co­ operative acquisitions of periodicals, book p u r­ chasing, cataloging, and possibly comm on stor­ age. W h en I was in v ited to tak e p a rt in a M odel Cities—T itle I (E S E A ) m eeting in Kansas City, M issouri th e w eek ALA was hav in g its M idw inter C onference in Chicago, I w elcom ed th e opportunity to devote m y last d a y in th e city to a visit w ith th e officers of K CR C H E ( Kansas C ity Regional Council for H igher E d u ­ c a tio n ). T h a t was th e en d o f a very b u sy day th a t started w ith D r. H e rb e rt W ood, th e presi­ d e n t of K C R C H E for th e p ast eig h t years, and th e vice-president, D r. H enry H alsted, taking m e to visit th e ir cooperative library center at Park College. T h e Periodicals Microfilm Bank’s holdings th ere now in clu d e m ost periodicals in ­ dexed in th e th re e m ajor periodical guides, Readers’ G uide‚ Social Science and H um anities In d ex‚ and E ducation In d ex fo r th e p erio d 1955 to th e present. U sing th e K CR C H E telephone netw ork its tw en ty m em ber libraries can call th e b an k an d have a printoff of desired m ateri­ al p lace d in the m ail th a t day. K ardex listings of th e b an k ’s holdings have been p rep ared thus fa r fo r ten libraries. A second service of th e center is catalog card production w h ich nine colleges are currently using. A n interlibrary lending agreem ent am ong th e K C R C H E insti­ tutions perm its th e ir students an d facu lty m em ­ bers to borrow library m aterials from o th er m em ber institutions “on presentation of a K CR C H E card issued b y th e borrow er’s hom e institution.” B a B U S I N E S S • C O M M E R C E • E C O N O M IC S S p e c ia lis t s in O u t - o f -P r in t B o o k s in t h e S o c ia l S c ie n c e s W a n t L is ts S e a r c h e d C o lle c t io n s F u l f il l e d — C a ta lo g s Is s u e d HIVE OF INDUSTRY, BO OKSELLERS B o x 6 0 2 E a s t o n , P e n n a . 1 8 0 4 2 T h e A m erican L ib rary Association Staff C om m ittee on M ediation, A rbitration and In q u iry announced th e form ation of a fact-finding team in response to th e re ­ q u e st fo r action received from P e te r M. D oiron a t th e final Council m eeting of th e ALA M idw inter M eeting in Chicago. M yrl Ricking, personnel consultant, W ashington, D .C. w ill serve as chairm an of th e team . O th er m em bers of th e fact­ finding team w ill b e R obert H. D ona­ hu g h , assistant librarian, Youngstown an d M ahoning C ounty (O h io ) L ibrary, and ed ito r of th e Ohio L ib rary Associa­ tion Bulletin; an d G erald Shields, m em ­ b e r of SCM AI and ed ito r o f Am erican Libraries. Mrs. Ju d ith K rug an d Mrs. R u th Fram e, d e p u ty chairm an of SCMAI, com plete th e SCMAI m em ber­ ship in this inquiry.