ACRL News Issue (B) of College & Research Libraries 89 News From the Field A C Q U I S I T I O N S • O n Jan u ary 16, 1972, th e F lannery O ’C on­ n o r Collection w as p resen ted to th e la te au­ th o r’s alm a m ater, G e o r g i a C o l l e g e in Mill­ edgeville, G eorgia w here Miss O ’C onnor lived. T he p resentation w as m ade b y h e r m other, Mrs. E d w ard F. O ’Connor, a t a public recep­ tion in the college library. T h e F lan n ery O ’C onnor Collection includes all editions of h e r books, b o th in E nglish an d in translation, copies of periodicals in w hich h e r short stories appeared, th e larg e num ber of anthologies w hich have featu red h e r work, and m ost valuable, of course, th e m anuscripts them selves. For W ise Blood alone th ere are 2 ,000 pages of first drafts, w orking notes, and galley proofs w ith m an u scrip t notes. A Good M an Is H ard to F ind, T h e V iolent Bear I t A w ay, E veryth in g T h a t Rises M ust Converge, an d M ysteries and M anners are similarly rep re­ sented. T here is also a com plete file o f corre­ spondence b etw een th e author and h e r literary agent. N oting th a t scholars have b e e n visiting Mill­ edgeville to do research on Miss O ’Connor, C harles E. B eard, director o f th e G eorgia Col­ lege library, poin ted o u t th a t it w ill now be possible to find collected in one place all the basic m aterials for this research. B eard contin­ ued, “T he F lan n ery O ’C onnor Collection, after its com pilation, will b e an outstanding literary research source. T h e existing m anuscripts and correspondence, b o th personal an d professional, as w ell as o ther valuable m aterial w ill give this library preem inence in prim ary sources for a to ­ ta l p ictu re of F lan n ery O ’Connor, th e w riter and th e person.” • Morris L ibrary a t S o u t h e r n I l l i n o i s U n i v e r s i t y has acq u ired th e personal papers and literary m anuscripts of B ritish novelist L aw rence D urrell. T h e collection w as p u r­ chased last year from D urrell, w ho is presently living in Southern F rance. I t is being cataloged b y Ia n M cN iven of th e E nglish D epartm ent, as a basis for his doctoral dissertation. T he collection is u n iq u e because it contains such a com plete docum entation of the creative work of a distinguished w riter. In the collection are some th irty w orking notebooks, containing ideas for D urrell’s novels, some passages th a t la te r ap p eared in print, others th a t w ere u n ­ used, published an d u npublished poems, and his highly original an d vividly colored d raw ­ ings. Also in th e collection are m anuscripts of D urrell’s w ork in num erous drafts, corrected galley proofs, m otion p icture scripts, an d books th a t influenced his thinking. T h ere are some 2,000 letters from such literary figures as H e n ­ ry Miller, T. S. E liot, D ylan T hom as, an d R ich­ a rd A ldington. T he D urrell papers ad d luster and substance to th e extensive archives of m odern literatu re in Morris Library, w hich include th e prose m anuscripts of R obert G raves, th e archives of th e Black Sun Press, a n d letters o f Jam es Joyce, D. H. L aw rence, R ichard Aldington, Kay Boyle, W . B. Yeats, a n d m an y o th er m odern Irish w riters. • B urton Rascoe, one of th e first of H . L. M encken’s biographers, w rote in 1920: “M enc­ k en early established a sort o f personal relation­ ship w ith every prom ising w riter in th e coun­ try. … I have y et to m eet a m an u n d er thirty- five w ith articulate ideas w ho has n o t a sheaf of those lively h earty notes w h ereb y M encken conveys a maximum of good cheer an d boister­ ous com m ent w ithin a m inim um of space.” Some 238 of these “lively h earty notes” are now residing in th e D ep artm en t of Special Collec­ tions. T hey are a p a rt of Mrs. Joseph A. Sny­ d e r’s g ift to the U n i v e r s i t y o f K a n s a s of her splendid collection of w ritings by and ab o u t H. L. M encken, w hich will be coming to th e library over a period of years. T h e collection is am azingly com plete, as a glance a t Mrs. Snyder’s an n o tated copy of T h e M encken B ibliography (A dler, 1961) reveals. E very facet of M encken’s long career is rep re­ sented. T here are some extrem ely rare items—a fine copy of A M onograph o f the N e w Balti­ m ore C ourt H ouse (1 8 9 9 ) w ith M encken’s u n ­ signed article “O ld C ourthouses of M aryland”; issues o f m agazines such as T h e Bookm an, Frank Leslie’s Popular M onthly, and T h e Y o u th ’s C om panion containing some of his ea r­ liest published poems an d short stories; tw o copies of his first book, V entures into Verse (1903), w hich w as p rin te d in an ed itio n of 100 copies. A 1965 census of extant copies of V e n ­ tures into V erse located only 37, of w hich one of th e Snyder copies is pro b ab ly the finest, w ith tw o p resentation inscriptions b y M encken an d delightful com m ents on every poem in M enc­ ken’s unm istakable hand. From 1899 to 1948, w ith only a few short breaks, M encken w as a w orking n ew spaper­ m an. T he clippings in Mrs. Snyder’s collection illustrate the b re a d th and d e p th of his interests. T hey ran g e from dispatches from th e Scopes trial and from all th e m ajor political conven­ tions from H ard in g and Cox to T rum an, D ew ­ ey, and W allace, thro u g h editorials an d col­ um ns extolling th e joys of th e m usic of B ach or CANADIAN B uildings o f P arliam ent — O tta w a , 1876 The narrative of Canadian self government is a vital part of the legislative history of Western democracies. As such, it should be available in all libraries serving serious academic programs in History and Government. N ot only is it a basic resource for studying the Canadian past, it also offers unique perspectives on the concurrent histories of England, and the United States. S e t I Parliamentary Proceedings of the United Province of Canada ( 1841-1866) 64 reels, 15 index volumes A. Journals o f the Legislative A sse m b ly o f the U nited P rovince o f Canada plus 73 ap­ pendices (1841-1866) — R ecords the daily transactions o f the A ssem bly w ith appendices including reports o f com m ittees, com m is­ sions, departm ents, a nd institutions. Two cum ulative indexes cover this period. 42 reels, 2 index volum es B. Journals o f the Legislative C ouncil o f the U nited P rovince o f Canada plus appendices (1841-1866) — A record of the daily tra n s­ actions of the C ouncil follow ed by ap­ pendices th a t include rep o rts of com m ittees and o th e r m atters. Sessional Indexes were extracted fo r reprinting. 10 reels, 13 index volum es C. Sessional Papers o f the U nited P rovince o f Canada (1860-1866) — Superceded ap p en ­ dices to the above Journals. Published jointly by the A ssem bly a nd the C ouncil, the Papers record reports o f com m issions, departm ents and institutions. Indexed in sam e volumes with Journals. 12 reels, 13 index volum es (same volumes in IB) Set II Parliamentary Proceedings of the Dominion o f Canada (1867-1970) 397 reels, 93 index volumes A. H ansard Debates o f the H ouse o f C om m ons o f the D om in io n o f Canada (1875-1970) — R eports the debates, m essages o f the G o v ­ ern o r-G en e ral and lists o f the m em bers and com m ittees o f the H ouse. Sessional Indexes were reprinted. 230 reels, 52 index volumes B. Journals o f the H ouse o f C o m m o n s o f the D o m in io n o f Canada (1867-1970) —- A reco rd o f the daily transactions o f the H ouse, proclam ations, Speeches from the T hrone and rep o rts o f com m ittees. Five cum ulative index volum es cover the entire period. 79 reels, 5 index volumes C. D ebates o f the Senate o f the D o m inion o f Canada (1871-1970) — Senate debates are re ported and the Speeches from the T hrone a nd the replies are included. Sessional In­ dexes w ere extracted fo r reprinting. 47 reels, 18 index volumes D. Journals o f the Senate o f the D o m in io n o f Canada (1867-1970) — Includes the daily transactions o f the Senate, a list o f the sta n d ­ ing com m ittees since 1902 and a list o f the bills to be assented to fo r the session. Ses­ sional Indexes were reprinted. 41 reels, 18 index volum es PARLIAMENTARY PROCEEDINGS & SESSIONAL PAPERS 1841-1970 Now in cooperation with the Library of Parliament, the U.S. Historical Documents Institute offers the complete chronicle of 130 years of Canadian Legislative History. … all in one convenient dual-media reference set. ON MICROFILM T h e fu ll te x t o f th e J o u rn a ls, D e b a te s , a n d S e s ­ s io n a l P a p e rs o f b o th h o u se s o f P a r lia m e n t o n 771 re e ls o f 3 5 m m m icro film . IN BOUND VOLUM ES T h e o rig in a l c u m u la tiv e a n d se s sio n a l in d e x e s to th e P ro c e e d in g s a n d th e S e ss io n a l P a p ers, r e p r in te d f o r th e first tim e in 133 h a r d c o v e r v o lu m es. The complect dual-media c o l l e c t i o n is b r o k e n d o w n i n t o these three major se l f - c o n t a i n e d r e f e r e n c e s e t s : Set III Sessional Papers of the Dominion o f Canada (1867-1925) 310 reels, 25 index volumes Continues the Sessional Papers p re vious to C o n federation and includes reports of comm issions, d e p artments and institutions. G eneral Indexes to the P apeh witrs are included those of the Jo u rn a ls of the House of C om m ons. O ther lists and reference tools have been extracted and reprinted. T he U n ited States H istorical D ocu m en ts Institute, Inc. 1647 W isconsin A venue, N .W ., W ashington, D . C . 20007 P lease re c o rd o u r o rd e r fo r th e d u a l m e d ia e d itio n s listed below : □ T he en tire collection o f C anadian Parliam entary Proceedings and Sessional Papers, 1841-1970 in 771 reels o f 35m m m icrofilm p lu s 133 h ardcover index volum es, a t th e p rep u b licatio n p rice of $15,460 ( a savings' o f $1,027 off th e price o f th e in dividual editions listed b elo w ). □ Set I, 64 reels o f 35mm film plus 15 hardcover index volum es, $1,522. □ Set II, 397 reels of 35mm m icrofilm plus 93 h ard co v er in d ex volum es, $9,495. □ Set III, 310 reels o f 35mm m icrofilm plus 20 h ard co v er in d ex volum es, $5,470. □ F re e 8 page b ro ch u re describing th e p ro ject in m ore d etail. □ F re e catalog, T he D ual-M edia C hecklist o f C anadian Parliam entary Proceedings and Sessional Papers, 1841-1970, w hich contains a d etailed b reakdow n of th e P roceedings a n d P ap ers of th e in d iv id u al P arlia m e n ts and Sessions and lists prices for individual microfilm reels a n d single index volum es. (M ultiple copies o f this C hecklist are included w ithout charge w hen d u a l m edia sets or su b sets a re o rd ere d .) D ed u ct 5% fro m a ll prices o n p rep aid orders. N A M E ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- A D D R E S S ____________________________________________________________________ 92 excoriating th e horrors of ly n ch law in M enc­ ken’s n ativ e M aryland. F rom 1908 th ro u g h 1923 M encken w as asso­ ciated w ith T h e Sm art Set, first as book ed ito r an d th en as coeditor w ith G eorge Jean N athan. D u rin g these years T h e Sm art S e t prov id ed a nationw ide audience fo r v irtually every young an d prom ising w riter working in E nglish. Janies Joyce’s first U.S. ap pearance was in th e M ay 1919 issue. E u g en e O ’N eill’s “T h e L ong Voy­ age H om e” ap p eared in O ctober 1917, and 1919 T h e Sm art S e t accep ted F. Scott F itzg er­ a ld ’s story “Babes in th e W oods.” T h e collec­ tion includes one of th e m ost delightful an d now ra re st of th e books M encken w rote during this period, A L ittle Book in C M ajor (1 9 1 6 ), w hich consists of 220 of M encken’s finest epi­ grams. M encken’s years as ed ito r of T h e A m erican M ercury are rep resen ted b y a long ru n of the m agazine, some interesting p republication a n ­ nouncem ents an d advertisem ents w ritte n by M encken him self, clippings of th e fam ous “H at- rack” affair w hen M encken challenged Boston’s censoring W a tc h an d W a rd Society an d was ar­ rested fo r selling a b a n n e d copy of th e M ercury on B oston Commons, a n d all o f th e books M encken published du rin g these years. F or th e D ep artm en t of Special Collections the M encken Collection has dual value; first, of course, as a w orking a u th o r collection in the trad itio n of th e Yeats, Joyce, an d Rilke collec­ tions, b u t also as a su p erb example of th e book collector’s art. Institutional collecting always pales beside th e w ork of a p riv ate collector like Mrs. Snyder who has b ro u g h t to th e task th e p erfect b len d of perseverance, scholarship, and enthusiasm . • A series of 178 letters w ritten b y Susan B . A nthony and described as one of th e largest collections o f correspondence w ritte n b y th e fam ed suffragist to a single indiv idual has just b een acquired by the U n i v e r s i t y o f R o c h e s ­ t e r . T h e letters w ere fo u n d recently am ong th e fam ily pap ers of fem inist R achel F oster Avery of Philadelphia, to w hom m ost are addressed. Mrs. A very was corresponding secretary of th e N ational A m erican W om an Suffrage Associa­ tion founded b y Susan R. A nthony. I n add ition to th e letters to Mrs. Avery, th e university acquired forty-one carbon copies of letters sent from Mrs. Avery to Miss A nthony, and fifty-six letters from o th er p rom inent figures in th e suffrage m ovem ent, including E lizab eth C ady Stanton a n d C arrie C hapm an C att. • T hrough a b e q u e st from th e author, L e ­ h i g h U n i v e r s i t y has acq u ired th e personal papers of th e late P u litzer Prize-w inning h is­ torian, D r. L aw rence H . Gipson, w ho served a t L ehigh fo r forty-seven years. D r. G ipson re ceived th e 1962 P ulitzer Prize in H istory for “T he T riu m p h an t E m p ire: T hunder-C louds G ath er in th e W est, 1763-1766,” volum e ten in his series, T he B ritish E m p ire B efore th e A m erican Revolution. T he b e q u e a th e d papers include nearly fifty years’ collected correspondence, typescripts of th e historian’s m em oirs, articles, an d m an u ­ scripts u sed in th e B ritish E m pire series, plus typescripts an d proofs of D r. G ipson’s entire prize-w inning series. Also in clu d ed are a collec­ tion of m aps used in his n o tab le series, p rin ted copies of his books an d articles, files of th e re ­ views on th e British E m pire series, an d fam ily photographs. • Mr. an d Mrs. E m erson G reenaw ay have presented th e ir n o tab le collection of early A m erican children’s books to th e directors of T h e F r e e L i b r a r y o f P h i l a d e l p h i a . N um ber­ ing ju st over a thousand volum es, th e G reena­ w ay collection ranges from a catechism p rin te d a t Boston in 1765 to editions of Cock R obin a n d th e M erry M ice pub lish ed in 1896 w ith il­ lustrations b y Palm er Cox. Almost all of th e G reenaw ays’ books w ere published before th e C ivil W ar. A th ird of th em w ere before 1837, o r w ith in th e period of Dr. R osenbach’s collec­ tion; and a th ird of those before 1821, in the period covered by d ’A lte W elch’s bibliography of early A m erican children’s books. T h ere are g reat rarities, like T h e Prodigal D aughter, an account of parents saved from poisoning a t th e hands of th eir d a u g h ter thro u g h a dream , an d of h e r ow n salvation thro u g h th e visions she saw in a trance. T h e G reenaw ay copy of the B oston edition of 1 7 6 9 (? ) is one of tw o located b y W elch an d th e only com plete copy know n. T o m T h u m b ’s Folio was p rin te d b y Samuel H all a t B oston in 1791 an d W elch locates tw o o th er copies and a fragm ent. T h e collection al­ so includes th e only copy located of Isaiah T hom as’ th ird edition of th e F a th e rs G ift (W orcester, 1794), w ith its alphabet, poems and stories, and curious cuts in im itation of Jo h n N ew bery’s edition, as w ere so m any of T hom as’ books for children. A lthough the g reat b u lk of th e G reenaw ays’ books are those w hich children w ould hav e e n ­ joyed, textbooks are also present, and the w hole presents in itself a clear p ictu re of th e reading of children for over a h u n d re d years. W ith the collections i t now joins—th e R osenbach, th e A m erican S unday School U nion, th e H istorical C ollection in th e C hildren’s D ep artm en t—the G reenaw ay gift is a great resource fo r all those in terested in children’s literatu re in th e U nited States. • G ertrude K istler M em orial lib rary of R o s e m o n t C o l l e g e , Rosemont, Pennsylvania has received two significant gifts w ithin th e last 93 week. Sister M. D ennis Lynch, director of li­ brary services, has announced re c e ip t o f three P C M I ultram icrofiche sets of A m erican Civiliza­ tion, Social Studies, an d G overnm ent D ocu­ m ents. T hese w ere do n ated b y Mr. an d Mrs. M artin C usack of St. D avid’s, Pennsylvania, thro u g h th e Mayfield G uild of w hich they are m em bers. A second g ift of $1,500 from the H elen G roome B eatty T ru st o f Philadelphia provides fo r th e C um ulative S u b ject In d e x to Psychological A bstracts w ith supplem ents cov­ ering th e years 1927 to 1968. In expressing a p ­ preciation fo r th e gifts Sister M. D ennis stated: “T hese significant additions to th e Rosemont College L ibrary holdings w ill benefit not only th e R osem ont students a n d faculty, b u t also the students an d faculties of th e o th er tw en ty m em ­ b e r institutions of th e T ri-S tate College L ibrary C ooperative ( T C L C ) .” F E L L O W S H I P S / S C H O L A R S H I P S • T h e G raduate School of L ib rary Science, U n i v e r s i t y o f I l l i n o i s a t U rbana-C ham paign, is offering five new fellow ships to w om en w ho a re m em bers of m inority groups. W om en ac­ cep ted will b eg in next fall a y ear of graduate stu d y designed to tra in librarians w ho serve low incom e groups. T hey will each w ork in a C hica­ go junior college library in addition to taking courses. Successful participants w ill receive MS degrees in library science. T h e fellow ships p ay $2,400 plus a $500 al­ low ance fo r each d ependent. H erb ert Goldhor, director of th e school, said th e program w as one of eighty-three in a v ariety of fields selected by H E W to receive fellow ship support. G R A N T S • T h e B o s t o n T h e o l o g i c a l I n s t i t u t e has announced th e receip t of a g ra n t from th e A n­ d rew W . M ellon F o u n d atio n to support the C entral A cquisitions Program of th e B T I ’s li­ b rary developm ent project. T he grant, $75,000 over th ree years, supports over h a lf of this p ro ­ gram . L ibrary developm ent is one of th e m ajor areas in w hich th e seven p articip atin g schools seek to share resources an d to avoid u nneces­ sary duplication. O th er such areas of coopera­ tio n include field education, black studies, cross registration, w om en’s studies, an d fu n d raising. T h e seven schools of th e B T I (A ndover N ew ton T heological School, B oston College D e ­ p artm en t of Theology, Boston U niversity School of Theology, E piscopal Theological School, H arv ard D ivinity School, St. Jo h n ’s Seminary, a n d W eston C ollege), joined in 1971 b y G or­ don Conwell T heological Seminary, have taken another m ajor step to w ard tru ly cooperative, integrative library program s. T he C entral A cquisitions Program has th ree functions: th e identification of d u p licated o r­ ders, th e use of com puterized cataloging w here available b y applying th e L ib rary o f C ongress’ MARC records, an d th e sharing of catalog in ­ form ation in com puterized form fo r those m a­ terials n o t available on MARC. T hose p arts of th e program th a t relate to com puterized cata­ loging are also form ing a no d e in a n ational li­ brary inform ation system. Investigations are u n ­ derw ay now to seek th e p ro p e r m ethods and modes for sharing inform ation an d resources in such a national system. • C o r n e l l U n i v e r s i t y libraries have re ­ ceived a g ran t o f $35,135 from th e N ational H istorical Publications Comm ission to enable them to b eg in locating, bringing to g eth er in photocopy, and listing all know n m anuscripts of th e M arquis d e L afayette. C ornell already owns th e large C havagniac or F ab iu s Collec­ tio n of L afay ette P apers, a n d th e n ew project will b u ild upo n those holdings. T he L afayette Papers P roject w ill b e d irect­ ed by D r. Louis G ottschalk, n o ted L afayette scholar and professor em eritus of history a t th e U niversity o f Chicago. C ollectors, libraries, or repositories holding L afay ette m anuscripts are invited to inform th e L afay ette Papers Project, Cornell U niversity Libraries, Ith aca, NY 14850. We’ve been doing it for 100 years… serving libraries F o r a full c e n tu ry S te c h e rt-H a fn e r, Inc. h a s been p ro v id in g lib ra rie s w ith full s u b s c rip tio n service fo r all fo re ig n a n d d o m estic p e rio d ica ls, c o n tin u a tio n s , and b o o k s in series. W h e th e r y o u r lib ra ry n e e d s a n o bscure jo u rn a l fro m , so m e w h e re in In d ia o r the la te st issue o f L ife , we g u a ra n te e p ro m p t d e livery. A C u s to m e r Service S ta ff is on h a n d to tre a t e ac h c u s to m e r in d iv id u a lly . B acked u p by an E le c tro n ic D a ta P ro c e s­ s in g S y s te m , w i t h i ts e v e r e x p a n d i n g b a n k o f title in fo rm a tio n , o u r service is, in 1972, c o m p re h e n s iv e e n o u g h to in ­ c lu d e a ll ty p es o f lib ra ries. T o see ho w su b scrip tio n service fro m S te c h e rt-H a fn e r, Inc. c a n w o rk fo r you, w rite f o r o u r b ro c h u re . STECHER A C T C -H M C o A m p F an N y ER, INC. S e rv in g libraries sin c e 1872 31 E a s t 10th S tree t, New York, N.Y. 10003 B ranch o ffices and a ge n ts th ro u gho u t the w orld SHA-099 Telephone: 2 1 2 6 7 4 -6 2 1 0 94 M E E T I N G S A p r i l 1 9-20: “Publishing in th e Seventies” is th e th em e o f th e F o u rth A nnual C olloquium sponsored b y th e School of L ib rary an d Infor­ m ation Science, S tate U niversity o f N ew York a t Albany, to b e h eld a t th e SUNYA Cam pus C enter, A pril 19-20, 1972, 9 :0 0 a.m .-4:30 p.m. In terested persons are in v ited to a tte n d all or p a rt of th e colloquium . T h ere is no registration fee. F o r fu rth e r inform ation, please com m uni­ c ate w ith Professor D orothy E. Cole, School of L ib rary and Inform ation Science, S tate U niver­ sity of N ew York, Albany, NY 12222. T ele.: (518) 457-8578. A p r i l 2 0 -2 2 : T h e fo u rth annual conference of T he Council on Botanical a n d H orticultural L ibraries will be held in W ashington, D .C. this year, April 20-22. H ost this year w ill b e T he Sm ithsonian Institution, although o th e r libraries and organizations in the area w ill be actively involved as well. Special em phasis w ill b e placed on th e re ­ sources of fed eral governm ental libraries and their p articu lar utility to libraries having signifi­ can t holdings in agriculture, botany, a n d h o rti­ culture. In addition to th e regular program , visits are p lan n ed to such collections as th e L i­ b rary of Congress, th e N ational A gricultural L i­ brary, th e Sm ithsonian Libraries, th e U.S. Book E xchange, th e N ational A rboretum , an d others. F or fu rth e r inform ation, please w rite to Mrs. R u th Schallert, Botany B ranch L ibrarian, Sm ith­ sonian Institution, W ashington, D C 20560. T h e C ouncil on B otanical an d H orticultural L ibraries, form ally organized in A pril 1970, has tw o m ain goals—first, to in itiate an d im prove com m unication b etw een persons an d in stitu ­ tions concerned w ith th e developm ent, m ain te­ nance, an d use of libraries in th e above m en ­ tioned subjects; an d second, to assist in th e o r­ ganization an d coordination of activities and program s of m u tu al benefit an d interest. M em ­ bership in C B H L is open to b otanical a n d h o r­ ticu ltu ral libraries of b o th public an d private institutions. Individual m em bership is available to librarians, interested persons from th e profes­ sions of horticulture and botany, an d friends. Overseas m em berships a re w elcom ed. D etails are available from Jo h n F. Reed, A dm inistra­ tive L ibrarian, T h e N ew York Botanical G ar­ den, Bronx, NY 10458. A p r i l 2 0 -2 2 : A Black O ral H istory C onfer­ ence will be sponsored b y th e F isk U niversity Library, A pril 20-22. F or fu rth er inform ation, w rite to Mrs. A nn Allen Shockley, Associate L i­ brarian, a n d D irector of th e Black O ral H istory Program , Fisk U niversity Library, Nashville, T N 37203. A p r i l 22: T he In d ian a L ib rary Association C ollege an d U niversity R oundtable spring m eeting is scheduled fo r Saturday, A pril 22, 1972, a t P u rd u e U niversity’s C alum et Campus, H am m ond, Indiana. A p r i l 24 -2 6 : A three-day sem inar on in ­ dexing to b e h e ld A pril 24-26, 1972, has been announced b y th e N ational F ederation of Sci­ ence A bstracting and Indexing Services an d th e A m erican L ibrary Association. T he sem inar will b e sponsored by the Subject Analysis an d O r­ ganization of L ibrary M aterials Com m ittee, C ataloging an d Classification Section of ALA’s Resources an d T echnical Services Division. I t will b e hosted by th e U niversity of M aryland’s School of L ibrary and Inform ation Science at th e U niversity of M aryland’s C enter o f A dult E ducation. Sem inar fe e is $85.00 w hich includes lunch for three days, background w riting, bibliogra­ phies an d special kits developed for th e semi­ nar. F u ll details m ay be obtained from th e N a­ tional F ed eratio n of Science A bstracting and Indexing Services, 2102 A rch St., Philadelphia, PA 19103; or from Mrs. Carol R aney Kelm, E x­ ecutive Secretary, Resources an d T echnical Ser­ vices Division, A m erican L ibrary Association, 50 E. H uron St., Chicago, IL 60611. T h e F e b ­ ru a ry N e w s also carries fu rth e r details. A p r i l 27-29: T he D ep artm en t o f L ibrary Science a t In d ian a S tate U niversity w ill hold a th ree-d ay institute entitled “L ib rary M anage­ m ent: Q uantifying Goals” a t th e U niversity’s A llendale Lodge, T erre H aute, In diana. T he institute is open to all librarians; those w ith adm inistrative an d plan n in g responsibilites will benefit especially. I t w ill b e conducted by eight speakers m ost of w hom are leading li­ b rary practitioners. F o r additional inform ation, interested persons m ay w rite to th e D ep artm en t of L ibrary Science, In d ian a State University, T erre H au te, IN 47809. A p r i l 28-29: T he Ohio V alley G roup of Technical Service L ibrarians will hold its a n ­ nual conference a t th e U niversity o f C incinnati, C incinnati, Ohio, A pril 28-29. F o r inform ation please contact P am ela Pollitt, Serials D e p a rt­ m ent, M ain C am pus Library, U niversity o f C in­ cinnati, C incinnati, O H 45221. A p r i l 30-M ay 3: T h e annual Clinic on L i­ brary A pplications of D ata Processing will be conducted b y th e G raduate School o f L ibrary Science, U niversity of Illinois, from Sunday, A pril 30, to W ednesday, M ay 3, 1972: T he them e of the Clinic w ill be “O n-L ine Systems A pplied to L ibrary A utom ation.” F u rth e r in ­ form ation m ay b e obtained from Mr. L eonard Sigler, D ivision of U niversity E xtension, 111 Illini H all, C ham paign, IL 61820. 95 M a y 4: T h e ninth A nnual N ational In fo r­ m ation R etrieval C olloquium w ill b e h eld in P h iladelphia on M ay 4, 1972, at th e P enn C en ter H oliday Inn. T h e $25.00 registration fee includes luncheon. A dditional inform ation and reg istration forms m ay b e obtained from Susan N ickleach, R esearch fo r B etter Schools, 1700 M arket St., P hiladelphia, PA 19103. F u rth e r details are in th e M arch N ews. M a y 4 -5 : Exploring problem s an d cu rren t practices of library orientation and instruction will b e the central th em e of th e Second An­ nual C onference on L ib rary O rientation for A cadem ic Libraries to b e h eld M ay 4 -5 , 1972, at E astern M ichigan U niversity. Librarians, ad ­ m inistrators, faculty, and students w ho are con­ cerned w ith these vital and challenging p ro b ­ lems are in v ited to p articipate. R egistration will b e lim ited to seventy-five persons. F o r fu rth e r inform ation please contact Sul H. Lee, Associate D irector of th e Library, E a st­ ern M ichigan University, Ypsilanti, M I 48197. M a y 4 -6 : T h e Council on L ibrary T ech­ nology w ill hold its sixth annual conference M ay 4 -6 , 1972, a t th e H otel Radisson, D en ­ ver, Colorado. T h e them e of this year’s con­ ference will be “T he L TA an d E m ploym ent— H ow to Fulfill th e Prom ise.” A fee of $30.00 w ill b e charged for th e e n ­ tire conference. A preregistration fee of $25.00 w ill be accepted u n til April 10. H otel accom ­ m odations should b e m ad e directly to H otel Radisson, 1790 G ran t St., D enver, CO 80203. F o r registration and fu rth e r inform ation w rite Mrs. Noel R. Grego, Program C hairm an, C O L T , Chicago State U niversity L ibrary, Rm. 311 C, 6800 S. Stew art Ave., Chicago, IL 60621. M ore inform ation can b e fo u n d in the F eb ru ary issue of th e News. M a y 5 -6 : T he N ew E n g lan d College L i­ brarians, th e N ew E n g lan d T echnical Services L ibrarians, and th e N ew E n g lan d C h ap ter of th e A m erican Society for Inform ation Science will join in cosponsoring a “C onference on th e Role an d F un ctio n of th e L ib rary in an E ra of E xpanding E d ucational T echnology.” T h e con­ ference will be h eld in A m herst, M assachusetts on M ay 5 an d 6 , 1972, an d w ill be cohosted b y R o b ert Taylor, director of th e L ibrary C en­ te r a t H am pshire College an d M erle Boylan, university librarian at the U niversity of Massa­ chusetts. F o r inform ation reg ard in g accom m odations, w rite to Mrs. P a t Graves, U niversity L ibrary, U niversity of M assachusetts, A m herst, MA 01002 an d see th e M arch N ew s. M a y 6 : St. Jo h n ’s U niversity will celebrate In tern atio n al Book Year 1972 w ith a one-day conference w hich will b e h e ld at th e univer­ sity’s Jam aica C am pus on Saturday, M ay 6 , from 9 :3 0 a.m .-4 :3 0 p.m . in St. A lbert Hall. An $8.00 registration fee includes the con­ ference an d luncheon, an d reservations can b e m ade b y m aking checks p ay ab le to St. Jo h n ’s U niversity an d m ailing th e m to P ublic R ela­ tions, St. Jo h n ’s U niversity, G ran d C entral and U topia Parkw ays, Jam aica, NY 11432. O ther inform ation is in th e M arch N ew s. M a y 18-20: T h e M idw est A cadem ic L i­ brarians C onference w ill m e e t M ay 18, 19, 20, 1972, a t N orthw estern U niversity an d th e U ni­ versity of Chicago. In clu d ed is a visit to th e R egenstein L ibrary a t th e U niversity of C hi­ cago. C onvention chairm an is D onald E. Thom pson, W ab ash College L ibrary, C raw ­ fordsville, IN 47933. J u n e 1 9-23: T h e A m erican Theological L i­ brary A ssociation will hold its 2 6 th annual conference, Ju n e 19-23, 1972, on th e cam pus of W aterloo L u th era n U niversity, W aterloo, O ntario, C anada. H ost librarian, to w hom in ­ quiries a b o u t th e conference m ay b e directed, is E ric h R. W . Schultz of W aterloo L u th era n University. D etails m ay b e found in th e Ja n ­ uary N ew s. J u l y 16-28: T h e School of L ibrary an d I n ­ form ation Services, U niversity of M aryland, is planning th e sixth annual L ib rary A dm inistra­ tors D evelopm ent P rogram to b e held July 16-28, 1972. D r. Jo h n Rizzo, professor of m an ­ agem ent a t W estern M ichigan U niversity, will serve as th e director. T he tw o-w eek resid en t program will again be h eld a t th e U niversity of M aryland’s D on­ aldson Brow n C enter, P o rt D eposit, M aryland, a serene tw enty-acre estate overlooking th e Sus­ q u eh an n a R iver and offering a v ariety of recre­ ational facilities an d an inform al atm osphere conducive to study, reflection, an d discussion. Those interested in fu rth e r inform ation are in ­ vited to address inquiries to Mrs. Effie T. Knight, A dm inistrative A ssistant, L ibrary A d­ m inistrators D evelopm ent P rogram , School of L ibrary an d Inform ation Services, U niversity of M aryland, College Park, M D 20742, M ore com plete details are also to b e fo u n d in the F eb ru ary N ew s. J u l y 16-A ug. 11: T h e U niversity of D en ­ ver, D e p a rtm e n t of H istory an d th e G rad u ate School of L ibrarianship, in cooperation w ith th e State A rchives of C olorado, w ill co n d u ct its E lev en th A nnual In stitu te fo r A rchival Studies an d R elated Fields, J u l y 16-A ugust 11, 1972. C ontact Prof. D . C. R enze, A ttn. D e p a rt­ m en t of H istory, In stitu te o f A rchival Studies, 1530 Sherm an St., D enver, CO 80203 fo r fu r­ th e r inform ation a n d application forms. Also see 96 th e M arch N e w s for com plete inform ation. J u l y 17: “T he M edia D evelopm ent C hain” will b e th e them e of this year’s conference of th e Audio-V isual E d u catio n F orum in Kansas City, M issouri, July 17, according to conference chairm an W. D aniel Cogan, A udiovisual Ser­ vices, C entral Missouri S tate College. T h e A-V E ducation Forum , a one-day p ro ­ gram for educators, m ed ia specialists, a n d oth­ ers in terested in instructional technology, is d e ­ signed to stim ulate thinking a b o u t th e expand­ ed use of m odem com m unications m edia in providing q u ality education. T h e forum m eets annually d u rin g th e N ational A udio-V isual C on­ vention an d E xhibit, w hich will b e h eld this year a t th e M unicipal A uditorium , Kansas City, Missouri, Ju ly 15-18. T h e program will deal w ith th e “chain” th a t m ed ia experts follow in th e developm ent of new m ed ia from the initial analysis of a project, thro u g h choice of th e rig h t delivery system for presenting th e finished product. T h e conference will discuss w ays of designing a n d developing an educational program an d th e u ltim ate u tili­ zation and evaluation o f th e m aterials. R egistration fo r th e A-V E d u catio n F orum , w hich includes a luncheon and access to ex­ hibits d u rin g th e th re e days, is $12.50 if p a id in advance, or $17.50 a t th e door. A dditional details on th e conference program , including advance registration form s a n d h o tel reserva­ tions forms m ay be o b tain ed by w ritin g to A-V E d u catio n F orum , N ational A udio-V isual Asso­ ciation, 3150 Spring St., Fairfax, VA 22030. J u l y 2 4 -2 6 : K eynoting the 7 th A nnual E d ­ ucational M edia an d T echnology C onference sponsored b y the U niversity of W isconsin— S tout a t M enom onie, w ill b e D r. L ee Sherm an D reyfus, C hancellor of th e U niversity of W isconsin—Stevens Point, a n d D r. R obert N. H urst, D ep artm en t o f Biological Science, P u rd u e U niversity, L afayette, Ind iana. D reyfus is chairm an of th e G overnor’s Comm ission on C able Television a n d has b een involved in the developm ent of education al television on a n a ­ tional basis. H u rst has b e e n deeply involved in th e P ostlethw ait A uto-T utorial A pproach to In ­ dividualizing In struction a t Purdue. C ontact D r. D avid P. B arnard, D ean of L earning Resources, U niversity of W isconsin— Stout, M enom onie, W I 54751, fo r add itional inform ation concerning th e conference an d re g ­ istration. Jack I. M orehouse, adm inistrative as­ sistant, is in charge o f reservations for exhibit space. M I S C E L L A N Y • A C o m m i t t e e t o I n v e s t i g a t e t h e F e a s i b i l i t y f o r E s t a b l i s h i n g a C o o p e r a t i v e ­ P r o c e s s i n g C e n t e r has b een established by th e C ouncil of L ib rary D irectors from th e In ­ stitution of H igher E d u catio n in th e S tate of M ichigan a n d M ichigan S tate L ibrary. Sul H. Lee, associate director of th e lib rary a t E astern M ichigan University, has b een appointed chair­ m an of th e com m ittee. T h e com m ittee h eld its first m eeting in D e ­ cem ber, a n d will b e m eeting regularly. T he com m ittee is charged w ith th e responsibility for investigating various m ethods a n d procedures w hich m ay h av e potentiality in lessening th e rising costs of acquiring and processing re ­ source m aterials in university an d college li­ braries. T h e com m ittee has a B oard of Advisors w ho w ill give counsel and support for th e com­ m ittee. T h e b o ard consists of D r. F rederick W agm an, D irector of Libraries, T h e U niversity of M ichigan, C hairm an; Mr. Jo h n W eath er­ ford, D irector of L ibraries, C entral M ichigan U niversity; Mr. F ran k Scannell, S tate L ibrarian, M ichigan S tate L ibrary. • A r e s o l u t i o n , in tro d u ced b y L arry X. B esant, U niversity o f H ouston L ibrary, and passed b y D istrict V III, Texas L ib rary Associa­ tion, in P o rt A rthur, Texas, O ctober 30, 1971, placed th e m em bership on reco rd “as being concerned w ith th e directions of th e H ouston C om m unity College in its plan n in g for library service.” A lthough th e re are n o currently exist­ ing college library resources for over 5,000 stu ­ dents already enrolled in vocational-technical an d ad u lt education program s an d fo r th e sev­ eral thousand students in academ ic courses w h ich beg an in Jan u ary 1972, a first-year li­ brary b u d g e t of less th a n $40,000 has b een a p ­ proved. T entative approaches have b een m ad e to various local colleges a n d universities to allow admission o f H ouston C om m unity College stu­ dents on a contractual basis, b u t th ere w ere no such plans to utilize h ig h school libraries, nor w ere any form al o r inform al arrangem ents m ade w ith th e public lib rary system. Costs of contractual arrangem ents are likely to b e expen­ sive w h eth er passed back to th e college or paid “o u t of th e hides” of cooperating area libraries. H ow ever strong th eir com m itm ent to help th e H ouston C om m unity College lau n ch its aca­ dem ic program , few libraries, o f w hatever type, w ith existing problem s of sm all staffs an d heavi­ ly com m itted resources, w ill b e able im m ediate­ ly to absorb h u n d red s o f students. • C atalogers a t th e K e n t S t a t e U n i v e r s i ­ t y libraries are being aided by a com puter 2 00 miles away. R equests fo r catalog cards are transm itted from a term inal in th e m ain library on cam pus to a Sigm a 5 com puter in C olum ­ bus. In less th a n a w eek com pleted catalog cards 97 are sent b ack read y to b e filed in th e card cata­ log. K ent has received ab o u t 75,000 cards since S eptem ber w hen th e university libraries w ent on-line w ith th e com puter. T h e project, b ein g w atch ed closely b y lib rari­ ans across th e country, is th e w ork of th e Ohio College L ibrary C en ter (O C L C ), a forty-nine- m em ber organization established in 1967 to brin g th e sta te ’s academ ic libraries closer to ­ gether. By pressing th e “p ro d u ce” a n d “send” keys on a term inal’s keyboard, a cataloger causes th e com pu ter to transfer a record on th e screen on­ to a m agnetic ta p e from w hich cards are p ro ­ duced. A t th e sam e tim e an o th er program places th e record in th e com puter’s record file m aking it available w ithin seconds for an o th er library to use. T h e shared cataloging system, w hich w ill lead to a central union catalog fo r th e state’s ac­ adem ic libraries, is th e first phase in a com put­ er program w hich will include a serials control system to p rodu ce a union catalog m aking m ag­ azines an d new spapers m ore easily available to Ohio colleges an d universities. • T h e editor o f th e Papers o f Ben ja m in H enry L atrobe is searching fo r th e correspon­ dence (b o th from an d to ) , o th er m anuscript w ritings, publish ed w orks, w atercolors, sketch­ es, an d arch itectu ral draw ings an d plans of th e g reat A m erican arch itect for inclusion in a com ­ p lete microfilm edition an d a selective le tte r­ press edition of his works. Persons o r institu­ tions ow ning or know ing th e w hereabouts of L a tro b e works m ay w rite to E d w a rd C. C arter II, E ditor-in-C hief, T h e Papers of Benjam in H enry L atrobe, M aryland H istorical Society, 201 W . M onum ent St., B altim ore, M D 21201. • T h e A b r a h a m A . B r i l l L i b r a r y of T h e N ew York Psychoanalytic In stitu te has recently in itiated an archival program fo r th e purpose of collecting, organizing, cataloging, preserv­ ing, and m aking available to scholars m an u ­ scripts, pictures, and o ther m em orabilia re ­ lating to psychoanalysis, its history, its founders, an d its principal practitioners. A mong th e archives’ holdings are: The A n n a F reud Collection, w hich includes corre­ spondence and typescripts of lectures; T h e Sig­ m u n d F reud Collection, including his letters to Drs. L eonard B lum gart an d Philip L eh r­ m an; T h e F re u d C entenary Collection, in ­ cluding lectures, new spaper clippings, corre­ spondence, an d o ther exhibits relating to com ­ m em orative events; T h e S m ith E ly Jelliffe C ollection, containing m aterial collected on Professor W illiam E llery L eonard an d his lo­ com otive phobia; T h e F ritz W itte ls Collection, including un p u b lish ed m anuscripts an d correspondence; an d T h e Theodor R eik M anuscript Collection. A m ong th e p h otographs figure fo r­ m al an d inform al pictures of p ro m in en t analysts, a n d several group pictures o f early m eetings an d Congresses. A begin n in g O ral H istory Col­ lection will record th e histo ry an d theories of prom inent psychoanalysts, including several w ho im m igrated from E u ro p e d u rin g th e N azi persecution an d w hose m em ories sp an tw o continents an d a h alf century of psychoanalytic enthusiasm . T he archives will b e open to qualified schol­ ars, and it is an ticip ated th a t th e y w ill be used by historians, biographers, novelists, d ra ­ m atists, and artists, as w ell as b y psychoanalysts themselves. P U B L I C A T I O N S • A series of subject bibliographies in th e field of ed u catio n have b e e n p rep ared b y the staff of th e E d u catio n L ibrary, U niversity of M ichigan, A nn Arbor. T itles in th e series in ­ clude th e follow ing w hile th e dates indicate w h en th e lists w ere com piled: ( 1 ) F ederal A id to E ducation 1967; ( 2 ) E ducational Research 1968; ( 3 ) C ulturally D isadvantaged 1969/70; (4) Special E ducation 1 9 7 0 /7 1 ; ( 5 ) E duca­ tional Technology 1971/72; ( 6 ) E d ucation o f Blacks 1971; ( 7 ) E ducational M edia 1971; ( 8 ) C ollective N egotiations in E ducation 1972. Single copies of th e bibliographies m ay be req u ested from D onald L eath erm an , E d u catio n L ibrary, 208 U n d erg rad u ate L ibrary, U niver­ sity of M ichigan, A nn A rbor, M I 48104. • D alhousie U niversity L ib rary announces th e first in its series o f occasional papers: A Bibliography fo r E xam ination o f Form s o f Training fo r Scientific and Technical W ork. T h e re su lt of intensive index scanning fo r a stud y w hich was p rep ared fo r th e N ational Re­ search C ouncil of C an ad a’s A dvisory B oard on Scientific an d Technological Inform ation, th e bibliography consists of over 1 ,000 entries se­ lected from over 4,000 citations in library an d inform ation science. T h e titl es are arran g ed in tw o sections based on th e com piler’s opinion of utility. Sixty-nine pages w ith introduction; $3.00 p re p a id from C om m unication Services, D alhousie U niversity L ibrary, Halifax, NS, C anada. • T he U niversity of P ittsb u rg h L ibraries a n ­ nounce N u m b er 7 of th e B ibliographic Series: Catalog o f M icroforms o f th e E ast A sian L i­ brary o f th e U niversity o f P ittsburgh. T his buckram -bound volum e of 253 pages w as com ­ p iled b y T hom as C. Kuo a n d Jo h n W . Chiang. T h e cost is $10.00. O rders m ay b e sent to T he Book C enter, 4000 F ifth Ave., Pittsburgh, PA 15213. ACRL MONOGRAPHS TH E C A R E E R OF THE A C A D E M IC L IB R A R IA N P e rry D. M o rriso n S tudies th e social, econom ic, dem ographic, m o t i v a t io n a l, and psychological fa cto rs in th e caree r patterns o f 707 aca­ d em ic libra ria n s. In d ic a tin g ta l­ ents and tra its in long and sh ort supply, the study is of sig n ifica nce in d e a ling w ith the c u rre n t m an-power crisis. ACRL M onograph No. 29 Paper $4.50 R A R E B O O K C O L L E C T IO N S Som e Theoretical and Practical Su gge stio n s for Use by Librarians and Students H . R ic h a rd A rc h e r, e d ito r Ten essays by experts review th e n e e d s a nd s p e c ia l p r o b ­ le m s p e r ta in in g to th e c a re , h andling and use o f rare book c o lle c tio n s , la rg e a n d s m a ll. B ibliog ra p hy. ACRL M onograph No. 27 Paper $3.00 IN T E R L IB R A R Y LO AN IN V O L V IN G A C A D E M IC L IB R A R IE S S a ra h K a th a rin e Thomson A nalyzing thousands o f actual tra n sa ction s, the a u th or d ete r­ m in e s th e in flu e n c e o f p r o ­ c e d u re s , p o lic ie s , re a d e rs , lib ra rie s, and o th e r fa cto rs on the su ccess o r fa ilu re o f inter- lib ra ry loan requests. AC RL M onograph No. 32 P aper $5.00 TH E C A S E FO R FACU LTY S T A T U S FOR A C A D E M IC L IB R A R IA N S Lew is C. B ran scom b, e d ito r A c o lle c t io n o f p a p e rs fro m C ollege a nd Research L ib ra r­ ies, w ith a dd itio na l ones w rit­ ten fo r th is book, w hich provide liv e ly a rg u m e n ts in fa v o r o f a cadem ic re co g n itio n fo r c o l­ lege and u n ive rsity lib ra ria n s. ACRL M onograph No. 33 Paper $5.00 THE A B B R E V IA T E D C ITA T IO N A Bibliographical Problem M a ry R. K inney An annotated guid e to m a jo r E n g lis h lan g u ag e re fe re n c e s in selected fie ld s w hich ide n ­ tify coded o r shorte ne d -fo rm c ita tio n s o f serials, standard w orks, and research reports. Includes source s fo r id e n tifi­ c a tion in 34 s u b je ct ca tegories. ACRL M onograph No. 28 P aper $2.25 S C IE N T IF IC S E R IA L S Characteristics and Lists of M ost Cited Publications in Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry, Geology, Physiology, Botany, Z oology and Entom ology C h a rle s H a rv e y B row n The te ch n iq u e o f cita tio n anal­ y s is on w h ic h th e b o o k is based is com pa re d w ith pre­ viou s w orks in the fie ld . “ Most c ite d ” lists are review ed and o b je ctiv e c rite ria provided fo r sele ctio n . 29 tables. AC RL M onograph No. 16 C loth $5.00____________________ TH E PR IN T E D B O O K C A T A L O G IN A M E R IC A N L IB R A R IE S : 1723-1900 Jim R a n z The firs t docum ented h istory th e p r in te d p u b lic o r r e a d e catalog, from co lo n ial tim es t the in tro d u ctio n o f L ib ra ry o C o n g re s s p r in te d c a ta lo cards. W ith selected b ib lio g ra phy, index and lis t o f 179 o u standing catalogs. ACRL M onograph No. 26 Paper $4.50 of r o f g ­ t­ J U N IO R C O L L E G E L IB R A R IE S Development, Needs, and Perspectives E v e re tt L eroy M o o re , ed ito r Papers from the firs t national co nfe ren ce on ju n io r co lle g e lib ra rie s defin e the nature of a vital ju n io r c o lle g e #and w ays in w hich lib ra rie s can and do play th e ir role. ACRL M onograph No. 30 Paper $3.00 Am e rican Library A sso c ia tio n 50 Ea st H uron Street C hica go , Illinois 60611 TH E U N D E R G R A D U A T E L IB R A R Y Ire n e A. B rad en The u ndergraduate lib ra rie s of six m a jo r u nive rsitie s are ana l­ yzed fo r th e ir purpose, d evel­ o p m e n t, f in a n c in g , p h y s ic a l layout, furn itu re , lig h tin g, staff, and the a cq u is itio n , scope, and size o f th e ir book c o lle ctio n s. ACRL M onograph No. 31 Paper $7.50 99 • T h e M usic L ib rary Association is p re p a r­ ing a th ird edition of its C hecklist o f M usic B ib­ liographies (In Progress an d Unpublished). Both th e first and second editions of th e C heck­ list have m e t w ith m uch success in th e ir a t­ tem pts to lessen duplication of individual ef­ forts, encourage cooperation am ong m usic b ib ­ liographers, an d establish bibliographic control over bibliographic activities. T h e first edition was th e result of an article w hich ap peared in th e F all 1963 issue of N otes (W a lte r G erboth, “Projected—A C hecklist of M usic B ibliogra­ phies,” N o tes 2 0 :5 3 1 -3 2 ) and a questionnaire th a t w as subsequently distributed. I n th e sec­ ond revised edition (com piled b y Jam es P ruett an d published in 1969) th e num ber of entries w as nearly double th a t of th e first edition in spite of th e need to exclude m any item s b e ­ cause of th e ir publication. Now, in its th ird edi­ tion of th e C hecklist, th e M usic L ib rary Associ­ ation w ould like to include new a n d o ther b ib ­ liographies and indices not ap pearing in th e second edition, as w ell as any necessary revi­ sions. If you have works (o r revisions) w hich should b e in clu d ed in th e C hecklist, please re ­ q u est a questionnaire from th e editor, Ms. L in ­ d a Solow, D escriptive C ataloging—Music, L i­ brary of Congress, W ashington, D C 20540. • Jam es E . W ard, director o f C rism an M e­ m orial L ibrary a t D avid Lipscom b College, N ashville, Tennessee has just com pleted a state­ w id e study en titled “E d u catio n a n d M anpow er in T ennessee L ibraries.” T h e study, w hich clas­ sifies library personnel according to th e new ALA Policy Statem ent, includes all types of libraries in Tennessee—special, academ ic, school, an d public. T h e 133-page rep o rt gives vacancies rep o rted b y all of these libraries, a d ­ ditional personnel planned, types of personnel needed, an d includes an extensive bibliography. Copies o f th e stu d y are available fo r $2.00 and m ay be o b tain ed from th e follow ing address: Jam es E . W ard , Box 4146, D avid Lipscom b College, N ashville, T N 37203. Checks should b e m ad e p ay ab le to C rism an M em orial L ibrary. • N ew an d effective technology now exists for using com puters a n d related technologies in libraries and inform ation systems on a n a ­ tional level, according to a report, Libraries and Inform ation Technology—A N ational System Challenge, issued b y th e C om puter Science an d E ngineering B oard of th e N ational A cade­ m y of Sciences. F o r developing a com puter-based inform a­ tio n program for th e U n ited States, th e report states, science policy “m u st assum e a m uch m ore effective role in stim ulating public an d private actions” in order to w eld existing local­ ized efforts into a nationw ide netw ork system. C om prehensive an d tim ely d ata on services and 100 costs of th e nation’s libraries m ust be obtained to guide fu tu re developm ent and evaluation. T h e rep o rt—w hich assesses inform ation te c h ­ nology today, identifies examples of current use, a n d recom m ends ways to w ork tow ard a national program —w as p rep ared b y th e Infor­ m ation Systems Panel for th e Council on L i­ b rary Resources, Inc. Copies m ay be obtained a t $3.25 each from P rinting and Publishing O f­ fice, N ational A cadem y of Sciences, 2101 C on­ stitution Ave., N .W ., W ashington, D C . • T h e bibliography association, Societas Schegkiana-D egenverein, has com pleted th e w orld census of Schegk m anuscripts. Before the census is published (1 9 7 4 ), inquiries are to be directed to eith er D. M atthias M ueller-H enne- berg, 360 F orest Ave., Palo Alto, CA 94301, or Andreas Planer, 45 F rancis Ave., C am bridge, MA 02138. ■■ News From the Sections C O L L E G E A R T A S S O C I A T I O N - A R T L I B R A R I E S S E S S I O N T h e A rt L ibraries session of th e College A rt Association was h eld on Jan u ary 26, 1972, w ith J u d ith A. H offberg, B rand A rt C enter L ibrary, Glendale, C alifornia as chairm an. K ate Steinitz, honorary curator o f the E lm er Belt L ib rary of V inciana, U CLA, reco u n ted th e efforts of R aphael T rich e t du F resne, ed ito r of th e first p rin ted edition of L eonardo da V inci’s Trattato ’della Pittura, 1651, w ho in clu d ed a list of authors w ho w rote on art, thus furnishing th e first know n a rt bibliography. D u F resne later becam e K eeper of Collections and L ibrarian to Q ueen C hristina of Sw eden. A t his d eath a sale catalog of his personal library was printed, con­ taining 50,000 entries. E v a W isbar, of V isual Resources, Inc., dis­ cussed th e need fo r th e a r t lib rary to becom e a m ultim edia research center, w ith m ore em ­ phasis on nonbook m aterial. A good example of this was presented by C laire D uessen, Junior Arts C enter, Los Angeles, w ho show ed slides of h e r students eng aged in a rt technology ac­ tivities. M arth a K ehde, art librarian, U niversity of Kansas, reported th e results of h e r survey of th e book and serial bu d g ets in tw elve academ ic art libraries. T h e ran g e is b etw een $8,200 an d $28,000, w ith a m ean of $14,877, a n d a m edian betw een $10,000 an d $14,000. T h e cost of th e average art book published from 1967 through 1969 increased 29.9 percent, w ith th e aver­ age cost p e r book in 1970 being $16.16. 1,169 a rt books w ere published in th e U.S. alone in 1970. H er survey shows th a t th e academ ic a rt library’s book funds are totally in a d e q u a te to su p p o rt th e academ ic d ep artm en t it serves. A t the business m eeting, E lizab eth R. U sher, lib rarian of the M etropolitan M useum of Art, was elected chairm an of th e 1973 CAA A rt L i­ braries session, to b e h e ld in N ew York. T w o possible answers to th e need for an in ­ ternational bibliography of art history w ere p re ­ sented. M ichael R inehart, lib rarian of th e Sterling and Francine C lark A rt Institute, reported on a CAA-sponsored International C onference on the B ibliography of A rt H istory in W ashing­ ton, D .C ., O ctober 1971. A t this m eeting, an editorial com m ittee w as appointed to p rep are a trial issue of Repertoire International d e I’A rt, w hich will g ath er th e a rt bibliographies c u r­ rently being p rep ared in various countries, r e ­ gions, an d institutes, com puterize the inform a­ tion, a n d publish these com bined efforts. T he first trial issue should be read y for distribution in 1973, w ith regular publication beginning in January 1975. A p an el consisting of R oger Bilboul, E ric Boehm, an d A lexander Davis of th e A m erican B ibliographical C enter; H enri D orra, U niversi­ ty of California, a n d m o d erated by W illiam Treese, a rt librarian, U niversity of California, presented th e plans of the Arts R eference L i­ brary. T his will consist of A R T Bibliographies Current Titles, w hich will reproduce contents pages of 250 art journals; A R T Bibliographies M odern, an a b stra c tin g /indexing of m odem a rt contents of 2 50 periodicals; A R T Bibliog­ raphies Historical, an ab stractin g /in d ex in g of basic a rt periodicals an d books. T he first tw o publications will be read y in 1972, the th ird in 1974. ■ ■