ACRL News Issue (B) of College & Research Libraries 100 costs of th e nation’s libraries m ust be obtained to guide fu tu re developm ent and evaluation. T h e rep o rt—w hich assesses inform ation te c h ­ nology today, identifies examples of current use, a n d recom m ends ways to w ork tow ard a national program —w as p rep ared b y th e Infor­ m ation Systems Panel for th e Council on L i­ b rary Resources, Inc. Copies m ay be obtained a t $3.25 each from P rinting and Publishing O f­ fice, N ational A cadem y of Sciences, 2101 C on­ stitution Ave., N .W ., W ashington, D C . • T h e bibliography association, Societas Schegkiana-D egenverein, has com pleted th e w orld census of Schegk m anuscripts. Before the census is published (1 9 7 4 ), inquiries are to be directed to eith er D. M atthias M ueller-H enne- berg, 360 F orest Ave., Palo Alto, CA 94301, or Andreas Planer, 45 F rancis Ave., C am bridge, MA 02138. ■■ News From the Sections C O L L E G E A R T A S S O C I A T I O N - A R T L I B R A R I E S S E S S I O N T h e A rt L ibraries session of th e College A rt Association was h eld on Jan u ary 26, 1972, w ith J u d ith A. H offberg, B rand A rt C enter L ibrary, Glendale, C alifornia as chairm an. K ate Steinitz, honorary curator o f the E lm er Belt L ib rary of V inciana, U CLA, reco u n ted th e efforts of R aphael T rich e t du F resne, ed ito r of th e first p rin ted edition of L eonardo da V inci’s Trattato ’della Pittura, 1651, w ho in clu d ed a list of authors w ho w rote on art, thus furnishing th e first know n a rt bibliography. D u F resne later becam e K eeper of Collections and L ibrarian to Q ueen C hristina of Sw eden. A t his d eath a sale catalog of his personal library was printed, con­ taining 50,000 entries. E v a W isbar, of V isual Resources, Inc., dis­ cussed th e need fo r th e a r t lib rary to becom e a m ultim edia research center, w ith m ore em ­ phasis on nonbook m aterial. A good example of this was presented by C laire D uessen, Junior Arts C enter, Los Angeles, w ho show ed slides of h e r students eng aged in a rt technology ac­ tivities. M arth a K ehde, art librarian, U niversity of Kansas, reported th e results of h e r survey of th e book and serial bu d g ets in tw elve academ ic art libraries. T h e ran g e is b etw een $8,200 an d $28,000, w ith a m ean of $14,877, a n d a m edian betw een $10,000 an d $14,000. T h e cost of th e average art book published from 1967 through 1969 increased 29.9 percent, w ith th e aver­ age cost p e r book in 1970 being $16.16. 1,169 a rt books w ere published in th e U.S. alone in 1970. H er survey shows th a t th e academ ic a rt library’s book funds are totally in a d e q u a te to su p p o rt th e academ ic d ep artm en t it serves. A t the business m eeting, E lizab eth R. U sher, lib rarian of the M etropolitan M useum of Art, was elected chairm an of th e 1973 CAA A rt L i­ braries session, to b e h e ld in N ew York. T w o possible answers to th e need for an in ­ ternational bibliography of art history w ere p re ­ sented. M ichael R inehart, lib rarian of th e Sterling and Francine C lark A rt Institute, reported on a CAA-sponsored International C onference on the B ibliography of A rt H istory in W ashing­ ton, D .C ., O ctober 1971. A t this m eeting, an editorial com m ittee w as appointed to p rep are a trial issue of Repertoire International d e I’A rt, w hich will g ath er th e a rt bibliographies c u r­ rently being p rep ared in various countries, r e ­ gions, an d institutes, com puterize the inform a­ tion, a n d publish these com bined efforts. T he first trial issue should be read y for distribution in 1973, w ith regular publication beginning in January 1975. A p an el consisting of R oger Bilboul, E ric Boehm, an d A lexander Davis of th e A m erican B ibliographical C enter; H enri D orra, U niversi­ ty of California, a n d m o d erated by W illiam Treese, a rt librarian, U niversity of California, presented th e plans of the Arts R eference L i­ brary. T his will consist of A R T Bibliographies Current Titles, w hich will reproduce contents pages of 250 art journals; A R T Bibliographies M odern, an a b stra c tin g /indexing of m odem a rt contents of 2 50 periodicals; A R T Bibliog­ raphies Historical, an ab stractin g /in d ex in g of basic a rt periodicals an d books. T he first tw o publications will be read y in 1972, the th ird in 1974. ■ ■