ACRL News Issue (B) of College & Research Libraries 6 8 4 /C&RL News In the News How quickly are you able to respond to the users waiting in line at your information desk? The authors of “Benchmarking waiting times” did a study to determine the average time a user waits to speak to a librarian and then com­ pared it with data in other industries. It is impor­ tant to compare library waiting times to those of other service providers because to those wait­ ing, any wait is a delay in service. And few people like to wait. To see how the approxi­ mately two-minute wait at Memorial Univer­ sity of Newfoundland’s reference desk com­ pares with software customer service phone lines see page 693. Not only do users not want to wait, they expect to have access to all the library re­ sources, whether they are at their home termi­ nal, their dorm, or on sabbatical in France. Patrick Yott and C. H. Hoebeke address the issue of how to validate users from remote sites in “Improving valid access to site-licensed resources” on page 698. Also in this issue are two conference re­ ports. Hannelore Rader keeps us up-to-date on what is going on at the International Fed­ eration of Library Associations (page 709) and Barbara Halporn briefs us on the “Scholarly monograph in crisis” (page 706). And speak­ ing o f scholarly monographs, Jinnie Davis shares with us a report on what North Caro­ lina State University is doing with its new schol­ arly communication center (page 701). In “The Way I See It,” Felix Chu examines staffing of the reference desk (page 713) and Sandra Weingart looks at the teaching versus doing role of the librarian when assisting with the information-gathering process (page 711). Watch for ACRL’s Annual Report next month. —Mary Ellen K. Davis E ditor & P ublisher