ACRL News Issue (B) of College & Research Libraries 6 8 8 /C&RL News P re v ie w of the p a st: The A m erican L ib ra ry A sso ciatio n A rch iv e s The University o f Illinois at Urbana-Cham- paign (UIUC) Archives is the major North American research center for the study of the history of librarianship. Central to these re­ sources is the ALA Archives, which contains nearly 2,000 cubic feet, or the equivalent of 1,125 file drawers, of the official records, per­ sonal papers, and publications o f the Ameri­ can Library Association (ALA). In addition, the UIUC Archives includes materials on librarianship with its holdings on the University of Illinois Library and the Gradu­ ate School of Library and Inform ation Sci­ ence. Complementing the strength of these re­ sources are other asso­ ciation archives: the American Association o f Law Libraries, the As­ so ciatio n for Library and Inform ation Sci­ e n c e Edu cation, the G e o scie n ce Inform a­ tion Society, the Health Sciences Librarians of Illinois, and the Map and Geography Section o f the Special Libraries Miss J . A. R athbone at the ALA C on feren ce in Colorado, 1 8 9 5 .Association. A rchives ex p a n d Last year the ALA Archives expanded by nearly 70 cubic feet. Among the more important re­ cent accessions were the additions to the Ex­ ecutive Director, RASD, and ASCLA subject files; ALISE and GODORT files; and the Sanford Berman Papers. There are also six new records series: Public Information Office Photographs, the National Library Power Pro­ gram Files, RASD Occasional Papers and the Douglas M. Knight Papers, Lester Asheim travel diaries, and the Cargill/ALA Partners for Family Literacy Project Files. ALA materials date from the first American library convention in 1853. They include for­ mal proceedings, reports, correspondence, subject files, financial records, publications, papers, and scrapbooks. The University of Illinois Library and library school archives date from the school’s founding in 1893, and of special interest are course materials and alumni files dating from those early years. The formats are numerous. Materials are in the form of manuscripts, typescripts, pho­ tographs, slides, filmstrips, motion pictures, videos, audio recordings, postcards, and posters. Major strengths include the activi­ tie s o f SRRT, the W ashington O ffice, and the International Relations O ffice, as well as the histoiy of library education and cataloging. Y o u r p ap ers a re w an te d ALA members are in­ vited to contribute to the continued growth of this unique research collection. The UIUC Archives is interested in receiving publica­ tions, photograp hs, p o s tc a rd s , s c r a p ­ books, personal pa­ pers, and the archives of other groups, associa­ tions, and organizations that deal with important aspects o f the history o f librari­ anship. For further information, please con­ tact the University o f Illinois archivist: Wil­ liam J. Maher, University of Illinois Archives, 19 Main Library, MC-522, 1408 W. Gregory Dr., Urbana, IL 61801; phone: (217) 333- 0 7 9 8 ; fa x : ( 2 1 7 ) 3 3 3 - 2 8 6 8 ; e -m a il: For more information on the ALA Ar­ chives, you can examine a selection of ALA Archives holdings on the Internet through a connection on the ALA homepage or directly at the W orld W ide W eb URL: http://— E lizabeth R. C ard m an. University o f Illinois at U rbana- C h am p aig n